What is a Gigayacht? Yes, size DOES matter.

"A  Superyacht  or  Megayacht  is a large, luxurious, professionally crewed motor or sailing yacht, ranging from 24 metres (79 ft) to more than 180 metres (590 ft) in length."

So what is a Gigayacht?


There is no looking away when a large luxury yacht sails into view. the biggest super yachts in the world will always mesmerize and intrigue us, whether we are gazing at them from land or sea. but what to call these most expensive super yachts in the world there are no solid definitions when it comes to deciding if a boat is a super yacht, a mega yacht, or a giga yacht. or is that big boat just a yacht there is some general consensus on terminology, however, and several factors come into play when attempting to define the largest yachts in the world:.

Girl in a jacket


Maritime history places private yachting in existence as early as the 1600s. At that time, boats began to be used occasionally as recreational vessels, rather than just as work boats. Later, private citizens, not just royalty, eventually began to own their own boats. These were separated from functional craft and the word "yacht" came into play.


A boom in large yacht construction blossomed around the time of the Industrial Revolution in the United States. As this era of wealth grew for family names such as Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan, and Vanderbilt, so did interest in the luxuriousness of these yachts, which they often saw as an extension of their family mansions. Since these boat owners were seldom mariners themselves, they hired crew to help run these vessels. The largest of these large boats of the time were considered yachts.

Girl in a jacket

The length overall of a boat - for both powerboats and sailboats - is the first clue to how it is named in the yacht-industry nomenclature. Many maritime businesses will use the term super yacht for vessels at least 80 feet (24 meters) in length, while some consider super yachts to be a minimum of 100 feet in length (30 meters).

Many people use the terms super yacht and mega yacht interchangeably, while others believe a mega yacht starts at 200 feet (60 meters). There is also some consensus that an extremely high level of service from the onboard crew can bump a superyacht into the megayacht realm.

But as the largest of the yachts continue to grow in length, even the term mega yacht seems insufficient. Faster than the largest yacht in the world can be crowned, plans are already drawn up to exceed its length.

Should the largest, nearly 600-foot-long yacht fall into the same naming category as the 200-foot yacht? Probably not. For this reason, many more in the maritime industry will put the largest of the large luxury yachts into the giga yacht group. Similarly, the immense vessels that are still in the idea/discussion phase are called giga yacht concepts.


There are informal regional trends when it comes to naming the largest of the super-, mega-, and giga yachts. Although English is the primary language in much of North America and Europe, English can seem like two different languages when comparing London with New York. This is also true with yacht terminology.

Often the European yachting industry uses the term superyacht (or super yacht) while the United States more frequently uses the term megayacht (or mega yacht). As the yacht industry continues to grow, the use of super to describe a large, luxury yacht seems to be more predominant worldwide.

Girl in a jacket


Another factor that helps define boats is the legal aspect as described by several maritime groups. Whether the boat in question is the smallest rowboat, dinghy, or tender, or the biggest boat in the world, international and local regulations hold a few clues.

One international governing body is the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) based in the United Kingdom. This British agency legislates and guides the maritime industry with national and international support and has been a leader in internationally recognized definitions.

According to the MCA's Large Commercial Yacht Code's definition, "Large means 24 meters and over in load line length and the Code of Practice applies to yachts which are in commercial use for sport or pleasure, do not carry cargo, and do not carry more than 12 passengers."


The presence of hired crew onboard definitely lends itself to referring to a boat as a yacht. As soon as captain, engineer, purser, deckhand, bosun, stewardess, stew, and chef are in uniform and on duty to serve the owner, the tendency is to use the term yacht in any form, whether a super yacht, a mega yacht, or a giga yacht.

So, with no "official" rules in play, you can use your own judgement and preference when calling a vessel, a boat, a yacht, a super yacht, a mega yacht, or a giga yacht.


giga yacht definition

Yachting World

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The world’s biggest yachts – what’s behind the growth of the gigayacht

Helen Fretter

  • Helen Fretter
  • March 14, 2017

The last few years have seen launches of some of the world's largest yachts, truly gigayachts. Helen Fretter delves into the world of the gigayacht

giga yacht definition

Dwarfing not only any other yacht that happened to be on the River Eider, but even the buildings along the foreshore, the monolithic Sailing Yacht A made quite an impression when she was launched from the Nobriskrug yard in Hamburg in the autumn of 2016.

The 142m, eight-deck behemoth is the archetypal ‘gigayacht’, phenomenal not just in her dimensions but also in her radicalism.

The Philippe Starck-designed Sailing Yacht A , with her 20m freeboard, begs the question: is she even a sailing yacht? The last yacht to divide opinion, and attract the shock and awe of the non-sailing public in the same manner was Maltese Falcon , the glossy, experimental megayacht designed for Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tom Perkins.

But the Falcon was launched a decade ago, and Sailing Yacht A is just one of a crop of extraordinary gigayachts, or sailing superyachts of 80, 90 or 100m plus, to touch the water in 2016.

Besides the 142m Sailing Yacht A , another three-masted design was launched from OceanCo this autumn, the 106m  Black Pearl , which looks set to become the largest sailing yacht in the world – for a while at least. Black Pearl represents a modern evolution of the rotating Dynarig pioneered by Maltese Falcon . Meanwhile in the spring, the largest Bermudan rigged yacht ever launched, the 86m ketch Aquijo , powered through sail trials in preparation for a global adventure.

There are more in the pipeline also. Royal Huisman announced this autumn that they had been commissioned to design and build the 86m Project 400 , another three masted design, this one more conventionally rigged. A proposal for the 114m Endurance has just been unveiled, an explorer concept designed to be able to cruise unassisted for three months. There is also the 86m Komorebi , an experimental wingsail-assisted hybrid trimaran design from the French multihull experts VPLP.

Rise and rise of the gigayacht

Why the sudden flurry of these stratospherically ambitious projects? In truth, it is not that sudden – initial pitches for what ultimately became Sailing Yacht A were invited back in 2008, and pre-studies began in 2011. A decade between projects seems rather shorter when design and build takes at least five years – gigayacht owners may be exacting, but they also have to be extraordinarily patient.

The 141m four-masted Dream Symphony is currently in build out of wood in Turkey, and includes vast living accommodation, and a swimming pool that converts to become a helipad platform

The 141m four-masted Dream Symphony is currently in build out of wood in Turkey, and includes vast living accommodation, and a swimming pool that converts to become a helipad platform.

What is remarkable, though, is how rapidly the yachts have grown in size – raising the upper ceiling from 88 to over 140m in a decade. Dutch naval architecture firm Dykstra has been instrumental in many of the world’s most innovative megayachts, including Sailing Yacht A , Black Pearl , and Maltese Falcon .

Managing director Thys Nikkels comments, “Ten years ago a big boat was a very different size than a big boat is now. I can still remember when I started working in ’91 a 40-metre yacht in those days was a big boat. In the mid-90s we started to design the yacht Athena , which we thought was the biggest boat we were ever going to see in our lives, as a sailing yacht she was 80 metres on the water.”

The largest single sloop rigged yacht in the world remains Mirabella V , launched back in 2003 and since renamed (and slightly lengthened during a refit) M5 at just over 77m. Rob Doyle, who worked on the project led by Ron Holland, recalls:

“We started designing her 17 years ago now. We hit a very natural sweet spot with Mirabella and that’s why it has taken so long for other boats to suddenly go over her length and over her rig height.

“ Mirabella still has the highest ‘P’ measurement [distance from boom to top of mast] and the longest boom in the world, though there are taller masts now.

“She set a bar and we didn’t realise we’d actually set it. It came down to a ratio of the rig weight to the draught and the keel weights, and everything else to be able to carry that amount of sail and that ballast to satisfy the rules.

“We pushed technology a lot – about 16 companies went bust over Mirabella  because the jump was so massive. We were jumping from a 64m to a 75m [yacht] and that jump was like learning to fly, then going to the moon!”

Article continues below

giga yacht definition

Video of Sailing Yacht A, the world’s largest sail-assisted vessel, during early sea trials

This video footage of Sailing Yacht A shows her with her towering free-standing masts and illustrates the jaw-dropping scale of the world’s…

giga yacht definition

A look on board the extraordinary 86m Aquijo, the world’s largest ketch

The largest Bermudan rigged ketch ever launched, the 86m Aquijo was designed by Bill Tripp and launched last year. The build came…

Ken Freivokh, who was responsible for the radical styling of Maltese Falcon , also points out that after the much publicised launch of the Falcon many buyers did not want to be seen to be emulating Tom Perkins’s unique style, preferring to wait, or opt for a conservative design. After the Falcon , Freivokh’s next radical Dynarig yacht was Black Pearl , which he began work on six years ago. At 106m Black Pearl dwarfs Maltese Falcon , with a 2,700GT volume that puts her just under the key 3,000GT limit.

Surprisingly, Dykstra’s Thys Nikkels says that the Dynarigs being built today are not markedly different to the one developed for Maltese Falcon a decade ago. “In concept it is not very different. In detail there are a number of improvements that have been made.

But Maltese Falcon was – for her time – years far ahead and she proved to be very successful in sail handling and sailing, so there are not many improvements to be done. Nowadays you just have different materials you can use, or different electronics and software systems that you can use for control.”

Maltese Falcon, launched in 2006, pioneered the Dynarig concept utilised on many of the next generation of larger gigayachts

Maltese Falcon, launched in 2006, pioneered the Dynarig concept utilised on many of the next generation of larger gigayachts.

Sail handling

Meanwhile a decade of development in superyacht rigs and sail systems, means that Aquijo ’s owner could opt for a conventional ketch rig, which can deploy over 3,000m2 of sails in around six minutes.

Sail handling routines are necessarily different – the jib is furled when tacking. “Vitters organised a nice system that keeps just a nice amount of tension on the jib sheets furling in and out so that they are not flailing about,” explains Aquijo ’s designer, Bill Tripp. “So it’s not a dinghy tack, but it is safe and orderly.

“The spinnaker is on a fast furler and furls up in 30 seconds, making gybes less complex. There is the ketch choreography of bringing the main and mizzen in, but the steering is precise and there is no need to put too much sail up for the conditions.”

Aquijo master cabin

Aquijo master cabin

The forces generated on yachts such as Aquijo may be enormous – mast compression can reach around 580 tons – but are no longer beyond the realms of riggers’ experience. “When we started building boats like Saudade [the 2009 45m Wally], 14 tonnes was a very big load. Once we understood racing these boats, and understood they were controllable, you can take another step.

“We were delighted when sailing Aquijo upwind in a lot of breeze that the load on the mainsheet was showing around 12 tonnes. It’s 2:1 so that’s 24 tonnes. I’m not saying that’s not a massive load, but it’s similar to what we have on Saudade ’s big sheet 1:1, and we have years of experience with handling that.” Custom built 40 ton carbon and alloy winches help manage the sheet loads.

Tripp notes that a Dynarig was never considered as an option. “What you’re really asking is do you want the ease of sailing or do you want to be able to access something exciting? And we wanted both of them.

“Sailors tend to like the more fundamental experiences, and when the technology allows them to access those more fundamental experiences, well that’s a great joy.”

Aquijo is the world’s largest ketch, with a mainsail that can be furled or unfurled in around four seconds

Aquijo is the world’s largest ketch, with a mainsail that can be furled or unfurled in around four seconds

Finding the limit

Just how big can a sailing yacht go? Five years ago plans were unveiled for a 101m sloop, with a single 125m carbon mast, which raised a few eyebrows and discussions over whether it might be possible. Malcolm McKeon worked on the proposal and says that it was the cost, rather than technical limitations, which put the brakes on the project.

“It was an evolving process. The owner has a 50m-plus sailing superyacht, and he wanted a new yacht big enough that he could put a reasonably sized chase boat on board. He wanted an explorer type sailboat that he could go to the Pacific on, and carry all his toys with him, and not have to have a support boat.

“The design started at 65 or 70m and it just grew and grew and grew until it got to 100m, and then it basically just got too expensive.

Recent sail trials on Sailing Yacht A saw the 1,464m2 mainsail unfurled from the 27.5m carbon U-shaped boom. Incredibly she is designed to heel up to a maximum angle of 12 degrees under full sail

Recent sail trials on Sailing Yacht A saw the 1,464m2 mainsail unfurled from the 27.5m carbon U-shaped boom. Incredibly she is designed to heel up to a maximum angle of 12 degrees under full sail.

“The big problem with the large sail boats is the mast price goes up by a bigger proportion to everything else so the rig price becomes a much bigger percentage of the overall build. Technically it can all be done, it’s just the value of that part becomes a much more significant part and sometimes more difficult for an owner to accept.

“If somebody came to me and said they wanted to build a boat with a 200m mast I would think well, is that really possible? Certainly rigs up to 100m and a bit more I think are possible today, but where we’re going to go after that I don’t know.”

Rob Doyle points out that sailing superyacht owners pay around a 30 per cent premium over opting for a motoryacht, yet the boats lose around a third of the equivalent interior volume. However, for him the biggest limitations are the humans onboard.

“I think we are coming to a stage where we need a new type of rig, to be honest, to be able to safely deploy these sails without killing people. I think we are getting very close to where the metal meets the flesh at the deck level where the people and the guests are hanging around.”

With the ever-increasing winch and line speeds needed to handle the huge loads, serious hand and limb injuries can happen in the blink of an eye. “There is a moral hazard there that keeps playing on my mind,” says Doyle. “We are building very dangerous machines and we have to be very careful of people.”

The newly announced Endurance concept design is a 114m four-masted explorer design with a 6,000 mile range under power

The newly announced Endurance concept design is a 114m four-masted explorer design with a 6,000 mile range under power.

More prosaically, the bigger your gigayacht, the bigger the challenge of just getting on and off it. “Once you are getting to a stage where you can’t get into anchorages you are in constant fear of drifting – even putting down an anchor you need a huge amount of space around you.

“So then you anchor further out into the slop and the big waves, so the owners find it difficult to get on and off the boat, and suddenly other problems can overwhelm the project,” Doyle points out. One increasingly popular solution to that particular problem is a luxury landing craft.

Too big for the Panama Canal

It might seem counter-intuitive, but it is Aquijo ’s owner’s focus on the sailing experience that has enabled the designers of the 86m ketch to push the size limits of a traditionally rigged yacht.

“ Aquijo is a sophisticated machine and brings most aspects of a 1,600GT motor yacht with her,” comments designer Bill Tripp. “But she does not aspire to helicopters or submarines, the feeling of the boat is one of use. She is for getting out there, and for going out sailing. In Greece this summer, she would go out for an afternoon of sailing in 35 knot Meltemi because it is so much fun to sail at 20 knots, as if on rails.

“We have always done sailboats that can get under the Panama Canal bridge, and the biggest we were happy to do and put under the bridge was really 46m because after that we didn’t have big enough sails for the boat.

“Then five years ago we launched A Better Place , and the owner said ‘I’ll go around, I don’t want to limit my boat because of the bridges.’ With Aquijo they said, we want to go to these places anyway, so let’s get the best sailboat we can. So suddenly, instead of having this 63m limit on the rig, that all opened up and we could start doing a sailing boat that had a gross tonnage like some of the bigger motoryachts.

“I think we’re going to see more of that. You can look at the Strait of Magellan [an alternative route to rounding Cape Horn ], as a place that’s a really long way away or a place you really want to go.”

The three- masted Y712 design has an angular ‘Pacman’ bow with a wave-piercing reverse sheer lower section, and extended traditional foredeck above

The three-masted Black Pearl  has an angular ‘Pacman’ bow with a wave-piercing reverse sheer lower section, and extended traditional foredeck above

The wish list

Russian billionaire Andrey Melnichenko is keeping his Sailing Yacht A tightly wrapped under non-disclosure agreements, but a few intriguing details have been released, including magnifying windows which appear larger inside than outside, and a gimballed crow’s nest, accessible by lift, 60m high in the curved mast.

An observation pod embedded in the keel with foot-thick glass gives a mesmerising – and frankly terrifying-sounding – view of the propellers, and there’s a three-man submarine.

Gigayacht designers have come up with some imaginative solutions to meet owners’ foibles and demands. Drawings for the 101m sloop incorporated an entirely retractable hardtop to the flybridge to give the owner his requested uninterrupted view of the sails and sky.

Plans for the Japanese-influenced Komorebi design feature a live tree on the aft deck. Watersports toys are old news – now tender garages are specified to house motorbikes, amphibious quad bikes, even custom-built marinised supercars.

On Aquijo , the headline feature is the ‘beach club’ on the lower deck. “For a sailing boat it is a huge area, they have a sauna, hamman [Turkish Bath], a rainfall shower, a relaxing area, this huge whirlpool in the middle, a little pantry, and enough space for gym equipment around the pool,” explains interior designer Robert Voges.

Beach club on Aquijo

Beach club on Aquijo.

Voges says the trickiest element on the yacht was the flawless high shine steel mast claddings which run through the interior. “It is like a piece of art. The mast was going through the main saloon and guest corridor, and we didn’t want to hide it. So we decided to make a feature out of it with seamless stainless steel cladding with integrated LED strip lights from top to bottom over two decks.”

One of the most radical projects in progress is the 141m Dream Symphony , a four-masted design currently in build in Turkey. Originally slated for launch this year, the project is progressing slowly – in part due to the fact the yacht is constructed of wood. Her design includes a large aft deck swimming pool that transforms into a raised helipad area.

This is the type of concept which seemed fantastical just a few years ago, but is now reality in the motoryachts world where designs like the 81m Alfa Nero have deployed it successfully.

“It’s a good solution because you usually have to drop down all the stanchions and any elements that are higher than the helipad itself, whereas if you lift the helipad you don’t have to lower the other elements,” explains Dream Symphony designer Ken Freivokh.

The 141m four-masted Dream Symphony

The 141m four-masted Dream Symphony

“The brief did not call for a resident helicopter that would have its own hanger – it’s just a ‘touch and go’. You don’t want to set aside space for a helicopter permanently that’s almost never there, so if you have a reasonably sized swimming pool why not use the base of a pool to just receive the helicopter, and then once the helicopter flies away you can put it back to normal operations?” Why not indeed?

No matter how grandiose your ideas, however, not even the vast volumes of a gigayacht can be entirely filled with art galleries and Reiki studios. Robert Voges explains that, like any other ship, “We have to start with all the emergency exits, the corridors, staircases . . . and from there we can work with the other areas which are left over.”

Ken Freivokh estimates that at least 20 per cent of the interior space has to be allocated to the back-of-house systems required to maintain the equivalent of a small hotel – air conditioning, waste, media, and other unglamorous elements behind the touch-screen luxury.

Edge of reason

At 12,700 GT, Sailing Yacht A has the vastest volume of all. But can she be called a sailing yacht? She carries three of the world’s largest carbon rigs – curved, unstayed, capable of rotating a maximum of 70 degrees – featuring in-boom furling that can deploy 3,747 square metres of sail area (67 per cent more than Maltese Falcon ) from a finger tip command. And yet she cannot help but look implausible.

The hull has a maximum beam of 24.8m and includes 24 shell doors

The hull has a maximum beam of 24.8m and includes 24 shell doors.

No matter how innovative the technology on board, or how vast the expense, the elements will not bend to the will of man or millionaire. Various estimates have put her cost at $400-500million, or in the region of £320 to £400 million – to put those sort of figures in context, the bill for the London Olympics Aquatics centre came in at under £300m.

Sailing Yacht A will be ‘sail-assisted’, not wind-powered. Confounding, aggressive in her styling, she’s a yacht that has attracted scathing opinions as often as wide-eyed wonder. But what is the point of creating a gigayacht that doesn’t?

“It is a creative process with the owner,” comments Aquijo ’s designer Bill Tripp, “They have this idea that they can make something that speaks to them. They don’t write symphonies, and they’re not great painters or sculptors, but on the other hand money is vital energy, and they can create these things that wouldn’t exist otherwise.

“It’s great when someone says, ‘Life’s short, I’m just going to do this.’”

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Mega Yacht vs Superyacht: Unraveling the Differences

13th oct 2023 by samantha wilson.

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Superyacht vs. megayacht—the definitions are oft-debated, and industry professionals have yet to fully agree. But as yachts get bigger by the year it’s a subject that keeps evolving. 

Is it based on size alone or also function? Is it yet another debate between proponents of the British language and that of the Americans? Here we’ll take a look at all the sides of the argument and see how what was once “I say tom-ah-to you say to-may-to” may, in fact, be on its way to an important and necessary definition in the superyacht world.


What is a Superyacht?

For as far back as we look, the marine industry has always defined boats and yachts, categorizing them by their main function or style. From center consoles to schooners, trawlers to catamarans, we have a category for them all. The term superyacht, however, has always been based predominantly on size—yachts over 80 feet to be precise—and of course they had to be luxurious, too. No-one is calling a 90-foot commercial fishing boat a superyacht, but a 90-foot luxury sportfishing model by Viking Yachts fits the bill just fine. The other major criteria to be classified as a superyacht—apart from being privately owned—is to have a full-time captain and crew (as opposed to the owner being the captain). The only true bottom line, however, is that the industry has long agreed that superyachts were the largest and most elite vessels in the world. 

For examples of some of the most astounding private luxury yachts in the world check out the superyachts for sale on Rightboat. If you think purchasing a superyacht might be right for you some day, read our Top Tips on How to Buy a Superyacht and our article on Superyachts 101: All Your Questions Answered .

What is a Megayacht?

Here the definitions get trickier. Even the spelling isn’t fully agreed upon yet as some write mega yacht, others megayacht. For a long time, the term megayacht was the more common term for large luxury yachts in the United States, while in Europe they have always been superyachts. But that picture is certainly changing now, because of the emergence of some true behemoths of yachts.

A decade ago a 180-foot or 55-meter superyacht was considered big. These days, that superyacht is dwarfed by some gargantuan vessels ranging all the way up to the very largest private yacht in the world, Azzam , at 590 feet in length. It seems logical therefore that we need a different classification to separate a 35-meter superyacht from a 350-meter one. And the term megayacht has fit nicely into that space. While industry insiders are not all aligned, most categorize a megayacht as being larger than a superyacht—some say over 260 feet (80 meters), others classify a megayacht as over 200 feet (60 meters). But as we’ll see below, gross tonnage, the crew and guests, as well as safety, maintenance, and management also play a role in this new classification.

The world’s megayachts are a sight to behold and are often the driving force of the yachting world’s innovation. Some of the most famous include Eclipse at 533 feet (162.5m) one of the first megayachts built back in 2010, Dubai at 531 feet (162m), Blue at 525 feet (160m), and A+ at 483 feet (147.25m). The largest sailing yacht is Sailing Yacht A at 468 feet (142.81m). For more examples check out the megayachts for sale on Rightboat.


Superyacht vs Megayacht: What Are the Main Differences?

Megayacht vs superyacht size and length.

For those using the term megayacht as a classification of yacht larger than a superyacht, the generally accepted size, as mentioned, is a private luxury yacht over either 200 or 260 feet (60 or 80m). But actually it’s more than just length that is playing a deciding role. Gross tonnage in shipping dictates how a vessel is operated, and any vessels over 3000GT will have a whole different set of regulations. Some yachts over 200 feet long are above 3000GT and almost all yachts over 260 feet exceed 3000GT, so it seems logical that this definition stands. There are exceptions, such as the 278.8 feet (85m) Victorious , for example, whose gross tonnage is 2,291GT. While certainly a superyacht, is she a megayacht? Based on overall length, we’d have to say yes, but the captain’s qualifications, the number of guests she can accommodate, and the safety and management regulations will be quite different. 

white and blue yacht

Megayacht vs superyacht crew and guests

When talking about yachts over 3000GT, there are many operational regulations that change considerably above and below 3000GT, especially the captain’s qualifications. Instead of just 12 guests, they are able to accommodate many more overnight passengers and the guest-to-crew ratios are greatly increased. In essence, a private yacht over 3000GT will need to be classified and run as though it is a commercial vessel with regards the captain, crew, and passengers. 

Does the type of crew makes a difference to the classification? Yes, a yacht over 3000GT is more likely to have masseuses, dive instructors, personal trainers, watersports instructors, and Michelin chefs, but that doesn’t mean superyachts can’t also have them (and there are many that do). 

crew and guests

Megayacht vs superyacht cost

It makes sense that the larger the yacht, the more it will cost, but the price tag isn’t necessarily a defining characteristic of whether a yacht is a superyacht or a megayacht. In fact, the most expensive superyacht ever built is History Supreme , worth $4.8 billion. What is most surprising here though is that History Supreme is ‘just’ 100 feet long. It is, among other extravagances, inlaid with 24-carat gold, which helps explain the price tag, but it’s a perfect example of how cost doesn’t define megayacht status. As a comparison, estimates of Azzam ‘s cost are just under $600 million to build. Having said that, there are industry insiders who believe that an extremely high level of service and facilities can raise a superyacht into the megayacht realm. Read on to find out which are the most expensive yachts in the world?

Superyachts, Megayachts, and Gigayachts?

Before we’ve even come to a final consensus on the definition of a megayacht, we encounter the term gigayacht. To look at the possible need for yet another classification we go back to our example of Azzam at 590 feet long. Should an almost-600-foot ultra-luxury private yacht be categorized the same as a 260-foot yacht? Many in the industry think not, that it provides a better categorization of the biggest of the big yachts in an industry producing ever-larger designs. Others roll their eyes, however. Whether the terms mega- and giga are just marketing spinners or a genuine need for classification of the ever-growing luxury yachts being launched is, for now, a case of “Watch this space.” 

Written By: Samantha Wilson

Samantha Wilson has spent her entire life on and around boats, from tiny sailing dinghies all the way up to superyachts. She writes for many boating and yachting publications, top charter agencies, and some of the largest travel businesses in the industry, combining her knowledge and passion of boating, travel and writing to create topical, useful and engaging content.

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The Rise of the ‘Gigayacht’

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“For the billionaire who has everything, sometimes a superyacht just isn’t enough,” reports CNN.  “Gigayachts” are the ultimate status symbol, communicating power, eminence and a seemingly limitless supply of cash. Once the rich become the super rich, it’s all about being the biggest and the best – “There’s definitely a ‘mine is bigger than yours’ syndrome in this industry and there is a desire to have the best. That’s the great thing about these yachts,” said Jonathan Beckett, CEO of Burgess Yachts, one of the world’s leading yacht brokers . Buyers of gigayachts are accustomed to surrounding themselves with the most opulent and exceptional possessions, and as owners seek bigger and better yachts, the term ‘gigayacht’ is becoming more and more prevalent. Although there is no standard definition for what qualifies a boat as a “gigayacht,” SuperYacht World editor Paul Ashton says, “A gigayacht I would say is anything that is over 220 feet (67 meters) where the majority of the yacht is customized and bespoke.”

So who currently owns the world’s most expensive yacht? CNN names Roman Abramovich’s “Eclipse,” believed to be between $540 million and $1.1 billion. However, a couple of weeks ago, we reported on “History Supreme,” the $4.8 billion precious-metal-encrusted superyacht (by Ashton’s standards) designed by Stuart Hughes. We’re assuming History Supreme wasn’t named because the buyer hasn’t been officially identified.

If you’re in the market for a new or used boat for sale , Atlantic Yacht & Ship has an extensive database that allows you to search for your perfect vessel with a variety of easy-to-use filters. If you prefer more personal service, simply contact one of our knowledgeable sales professionals by calling 1-888-230-0439. Atlantic has a wide variety of yachts for sale and boats for sale . Contact AY&S today for more information.

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Are you looking to explore the world of luxury on the water? Are you curious about Giga Yachts and what they have to offer? Giga Yachts are some of the most luxurious vessels available for recreational use, offering the utmost comfort and convenience for any vacationer. In this article, we'll take a look at what makes Giga Yachts so unique and explore the many features they have to offer. Giga Yachts are designed for maximum comfort and convenience, with features such as expansive outdoor decks, multiple staterooms, high-end amenities, and large amounts of storage space. Whether you're looking to relax in total luxury or entertain friends in style, Giga Yachts can provide the perfect setting.

We'll also take a look at some of the best Giga Yacht models available, and discuss the cost of owning one. If you're ready to explore the world of luxury on the water, read on to learn more about Giga Yachts!Giga yachts are the epitome of luxury on the water. Their size and amenities are unparalleled, and they remain popular among the wealthy elite. From expansive interiors to high-end amenities, Giga yachts are a unique experience for anyone who desires to experience luxury on the water.

When it comes to size, Giga yachts come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Sailboats, motor yachts, and superyachts are all options when it comes to Giga yachts. Some of the most impressive Giga yachts in existence include the Azzam , the Eclipse , and the Dubai . These luxury vessels are truly awe-inspiring, and they offer a unique experience for those that can afford them.

Of course, owning a Giga yacht comes with a hefty price tag. The purchase price alone can be astronomical, and this is just the beginning. In addition to the purchase price, there are crewing costs, maintenance costs, fuel costs, and insurance costs that must be taken into consideration. This means that owning a Giga yacht is not for the faint of heart or wallet.

In addition to the financial challenges associated with owning a Giga yacht, there are also logistical challenges. Finding suitable ports and moorings for such large vessels can be difficult, as they are often too large for many marinas. As such, it is important to plan ahead when it comes to finding suitable ports for Giga yachts. Despite the challenges associated with owning a Giga yacht, they remain popular among the wealthy elite.

Why Are They Popular?

Moreover, Giga yachts are also extremely versatile. Whether you’re looking for a place to entertain guests or a romantic getaway, Giga yachts can accommodate any occasion. With modern navigation systems and powerful engines, Giga yachts can travel to any destination you desire. Finally, Giga yachts are also great investments.

Challenges Associated with Owning a Giga Yacht

Giga yachts can often exceed 200 feet in length, which means that they require larger ports and moorings than most other boats. Furthermore, some ports may not even have the infrastructure necessary to accommodate a boat of this size. As such, it is important to thoroughly research ports and moorings before committing to a Giga yacht. Moreover, Giga yachts are expensive vessels, and as such, require extensive maintenance and upkeep in order to remain in top condition. This means that there are additional costs associated with owning such a yacht, such as hiring experienced personnel to carry out routine maintenance and repairs, as well as stocking the necessary parts and supplies.

Size and Luxurious Features

From comfortable staterooms to impressive entertainment systems, Giga yachts provide guests with an experience unlike any other. The expansive interiors of Giga yachts are perfect for hosting large parties and entertaining guests. Many feature multiple levels of living space and lavish furnishings, complete with wet bars, gourmet kitchens, and even private spa facilities. These boats also come equipped with state-of-the-art entertainment systems, including flat-screen TVs, surround sound speakers, and even a theater room. The luxurious amenities of Giga yachts don’t stop at the interior. Many feature multiple decks, hot tubs, outdoor grills, and even a helipad.

Types of Giga Yachts

Each offers its own unique features and amenities, so it's important to understand the differences between them before making a purchase. Sailing yachts are typically smaller and more maneuverable than motor yachts, and they rely on the wind to power them. They are the ideal choice for those looking to explore the open sea in luxury. Some of the most impressive sailing yachts include the Maltese Falcon, a 289-foot-long yacht with an impressive array of features, and the sleek 75-meter Stealth sailing yacht from Holland Jachtbouw.

Motor yachts are larger than sailing yachts and have engines that allow them to move quickly and efficiently across the water. They are also more spacious and offer a range of features, such as spacious cabins, hot tubs, and jet skis. Some of the most impressive motor yachts include the 256-foot Oceanco Y700, which features a glass-bottomed swimming pool , and the 162-foot Feadship Savannah, which has been designed with an open-plan layout. Finally, superyachts are the largest and most luxurious type of yacht available. These vessels are typically over 200 feet in length and offer a range of lavish amenities, including cinemas, spas, gyms, and more.

Costs Associated with Owning a Giga Yacht

Generally speaking, Giga Yachts cost millions of dollars, with some models being priced upwards of $100 million. Crewing costs are also an important part of owning a Giga Yacht. This includes hiring a captain and crew to operate and maintain the yacht, as well as any additional staff that may be needed for larger yachts. Depending on the size of the yacht and number of crew members required, these costs can range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.

Maintenance costs are also an important factor in owning a Giga Yacht. These costs can include regular engine maintenance, cleaning and detailing, and any necessary repairs. The cost of maintenance will depend on the size and complexity of the yacht, but can easily exceed hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. Fuel costs are also something to consider when owning a Giga Yacht.

Fuel can be expensive depending on the size of the yacht and how much it is used. The cost of fuel can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars each year. Finally, insurance costs are also an important part of owning a Giga Yacht. Insurance premiums depend on the size and value of the yacht, as well as any additional coverage that may be needed.

Generally speaking, insurance premiums for Giga Yachts can range from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars annually. In conclusion, Giga yachts represent the pinnacle of luxury on the water. With their expansive interiors and high-end amenities, they offer an experience that cannot be found anywhere else. Despite their high cost and challenges associated with ownership, Giga yachts remain popular among the wealthy elite due to their size, luxurious features, and ability to provide an unparalleled level of comfort and luxury. For those looking to experience luxury on the water, Giga yachts are the ultimate choice.

From exploring the open ocean to enjoying a night out on the town, Giga yachts can provide the perfect experience for any occasion.

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Windward Yachts

What differentiates a yacht from a superyacht or a mega yacht?

giga yacht definition

Yachts are an ultimate symbol of luxury, style, and sophistication. These sleek vessels take passengers on journeys through the seas, with all the amenities of a luxurious hotel. Yachts come in three categories- Yachts, Superyachts, and Mega Yachts- each with its own distinct characteristics and features.

Main differences between a yacht and a boat

One of the major difference between a yacht and a boat is the size. Generally, a yacht is a larger vessel that can accommodate more people and offer more space for comfortable living. On the other hand, a boat is smaller and may have limited space. Yachts usually come with luxurious amenities such as upscale furnishings, state-of-the-art equipment, and top-notch technology. 

Another significant difference between yachts and boats is the purpose of use. A yacht is mostly used for pleasure cruising and traveling over long distances, while a boat is typically used for fishing, water skiing, or as a means of transport. Yachts are known to have better stability and are therefore ideal for traveling long distances and in choppy waters. 

In terms of performance, yachts are designed to be faster and offer a smoother ride, thanks to their size and more powerful engines. They can travel at higher speeds for longer periods, making them suitable for longer trips. Boats are typically not as fast or efficient and may require some upgrades to increase their performance.

Features and Comfort are required to be called a Yacht

When it comes to distinguishing between boats and yachts, size is not the only determining factor. A yacht should provide a level of luxury and comfort that goes beyond basic functionality. Some of the key features that are expected in a yacht include top-of-the-line engines, advanced navigation technology, and spacious living quarters.

In terms of comfort, a yacht should be equipped with luxurious amenities such as high-end furniture, plush bedding, and state-of-the-art entertainment systems. It should also offer ample space for entertaining guests, whether that means a large sun deck for hosting cocktail parties or a spacious dining area for serving gourmet meals.

When it comes to cruising, a yacht should offer a smooth ride even in choppy waters. This requires a sturdy hull design, advanced stabilizers, and powerful engines that can propel the vessel through the water at high speeds.

In addition to these features, a yacht should also offer a high level of customization options. Owners should be able to personalize the interior design to meet their individual tastes, and there should be ample storage space for their personal belongings.

What’s the Minimum Length of a Vessel to be called a Yacht

giga yacht definition

Yachts features and equipment you can only see on megayachts

giga yacht definition

Megayachts are the epitome of luxurious travel on the open seas, and they boast an extensive range of features and equipment that are unmatched in smaller vessels. One of the most prominent features on a megayacht is its massive size, which allows for the inclusion of multiple decks complete with swimming pools, sun loungers, and even outdoor cinemas. These yachts are also equipped with top-of-the-line entertainment systems, including state-of-the-art sound and video equipment, as well as high-speed internet connectivity. But it’s not just about the entertainment; megayachts also come equipped with facilities like helipads, submarines, and jet skis, enabling travellers to access areas that are typically inaccessible by sea. Additionally, the interior design of megayachts is simply breathtaking, featuring opulent lounges, spacious cabins, and world-class dining and cooking facilities.

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The Giga Yacht: is it really a thing?

giga yacht definition

1. Sailing Yacht A – Measuring 469 feet, Sailing Yacht A is the largest sailing yacht in the world. Designed and built by Nobiskrug, this yacht boasts an innovative design featuring multiple decks, a unique glass-bottomed viewing area, and a high-tech navigation system. The yacht’s interiors, designed by Philippe Starck, are equally impressive, with multiple swimming pools, a large spa, and sophisticated lighting systems.

giga yacht definition

2. Eclipse – Owned by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, Eclipse is one of the largest superyachts in the world, measuring 533 feet. It boasts a sleek and modern exterior design created by Blohm + Voss. The yacht features a plethora of luxurious amenities, including a swimming pool, several hot tubs, a cinema, a gym, and even a submarine.

giga yacht definition

3. Seven Seas – The 282-foot-long Seven Seas, owned by billionaire Steven Spielberg, was built by Oceanco. The yacht features an understated yet elegant exterior design and luxurious interiors designed by Nuvolari Lenard. One of the unique features of Seven Seas is its infinity pool that can be transformed into a helipad.

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By SuperyachtNews 08 Feb 2022

Super, mega, giga, tera?

Are these necessary distinctions or trivialities.

Image for article Super, mega, giga, tera?

Big yachts aren’t anything especially new, indeed 146m  El Mahrousa  was delivered by the Samuda Brothers in 1885. It wasn’t until more recently, however, that such vessels were given the designations ‘super’ or ‘mega’ to separate them from the more general group of yachts. In fact, by contemporary standards,  El Mahrousa  would be considered a gigayacht by dint of its size, which adds ever so slightly more confusion to the mix. Are these designations of genuine use or have they been co-opted as marketing tools to add distinction where very little exists?

It should be noted at this juncture that there isn’t even necessarily any agreement on what constitutes a superyacht, a point that is highlighted in the very first description of ‘superyacht’ on Wikipedia.

“A superyacht or megayacht is a large and luxurious pleasure vessel. There are no official or agreed upon definitions for such yachts, but these terms are regularly used to describe professionally crewed motor or sailing yachts, ranging from 40 metres (130 ft) to more than 180 metres (590 ft) in length, and sometimes include yachts as small as 24 metres (79 ft).”

While Wikipedia should never be used as a primary source for research, it is right in its description. Shipyards for whom 24m is the pinnacle of their portfolio will typically describe these projects as superyachts, whereas shipyards who build larger vessels or who otherwise have a broader range of products will often designate their superyacht business as being 40m-plus and at The Superyacht Group we describe a superyacht as being 30m-plus. This confusion is the same on the other side of the pond where the preferred term would be ‘megayacht’.

“As superyachts have increased in size, so have the informal terms that describe their size evolved to include "megayacht", "gigayacht" and (speculatively) "terayacht".”

There at least seems to be agreement that the words superyacht and megayacht are interchangeable, which leads me to the conclusion that only one of them is necessary. As a journalist, I rely on synonyms to ensure that articles don’t feel too one dimensional, but in this instance, I would happily see the term megayacht consigned to the history books as having no real value or purpose.

It seems likely that the term megayacht was adopted to try and distinguish a particular product from its competitor ‘superyachts’. The distinction, however, was purely linguistic rather than denoting any sort of difference in size or quality. Depending on the success of the term, it could be argued that its creation was either incredibly lazy marketing, or incredibly intelligent marketing, although unfortunately, we will probably never be able to know for sure one way or another.

While the distinction between superyachts and megayachts is only linguistic, there is potentially an argument to distinguish between superyachts and gigayachts. If one were to be pedantic, which I occasionally am, the cost and size differential between a dinghy and a 30m superyacht is less than the cost and size differential between a 30m superyacht and a gigayacht (whatever that might mean). For the sake of argument, let’s say that a gigayacht is 90m-plus given that the designation of ‘giga’ certainly has nothing to do with its mathematical significance and internally we tend to use 90m-plus as the boundary to highlight the world’s largest superyacht projects.

There are both significant differences between superyachts and gigayachts and significant similarities. First and foremost, there is a clear difference in the scale and breadth of the technology that can be used on board these types of yachts. Gigayachts, for instance, can hold a great many more tenders and toys, as well as having the space required at present to fit hybrid or alternative propulsion technologies, their size also allows them to be more creative with the use of spaces. The 3000gt demarcation and associated commercial connotations are another that may be a logical dividing line. However, when one considers the actual make-up of the yachts, there isn’t really that much that separates them in terms of how they are used and what they have on board. For all intents and purposes, they are both just large yachts.

Perhaps the strongest argument against the term gigayacht, is that no one seems to use it except the mainstream media and a few select businesses within the industry itself. Certainly, those shipyards and designers that are considered world leaders in the design and creation of ‘gigayachts’ very rarely use the term. In fact, you will more readily find these businesses using the term 'boat' than you will gigayacht. Once again, the use of this word seems to be an attempt to make certain products appear different from their competitors, without actually doing much to distinguish the products themselves, or otherwise it is being used as a term to try and impress the mainstream media.

While the title of this article may suggest that I’ll be exploring the notion that terayachts are the next big things on the horizon, I will not even be entertaining the idea that the distinction is of any use. So far as I am concerned, all yachts that are 30m-plus should be called superyachts and if a distinction between the largest superyachts and smallest is required, I would suggest employing the term ‘large superyacht’.

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Are the various superyacht designations of any use?.

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This Futuristic 268-Foot Gigayacht Concept Uses AR to Create a Completely Virtual Pilothouse

The hidden pilothouse uses augmented reality and advanced electronics to navigate. up top, a three-deck glass atrium creates a cathedral-like interior., julia zaltzman, julia zaltzman's most recent stories.

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Pure is a 268-foot superyacht concept with a hidden, submarine helm station and three-deck glass atrium

In a bid to inspire the yacht owners of tomorrow, Feadship unveiled one of the most forward-thinking superyacht concepts at the Monaco Yacht Show. The 268-foot design Pure, conceived by Studio De Voogt, takes its name from sculpted exterior lines—including flush-tinted windows—an open-plan interior and future-proofed onboard systems that includes scrapping the conventional wheelhouse in favor of a forward-facing owner’s suite.

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Eyebrows were raised as designers revealed a controversial lower-deck “Command Center,” where the captain will navigate the yacht. The traditional bridge will be replaced with radar, AIS, maps, depthsounders and cameras, supported by smart augmented-reality visualization and Feadship’s proprietary Foresight program. Replacing a traditional helm with a submarine-like setup that relies only on electronics and not line of sight is a brave choice. The layouts are found on naval vessels, but a superyacht?

“We recognize that the Command Center is a controversial proposal,” said Bram Jongepier, senior specialist at De Voogt. “But placing the bridge higher up impacts the profile. The Command Center is a viable solution and at Feadship we see this as a big, legitimate topic for discussion.”

Pure is a 268-foot superyacht concept with a hidden, submarine helm station and three-deck glass atrium

The virtual pilothouse, relying on electronics and augmented reality for the captain to navigate, is actually hidden on a lower deck.  Courtesy Feadship

Other key features include a three-deck elliptical glass atrium, retractable glass-bottomed Jacuzzi amidships, and a large beach club with three fold-down balconies aft and both sides.

Located half inside, half out, the atrium incorporates large slabs of glass to provide a clear line of sight across three of the five decks. Filling the interior with natural light, the vast central space means guests must look to private balconies for privacy.

“We developed this design with a mix of joy and tenacity, determined to adjust every angle until it works to perfection,” said designer Jan Schaffers. “This is an environment which is equally suitable for hosting amazing parties or displaying exciting art collections.”

Pure is a 268-foot superyacht concept with a hidden, submarine helm station and three-deck glass atrium

The multi-deck atrium is designed to open the interior with glass and natural light.  Courtesy Feadship

But the surprises don’t stop there. Pure features a flexible “energy-hybrid” propulsion system that would see the yacht evolve over time. From diesel electric in 2024, to hydrogen in 2027, to all-methanol fuel cells in 2030, Pure is designed to respond to advancing technology, depending on which sustainable fuels become most viable.

“Pure synthesizes all the know-how gained in recent times over the types of spaces, exteriors and propulsion solutions owners are asking for,” said Schaffers. “Many of us are inherently reluctant to truly explore what our actual needs are but Pure takes a deep dive down this path.”

Here are other images of Pure.

Pure is a 268-foot superyacht concept with a hidden, submarine helm station and three-deck glass atrium

Courtesy Feadship

Pure is a 268-foot superyacht concept with a hidden, submarine helm station and three-deck glass atrium

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giga yacht definition

Superyacht vs megayacht

Published 05 September 2022

Most people define a superyacht as a vessel used for pleasure, which is larger than 24m (80ft) and has full-time captain and crew employed all year round. This is therefore quite different to a smaller privately owned yacht, captained by its owner, with perhaps one or two temporary crew to assist them in the summer.

The 91.5m (300.1ft) Oceanco TRANQUILITY, for sale with Burgess, has an internal volume of 2,998GT

The dividing line between superyachts and megayachts however is more blurred, and there is no strict or commonly agreed definition.  If a dividing line was to be proposed on length, then many would agree that this would be around the 80m (260ft) mark, but there is no hard line and some industry insiders also use the gross tonnage (volume) as the dividing line, 3,000GT being a line that a lot of regulations follow. It could also be said that the word superyacht can be used in a more inclusive way, and that all megayachts are superyachts, but not all superyachts are megayachts.

The Lurssen-built CAIPIRINHA is 60m (196.9ft)

To explain, just a decade ago a 60m (200ft) was considered mega. Today there are yachts being built that are as large as 180m (590ft). As the size of yachts continues to grow so does the need for observers to demarcate the elite 100m+ (330ft+) yachts, and with this comes the introduction of the hyperbolic terms megayacht and even gigayacht.

AZZAM, the world's longest private yacht at the time of writing, is 180m (590.6ft)

However, most would agree that today’s megayachts are 80m+ (260ft+) with a minimum of 25 crew who operate the vessel all year round using largely rotational crew and run to a high commercial shipping standard.

What is the difference between a superyacht and megayacht?

Built by Kleven in Norway, ANDROMEDA, at 107.4m (352.4ft), has an interior volume of 5,937GT

Megayachts are run more along the lines of a cruise ship or passenger ship and follow many of the same regulations whereas superyachts can still, at least to some extent, follow a more bespoke pattern defined by its owner. This is not to say that a megayacht does not go or do what its owner wants it to do, but there are much stricter regulations in place for yachts over 3,000GT, including full merchant navy certification for all deck and engineering officers.

Length vs gross tonnage

The 156m (511.8ft) Lurssen yacht DILBAR has an internal volume of 15,917GT

The simplest way to explain the difference between length and size of a superyacht is with the 157m (512ft) DILBAR. The megayacht is the fifth largest yacht in the world by length (in June 2022), but with a gross tonnage of 15,917GT, in volume terms she is actually the largest yacht in the world (although she is soon to be overtaken by the in-build 183m (600ft) REV OCEAN). Compare DILBAR to the longest yacht in the world, the 180m (590ft) AZZAM, which has a gross tonnage of 13,136GT, and you can see that longest and largest are two different things.

The 92.4m (303.2ft) Nobiskrug-built TATOOSH, for sale with Burgess, has an internal volume of 3,229GT

When it comes to gross tonnage the big step-changes with regard to shipping regulations are 500GT and 3,000GT. Being over 80m-long all megayachts are over 3,000GT. The likes of the 108m (354.2ft) IJE, for example, is 3,3670GT and is operated by a crew of 30, and similarly the 92.4m (303.2ft) TATOOSH has a gross tonnage of 3,229.

The 85m (278.8ft) AKYACHT-built VICTORIOUS, for sale and charter with Burgess, has an internal volume of 2,291GT

However, a yacht like the 85m (278.8ft) AKYACHT VICTORIOUS , for example, at 2,291GT, is a bona fide superyacht at the very top end of that definition, but significantly she is well under 3,000GT. In fact, the difference between managing yachts under and over 3,000GT is quite significant, including for example different captain’s qualifications between a Master 3000, designed for superyacht helming of yachts under 3,000GT, and a Master (Yachts) Unlimited, which enables that captain to run any vessel of any size, even the Queen Mary 2 or a supertanker.

Benefits: what makes a superyacht a superyacht?

The 70m (229.7ft) Feadship JOY sleeps up to 19 crew

Synonymous with luxury and glamour, a superyacht typically offers owner and guests the freedom to travel the world in ultimate comfort and privacy. A superyacht will be professionally crewed, providing its owner and guests with spectacular service, including a captain, chef, engineer and chief stewardess as a minimum.

The beach club on the 96.6m (316.8ft) Feadship FAITH, for charter with Burgess, opens on three sides and sits beneath a glass-bottomed pool

Ranging from two decks to up to three or four decks for guests, a superyacht will have sumptuous accommodations for between six and 12 guests, as well as luxurious communal living areas, both inside and out on deck. From entertaining and dining areas to beach clubs, swim platforms and sun decks, along with watertoys, superyachts are designed entirely for relaxation and fun, with no other commercial purpose.

The 40.8m (133.8ft) Benetti REBECA is the first of the shipyard's Oasis 40 semi-custom range

Most of the largest superyachts are custom built, representing the pinnacle of design and craftsmanship, while the smaller range of superyachts, between 30-40m (100-130ft) are usually built on a semi-custom platform with their own unique interior design. However, rest assured almost every superyacht, be it a 24m (80ft) or an 80m (260ft), will carry some watertoys to keep every guest entertained while on board, along with a tender to escort guests ashore at their whim and in comfort.

B enefits: what makes a megayacht a megayacht? 

The 73m (239.4ft) Lurssen TITANIA, for charter with Burgess, has a huge selection of toys and plenty of deckhands to show you how they're all used

Aside from having all of the same facilities and amenities of a superyacht, a megayacht will sometimes have special passenger licenses allowing them to accommodation and carry more than 12 guests at the same time. Guest to crew ratios are also greatly increased, with crew numbers on the largest megayachts reaching 80+, sometimes including Michelin-star trained chefs, masseuses, beauty therapists, dive instructors and personal trainers, as well as captains (often on a rotational basis), chief engineer and engineers, first officer, first mate, chief stewardess, a number of deckhands and stewardesses.

Some large yachts even have hangars for their helicopters

Megayachts will have their own gyms, spas, helipads, helicopter hangars, cinema rooms, spa pools and swimming pools, private owners’ decks or even apartments, and beach clubs to rival some of the best on land. Some come with their own chase boats, while others may cruise in tandem with a support vessel to carry all manner of watertoys and other equipment, including submarines.

Discover more about superyacht ownership with Burgess

To find out more about Burgess’ yachts for sale and yachts for charter , please contact a Burgess broker . Alternatively, get in touch with one of our offices directly: London , Monaco , New York , Miami , Singapore or all other locations .

- Yachts, prices and availability are correct at the time of publication.

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Megayacht VS. Superyacht

A yacht is known as a luxury watercraft that helps people having the enjoyment of recreation. Two terms that fall under a “yacht” are “megayacht” and “superyacht”. Both terms often get used interchangeably, but in this blog, we will discuss the differences.

Ranging from 80 feet in length up to the staggering 592 feet of AZZAM, the world’s largest private yacht, superyachts can be sailing yachts, motor yachts, motor sailors – or even stylishly converted tugs, or military vessels. In general, yachts are either considered a motor yacht or sailing yacht, depending on how the boat is powered. A sailing yacht is powered by sails or winds, while a motor yacht is powered by engines.

Profile/running shot of Lurssen megayacht AZZAM, the largest yacht in the world. Superyacht VS. Megayacht

The term “megayacht” is often used interchangeably with the term “superyacht”, which is used to refer to any privately owned yacht over 80 feet in length.

Superyachts for sale and megayachts for sale can vary enormously in size, yacht price, facilities and performance. Some yachts are used exclusively for owners use or are available for part time commercial charter.

Luxury yachts typically offer a huge guest area, giving people the options for both entertainment as well as relaxation in such yachts. These vessels are commercially operated (motor or sail powered) and are professionally crewed.

Profile/running shot of megayacht KISMET. Superyacht VS. Megayacht

Superyachts Explained

Although there is no true definition, a superyacht is considered to be a yacht that is at least 78-feet or 24-meters. A superyacht is synonymous with luxury and glamor, affording families and friends the freedom to travel the world’s most glittering destinations in ultimate comfort and privacy.

A superyacht will normally be crewed, and have luxurious accommodations for 6 to 12 guests, as well as sophisticated communal living areas. Superyachts for sale offer elegant entertaining and dining areas, while most come with Jacuzzis, swim platforms on the waterline, and a huge array of watertoys.

Click to view all superyachts for sale worldwide here, including images and specifications to begin your superyacht adventure.

Port-aft profile of TOP FIVE II 200 foot Royal Hakvoort yacht for charter in the Bahamas

Megayachts Explained

Exact definitions of mega yachts vary tremendously, although some believe that around 200 feet or 60-meters is the starting size for a mega yacht for sale.

The larger superyachts for sale (often mega yachts) will sometimes have special passenger licenses allowing them to accommodate more than 12 guests. Mega yachts generally carry large crews to offer a simply spectacular level of service, with guest-to-crew ratios only dreamt of in elite hotels.

On megayachts, gyms, spas, helipads, private owners deck and even cinemas become standard features, while many sport palatial beach clubs, high-speed chase boats, and even submarines. The general facilities are almost the same for both super yachts and the mega yachts, whereas, the mega yachts are quite bigger in size.

It is useful, however, to know that the term ‘mega yacht’ is not a universally- recognized term and its exact meaning is debated, although it has gained common currency in the United States and in mainstream media around the world.

Click to view  all mega yachts for sale worldwide here , including images and full specifications.

Profile of megayacht DILBAR. Superyacht VS. Megayacht

Largest Yachts in the World

Because mega yachts over 200-foot are such extraordinary machines, there are a limited number of them afloat, although as the race for the biggest boat continues, we can expect this number to grow.

Aft profile/running shot of Lurssen yacht AZZAM, the largest yacht in the world. Superyacht VS. Megayacht

AZZAM 592' (180m) Lürssen Yacht 2013

At 592-feet long, AZZAM is known to be the longest superyacht in the world. A world-class team was personally assembled and secretly directed in all areas of development.

Profile of 163m Blohm Voss Yacht ECLIPSE. Superyacht VS. Megayacht

ECLIPSE 533' (162m) Blohm + Voss 2010 / 2015

ECLIPSE’s interior configuration has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 36 guests overnight in 18 cabins, comprising of a master suite and 17 VIP staterooms. She is capable of carrying up to 70 crew onboard.

Profile of 162m Platinum yacht DUBAI.

DUBAI 531' (162m) Platinum Yachts 2006 / 2008

With 7 decks, DUBAI has a wealth of sunbathing areas; a striking mosaic swimming pool and several Jacuzzis. She can accommodate a helicopter of up to ten tons and can carry 2 10-meter long tenders.

BLUE 526' 11" (160.6m) Lurssen 2022

Lurssen’s creation, BLUE, claims the 4th spot on the list of the world’s longest yachts, showcasing its remarkable gross tonnage. Crafted for a Middle Eastern owner, it offers ample interior space, surpassed in this aspect only by DILBAR and AL SAID. Designed by Terence Disdale, BLUE boasts classic exterior aesthetics characterized by a distinctive bow and graceful curves. The yacht boasts two helipads, a sheltered pool on the main deck, a stern bathing platform, and balconies adorning the owner’s cabin. She is propelled by a cutting-edge diesel-electric hybrid system equipped with advanced exhaust treatment and water purification technology.

DILBAR 511' (156m) Lürssen Yacht 2017

Luxury mega yacht DILBAR is famously known as the world’s largest yacht by gross tonnage and interior volume. With an interior by Alberto Pinto, she became one of the most sought-after yachts on the water.

Click below to view the rest of the top 25 yachts by length in the world.

156m Lurssen Yacht DILBAR running aerial shot

Top Superyacht Builders

Lurssen logo.

German superyacht builder Lürssen is the builder of the largest superyacht in existence, the 590’ (180m) M/Y AZZAM, which was completed in an astonishingly quick three years. Known for superb build quality and large projects across its superyacht, naval vessel, as well as its’ yacht refit and management divisions. M/Y KISMET the 312′ yacht is one of Lürssen’s most popular vessels.

Feadship Yachts logo.

Feadship, Netherlands: For some yacht owners, the only name worth knowing is Feadship. This prestigious brand is synonymous with Dutch superyacht quality and has a legion of steadfast and loyal fans. There are 450 bespoke yachts currently afloat in the Feadship fleet, including M/Y HASNA.

Heesen logo.

Dutch yacht builder Heesen is known for its aluminum and steel superyachts and innovative use of technology, as seen in the revolutionary fast displacement hull form first seen in the multi-award winning M/Y GALACTICA STAR.

Amels logo.

Amels’ vast and high-tech superyacht facility is the largest in the Netherlands, producing iconic, high-value yachts up to 330’ (100m), including their 2017 flagship yacht, 272’ (83m) M/Y HERE COMES THE SUN.

Superyacht STARSHIP 185' Delta Marine at anchor with yacht toys and jet skis

Building or Buying a Yacht

Superyachts for sale can be purchased pre-owned, or buyers can purchase a ‘new build’ yacht for sale from a dedicated superyacht builder. Superyachts can be ordered either fully custom-built, semi-custom, or from an existing range, and can be built with various hull types which affect speed, range and motion at sea. Luxury yachts can also be chartered out, recouping some of the costs of purchase and upkeep. Your yacht broker will help you through researching, selecting and purchasing your superyacht for sale, making the process easy.

Interested in  buying a superyacht? See below for a selection of superyachts for sale, or contact us below to learn more about how Worth Avenue Yachts can assist you in your yachting journey.





Profile of SUMMERTIME II, a 116 foot Hatteras yacht for sale.

Seattle Boats Afloat Show – Yachts for Sale on Display

The 2024 Seattle Boats Afloat Show will take place from September 12th through the 15th at Seattle’s Lake Union Piers. As the largest floating boat show on the West Coast, Worth Avenue Yachts is excited to have a few exceptional yachts on display available for viewing. Click to learn more about these luxury yachts for sale.

Profile of SANAM, a 171' (52.4m) Palmer Johnson yacht for sale.

Explore Our Newly Listed Yachts for Sale

Worth Avenue Yachts is thrilled to present our newest market additions. In this blog, we’ll highlight three distinctive luxury yachts: the Palmer Johnson sports yacht SANAM, the newly refit classic Feadship yacht KORU, and the Aegean Schooner YAZZ. Click to read on.

Running profile of NO BAD IDEAS, a 160' Trinity yacht for sale.

Trinity Yacht NO BAD IDEAS – New Photography

The 160′ Trinity yacht NO BAD IDEAS, recently photographed in the Bahamas, showcases its impressive $20 million refit, bringing the yacht to like-new condition. Highlights include a 10-person swim-deck Jacuzzi, a luxurious main salon with fresh, light decor, and a formal dining area for 12. Click to discover more.

Monaco Yacht Show SANAM

Top Yachts at the 2024 Monaco Yacht Show

Explore the most luxurious yachts at the 2024 Monaco Yacht Show, featuring the stunning SANAM by Palmer Johnson. Join us at Port Hercule this September to discover the latest in superyachting excellence.

KORU 163' Feadship 1983/2024 Profile


Experience the rebirth of Koru, where classic design meets contemporary luxury. Available for sale now exclusively with Worth Avenue Yachts, she promises new beginnings and adventures on the Mediterranean waters.

Bahamas charter yacht TOP FIVE II, a 200 foot Royal Hakvoort yacht cruising just off the beach.

Exclusive Discount on Bahamas Charter Yacht TOP FIVE II

The Bahamas charter yacht TOP FIVE II, a 200′ Royal Hakvoort luxury yacht designed by Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design, is now available for the summer season at a discounted rate of $500,000 per week. This yacht seamlessly blends traditional aesthetics with modern lines and celebrates a century of excellence in shipbuilding by Royal Hakvoort. Key features include a dedicated owner’s deck with a private jacuzzi and dining area, an onboard cinema, and an expansive upper deck swimming pool. Click to learn more.


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  1. What Is A Superyacht? Is A Megayacht Bigger?

    The answer is quite straightforward. The terms superyacht, megayacht, and gigayacht are used by boat builders and yacht brokers to classify luxury vessels by their length. Although often used interchangeably, each term typically applies to a certain size range. Below is a rough guideline of the generally accepted industry standards for these terms.

  2. What is a Gigayacht? Yes, size DOES matter.

    In a 2011 report, CNN headlined the "Rise of the Gigayacht," advising that while there was not an official definition of the term, Gigayacht generally referred to "anything that is over 220 feet (67 meters) where the majority of the yacht is customized and bespoke." And so, here we are late in the 2019 Med season, and the Gigayacht is indeed ...

  3. World's largest yachts

    Many maritime businesses will use the term super yacht for vessels at least 80 feet (24 meters) in length, while some consider super yachts to be a minimum of 100 feet in length (30 meters). Many people use the terms super yacht and mega yacht interchangeably, while others believe a mega yacht starts at 200 feet (60 meters).

  4. The rise of the 'gigayacht': Why size matters to the super rich

    The largest private yacht in the world at 163 meters, "Eclipse" is believed to feature around 24 guest cabins, two swimming pools, and a mini-submarine. ... "There is no standard definition of ...

  5. what's behind the growth of the gigayacht

    The largest single sloop rigged yacht in the world remains Mirabella V, launched back in 2003 and since renamed (and slightly lengthened during a refit) M5 at just over 77m. Rob Doyle, who worked ...

  6. Gigayachts: Ultimate 2024 Guide to the World's Largest Superyachts

    Catering to the World's Wealthiest: How Gigayachts Unlock Enterprise Growth. The gigayacht segment now constitutes a $5.47 billion industry annually and continues rapid expansion catering to ultra high net worth individuals, according to research firm The Superyacht Group. As the number of 100 meter-plus vessels delivered grows exponentially - now 30 since just 2008 - short term rental ...

  7. Mega Yacht vs Superyacht: Unraveling the Differences

    For those using the term megayacht as a classification of yacht larger than a superyacht, the generally accepted size, as mentioned, is a private luxury yacht over either 200 or 260 feet (60 or 80m). ... however. Whether the terms mega- and giga are just marketing spinners or a genuine need for classification of the ever-growing luxury yachts ...

  8. The Rise of the 'Gigayacht'

    That's the great thing about these yachts," said Jonathan Beckett, CEO of Burgess Yachts, one of the world's leading yacht brokers. Buyers of gigayachts are accustomed to surrounding themselves with the most opulent and exceptional possessions, and as owners seek bigger and better yachts, the term 'gigayacht' is becoming more and more ...

  9. Meet the 443-Foot 'Sunrise,' the World's Largest Open Sport Yacht

    Sunrise is a 443-foot-long concept yacht by Roberto Curto for SuperyachtsMonaco, designed to be the world's longest sport yacht. ... but there are no people to show how vast—giga-sized—the ...

  10. Largest Yachts In The World 2023

    However, with shipyards pushing the boundaries when it comes to boat design and size the term "gigayacht" was coined to describe the latest generation of yachts that measure over 300 feet in length. Still, to the average boat owner, whether it is super, mega or giga these yachts are just plain HUGE! Motor Yachts vs. Sailing Yachts

  11. List of motor yachts by length

    This list of motor yachts by length, is a table of the world's longest active superyachts, with an overall length of at least 75 metres (246 ft) and up.. These boats are also known as "megayachts", "gigayachts" and even "terayachts", usually depending on length. [1] [2] It has been generally accepted by naval architects and industry executives that superyachts range from 37 m (≈120 ft) to 60 ...

  12. Exploring Giga Yachts

    From expansive interiors to high-end amenities, Giga yachts are a unique experience for anyone who desires to experience luxury on the water. When it comes to size, Giga yachts come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Sailboats, motor yachts, and superyachts are all options when it comes to Giga yachts. Some of the most impressive Giga yachts in ...

  13. Lazzarini's New 555-Foot Gigayacht Concept Has a Hidden Foredeck Oasis

    Christened Sovrano, or "sovereign" in Italian, the vessel measures an imposing 555 feet and is the king of the seas when it comes to size. In fact, Lazzarini claims Sovrano is the widest yacht ...

  14. What differentiates a yacht from a superyacht or a mega yacht?

    While there is no strict definition of what constitutes a superyacht, industry insiders generally consider yachts that are over 24 meters (80 feet) in length to be worthy of this prestigious tag. ... including gyms, cinemas, swimming pools, and even helipads. Giga Yachts are owned by the world's wealthiest individuals and feature lavish ...


    There are both significant differences between superyachts and gigayachts and significant similarities. First and foremost, there is a clear difference in the scale and breadth of the technology that can be used on board these types of yachts. Gigayachts, for instance, can hold a great many more tenders and toys, as well as having the space ...

  16. Superyacht

    Superyacht. Azzam, at 180.6 metres (592.5 ft) the longest superyacht, as of 2020. A, at 142.8 metres (468.5 ft) the largest "sail-assisted" motor yacht, as of 2018 [1] A superyacht or megayacht is a large and luxurious pleasure vessel. There are no official or agreed upon definitions for such yachts, but these terms are regularly used to ...

  17. Giga yachts

    The Azzam. The Azzam is the world's largest private yacht, measuring in at 590 feet (180 meters). It was built by German shipyard Lürssen and delivered to its owner in 2013. The cost of the Azzam is estimated to be around $600 million. The Azzam has a sleek and modern exterior design, with a long and slender hull.

  18. Uptated: 354-Foot-Long Benetti 'Gigayacht' Tops The Top 11 ...

    Victorious is a new explorer yacht that will debut at the Monaco Yacht Show. Burgess. VICTORIOUS is a new 285-foot-long explorer yacht that's sure to draw a crowd at this year's show. In ...

  19. IJE, Benetti's Flagship "Giga Yacht"

    Just delivered to her owner, the Benetti IJE is the largest of the three "giga yachts" -- Benetti's term for megayachts exceeding 100 meters -- from the bui...

  20. Feadship's Futuristic New Gigayacht Concept Has a Virtual Pilothouse

    This Futuristic 268-Foot Gigayacht Concept Uses AR to Create a Completely Virtual Pilothouse. The hidden pilothouse uses augmented reality and advanced electronics to navigate. Up top, a three ...

  21. Superyacht vs megayacht

    However, a yacht like the 85m (278.8ft) AKYACHT VICTORIOUS, for example, at 2,291GT, is a bona fide superyacht at the very top end of that definition, but significantly she is well under 3,000GT.In fact, the difference between managing yachts under and over 3,000GT is quite significant, including for example different captain's qualifications between a Master 3000, designed for superyacht ...

  22. Superyacht First Look: Exclusive Photos Show Just How Massive ...

    The launch in exactly 100 days of 3 Giga yachts, each one over 100 meters in length and build in parallel here in Livorno are a statement of this progress" said Fusignani, Benetti CEO. Exclusive ...

  23. Megayacht VS. Superyacht

    Megayacht VS. Superyacht. A yacht is known as a luxury watercraft that helps people having the enjoyment of recreation. Two terms that fall under a "yacht" are "megayacht" and "superyacht". Both terms often get used interchangeably, but in this blog, we will discuss the differences. Ranging from 80 feet in length up to the ...

  24. Eight dead after Channel migrant crossing

    Archive photo showing a boat with migrants onboard crossing the Channel last year Eight people have died overnight while trying to cross the Channel from France to England, French police say ...

  25. Matteo Salvini: Italy deputy PM on trial for halting migrant boat

    Prosecutors in Italy are seeking a six-year jail term for deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini over a decision in August 2019 to stop a migrant boat from docking. The ship, operated by the Open ...

  26. Historic peace boat that tried to stop nuclear weapon testing sails

    The Golden Rule became known as the "world's first peace boat" after four peaceniks sailed the boat toward the Marshall Islands in 1958, in an attempt to stop atmospheric nuclear weapons ...