yacht club centre island

Harbour City Yacht Club

Situated in the Toronto Island Marina on Centre Island.

Questions about membership? Speak directly to our Membership Director


yacht club centre island

Officially founded in 1974, the club has approximately 80 members, most of whom have boats moored at Toronto Island Marina. The floating clubhouse is located in C Basin and has four permanent slips for visiting boats. Members of reciprocal clubs visiting T.I.M. or HCYC are welcome to use the club house, which contains a small kitchen, a lounge which seats about 20, a TV and DVD player, a large new outdoor deck and two barbecues overlooking Long Pond.

Cruising Schedule

2024 cruising schedule.

Weekend of June 22 – Cruise and overnight at Port Credit Yacht Club Weekend of July 20 – Cruise and overnight at Mimico Cruising Club Weekend of August 23 Cruise and two night stay at Royal Hamilton Yacht Club HCYC members wishing to participate in one or more of the club’s organized cruises should use the Contact Us link to book with the Fleet Captain. Details will be sent closer to the date to those who have registered.

2024 Planned HCYC Social Events

Upcoming events.

Watch your emails for more information on the following events. Dates will be confirmed and may change depending on weather.” and all the below events added:

  • January 1: New year’s levee at Clubhouse
  • February 10: Winter Social
  • May 4: Spring Clean Up and BBQ
  • June 1: Wine and Cheese - open event
  • June 8: Sailpast and Commodores Reception
  • June 16: Caesar Sunday
  • June 22: Weekend cruise
  • July 6: Poker Run and Social Reception
  • July 20: Weekend Cruise
  • July 21: Caesar Sunday
  • August 10: Hatches open and social
  • August 18: Caesar Sunday
  • August 24: Weekend cruise
  • September 7: 50th Anniversary Celebration
  • September 14: Euchre Tournament
  • September 15: Caesar Sunday
  • September 21: Y'all to the wall
  • October 5: Oktoberfest BBQ
  • November 2: AGM & Year end party

Membership Options:

  • Senior Voting Member $300.00
  • Floating Member = $175.00
  • Full membership with reciprocal privileges at Lake Ontario Yacht Clubs, club cruising and all social privileges. Can vote on club affairs at Annual General Meeting, and hold Board of Directors positions. Use of HCYC Clubhouse, Deck and BBQs in C-Basin and receive a monthly newsletter.

* New members, add $50 initiation fee

  • For Toronto Island Marina members only, with or without boats who want to join for social events only (i.e. no club cruising or reciprocal privileges) . Can vote on club affairs at Annual General Meeting, and hold Board of Directors positions. Use of HCYC Clubhouse, Deck and BBQs in C-Basin and receive a monthly newsletter.

* New members, add $25 initiation fee

yacht club centre island

  • [email protected]
  • Harbour City Yacht Club: P.O. Box 5936 • Station A • Toronto • ON M5W 1P3.
  • Buccaneer Island
  • Carysfort Kitchen
  • Cultural Center
  • Marina, Fishing, Diving
  • Member Fitness Center
  • Private Airport
  • Tennis & Games Center
  • Accommodations
  • Real Estate
  • Members Only Login
  • Membership Opportunities
  • Membership Team
  • Member Guest Services

Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club

 314 Yacht Club Road  Center Island   Oyster Bay, NY 11771


 Kelly Holst

 Located on Centre Island


 Guests will be asked to show O.R. C. Membership Card available at time of payment.
Parking: N/A
Visitation:  Special Club events are limited to members only – please call front desk


  Guest Moorings Available


  Breakfast: No
Lunch: Yes – Wednesday thru Sunday
Dinner:  Yes – Wednesday thru Sunday
  Club Casual – please call front desk




  All Major Credit Cards Accepted.

 Letter of Good Standing is required prior arrival.

Collections & Research

Records of the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club

Manuscripts collection 198.

G. W. Blunt White Library, Mystic Seaport
Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club (Oyster Bay, N.Y.)
Records of the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club
80,000 items
Correspondence, membership information, minutes, scrapbooks, race results, and other documents, reflecting the club’s history and its activities. Includes books by John Parkinson and William P. Stephens and information concerning the America’s Cup and other racing events. Other organizations represented include the New York Yacht Club and North American Yacht Racing Union.
Coll. 198

History of the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club (Oyster Bay, N.Y.)

Seawanhaka was founded in September 1871 aboard William L. Swan’s sloop GLANCE anchored off Soper’s Point, Centre Island. As first officially recorded, there were twelve founders.

By acclamation, Swan was elected Seawanhaka’s first Commodore.

The new Commodore, a member of one of the area’s foremost families, served for many years as the Corinthian organist and choirmaster at the First Presbyterian Church in Oyster Bay. He was a round, jolly man who encouraged sailing contests among the oyster fishermen and enjoyed gamming with friends and singing well into the night aboard GLANCE, a bottle of spirits handy on the main saloon table the while.

It was customary to hold Club meetings (both formal and informal) on the flagship. GLANCE at 41 feet was one of only two vessels in the original fleet up to that calling. As the Club grew full tilt, it became necessary for the Commodore to commission a new flagship. This was the 77-foot schooner ARIEL, launched in May 1873. She served as flagship until 1876 when Commodore Swan declined renomination.

The Club burgee is a constellation consisting of 12 stars in the form of a vertical cross on a field of blue. The fact that this number coincides with the count of Founders is entirely coincidental, as the design was taken from the flag of the Admiral of the Brazilian Navy.

The Founders adopted a threefold statement of purpose: 1. Becoming proficient in navigation, 2. The personal management, control and handling of their yachts, 3. All matters pertaining the seamanship. These remain today a valid statement of their goals.

A motto was adopted, “Palmam Qui Meruit Ferat” (Prizes/honors to those who deserve). This motto was originally awarded to Lord Nelson after his victory in the battle of the Nile.

Yachting depends upon discretionary income. Few Americans enjoyed such a luxury until post Civil War prosperity. The New York Yacht Club, founded in 1844 and a handful of others nationwide, had flourished before then, but the sport was unrecognizable by today’s gauge. It was more like horse racing with gentlemen hiring professional skippers and crews to man their vessels which raced each other as a betting proposition.

The tactics of the game had their birth among the “sandbaggers”. These were 15 to 30 ft. shoal draft, wide beam, planing, over canvassed vessels with enormous bowsprits and sternsprits. Their nickname derives from the dozen or so 50 pound bags filled with sand that the crew moved across the wide, open cockpit with every tack. Various taverns, teams and villages backed “their Own,” with the prize winner often determined by a post-race bar room brawl.

Sequential challenges for the America’s Cup in 1870 and 1871 fired nationwide interest in yachting. Amateurs began to take up sailing as crews in the sandbaggers and well over 100 yacht clubs were formed in the decade that followed. The younger generation in Oyster Bay got caught up in the fever. They owned sandbaggers (which when rigged as catboats, performed at less peril). Seawanhaka was formed with the intent that the members, amateurs all, should scrape, paint, rig and handle their own craft. The amateur concept appealed to many new to the sport, but among veterans was scorned. It was still the era of commercial sail. Indeed one bon vivant around New York was widely quoted as saying he could not understand, “how gentlemen could demean themselves by performing the work which they paid their servants to do.” Seawanhaka was blazing a trail – the first purely Corinthian yacht club in the world.

The concept of Corinthian sailing caught on and the Club grew like a fire. In his final speech as Commodore, Swan charged, “Prosecute vigorously the popularization of Corinthian races with which Seawanhaka is so closely identified, as I feel assured it will not only be to it a tower of strength, but also that it is the only true and enjoyable kind of yachting.”

As the young club grew, so did the size of its members’ vessels. Gradually then, beginning around 1875, the center of the Club sailing activities gravitated from Oyster Bay to New York Harbor, the center of yachting. This move accelerated and fed on itself to such a degree that those members remaining in Oyster Bay felt sufficiently”out of it”to found their own Oyster Bay Yacht Club. Meanwhile Seawanhaka became part of the main stream of the sport. Thus in 1881 we leased a basin for ourselves on Staten Island, and in 1887 leased a Clubhouse in Manhattan. Prior to this, the Club flagship and Delmonico’s had been adequate for meetings. While at Staten Island in 1881, the word Corinthian was incorporated into the Club’s title. (The term was not initially one of respect.)

In 1891 it was decided to seek a permanent waterfront home. No more leases. A Committee was formed to consider locations. Possibilities included Manhasset Bay, Pelham, City Island, New Rochelle, Portchester, Rye and Centre Island. The last was selected, not out of any sentimentality, but only when it was determined that a horse and carriage could cross the Causeway at all but full moon high tides, and that the recent extension of the LIRR made Oyster Bay more accessible than 15 years before. The report was accepted with enthusiasm. Robert W. Gibson, a recent member, was chosen to design the new Clubhouse. Bonds were sold to purchase the land and build facilities, and dues were raised to $50.00 per year.

Saturday on Memorial Day weekend in 1892 dawned bright and fair. At a noon day signal from the flagship, the hearts of the 350 present were filled, flags were broken out, a band played, salutes were fired, ships were dressed, a merger with the Oyster Bay Yacht Club was celebrated and the new Clubhouse was opened.

It had been only twenty-one years since the experiment began. Surely those pioneers could not have imagined all that they would accomplish for yachting in that short time. Here is a list of some of them: The first Corinthian yacht club; The first open Corinthian race (in NY Bay); The first swipes at sandbagger racing with the passage of yacht racing rules (among the first) that specifically forbid the use of shifting ballast in a race; Prohibition of professionals on the helm in most local races; The first scientific handicap rule; The first spinnakers flown in a race (off Staten Island); A design by a member of a yacht on paper, VINDEX, as opposed to the practice of the day which was to whittle a model by seaman’s eye and build off that.

Surpassing all this, Seawanhaka members, with their emphasis on Corinthianism, had transformed the entire motivation, methods and objectives of the sport.

Seawanhaka’s approach to the sport marked the death knell for sandbagger racing. The very spirit of the sport had been transformed. Next the wide, shallow, centerboard type common to New York yachts of all sizes came under Seawanhaka attack, as members introduced the concept of the cutter. Cutters differed from sloops in possessing two headsails, very narrow beam, deep keels, outside lead and British ancestry. The extent to which one was a cutter crank depended on the ratio of length to beam. A true disciple would aspire to LWL at 6 times beam. Here too emotions ran beyond all reason by today’s standards. Newspapers were full of disparaging references on both sides. So intense was the exchange that the subject was still one of debate on the Club porch as late as 1950. However, the victory of the compromise sloop, PURITAN, in the America’s Cup match of 1885 really decided the issue. Two notable landmarks along the way were the fatal capsize of MOHAWK, the 140 ft. centerboard schooner owned by the Vice Commodore of the New York Yacht Club in 1876; and the triumphant invasion (sponsored to a degree by SCYC members) of the cutter MADGE from Britain in the fall of 1881.

With the Club now permanently established on Centre Island, two youngsters who would leave their mark on yachting and Seawanhaka forever began to be heard from. One was C. Sherman Hoyt; the other Clinton H. Crane.

For 1892, A. Cary Smith (yacht designer, notable artist and one time Club measurer) was commissioned to draft a 21 ft. one-design class – possibly the first one-design in the world. Racing in these as a teenager, Sherman began to appear in the winner’s circle to an embarrassing degree from his elders’ point of view. He was to become a delightful man, slight of stature, brown as a prune from the sun, with twinkling blue eyes and an iconoclastic sense of humor. He would win races at home and abroad, in dinghies, six-meters, ocean racers and, for that matter, save the America’s Cup in J boats in 1934. He remained a prime personage in yachting until his death in 1961. C. Sherman Hoyt was the first world class yachtsman in America.

Clinton Crane was of a more serious turn. He was an engineer and designer, for his friends, of 6 meters, 12 meters, J boats, various one-designs and a host of famous vessels. In 1895, the Seawanhaka Cup was presented for competition in small boats, as an international match race series. It remains the oldest, active yachting trophy originating in America. After an initial defense, with a marconi rig (30 years ahead of its time) sloop, the Club received a challenge from Canada. Crane designed a half-rater which after a series of trials in 1896 was selected to defend. She lost. Crane was to spend over half a lifetime endeavoring to bring the Cup home. In 1928 in 6-meters in Scotland, he succeeded. Aside from all this, he served the Club in a variety of ways including Commodore and wise, old counselor.

The great burst of sailing talent that emanated from the Club in the period from 1920 to 1940 learned most of the finer points of the sport from these two men. And the world wide yachting reputation that Seawanhaka still enjoys can be traced to their exploits.

Following World War I, some Americans and Englishmen proposed a series in small boats to cement relations formed during the hostilities. Thus was born the British American team race series. According to the notable authority, Eric Twinname, this was the first international team race ever. The idea was to race under the British International Rule of Measurement while in England, and under the American Universal Rule over here. Regardless of the outcome, the location would alternate. Thus in 1921, we designed and sent forth America’s first four 6-meters to Cowes. The names of our skippers and crews send thrills even as late as today. But our initial, inexperienced designs were inferior to the British and we lost. Then, said the British, they could not come over and race us except under their own measurement rule. We acquiesced. Thus for 1922, more 6-meters were built for the trials than any other year in Class history.

There has never been an era like that of the 6-meters. From this one team race grew more team races, match races and fleet races – all of top rate, international caliber. The parachute spinnaker was perfected by Seawanhaka members in this competition; the genoa jib was first introduced in America by an Italian challenger for the Scandinavian Gold Cup, emblematic of Class supremacy. New concepts in tactics, tuning and design were developed in this Class. To be an international competitor on the top level in America, one had to be a member of Seawanhaka. Oyster Bay was the center of international small boat racing. The men and women who competed were the finest in the country. The glamour of 6-meter racing inspired a Hollywood movie (“Nothing Sacred,”starring Frederick March and Carole Lombard) in which a Six (Briggs Cunningham at the helm and crew in wigs) sailed up the East River.

After the Second World War, the 6-meters proved too expensive and exotic to continue their dominance of the sport, although “Swede” Whitton, two time Gold medal Olympic winner, tried his best, with Eric Ridder and others to perpetuate the Class. Briefly the 6’s were succeeded by the 5.5 meters, another development design. After a decade of much keen competition and great excitement, this class too faded away on the East Coast.

The post World War II years ushered in the golden age of one-design racing. Since birthing the concept in 1892, Seawanhaka had always enjoyed a one-design class. There had been the 21’s, the fifteen’s, the knockabouts, the Raceabouts, the Nut Class, the Kittens, the Fish boats, the S Class, the SC 21’s, the Seabirds – all active local classes – and others owned by members who participated in racing outside the Club. In 1950, Club members introduced the Raven, a national one-design class of 24 ft., centerboard, planing sloops. And members began to win national one-design titles. After these came the Shields, the Solings, the Etchells, the J 24’s and the Sonars. And more National titles. Then members of the next generation like Steve Benjamin, Stewart Neff, Gary Knapp and Peter Johnson were winning International titles in Fireballs, Penguins, Finns, broadboats and 470’s. And they still are.

As ocean racing became popular, you can be sure our Club members were among the first to take part in Trans-Atlantic, Bermuda Races and Southern Circuit events. Their yachts won all manner of trophies. Our record of winners in the biennial bluewater thrashes to Bermuda, at that time the most esteemed big-boat event, was unsurpassed. Those same yachts dominated the NYYC Club Cruises, then as now, top events for cruising boats. A steady stream of competent, competitive yachtsmen and women was and still is supplied by the Junior Club. Robert MacArthur, in his 1922 book on the history of the Racing Rules, avers that Seawanhaka was the first Club in America to have an organized Junior program – starting before the turn of the Century. A separate Club house was built and a Junior Club incorporated in 1936, ahead of most others.

Seawanhaka members have exerted an influence on yachting out of all proportion- to their number. Single file and as teams they have paraded across the deck of yachting history – studying wind and weather patterns, tides and currents, designs of sails and forms of hull, innovative uses of chemicals and natural elements, geodetic surveys and the course of the heavens. In addition, our members developed the current racing rules, promoted yachting unions on the national level, continue to devise scientific handicap systems, engineer rigging and weight saving schemes, invented the so-called Olympic course, supplied the nation with gold, silver and bronze medalists in the Olympics, provided the first Americans to win both the Scandinavian Gold Cup and the French One Ton Cup, brought home a number of national and international class championships. And there’s so much more.

What is the reason for this? For more than a century, Seawanhaka members have held to the belief that amateur, or Corinthian, is not an excuse for inferior performance; on the contrary, they have shown a desire to compete against the very best, a willingness to experiment, to take the sport seriously, to discover enjoyment in self-sacrifice, to strive for mastery – individually as well as together, to encourage newcomers to the sport, to give prodigally of their time, and to share their discoveries as well as their winning secrets freely.

Palmam Qui Meruit Ferat. MAY WE FOLLOW IN THEIR WAKE

copywrite Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club 1994

Text by Past Commodore P. James Roosevelt (1976-1979)


The Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club Archives currently consists of 186 Document Boxes, 79 Volumes and 41 Scrapbooks. It is organized in four series. Series A begins in 1872 with the Club’s inception and continues until 1899. Series B-D are arranged into approximate ten year periods. Each ten year period is further subdivided into Correspondence and General Records and Papers, with Correspondence being listed first, and General Records and Papers following. Correspondence is then arranged and filed in chronological sequence. General Records and Papers are filed alphabetically under subject headings.


Restrictions on Access

Available for use in the Manuscripts Division.

Restrictions on Use

Various copying restriction apply. Guidelines are available from the Manuscripts Division.

Index Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in the catalog of the G. W. Blunt White Library. Researchers desiring materials about related topics, persons or places should search the catalog using these headings.

Parkinson, John, 1906-1973 Stephens, William Picard

Corporate Bodies (Including Vessels):

New York Yacht Club North American Yacht Racing Union

America’s Cup races Yacht clubs–New York (State)–Oyster Bay Yacht racing Yachting

Document Types:

Minutes Scrapbooks

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Coll. 198, Manuscripts Collection, G. W. Blunt White Library, Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc.

Detailed Description of the Records

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

Correspondence, Race Committee and Racing; 1891-1892
1A 1A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1891 Jan-Mar
2A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1891 Apr-May
3A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1891 Jun
4A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1891 Jul-Dec
5A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1892 Jan-Feb
6A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1892 Mar-May
7A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1892 Jun
8A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1892 Jul
9A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1892 Aug-Dec
2A 1A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1893
2A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1894 Jan-Apr
3A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1894 May
4A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1894 Jun 1-14
5A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1894 Jun 15-30
6A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1894 Jul-Sep
7A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1894 Oct-Dec
8A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence, undated; 1894
3A 1A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1895 Jan-May
2A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1895 Jun 1-15
3A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1895 Jun 16-30
4A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1895 Jul
5A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1895 Aug
6A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1895 Sep-Oct
7A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1895 Nov-Dec
8A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence, Miscellaneous/Undated; 1895
4A 1A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1896 Jan-Apr
2A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1896 May
3A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1896 Jun 1-15
4A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1896 Jun 16-30
5A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1896 Jul
6A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1896 Aug
7A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1896 Sep
8A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1896 Oct
9A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1896 Nov-Dec
10A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence, Undated; 1896
5A 1A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1897 Jan
2A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1897 Feb
3A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1897 Mar-Apr
4A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1897 May-Jun
5A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1897 Jul-Sep
6A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1897 Oct
7A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1897 Nov
8A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1897 Dec 1-15
9A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1897 Dec 16-31
l0A S.C.Y.C. Miscellaneous Material; 1897
6A 1A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1898 Jan
2A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1898 Feb-Mar
3A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1898 Apr
4A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1898 May
5A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1898 Jun-Jul
6A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1898 Aug
7A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1898 Sep 1-5
8A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1898 Sep 6-31
9A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1898 Oct-Dec
10A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence, miscellaneous; 1898
11A S.C.Y.C. Race Schedules and Rules; 1898
7A 1A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1899 Jan-Mar
2A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1899 Apr-Aug
3A S.C.Y.C. Race Correspondence; 1899 Sep-Dec
4A Correspondence with Royal St. Lawrence Y.C. regarding race protest; 1899
8A 1A S.C.Y.C. General Correspondence; 1873-1880
2A S.C.Y.C. General Correspondence; 1881-1883
3A S.C.Y.C. General Correspondence; 1884-1885
4A S.C.Y.C. General Correspondence; 1886-1887
5A S.C.Y.C. General Correspondence; 1888-1889
6A S.C.Y.C. General Correspondence; 1890
7A S.C.Y.C. General Correspondence; 1891
8A S.C.Y.C. General Correspondence; 1892
9A S.C.Y.C. General Correspondence; 1893
l0A S.C.Y.C. General Correspondence; 1894
11A S.C.Y.C. General Correspondence; 1895
12A S.C.Y.C. General Correspondence; 1896
13A S.C.Y.C. General Correspondence; 1897
14A S.C.Y.C. General Correspondence; 1898
9A IA S.C.Y.C. Correspondence, re. membership; 1872-1887
2A S.C.Y.C. Correspondence race related, by laws, etc.; ca. 1880
3A S.C.Y.C. Correspondence Miscellaneous/Undated; ca. 1870-1900
Annual Reports and Miscellaneous Materials; 1872-1899
10A 1A S.C.Y.C. Annual Reports, Also includes Reports of Regatta Committee, and Constitutional Amendment 1872 Jan 10-1881 Jan 10; 1872
2A S.C.Y.C. Annual Reports; 1882 Jan 9-1887 Jan 10
3A S.C.Y.C. Annual Reports; 1888 Jan 14-1889 Jan 12
4A S.C.Y.C. Annual Reports; 1890 Jan 11-1891 Jan 13
5A S.C.Y.C. Annual Reports; 1892 Jan 8-1893 Jan 4
10S 5A S.C.Y.C. Annual Reports; 1892 Jan 8-1893 Jan 4
6A S.C.Y.C. Annual Reports; 1894 Jan 9
11A 1A S.C.Y.C. Annual Reports; 1895 Jan 8-1897 Jan 12
2A S.C.Y.C. Annual Reports; 1898
3A S.C.Y.C. Annual and Race Committee Reports; 1899
4A Reports & Agreements re. S.C.Y.C. International Challenge Cup Race; 1899
12A 1A Printed race announcements and other club activities; ca. 1874-1899
2A S.C.Y.C. Mortgage, deeds, titles, Oyster Bay Property; 1891-1892
3A S.C.Y.C. Newspaper Clippings; 1887-1888
4A Correspondence to W.P. Stephens re. 1/2 rater ETHELWYNN, also included are Table of Offsets #54 Ideal; #55 Ideal; undated
5A Miscellaneous Information, Adds & Correspondence; 1892-1898
6A “Oyster Bay Yacht Club” Constitution, By-Laws, Sailing Regulations, etc.; 1889
7A “Report of the Special Committee on Rules of Yacht Measurement; 1898
8A Cancelled SCYC Bonds; bonds issued March 1889; cancelled 1892-1897
9A SCYC Bond offering documents including lists of bondholders, transaction receipts, and Correspondence; 1892-1899
Correspondence; 1900-1910
1B 1B Correspondence; 1900
2B Correspondence; 1901 Jan
3B Correspondence; 1901 Feb
4B Correspondence; 1901 Mar
5B Correspondence; 1901 Apr
6B Correspondence; 1901 May
7B Correspondence; 1901 Jun
8B Correspondence; 1901 Jul
9B Correspondence; 1901 Aug
10B Correspondence; 1901 Sep
11B Correspondence; 1901 Oct
12B Correspondence; 1901 Nov
13B Correspondence; 1901 Dec
14B Miscellaneous; undated
2B 1B Correspondence; 1902 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1902 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1902 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1902 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1902 May
6B Correspondence; 1902 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1902 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1902 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1902 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1902 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1902 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1902 Dec
3B 1B Correspondence; 1903 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1903 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1903 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1903 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1903 May
6B Correspondence; 1903 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1903 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1903 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1903 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1903 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1903 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1903 Dec
4B 1B Correspondence; 1904 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1904 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1904 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1904 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1904 May
6B Correspondence; 1904 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1904 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1904 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1904 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1904 Oct-Dec
5B 1B Correspondence; 1905 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1905 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1905 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1905 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1905 May
6B Correspondence; 1905 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1905 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1905 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1905 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1905 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1905 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1905 Dec
13B Miscellaneous; undated
6B 1B Correspondence; 1906 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1906 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1906 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1906 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1906 May
6B Correspondence; 1906 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1906 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1906 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1906 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1906 Oct
B 11B Correspondence; 1906 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1906 Dec
13B Miscellaneous; undated
7B 1B Correspondence; 1907 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1907 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1907 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1907 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1907 May
6B Correspondence; 1907 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1907 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1907 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1907 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1907 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1907 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1907 Dec
13B Correspondence; undated
8B 1B Correspondence; 1908 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1908 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1908 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1908 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1908 May
6B Correspondence; 1908 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1908 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1908 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1908 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1908 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1908 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1908 Dec
13B Correspondence; undated
9B 1B Correspondence; 1909 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1909 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1909 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1909 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1909 May
6B Correspondence; 1909 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1909 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1909 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1909 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1909 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1909 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1909 Dec
13B Correspondence; undated
10B 1B Correspondence; 1910 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1910 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1910 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1910 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1910 May
6B Correspondence; 1910 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1910 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1910 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1910 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1910 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1910 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1910 Dec
13B Correspondence; undated
14B Correspondence; 1900-1910
General Records and Papers; 1900-1910
11B 1B Corinthian List Enrollment Cards; 1901
2B Crew Certificates; 1901
3B Hoyt, Sherman, voyage of the S. S. SHAWMUT Seattle to New York; 1908 Dec 16-1909 Apr 8
4B Lists: Owners & Races of Knockabouts; 1901
5B Miscellaneous Brochures, etc.; 1901
6B Miscellaneous Material; ca. 1900
7B Miscellaneous undated, printed material; ca. 1900-1910
12B 1B Notices, Reports, etc.; 1901
2B Notices, Reports, etc.; 1902
3B Notices, Reports, etc.; 1903
4B Notices, Reports, etc.; 1904
5B Notices, Reports, etc.; 1905
6B Notices, Reports, etc.; 1906
7B Notices, Reports, etc.; 1907-1908
8B Notices, Reports, etc. ; 1909-1910
13B 1B Race Circulars and Printed Race Announcements; 1900
2B Race Committee Correspondence; 1900
3B Race Committee Reports, Minutes, etc. ; 1900
4B Race Entry Forms and Crew Certificates; 1900
5B Race Reports; 1900
6B Seawanhaka “Knockabout” Forms; 1901
7B Trustee Meetings Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1908-1909
8B Yacht Entry Forms; 1901
Correspondence; 1911-1920
14B 1B Correspondence; 1911 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1911 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1911 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1911 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1911 May
6B Correspondence; 1911 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1911 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1911 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1911 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1911 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1911 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1911 Dec
15B 1B Correspondence; 1912 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1912 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1912 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1912 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1912 May
6B Correspondence; 1912 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1912 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1912 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1912 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1912 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1912 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1912 Dec
16B 1B Correspondence; 1913 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1913 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1913 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1913 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1913 May
6B Correspondence; 1913 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1913 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1913 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1913 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1913 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1913 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1913 Dec
13B Miscellaneous, Material; undated
17B 1B Correspondence; 1914 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1914 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1914 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1914 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1914 May
6B Correspondence; 1914 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1914 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1914 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1914 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1914 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1914 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1914 Dec
13B Correspondence pertinent to the new One-Design Class; 1914 Aug-Oct
18B 1B Correspondence; 1915 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1915 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1915 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1915 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1915 May
6B Correspondence; 1915 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1915 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1915 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1915 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1915 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1915 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1915 Dec
19B 1B Correspondence; 1916 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1916 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1916 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1916 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1916 May
6B Correspondence; 1916 Jun
20B 1B Correspondence; 1916 Jul
2B Correspondence; 1916 Aug
3B Correspondence; 1916 Sep
4B Correspondence; 1916 Oct
5B Correspondence; 1916 Nov
6B Correspondence; 1916 Dec
7B Miscellaneous; undated
21B 1B Correspondence; 1917 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1917 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1917 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1917 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1917 May
6B Correspondence; 1917 Jun
7B Re. Mr. Howard Smith & Naval Coast Defense Reserve; 1917 Feb-Jun
22B 1B Correspondence; 1917 Jul
2B Correspondence; 1917 Aug
3B Correspondence; 1917 Sep
4B Correspondence; 1917 Oct
5B Correspondence; 1917 Nov
6B Correspondence; 1917 Dec
7B Miscellaneous; undated
23B 1B Correspondence; 1918 Jan-1919
2B Correspondence; 1918 Feb-1919
3B Correspondence; 1918 Mar-1919
4B Correspondence; 1918 Apr-1919
5B Correspondence; 1918 May-1919
6B Correspondence; 1918 Jun-1919
7B Correspondence; 1918 Jul-1919
8B Correspondence; 1918 Aug-1919
9B Correspondence; 1918 Sep-1919
10B Correspondence; 1918 Oct -1919
11B Correspondence; 1918 Nov-1919
12B Correspondence; 1918 Dec-1919
24B 1B Correspondence; 1920 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1920 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1920 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1920 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1920 May
6B Correspondence; 1920 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1920 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1920 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1920 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1920 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1920 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1920 Dec
13B Miscellaneous; undated
General Records and Papers; 1911-1920
25B 1B Building Committee; 1920
2B Financial Report; ca. 1911-1920
3B Hoyt, Sherman, Racing Career Summary; 1896-1912
4B Miscellaneous Printed Materials, ie. circulars, notices of meetings, etc. ; 1911-1920
5B Miscellaneous, Correspondence; undated, ca. 1911-1920
6B Miscellaneous, Printed material; ca. 1911-1920
26B 1B Notices, reports, etc.; 1911
2B Notices, reports, etc.; 1912-1913
3B Notices, reports, etc.; 1914
4B Notices, reports, etc.; 1915
5B Notices, reports, etc.; 1916
6B Notices, reports, etc.; 1917
27B 1B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1914 Jan
2B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1914 Feb
3B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1914 Mar
4B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1914 Apr
5B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1914 May
6B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1914 Jun
7B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1914 Jul
28B 1B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1914 Aug
2B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1914 Sep
3B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1914 Oct
4B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1914 Nov
5B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1914 Dec
29B 1B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1915 Jan
2B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1915 Feb
3B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1915 Mar
4B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1915 Apr
5B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1915 May
6B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1915 Jun
7B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1915 Jul
8B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1915 Aug
9B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1915 Sep
10B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1915 Oct
11B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1915 Nov
12B Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1915 Dec
30B 1B Reports (Race, Financial, etc.) Trustee meetings, Minutes, etc.; 1918-1919
2B Reports (Race, Financial, etc.) Trustee meetings; 1920
3B Smith, Howard C., File re. design plans, Stamford One-Design; 1913-1914
Correspondence; 1921-1930
31B 1B Correspondence; 1921 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1921 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1921 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1921 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1921 May
6B Correspondence; 1921 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1921 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1921 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1921 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1921 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1921 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1921 Dec
13B Miscellaneous material; undated
32B 1B Correspondence; 1922 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1922 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1922 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1922 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1922 May
6B Correspondence; 1922 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1922 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1922 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1922 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1922 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1922 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1922 Dec
33B 1B Correspondence; 1923 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1923 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1923 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1923 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1923 May
6B Correspondence; 1923 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1923 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1923 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1923 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1923 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1923 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1923 Dec
13B Miscellaneous material; undated
34B 1B Correspondence; 1924 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1924 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1924 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1924 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1924 May
6B Correspondence; 1924 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1924 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1924 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1924 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1924 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1924 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1924 Dec
13B Miscellaneous material; undated
35B 1B Correspondence; 1925 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1925 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1925 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1925 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1925 May
6B Correspondence; 1925 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1925 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1925 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1925 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1925 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1925 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1925 Dec
13B Miscellaneous material; undated
36B 1B Correspondence; 1926 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1926 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1926 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1926 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1926 May
6B Correspondence; 1926 Jun
7B Correspondence; 1926 Jul
8B Correspondence; 1926 Aug
9B Correspondence; 1926 Sep
10B Correspondence; 1926 Oct
11B Correspondence; 1926 Nov
12B Correspondence; 1926 Dec
13B Miscellaneous material; undated
37B 1B Correspondence; 1927 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1927 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1927 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1927 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1927 May
6B Correspondence; 1927 Jun
38B 1B Correspondence; 1927 Jul
2B Correspondence; 1927 Aug
3B Correspondence; 1927 Sep
4B Correspondence; 1927 Oct
5B Correspondence; 1927 Nov
6B Correspondence; 1927 Dec
7B Miscellaneous material; undated
39B 1B Correspondence; 1928 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1928 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1928 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1928 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1928 May
6B Correspondence; 1928 Jun
40B 1B Correspondence; 1928 Jul
2B Correspondence; 1928 Aug
3B Correspondence; 1928 Sep
4B Correspondence; 1928 Oct
5B Correspondence; 1928 Nov
6B Correspondence; 1928 Dec
7B Miscellaneous material; undated
41B 1B Correspondence; 1929 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1929 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1929 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1929 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1929 May
6B Correspondence; 1929 Jun
42B 1B Correspondence; 1929 Jul
2B Correspondence; 1929 Aug
3B Correspondence; 1929 Sep
4B Correspondence; 1929 Oct
5B Correspondence; 1929 Nov
6B Correspondence; 1929 Dec
7B Miscellaneous material; undated
43B 1B Correspondence; 1930 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1930 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1930 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1930 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1930 May
6B Correspondence; 1930 Jun
44B 1B Correspondence; 1930 Jul
2B Correspondence; 1930 Aug
3B Correspondence; 1930 Sep
4B Correspondence; 1930 Oct
5B Correspondence; 1930 Nov
6B Correspondence; 1930 Dec
7B Miscellaneous material; undated
General Records and Papers; 1921-1930
45B 1B Amendment of Charter; 1928
2B Bills, Invoices, etc., from suppliers; 1924
3B British-American Cup Record; 1930
4B By-Laws; 1922
5B Clubhouse, estimates re. remodeling of quarters, kitchen, etc.; 1924
6B Gold Cup File; 1927
7B Herreshoff Mfg. Co., design for 14′ sailing skiff; 1924
8B Hoyt, Colgate, correspondence re. estate; 1928
9B Lists: Mailing, Members, etc.; 1927
10B Lists: Members; Steam and Power Yachts; 1929
11B Lists: Members; Steam and Power Yachts; 1928-1930
12B Nickerson, Hoffman, Correspondence re. complaint re. reconditioning Star Boat; 1928
13B North American Yacht Racing Association “Bulletins”; 1928-1930
46B 1B Protests; 1921-1930
2B “R” Class Correspondence; 1926
3B Race circulars; 1921-1930
4B Race schedules, prizes, notices, etc.; 1924
5B Reports; Audit, Race Committee, etc.; 1927-1929
6B Reports; Audit; 1930
7B Reports; Financial, Race Committee, Trustees, etc.; 1922-1926
8B Reports; Income account, Secretary’s, Trustee’s, ; 1926
9B Reports; Race Committee; 1921-1930
10B Reports; Race Committee, House Committee, Commodores Report; 1927
11B Reports; Treasures, Secretary’s, Annual, etc.; 1921
12B Reports; Treasurer; 1923-1925
13B Reports; Y.R.A. of L.I. Sound; International Racing; Trustee Meetings; 1923
47B 1B Ryan vs. Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club; 1925
2B Sailing Instructor position; Correspondence; 1925
3B Seawanhaka International Challenge Cup and the Gold Cup of the Scandinavian Yacht Racing Union, “Record” of Matches in 1927″; 1927
4B Six-Meter Boat File; 1927
5B Six-Meter, pages from English periodicals containing accounts of the first of four matches for the British-American Cup; 1921
6B Six-Meter Racing Class Information; 1921-1930
7B Six-Meter Match and International Regattas, Royal Danish Yacht Club Announcement and Prospectus; 1923
9B Yacht Club Yearbook; “Record” 1 Programs, etc.; 1921-1930
10B Yacht Measurement, International Conference on, 1927; and Yacht Measurement, Origin and Development, by W.P. Stephens; 1927
11B Yacht Racing Association of Long Island Sound; memorandums, etc.; 1928, 1930
12B Yacht Races, clippings; 1921-1930
Correspondence; 1931-1941
48B 1B Correspondence; 1931 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1931 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1931 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1931 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1931 May
6B Correspondence; 1931 Jun
49B 1B Correspondence; 1931 Jul
2B Correspondence; 1931 Aug
3B Correspondence; 1931 Sep
4B Correspondence; 1931 Oct
5B Correspondence; 1931 Nov
6B Correspondence; 1931 Dec
7B Miscellaneous material; undated
50B 1B Correspondence; 1932 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1932 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1932 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1932 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1932 May
6B Correspondence; 1932 Jun
51B 1B Correspondence; 1932 Jul
2B Correspondence; 1932 Aug
3B Correspondence; 1932 Sep
4B Correspondence; 1932 Oct
5B Correspondence; 1932 Nov
6B Correspondence; 1932 Dec
7B Miscellaneous material; undated
52B 1B Correspondence; 1933 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1933 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1933 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1933 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1933 May
6B Correspondence; 1933 Jun
53B 1B Correspondence; 1933 Jul
2B Correspondence; 1933 Aug
3B Correspondence; 1933 Sep
4B Correspondence; 1933 Oct
5B Correspondence; 1933 Nov
6B Correspondence; 1933 Dec
7B Miscellaneous material; undated
54B 1B Correspondence; 1934 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1934 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1934 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1934 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1934 May
6B Correspondence; 1934 Jun
55B 1B Correspondence; 1934 Jul
2B Correspondence; 1934 Aug
3B Correspondence; 1934 Sep
4B Correspondence; 1934 Oct
5B Correspondence; 1934 Nov
6B Correspondence; 1934 Dec
7B Miscellaneous material; undated
56B 1B Correspondence; 1935 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1935 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1935 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1935 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1935 May
6B Correspondence; 1935 Jun
57B 1B Correspondence; 1935 Jul
2B Correspondence; 1935 Aug
3B Correspondence; 1935 Sep
4B Correspondence; 1935 Oct
5B Correspondence; 1935 Nov
6B Correspondence; 1935 Dec
7B Miscellaneous material; undated
58B 1B Correspondence; 1936 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1936 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1936 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1936 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1936 May
6B Correspondence; 1936 Jun
59B 1B Correspondence; 1936 Jul
2B Correspondence; 1936 Aug
3B Correspondence; 1936 Sep
4B Correspondence; 1936 Oct
5B Correspondence; 1936 Nov
6B Correspondence; 1936 Dec
7B Miscellaneous material; undated
60B 1B Correspondence; 1937 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1937 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1937 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1937 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1937 May
6B Correspondence; 1937 Jun
61B 1B Correspondence; 1937 Jul
2B Correspondence; 1937 Aug
3B Correspondence; 1937 Sep
4B Correspondence; 1937 Oct
5B Correspondence; 1937 Nov
6B Correspondence; 1937 Dec
7B Miscellaneous material; undated
62B 1B Correspondence; 1938 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1938 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1938 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1938 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1938 May
6B Correspondence; 1938 Jun
63B 1B Correspondence; 1938 Jul
2B Correspondence; 1938 Aug
3B Correspondence; 1938 Sep
4B Correspondence; 1938 Oct
5B Correspondence; 1938 Nov
6B Correspondence; 1938 Dec
7B Miscellaneous material; undated
64B 1B Correspondence; 1939 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1939 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1939 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1939 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1939 May
6B Correspondence; 1939 Jun
65B 1B Correspondence; 1939 Jul
2B Correspondence; 1939 Aug
3B Correspondence; 1939 Sep
4B Correspondence; 1939 Oct
5B Correspondence; 1939 Nov
6B Correspondence; 1939 Dec
7B Miscellaneous material; undated
66B 1B Correspondence; 1940 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1940 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1940 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1940 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1940 May
6B Correspondence; 1940 Jun
67B 1B Correspondence; 1940 Jul
2B Correspondence; 1940 Aug
3B Correspondence; 1940 Sep
4B Correspondence; 1940 Oct
5B Correspondence; 1940 Nov
6B Correspondence; 1940 Dec
7B Miscellaneous material; undated
68B 1B Correspondence; 1941 Jan
2B Correspondence; 1941 Feb
3B Correspondence; 1941 Mar
4B Correspondence; 1941 Apr
5B Correspondence; 1941 May
6B Correspondence; 1941 Jun
69B 1B Correspondence; 1941 Jul
2B Correspondence; 1941 Aug
3B Correspondence; 1941 Sep
4B Correspondence; 1941 Oct
5B Correspondence; 1941 Nov
6B Correspondence; 1941 Dec
7B Miscellaneous material; undated
General Records and Papers; 1931-1941
70B 1B Auditors Reports; 1931-1932
2B Auditors Reports; 1933-1935
3B Auditors Reports; 1936-1940
4B America’s Cup Race Regulations; 1937 Jul
5B B&M Guarantee Correspondence; 1935
6B Board of Trustees Annual Meeting Memorandum; 1935
7B By-Law Amendments Regarding Annual Dues; 1934
8B By-Law and Certificate of Incorporation Amendments Correspondence; 1935
9B By-Law Amendments Regarding Annual Dues Draft; 1937
10B Charles Leland Property, Survey; 1891
11B Class Rules (S-Boats, etc.); 1933
12B Class Rules, etc.; 1939
13B Clyde Yacht Clubs, “An Invitation To The Clyde”, & “A Program of Entertainments”; 1936
14B Club House Information and Data; 1936
71B 1B CONSTITUTION figurehead, correspondence re. lending of; 1935-1936
2B Crown Price Olav; Correspondence, photos of family, greeting cards, etc.; 1939
3B Cup Races (British American; Gold Cup; Seawanhaka Cup); 1931-1936
4B Cup Races (British American; Gold Cup; Seawanhaka Cup); 1937
5B Cup Races (British American; Gold Cup; Seawanhaka Cup); 1938-1940
6B Garbage Collection; Correspondence; 1936-1938
7B GLEAM, re. protest; 1940
8B GOOSE and George Nichols; (copy of a talk given to Seawanhaka by George Nichols); 1939
9B Historians Notes, W.P. Stephens; 1934-1938
10B Hoyt, Sherman, VAMARIE Log of trans-atlantic race from Newport to Bergen; 1935
72B 1B International Racing Committee Correspondence; 1937-1940
2B International Race Committee Correspondence etc. (Seawanhaka and Gold Cups, general); 1937
3B International Regatta; 1939
4B International Six-Meter Race Week Series; 1937
5B Investments; ca. 1930-1940
6B Junior Yacht Club: Records and Papers; 1936-1941
7B King Edward VIII International Challenge Cup, Correspondence; 1937
8B Manuals, assorted; 1935-1937
9B Members called to active Military Duty; Correspondence; 1941
10B Members; 1935-1937
11B Members; 1938
12B Members; 1939-1941
73B 1B Miscellaneous printed matter, leaflets, etc.; 1936-1937
2B Miscellaneous printed matter, leaflets, etc.; 1938
3B Miscellaneous printed matter, leaflets, etc.; 1939
4B Miscellaneous printed matter, leaflets, etc.; 1940-1941
5B MISTRESS, Newport to Bergen track chart; 1935
74B 1B New York State unemployment insurance; Social Security Collections Returns; 1940-1941
2B North American Yacht Racing Union; Bulletins, memos, etc.; 1935-1940
3B Open One-Design Class for SCYC; Correspondence, etc.; 1934
4B Prizes, Correspondence; 1931-1940
5B Protests; 1931-1941
6B Race Circulars; 1931- 1933
7B Race Circulars; 1934-1936
8B Race Circulars; 1937-1939
75B 1B Race Circulars and Notices; 1940-1941
2B Race Circulars, various years other yacht clubs; undated
3B Reports; 1939
4B Reports; Committee; 1931-1937
5B Reports; Committee; 1938
6B Reports, Financial; 1937-1941
76B 1B Reports (House, Committee, Treasurer, etc.); 1940
2B Reports (Law Committee, Treasurer, House Report, Junior Activities, etc.); 1941
3B Roosevelt, George E., “The Progress of Navigation”; 1936
4B Royal Gourock Yacht Club; List of Members; 1937
5B S” Class, Correspondence; 1937, 1938
6B Score Sheets; 1937-1939
7B Sears Cup; 1931
8B Sea Wall/Wooden Pier; Correspondence; 1929-1934
9B SCYC Early History (1 page); undated
l 0B Seawanhaka International Challenge Cup-Six Meter Class; 1937
11B Seawanhaka International Challenge Cup, Logs, etc. of the First 21 Matches, compiled; 1935
12B Sewage Disposal Plant; Specifications, etc.; 1930-1936
13B Six Meter Racing Class Information; 1931-1941
77B 1B Treasurers Reports/Statements; 1937
2B Treasurers Reports/Statements; 1938
3B Treasurers Reports/Statements; 1939
4B Treasurers Reports/Statements; 1940
5B Treasurers Reports/Statements; 1941
6B Trustee Meeting Minutes, Annual and Regular; 1939
7B Trustee Meeting Minutes, Annual and Regular; 1940
8B United Service Organization Race; Correspondence; (held Sep 1941)
9B William H. Childs Trophy, Correspondence; 1931-1938
10B Workmans Compensation (reports, etc.); 1931-1936
11B Yacht Information; 1939
12B Yacht Information; 1941
13B Yacht Racing Association of Long Island Sound, Miscellaneous Information; 1934-1941
14B Yacht Races; clippings, 12-Meter, etc.; 1931-1941
15B Year Book File; 1940
Correspondence; 1942-1950
1C 1C Correspondence; 1942 Jan
2C Correspondence; 1942 Feb
3C Correspondence; 1942 Mar
4C Correspondence; 1942 Apr
5C Correspondence; 1942 May
6C Correspondence; 1942 Jun
7C Correspondence; 1942 Jul
8C Correspondence; 1942 Aug
9C Correspondence; 1942 Sep
10C Correspondence; 1942 Oct
11C Correspondence; 1942 Nov
12C Correspondence; 1942 Dec
13C Miscellaneous material; undated
2C 1C Correspondence; 1943 Jan
2C Correspondence; 1943 Feb
3C Correspondence; 1943 Mar
4C Correspondence; 1943 Apr
5C Correspondence; 1943 May
6C Correspondence; 1943 Jun
7C Correspondence; 1943 Jul
8C Correspondence; 1943 Aug
9C Correspondence; 1943 Sep
10C Correspondence; 1943 Oct
11C Correspondence; 1943 Nov
12C Correspondence; 1943 Dec
13C Miscellaneous material; undated
3C 1C Correspondence; 1944 Jan
2C Correspondence; 1944 Feb
3C Correspondence; 1944 Mar
4C Correspondence; 1944 Apr
5C Correspondence; 1944 May
6C Correspondence; 1944 Jun
7C Correspondence; 1944 Jul
8C Correspondence; 1944 Aug
9C Correspondence; 1944 Sep
10C Correspondence; 1944 Oct
11C Correspondence; 1944 Nov
12C Correspondence; 1944 Dec
13C Miscellaneous material; undated
4C 1C Correspondence; 1945 Jan
2C Correspondence; 1945 Feb
3C Correspondence; 1945 Mar
4C Correspondence; 1945 Apr
5C Correspondence; 1945 May
6C Correspondence; 1945 Jun
7C Correspondence; 1945 Jul
8C Correspondence; 1945 Aug
9C Correspondence; 1945 Sep
10C Correspondence; 1945 Oct
11C Correspondence; 1945 Nov
12C Correspondence; 1945 Dec
13C Miscellaneous material; undated
5C 1C Correspondence; 1946 Jan
2C Correspondence; 1946 Feb
3C Correspondence; 1946 Mar
4C Correspondence; 1946 Apr
5C Correspondence; 1946 May
6C Correspondence; 1946 Jun
7C Correspondence; 1946 Jul
8C Correspondence; 1946 Aug
9C Correspondence; 1946 Sep
10C Correspondence; 1946 Oct
11C Correspondence; 1946 Nov
12C Correspondence; 1946 Dec
13C Miscellaneous material; undated
6C 1C Correspondence; 1947 Jan
2C Correspondence; 1947 Feb
3C Correspondence; 1947 Mar
4C Correspondence; 1947 Apr
5C Correspondence; 1947 May
6C Correspondence; 1947 Jun
7C Correspondence; 1947 Jul
8C Correspondence; 1947 Aug
9C Correspondence; 1947 Sep
10C Correspondence; 1947 Oct
11C Correspondence; 1947 Nov
12C Correspondence; 1947 Dec
13C Miscellaneous material; undated
7C 1C Correspondence; 1948 Jan
2C Correspondence; 1948 Feb
3C Correspondence; 1948 Mar
4C Correspondence; 1948 Apr
5C Correspondence; 1948 May
6C Correspondence; 1948 Jun
7C Correspondence; 1948 Jul
8C Correspondence; 1948 Aug
9C Correspondence; 1948 Sep
10C Correspondence; 1948 Oct
11C Correspondence; 1948 Nov
12C Correspondence; 1948 Dec
13C Miscellaneous material; undated
8C 1C Correspondence; 1949 Jan
2C Correspondence; 1949 Feb
3C Correspondence; 1949 Mar
4C Correspondence; 1949 Apr
5C Correspondence; 1949 May
6C Correspondence; 1949 Jun
7C Correspondence; 1949 Jul
8C Correspondence; 1949 Aug
9C Correspondence; 1949 Sep
10C Correspondence; 1949 Oct
11C Correspondence; 1949 Nov
12C Correspondence; 1949 Dec
13C Miscellaneous material; undated
9C 1C Correspondence; 1950 Jan
2C Correspondence; 1950 Feb
3C Correspondence; 1950 Mar
4C Correspondence; 1950 Apr
5C Correspondence; 1950 May
6C Correspondence; 1950 Jun
7C Correspondence; 1950 Jul
8C Correspondence; 1950 Aug
9C Correspondence; 1950 Sep
10C Correspondence; 1950 Oct
11C Correspondence; 1950 Nov
12C Correspondence; 1950 Dec
13C Miscellaneous material; undated
General Records and Papers; 1942-1950
10C 1C Agenda; ca. 1942-1945
2C Agenda; ca. 1946-1950
3C Audit Reports; ca. 1942-1950
4C British American Cup; 1949
5C Deed of Gift: Shelia Curtain Gross Trophy; 1948
6C Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers; 1949-1950
7C Hoyt, Sherman-journal of the TINY TEAL, VIKING AND PUSSY WILLOW; 1948 Dec-1949 Jul
8C Lightning Class Information; 1945-1950
9C Lists, mailing; ca. 1942-1945
10C Lists, mailing; ca. 1946-1950
11C Members; ca. 1942-1948
12C Member; 1949
13C Members; 1950
14C Members On Active Duty, Correspondence; 1942-1943
15C Memorandum of Order of Business; 1942
16C Misc. Expenditures for SCYC; 1942
11C 1C North American Yacht Racing Association Material; 1945, 1950
2C Prizes; 1950
3C Race Circulars; 1942-1950
4C Racing, International; 1942-1950
5C Reports; Boatyard, Financial, House Committee, Law Committee, Nominating Comm., Race., Secretary’s Report, etc; 1942-1950
6C Six Meter Dinner, correspondence; 1949 Dec 28
7C SYCE Cup Race for Women’s Sailing Championship; 1948
8C Tennis Court Fund; 1950
12C 1C Treasurers Report; 1942
2C Treasurers Report; 1943
3C Treasurers Report; 1944
4C Treasurers Report; 1945-1946
5C Treasurers Report; 1947-1948
6C Treasurers Report; 1949-1950
13C 1C Trustee Meeting Minutes, File No. 1; 1942
2C Trustee Meeting Minutes, File No. 2; 1942
3C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1943
4C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1944
5C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1945
6C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1946
14C 1C Trustee Meetings Minutes; 1947
2C Trustee Meetings Minutes; 1948
3C Trustee Meetings Minutes; 1949
4C Trustee Meetings Minutes; 1950
15C 1C Yacht Racing Association; 1942
2C Yearbook File; 1942
3C Yearbook File; 1943
4C Yearbook File; 1944-1945
5C Yearbook File; 1946-1948
6C Yearbook File; 1949
7C Yearbook File; 1950
Correspondence; 1951-1959
16C 1C Correspondence; 1951 Jan
2C Correspondence; 1951 Feb
3C Correspondence; 1951 Mar
4C Correspondence; 1951 Apr
5C Correspondence; 1951 May
6C Correspondence; 1951 Jun
7C Correspondence; 1951 Jul
8C Correspondence; 1951 Aug-Sep
9C Correspondence; 1951 Oct
10C Correspondence; 1951 Nov
11C Correspondence; 1951 Dec
12C Misc/Correspondence; undated; 1951
17C 1C Correspondence; 1952 Jan
2C Correspondence; 1952 Feb
3C Correspondence; 1952 Mar
4C Correspondence; 1952 Apr
5C Correspondence; 1952 May
6C Correspondence; 1952 Jun
7C Correspondence; 1952 Jul
8C Correspondence; 1952 Aug-Sep
9C Correspondence; 1952 Oct-Nov
10C Correspondence; 1952 Dec
11C Misc/Correspondence; undated; 1952
18C 1C Correspondence; 1953 Jan-Feb
2C Correspondence; 1953 Mar
3C Correspondence; 1953 Apr
4C Correspondence; 1953 May
5C Correspondence; 1953 Jun
6C Correspondence; 1953 Jul
7C Correspondence; 1953 Aug-Sep
8C Correspondence; 1953 Oct-Nov
9C Correspondence; 1953 Dec
10C Miscellaneous correspondence; undated; 1953
19C 1C Correspondence; 1954 Jan- Feb
2C Correspondence; 1954 Mar
3C Correspondence; 1954 Apr
4C Correspondence; 1954 May
5C Correspondence; 1954 Jun
6C Correspondence; 1954 Jul-Aug
7C Correspondence; 1954 Sep-Oct
8C Correspondence; 1954 Nov-Dec
9C Misc/Correspondence; undated; 1954
20C 1C Correspondence; 1955 Jan
2C Correspondence; 1955 Feb
3C Correspondence; 1955 Mar
4C Correspondence; 1955 Apr-May
5C Correspondence; 1955 Jun
6C Correspondence; 1955 Jul
7C Correspondence; 1955 Aug-Sep
8C Correspondence; 1955 Oct- Dec
9C Misc/Correspondence; undated; 1955
21C 1C Correspondence; 1956 Jan
2C Correspondence; 1956 Feb
3C Correspondence; 1956 Mar
4C Correspondence; 1956 Apr
5C Correspondence; 1956 May-Jun
6C Correspondence; 1956 Jul-Sep
7C Correspondence; 1956 Oct-Dec
8C Misc/Correspondence; undated; 1956
22C 1C Correspondence; 1957 Jan
2C Correspondence; 1957 Feb
3C Correspondence; 1957 Mar
4C Correspondence; 1957 Apr
5C Correspondence; 1957 May
6C Correspondence; 1957 Jun
23C 1C Correspondence; 1957 Jul
2C Correspondence; 1957 Aug
3C Correspondence; 1957 Sep
4C Correspondence; 1957 Oct
5C Correspondence; 1957 Nov
6C Correspondence; 1957 Dec
7C Misc/Correspondence; undated; 1957
24C 1C Correspondence; 1958 Jan
2C Correspondence; 1958 Feb
3C Correspondence; 1958 Mar
4C Correspondence; 1958 Apr
5C Correspondence; 1958 May
6C Correspondence; 1958 Jun
25C 1C Correspondence; 1958 Jul
2C Correspondence; 1958 Aug
3C Correspondence; 1958 Sep
4C Correspondence; 1958 Oct-Nov
5C Correspondence; 1958 Dec
6C Misc/Correspondence; undated; 1958
26C 1C Correspondence; 1959 Jan
2C Correspondence; 1959 Feb
3C Correspondence; 1959 Mar
4C Correspondence; 1959 Apr-May
5C Correspondence; 1959 Jun
6C Correspondence; 1959 Jul
7C Correspondence; 1959 Aug-Sep
8C Correspondence; 1959 Oct-Dec
9C Misc/Correspondence; undated; 1959
General Records and Papers; 1951-1959
27C 1C America’s Cup; 1958
2C Annual Cruise and Labor Day Weekend; 1951-1955
3C Audit Reports; 1951, 1953
4C Audit Reports; 1954
5C Audit Reports; 1955, 1956
6C Bermuda Race-with UNDINA; 1956
7C Blue Jay Class; 1957-1959
8C CCA Rules and Certificates; 1950
9C Clubhouse Information and Data; 1951
10D Deeds of Gift: Golden Gate Trophy; George T. Bowdoin Cup; and Sir Alfred Bossom Challenge Cup; 1954; 1953; 1954
11C “GOOD NEWS” Cruise and Races; 1958
12C Historians Notes and Correspondence; 1956-1959
13C Income and Expenses for Budget; 1951-1952, 1954-1958
14C Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers; 1951-1955
28C 1C Ladies Sailing Class; 1954
2C Mailing Lists & Duty List; 1953
3C Memorandum of Order for Monthly Board of Trustees Meetings; 1955-1957
4C Misc. Printed Matter & Clippings
5C Olympics; 1952
6C “One of a Kind” SCYC Race; 1952-1953
7C Operating Satement-Housing Committee; 1956-1958
8C Oyster Bay to Newport, RI Annual Race Run; 1953
9C Prizes & Lists/ Publicity; 1951-1956
10C Protests & Decisions, SCYC; 1950-1954
11C Protests & Decisions, SCYC; 1956-1959
12C Race Circulars; 1951-1958
13C Race Committee Reports; 1950-1959
29C 1C Race Results; 1954
2C Race Results; 1956
3C Race Results; 1957
4C Race Results; 1958
5C Race Results; 1959
6C Racing, International; 1953
30C 1C Racing Rules- Various NAYRU; 1952-1956
2C Ratings-Cruising Class, B Division; 1950-1956
3C Rating Lists of Yachts in NYYC Cruise and CCA Bermuda Race; 1951-1953
4C “Raven Class” Association; 1951-1954
5C Reports-from various SCYC Committees; 1951-1953
6C Reports-from various SCYC Committees; 1954-1956
7C Roosevelt, Julian, NYYC Fleet Captain; ca. 1956
8C Seabird Class-Rules and Regulations of Assoc.; 1952-1956
9C Seabird Class-Rules and Regulations of Assoc.; 1957-1959
31C 1C Seawanhaka Cup-challenge, etc.; 1955
2C Six Meter Races and 5.5’s; 1953
3C Spring Regatta Program; 1951-1957
4C Swimming Pool & Beach Committee 1951-1952
5C Texas Corinthian YC vs SCYC Race; 1954
6C Treasurer’s Reports; 1951
7C Treasurer’s Reports; 1952
8C Treasurer’s Reports; 1953-1954
9C Treasurer’s Reports; 1955
10C Treasurer’s Reports; 1956
11C Treasurer’s Reports; 1957
12C Treasurer’s Reports; 1958-1959
32C 1C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1951
2C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1952
3C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1953
4C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1954-1955
5C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1956-1957
6C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1958-1959
33C 1C Twenty-One foot class-SCYC; 1951-1955
2C USCG Regulations and Notices; 1951-1952
3C White Trophy and Root Trophy Races; 1956
4C Winter Frostbite Sailing; 1955-1958
5C Yacht Racing Assoc. of Long Island Sound; 1950-1955
Correspondence; 1960-1969
34C 1C Correspondence; 1960 Jan
2C Correspondence; 1960 Feb
3C Correspondence; 1960 Mar-Apr
4C Correspondence; 1960 May-Jun
5C Correspondence; 1960 Jul-Aug
6C Correspondence; 1960 Sep-Oct
7C Correspondence; 1960 Nov-Dec
8C Misc/Undated; 1960
35C 1C Correspondence; 1961 Jan-Apr
2C Correspondence; 1961 May-Aug
3C Correspondence, plus miscellaneous; 1961 Sep-Dec, undated
4C Correspondence; 1962 Jan-Apr
5C Correspondence; 1962 May-Aug
6C Correspondence; 1962 Sep-Dec
7C Misc/Undated; 1962
36C 1C Correspondence; 1963 Jan-Apr
2C Correspondence; 1963 May-Aug
3C Correspondence; 1963 Sep-Dec
4C Misc/Undated; 1963
5C Correspondence; 1964 Jan-Feb
6C Correspondence; 1964 Mar-Jun
7C Correspondence; 1964 Jul-Oct
8C Correspondence, plus miscellaneous; 1964 Nov-Dec and undated
37C 1C Correspondence; 1965 Jan-Apr
2C Correspondence; 1965 May-Jun
3C Correspondence; 1965 Jul-Oct
4C Correspondence, plus miscellaneous; 1965 Nov-Dec and undated
5C Correspondence; 1966 Jan-Mar
6C Correspondence; 1966 Apr-Jun
7C Correspondence; 1966 Jul-Oct
8C Correspondence, plus miscellaneous; 1966 Nov-Dec and undated
38C 1C Correspondence; 1967 Jan-May
2C Correspondence; 1967 Jun-Oct
3C Correspondence, plus miscellaneous; 1967 Nov-Dec and undated
4C Correspondence; 1968 Jan-Apr
5C Correspondence; 1968 May-Aug
6C Correspondence, plus miscellaneous; 1968 Sep-Dec and undated
7C Correspondence; 1969 Jan-Feb
8C Correspondence; 1969 Mar-Jun
9C Correspondence; 1969 Jul-Oct
10C Correspondence, plus miscellaneous; 1969 Nov-Dec and undated
General Records and Papers; 1960-1969
39C 1C America’s Cup; 1962 & 1967
2C Audit Reports; 1962-1965
3C Bermuda Race-with UNDINA; 1960
4C Blue Jay Class; 1960-1961
5C Blue Jay Class; 1962-1963, 1965
6C Blue Jay Class, International Assoc.; 1965
7C Centennial Committee; 1969
40C 1C Clubhouse Information and Data; 1963-1969
2C Deeds of Gift, etc. for The Morgan Cup, Seawanhaka International Challenge Cup, The Gold Cup, & The U.S. 5.5 Meter Class Championship includes photo of Seawanhaka Cup;
3C Dredging; 1968
4C Fall Regatta; 1965
5C 5.5 Meter World Championship International; 1962-1963
6C 5.5 Meter World Championship International; 1965
7C Glencairn Trophy; 1965
8C Gold Cup; 1965
41C 1C Hammond, Paul; 1965
2C Historian’s Notes and Correspondence; 1962-1964
3C Historian’s Notes and Correspondence; 1965-1969
4C International One-Design Class: Rules, Regulations, Plans; 1961-1965
5C Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers, SCYC; 1963
6C Kathleen Trophy Race; 1969
7C Ladies Sailing Assoc.; 1966
42C 1C Lists: Mailing; 1965
2C Members Biographies; 1930-1960
43C 1C Membership Proposals; 1960-1961
2C Membership Proposals; 1962
3C Olympics; ca. 1962
4C Prizes; 1966-1968
5C Prizes; 1969
44C 1C Protests and decisions; 1960
2C Protests and decisions; 1961
3C Protests and decisions; 1962, 1964
4C Protests and decisions; 1965-1966
5C Protests and decisions; 1967
6C Protests and decisions; 1968
7C Protests and decisions; 1969
45C 1C Race Circulars and Misc.; 1960-1962
2C Race Circulars and Misc.; 1963
3C Race Circulars and Misc.; 1964
4C Race Circulars and Misc.; 1965-1969
5C Race Circulars, Other Clubs; 1961-1965
6C Race Circulars, Other Clubs; 1966
7C Race Circulars, Other Clubs; 1967-1969
46C 1C Race Committee; 1962
2C Race Committee; 1963, 1965
3C Race Committee; 1966
4C Race Committee Duty Schedule; 1965, 1967-68
5C Race Committee Publications; 1965-1969
47C 1C Race Results; 1960
2C Race Results; 1961
3C Race Results; 1962
4C Race Results; 1963-1964
5C Race Results; 1965-1966
6C Race Results; 1969
7C Racing Rules Collection of CCA, NAYRU, etc.; ca. 1965, 1968, 1969
8C Rating Certificates; 1965
48C 1C Roosevelt, Julian, NYYC Fleet Captain; ca. 1963
2C Roosevelt, Julian, Ocean racing info, supplies, etc.; 1965
3C Roosevelt, P.J. Trophy; 1969
4C Seabird Class; 1960-1962
49C 1C Seabird Class; 1963-1964
2C Seabird Class; 1965
3C Seabird Class; 1966
4C Seabird Class; 1967
5C Seabird Class; 1968
6C Seabird Class; 1969
50C 1C Seawanhaka Cup Race; 1960
2C Shields Class Record Book; 1968
3C Shields One-Design Class information; 1969
4C Solings; 1969
5C Stratford Shoal Race; 1968
6C Treasurer’s Reports; 1960
7C Treasurer’s Reports; 1962-1963
8C Treasurer’s Reports; 1964-1966
9C Treasurer’s Reports; 1967-1969
51C 1C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1961
2C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1962
52C 1C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1963
2C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1964
3C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1965
4C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1966
5C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1967
6C Trustee Meeting Minutes; 1969
53C 1C WARLOCK, Julian Roosevelt’s Notes; ca. 1965
2C White Trophy and Root Trophy; 1965
3C W.W. I Members; ca. 1917-1963
4C U.S.C.G. Correspondence to club; ca. 1967
5C U.S.C.G. Race Regatta Permits; 1969
6C Yacht Racing Assoc. of Long Island correspondence; ca. 1965
Correspondence; 1970-1979
1D 1D Correspondence; 1970 Jan
2D Correspondence; 1970 Feb
3D Correspondence; 1970 Mar
4D Correspondence; 1970 Apr
5D Correspondence; 1970 May
6D Correspondence; 1970 Jun
7D Correspondence; 1970 Jul
8D Correspondence; 1970 Aug
9D Correspondence; 1970 Sep
10D Correspondence; 1970 Oct
11D Correspondence; 1970 Nov
12D Correspondence; 1970 Dec
13D Correspondence; 1971 Jan
14D Correspondence; 1971 Feb
15D Correspondence; 1971 Mar
16D Correspondence; 1971 Apr
17D Correspondence; 1971 May
18D Correspondence; 1971 Jun
19D Correspondence; 1971 Jul
21 Correspondence; 1971 Aug
22D Correspondence; 1971 Sep
23D Correspondence; 1971 Oct
24D Correspondence; 1971 Nov-Dec
2D 1D Correspondence; 1972 Jan-Jun
2D Correspondence; 1972 Jul-Dec
3D Correspondence; 1973 Jan-Jun
4D Correspondence; 1973 Jul-Dec
5D Correspondence; 1974 Jan-Jun
6D Correspondence; 1974 Jul-Dec
7D Correspondence; 1975 Jan-Jun
8D Correspondence; 1975 Jul-Dec
9D Correspondence; 1976 Jan-Feb
10D Correspondence; 1976 Mar-Apr
11D Correspondence; 1976 May
12D Correspondence; 1976 Jun
13D Correspondence; 1976 Jul
3D 1D Correspondence; 1976 Aug
2D Correspondence; 1976 Sep
3D Correspondence; 1976 Oct
4D Correspondence; 1976 Nov
5D Correspondence; 1976 Dec
6D Correspondence; 1977 Jan
7D Correspondence; 1977 Feb
8D Correspondence; 1977 Mar
9D Correspondence; 1977 Apr
10D Correspondence; 1977 May
11D Correspondence; 1977 Jun
12D Correspondence; 1977 Jul
13D Correspondence; 1977 Aug
14D Correspondence; 1977 Sep
15D Correspondence; 1977 Oct
16D Correspondence; 1977 Nov
17D Correspondence; 1977 Dec
4D 1D Correspondence; 1978 Jan
2D Correspondence; 1978 Feb
3D Correspondence; 1978 Mar
4D Correspondence; 1978 Apr
5D Correspondence; 1978 May
6D Correspondence; 1978 Jun
7D Correspondence; 1978 Jul
8D Correspondence; 1978 Aug
9D Correspondence; 1978 Sep
10D Correspondence; 1978 Oct
11D Correspondence; 1978 Nov
12D Correspondence; 1978 Dec
13D Correspondence; 1979 Jan
14D Correspondence; 1979 Feb
15D Correspondence; 1979 Mar
16D Correspondence; 1979 Apr
17D Correspondence; 1979 May
18D Correspondence; 1979 Jun
19D Correspondence; 1979 Jul
20D Correspondence; 1979 Aug-Dec
21D Correspondence; Undated
General Records and Papers; 1970-1979
5D 1D Barbour, Pete Fund; 1977
2D Barnswallow Trophy; 1978-1979
3D Bermuda Race; 1972
4D Bermuda Race; 1974
5D Boat and Yard Committee; 1975-1977
6D Boat and Yard Committee: Survey of Waterfront Facilities; 1976
7D Boat and Yard Committee; 1978-1979
8D British American Cup; 1974-1977
9D British American Cup; 1978
10D British American Cup-Protests; 1978
11D By-Law Amendments; 1973-1979
6D 1D Capital Fund Drive; 1978
2D Captains House Work; 1977
3D Centennial; 1871-1971
4D Centennial Committee; 1970
5D Centennial Committee; 1971
6D Centennial Committee, Events Work Sheet; 1971
7D Centennial Material Schedules etc.; 1871-1971
8D Centennial Meeting Minutes-Committees;
9D Centennial Publications:
10D Centennial Races; Solings, 5.5 Meter;
11D Centennial Sailing and Racing Instructions;
7D 1D Centennial Socials, Schedules, Control Center;
2D Centennial Year Events, Etc.;
3D Certificate of Incorporations; New York State; 1972
4D Club Cruise; 1972, 1974
5D Club Cruise; 1977
6D Club History Group Meeting; 1976
7D Club History Group Meeting; 1977
8D Club House Maintenance Program; 1970-1975
9D Club House Maintenance Program; 1976
10D Club House Maintenance Program; 1977
11D Club House Maintenance Program; 1978
8D 1D Club Manager Applications, etc.; 1973-1977
2D Club Rendezvous; 1978
3D Dock Plans, etc.; 1970
4D English Speaking Union Race; 1974
5D English Speaking Union Race; 1975
6D English Speaking Union Race; 1976
9D 1D English Speaking Union Race; 1977
2D English Speaking Union Race; 1977
3D English Speaking Union Race; 1979
4D Etchell Class; 1972, 1978
5D Fall Regatta; 1972
6D Fall Regatta; 1977-1978
7D Fall Regatta; 1979
10D 1D Financial Correspondence; 1970-1975
2D Financial Correspondence; 1976
3D Financial Correspondence; 1977
4D Financial Correspondence; 1978-1979
5D Financial Papers; 1970-1971
6D Financial Papers; 1972
7D Financial Papers; 1973
8D Financial Papers; 1974, 1975
9D Financial Papers; 1976
10D Financial Papers; 1977
11D Financial Papers; 1978
12D Financial Papers; 1979
11D 1D 5.5 Meter Championship; 1970
2D 5.5 Meter Championship; 1971, 1972
3D Historian’s Notes and Correspondence; 1971
4D Historian’s Notes and Correspondence; 1974
5D Historian’s Notes and Correspondence; 1976
6D Historian’s Notes and Correspondence; 1977
7D Historian’s Notes: Outerbridge; 1977
8D House Committee; 1971-1975
9D House Committee; 1976
10D House Committee; 1977
12D 1D House Committee; 1977
2D House Committee; 1978
3D Junior Yacht Club Rating Sheets; Undated
4D Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers; 1970-1971
5D Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers; 1972
6D Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers; 1974
7D Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers; 1975
8D Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers; 1977
9D Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers; 1978
10D Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers; 1979
13D 1D Ladies Sailing; 1974-1978
2D Laser; 1974
3D Laser; 1975
4D Laser Championship; 1976
5D Laser Championship; 1977
6D “LI” Magazine (article on John T. Potter); 1972 Jul
7D Members; 1970
8D Members War Service WW-2;
9D Membership Dues and Assessments; 1970-1979
14D 1D Membership Proposals; 1971-1972
2D Membership Proposals; 1973
3D Membership Proposals; 1974
4D Membership Proposals; 1975
5D Membership Proposals; 1976
6D Membership Proposals; 1977
7D Membership Proposals; 1978
8D Membership Proposals; 1979
15D 1D Miscellaneous Material; 1970-1979
2D Nominating Committee Procedures and Notes; 1975-1977
3D Nominating Committee Procedures and Notes; 1978
4D Nominating Committee Procedures and Notes, Trustees; 1978
5D Onion Patch Series; 1972
6D Onion Patch (Astor Trophy) Series; 1974
7D Onion Patch (Astor Trophy) Series; 1976
8D Operating Procedures; 1978
16D 1D Posture Paper on the Future of the Seawanhaka Cup Prizes; 1971
2D Prizes; 1970
3D Prizes; 1971
4D Prizes; 1972
5D Prizes; 1973
6D Prizes; 1976
7D Prizes; 1977
8D Prizes; 1978
9D Prizes; 1979
10D Protests; 1970
11D Protests; 1971
12D Protests; 1977
13D Protests; 1978
14D Protests; 1979
17D 1D Race Circulars; 1970
2D Race Circulars; 1971
3D Race Circulars; 1972
4D Race Circulars; 1973
5D Race Circulars; 1974
6D Race Circulars; 1975
7D Race Circulars; 1976
8D Race Circulars; 1977
9D Race Circulars; 1978
10D Race Circulars; 1979
11D Race Circulars: Other Yacht Clubs; 1970-1979
18D 1D Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1970
2D Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1971
3D Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1972 Jan-Mar
4D Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1972 Apr-Jun
5D Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1972 Jul-Dec
6D Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; undated
7D Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1973
19D 1D Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1974
2D Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1975
3D Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1976
4D Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1977
5D Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1978
6D Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1979
7D Race Committee Measurement Certificates; 1970
8D Race Committee USYRA Manual; 1975
20D 1D Racing Distance; 1977
2D Racing Distance; 1978
3D Race Results; 1970
4D Race Results; 1970
5D Race Results; 1970
21D 1D Race Results; 1971
2D Race Results; 1971
3D Race Results-Solings; 1971
22D 1D Race Results; 1972
2D Race Results; 1972
3D Race Results; 1973
4D Race Results; 1973
5D Race Results-Cayenne Trophy/Cruise/Root; 1974
6D Race Results-Seabird/Solings; 1974
23D 1D Race Results-Root; 1974
2D Race Results-Shields; 1974
3D Race Results-White/Cayenne/Club Cruise; 1974
4D Race Results; 1975
5D Race Results; 1976
6D Race Results-P.J. Roosevelt; 1976
7D Race Results-Seabird; 1976
8D Race Results-Solings/Club Cruise; 1976
24D 1D Race Results-Shields; 1976
2D Race Results; 1977
3D Race Results-White/Cayenne/Root; 1977
4D Race Results-Shields; 1977
5D Race Results-Seabirds; 1977
25D 1D Race Results; 1978
2D Race Results-Shields; 1978
3D Race Results-Astor/Seawanhaka/Widgeon/Kiwasa; 1978
4D Race Results-White/A. Roosevelt/Cayenne/Root/P. J. Roosevelt; 1978
5D Race Results; 1979
26D 1D Races; 1971
2D Races; 1972
3D Races; 1973
4D Races; 1974
5D Races; 1975
27D 1D Rating Certificates; 1972
2D Rating File; 1974
3D Roosevelt, P.J. Trophy; 1970
4D Roosevelt, P.J. Trophy; 1972
5D Roosevelt, P.J. Trophy; 1974
6D Root, Elihu Jr. Trophy; 1974-1976
7D Seabird Class; 1970
8D Seabird Class; 1971
9D Seabird Class; 1972
10D Seabird Class; 1973
11D Seabird Class; 1974
12D Seabird Class; 1975
13D Seabird Class; 1976
14D Seabird Class; 1977
28D 1D “Sea Magazine” (Article on Seawanhaka Cup); 1979 Dec
2D Seawanhaka Cup Race; 1971
3D Seawanhaka Cup Race; 1973
4D Seawanhaka Cup Race; 1976
5D Seawanhaka Cup Race; 1977
6D Seawanhaka Cup Race; 1978
29D 1D Seawanhaka Cup Race; 1978
2D Seawanhaka Cup Race; 1979
3D Seawanhaka Log; 1976-1977
4D Seawanhaka Log; 1978
5D Seawanhaka Log; 1979
6D Secretary’s Certificate; 1971
30D 1D Shields Class; 1970
2D Shields Class; 1971
3D Shields Class; 1972
4D Shields Class; 1973
5D Shields Class; 1974
6D Shields Class; 1975
7D Shields Class; 1977
31D 1D Solings; 1970
2D Solings; 1971
3D Solings; 1971
4D Solings; 1971
5D Solings-World Championship; 1971
6D Solings; 1972
32D 1D Solings; 1973
2D Solings; 1974
3D Solings-Class Championship; 1974
4D Solings; 1976
5D Solings; 1977
6D Solings; 1978
7D Solings; 1979
33D 1D Stratford Shoal Race; 1970
2D Stratford Shoal Race; 1972
3D Stratford Shoal Race; 1974
4D Stratford Shoal Race; 1976
5D Stratford Shoal Race; 1977
6D Stratford Shoal Race; 1978
7D Stratford Shoal Race; 1979
34D 1D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1970
2D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1971
3D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1972
4D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1973
5D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1973
6D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1974
7D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1975
8D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1976
9D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1977
10D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1978
11D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1979
35D 1D Taylor Trophy; 1976
2D Trophy Information and Catalogs; 1979
3D USYRA Sears, Bemis, Smythe, Adams, Mallory and O’Day Series; 1978
4D U.S. Coast Guard Race, Regatta Permit; 1970
5D Winter Frostbite Sailing; 1976-1979
6D White Cayenne Trophies; 1970
7D White Cayenne Trophies; 1974
8D White Cayenne Trophies; 1979
9D Yachtsman and Yachtswoman of the Year Awards; 1979
Correspondence; 1980-1989
36D 1D Correspondence; 1980
2D Correspondence; 1981
3D Correspondence; 1982
4D Correspondence; 1983
5D Correspondence; 1984
6D Correspondence; 1985
7D Correspondence; 1986-1987
8D Correspondence; 1989
General Records and Papers; 1980-1989
37D 1D America’s Cup Newsletter; 1986
2D Announcements; 1984-1985
3D Boat and Yard Committee; 1980-1985
4D British-American Cup; 1980
5D British-American Cup; 1982
38D 1D By-Law Amendments; 1980-1981
2D Club House; 1980-1981
3D “Commodore’s International Cup,” by P.J. Roosevelt; 1989
4D English Speaking Union Race; 1981
5D Financial Records; 1980
6D Financial Records; 1981
7D Financial Records; 1982
8D Financial Records; 1983
9D Financial Records; 1984
10D Financial Records; 1985
11D Historian’s Notes: Roosevelt, “A Short History”;
12D House Committee; 1980-1986
39D 1D Junior Yacht Club Rating Sheets; Undated
2D Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers; 1980
3D Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers; 1981
4D Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers; 1982
40D 1D Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers; 1983
2D Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers; 1984
3D Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers; 1985
4D Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers; 1986
5D Junior Yacht Club Records and Papers; 1987
41D 1D Ladies Sailing; 1984-1987
2D Long Island Sound Newsletters and Announcements; 1981-1984
3D Long Island Sound Newsletters and Announcements; 1985-1986
4D Membership Proposals; 1980-1987
5D Miscellaneous Material; 1980-1989
6D Pleons Yacht Club-Articles of Incorporation; 1986
7D Prizes; 1980-1981
8D Protests; 1980
42D 1D Race Circulars; 1980
2D Race Circulars; 1981
3D Race Circulars; 1983-1987
4D Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1980
5D Race Committee and Racing Correspondence; 1981-1986
6D Race Results; 1980
7D RESOLUTE Fund; 1980-1986
8D Roosevelt, P.J. Trophy and Root, Elihu Trophy; 1980
9D Seawanhaka Log; 1980-1982
101) Seawanhaka Log; 1984-1987
11D Six Meter Championship; 1987
12D Shields; 1980-1986
13D Solings Association Bulletins; 1983-1985
43D 1D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1980
2D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1981
3D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1982
4D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1983
5D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1984
6D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1985
7D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1986
8D Trustee Meeting Minutes: Annual and Regular; 1987
9D U.S. Coast Guard Race Regatta Permits; 1980
10D USYRA Appeals and Decisions and IYRU Cases; 1986
11D Winter Frostbite Sailing; 1980-1987
44D 1D Commodore Charles S. Weiss; Correspondence, etc.; 1992-1995
2D Commodore Charles S. Weiss; Minutes, Annual Meeting; 1993-1995
3D Commodore Charles S. Weiss; Transparencies Re: “Financial Position and Strategic Alternatives”; 1992
4D Correspondence-Henry H. Anderson, Jr.; 1993-1994
5D Correspondence-P. James Roosevelt; 1990-1995
6D Deed of Gift-Frederick Horn Bear Trophy; 1990
7D Newspaper Clippings, re. Member Obituaries; 1990-1994
8D Prizes; 1990-1995
9D Junior Yacht Club History, by P. James Roosevelt; 1936-1996
10D Seawanhaka Cup Race; 1996
General Records and Papers; 1891-1940
1X 1X “Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club Origin and Early History, 1891-1896”; Stephens, W.P.-draft; 1891-1896
2X “Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club Origin and Early History, 1891-1896”; Stephens, W.P.-corrected draft; 1891-1896
3X “Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club, the Early Twentieth Century, 1897-1940”; Parkinson, John Jr-draft of chapters 3, 4, & 5; 1897-1940
4X “Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club, the Early Twentieth Century, 1897-1940”; Parkinson, John Jr-draft of chapters 6, 8, 9, & 11; 1897-1940
Minutes Trustees Meetings; 1874-1972
1 Minutes: Trustees Meetings; 1874-1892
2 Minutes: Trustees Meetings; 1892-1899
3 Minutes: Trustees Meetings; 1899-1911
4 Minutes: Trustees Meetings; 1912-1926
5 Minutes: Trustees Meetings; 1933-1934
6 Minutes: Trustees Meetings; 1935-1936
7 Minutes: Trustees Meetings; 1937-1938
8 Minutes: Trustees Minutes; 1939-1940
9 Minutes: Trustees Meetings; 1941-1942
10 Minutes: Trustees Meetings; 1943-1945
11 Minutes: Trustees Meetings; 1954-1956
12 Minutes: Trustees Meetings; 1956-1958
13 Minutes: Trustees Meetings; 1959-1962
14 Minutes: Trustees Meetings; 1963
15 Minutes: Trustees Meetings; 1963-1965
16 Minutes: Trustees Meetings; 1966-1967
17 Minutes: Trustees Meetings; 1968-1969
18 Minutes: Trustees Meetings; 1970-1972
Minutes Regular Meetings; 1871-1912
19 Minutes: Regular Meetings; 1871-1891
20 Minutes: Regular Meetings; 1892-1912
Membership Records; 1871-1968
21 Original Membership Log; 1871-1876
22 Trustees Book, Proposed Members; 1874-1876
23 Candidates for Membership; 1922-1968
Library Records; ca. 1900-1930
24 Books recently added to Library; ca. 1900
25 Catalog of Books at Oyster Bay Station; 1917
26 Scrapbook of Bookplates; ca. 1930
Miscellaneous Club Records; 1888-1914
27 Memorial Address re. the Loss of Yacht CYTHERA, with William A.W. Stewart & Cornelius Smith Lee aboard; 1888 Nov
27a West Indian Hurricanes and the March Blizzard, 1888 by Everett Hayden, A lecture delivered before SCYC; 1889 Feb 9
28 Record of Yachts at Anchor, S.C.Y.C.; 1897
29 Record at Yachts at Anchor, S.C.Y.C.; 1898
30 Visitor’s Register; 1897-1903
31 Letterpress Copybook; 1894-1895
32 Letterpress Copybook; 1902-1905
33 Letterpress Copybook; 1905-1908
33a Letterpress Copybook, Yacht WARLOCK Records; 1914
Yacht WARLOCK Records; 1961-1985
34 Log & Guest Register; 1961-1963
35 Log; 1964-1965
36 Log Trans-Atlantic & Bermuda; 1966
37 Navigator’s Workbook; 1966
38 Log; 1967-1968
39 Log; 1969
40 Log; 1971-1972
41 Log; 1973-1977
42 Log; ca. 1982-1985
Racing Records; 1874-1970
43 Racing Circulars; 1874-1890
44 “Racing Records, 1872-1921, Other Than the Seawanhaka International Challenge Cup; Vol. I, 1872-1894”, compiled by William U. Swan; 1935
45 Racing Records, Col. 11, 1894-1921, compiled by William U. Swan; 1935
46 “Logs of the First 21 Matches for the Seawanhaka International Challenge Cup; 1895-1932”, by William U. Swan; 1935
47 Racing Log, `S’ Class; 1932-1934
48 Racing Log, `S’ Class; 1934-1936
49 Register of Races, SCYC; 1911-1913
50 Record of Races, SCYC; 1898-1903
51 Record of Races, SCYC; 1904-1913
52 Record of Races, SCYC; 1914-1922
53 Record of Races, SCYC; 1923-1925
54 Record of Races, SCYC; 1926-1929
55 Record of Races, SCYC; 1930-1934
56 Record of Races, SCYC; 1934-1939
57 Record of Races, SCYC; 1939-1946
58 Record of Races, SCYC; 1946-1950
59 Record of Races, SCYC; 1951-1955
60 Record of Races, SCYC; 1955-1959
61 Record of Races, SCYC; 1960-1962
62 Racing Records, SCYC; 1963-1964 & 1967 (2 copies)
63 Racing Records, SCYC; (2 copies)
64 Racing Records, SCYC; (2 copies)
65 Racing Records, SCYC; (2 copies)
66 Racing Records, SCYC; (2 copies)
67 Racing Records, SCYC; (2 copies)
Seawanhaka Corinthian Junior Yacht Club Records; 1936-1962
68 Seawanhaka Corinthian Junior Yacht Club Minutes; 1936-1966
69 Race Records; 1937-1942
70 Race Records; 1942-1960
70A Race Records; 1961-1971
71 Log; 1939-1941
72 Log; 1941-1946
73 Log; 1947-1962
Yacht IROQUOIS Records; 1936-1962
74 Log (photos); 1897
75 Log; 1898
Yacht PERSPHONE Records; 1936-1962
76 Log; 1939-1940
77 Log; 1941
Scrapbooks; 1870-1968
1 Scrapbook; 1870-1871
2 Scrapbook; 1872-1874
3 Scrapbook; 1872-1874
4 Scrapbook; 1873-1876
5 Scrapbook; 1874-1875
6 Scrapbook; 1876-1877
7 Scrapbook; 1877-1878
8 Scrapbook; 1880
9 Scrapbook; 1881-1882
10 Scrapbook; 1882-1883
11 Scrapbook; 1883-1884
12 Scrapbook; 1884-1885
13 Scrapbook; 1885-1886
14 Scrapbook; 1887
15 Scrapbook; 1887-1888
16 Scrapbook; 1887-1891
17 Scrapbook; 1888-1889
18 Scrapbook, (America’s Cup); 1893-1896
19 Scrapbook; 1895
20 Scrapbook; 1895-1896
21 Scrapbook; 1898
22 Scrapbook; 1898-1908
23 Scrapbook, (English Yachts); 1894-1897
24 Scrapbook of Sloop Yacht CORINTHIAN; 1911-1912
25 Scrapbook of Schooner Yacht AHMAAKOLA; 1912-1915
26 Scrapbook, (with photos); 1915
27 Scrapbook; 1915-1921
28 Scrapbook; 1916
29 Scrapbook; 1916-1917
30 Scrapbook; 1919-1924
31 Scrapbook; 1924-1928
32 Scrapbook; 1928-1934
33 Scrapbook; 1934-1936
34 Scrapbook; 1934-1939
35 Scrapbook, “Records of 17th Match for Seawanhaka International Challenge Cup, & Match for Gold Cup Scandinavian Yacht Racing Union”; 1927
36 Scrapbook of 19th Match, etc., International Racing; 1929
37 Scrapbook; 1951-1954
38 Scrapbook; 1954-1957
39 Scrapbook; 1961-1964
40 Scrapbook; 1964-1966
41 Scrapbook; 1967-1968

Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club logo

Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club is a full-service, year-round yacht club dedicated to the spirit of Corinthian sailing. We are located on Centre Island, near enough to Manhattan to be convenient, but yet a world away. The business and object of the Club is to encourage its members to become proficient in the personal management, control and handling of their yachts in every condition, including matters pertaining to navigation, seamanship, cruising, competitive sailing and race management.
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yacht club centre island

  • 1,000 sqft 1,000 square feet

328 Centre Island Rd, Centre Island, NY 11771

Property details.

Single Family

2 weeks ago

Available today

  • Learn more Fees & terms
  • Bedrooms: 2

Other Rooms

  • Total Rooms: 5
  • Total Bathrooms: 1
  • Full Bathrooms: 1

Interior Features

  • Master Downstairs
  • First Floor Bedroom
  • Eat-in Kitchen
  • Formal Dining
  • Wash/Dry Connection
  • Furnished Description: Furnished
  • Flooring: Hardwood
  • Refrigerator

Heating and Cooling

  • Cooling Features: Central Air
  • Heating Features: Electric, Forced Air
  • Number of Fireplaces: 1

Exterior and Lot Features

  • Patio And Porch Features: Patio, Porch

Manufactured and Mobile Info

  • Builder Model: Treehouse

Waterfront and Water Access

  • Beach Access
  • Beach Front
  • Water Access
  • Lot Description: Level, Private, Protected Wetlands

Garage and Parking

  • Open Parking: Yes
  • Parking Features: No Garage, Private

Home Features

  • View: Open, Panoramic, Water

School Information

  • Elementary School District: Oyster Bay
  • High School: Oyster Bay High School
  • High School District: Oyster Bay
  • Middle School: Oyster Bay High School
  • Middle or Junior School District: Oyster Bay

Homeowners Association

  • Association Fee Includes: Trash, Maintenance Grounds, Sewer, Water
  • Pets Allowed: Call

Rental Info

  • Security Deposit: 5500
  • Rent Includes: Trash Collection, Gardener, Sewer, Water, Ground Care

Other Property Info

  • Source Listing Status: Active
  • County: Nassau
  • Availability Date: 2024-07-15
  • Cross Street: Seawanhaka Yc Rd
  • Directions: Google Maps/ Waze
  • List Price Low: 5500
  • Source Property Type: Residential Lease
  • Township: Oyster Bay
  • Property Subtype: Single Family Residence
  • Source System Name: C2C

Building and Construction

  • Total Square Feet Living: 1000
  • Year Built: 1980
  • Common Walls: No Common Walls
  • Construction Materials: Brick, Frame, Clapboard
  • Direction Faces: East
  • Entry Level: 1
  • Levels: One
  • Property Age: 44
  • Property Condition: Diamond
  • Building Total Stories: 1
  • Architectural Style: Cottage
  • Sewer: Cesspool
  • Water Source: Well, Private

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Fees & terms

Unfortunately, we did not receive any fees or terms information for this rental. Use the form to contact the property directly for details.

Common fee types:

  • Application
  • Security deposit
  • Administrative fees
  • First and last months rent
  • Renters insurance
  • Parking fees
  • EV charging fees
  • Electricity
  • Trash disposal


This listing is located in Oyster Bay neighborhood in the city of Glen Cove , NY .

Check out other home values in Centre Island Rd .

  • $4,000 Median rental price
  • $1,049,000 Median listing price

Nearby neighborhoods in Glen Cove , NY

  • Bayside Median rental: $2,945
  • Queens Village Median rental: $3,000
  • Hempstead Village Median rental: $3,600
  • Glen Oaks Median rental: N/A

Environmental risk

RatingSchool nameGradesTypeStudentsReviewsDistance
K - 2public343 2.2 mi
7 - 12public713 2.2 mi
PK - 12private603 2.5 mi

Listing data representing this rental, including but not limited to availability, pricing, features, and description, are subject to change. Confirm listing data with the property prior to renting.

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Learn more about this property

  • Listed by :
  • Vesna Oelsner
  • Brokered by :
  • Daniel Gale Sotheby's International Realty
  • (561) 719-1530

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Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club logo

Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club is a private, member-owned yacht club located on beautiful Centre Island in Oyster Bay, NY.  Since 1871, our members have demonstrated a passion for sailing and   maritime history. The Club offers a variety of sailing and boating activities that include team racing, ladies sailing, PHRF racing, fleet racing, cruising, distance racing, junior sailing and long distance cruising. We proudly host world-class regattas, social activities and events. Our Clubhouse offers fine and casual dining as well as a relaxing atmosphere to unwind after a day on-the-water or ashore. SCYC has reciprocal relationships with most accredited yacht clubs and is happy to host their visiting members. This privilege requires that you abide by the rules of the Club.

Reciprocal members interested in visiting SCYC are encouraged to come by boat if possible. (Lat. 40-55.812N, Long. 73-30.812W).  If visiting by car, please enter 314 Seawanhaka Yacht Club Road, Oyster Bay, NY 11771 into your GPS system.

SCYC Members

Visiting a reciprocal club, reciprocal club list, connecticut, massachusetts, north carolina, rhode island, south carolina, international, guest services, reciprocal guest information.

  • Prior to arrival, a letter of introduction from the reciprocal club should be sent to the Front Desk, [email protected]  
  • A valid membership card, displayed upon check in. 
  • Reciprocal Club Visitors may utilize the Club for up to six (6) days per calendar year, not counting those days when the visitor may be a guest of a member. 
  • Visitors are welcome to purchase a memento of their visit from the Gift Shop at the Front Desk. Non-members are not permitted to purchase either the Winter or Summer Club Ties.
  • All Clubhouse charges shall be paid by interclub account including guest rooms, food and beverags. All mooring/service dock charges shall be paid at the service dock at the time of  service via credit card only. Visit the front desk to secure a guest card upon arrival.
  • Dining reservations are required in advance (516) 922-6200. Please specify the time that you would like to be seated and take into consideration whether or not you will be having cocktails prior to your seating. Certain events may be limited to members only. 

Overnight Guest Rooms

Club information & rules.

  • Cell phone use, including emailing and texting is restricted to parking areas and private guest rooms. Cell phones are permitted for reading, viewing, and showing photos to others, as long as they are not used for other communication purposes.
  • Photographs, videos and recordings in and of the Clubhouse, Club property and grounds are not allowed to be used for commercial purposes, including social media.
  • Pets are not allowed in the Clubhouse, on the Porch and where food is being served or prepared. Service animals are permitted in the Clubhouse provided proper documents are    displayed (comfort animals are not recognized as Service animals). All dogs on Club property must be leashed.
  • Gentlemen are requested to remove their hats upon entering the Club.
  • The Bar is restricted to persons over the age of 18. No one under the age of 21 shall be permitted to consume alcoholic beverages on Club property.
  • Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult while on Club property.
  • Smoking of any kind is prohibited in all buildings, on porches and where food is being served.

Click here for details

  • Sailing “tech shirts” that may or may not have a collar are permissible in the Clubhouse dining areas prior to 1900, unless noted otherwise due to special events.
  • Denim is not permitted in any area of the Clubhouse, with the exception of the Bar (entering or exiting the Bar and restrooms) before 1900 hours. White jeans are permissible at any time. All jeans must be clean and without holes.
  • Shirts and shoes must be worn in the Clubhouse and on the Porch at all times. 
  • Bathing attire is prohibited in the Clubhouse and on the Porch.


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  6. Home

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  1. Home

    Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club is a private, member-owned yacht club located on beautiful Centre Island in Oyster Bay, New York. Since 1871, our members have demonstrated a passion for sailing and maritime history. The Club offers a variety of sailing and boating activities that include team racing, ladies sailing, PHRF racing, fleet racing ...

  2. About

    ABOUT. Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club is a full-service, year-round yacht club dedicated to the spirit of Corinthian sailing. We are located on Centre Island, near enough to Manhattan to be convenient, but yet a world away. The business and object of the Club is to encourage its members to become proficient in the personal management, control ...

  3. Boatyard & Waterfront

    316 Yacht Club Road Centre Island, Oyster Bay, NY 11771 Phone: (516) 922-6305 Fax: (516) 624-8629 Open Year-Round: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm . Boatyard & Waterfront: 2024 Launch Service: ... Map Marker 314 Yacht Club Road, Oyster Bay NY 11771 Phone (516) 922-6200 facebook instagram

  4. Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club

    The Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club was founded (as the "Seawanhaka Yacht Club") in September 1871 aboard the sloop Glance, anchored off Centre Island.Glance's captain, William L. Swan, was elected Seawanhaka's first Commodore.Charles E. Willis became the Vice Commodore, Frederic de P. Foster assigned as the first Secretary, Gerard Beekmanthe Treasurer and William Foulke as the Measurers.

  5. Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club

    Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club, Oyster Bay, New York. 837 likes · 22 talking about this · 2,233 were here. Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club is a private, member run club. Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club | Oyster Bay NY

  6. Harbour City Yacht Club

    Officially founded in 1974, the club has approximately 80 members, most of whom have boats moored at Toronto Island Marina. The floating clubhouse is located in C Basin and has four permanent slips for visiting boats. Members of reciprocal clubs visiting T.I.M. or HCYC are welcome to use the club house, which contains a small kitchen, a lounge ...

  7. Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club

    Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club, Oyster Bay, NY, United States Marina. Find marina reviews, phone number, boat and yacht docks, slips, and moorings for rent at Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club. ... Centre Island Oyster Bay, NY 11771: 40° 54' 2.49'', -73° 30' 53.73'' 516-922-6200:

  8. Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club

    CLUB ADDRESS: 314 Yacht Club Road Center Island Oyster Bay, NY 11771. PHONE #: 516-922-6200 FAX #: 516-922-6203. CLUB MANAGER: Kelly Holst. ASSISTANT MANAGER: CLUB LOCATION: Located on Centre Island. GUEST CARD FEE: No. RESTRICTIONS: Guests will be asked to show O.R. C. Membership Card available at time of payment. Parking: N/A

  9. Records of the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club

    History of the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club (Oyster Bay, N.Y.) Seawanhaka was founded in September 1871 aboard William L. Swan's sloop GLANCE anchored off Soper's Point, Centre Island. As first officially recorded, there were twelve founders. By acclamation, Swan was elected Seawanhaka's first Commodore.

  10. History

    HISTORY. The name 'Seawanhaka' is derived from a tribe of Indians who made their home on Centre Island. Seawanhaka was founded in September 1871 aboard William L. Swan's sloop GLANCE anchored off Soper's Point, Centre Island. As first officially recorded, there were twelve founders. By acclamation, Swan was elected Seawanhaka's first ...

  11. Home

    Founded in 1947. Centerport Yacht Club serves as a yachting and social activities focal point for the boating community on Long Island's North Shore, located on beautiful and historic Northport Harbor in Centerport, NY. The Club. On the Water. Ashore. CYC University.

  12. Centerport Yacht Club

    Centerport Yacht Club, Centerport, New York. 775 likes · 9 talking about this · 5,955 were here. Founded in 1947, CYC is a private club on Long Island's... Founded in 1947, CYC is a private club on Long Island's North Shore offering racing, cruising, junio

  13. About

    Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club is a full-service, year-round yacht club dedicated to the spirit of Corinthian sailing. We are located on Centre Island, near enough to Manhattan to be convenient, but yet a world away. The business and object of the Club is to encourage its members to become proficient in the personal management, control and ...

  14. 318 Yacht Club Rd, Centre Island, NY 11771

    See 318 Yacht Club Rd, Centre Island, NY 11771, a single family home located in the Oyster Bay neighborhood. View property details, similar homes, and the nearby school and neighborhood information.

  15. 326 Seawanhaka Yacht Club Rd, Centre Island, NY 11771

    5 bed. 1 bath. 5,400 sqft. 2 acre lot. 10 Watch Way. Lloyd Harbor, NY 11743. Additional Information About 326 Seawanhaka Yacht Club Rd, Centre Island, NY 11771. See 326 Seawanhaka Yacht Club Rd ...

  16. 312 Yacht Club Rd, Centre Island, NY 11771

    312 Yacht Club Rd, Centre Island, NY 11771 is currently not for sale. The 5,027 Square Feet single family home is a 5 beds, 4.5 baths property. This home was built in 1952 and last sold on 2010-06-14 for $1,600,000. View more property details, sales history, and Zestimate data on Zillow.

  17. Club Contacts

    Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club 314 Yacht Club Road Oyster Bay, Centre Island, NY 11771 Dining Reservations/Clubhouse/Accounting Office P: (516) 922-6200, F: (516 ...

  18. Island Yacht Club

    Nestled on a private island and dedicated to active, resort-style living, Island Yacht Club is your Cottage-in-the-City. Go boating, relax poolside, play tennis on our clay courts or walk the private wilderness nature trail while the kids enjoy summer camp.

  19. 328 Centre Island Rd, Centre Island, NY 11771

    View detailed information about property 328 Centre Island Rd, Centre Island, NY 11771 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. ... 318 Yacht Club ...

  20. 325 Seawanhaka Yacht Club Rd, Centre Island, NY 11771

    325 Seawanhaka Yacht Club Rd, Centre Island NY, is a Single Family home that contains 14826 sq ft and was built in 1913.It contains 8 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms. The Zestimate for this Single Family is $5,976,400, which has increased by $195,761 in the last 30 days.The Rent Zestimate for this Single Family is $6,592/mo, which has increased by $6,592/mo in the last 30 days.

  21. Directions

    Centre Island, Oyster Bay, NY 11771. ***If you are entering the address in a GPS,you must use the address: 314 Seawanhaka Club Road, Oyster Bay, NY 11771***. Directions via Hicksville/LIE/Northern State Pkwy. -Take the Long Island Expressway to Exit 41N (106/107 North) OR the Northern State Parkway to Exit 35N (106/107 North). -Take right fork ...

  22. menu_culinary

    menu_culinary - Island Yacht Club

  23. Reciprocity

    Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club is a private, member-owned yacht club located on beautiful Centre Island in Oyster Bay, NY. Since 1871, our members have demonstrated a passion for sailing and maritime history. ... City Island Yacht Club 63 Pilot Street Bronx, NY 10464 (718) 885-2487 Cold Spring Harbor Beach Club 101 Shore Road Cold Spring ...