catamaran meaning of bengali

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Catamaran - Meaning in Bengali

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Catamaran Meaning In Bengali

Meaning of catamaran:.

একটি ক্যাটামারান হল এক ধরণের নৌকা বা জাহাজ যা একটি ফ্রেম দ্বারা সংযুক্ত সমান আকারের দুটি সমান্তরাল হুল নিয়ে গঠিত।

A catamaran is a type of boat or ship consisting of two parallel hulls of equal size connected by a frame.

Catamaran Sentence Examples:

1. ক্যাটামারান বাতাসের দ্বারা চালিত, জল জুড়ে মসৃণভাবে glided.

1. The catamaran glided smoothly across the water, propelled by the wind.

2. আমরা উপকূল বরাবর একটি সূর্যাস্ত ক্রুজ জন্য একটি catamaran ভাড়া.

2. We rented a catamaran for a sunset cruise along the coast.

3. ক্যাটামারান এর টুইন হুল রুক্ষ সমুদ্রে চমৎকার স্থিতিশীলতা প্রদান করে।

3. The catamaran’s twin hulls provided excellent stability in rough seas.

4. আমার বন্ধু প্রশস্ত কেবিন এবং একটি সূর্যের ডেক সহ একটি বিলাসবহুল ক্যাটামারানের মালিক।

4. My friend owns a luxurious catamaran with spacious cabins and a sun deck.

5. ক্যাটামারান রেস দর্শকদের ভিড়কে জলপ্রান্তরে আকৃষ্ট করেছিল।

5. The catamaran race drew a crowd of spectators to the waterfront.

6. ক্যাটামারান নকশা ঐতিহ্যবাহী পালতোলা নৌকার তুলনায় গতি এবং দক্ষতা বৃদ্ধির অনুমতি দেয়।

6. The catamaran design allows for increased speed and efficiency compared to traditional sailboats.

7. আমরা ক্যারিবিয়ানে এক সপ্তাহব্যাপী পালতোলা ছুটির জন্য একটি ক্যাটামারান চার্ট করেছি।

7. We chartered a catamaran for a week-long sailing vacation in the Caribbean.

8. catamaran এর অগভীর খসড়া আমাদের লুকানো coves এবং সমুদ্র সৈকত অন্বেষণ করার অনুমতি দেয়.

8. The catamaran’s shallow draft allowed us to explore hidden coves and beaches.

9. ক্যাটামারান ক্যাপ্টেন দক্ষতার সাথে জনাকীর্ণ বন্দর দিয়ে নৌকাটি চালনা করেছিলেন।

9. The catamaran captain expertly maneuvered the boat through the crowded harbor.

10. আমি একদিন আমার নিজের ক্যাটামারানের মালিক হওয়ার এবং সারা বিশ্বে যাত্রা করার স্বপ্ন দেখি।

10. I dream of owning my own catamaran one day and sailing around the world.

Synonyms of Catamaran:

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Catamaran Meaning In Bengali

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catamaran - Meaning in Bengali


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Catamaran Meaning In Bengali

সাধারণ উদাহরণ এবং সংজ্ঞা সহ catamaran এর আসল অর্থ জানুন।., definitions of catamaran.

1 . সমান্তরালে টুইন হুল সহ একটি ইয়ট বা অন্য জাহাজ।

1 . a yacht or other boat with twin hulls in parallel.

Examples of Catamaran :

1 . ক্যাটামারান কেচ হিসাবে কারচুপি করা হবে

1 . the catamaran will be rigged as a ketch

2 . একটি ছোট ক্যাটামারানে সমুদ্রে দীর্ঘ সময় কাটান

2 . he spends long hours at sea on a small catamaran

3 . গাড়ি থেকে ক্যাটামারান পর্যন্ত, খেলাধুলায় কত বড় ডেটা কাজ করে

3 . From cars to catamaran s, how big data plays in sports

4 . সেপ্টেম্বর এবং অক্টোবর 2017: আমরা আমাদের ক্যাটামারান খুঁজে পেয়েছি।

4 . September and October 2017: We have found our catamaran .

5 . ফ্রান্সে, প্রথম "হাইড্রোজেন" ক্যাটামারান উন্নত করার বিষয়ে কথা বলেছেন

5 . In France, talked about improving the first "hydrogen" catamaran

6 . seajet 2 (সোর্ডফিশ) সামুদ্রিক জেট বহরের দ্বিতীয় ক্যাটামারান।

6 . seajet 2(the swordfish) is the second catamaran of sea jets fleet.

7 . লিথিয়াম ব্যাটারি এবং এবিএস টাইপ প্লাস্টিক সহ কমলা ক্যাটামারান টোপ নৌকা।

7 . orange catamaran bait boat lithium battery power and abs plastic type.

8 . তাই আমি A-Class catamaran এর উপযুক্ত বিকল্পের জন্য চারপাশে তাকালাম।

8 . So I looked around for a suitable alternative to the A-Class catamaran .

9 . ডেভিক্ট বেট বোট DEVC-308 ক্যামোফ্লাজড ক্যাটামারান স্টাইলের টোপ নৌকা আরসি মডেল।

9 . devict bait boat devc-308 camouflage catamaran bait boat style rc model.

10 . বালি 4.5 ক্যানারি দ্বীপপুঞ্জে চার্টারের জন্য একটি সুন্দর ক্যাটামারান।

10 . The Bali 4.5 is a beautiful catamaran for charter in the Canary Islands.

11 . ডেভিক্ট বেট বোট DEVC-308 ক্যামোফ্লাজড ক্যাটামারান স্টাইলের টোপ নৌকা আরসি মডেল।

11 . devict bait boat devc-308 camouflage catamaran bait boat style rc model.

12 . ক্যাটামারান আপনার নতুন আবেগ হবে কিনা তা খুঁজে বের করার একটি অনন্য সুযোগ।

12 . A unique opportunity to find out if the Catamaran will be your new passion.

13 . আমরা সুইস নাগরিক, বিবাহিত এবং গত বছর থেকে আমাদের ক্যাটামারানে বসবাস করছি।

13 . We are Swiss citizens, married and since last year living on our catamaran .

14 . কিছু অপারেটর আরো স্থিতিশীল যাত্রা অফার করার জন্য ক্যাটামারান ব্যবহার করবে।

14 . Some operators will utilize catamaran s in order to offer a more stable journey.

15 . Devc-310 catamaran অটোপাইলট টোপ নৌকা, কালো রোবট মাছ ধরার টোপ নৌকা সোনার জিপিএস।

15 . autopilot bait boat catamaran devc-310, black robot fishing bait boat sonar gps.

16 . Devc-300 ব্ল্যাক কার্প ক্যাটামারান স্টাইলের রেডিও কন্ট্রোল টোপ নৌকা, আরসি মাছ ধরার টোপ নৌকা।

16 . devc-300 black carp catamaran bait boat style radio control, rc fishing bait boat.

17 . বড় ছবি: লিথিয়াম ব্যাটারি এবং abs টাইপ প্লাস্টিক সহ কমলা ক্যাটামারান টোপ নৌকা।

17 . large image: orange catamaran bait boat lithium battery power and abs plastic type.

18 . আমার কম্পিউটারে কোনো 'ক্যাটামারান' বোতাম বা 'পাইলট বোট' বোতাম নেই, এটি ডিজাইন করতে হবে।

18 . There is no ‘ catamaran ’ button or ‘pilot boat’ button on my computer, it has to be designed.

19 . ডেভিক্ট ক্যাটামারান টোপ নৌকা হল বিলাসবহুল লাইভ টোপ নৌকা যার ভিতরে দুটি মোটর এবং দুটি ব্যাটারি রয়েছে।

19 . devict catamaran bait boat is the luxury baitboat with two motors and two batteries inside.

20 . বড় চিত্র: OEM/ODM ক্যাটামারান টোপ নৌকা ডেভিক্ট devc-300 টোপ নৌকা ABS প্লাস্টিকের কালো হুল।

20 . large image: oem/ odm catamaran bait boat devict bait boat devc-300 black hull abs plastict.


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- Meaning from English-Bangla Dictionary
A kind of fire raft or torpedo bat.
A kind of raft or float, consisting of two or more logs or pieces of wood lashed together, and moved by paddles or sail; -- used as a surf boat and for other purposes on the coasts of the East and West Indies and South America. Modified forms are much use
A quarrelsome woman; a scold.
Any vessel with twin hulls, whether propelled by sails or by steam; esp., one of a class of double-hulled pleasure boats remarkable for speed.

Catamaran Meaning in Bengali

What is the meaning of word Catamaran in Bengali/Bangla ?

Meaning of Catamaran in Bangla is : কলহপ্রি়া নারী

Defenition of word catamaran.

  • a yacht or other boat with twin hulls in parallel.

The kinds of boats available range from 80-foot motor yachts and sprawling catamarans to smaller sailboats that cater to couples.

Other Meaning of Catamaran

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catamaran meaning of bengali

Bengali Meaningকলহপ্রি়া নারী, কাঠের ভেলাবিশেষ, কা
a sailboat with two parallel hulls held together by single deck / A kind of raft or float, consisting of two or more logs or pieces of wood lashed together, and moved by paddles or sail / a yacht or other boat with twin hulls in parallel.,
Usage The kinds of boats available range from 8-foot motor yachts and sprawling catamarans to smaller sailboats that cater to couples.
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The sparrow sat on the bark of the tree / As I tucked into this steaming Bunter-sized platter out on the darkening waters, I swear I heard the seals give a l...
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The dead body was found floating on the river / a carnival float / Dust floats in the air / Float an idea. / A small stick was floating in the creek.
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Successive displays chronicle the Greek trireme, perhaps the ultimate statement of rowing power, the Venetian gondola , the Thames wherry, wooden-hulled life...
I have lot of junk in my store room / It's junk on that radio station. / You can hardly enter or leave the Royal Garden Plaza without tripping over someone's...
In the village people use kayak to cross the river / The next highest categories were personal watercraft, cabin cruisers, canoes, rowboats and kayaks .
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Catamaran  (English) Translated to Bengali as কলহপ্রি়া নারী

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Catamarans Meaning In Bengali

Catamarans Meaning in Bengali. Catamarans শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ কি? English to Bangla online dictionary. Google Translate "Catamarans".

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Meaning In Bengali

Catamarans :- ক্যাটামারানস

Parts of Speech

Catamarans :- Noun

Synonyms For Catamarans

  • float :-(verb) ভাসা, ভাসনে দেওয়া
  • raft :-(noun) ভেলা, ভাসমান প্লাটফর্ম
  • sailboat :-(noun) পালতোলা নৌকা;

See 'Catamarans' also in:

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Most Searched Word (E2B)

  • XX :- কুড়ি , বিশ, ২০
  • hello :-(exclamation) ওহে; আরে; শুনুন
  • invisible to the naked eye :- খালি চোখে অদৃশ্য, নগ্ন চোখে, খালি চক্ষু
  • dummy :-(noun) প্রতিরূপ নকল মূর্তি বা কাঠামো
  • Fuck All :- যৌনসংগম; যৌনসংগম করা; রমন করা ; উপগত হওয়া
  • anonymity :-(noun) ছদ্মনামযুক্ত অবস্হা ; নামহীনতা ; নাম নাই এমন অবস্থা
  • deputy minister :-(noun) উপমন্ত্রী; ডেপুটি মন্ত্রী
  • voter :-(noun) ভোটদাতা / ভোট দিবার অধিকারী / নির্বাচক / ভোটদাতা
  • phantasmagory :- ফ্যান্টাসমাগরি
  • Ambassador At Large :-(noun) অ্যাম্বাসেডর অ্যাট লার্জ
  • Batchmate :-(noun) সহপাঠী
  • Dewar :-(noun)
  • pain :-(noun) ব্যথা ; যন্ত্রণা
  • tie the knot :- গিঁট বাঁধা
  • fuck :-(verb) যৌনসংগম; যৌনসংগম করা;
  • Deworming :-(verb) কৃমিনাশক
  • Fundal :-(adjective) মৌলিক
  • Autophile :-(noun) অটোফাইল
  • a :-(adj) একটি / এক / একখানি / কোন এক / যে কোন
  • a bad egg :- ফালতু লোক; একটি খারাপ ডিম
  • each person :- প্রতিটি ব্যক্তি
  • Unapologetically :-(adverb) ক্ষমাহীনভাবে
  • Fam :-(noun) ফ্যাম
  • crocodile :-(noun) কুম্ভীর
  • Elder-sister :- বড় বোন
  • lovebug :- প্রেমিক
  • evil-eye :- কুদৃষ্টি / দুষ্ট নজর /
  • Lo Fi :-(adjective) lo-fi

catamarans Meaning in Bengali

কাঠের ভেলাবিশেষ, কলহপ্রি়া নারী,

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Similer Words:

Catamarans's usage examples:.

They are double-hulled canoes in the Austronesian tradition, similar to catamarans .

On catamarans , a single main foil can be attached between the hulls just in front of.

rules setup is very similar to those of the Formula 18 class of beach catamarans .

Like most Dart catamarans except for the Dart 20 EXP it lacks the main boom, as well as daggerboards.

Single-outrigger boats, double-canoes ( catamarans ), and double-outrigger boats (trimarans) of the Austronesian peoples are.

as a surfboard manufacturer, but was also successful racing Hobie 14 catamarans and started his own line of boats, starting with the Prindle 16.

The AC72 (America's Cup 72 class) is a class of wingsail catamarans built to a box rule governing the construction and operation of yachts competing in.

The Topcat sailing catamarans are fast, seaworthy, popular, and affordable twin-hull boats ranging in.

sailing boat; sailboat;

catamarans 's Meaning in Other Sites

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  • Excuse for ( অব্যাহতি দেওয়া ) He will not be excused for coming late.
  • Rid of ( মুক্ত হওয়া ) Get rid of bad company.
  • Occupied with ( নিয়োজিত (কাজ) ) He is occupied with his studies.
  • Devoid of ( বর্জিত ) He is devoid of common sense.
  • Indebted to ( ঋণী ; কৃতজ্ঞ ) I am indebted to him for this help.
  • Deaf of ( বধির ) He is deaf of one ear.
  • At last ( অবশেষে ) I got my missing book at last.
  • From A to Z ( প্রথম হইতে শেষ পয্র্ন্ত ) The statement is true from A to Z.
  • As if ( যেন ) He swims so beautifully as if he is the Olympic gold medalist.
  • Flesh and blood ( রক্তমাংসের শরীর ) Flesh and blood cannot bear with such insults.
  • Turn down ( প্রত্যাখান করা ) He turned down my proposal.
  • Bring to book ( শাস্তি দেওয়া ) He should be brought to book for his misconduct.

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Catamaran Meaning In Bengali

Catamaran Meaning in Bengali. Catamaran শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ কি? English to Bangla online dictionary. Google Translate "Catamaran".

  • 1 Meaning In Bengali
  • 2 Parts of Speech
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  • 6 Related Words
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Meaning In Bengali

Catamaran :- কলহপ্রি়া নারী; কাঠের ভেলাবিশেষ;

More Meaning

Catamaran (noun).

কলহপ্রি়া নারী / কাঠের ভেলাবিশেষ /

Bangla Academy Dictionary:

Catamaran in Bangla Academy Dictionary

Synonyms For Catamaran

  • float :-(verb) ভাসা, ভাসনে দেওয়া
  • raft :-(noun) ভেলা, ভাসমান প্লাটফর্ম
  • sailboat :-(noun) পালতোলা নৌকা;

Related Words For Catamaran

  • cat :-(noun) বিড়াল
  • cat and dog life :- যে সংসারে দিবারাত্র ঝগড়া লেগেই আছে;
  • cat eyed :- অন্ধকারেও দেখতে পায় এমন;
  • cat fish :-(noun) মাগুর মাছ; শিঙিমাছ; মাগুর জাতীয় মাছ;

See 'Catamaran' also in:

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Most Searched Word (E2B)

  • XX :- কুড়ি , বিশ, ২০
  • hello :-(exclamation) ওহে; আরে; শুনুন
  • invisible to the naked eye :- খালি চোখে অদৃশ্য, নগ্ন চোখে, খালি চক্ষু
  • dummy :-(noun) প্রতিরূপ নকল মূর্তি বা কাঠামো
  • Fuck All :- যৌনসংগম; যৌনসংগম করা; রমন করা ; উপগত হওয়া
  • anonymity :-(noun) ছদ্মনামযুক্ত অবস্হা ; নামহীনতা ; নাম নাই এমন অবস্থা
  • deputy minister :-(noun) উপমন্ত্রী; ডেপুটি মন্ত্রী
  • voter :-(noun) ভোটদাতা / ভোট দিবার অধিকারী / নির্বাচক / ভোটদাতা
  • phantasmagory :- ফ্যান্টাসমাগরি
  • Ambassador At Large :-(noun) অ্যাম্বাসেডর অ্যাট লার্জ
  • Batchmate :-(noun) সহপাঠী
  • Dewar :-(noun)
  • pain :-(noun) ব্যথা ; যন্ত্রণা
  • tie the knot :- গিঁট বাঁধা
  • fuck :-(verb) যৌনসংগম; যৌনসংগম করা;
  • Deworming :-(verb) কৃমিনাশক
  • Fundal :-(adjective) মৌলিক
  • Autophile :-(noun) অটোফাইল
  • a :-(adj) একটি / এক / একখানি / কোন এক / যে কোন
  • a bad egg :- ফালতু লোক; একটি খারাপ ডিম
  • each person :- প্রতিটি ব্যক্তি
  • Unapologetically :-(adverb) ক্ষমাহীনভাবে
  • Fam :-(noun) ফ্যাম
  • crocodile :-(noun) কুম্ভীর
  • Elder-sister :- বড় বোন
  • lovebug :- প্রেমিক
  • evil-eye :- কুদৃষ্টি / দুষ্ট নজর /
  • Lo Fi :-(adjective) lo-fi

catamaran meaning in bengali

Bengali Meaningকলহপ্রি়া নারী, কাঠের ভেলাবিশেষ, কা
a sailboat with two parallel hulls held together by single deck / A kind of raft or float, consisting of two or more logs or pieces of wood lashed together, and moved by paddles or sail / a yacht or other boat with twin hulls in parallel.,
Usage The kinds of boats available range from 8-foot motor yachts and sprawling catamarans to smaller sailboats that cater to couples.
We gather this in the opening moments of the play when we hear that his ‘ argosies ’ (merchant ships), behaving ‘like signors and rich burghers’, are out on ...
The sparrow sat on the bark of the tree / As I tucked into this steaming Bunter-sized platter out on the darkening waters, I swear I heard the seals give a l...
We crossed the river by a small boat / a fishing boat / You can only get to the island by boat
We used a canoe to cross the river / Instruction is given in the use of kayaks, two-seater canoes and motor boats.
Square-rigged sails were particularly effective on the lighter ships known as caravels , which is why the Nina and Pinta were apt choices for Columbus's firs...
the injustice of the death penalty
A cruiser was hit by a missile / At sea, he served in a battleship, an aircraft carrier, in cruisers , destroyers, frigates, and a minesweeper. / A battle cr...
Areas within the trenches, known as dugouts , were furnished with a table and chairs and a few wire-mesh bunks for resting.
At many places in Goa ferry is used to cross the river / I have seen him on a ferry boat on the Hudson River joke with the Italian bootblacks in the Neapolit...
The dead body was found floating on the river / a carnival float / Dust floats in the air / Float an idea. / A small stick was floating in the creek.
Galleys were usually rowed by slaves
Successive displays chronicle the Greek trireme, perhaps the ultimate statement of rowing power, the Venetian gondola , the Thames wherry, wooden-hulled life...
I have lot of junk in my store room / It's junk on that radio station. / You can hardly enter or leave the Royal Garden Plaza without tripping over someone's...
In the village people use kayak to cross the river / The next highest categories were personal watercraft, cabin cruisers, canoes, rowboats and kayaks .
The sailors saved their lives from the wrecked ship on a raft Nowadays an inflatable rafts of rubber or plastic are in great demand / The sailors saved their...
Sailboat is driven by number of people / A total of 15 boats participated, including eight monohull and four multihull sailboats , and three powerboats.
Chinese use sampan for transport purposes / My father was a sailor and we lived in a sampan , a house boat.
Tonnes of cocain were shipped from Hong Kong to Indonesia / Returning to Metro had taken him several months of stowing away on cargo ships and transports bef...
Wash the vessels after the meal / The bridge only opens with two keys, at the moment it is high and open, which would allow ships and other nautical vessels ...
I like to sail in a yacht with my friend / A young woman who is a stewardess on a ferry becomes a skipper on a racing yacht .

catamaran meaning in bengali

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Meaning of CATAMARAN in Bangla

Use in sentences of কলহপ্রি়া নারী, meaning of catamaran in english.

  • A kind of raft or float, consisting of two or more logs or pieces of wood lashed together, and moved by paddles or sail; -- used as a surf boat and for other purposes on the coasts of the East and West Indies and South America. Modified forms are much used in the lumber regions of North America, and at life-saving stations.
  • Any vessel with twin hulls, whether propelled by sails or by steam; esp., one of a class of double-hulled pleasure boats remarkable for speed.
  • A kind of fire raft or torpedo bat.
  • A quarrelsome woman; a scold.

Synonyms of ‘ কলহপ্রি়া নারী ’

  • কলহপ্রি়া নারী CATAMARAN ,
  • কাঠের ভেলাবিশেষ CATAMARAN ,

Antonyms of ‘ কলহপ্রি়া নারী ’

Articles related to ‘ কলহপ্রি়া নারী ’, অক্ষর ক্লিক করে অন্যান্য শব্দ ব্রাউজ করুন.

  • জীবনীমূলক স্মৃতিকথা
  • শিশুসাহিত্য
  • কমেডি-ব্যঙ্গ
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Catamaran  (English) Translated to Bengali as কলহপ্রি়া নারী

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catamarans Meaning in Bengali

কাঠের ভেলাবিশেষ, কলহপ্রি়া নারী,

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Catamarans's usage examples:.

They are double-hulled canoes in the Austronesian tradition, similar to catamarans .

On catamarans , a single main foil can be attached between the hulls just in front of.

rules setup is very similar to those of the Formula 18 class of beach catamarans .

Like most Dart catamarans except for the Dart 20 EXP it lacks the main boom, as well as daggerboards.

Single-outrigger boats, double-canoes ( catamarans ), and double-outrigger boats (trimarans) of the Austronesian peoples are.

as a surfboard manufacturer, but was also successful racing Hobie 14 catamarans and started his own line of boats, starting with the Prindle 16.

The AC72 (America's Cup 72 class) is a class of wingsail catamarans built to a box rule governing the construction and operation of yachts competing in.

The Topcat sailing catamarans are fast, seaworthy, popular, and affordable twin-hull boats ranging in.

sailing boat; sailboat;

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• studies about the Bengali language, by Probal Dasgupta

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• Judges and grammarians in Britain's liberal pedagogic performance : a diglossic approach to colonial Bengal , in Droit et cultures (2014)

• Morphology and syntax : a comparative study between English and Bangla , by Mohammed Shanawaz (2013)

• Bengali intonational phonology by Bruce Hayes & Aditi Lahiri (1991)

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• Caractères de lettres des peuples de Bengale : first print, in Observations physiques et mathematiques envoyées des Indes par les pères jésuites (1692)

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• Bengal alphabet , in A Code of Gentoo laws (1774)

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• Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) by François Chan, in Textes & documents (1965)

• Evolution of Bengali literature : an overview , by Purnima Bali (2016)

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• the New Testament in the Bengali language (1847)

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• New Testament translated into Bengali, by William Carey (1801)

সমস্ত মানুষ স্বাধীনভাবে সমান মর্যাদা এবং অধিকার নিয়ে জন্মগ্রহণ করে। তাঁদের বিবেক এবং বুদ্ধি আছে; সুতরাং সকলেরই একে অপরের প্রতি ভ্রাতৃত্বসুলভ মনোভাব নিয়ে আচরণ করা উচিত।

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Catamarans Meaning In Bengali

সাধারণ উদাহরণ এবং সংজ্ঞা সহ catamarans এর আসল অর্থ জানুন।., definitions of catamarans.

1 . সমান্তরালে টুইন হুল সহ একটি ইয়ট বা অন্য জাহাজ।

1 . a yacht or other boat with twin hulls in parallel.

Examples of Catamarans :

1 . গাড়ি থেকে ক্যাটামারান পর্যন্ত, খেলাধুলায় কত বড় ডেটা কাজ করে

1 . From cars to catamarans , how big data plays in sports

2 . কিছু অপারেটর আরো স্থিতিশীল যাত্রা অফার করার জন্য ক্যাটামারান ব্যবহার করবে।

2 . Some operators will utilize catamarans in order to offer a more stable journey.

3 . ব্রিটেনে যাত্রীবাহী হোভারক্রাফ্ট পরিচালনা করার জন্য তারাই একমাত্র সংস্থা, হোভারস্পিড ক্যাটামারানদের পক্ষে তার নৌকা ব্যবহার বন্ধ করার পরে।

3 . they are the only company operating in britain with passenger hovercraft, after hoverspeed stopped using their craft in favour of catamarans .

4 . বেশিরভাগ সংযোগগুলি হাইড্রোফয়েল এবং দ্রুত ক্যাটামারান দ্বারা সরবরাহ করা হয়, তবে বড়, ধীর ফেরিগুলিও রুটে চলাচল করে, গাড়ি এবং যাত্রী উভয়কেই বহন করে।

4 . most of the connections are by fast hydrofoils and catamarans but larger, slower ferries also ply the routes, and these carry cars as well as passengers.


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Meaning of catamaran in English

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  • cabin cruiser
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  • As soon as the boat anchored, a catamaran put out, and brought Charlie and his followers to shore.  
  • Next morning we were visited by a party of natives from the neighbouring island, consisting of six men in a canoe, and one on a catamaran or raft.  
  • Soon we were surrounded with catamarans and canoes, with three or four natives in each.  
  • The horses and cows were taken on a species of catamaran, or large raft, that is much used in those mild seas, and which sail reasonably well a little off the wind, and not very badly on.  
  • When we reached the lagoon, a catamaran with three natives on it came off to us.  

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catamaran meaning in bengali

Catamaran meaning in Bengali - কলহপ্রি়া নারী; কাঠের ভেলাবিশেষ; ; | English - Bangla & English (E2B) Online Dictionary. ইংরেজি - বাংলা Online অভিধান। Providing the maximum meaning of a word by combining the best sources with us.

catamaran meaning in Bengali. What is catamaran in Bengali? Pronunciation, translation, synonyms, examples, rhymes, definitions of catamaran in Bengali

Catamaran Meaning in Bengali - Catamaran বাংলা অর্থ - কলহপ্রি়া নারী; কাঠের ভেলাবিশেষ; | English - Bangla & English (E2B) Online Dictionary. ইংরেজি - বাংলা Online অভিধান।

catamaran's Usage Examples: A catamaran (/ˌkætəməˈræn/) (informally, a "cat") is a multi-hulled watercraft featuring two parallel hulls of equal size.. high-speed craft were often hydrofoils or hovercraft, but in the 1990s catamaran and monohull designs become more popular and large hydrofoils and hovercraft.. The A-Class Catamaran, often abbreviated to A-Cat, is a development class ...

Catamaran: English to English: Catamaran (n.) A kind of fire raft or torpedo bat. Catamaran (n.) A kind of raft or float, consisting of two or more logs or pieces of wood lashed together, and moved by paddles or sail; -- used as a surf boat and for other purposes on the coasts of the East and West Indies and South America. Modified forms are ...

Meaning of Catamaran in Bengali language with definitions, examples, antonym, synonym. বাংলায় অর্থ পড়ুন. UpToWord. Home. Top 200. Catamaran Meaning In Bengali. সাধারণ উদাহরণ এবং সংজ্ঞা সহ Catamaran এর আসল অর্থ জানুন।. 261.

Catamaran: Bengali Meaning: কলহপ্রি়া নারী, কাঠের ভেলাবিশেষ, কা a sailboat with two parallel hulls held together by single deck / A kind of raft or float, consisting of two or more logs or pieces of wood lashed together, and moved by paddles or sail / a yacht or other boat with twin ...

Catamaran Meaning in Bengali - catamaran বাংলা অর্থ - দুই কাঠামোবিশিষ্ট নৌকা; কাঠের ...

CATAMARAN meaning in bengali, CATAMARAN pictures, CATAMARAN pronunciation, CATAMARAN translation,CATAMARAN definition are included in the result of CATAMARAN meaning in bengali at, a free online English bengali Picture dictionary.

Meaning of CATAMARAN in English. A kind of raft or float, consisting of two or more logs or pieces of wood lashed together, and moved by paddles or sail; -- used as a surf boat and for other purposes on the coasts of the East and West Indies and South America. Modified forms are much used in the lumber regions of North America, and at life ...

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catamarans's Usage Examples: They are double-hulled canoes in the Austronesian tradition, similar to catamarans. On catamarans, a single main foil can be attached between the hulls just in front of. rules setup is very similar to those of the Formula 18 class of beach catamarans.

Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

Bengali language. → Bengali keyboard to type a text with the Bengali characters. • Bengali course, Foreign Service Institute (1985) • Bengali language handbook (1966) • Introduction to Bengali, basic course in spoken Bengali, with emphasis upon speaking and understanding the language, by Edward Dimock (1964) • Banglapedia : Bangla ...

Meaning of Catamarans in Bengali language with definitions, examples, antonym, synonym. বাংলায় অর্থ পড়ুন. UpToWord. Home. Top 200. Catamarans Meaning In Bengali. সাধারণ উদাহরণ এবং সংজ্ঞা সহ Catamarans এর আসল অর্থ জানুন।. 219.

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English Bengali Dictionary and Translation. This site provides an English to Bengali (Bangla) Dictionary and a Bengali (Bangla) to English Dictionary. Started in 2003, this site is now used by millions of people in over a hundred countries around the world. GET IT ON.

Pronunciation, translation, synonyms, examples, rhymes, definitions of catamaran in Bengali ... catamaran's Usage Examples: A catamaran (/ˌkætəməˈræn/) (informally, a "cat") is a multi-hulled watercraft featuring two parallel hulls of equal size.. high-speed craft were often hydrofoils or hovercraft, but in the 1990s catamaran and ...

Bangla - Indian Bengali Font; Bijoy; Lekhoni; Dictionary. Bangla to Bangla. Dictionary. Bangla to English. Dictionary. English to Bangla. Bangla Meaning of Catamaran. Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the bangla language with its free online services. Bangla meaning of ...

Catamaran meaning in Bengali. Here you learn English to Bengali translation / English to Bengali dictionary of the word Catamaran and also play quiz in Bengali words starting with

Definition of catamaran noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

CATAMARAN meaning: 1. a sailing boat that has two parallel hulls (= floating parts) held together by a single deck…. Learn more.

CATAMARAN definition: 1. a sailing boat that has two parallel hulls (= floating parts) held together by a single deck…. Learn more.

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Meaning of catamaran in English

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  • cabin cruiser
  • dragon boat
  • As soon as the boat anchored, a catamaran put out, and brought Charlie and his followers to shore.  
  • Next morning we were visited by a party of natives from the neighbouring island, consisting of six men in a canoe, and one on a catamaran or raft.  
  • Soon we were surrounded with catamarans and canoes, with three or four natives in each.  
  • The horses and cows were taken on a species of catamaran, or large raft, that is much used in those mild seas, and which sail reasonably well a little off the wind, and not very badly on.  
  • When we reached the lagoon, a catamaran with three natives on it came off to us.  

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Definition of catamaran noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

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  1. catamaran

    Catamaran meaning in Bengali - কলহপ্রি়া নারী; কাঠের ভেলাবিশেষ; ; | English - Bangla & English (E2B) Online Dictionary. ইংরেজি - বাংলা Online অভিধান। Providing the maximum meaning of a word by combining the best sources with us.

  2. Catamaran Meaning in Bengali

    2. আমরা উপকূল বরাবর একটি সূর্যাস্ত ক্রুজ জন্য একটি catamaran ভাড়া. 2. We rented a catamaran for a sunset cruise along the coast.

  3. catamaran meaning in Bengali

    catamaran meaning in Bengali. What is catamaran in Bengali? Pronunciation, translation, synonyms, examples, rhymes, definitions of catamaran in Bengali

  4. Catamaran Meaning in Bengali

    Catamaran Meaning in Bengali - Catamaran বাংলা অর্থ - কলহপ্রি়া নারী; কাঠের ভেলাবিশেষ; | English - Bangla & English (E2B) Online Dictionary. ইংরেজি - বাংলা Online অভিধান।

  5. catamaran

    catamaran's Usage Examples: A catamaran (/ˌkætəməˈræn/) (informally, a "cat") is a multi-hulled watercraft featuring two parallel hulls of equal size.. high-speed craft were often hydrofoils or hovercraft, but in the 1990s catamaran and monohull designs become more popular and large hydrofoils and hovercraft.. The A-Class Catamaran, often abbreviated to A-Cat, is a development class ...

  6. Catamaran Meaning In Bengali

    Meaning of Catamaran in Bengali language with definitions, examples, antonym, synonym. বাংলায় অর্থ পড়ুন.

  7. Meaning of catamaran with pronunciation

    Catamaran: English to English: Catamaran (n.) A kind of fire raft or torpedo bat. Catamaran (n.) A kind of raft or float, consisting of two or more logs or pieces of wood lashed together, and moved by paddles or sail; -- used as a surf boat and for other purposes on the coasts of the East and West Indies and South America. Modified forms are ...

  8. Catamaran Meaning in Bengali

    What is the meaning of word Catamaran in Bengali/Bangla ? Meaning of Catamaran in Bangla is : কলহপ্রি়া নারী . Defenition of word Catamaran. a yacht or other boat with twin hulls in parallel. Example. The kinds of boats available range from 80-foot motor yachts and sprawling catamarans to smaller sailboats that cater ...

  9. English to Bengali Dictionary

    Catamaran: Bengali Meaning: কলহপ্রি়া নারী, কাঠের ভেলাবিশেষ, কা a sailboat with two parallel hulls held together by single deck / A kind of raft or float, consisting of two or more logs or pieces of wood lashed together, and moved by paddles or sail / a yacht or other boat with twin ...

  10. Catamaran in Bengali

    Need the translation of "catamaran" in Bengali but even don't know the meaning? Use to cover it all.

  11. Meaning of CATAMARAN in Bangla

    Meaning of CATAMARAN in English. A kind of raft or float, consisting of two or more logs or pieces of wood lashed together, and moved by paddles or sail; -- used as a surf boat and for other purposes on the coasts of the East and West Indies and South America. Modified forms are much used in the lumber regions of North America, and at life ...

  12. Catamarans Meaning in Bengali

    Catamarans Meaning In Bengali. Catamarans Meaning in Bengali. Catamarans শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ কি? English to Bangla online dictionary. Google Translate "Catamarans". Table of Contents 1 Meaning In Bengali; 2 Parts of Speech; 3 Synonyms; 4 Antonyms;

  13. CATAMARAN Meaning in bengali English, CATAMARAN in bengali, bengali

    CATAMARAN meaning in bengali, CATAMARAN pictures, CATAMARAN pronunciation, CATAMARAN translation,CATAMARAN definition are included in the result of CATAMARAN meaning in bengali at, a free online English bengali Picture dictionary.

  14. catamarans Meaning in Bengali

    catamarans's Usage Examples: They are double-hulled canoes in the Austronesian tradition, similar to catamarans.. On catamarans, a single main foil can be attached between the hulls just in front of.. rules setup is very similar to those of the Formula 18 class of beach catamarans.. Like most Dart catamarans except for the Dart 20 EXP it lacks the main boom, as well as daggerboards.

  15. Catamaran Meaning in Bengali

    Catamaran Meaning in Bengali - catamaran বাংলা অর্থ - দুই কাঠামোবিশিষ্ট নৌকা; কাঠের ...

  16. catamaran meaning bengali

    Catamaran meaning in Bengali. Here you learn English to Bengali translation / English to Bengali dictionary of the word Catamaran and also play quiz in Bengali words starting with

  17. Google Translate

    Google-এর পরিষেবা ইংরেজি থেকে অন্যান্য ১০০টির বেশি ভাষায় শব্দ, বাক্যাংশ ও ওয়েব পৃষ্ঠা ঝটপট অনুবাদ করে, কোনও চার্জ ছাড়াই।

  18. catamaran meaning in bengali

    Defenition of word Catamaran . ... Catamaran Meaning In Bengali . সাধারণ উদাহরণ এবং সংজ্ঞা সহ Catamaran এর ... is the second catamaran of sea jets fleet ... catamaran - Meaning in English, what is the meaning of catamaran in English dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms, usage examples and ...

  19. English-Bengali Dictionary

    Using one of our 22 bilingual dictionaries, translate your word from English to Bengali

  20. Bangla Meaning of Catamaran

    Bangla - Indian Bengali Font; Bijoy; Lekhoni; Dictionary. Bangla to Bangla. Dictionary. Bangla to English. Dictionary. English to Bangla. Bangla Meaning of Catamaran. Thanks for using this online dictionary, we have been helping millions of people improve their use of the bangla language with its free online services. Bangla meaning of ...


    CATAMARAN definition: 1. a sailing boat that has two parallel hulls (= floating parts) held together by a single deck…. Learn more.


    CATAMARAN meaning: 1. a sailing boat that has two parallel hulls (= floating parts) held together by a single deck…. Learn more.

  23. catamaran noun

    Definition of catamaran noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.