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Kulczyk’s family massive yacht worth €130 million is on sale

In late September, a luxurious Phoenix 2 super yacht that once belonged Jan Kulczyk was put on sale for the mind-boggling amount of nearly €130 million. 

dominika kulczyk yacht

Before his death seven years ago, Jan Kulczyk was among the world’s wealthiest Polish businessmen. His children followed his path and also became successful in that field. 

Based on the non-exhaustive information that can be found online, t’s not quite clear who actually inherited the enormous machine and is now putting it on sale. Both Dominika and Sebastian Kulczyk are believed to have participated in some way in the selling of the Phoenix 2. 

dominika kulczyk yacht

According to Forbes, Dominika Kulczyk was among the five wealthiest Poles in the world, with an estimated €1.6 billion. There are good reasons that her net worth will increase soon, given the fact that she recently put one of her father’s yachts on sale for €130 million.

Burgess is delighted to announce its appointment as Worldwide Exclusive Central Agent for the sale of the magnificent 90m (295.2ft) PHOENIX 2. This outstanding vessel, in so many ways, will be available for viewings during the Monaco Yacht Show. — Burgess (@BurgessYachts) September 23, 2022

The impressive 90-metre-long Phoenix 2 issued by Burgess was built in 2010 at the German shipyard of Lurssen. According to Burgess, the yacht can accommodate up to 14 guests in 7 luxurious cabins, equipped with an outdoor jacuzzi, two cinema halls, and a 7-metre-long swimming pool among other things. 

dominika kulczyk yacht

Cover photo: Twitter @BurgessYachts

Author: Sébastien Meuwissen

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Jacht Kulczyków zacumował w Chorwacji. Ludzie aż robią zdjęcia

Jeden z najbardziej ekskluzywnych jachtów na świecie należy do Polki Dominiki Kulczyk. To córka znanego biznesmena Jana Kulczyka. 90-metrowa jednostka zatrzymała się w chorwackim Zadarze. Niewiarygodne, co kryje.

Imponujący jacht po Janie Kulczyku zatrzymał się w Chorwacji. Na zdjęciu córka Dominika Kulczyk.

Miliarder Jan Kulczyk sprawił sobie na 60. urodziny prezent ociekający luksusem. Był to, zaprojektowany i zbudowany na jego życzenie w niemieckiej stoczni, jacht Phoenix 2. Co tam jacht, to megajacht! W 2010 r. kosztował, bagatela, 120 mln euro. Po śmierci przedsiębiorcy jego spadkobiercami zostały dzieci — Dominika i Sebastian. Oszałamiający jacht Dominiki Kulczyk można właśnie podziwiać w Zadarze, w samym sercu Adriatyku. Oto jak się prezentuje.

Jacht Kulczyka. Basen, spa i kino

Miliarder nie oszczędzał! Jan Kulczyk pomyślał o jacuzzi na świeżym powietrzu, kinach (urządzenie do popcornu), spa, siłowni, basenach, a nawet... lądowisku dla helikoptera i zimowym ogrodzie. Czas umilają tu nie tylko sprzęty do wędkarstwa i nurkowania, ale też skutery. Wnętrze jest urządzone w bieli i w czerni, nie brak złotych akcentów.

Jacht ma 90 metrów długości i 14 m szerokości. Bez problemu zmieści się tu 14 gości. Phoenix 2 obsługuje prawie 30-osobowa załoga. Pomyślano nawet o sommelierze i oddzielnym pokoju na wina.

Tyle za tydzień na jachcie Phoenix 2

Korzystanie z jachtu wiąże się z astronomicznym wydatkiem. Tydzień na pływającym apartamentowcu, z portfela znika ok. 1 mln dolarów — podał portal "Business Insider Polska".

Gdy we wrześniu zeszłego roku Phoenix 2 został wystawiony na sprzedaż, wyceniono go na 129 mln euro (wówczas ponad 627 mln zł). To cena wyższa o 9 mln euro niż w momencie zakupu jachtu przez Jana Kulczyka w 2010 r. "Wszystko, od klamek po sztućce, jest wykonane ręcznie, a każde z nich jest dziełem sztuki samo w sobie" — opisywała firma Burgess, która zajmuje się sprzedażą imponującej jednostki.

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Tak wyglądał grób miliardera Jana Kulczyka w jego urodziny. Jeden szczegół od razu przykuwa uwagę

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Ten artykuł po raz pierwszy ukazał się na stronie Faktu 23.08.2023 r.

dominika kulczyk yacht

Jacht po Janie Kulczyku należy do jego córki Dominiki Kulczyk.

dominika kulczyk yacht

Tak się prezentuje z góry imponująca jednostka.

dominika kulczyk yacht

Jacht był prezentem, który Kulczyk zafundował sobie w 2010 r.

dominika kulczyk yacht

Pheonix 2 kosztował go aż 120 mln euro.

dominika kulczyk yacht

Jacht ma 90 metrów długości i 14 m szerokości.

dominika kulczyk yacht

Są tu siłownia, sale kinowe, baseny i spa.

dominika kulczyk yacht

Kto ma wyjątkowo gruby portfel, może wynająć jacht.

dominika kulczyk yacht

Jednostka zatrzymała się w Zadarze w Chorwacji.

dominika kulczyk yacht

Dominika Kulczyk.

dominika kulczyk yacht

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Climate Capitalist: Billionaire Heiress Dominika Kulczyk Bets Big on Renewable Energy

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Perched on a vibrant orange couch within the historic Michelin House in London, Dominika Kulczyk, the heiress to one of Eastern Europe’s largest fortunes, passionately discusses her favorite subject – renewable energy. With an eclectic personality and a strong belief in feminine energy, Kulczyk is on a mission to create positive change in the world. From advocating for free sanitary pads in Polish schools to highlighting how the patriarchy contributes to climate change, Kulczyk is a force to be reckoned with. As she leans forward, almost falling off her seat, her dedication to her causes becomes apparent, and she aims to inspire others to join her in making a difference.

A Personal Philosophy:

For Dominika Kulczyk, every endeavor she undertakes is driven by her unwavering beliefs. Doubt is not a part of her vocabulary. With a contagious determination, she strives to create a ripple effect of positive change. This attitude has been a guiding principle throughout her life,

dominika kulczyk yacht

especially following her divorce from Polish prince Jan Lubomirski-Lanckoroński after a decade-long marriage. Her move to London seven years ago marked a new chapter in her life, where she continues to embrace her passions and advocate for causes close to her heart.

Empowering Feminine Energy:

Embracing feminine energy is a cornerstone of Kulczyk’s philosophy. By challenging gender norms and stereotypes, she aims to empower women to make their voices heard in areas traditionally dominated by men, including the field of renewable energy. Through her actions, Kulczyk seeks to break down barriers and create a more inclusive and sustainable world. Her red “menstrual dress” serves as a symbol of her commitment to raising awareness about the importance of providing free sanitary pads in schools, addressing a crucial aspect of gender equality.

Betting on Renewable Energy:

One of Kulczyk’s most significant endeavors is her focus on renewable energy. Recognizing the urgent need for sustainable solutions to combat climate change, she has emerged as a prominent advocate for renewable energy sources. With her vast wealth and resources, Kulczyk actively invests in clean technologies and supports initiatives that promote the transition to a low-carbon economy. Her commitment to the cause extends beyond financial investments, as she actively engages with policymakers and experts to drive change on a global scale.

Climate Change and the Patriarchy:

Kulczyk believes that the patriarchal structures within society exacerbate climate change. By challenging these structures and advocating for gender equality, she aims to foster a more balanced and sustainable world. Kulczyk highlights the importance of diverse voices and perspectives in shaping climate policies and solutions. Her determination to dismantle systemic inequalities is reflected not only in her personal actions but also through her philanthropic endeavors.

A Vision for the Future:

Dominika Kulczyk’s dedication to sustainability and renewable energy has positioned her as a trailblazer in the field of climate capitalism. With her entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to making a positive impact, she serves as an inspiration for other individuals, especially women, to take an active role in addressing the pressing challenges of our time. Through her investments, activism, and philanthropy, Kulczyk strives to create a more sustainable and equitable future for generations to come.


Dominika Kulczyk, the billionaire heiress and climate capitalist, stands at the forefront of a movement advocating for renewable energy and gender equality. Her passion for sustainable solutions, coupled with her unwavering belief in the power of feminine energy, has propelled her to make significant contributions to the fight against climate.

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From documentary filmmaker to turning around a renewables company: Meet Poland's richest woman, Dominika Kulczyk

Since Kulczyk rescued it, Polenergia has kept building wind farms (complying with the Polish law), expanded into solar and is now exploring green hydrogen

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Polish billionaire splashes out £57million for Knightsbridge mansion near Harrods in latest big-money purchase that shows London property market is picking up

  • Dominika Kulczyk is a successful business woman from Warsaw, Poland
  • 42-year-old is the daughter of one of Poland's richest ever men who died in 2015
  • Was left some of his estate and is a majority shareholder of an energy company 

By Terri-ann Williams For Mailonline

Published: 14:43 EDT, 20 February 2020 | Updated: 16:33 EDT, 20 February 2020

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Polish billionaire Dominika Kulczyk has splashed out £57 million on a Knightsbridge mansion near Harrods in the latest big-money purchase that shows a clear uptick for the London property market.

The 42-year-old is a successful businesswoman and the daughter of one of Poland's richest ever men, Jan Kulczyk.

Mr Kulczyk died in 2015 and left his fortune to his two children, Dominika and her brother Sebastian Kulczyk.

Ms Kulczyk purchased the lavish property from residential developer Mike Spink, who is best known for selling a historic mansion near Buckingham Palace last year for a whopping £95 million.

Dominika Kulczyk purchased the property in an area close to one of London's most famous department store, Harrods

Dominika Kulczyk purchased the property in an area close to one of London's most famous department store, Harrods

She managed to get a great deal on two stucco-fronted Georgian townhouses and paid well less than the asking price

She managed to get a great deal on two stucco-fronted Georgian townhouses and paid well less than the asking price 

Ms Kulczyk (pictured above) splashed out £57 million on the mansion. She is a business woman and works on an international basis

Ms Kulczyk (pictured above) splashed out £57 million on the mansion. She is a business woman and works on an international basis

Ms Kulczyk's purchase of the property comes as property across the UK is set for a boost with new data being revealed this week that showed a slight revival in the property market before the election

Ms Kulczyk's purchase of the property comes as property across the UK is set for a boost with new data being revealed this week that showed a slight revival in the property market before the election

Hedge fund billionaire Ken Griffin snapped up the property, which is around half a mile away from the Queen's residence. 

Ms Kulczyk has been living in London for a number of years. 

It is thought Ms Kulczyk may have paid for the property with the profits from an off-shore wind company, that she is the majority shareholder of. 

She managed to get a great deal on the two stucco-fronted Georgian townhouses, the original asking price had been £65 million.

Some of her wealth comes from her stake in off-shore wind project, Polenergia. 


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Jan Kulczyk (pictured above) died and left his fortune to his two children. He was Poland's richest man

Jan Kulczyk (pictured above) died and left his fortune to his two children. He was Poland's richest man

Sebastian Kulczyk is also a billionaire and split his father's fortune with his sister who recently purchased the Knightsbridge property

Sebastian Kulczyk is also a billionaire and split his father's fortune with his sister who recently purchased the Knightsbridge property

In 2019 earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation of the company came in at £15.7 million for the first quarter of the year - an £8 million surge on 2018 earnings.

The two siblings divided the estate in 2018 and Ms Kulczyk took most of the cash, Forbes said, with some of the funds also coming from the family's 2016 of its stake in multinational brewing and beverage company SAB Miller, which is headquartered in London.

The business woman also heads up the Kulczyk Foundation, which she launched in 2013 in order to help the poorest people in Poland.

She married Jan Lubomirski-Lanckoroński in 2001 and they later divorced in 2013, the couple have three children together. 

Blockbuster deals in the Capital

As London continues to rake in the cash from large property sales, where have the biggest sales been?

According the estate agent Knight Frank prices for luxury homes in London’s most expensive areas were flat last month.

In January Chinese property magnate Cheung Chung Kiu purchased a home in Knightsbridge for £200 million, setting a record for the capital. 

At the start of this month a mega-mansion in London on 'billionaire's row' hit the market for £75 million, making it the most expensive listed property in 2020 so far.

In August 2019 a property in Belgravia was also sold for a cool £25.5 million.

11 bedroom property in Belgravia, London - £25.5 million. The picture above shows one of the living spaces in the property

11 bedroom property in Belgravia, London - £25.5 million. The picture above shows one of the living spaces in the property

Ms Kulczyk's purchase of the property comes as property across the UK is set for a boost with new data being revealed this week that showed a slight revival in the property market before the election.

House prices rise in every region of the UK were up for almost two years. 

House prices picked up in London, which saw an annual rise of 2.3 per cent but the South East saw the lowest gain last year of 1.2 per cent.

House price inflation has tailed off since the EU referendum in June 2016, with London suffering the most. In recent months, the market appears to have picked up slightly, as uncertainty surrounding Brexit began to clear up. 

Since the election estate agents and property listing sites Rightmove and Zoopla have reported an increase in activity, although agents have warned sellers against getting overconfident and hiking prices.

Even though prices are picking up across the UK, it is still lagging behind as Ms Kulczyk purchased the property for less than the asking price.

It was below Savills' £65 million valuation.

The amount Ms Kulczyk paid for the residence – a comprehensive redevelopment of two stucco-fronted Georgian townhouses – was below Savills' £65m valuation, another filing shows .

A spokesperson for Ms Kulczyk confirmed to MailOnline that she had purchased the Knightsbridge property. 

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Polish billionaire Dominika Kulczyk snaps up Knightsbridge property for £57.5m

By: Jessica Clark

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Polish billionaire Dominika Kulczyk has reportedly snapped up a luxury property in Knightsbridge for £57.5m. 

Kulczyk, one of the richest people in Poland, bought the Georgian redevelopment near Harrods from residential developer Mike Spink, after taking control of the Farringdon Property Trust, Bloomberg reported. 

The deal signals a pickup in London’s luxury residential market transactions. The latest research by private bank Coutts showed that demand for luxury property was up in the fourth quarter of last year, with 10.1 per cent more houses sold than in the last three months of 2018.

However, the amount Kulczyk paid for the property was below the £65m valuation, according to reports. 

Dominika Kulczky is the daughter of Jan Kulczyk, who was Poland’s richest man following a series of investments in the infrastructure, beer, oil and motor sectors after the collapse of communism. 

Dominika and her brother Sebastian, who is the owner and chief executive of Kulczyk Investments, inherited much of their fathers $3.5bn fortune when he died in 2015. 

Jan Kulczyk held a significant stake in Poland’s biggest telecom operator TPSA, now known as Orange Polska, after he bought shares in the company’s privatisation in 2000.

He was also a shareholder in Poland’s biggest oil refiner PKN Orlen.

At the time of his death he owned shares in chemicals group Ciech, energy companies Polenergia and Serinus Energy and a number of international oil and gas businesses.

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Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce

Climate Capitalist: This Billionaire Heiress Is Betting Big On Renewable Energy

Apr 18, 2023 | News

P erched on a bright orange couch in her office in London’s Michelin House, the eclectic former headquarters of the tire company, Dominika Kulczyk gesticulates wildly as she discusses a favorite subject. “I’m all about feminine energy,” says the heiress to one of Eastern Europe’s largest fortunes, wearing a red “menstrual dress” in support of her crusade to persuade Poland’s parliament to provide free sanitary pads in schools. By the time she gets to how the patriarchy is exacerbating climate change, she’s leaning so far forward she’s almost falling off her seat.

“Everything I do is something that I believe in. I don’t allow myself to doubt, really, and I’m trying to make it contagious,” says Kulczyk, 45, who moved to London seven years ago, three years after her divorce from the Polish prince Jan Lubomirski-Lanckoroński following 10 years of marriage. In 2020, she bought a $75 million, 25,000-square-foot townhouse near Harrods.

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Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013

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Written by Zuzana Bednarova

To be represented by Premium Yachts, Ferretti Yachts and Riva , two prestigious brands of the Ferretti Group, will be present at the Moscow International Boat Show 2013, displaying motor yacht Ferretti 530 as well as Riva Iseo yacht tender.

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury yacht Ferretti 530 was very keen to undertake in collaboration once again with AYT – Advanced Yacht Technology, Ferretti Group Engineering Division and Studio Zuccon International Project . The compact dimensions, 16 meters long and almost 5 meters wide, allow the 530 yacht to deliver grand Italian luxury and cruising immersed in such comfort until now unheard of in a yacht of this size.

Ferretti 530 yacht boasts three revolutionary innovations: the full beam master cabin with chaise longue and two large open view windows that make it a real suite at sea level bathed in light, tones and the natural essences of teak. Moving the galley from the center to the aft section creates a unique open space that includes the saloon, galley, cocktail bar and the dining area, the cockpit area continues thanks to the tilting window. The roll bar free sky lounge and the spoiler allow the 530 a sporty appearance combined with elegantly formal lines.

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Riva , the iconic Ferretti Group brand, presented a new model at the historical Lake d’Iseo shipyards in July 2011. Featuring elegance and ease of transportation as its distinctive characteristics, Iseo superyacht tender , a 27 foot runabout, is destined to become a must-have for those who love cruising on both lakes and the sea, and, most importantly, design enthusiasts. It is also perfect for anyone wishing to enhance their yacht with an exclusive tender that will never go unnoticed.

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Due to its ease of manoeuvrability and size, Iseo yacht tender is also ideal as a tender for large yachts. Innovative and elegant, it can also guarantee comfort in bad weather conditions. Besides the electrohydraulic bimini top, it was also designed with a waterproof, automobile-style soft top which protects those on board against water and the wind during cruising.

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013".

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  2. SEBASTIAN KULCZYK • Net Worth $1.5 Billion • House • Yacht

    Jan Kulczyk was Poland's richest person at the time of his death, with a net worth of $4 billion. The Phoenix 2 Yacht, delivered by Lürssen Yachts in 2010, features a steel hull and aluminum superstructure, with a top speed of 18 knots. The family also owned a Gulfstream G650ER private jet, registered D-ADSK, sold a few years ago.

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  5. Dominika Kulczyk

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  7. Climate Capitalist: This Billionaire Heiress Is Betting Big On ...

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  12. Dominika Kulczyk

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    Dominika Kulczyk, Polish billionaire businesswoman Image: Levon Biss for Forbes P erched on a bright orange couch in her office in London's Michelin House, the eclectic former headquarters of ...

  14. SEBASTIAN KULCZYK • Net Worth $1.5 Billion • House • Yacht

    Sebastian Kulczyk, a Polish billionaire, is the owner of the Phoenix 2 सुपरयॉट. Kulczyk inherited Kulczyk Investments, an international company with diverse interests, from his father Jan Kulczyk. Jan Kulczyk was Poland's richest person at the time of his death, with a net worth of $4 billion.

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    On February 11 2014, Sebastian Kulczyk walked into his first board meeting as the new, 33-year-old, chief executive of the investment house built by his father, Poland's richest man.

  17. Dominika Kulczyk (@dominikakulczyk) • Instagram photos and videos

    73K Followers, 65 Following, 915 Posts - Dominika Kulczyk (@dominikakulczyk) on Instagram: "Philanthropist. Reporter. Entrepreneur. Seeking balance in business and society. The Founder of @kulczykfoundation"

  18. Dominika Kulczyk snaps up Knightsbridge property for £57.5m

    Jessica Clark. Polish billionaire Dominika Kulczyk has reportedly snapped up a luxury property in Knightsbridge for £57.5m. Kulczyk, one of the richest people in Poland, bought the Georgian ...

  19. Climate Capitalist: This Billionaire Heiress Is Betting Big On

    Perched on a bright orange couch in her office in London's Michelin House, the eclectic former headquarters of the tire company, Dominika Kulczyk gesticulates 713-782-3777 Facebook

  20. Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013

    Luxury yacht Ferretti 530 was very keen to undertake in collaboration once again with AYT - Advanced Yacht Technology, Ferretti Group Engineering Division and Studio Zuccon International Project.The compact dimensions, 16 meters long and almost 5 meters wide, allow the 530 yacht to deliver grand Italian luxury and cruising immersed in such comfort until now unheard of in a yacht of this size.

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    The yacht is designed by Espen Øino. It has a steel hull and aluminum superstructure. She is powered by 2 MTU engines. AIS data show a top speed of 15 knots and a cruising speed of 10 knots. But we think she is capable of higher speeds. The Flying Fox yacht, built by Lurssen Yachts, is one of the world's largest and most luxurious superyachts.

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