Little Alchemy 2 Complete A-Z Cheats and Hints Guide

sailboat in little alchemy 2

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sailboat in little alchemy 2

How to make sailboat in Little Alchemy 2?

What can you make with sailboat in little alchemy 2.

  • pirate ship
  • seasickness

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How to make Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2

Welcome to our Little Alchemy 2 Cheats Guide on How to make Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 . Directly below you will see every step to making Sailboat from the 4 base items. No more clicking around sites or scrolling to actually make what you want right now, novel right?

Table of Contents

How to make Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 from scratch

There are 20 steps to making Sailboat from scratch. You’re able to start from Step 1 if you are new and getting started in Little Alchemy 2. If you have made some of the items within these steps already, you are able to pick up from whereever you are at in your Little Alchemy 2 journey.

  • Fire and Fire = Energy
  • Air and Air = Pressure
  • Water and Fire = Steam
  • Water and Earth = Mud
  • Fire and Earth = Lava
  • Water and Water = Puddle
  • Pressure and Air = Wind
  • Water and Puddle = Pond
  • Lava and Air = Stone
  • Water and Pond = Lake
  • Water and Lake = Sea
  • Stone and Mud = Clay
  • Sea and Earth = Primordial Soup
  • Primordial Soup and Energy = Life
  • Life and Clay = Human
  • Stone and Human = Tool
  • Water and Tool = Wheel
  • Wheel and Steam = Steam Engine
  • Steam Engine and Sea = Steamboat
  • Wind and Steamboat = Sailboat

So there you have it. Simples.

If you are new to the game and would like further details or you’re sharing this with a friend who is just starting our, we do go into more detail below which may be helpful.

The following sections will guide you through in full detail with images and even item definitions for your convenience and education.

How to make Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 in Full Detail with Images

How to make energy in little alchemy 2.

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Energy .

Step 1 – Select Fire from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Fire from the Elements panel and drop it on the Fire which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Energy in Little Alchemy 2

Energy – the capacity for vigorous activity; available power: I eat chocolate to get quick energy.

Congratulations on making Energy !

Now onwards to the next step in making Sailboat.

How to make Pressure in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Pressure .

Step 1 – Select Air from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Air from the Elements panel and drop it on the Air which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Pressure in Little Alchemy 2

Pressure – the exertion of force upon a surface by an object, fluid, etc., in contact with it: the pressure of earth against a wall.

Congratulations on making Pressure !

How to make Steam in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Steam .

Step 1 – Select Water from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Fire from the Elements panel and drop it on the Water which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Steam in Little Alchemy 2

Steam – water in the form of an invisible gas or vapor.

Congratulations on making Steam !

How to make Mud in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Mud .

Step 2 – Select Earth from the Elements panel and drop it on the Water which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Mud in Little Alchemy 2

Mud – wet, soft earth or earthy matter, as on the ground after rain, at the bottom of a pond, or along the banks of a river; mire.

Congratulations on making Mud !

How to make Lava in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Lava .

Step 2 – Select Earth from the Elements panel and drop it on the Fire which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Lava in Little Alchemy 2

Lava – the molten, fluid rock that issues from a volcano or volcanic vent.

Congratulations on making Lava !

How to make Puddle in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Puddle .

Step 2 – Select Water from the Elements panel and drop it on the Water which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Puddle in Little Alchemy 2

Puddle – a small pool of water, as of rainwater on the ground.

Congratulations on making Puddle !

How to make Wind in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Wind .

Step 1 – Select Pressure from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Air from the Elements panel and drop it on the Pressure which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Wind in Little Alchemy 2

Wind – air in natural motion, as that moving horizontally at any velocity along the earth’s surface: A gentle wind blew through the valley. High winds were forecast.

Congratulations on making Wind !

How to make Pond in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Pond .

Step 2 – Select Puddle from the Elements panel and drop it on the Water which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Pond in Little Alchemy 2

Pond – a body of water smaller than a lake, sometimes artificially formed, as by damming a stream.

Congratulations on making Pond !

How to make Stone in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Stone .

Step 1 – Select Lava from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Air from the Elements panel and drop it on the Lava which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Stone in Little Alchemy 2

Stone – the hard substance, formed of mineral matter, of which rocks consist.

Congratulations on making Stone !

How to make Lake in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Lake .

Step 2 – Select Pond from the Elements panel and drop it on the Water which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Lake in Little Alchemy 2

Lake – a body of fresh or salt water of considerable size, surrounded by land.

Congratulations on making Lake !

How to make Sea in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Sea .

Step 2 – Select Lake from the Elements panel and drop it on the Water which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Sea in Little Alchemy 2

Sea – the salt waters that cover the greater part of the earth’s surface.

Congratulations on making Sea !

How to make Clay in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Clay .

Step 1 – Select Stone from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Mud from the Elements panel and drop it on the Stone which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Clay in Little Alchemy 2

Clay – a natural earthy material that is plastic when wet, consisting essentially of hydrated silicates of aluminum: used for making bricks, pottery, etc.

Congratulations on making Clay !

How to make Primordial Soup in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Primordial Soup .

Step 1 – Select Sea from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Earth from the Elements panel and drop it on the Sea which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Primordial Soup in Little Alchemy 2

Primordial Soup – the seas and atmosphere as they existed on earth before the existence of life, consisting primarily of an oxygen-free gaseous mixture containing chiefly water, hydrogen, methane, ammonia, and carbon dioxide.

Congratulations on making Primordial Soup !

How to make Life in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Life .

Step 1 – Select Primordial Soup from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Energy from the Elements panel and drop it on the Primordial Soup which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Life in Little Alchemy 2

Life – the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.

Congratulations on making Life !

How to make Human in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Human .

Step 1 – Select Life from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Clay from the Elements panel and drop it on the Life which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Human in Little Alchemy 2

Human – of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or having the nature of people: human frailty.

Congratulations on making Human !

How to make Tool in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Tool .

Step 2 – Select Human from the Elements panel and drop it on the Stone which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Tool in Little Alchemy 2

Tool – an implement, especially one held in the hand, as a hammer, saw, or file, for performing or facilitating mechanical operations.

Congratulations on making Tool !

How to make Wheel in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Wheel .

Step 2 – Select Tool from the Elements panel and drop it on the Water which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Wheel in Little Alchemy 2

Wheel – a circular frame or disk arranged to revolve on an axis, as on or in vehicles or machinery.

Congratulations on making Wheel !

How to make Steam Engine in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Steam Engine .

Step 1 – Select Wheel from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Steam from the Elements panel and drop it on the Wheel which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Steam Engine in Little Alchemy 2

Steam Engine – an engine worked by steam, typically one in which a sliding piston in a cylinder is moved by the expansive action of the steam generated in a boiler.

Congratulations on making Steam Engine !

How to make Steamboat in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Steamboat .

Step 1 – Select Steam Engine from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Sea from the Elements panel and drop it on the Steam Engine which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Steamboat in Little Alchemy 2

Steamboat – a steam-driven vessel, especially a small one or one used on inland waters.

Congratulations on making Steamboat !

Now onwards to the last step in making Sailboat.

Step 1 – Select Wind from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Steamboat from the Elements panel and drop it on the Wind which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2

Sailboat – a boat having sails as its principal means of propulsion.

Congratulations you have completed the detailed steps on How to make Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2!

How to make Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2 – Additional Items

Now you have made Sailboat in Little Alchemy 2, you may like to visit the link(s) below (if we’ve got to it) to see what Atmosphere is used in making to expand your item set:

How to make Rat in Little Alchemy 2

If this was helpful please like, share this around with your friends and family or send us an email so we can all have fun together!

sailboat in little alchemy 2

boat Little Alchemy 2 Cheats

How to make boat in little alchemy 2.

  • lake + wood
  • ocean + wood
  • river + wood
  • water + wood

Video: How to make BOAT in Little Alchemy 2

Video: How to make BOAT in Little Alchemy 2

What can you make with boat in Little Alchemy 2?

Combine withCreate

Walkthrough for boat in Little Alchemy 2

  • water + water = puddle
  • fire + fire = energy
  • earth + earth = land
  • earth + fire = lava
  • air + lava = stone
  • puddle + water = pond
  • earth + land = continent
  • stone + stone = wall
  • continent + continent = planet
  • fire + stone = metal
  • pond + water = lake
  • wall + wall = house
  • lake + water = sea
  • air + planet = atmosphere
  • earth + metal = plow
  • earth + sea = primordial soup
  • earth + plow = field
  • atmosphere + water = cloud
  • metal + stone = blade
  • cloud + water = rain
  • energy + primordial soup = life
  • earth + life = soil
  • fire + life = phoenix
  • phoenix + phoenix = egg
  • field + house = barn
  • blade + metal = sword
  • rain + soil = plant
  • barn + egg = chicken
  • chicken + egg = philosophy
  • philosophy + planet = big
  • big + plant = tree
  • sword + tree = wood
  • water + wood = boat

Little Alchemy Wiki

  • 1.1 Little Alchemy 1
  • 1.2 Little Alchemy 2
  • 2.1 Little Alchemy 1
  • 2.2 Little Alchemy 2
  • 3.1 Little Alchemy 1
  • 3.2 Little Alchemy 2
  • 3.3 Little Alchemy 2 (without Time)

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Little Alchemy 2 Boat

How to Get Boat:

element 1 element 2










element 1 element 2 result






grim reaper



pirate ship























steam engine








How to make Boat in Little Alchemy

For a long time can't create Boat in Little Alchemy? Be not upset, here you will find how to make Boat in Little Alchemy with cheats, guide, combinations and walkthrough. You don't know with what element Boat is combined? Then you see below what to do with Little Alchemy Boat element on any web-browser, Apple devices, Android smartphones and tablets, Windows devices, Google Chrome or other and where Boat uses. Shortly speaking on this page provides to you Little Alchemy Boat cheats and guide.

In this simple game the Boat can be made with 1 combinations given below. Also the Boat participates in 6 combinations for receiving other elements.

See also all other Little Alchemy Cheats on site main page, there you can find simple elements search box.

Little Alchemy Boat combinations

sailboat in little alchemy 2

What to do with Boat in Little Alchemy

sailboat in little alchemy 2

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Little Alchemy 2 cheats – all recipe combinations

Alex Raisbeck

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Looking for a few Little Alchemy 2 cheats ? With around 700 elements that can be created, it’s pretty daunting if you’re looking to get them all yourself. So if you just want a quick way to get what you want, we’ve put together a list of all the elements and every combination you can use to get them.

If you’re after help with some other games, then you might want to check out our Baldur’s Gate 3 cheats and Palworld cheats too. But for now, let’s take a look at our Little Alchemy 2 cheats with every element in the game and all possible combinations to get them.

Little Alchemy 2 cheats: Making steam in Little Alchemy 2.

All Little Alchemy 2 combinations

Here are the recipe combinations to create all elements in Little Alchemy 2, organised by letter:

Acid Rainrain + smoke / rain + smog / rain + sickness / cloud + smoke / cloud + smog / cloud + sickness / rain + city
AirAvailable from start / fire + mist
Airplanemetal + bird / steel + bird / bird + machine / bird + steam engine / bird + train / bird + car / bird + boat / bird + steamboat / bird + sailboat / metal + owl / steel + owl / steam engine + owl / metal + vulture / steel + vulture / metal + duck / steel + duck / metal + seagull / steel + seagull / metal + bat / steel + bat / metal + eagle / steel + eagle / steel + pigeon / metal + pigeon / metal + hummingbird / steel + hummingbird / metal + crow / steel + crow / owl + machine / vulture + machine / duck + machine / seagull + machine / bat + machine / eagle + machine / pigeon + machine / hummingbird + machine / crow + machine / pilot + container
Alarm Clockclock + sound / clock + dawn / clock + bell / sound + watch / watch + dawn / watch + bell
Alchemisthuman + gold / gold + philosophy
Alcoholtime + juice / wheat + fruit / wheat + juice / fruit + sun
Algaewater + plant / grass + pond / grass + lake / water + grass
Alienlife + space / life + galaxy / life + galaxy cluster / life + solar system / life + Mars / life + Venus / life + Mercury / life + Jupiter / life + Saturn
Allergydust + human / human + pollen
Alligatorlizard + river / swamp + lizard / lizard + lake
Alpacamountain + sheep / sheep + mountain range / sheep + mountain goat
Ambulancecar + hospital / car + doctor
Angelbird + human / human + light
Anglerhuman + fishing rod / sailor + fishing rod
Animallife + land / life + forest, life + mountain / life + mountain range / life + beach / life + desert
Antgrass + animal / grass + spider
Ant Farmfarm + ant / ant + jar / glass + ant / farm + anthill / jar + anthill
Antarcticadesert + snow / desert + ice / snow + continent / ice + continent
Anthillhouse + ant / ant + container / ant + hill / earth + ant / ant + land / ant + soil
Apronfabric + cook / baker + fabric
Aquariumwater + glass / glass + fish / glass + puddle / glass + pond / fish + container / small + swimming pool
Archeologisthuman + ruins / ruins + science
Archipelagoisland + island / sea + island, / + island
Arcticocean + cold / sea + cold
Armadilloanimal + armor / armor + dog / armor + cat
Armormetal + fabric / steel + fabric
Arrowbullet + wood / wood + bow
Ashfire + mineral / fire + plant / fire + tree / water + campfire / time + campfire / rain + campfire / storm + campfire / fire + grass / phoenix + paper / campfire + paper / fire + paper / sun + vampire / vampire + dawn
Astronauthuman + space / human + spaceship / human + space station / human + rocket / human + moon / human + Mars / human + solar system / human + Mercury / human + Jupiter / human + Saturn / human + Venus / human + moon rover
Astronomerhuman + telescope
Atmosphereair + planet / air + sky
Atomic Bombenergy + explosion / explosion + big / explosion + explosion
Auroraelectricity + atmosphere / electricity + Antarctica / sky + Antarctica / sky + electricity / electricity + arctic / sky + arctic / sun + atmosphere
Avalancheearthquake + snow / wave + glacier / earthquake + glacier / earthquake + mountain / wave + mountain / earthquake + mountain range / wave + mountain range / glacier + sound / mountain + sound / gun + glacier / gun + mountain / gun + mountain range
Aviarybirdcage + big
Axeblade + wood / tool + wood / stone + wood / tool + lumberjack 
Baconfire + pig / campfire + pig / fire + ham / campfire + ham
Bacterialife + primordial soup / life + small / mud + life
Bakerhuman + bakery / human + bread / human + banana bread / human + pizza / human + toast / human + batter / human + pie / human + donut / human + cookie / human + cookie dough / human + dough
Bakeryhouse + bread / house + baker / house + donut / house + cake / bread + city / baker + city / city + donut / city + cake / bread + village / baker + village / village + donut / village + cake / baker + container
Bananafruit + monkey
Banana Breadbread + banana / dough + banana
Bandageblood + fabric / sword + fabric / blade + fabric
Bankhouse + gold / skyscraper + gold / house + safe / skyscraper + safe / house + money / skyscraper + money / city + gold / city + safe / city + money / money + container / house + vault
Barnhouse + cow / house + livestock / house + hay / house + farm / field + house / livestock + container / cow + container / horse + container / pig + container / hay + container / house + sheep / sheep + container / hay bale + container / house + goat / goat + container
Barrelcontainer + wine / wood + wine
Batsky + mouse / air + mouse / atmosphere + mouse / bird + mouse / mouse + hummingbird
Battermilk + flour / flour + coconut milk
Batteryelectricity + container / energy + container / electricity + mineral / electricity + ore
Bayonetblade + gun / gun + sword / axe + gun
BBQmetal + campfire / steel + campfire / campfire + garden / campfire + house / campfire + meat
Beachocean + sand / sea + sand / sand + lake / water + sand / sand + wave
Beaverwood + animal / animal + dam / animal + river / animal + stream
Beeanimal + flower / animal + garden
Beehivehouse + bee / tree + bee / forest + bee / wall + bee / wood + bee / bee + container
Beekeeperhuman + beehive / farmer + beehive / human + bee / farmer + bee
Beerwheat + alcohol
Bellmetal + sound / steel + sound / wood + sound / metal + hammer / steel + hammer
Bicyclewheel + wheel / wheel + chain / wheel + machine
Biguniverse + philosophy / galaxy + philosophy / galaxy cluster + philosophy / solar system + philosophy / sun + philosophy / planet + philosophy
Binocularsglasses + glasses, telescope + telescope
Birdsky + animal / air + animal / animal + airplane / sky + egg / air + egg / egg + airplane / time + dinosaur / time + pterodactyl
Birdcagebird + container / bird + wall / bird + safe
Birdhousebird + house / bird + wall / egg + container
Black Holepressure + star / pressure + sun / star + darkness / sun + darkness
Bladestone + metal / stone + steel / metal + rock / steel + rock
Blenderglass + blade / blade + electricity / blade + windmill / blade + wind turbine / blade + motion
Blizzardstorm + snow / snow + hurricane / tornado + snow / wind + snow / snow + snow / snow + big
Bloodhuman + blade / sword + warrior
Blood Bagblood + container / blood + sack / blood + bottle
Boatwater + wood / ocean + wood / sea + wood / wood + lake / wood + river
Boilerpressure + metal / pressure + tool / steam + metal / steam + tool / pressure + container
Bonetime + corpse / corpse + vulture / corpse + wolf / meat + wolf / meat + vulture
Bonsai Treetree + scissors / tree + pottery / tree + small / tree + wire
Bookpaper + legend / wood + paper / newspaper + newspaper / story + container / fairy tale + container / legend + container / idea + container
Bottlemilk + container / water + container / coconut milk + container / juice + container / oil + container / alcohol + container / wine + container / beer + container / chocolate milk + container / soda + container / perfume + container / liquid + container
Boulderbig + rock / small + hill / rock + rock / stone + rock / earth + rock / stone + big
Bowwood + rope / wood + wire
Boxpizza + container / pencil + container / cookie + container / cereal + container / donut + container / cake + container / crayon + container
Breadfire + dough / dough + warmth / energy + dough
Brickfire + mud / mud + sun / fire + clay / clay + sun / stone + clay
Bridgewood + river / metal + river / steel + river / wood + stream / metal + stream / steel + stream
Broomwood + hay
Bucketwood + container / yogurt + container / river + bottle / paint + container / paint + bottle / chicken wing + container / chicken wing + box
Bulletgunpowder + metal / gunpowder + steel / gunpowder + tool / gunpowder + container
Bulletproof Vestbullet + armor / gun + armor
Buscar + car / train + car / car + city / car + big
Butcherhuman + meat / human + ham
Butterpressure + milk / energy + milk / milk + motion / tool + milk
Butterflyanimal + flower / animal + garden / rainbow + animal / double rainbow! + animal
Butterfly Netbutterfly + net / bee + net 
Cable Carcar + mountain / wire + mountain / car + mountain range / wire + mountain range / mountain + rope / rope + mountain range
Cactusplant + sand / sand + tree / plant + desert / tree + desert
Cagemetal + wolf / steel + wolf / wolf + wall / metal + fox / steel + fox / wall + fox / metal + lion / steel + lion / wall + lion / hamster + container / house + hamster / wall + hamster
Cakedough + candle / donut + candle / bread + sugar
Cameldesert + horse / desert + animal / livestock + desert / cow + desert / desert + saddle / desert + horseshoe / sand + horse / sand + livestock / sand + cow / dune + horse / livestock + dune / cow + dune / animal + dune
Campfirefire + wood / wood + flamethrower
Candlethread + wax / fire + wax / light + wax / flashlight + wax / lamp + wax
Candy CaneChristmas tree + sugar / sugar + Christmas stocking / sugar + Santa / sugar + reindeer
Cannongunpowder + pirate ship / gunpowder + castle / gun + castle / gun + pirate ship
Canvasfabric + paint
Carmetal + wheel / steel + wheel / bicycle + bicycle / wheel + bicycle / motorcycle + motorcycle / wheel + motorcycle / motorcycle + machine / wagon + combustion engine / cart + combustion engine
Caramelsugar + heat
Carbon Dioxidehuman + oxygen / plant + night / tree + night / grass + night / animal + oxygen / fish + oxygen / bird + oxygen
Carrotsnowman + vegetable / sun + snowman / grass + vegetable / garden + vegetable
Cartwood + wheel
Cashmeretool + mountain goat / thread + mountain goat / fabric + mountain goat / scissors + mountain goat / wool + mountain goat
Castlestone + knight / knight + wall / house + knight / stone + warrior / warrior + wall / house + warrior / knight + container / house + vampire / vampire + wall / monarch + container / house + monarch / wall + monarch
Catmilk + animal / animal + coconut milk / night + animal
Catnipplant + cat / grass + cat / cat + flower
Cauldronmetal + witch / steel + witch / fireplace + witch / campfire + witch / metal + pottery / steel + pottery
Cavehouse + wolf / house + lion / house + fox / house + bat / bat + container / wolf + container / lion + container / fox + container
Caviarroe + salt / roe + cook
Centaurhuman + horse / horse + story
Cerealmilk + wheat / wheat + chocolate milk / wheat + coconut milk
Chainmetal + rope / steel + rope / metal + wire / steel + wire
Chainsawaxe + machine / axe + electricity / lumberjack + machine / lumberjack + electricity / axe + motion
Chameleonlizard + rainbow / lizard + double rainbow! / rainbow + snake / double rainbow! + snake / turtle + rainbow / turtle + double rainbow!
Charcoalfire + wood / fire + tree / fire + corpse / fire + organic matter
Cheesetool + milk / time + milk / milk + cook / milk + bacteria
Cheeseburgercheese + hamburger / cheese + sandwich
Chickenbird + domestication / bird + livestock / bird + farmer / egg + domestication / egg + livestock / egg + farmer / bird + barn / egg + barn / bird + farm / egg + farm
Chicken Coophouse + chicken / chicken + wall / chicken + barn / chicken + container
Chicken Soupwater + chicken / water + chicken wing / chicken + liquid / chicken wing + liquid
Chicken wingchicken + bone / chicken + BBQ
Chillair + cold / human + cold / human + ice
Chimneyhouse + fireplace / smoke + brick / fireplace + brick / smoke + fireplace / house + smoke / stone + smoke / stone + fireplace
Chocolatemilk + sugar / oil + sugar / sugar + seed / coconut milk + sugar
Chocolate Milkmilk + chocolate / coconut milk + chocolate
Christmas Stockingfireplace + wool / Christmas tree + wool / wool + reindeer / wool + Santa
Christmas Treetree + light bulb / tree + star / tree + candle / tree + light / tree + gift
Cigarettetobacco + paper
Circustent + big / tent + animal
Cityvillage + village / skyscraper + skyscraper / village + skyscraper / skyscraper + container / bank + container / skyscraper + bank / bank + post office / skyscraper + post office / village + big
Claymud + sand / stone + liquid / sand + mineral / liquid + rock / stone + mineral / rock + mineral / mud + stone
Clocktime + electricity / time + wheel / time + tool / time + machine / sundial + machine / tool + sundial / wheel + sundial / electricity + sundial / cuckoo + container / watch + big
Closetbroom + container / container + toolbox / umbrella + container / vacuum cleaner + container / robot vacuum + container
Cloudatmosphere + mist / water + atmosphere / sky + mist / water + sky
Coalpressure + organic matter / earth + peat / stone + peat / rock + peat / time + peat / pressure + peat
Coconutfruit + palm / palm + nuts / palm + vegetable / meat + palm / fruit + beach / beach + vegetable
Coconut Milkmilk + coconut / tool + coconut / coconut + hammer / sword + coconut / blade + coconut / axe + coconut
Coffinwood + corpse / corpse + container / vampire + container
Coldrain + human / human + mountain range / human + mountain / human + snow / wind + human / storm + human / space + thermometer
Combustion Enginemachine + petroleum / steam engine + petroleum / wheel + petroleum / explosion + machine / explosion + steam engine
Computertool + hacker / electricity + hacker / wire + hacker / hacker + machine / email + container
Computer Mousecomputer + mouse / animal + computer
Confettipaper + scissors / blade + paper
Constellationstar + star
Containersafe + philosophy / pottery + philosophy / house + philosophy / philosophy + box / philosophy + bottle / philosophy + bucket
Continentbig + land / land + land / mountain range + mountain range / earth + land
Cookhuman + fruit / human + campfire / human + vegetable / human + nuts
Cookbookrecipe + recipe / book + cook
Cookiecookie dough + heat / fire + cookie dough / baker + cookie dough / cookie dough + cookie cutter / dough + cookie cutter
Cookie Cutterblade + dough / blade + cookie dough
Cookie Doughdough + sugar / dough + chocolate / dough + cookie
Coralocean + tree / sea + tree / ocean + fossil / sea + fossil / ocean + bone / sea + bone
Corpsebullet + human / human + blade / human + death / human + grim reaper / time + human / explosion + human / human + arrow
Cottoncloud + plant / plant + fabric / plant + thread / plant + wool / plant + sheep
Cotton Candyair + sugar / sugar + thread / cloud + sugar
Cowlivestock + barn / field + livestock / livestock + grass / farmer + livestock
Crayonrainbow + pencil / double rainbow! + pencil / rainbow + wax / double rainbow! + wax / pencil + paint / wax + paint
Crowbird + scarecrow / bird + field / scarecrow + pigeon / field + pigeon / owl + scarecrow / field + owl / scarecrow + hummingbird / field + hummingbird
Crystal Ballglass + witch / glass + wizard / glass + magic / witch + snow globe / wizard + snow globe / snow globe + magic
Cuckoobird + clock / clock + owl / clock + hummingbird / bird + alarm clock / owl + alarm clock / alarm clock + hummingbird
Cupsmoothie + container / tea + container / milk shake + container / smoothie + bottle / tea + bottle / milk shake + bottle
Currentocean + motion / sea + motion / ocean + heat / sea + heat / ocean + cold / sea + cold / ocean + science / sea + science
Cutting Boardwood + cook
Cyborghuman + robot / engineer + robot / lumberjack + robot / robot + sailor / robot + baker / robot + cook / doctor + robot / farmer + robot / firefighter + robot / robot + pilot / astronaut + robot / electrician + robot
Cyclisthuman + bicycle / human + wheel 
Dambeaver + river / wall + river / tree + beaver / beaver + stream / wall + stream / house + beaver / beaver + lake / water + beaver
Darknesssky + night / sky + twilight
Dawntime + night / day + night
Daysky + sun / sun + night / time + sun / time + dawn
Deathtime + life / corpse + philosophy / skeleton + philosophy / grave + philosophy / graveyard + philosophy
Desertsand + sand / sand + land / sand + cactus / sand + lizard / sand + vulture
Dewgrass + fog, / water + grass / plant + fog / tree + fog / grass + dawn / plant + dawn / tree + dawn / water + dawn / fog + dawn
Diamondpressure + coal
Dinosaurtime + lizard / lizard + big
Diverhuman + scuba tank / swimmer + scuba tank / ocean + scuba tank / sea + scuba tank / lake + scuba tank
Doctorhuman + hospital / human + stethoscope
Dogwolf + domestication / farmer + wolf / wolf + farm / barn + wolf / field + wolf / wolf + bone / campfire + wolf
Dogedog + internet / dog + computer
Doghousehouse + dog / dog + wall / dog + container / house + husky / wall + husky / husky + container
Domesticationfarmer + animal / human + animal / animal + science / farmer + science
Don Quixotewindmill + knight / windmill + story / windmill + legend / windmill + hero
Donutdough + oil / oil + cookie dough / wheel + dough / wheel + cookie dough
Double Rainbow!rainbow + rainbow
Doughwater + flour / flour + puddle / rain + flour
Dragonfire + lizard / air + lizard / sky + lizard / lizard + airplane / lizard + legend / lizard + story
Droneairplane + robot / robot + helicopter / robot + paper airplane / robot + seaplane
Drumwood + leather / wood + fabric / wood + music
Drunkhuman + alcohol / human + wine / human + beer
Dry Icecold + carbon dioxide / ice + carbon dioxide
Duckwater + bird / bird + pond / bird + lake / time + duckling / duckling + big / water + owl / owl + pond / owl + lake / water + pigeon / pond + pigeon / pigeon + lake / water + chicken / chicken + pond / chicken + lake
Ducklingegg + duck
Dunewind + desert / wind + sand / wind + beach / sand + desert / desert + sandstorm
Dustearth + air / air + soil / air + land
Dynamitegunpowder + wire / gunpowder + pipe / gunpowder + container 
Eaglebird + mountain / bird + mountain range
EarthAvailable from start.
Earthquakeearth + motion / motion + continent
Eclipsemoon + sun
Eggbird + bird / turtle + turtle / lizard + lizard / vulture + vulture / phoenix + phoenix / chicken + chicken / dragon + dragon / penguin + penguin / owl + owl / dinosaur + dinosaur / duck + duck / seagull + seagull / eagle + eagle / scorpion + scorpion / spider + spider / pigeon + pigeon / fish + fish / piranha + piranha / parrot + parrot / peacock + peacock / hummingbird + hummingbird / chameleon + chameleon / ostrich + ostrich / woodpecker + woodpecker / bee + bee / crow + crow / frog + frog / pterodactyl + pterodactyl / ant + ant / tyrannosaurus rex + tyrannosaurus rex / moth + moth / life + container / butterfly + butterfly / snake + snake / flying fish + flying fish
Egg Timeregg + clock / egg + alarm clock / egg + watch
Electric Carelectricity + car / electricity + wagon / car + wind turbine / wagon + wind turbine / solar cell + car / solar cell + wagon
Electric Eelfish + electricity
Electricianhuman + electricity / human + wire
Electricitywind + wind turbine / wind turbine + motion / storm + wind turbine / sandstorm + wind turbine / sun + solar cell / light + solar cell / solar cell + star / metal + lightning / steel + lightning / storm + science
Emailcomputer + letter / letter + internet / letter + computer mouse / electricity + letter
Energyfire + atmosphere / fire + science / heat + science / fire + fire
Engineerhuman + machine / human + steam engine
Eruptionpressure + volcano / lava + pressure / volcano + time
Excaliburstone + sword / sword + legend / sword + story / sword + monarch / sword + lake / sword + fairy tale
Excavatorcar + shovel / big + shovel
Explosionfire + gunpowder / gunpowder + electricity / gunpowder + lightning / pressure + volcano / fire + petroleum / explosion + petroleum / pressure + petroleum / heat + petroleum / lava + petroleum / volcano + petroleum 
Fabricthread + machine / tool + thread / wheel + thread
Factoryhouse + chimney / house + tool
Fairy Talestory + monarch / story + castle / knight + story / dragon + story / unicorn + story
Familyhuman + human / human + house / love + container
Family treetree + family / tree + village / time + family
Farmfarmer + house / farmer + barn / house + barn / farmer + container / house + tractor
Farmerplant + human / human + grass / human + pitchfork / human + field / human + barn / human + plow
Faunhuman + goat / human + mountain goat / goat + legend / mountain goat + legend / goat + wizard / wizard + mountain goat / goat + magic / mountain goat + magic
Fencewood + wall / wood + field / field + wall / grass + wall / garden + wall / wood + garden
Fieldearth + farmer / farmer + land / earth + tool / tool + land / earth + plow / land + plow / farmer + soil / tool + soil / soil + plow
Firefire + alcohol / fire + coal
Fire Extinguisherfire + carbon dioxide / pressure + carbon dioxide / metal + carbon dioxide / steel + carbon dioxide / boiler + carbon dioxide
Firefighterfire + human / human + firetruck / human + fire extinguisher
Fireplacecampfire + house / campfire + brick / campfire + wall / wood + container / campfire + container
Firestationhouse + firefighter / house + firetruck / firefighter + land / firefighter + village / firefighter + city
Firetruckfirefighter + car / firefighter + wagon / fire + car / fire + wagon / car + fire extinguisher / wagon + fire extinguisher
Firewallfire + wall
Fireworkssky + explosion / explosion + atmosphere
Fishwater + animal / animal + lake / sea + animal / ocean + animal / water + egg / egg + lake / sea + egg / ocean + egg
Fishing Rodtool + fish / wood + fish / fish + wire / tool + swordfish / wood + swordfish / wire + swordfish / tool + piranha / wood + piranha / wire + piranha / fish + thread / swordfish + thread / piranha + thread
Flamethrowerfire + gun / volcano + gun / campfire + gun
Flashlighttool + light / tool + light bulb / human + lamp / tool + lamp
Floodrain + rain / rain + river / rain + lake / rain + big / rain + time / house + river / river + city / tsunami + city / house + tsunami
Flourwheat + wheat / stone + wheat / wheat + windmill / wheel + wheat / wheat + rock
Flowerplant + garden / grass + garden / grass + seed / garden + seed / plant + rainbow / plant + double rainbow! / grass + rainbow / grass + double rainbow!
Flutewind + wood / air + wood
Flying Fishbird + fish / sky + fish / air + fish
Flying Squirrelbird + squirrel / squirrel + hummingbird / squirrel + pigeon / seagull + squirrel / air + squirrel / airplane + squirrel / squirrel + seaplane / squirrel + helicopter
Fogearth + cloud / cloud + hill / cloud + mountain / cloud + city / cloud + field / cloud + forest
Force Knighthuman + light sword / warrior + light sword / knight + light sword
Foresttree + tree / plant + tree / tree + land / earth + tree / tree + container
Forkpitchfork + small
Fortune Cookiepaper + cookie / paper + cookie dough / paper + gingerbread man
Fossilearth + dinosaur / stone + dinosaur / dinosaur + rock / time + dinosaur / time + bone / earth + bone / stone + bone / stone + corpse / time + grave / bone + rock / corpse + rock / earth + skeleton / stone + skeleton / skeleton + rock / time + skeleton
Fountainwater + statue / statue + stream
Foxchicken + animal / chicken + wolf / chicken + dog / wolf + chicken coop / animal + chicken coop / dog + chicken coop
Frankenstein’s Monstercorpse + legend / corpse + lightning / corpse + electricity / corpse + story / zombie + electricity / zombie + lightning / story + monster / corpse + monster / story + monster / corpse + monster
French Friesoil + vegetable / oil + potato / fire + potato
Fridgemetal + cold / steel + cold / cold + machine / metal + ice / steel + ice / electricity + cold / cold + container / ice + container / ice cream + container
Froganimal + pond / egg + pond / egg + puddle / animal + puddle
Frozen Yogurtcold + yogurt / ice + yogurt
Fruittime + flower / water + flower / rain + flower / tree + flower / tree + farmer / farmer + orchard
Fruit Treetree + fruit / wood + fruit / plant + fruit 
Galaxysolar system + solar system / star + star / star + solar system / space + space / space + solar system / star + space / solar system + container / supernova + container / star + container
Galaxy Clustergalaxy + galaxy / galaxy + container
Garagehouse + car / house + ambulance / house + motorcycle / house + bus / car + container / ambulance + container / motorcycle + container / bus + container / car + wall / wall + ambulance / wall + motorcycle / wall + bus / barn + car / barn + ambulance / barn + motorcycle / barn + bus / house + sleigh / sleigh + container / wall + sleigh / barn + sleigh / house + electric car / electric car + container / wall + electric car / barn + electric car / house + snowmobile / snowmobile + container / wall + snowmobile / barn + snowmobile / house + tractor / tractor + container / wall + tractor / barn + tractor / house + RV / RV + container / wall + RV / barn + RV / house + ice cream truck / ice cream truck + container / wall + ice cream truck / barn + ice cream truck
Gardenplant + grass / plant + house / flower + flower / grass + flower / plant + flower / house + flower / flower + lawn / plant + lawn / flower + container
Gardenerhuman + garden / farmer + garden
Gasair + idea / air + science / energy + liquid
Geyserearth + steam / steam + hill / steam + mountain / steam + pressure
Ghostgraveyard + night / grave + night / night + gravestone / night + castle / graveyard + story / graveyard + legend / grave + legend / grave + story / gravestone + legend / gravestone + story / night + story / night + legend
GiftChristmas tree + Santa / Santa + Christmas stocking / Santa + chimney / fireplace + Santa / cookie + Santa / milk + Santa / Santa + wrapping paper / Christmas tree + wrapping paper / Christmas stocking + wrapping paper / fireplace + wrapping paper
Gingerbread Househouse + gingerbread man / house + dough / house + cookie dough / house + cookie / house + donut / house + cake
Gingerbread Manlife + dough / dough + magic / life + cookie / cookie + magic / story + cookie / life + cookie dough / cookie dough + magic / story + cookie dough / dough + story
Glacierice + mountain / snow + mountain / ice + mountain range / snow + mountain range / time + ice
Glassfire + sand / sand + heat / sand + electricity / sand + lightning
Glassesglass + metal / glass + steel / glass + glass / glass + human / human + lens / lens + lens
Gnomegarden + statue / garden + story / garden + fairy tale / garden + legend
Goatlivestock + mountain / livestock + hill / livestock + mountain range / cow + mountain / cow + hill / cow + mountain range
Goldmetal + sun / steel + sun / metal + rainbow / steel + rainbow / metal + butter / steel + butter / sand + metal / sand + steel / metal + light / steel + light / metal + alchemist / steel + alchemist
Golemclay + story / clay + legend / life + statue / story + statue / statue + legend
Granitelava + pressure / pressure + stone / pressure + rock
Grassearth + plant / plant + land
Graveearth + coffin / field + coffin / earth + corpse / field + corpse / forest + corpse / forest + coffin / grave + gravestone / coffin + gravestone / coffin + container
Gravestonestone + grave / grave + rock / stone + death / rock + death / stone + graveyard / graveyard + rock
Graveyardgrave + grave / field + grave / grave + land / gravestone + gravestone / field + gravestone / gravestone + land / gravestone + container
Greenhouseplant + glass / glass + grass / glass + tree / plant + aquarium / aquarium + grass / aquarium + tree / plant + container / glass + garden
Grenadeexplosion + metal / explosion + steel / explosion + warrior
Grilled Cheesecheese + toast
Grim Reaperhuman + scythe / corpse + scythe / zombie + scythe / scythe + death / boat + scythe / scythe + river / death + deity / death + deity
Gunmetal + bullet / bullet + steel / metal + bow / steel + bow / bullet + bow / gunpowder + bow / bullet + container
Gunpowdercharcoal + mineral / fire + dust / energy + mineral / energy + charcoal / energy + dust
Gustwind + small / air + small 
Hackerhuman + computer / human + computer mouse / human + glasses / human + internet
Hailcloud + ice / rain + ice / storm + ice / wind + ice / steam + ice / sky + ice
Hammeat + smoke / smoke + pig
Hamburgerbread + meat / cheese + meat
Hammermetal + tool / steel + tool / stone + tool / tool + rock / tool + woodpecker
Hamsterwheel + mouse / mouse + domestication / rat + domestication / wheel + rat
Hangarairplane + container / house + airplane / airplane + wall / airplane + barn / seaplane + container / house + seaplane / wall + seaplane / barn + seaplane / helicopter + container / house + helicopter / wall + helicopter / barn + helicopter / rocket + container / house + rocket / wall + rocket / barn + rocket / spaceship + container / house + spaceship / wall + spaceship / barn + spaceship
Harpangel + music / angel + musician / wire + angel / wire + music
Haygrass + scythe / farmer + grass / grass + sun / grass + grass / grass + barn / grass + farm / grass + pitchfork / barn + pitchfork / pitchfork + farm / farmer + pitchfork
Hay Balehay + hay / hay + tractor / barn + hay / hay + machine
Heatfire + idea / fire + science / lava + philosophy / air + energy
Hedgeplant + fence / leaf + fence / garden + fence / plant + wall / wall + leaf / garden + wall
Hedgehoganimal + needle / mouse + needle / needle + rat
Helicopterblade + airplane / windmill + airplane / airplane + wind turbine / blade + seaplane / windmill + seaplane / seaplane + wind turbine
Herohuman + legend / dragon + knight / human + story / human + lightning
Hillbig + boulder / mountain + small / earth + boulder / stone + boulder / boulder + boulder
Hippohorse + river / water + horse / cow + river / water + cow
Honeyflower + bee / bee + beehive / time + bee / bee + bee / beehive + beekeeper
Horizonearth + sky / sky + continent / sky + land / ocean + sky / sea + sky / sky + lake
Horsefield + animal / livestock + hay / animal + land / livestock + barn / livestock + horseshoe / animal + horseshoe / animal + saddle / livestock + saddle
Horseshoemetal + horse / steel + horse
Hospitalhouse + sickness / house + ambulance / house + doctor / sickness + wall / wall + ambulance / doctor + wall / doctor + container
Hot Chocolatechocolate milk + heat / chocolate + heat
Hourglasssand + glass / sand + time / glass + time / sand + container / time + container
Housewall + wall / human + wall / tool + wall / fireplace + container / family + container
Humantime + animal / life + clay / time + monkey / tool + animal / tool + monkey
Hummingbirdbird + flower / owl + flower / pigeon + flower / seagull + flower / bird + garden / owl + garden / garden + pigeon / garden + seagull / bird + small / bird + bee / bird + butterfly
Hurricaneocean + tornado / sea + tornado / ocean + storm / sea + storm
Huskysnow + dog / ice + dog / Antarctica + dog / dog + arctic / blizzard + dog / dog + glacier 
Icewater + cold / water + solid / cold + puddle / puddle + solid
Ice Creammilk + cold / milk + ice / milk + snow
Ice Cream Truckcar + ice cream / ice cream + bus / ice cream + wagon
Ice Sculptureice + statue
Icebergsea + ice / ocean + ice / sea + Antarctica / ocean + Antarctica / sea + arctic / ocean + arctic
Iced Teaice + tea / cold + tea
Ideahuman + light bulb / light bulb + engineer / light bulb + science / science + science / engineer + engineer / hacker + hacker / lumberjack + lumberjack / farmer + farmer / firefighter + firefighter / electrician + electrician / astronaut + astronaut / warrior + warrior / butcher + butcher / doctor + doctor / pilot + pilot / baker + baker / sailor + sailor / surfer + surfer / swimmer + swimmer / cyclist + cyclist / knight + knight / monarch + monarch / angler + angler / mailman + mailman / gardener + gardener / philosophy + philosophy / science + philosophy / skier + skier / diver + diver / librarian + librarian / alchemist + alchemist
Igloohouse + ice / house + snow / house + cold / house + snowman
Internetcomputer + computer / wire + computer / computer + web / computer + net
Islandvolcano + ocean / volcano + sea
Ivyplant + wall / grass + wall 
Jack-O-Lanternfire + pumpkin / pumpkin + candle / light + pumpkin / night + pumpkin / ghost + pumpkin / skeleton + pumpkin / skeleton + vegetable / ghost + vegetable / night + vegetable
Jamjuice + sugar / fruit + machine / fruit + juice / juice + machine / fruit + heat
Jarjam + container / jam + bottle / glass + jam / jam + bucket
Jerkymeat + sun / sun + steak / meat + heat / steak + heat
Juicepressure + fruit / earth + fruit / stone + fruit / fruit + rock / explosion + fruit / water + fruit / pressure + vegetable / stone + vegetable / vegetable + rock / explosion + vegetable / water + vegetable
Jupitercloud + planet / storm + planet / planet + big / planet + gas / big + Saturn 
Kaijudinosaur + city / dinosaur + skyscraper / dinosaur + legend / dinosaur + story
Katanablade + heat / blade + shuriken / sword + shuriken / blade + ninja / sword + ninja
Kitewind + paper / sky + paper / air + paper
Knifeblade + cook / sword + cook
Knighthuman + armor / warrior + armor / warrior + hero / warrior + horse 
Lakewater + pond / pond + big / sea + small / pond + pond
Lampmetal + light bulb / steel + light bulb
Landsoil + soil / big + soil / earth + earth / earth + stone / small + continent
Laptopcomputer + small
Lassocow + rope / horse + rope / pig + rope / wild boar + rope / sheep + rope / goat + rope
Lavafire + earth / earth + heat / earth + liquid
Lava Lamplava + lamp / fire + lamp / volcano + lamp
Lawngrass + container / house + grass / field + lawn mower / grass + lawn mower
Lawn Mowertool + grass / electricity + scythe / scythe + helicopter / scythe + windmill / field + helicopter / tool + scythe / scythe + machine / grass + machine / scythe + motion
Leafwind + tree / wind + flower / wind + orchard / wind + forest
Leatherblade + cow / blade + pig / blade + sheep / cow + sword / sword + pig / sword + sheep / tool + cow / tool + sheep / tool + pig
Legendtime + story / story + big / story + story / story + fairy tale / time + fairy tale / big + fairy tale
Lensglass + tool / glass + engineer
Letterpaper + pencil
Librarianhuman + library / human + book
Librarybook + container / house + book
Lifeelectricity + primordial soup / time + primordial soup / storm + primordial soup / volcano + primordial soup / ocean + electricity / sea + electricity / electricity + lake / ocean + lightning / sea + lightning / lake + lightning / primordial soup + lightning / primordial soup + energy
Lightelectricity + light bulb / electricity + flashlight
Light Bulbglass + electricity / glass + light / light + container
Light Swordlight + sword / energy + sword / electricity + sword / sword + space / sword + force knight
Lighthouseocean + light / sea + light / house + light / beach + light / ocean + spotlight / sea + spotlight / house + spotlight / beach + spotlight
Lightningcloud + electricity / storm + electricity / rain + electricity / energy + storm / energy + cloud / energy + rain / storm + land
Lionanimal + cat / blood + cat / cat + big / cat + monarch
Liquidwater + idea / water + science / energy + solid
Little Alchemysmall + alchemist
Livestockfield + animal / farmer + animal / animal + domestication / animal + barn
Lizardstone + animal / animal + rock / stone + egg / egg + rock / dinosaur + small / swamp + animal / swamp + egg / blood + cold
Log cabinwood + house
Lovehuman + human
Lumberjackhuman + axe / human + chainsaw / human + wood / tree + human 
Mac and Cheesecheese + pasta
Machinetool + wheel / tool + tool / boiler + wheel / boiler + tool / boiler + chain / tool + chain / tool + engineer
Magiclife + rainbow / life + double rainbow! / energy + wizard / energy + witch
Magmalava + science / volcano + science
Mailboxletter + box / mailman + box / metal + letter / steel + letter / wood + letter / metal + mailman / steel + mailman / wood + mailman
Mailmanhuman + letter / human + newspaper / letter + mailbox
Mail truckcar + mailman / car + post office / car + letter
Manateesea + cow / ocean + cow / fish + cow / cow + lake / cow + river
Mappaper + land / paper + hill / mountain + paper / paper + mountain range / paper + continent / ocean + paper / sea + paper / paper + lake / paper + river / paper + city / paper + village
Maple Syrupheat + sap / sugar + sap
Marsrust + planet / desert + planet
Marshmallowscampfire + sugar
Mayonnaiseegg + oil
Meattool + livestock / tool + chicken / tool + pig / tool + cow / tool + animal / tool + fish / tool + swordfish / tool + flying fish / tool + shark / tool + frog / axe + livestock / axe + chicken / axe + pig / axe + cow / axe + animal / axe + fish / axe + swordfish / axe + flying fish / axe + shark / axe + frog / livestock + sword / chicken + sword / sword + pig / cow + sword / animal + sword / sword + shark / livestock + butcher / chicken + butcher / pig + butcher / cow + butcher / animal + butcher / fish + butcher / butcher + swordfish / butcher + flying fish / butcher + shark / butcher + frog / fish + net / swordfish + net / shark + net / piranha + net / flying fish + net
Medusahuman + snake / snake + legend / snake + story / snake + hero
Mercuryplanet + small / planet + heat
Mermaidhuman + fish / fish + legend / fish + magic / swimmer + magic / fish + swimmer
Metalfire + ore / heat + ore / tool + ore
Meteoratmosphere + meteoroid / sky + meteoroid / air + meteoroid / night + meteoroid / day + meteoroid
Meteoroidstone + space / space + rock / space + boulder / stone + solar system / solar system + rock / solar system + boulder / sun + rock / stone + sun / sun + boulder
Microscopeglass + bacteria / bacteria + glasses / bacteria + safety glasses / tool + lens / bacteria + lens
Milkfarmer + cow / tool + cow / water + cow / farmer + goat / tool + goat / water + goat / cow + liquid / goat + liquid
Milk Shakemilk + ice cream / ice cream + yogurt / water + ice cream
Mineralstone + organic matter / rock + organic matter / earth + organic matter / boulder + organic matter / hill + organic matter / mountain + organic matter
Minotaurhuman + cow / cow + werewolf / cow + story / cow + legend
Mirrorglass + metal / glass + steel / glass + wood
Mistwater + air / air + steam / air + rain
Moldtime + bread / bread + bacteria / bacteria + vegetable / fruit + bacteria / time + vegetable / time + fruit
Monarchhuman + castle / human + Excalibur
Moneypaper + gold / diamond + paper / paper + bank
Monkeytree + animal
Moonsky + cheese / sky + planet / sky + stone / night + planet / stone + night / earth + night / cheese + night / sky + time
Moon Rovermoon + car / moon + electric car
Mossplant + stone / stone + grass / stone + algae / plant + rock / grass + rock / algae + rock / plant + boulder / grass + boulder / algae + boulder
Mothmoon + butterfly / night + butterfly / butterfly + candle / light + butterfly / lamp + butterfly / flashlight + butterfly
Motionwind + science / wind + idea / wind + philosophy / tornado + science / tornado + philosophy / stream + science / stream + philosophy / river + philosophy / river + science
Motorcyclebicycle + machine / steel + bicycle / metal + bicycle / steam engine + bicycle / bicycle + combustion engine
Mountainbig + hill / earth + earthquake / earth + hill / hill + hill / earthquake + hill / earth + big
Mountain Goatmountain + goat / goat + mountain range
Mountain Rangemountain + mountain / mountain + continent
Mousecheese + animal / cheese + barn / house + cheese / cheese + farm / cheese + wall
Mousetrapwood + cheese / metal + cheese / steel + cheese / blade + mouse
Mudwater + earth / water + soil
Mummycorpse + pyramid / pyramid + fabric / corpse + fabric / human + pyramid
Musicflute + musician / sheet music + musician / drum + musician / musician + pan flute
Musicianhuman + flute / human + music / human + sheet music / human + drum / human + pan flute 
Narwhalfish + unicorn / ocean + unicorn / sea + unicorn / water + unicorn / unicorn + shark / unicorn + swordfish / unicorn + flying fish
Needlemetal + thread / steel + thread / tool + thread
Nessielake + legend / story + lake / dinosaur + legend / dinosaur + story
Nesttree + bird / bird + hay / egg + hay / tree + egg / bird + grass / egg + grass / bird + house / egg + container
Netangler + rope / fish + rope / swordfish + rope / fishing rod + rope / flying fish + rope
Newspaperpaper + paper / paper + story / letter + letter
Nightsky + moon / time + day / time + moon / time + twilight
Ninjahuman + shuriken / human + katana
Ninja Turtleturtle + ninja / turtle + shuriken / turtle + katana
Nutstree + farmer / tree + domestication / tree + field 
Oasiswater + desert / desert + puddle / desert + pond / desert + lake / desert + river / desert + stream / tree + desert / desert + palm
Obsidianwater + lava / lava + cold / lava + glass
Oceanwater + sea / sea + big / tide + container / sea + sea
Oilpressure + sunflower / stone + sunflower / wheel + sunflower / sunflower + windmill
Omelettefire + egg / egg + heat / egg + tool
Optical Fiberwire + light / light + rope / light + internet
Orchardfruit tree + fruit tree / field + fruit tree / tree + fruit tree / farmer + fruit tree / fruit tree + farm / forest + fruit tree / fruit tree + container
Orehammer + boulder / earth + hammer / hammer + rock / stone + hammer / hammer + hill / mountain + hammer
Organic Matterlife + death / life + science / bacteria + death / corpse + science
Origamibird + paper / animal + paper / paper + eagle / paper + seagull / owl + paper / paper + pigeon / cow + paper / horse + paper / dog + paper / paper + cat / paper + lion / paper + hummingbird / chicken + paper / penguin + paper / duck + paper / paper + vulture
Ostrichearth + bird / sand + bird / earth + eagle / sand + eagle / earth + chicken / sand + chicken / bird + big
Owlbird + night / bird + wizard / bird + twilight / bird + moon
Oxygenplant + sun / tree + sun / grass + sun / sun + algae / plant + carbon dioxide / tree + carbon dioxide / grass + carbon dioxide / algae + carbon dioxide
Ozoneoxygen + oxygen / electricity + oxygen / electricity + atmosphere / air + electricity 
Paintwater + rainbow / water + double rainbow! / water + pencil / pottery + rainbow / tool + rainbow / pottery + double rainbow! / tool + double rainbow! / rainbow + liquid / double rainbow! + liquid / pencil + liquid
Painterhuman + paint / human + canvas / human + painting
Paintingcanvas + painter / paint + canvas
Paleontologisthuman + dinosaur / human + fossil / dinosaur + science / fossil + science
Palmtree + beach / island + tree / sand + tree
Pan Fluteflute + flute
Paperpressure + wood / water + wood / wood + machine / wood + blender
Paper Airplaneairplane + paper
Paper Cuppaper + cup
Parachutepilot + fabric / pilot + umbrella / airplane + fabric / airplane + umbrella / sky + umbrella / atmosphere + umbrella
Paragliderkite + big
Parkforest + city / forest + village / garden + city / garden + village / grass + city / grass + village / field + city / field + village
Parrotbird + pirate / bird + pirate ship / pirate + pigeon / pigeon + pirate ship
Pastaegg + flour
Peacockbird + leaf / bird + double rainbow! + bird + rainbow
Peanut Butterbutter + nuts / pressure + nuts
Peatplant + swamp / pressure + swamp / time + swamp / time + grass
Pebblestone + small / earth + small / small + rock
Pegasusbird + horse / sky + horse / bird + unicorn / sky + unicorn
Pencilwood + charcoal / coal + wood
Pencil Sharpenerblade + pencil / pencil + blender / sword + pencil
Penguinbird + Antarctica / bird + cold / bird + ice / bird + snow / animal + Antarctica
Penicillindoctor + mold / mold + science / idea + mold / hospital + mold
Perfumewater + flower / steam + flower / alcohol + flower / water + rose / steam + rose / alcohol + rose / water + sunflower / steam + sunflower / sunflower + alcohol
Petroleumpressure + fossil / time + fossil / fossil + liquid / water + fossil
Philosophyhuman + idea / human + story / egg + chicken
Phoenixfire + bird / fire + death / fire + life / fire + egg
Picnicgrass + sandwich / sandwich + beach / sandwich + fabric / sandwich + lawn / sandwich + garden
Piedough + fruit / fruit + cookie dough / dough + meat / fruit + baker / fruit + bakery
Pigmud + livestock / mud + animal / mud + cow
Pigeonbird + letter / bird + city / bird + statue / bird + skyscraper / bird + village
Piggy Bankpig + money / pottery + pig / pig + gold
Pilothuman + airplane / human + seaplane
Pinocchiolife + wood / golem + story / wood + story
Pipewood + tobacco / tool + tobacco
Piranhafish + blood / fish + wolf
Piratesword + sailor / sailor + pirate ship / gun + sailor / bayonet + sailor
Pirate Shipsailboat + pirate / boat + pirate / steam engine + pirate / pirate + container / house + pirate
Pitchforktool + hay / metal + hay / steel + hay
Pizzacheese + dough / cheese + bread / cheese + wheel
Planetcontinent + continent / ocean + continent / earth + space / earth + solar system / earth + sky
Planktonwater + life / ocean + life / sea + life / water + bacteria / ocean + bacteria / sea + bacteria
Planttree + small / water + seed / soil + seed / land + seed / earth + seed / grass + big / algae + land / earth + algae / life + soil / rain + soil
Plasmastar + science / sun + science / pressure + heat / heat + heat
Platypusbeaver + duck / bird + beaver / beaver + seagull
Plowearth + metal / metal + field / earth + steel / steel + field / earth + wood / wood + field / tool + field
Polar Bearanimal + ice / animal + arctic
Pollendust + plant / wind + plant / dust + flower / wind + flower
Pondwater + puddle / puddle + big / lake + small / puddle + puddle
Popsicleice + juice / cold + juice / wood + juice / snow + juice
Post Officehouse + mailman / wall + mailman / mailman + container / house + letter / wall + letter / letter + mailman / letter + letter
Potatoearth + vegetable
Potterhuman + pottery / human + clay
Potteryclay + wheel / clay + tool
Pressureair + air / atmosphere + atmosphere / air + atmosphere / geyser + science / ocean + ocean
Primordial Souplava + ocean / lava + sea / ocean + planet / earth + ocean / sea + planet / earth + sea
Printerpaper + computer / newspaper + computer
Prismglass + rainbow / glass + double rainbow! / rainbow + crystal ball / double rainbow! + crystal ball
Pterodactylair + dinosaur / sky + dinosaur / airplane + dinosaur / bird + dinosaur / dinosaur + eagle / dinosaur + vulture
Puddlewater + water / pond + small
Pumpkinfield + vegetable / farmer + vegetable / vegetable + jack-o-lantern / plant + jack-o-lantern
Pyramidstone + desert / grave + desert / graveyard + desert / desert + mountain / desert + hill / desert + gravestone / mummy + container 
Quicksandsand + swamp
Quicksilvermetal + liquid 
Rabbitanimal + carrot / rabbit + rabbit
Raincloud + heat / cloud + pressure / cloud + water
Rainbowrain + sun / rain + light / water + light / cloud + light / water + sun / sun + prism / light + prism
Rainforestrain + forest
Ratanimal + pirate ship / sailboat + animal / mouse + pirate ship / sailboat + mouse / mouse + city / mouse + skyscraper / mouse + village / mouse + big
Recipeflour + paper / meat + paper / paper + baker / paper + bakery / paper + vegetable / fruit + paper / flour + newspaper / meat + newspaper / newspaper + baker / newspaper + vegetable / newspaper + bakery / fruit + newspaper / paper + cook
Reedplant + pond / plant + puddle / grass + pond / grass + puddle / swamp + grass / plant + swamp / plant + river / grass + river
Reindeeranimal + Santa / livestock + Santa / Christmas tree + animal / livestock + Christmas tree / animal + Christmas stocking
Restaurantcook + house
Ringdiamond + metal / diamond + gold / diamond + steel / love + gold / diamond + love / metal + love / steel + love
Riverlake + motion / big + stream / water + mountain / rain + mountain / rain + hill
Rivuletpuddle + motion / stream + small
Robotlife + armor / metal + life / steel + life / metal + golem / steel + golem / golem + armor
Robot Vacuumrobot + vacuum cleaner / robot + broom / computer + vacuum cleaner / computer + broom
Rockbig + pebble / small + boulder / pebble + pebble
Rocketairplane + atmosphere / metal + atmosphere / steel + atmosphere / train + atmosphere / atmosphere + machine / boat + atmosphere / steamboat + atmosphere / atmosphere + car / atmosphere + pirate ship
Roeegg + fish / water + egg / ocean + egg / sea + egg / egg + lake / egg + flying fish
Roller Coastertrain + park / car + park / cart + park / wagon + park
Ropethread + thread / wire + thread / tool + wire / tool + sailboat / tool + pirate ship / tool + boat
Roseplant + love / love + flower / blade + flower / plant + blade
Ruinstime + castle / time + house / time + village / time + city / time + skyscraper / time + farm / time + hospital
Rulerwood + pencil
Rustair + metal / air + steel / wind + metal / wind + steel / metal + oxygen / steel + oxygen
RVhouse + car / house + bus 
Sackflour + container / salt + container / letter + container
Saddlehorse + leather / tool + horse / horse + fabric
Safemetal + money / steel + money / metal + gold / steel + gold / gun + container / gold + container
Safety Glassestool + glasses / explosion + glasses / engineer + glasses / glasses + bulletproof vest / armor + glasses
Sailboatwind + boat / boat + fabric / wind + steamboat / steamboat + fabric
Sailorhuman + boat / human + sailboat / human + steamboat / ocean + human / sea + human / human + lake
Saltocean + sun / sea + sun / fire + ocean / fire + sea / ocean + mineral / sea + mineral
Sandair + stone / wind + stone / air + rock / wind + rock / air + pebble / wind + pebble / small + pebble
Sand Castlesand + castle / beach + castle / desert + castle / dune + castle
Sandpapersand + paper / sand + fabric
Sandstonestone + sand / sand + rock / earth + sand
Sandstormstorm + sand / tornado + sand / sand + motion / storm + desert / tornado + desert / wind + desert / desert + motion
Sandwichbread + meat / bread + bacon / cheese + bread / bread + vegetable / bread + ham
Santahuman + Christmas tree / human + Christmas stocking / Christmas tree + legend / Christmas stocking + legend / Christmas tree + story / story + Christmas stocking
Saptree + blade
Saturnring + planet / small + Jupiter
Scalpelblade + doctor / blade + hospital / blade + ambulance / sword + doctor / sword + hospital / sword + ambulance
Scarecrowhuman + hay / hay + statue / golem + hay / statue + farm / barn + statue / pumpkin + sack / jack-o-lantern + sack / hay + sack
Sciencehuman + telescope / human + microscope / human + universe
Scissorsblade + blade / sword + sword / blade + sword / blade + paper / sword + paper
Scorpionanimal + dune / sand + animal / dune + spider / sand + spider / desert + spider
Scuba Tankair + container / atmosphere + container / oxygen + container
Scytheblade + grass / blade + wheat / grass + sword / wheat + sword / axe + grass / axe + wheat
Seawater + lake / lake + big / ocean + small / lake + lake
Seagullsea + bird / ocean + bird / bird + beach / sea + pigeon / ocean + pigeon / beach + pigeon / sea + rat / ocean + rat / beach + rat
Seahorseocean + horse / sea + horse / water + horse / fish + horse / horse + lake
Sealsea + dog / ocean + dog / dog + arctic / dog + lake / water + dog
Seaplanesea + airplane / ocean + airplane / airplane + lake / water + airplane
Seasicknessboat + sickness / steamboat + sickness / sailboat + sickness / ocean + sickness / sea + sickness / sickness + lake
Seaweedocean + plant / sea + plant / plant + lake / ocean + grass / sea + grass
Seedplant + pollen / bee + pollen / time + flower
Sewing Machineneedle + machine / electricity + needle / robot + needle / thread + machine / electricity + thread / robot + thread
Sharkocean + blood / sea + blood / ocean + wolf / sea wolf / fish + blood / fish + wolf
Sheeplivestock + wool / livestock + hill / livestock + land / cloud + livestock / goat + domestication / mountain goat + domestication
Sheet Musicpaper + music / music + book
Shoveltool + gardener
Shurikenblade + star / sword + star / metal + star / steel + star / blade + ninja
Sicknesshuman + bacteria / swamp + human / human + sickness
Silowheat + container / house + wheat / wheat + barn / wheat + wall / wheat + farm / wheat + safe / wheat + bank
Skateboardwheel + snowboard / wheel + skier / wheel + ski goggles
Skeletontime + corpse / bone + bone / corpse + bone
Ski Gogglessnow + glasses / snow + sunglasses / cold + glasses / cold + sunglasses / glasses + glacier / glacier + sunglasses / glasses + skier / sunglasses + skier
Skierhuman + ski goggles / human + mountain / human + mountain range
Skyair + cloud / sun + atmosphere / light + atmosphere / moon + sun / cloud + atmosphere
Skyscrapersky + house / sky + village / house + big / cloud + house
Sleighsnow + cart / snow + wagon / ice + cart / ice + wagon / cart + arctic / wagon + arctic / Antarctica + cart / Antarctica + wagon
Slothtime + animal / tree + manatee
Smallbacteria + philosophy / oxygen + philosophy / carbon dioxide + philosophy / ozone + philosophy / pebble + philosophy / rivulet + philosophy / ant + philosophy / spider + philosophy / bee + philosophy / confetti + philosophy / scorpion + philosophy / seahorse + philosophy
Smartphonetablet + small
Smogsmoke + fog / fog + city / smoke + city / atmosphere + city / air + city
Smokeearth + gas / water + campfire / time + campfire / storm + campfire / fire + plant / fire + grass / fire + tree / fire + wood / fire + air
Smoke Signalcampfire + fabric / smoke + fabric / smoke + letter
Smoothiefruit + blender / fruit + ice / fruit + cold
Snakeanimal + rope / wire + animal / electric eel + land
Snowrain + cold / steam + cold / rain + mountain / rain + mountain range
Snow Globesnow + crystal ball / snowman + crystal ball / snowball + crystal ball / crystal ball + snowmobile / Santa + crystal ball / Christmas tree + crystal ball / Christmas stocking + crystal ball / blizzard + crystal ball / ice + crystal ball / cold + crystal ball / glass + snow / glass + snowman / glass + snowball / glass + snowmobile / glass + Santa / glass + Christmas tree / glass + Christmas stocking / glass + blizzard
Snowballstone + snow / snow + rock / earth + snow / human + snow
Snowboardwood + snow / snow + surfer / wood + ice / ice + surfer / mountain + surfer / surfer + mountain range
Snowboarderhuman + snowboard
Snowmanhuman + snow / snow + carrot / snowball + carrot / coal + snow / coal + snowball / snowball + snowball
Snowmobilesnow + motorcycle / snow + car / glacier + motorcycle / car + glacier / ice + motorcycle / ice + car
Soapash + oil / ash + wax / oil + wax / clay + wax / clay + oil
Sodawater + carbon dioxide / juice + carbon dioxide / carbon dioxide + tea
Soilearth + life / earth + organic matter / life + land / land + organic matter
Solar Celltool + sun / tool + light / sun + machine / sun + electricity / energy + sun
Solar Systemplanet + planet / sun + planet / sun + container / planet + container / Mars + container / Mercury + container / Venus + container / Jupiter + container / Saturn + container
Solidearth + idea / earth + science
Soundair + wave / human + wave / wave + wolf / wave + animal
Spacesky + star / sun + star / moon + star / night + solar system / sky + solar system
Space Stationhouse + space / space + wall / space + village / house + atmosphere / atmosphere + wall / atmosphere + village
Spaceshipairplane + space / metal + space / steel + space / space + pirate ship / boat + space / steamboat + space / car + space / astronaut + container
Spaghettithread + pasta / wire + pasta / pasta + rope
Sphinxlion + statue / desert + statue / statue + pyramid / stone + lion
Spideranimal + thread / animal + web / animal + net
Spoonshovel + small
Spotlightlight + machine / metal + light / steel + light
Sprinklessugar + confetti / rainbow + sugar / double rainbow! + sugar / sugar + paint
Squirreltree + mouse / plant + mouse / mouse + nuts / animal + nuts
Starsky + night / night + telescope / space + telescope / sky + space / night + space / sun + space
Starfishfish + star / sea + star / ocean + star
Statuestone + hammer / hammer + boulder / human + medusa / hacker + medusa / engineer + medusa / lumberjack + medusa / pilot + medusa / sailor + medusa / firefighter + medusa / farmer + medusa / surfer + medusa / astronaut + medusa / butcher + medusa / doctor + medusa / baker + medusa / drunk + medusa / mirror + medusa
Steakmeat + BBQ / fire + cow / cow + BBQ / fire + meat
Steamwater + heat / water + fire / water + lava / water + gas
Steam Enginesteam + machine / steam + wheel / boiler + wheel
Steamboatsteam engine + boat / steam engine + sailboat / steam engine + pirate ship / ocean + steam engine / sea + steam engine
Steelmetal + charcoal / coal + metal / metal + mineral / ash + metal
Steel Woolsteel + wool / metal + wool / wire + wool
Stethoscopetool + doctor / doctor + drum / doctor + sound / tool + sound / tool + hospital
Stoneearth + solid / earth + pressure / air + lava
Stormcloud + electricity / electricity + atmosphere / cloud + cloud / rain + wind
Storyhuman + campfire / human + hero
Streampond + motion / big + rivulet / river + small
String Phonewire + paper cup / thread + paper cup / wire + cup / thread + cup
Stun Gungun + electricity / electricity + bow / energy + gun / energy + bow / gun + wire
Sugarfire + juice / energy + juice / energy + fruit / fire + fruit / fire + alcohol / energy + alcohol / fire + beer / energy + beer / fire + wine / energy + wine
Sunsky + light / fire + sky / day + space / sky + day / fire + planet / light + planet / light + day
Sundialwheel + sun / wheel + day / wheel + light / tool + sun / tool + day / tool + light / sun + watch / sun + clock / light + watch / clock + light
Sunflowerplant + sun / sun + flower
Sunglassessun + glasses / beach + glasses / day + glasses / sky + glasses / light + glasses
Supernovaexplosion + star / explosion + sun / explosion + galaxy / explosion + space
Surferhuman + wave / human + beach
Sushifish + seaweed / caviar + seaweed
Swampmud + grass / mud + reed / mud + tree / algae + lake / algae + pond / lake + reed / pond + reed / tree + lake
Sweatertool + wool / human + wool
Swim Goggleswater + glasses / water + sunglasses / glasses + lake / sunglasses + lake / sea + glasses / sea + sunglasses / ocean + glasses / ocean + sunglasses / glasses + river / sunglasses + river
Swimmerwater + human / human + swim goggles / human + pond / human + swimming pool
Swimming Poolhouse + lake / house + swimmer / aquarium + big
Swordblade + wood / metal + blade / steel + blade
Swordfishfish + sword / blade + fish / sword + shark / blade + shark
Syringedoctor + needle / tool + needle 
Tabletlaptop + small
Tailorhuman + sewing machine / human + needle / human + thread
Tankarmor + car / gun + car / metal + car / steel + car
Teawater + leaf / human + leaf / leaf + heat
Telescopesky + glass / glass + star / glass + space / glass + moon / glass + planet / glass + Mercury / glass + Mars / glass + Jupiter / glass + Saturn / glass + galaxy / glass + galaxy cluster / glass + universe / glass + supernova
Tentwood + fabric / house + fabric / village + fabric / wall + fabric
The One Ringvolcano + ring / ring + magic
Thermometerglass + quicksilver / tool + quicksilver / engineer + quicksilver
Threadtool + cotton / cotton + cotton / wheel + cotton / cotton + machine
Tideocean + moon / sea + moon / ocean + time / sea + time
TimeUnlocked through progression.
Titanicsteamboat + iceberg / boat + iceberg / iceberg + legend / steamboat + legend
Toastfire + bread / fire + sandwich
Tobaccoplant + smoke / grass + smoke / fire + plant
Toolmetal + human / steel + human / human + wood / stone + human / human + rock / metal + wood / steel + wood / stone + wood / wood + rock
Toolboxtool + container / tool + safe / hammer + container / hammer + box / tool + box / ruler + container / ruler + box / steel wool + container / steel wool + box / chain + box / chain + container
Tornadostorm + storm / storm + wind / storm + motion / wind + big / wind + wind / wind + motion
Toucanbird + rainbow / bird + palm / palm + seagull / palm + pigeon / palm + owl / bird + double rainbow!
Tractorfarmer + car / field + car / farmer + wagon / field + wagon / cow + car / cow + wagon
Trainsteel + steam engine / metal + steam engine / steam engine + wheel / steam engine + wagon
Trainyardtrain + container / train + house / train + wall / train + garage
Treasurepirate + treasure map / pirate ship + treasure map / island + treasure map / sailor + treasure map
Treasure Mappirate + map / map + pirate ship / map + treasure / island + map
Treeplant + big / plant + wood / nest + container
Treehousetree + house / tree + wood
Trojan Horsewood + horse / horse + machine / horse + statue
Tsunamiocean + earthquake / sea + earthquake / ocean + explosion / sea + explosion / ocean + meteor / sea + meteor
Tunnelengineer + mountain / engineer + mountain range / engineer + hill / train + mountain / train + mountain range / train + hill / mountain + cave / hill + cave / mountain range + cave
Turtlesand + egg / beach + animal / lizard + beach / egg + beach
Twilightday + night / time + day
Tyrannosaurus Rexmeat + dinosaur / blood + dinosaur / dinosaur + monarch 
UFOrocket + alien / airplane + alien / alien + spaceship / alien + space station / sky + alien / alien + container
Umbrellarain + tool / rain + fabric / storm + fabric / storm + tool
Unicornhorse + legend / rainbow + horse / double rainbow! + horse / horse + story / horse + magic
Universegalaxy cluster + galaxy cluster / space + container / galaxy cluster + container 
Vacuum Cleanerelectricity + broom / broom + machine
Vampirehuman + blood / human + vampire / human + bat
Vaseplant + pottery / pottery + flower / rose + container / flower + container / pottery + rose / rose + bottle / flower + bottle / plant + bottle
Vaultsafe + big
Vegetablefield + farmer / forest + farmer / plant + farmer / plant + field / plant + domestication
Venusacid rain + planet / planet + smog / volcano + planet
Villagehouse + house / family + family / house + container / bakery + container / house + bakery
Vinerope + rainforest / thread + rainforest / wire + rainforest
Vinegarwine + oxygen / air + wine / time + wine
Volcanolava + mountain / fire + mountain / pressure + mountain / earth + lava / lava + hill / fire + hill / pressure + hill / lava + container
Vulturebird + corpse / corpse + eagle / corpse + hummingbird / corpse + owl / corpse + pigeon / corpse + penguin / chicken + corpse / corpse + duck / bird + desert / desert + eagle / desert + hummingbird / desert + owl / desert + pigeon / desert + penguin / desert + duck 
Wagonhorse + cart / cart + fabric / house + cart / cart + wall / cow + cart
Wallbrick + brick / wood + wood / stone + stone
Wandwood + wizard / sword + wizard / tool + wizard / pencil + wizard
Warmthair + heat / human + heat
Warriorhuman + sword / human + bow
Watchhuman + clock / clock + small
Waterice + heat / snow + heat
Water Gunwater + gun / gun + stream / gun + puddle
Water Lilypond + flower / flower + puddle / flower + lake / flower + stream
Water Pipewater + pipe
Waterfallmountain + river / river + mountain range / river + hill / mountain + lake / mountain range + lake / lake + hill
Waveocean + wind / ocean + storm / sea + wind / sea + storm / wind + lake / storm + lake / ocean + hurricane / sea + hurricane / lake + hurricane
Waxbee + beehive / wall + beehive / blade + beehive / sword + beehive / tool + beehive / beehive + beekeeper
Webthread + spider / cotton + spider / fabric + spider / spider + net
Werewolfhuman + wolf / human + werewolf
Wheatgrass + domestication / farmer + grass / field + grass
Wheeltool + motion / stone + motion / metal + motion / steel + motion / water + tool / tool + stream / tool + river
Wild Boaranimal + pig / forest + pig / pig + hill
Windair + motion / atmosphere + motion / air + pressure
Wind Turbineelectricity + windmill / windmill + machine / electrician + windmill / electricity + wind
Windmillwind + house / wind + wheel / wind + wheat / wind + flour / wheel + wall
Windsurferwind + surfer
Winefruit + alcohol / juice + alcohol
Wiremetal + electricity / steel + electricity / electricity + rope / metal + rope / steel + rope
Witchwizard + broom / human + broom / broom + legend / story + broom / broom + magic / broom + cauldron / cauldron + legend / story + cauldron
Wizardhuman + magic / human + rainbow / human + double rainbow! / human + unicorn
Wolfmoon + animal / animal + dog / forest + dog / blood + dog
Woodtree + tool / tree + axe / tree + chainsaw / tree + sword / tree + lumberjack / tool + forest / axe + forest / forest + chainsaw / forest + lumberjack
Woodpeckerbird + wood / tree + bird / bird + forest
Wooltool + sheep / scissors + sheep / blade + sheep
Wrapping Paperpaper + gift / Christmas tree + paper / paper + Christmas stocking / paper + Santa
Writerhuman + book / human + pencil 
Yetimountain + story / story + mountain range / glacier + story / Antarctica + story / mountain + legend / mountain range + legend / glacier + legend / Antarctica + legend /
Yogurtmilk + bacteria / bacteria + ice cream 
Zombielife + corpse / corpse + story / corpse + bacteria / human + zombie
Zooanimal + container / animal + cage 

That’s it for our Little Alchemy 2 cheats. If you’re still after some cheats for other games, why not check out our GTA 5 cheats and Helldivers 2 cheats guides as well?

About the Author

Alex raisbeck.

Alex is a Guides Writer for VideoGamer. He is an indie gaming obsessive with a soft spot for Zelda, roguelikes, and Football Manager, as well as an unhealthy relationship with his backlog.

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