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Dynamically Different: The Owens Yacht Company

Founded in 1925 by Charles Councilman Owens, the Owens Yacht Company (originally the Owens Boat Company) is remembered for their sleek and award-winning designs, as well as their innovation and entrepreneurship that contributed to advances in maritime technologies. The Owens Yacht Company grew and flourished through the efforts and cooperation of the children of Charles Owens; including Molly, Charles Junior (also known as “Chuck”), Norman, Jack, and Billy Owens. The company was eventually sold to the Brunswick Corporation in 1965, where the Owens name would disappear. 

This exhibit will highlight the distinguished history of the company, the boats that were created, and a few of the notable employees that contributed to the success of the Owens Yacht Company. The creation of this exhibit would not have been possible without the diligent oral histories collected by Mike Miron, an enthusiast of Annapolis history and the Owens’ family. 

Born in 1877 in Owensville, outside of Annapolis, Charles Owens would eventually become the Sales Manager for the Westinghouse Corporation. In this position, he would associate with the likes of Henry Ford, and he would begin to find inspiration for a boating company in the assembly lines and production processes he was surrounded by.   

A portrait of Charles Owens, the founder of the Owens Boat Company, taken about 1918.

Mary Glynn Owens would pass away from influenza in the early 1920’s, leaving Charles Owens with the task of raising their five children on his own. Charles Owens was greatly affected by the loss of his wife. It was a forbidden love story, as he was expected to marry someone from an established Anne Arundel County family, but instead married Mary Glynn, who was from an Irish family from Brooklyn. Charles and Mary were wed in 1909.   

Mary Glynn’s death was the catalyst in Charles’ decision to leave Detroit and to take his children back to his roots in Annapolis. His daughter Molly noted that “After her death my father decided that the burden of taking care of five small children was too much without the children knowing their heritage which was in Maryland”. His son, Norman, also said that “I think my father really wanted to be with his children after my mother died”. 

After sending Molly to live with their aunt in England, the Owens boys and their father sailed through the Great Lakes, through the Erie Canal and all the way down to the Chesapeake. Norman Owens did state that their intended goal was to sail all the way down to the Caribbean; however, “We were in the Chesapeake about school time and he said that’s where we were going to school.” 

Once the family arrived in Annapolis in 1925, Charles Owens began to build boats right in his backyard. His daughter Molly emphasized his commitment to keeping the family together, saying “He decided that his boys, his family should be together as a unit and build a company together and not have one boy get a job here and another one there. He did not want the family separating”. This sentiment carried the family on, as the brothers would unite and continue to work for the company their father started.

Chuck, Jack, and Norman aboard Long John for Voyage to Annapolis

With only $500 and a few loans, Charles Owens was able to secure a lot on Spa Creek to take his business to the next level. His first order was for a series of “knockabouts” from an official at the Naval Academy. The Navy believed these 26-footer sailboats would be the perfect vessels to use to teach their midshipmen how to sail. 

Every Owens child would work for the company in some way. Molly acted as a clerk and dabbled in public relations, advertising, and interior design for the boats. Chuck was a sales manager and did a lot of the early advertisements for the company. Norman was the production manager and Jack acted as the business manager. Billy had the least to do with the company, as he studied at the Wilbur Institute at Johns Hopkins to become an accomplished ophthalmologist.  

The Owens Yacht Company was involved in both World War II and the Korean War. World War II caused a boom in production at the Owens Yacht Company. The company received a contract from the Navy to build LVCP boats as well as Army Aircraft Rescue boats. Molly Owens noted that “We built thousands of them”. This contract caused the business to vastly expand in both size and production capacity after the war, as the company was able to begin erecting new buildings and constructing various models of boats.   

The Korean War also brought about change to the Owens Yacht Company. A lack of materials and a surplus of empty buildings allowed the company to build 75-foot minesweepers. Jack Owens said that “They were kind of nice because they had a lot of electronics on them, and they helped us gear up for the modern age in the electrical field”. This experience would mark a technological turning point for the company. 

A side effect of the Korean War was a restriction on the amount of non-corrosive materials that could be used for boat building. This prompted the Owens Yacht Company to begin their outboard business. This business quickly exploded as the popularity of the outboard boats grew. Jack Owens said “The outboard business was growing faster than the other part of the business so we set up a separate division to make these outboard boats”.  

While originally made of wood, the Owens Yacht Company would eventually switch to building fiberglass boats. This change occurred in 1957 at the completion of the company’s Tell City, Indiana plant. At this point in time the company had several other plants, including their main production facility in Baltimore.  

Pictured here is a young Norman Owens in a miniature hydroplane boat with an outboard motor on Spa Creek in 1929. In the background a bridge and several docked boats can be seen.

Catering to the newfound wealth of the middle class, the Owens Cruiser, as well as its different models, were mostly designed by Norman Owens. However, a few were designed by Vordham Van Bibber. Jack Owens discussed some of the different models saying “The first was a medium priced boat for two people; then we had the standard 33-footer which had a convertible sedan cabin; and the standard 30-footer which was the boat that really put us in business”.

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To match their uniquely designed Cruisers, Norman Owens also designed a cutting edge marine engine. The engine was converted from a Chevrolet V-eight with premium bearings and pistons with a Corvette camshaft. It was designed to be the complete marine engine, built to withstand high temperatures and high RPM’s. This engine was designed and started to be mass produced in 1955 and 1956. 

In this photograph, taken about 1941, two unidentified men in suits can be seen standing on a narrow, wooden walkway outside the Owens Boat Company buildings. Part of the Owens Boat Company sign can be seen in the upper right corner. Also seen in the picture are a wooden dock, a small sailboat, and a small skiff.

The Owens Yacht Company could not have been successful without its many employees. Some important people to note include Walt Basil and Lysle Gray. Walt stayed with the company throughout its entirety, working as both clerk and bookkeeper. He also helped build boats in the offseason as well as help build the plant in Dundalk. Lysle Gray was a chemical engineer who worked on the fiberglass boats in Baltimore in the 1960’s. He also helped Norman design some boats.

Other notable employees from the Owens Yacht Company include Rob Vallandingham and Vordham Van Bibber. Rob worked for the company early on, helping build a shed for the company off of Boucher’s Point in Eastport and assisting Charles Owens in the construction of the knockabouts for the Navy. Vordham Van Bibber would be with the company for three and a half years, where he would acquire vast knowledge on wood types and different plywood manufacturers. He designed a 21-footer and small runabouts.

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History of the Owens Yacht Company 1930 - Annapolis - Baltimore - 1965

Charles Owens, Sr., father of four sons and a daughter, built custom boats on Spa Creek, in Eastport, Annapolis, Maryland, from 1925 to 1930. When he died in 1933, his young teenagers were left with a small boat building business and thus began their boat building careers. As boat orders began to increase after 1936, three of the sons, Charles, Jr., Norman and John B. decided to expand and purchased about eight acres on the Baltimore waterfront where the constructed new plants. It was at this site that they adopted the new auto industry production control systems and applied them to boat building techniques.

Their first new 32-foot Owens cruiser model was put on display in 1937 New York Boat Show. Their business grew rapidly in the early 1940s as pleasure boats and boating was at its peak before World War II. All three brothers were good sailors and spent their spare time racing and winning! It was at this time that they introduced their first 40-foot sailboat, the Owens Cutter. In 1950 they sold the design rights to Henry Hinckley in 1950 who went on to build the Cutter for the next five years. During the War years, they converted the shop to production boats and built many rescue boats and landing barges. And when the Korean War erupted the brothers bid and won contracts to build 75-foot minesweepers for the Navy.

Norman ------------------------------------ Charles, Jr .------------------------------------- John

They continued to grow and sales were up considerably in 1958-59 when they decided to hire Campbell-Ewald Advertising Agency to further their promotion and advertising. It was at this time that Cornelius Shields of Shields & Company, a well-known sailor and stock broker suggested they offer 20 percent of their company stock to the public. It opened on the New York Stock Exchange in 1959 at $8 per share which quickly oversold and the stock price rose to $12 per share. The Owens Company was probably the only boat company to offer stock on the open market at this time.

In 1957 the Owens Company discontinued manufacturing wooden boats of less than 20 feet and began to convert to fiberglass hulls. During this time their Baltimore facility could produce two 28-foot boats per day which cost $8,500 to $12,000 or three 35-foot boats per week with a price of $18,000 to $20,000 per boat. At this same time they were also building their own engines, known as Flagship Marine Engines. They were producing 500 Flagship engines per month for their complete line of boats, 18-foot outboards to 35-foot cruisers and runabouts. During its peak production years the Owens Company had 500 employees at their Baltimore plant.

By the 1960s the Owens brothers had retired and no longer took an active part in the business. The Owens Company became a division of the Brunswick Corporation which operated the business for ten years before selling the boat building division to Test Concorde Inc. The division was renamed Concorde Yacht Division - Brunswick Corp., but still retained the Owens name for the boats. In the early 1970s the Concorde Yacht Division ran into financial difficulties and liquidated the entire production facility eliminating almost all historical material from the original Owens Company. The sailboat cutter plans remain and are located at the Mystic Seaport Museum , in Mystic, Connecticut


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History of the Owens Yacht Company 1930 - Annapolis - Baltimore - 1965

Owens 22 Family Cruiser

Charles Owens, Sr., father of four sons and a daughter, built custom boats on Spa Creek, in Eastport, Annapolis, Maryland, from 1925 to 1930. When he died in 1933, his young teenagers were left with a small boat building business and thus began their boat building careers. As boat orders began to increase after 1936, three of the sons, Charles, Jr., Norman and John B. decided to expand and purchased about eight acres on the Baltimore waterfront where the constructed new plants. It was at this site that they adopted the new auto industry production control systems and applied them to boat building techniques.

Their first new 32-foot Owens cruiser model was put on display in 1937 New York Boat Show. Their business grew rapidly in the early 1940s as pleasure boats and boating was at its peak before World War II. All three brothers were good sailors and spent their spare time racing and winning! It was at this time that they introduced their first 40-foot sailboat, the Owens Cutter. In 1950 they sold the design rights to Henry Hinckley in 1950 who went on to build the Cutter for the next five years. During the War years, they converted the shop to production boats and built many rescue boats and landing barges. And when the Korean War erupted the brothers bid and won contracts to build 75-foot minesweepers for the Navy.

They continued to grow and sales were up considerably in 1958-59 when they decided to hire Campbell-Ewald Advertising Agency to further their promotion and advertising. It was at this time that Cornelius Shields of Shields & Company, a well-known sailor and stock broker suggested they offer 20 percent of their company stock to the public. It opened on the New York Stock Exchange in 1959 at $8 per share which quickly oversold and the stock price rose to $12 per share. The Owens Company was probably the only boat company to offer stock on the open market at this time.

In 1957 the Owens Company discontinued manufacturing wooden boats of less than 20 feet and began to convert to fiberglass hulls. During this time their Baltimore facility could produce two 28-foot boats per day which cost $8,500 to $12,000 or three 35-foot boats per week with a price of $18,000 to $20,000 per boat. At this same time they were also building their own engines, known as Flagship Marine Engines. They were producing 500 Flagship engines per month for their complete line of boats, 18-foot outboards to 35-foot cruisers and runabouts. During its peak production years the Owens Company had 500 employees at their Baltimore plant.

By the 1960s the Owens brothers had retired and no longer took an active part in the business. The Owens Company became a division of the Brunswick Corporation which operated the business for ten years before selling the boat building division to Test Concorde Inc. The division was renamed Concorde Yacht Division - Brunswick Corp., but still retained the Owens name for the boats. In the early 1970s the Concorde Yacht Division ran into financial difficulties and liquidated the entire production facility eliminating almost all historical material from the original Owens Company. The sailboat cutter plans remain and are located at the  Mystic Seaport Museum , in Mystic, Connecticut

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1958 25'
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Questions for Investigators Trying to Unravel Mystery of Luxury Yacht’s Sinking

The investigators searching for answers about the shipwreck, leaving seven dead, face questions about extreme weather and possible human error or problems with the yacht itself.

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Two small boats with outboard motors make their way across the water.

By Alan Yuhas

More than 180 feet long, with a mast towering about 240 feet and a keel that could be lowered for greater stability, the Bayesian luxury yacht did not, in the eyes of its maker, have the vulnerabilities of a ship that would easily sink.

“It drives me insane,” Giovanni Costantino, the chief executive of the Italian Sea Group, which in 2022 bought the company that made the ship, said after its wreck last week. “Following all the proper procedures, that boat is unsinkable.”

But the $40 million sailing yacht sank within minutes and with fatal results: seven dead, including the British technology billionaire Michael Lynch, his teenage daughter, four of Mr. Lynch’s friends and a member of the crew. Fifteen people, including the captain, escaped on a lifeboat.

Mr. Lynch had invited family, friends and part of his legal team on a cruise in the Mediterranean to celebrate his acquittal in June of fraud charges tied to the sale of his company to the tech giant Hewlett-Packard.

The Italian authorities have opened a manslaughter investigation, searching for answers from the survivors, the manufacturer and the wreck itself. They face a range of questions and possible factors.

An ‘earthquake’ in the sky?

When the Bayesian sank around 4 a.m. on Aug. 19, the waters in its area, about half a mile off the Sicilian port of Porticello, were transformed by an extremely sudden and violent storm, according to fishermen, a captain in the area and meteorologists.

But what kind of storm is still a mystery, compounded by the fact that a sailing schooner anchored nearby did not have its own disaster. Also unclear is whether the crew was aware that the Italian authorities had issued general warnings about bad weather the night before.

Karsten Börner, the captain of the nearby passenger ship, said he’d had to steady his ship during “really violent” winds . During the storm, he said, the Bayesian seemed to disappear behind his ship.

Severe lightning and strong gusts were registered by the Italian Air Force’s Center for Aerospace Meteorology and Climatology, according to Attilio Di Diodato, its director. “It was very intense and brief in duration,” he said.

The yacht, he said, had most likely been hit by a fierce downburst — a blast of powerful wind surging down during a thunderstorm. His agency put out rough-sea warnings the previous evening, alerting sailors about possible storms.

Locals have said the winds “felt like an earthquake.” A fisherman in Porticello said that he had seen a flare go off in the early-morning hours. His brother ventured to the site once the weather had calmed about 20 minutes later, he said, finding only floating cushions.

The Italian authorities have so far declined to say whether investigators had seen any structural damage to the hull or other parts of the ship.

Open hatches or doors?

The boat executive, Mr. Costantino, has argued that the Bayesian was an extremely safe vessel that could list even to 75 degrees without capsizing. His company, the Italian Sea Group, in 2022 bought the yacht’s manufacturer, Perini Navi, which launched the ship in 2008.

Mr. Costantino said that if some of the hatches on the side and in the stern, or some of the deck doors, had been open, the boat could have taken on water and sunk. Standard procedure in such storms, he said, would be to switch on the engine, lift the anchor and turn the boat into the wind, lowering the keel for extra stability, closing doors and gathering the guests in the main hall inside the deck.

At a news conference on Saturday, almost a week after the sinking, investigators said the yacht had sunk at an angle , with its stern — where the heavy engine was — having gone down first. The wreck was found lying on its right side at the bottom of a bay, about 165 feet deep.

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12 guests occupied the yacht’s six cabins. There were also 10 crew members.

Open hatches, doors and cabin windows could have let in water during a storm, according to the manufacturer.

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Open hatches, doors and

cabin windows could

have let in water

during a storm,

according to the


Source: Superyacht Times, YachtCharterFleet, MarineTraffic

By Veronica Penney

Water pouring into open hatches or doors could have contributed to the sinking, experts say, but that on its own may not account for the speed at which such a large boat vanished underwater.

Asked about the hatches at the news conference, the authorities declined to comment on whether they had been found open at the wreck.

The authorities have also not specified whether the boat had been anchored, whether it was under power at the time or whether its sails had been unfurled.

A retracted keel?

The Bayesian had a keel — the fin-like structure beneath a boat that can help stabilize it — that could be retracted or extended, according to its manufacturer. On some yachts, keels can be raised to let the large vessel dock in shallower water, and extended downward to help keep a boat level.

But like the hatches, the status of the keel alone may not explain why a large ship sank with such precipitous speed. Investigators have not disclosed what divers may have seen at the wreck, aside from saying divers had faced obstacles like furnishings and electrical wiring in tight quarters. Officials want to raise the wreck to better examine it, a process that may take weeks.

Human error?

Ambrogio Cartosio, the prosecutor in charge of the case, said at the news conference that it was “plausible” crimes had been committed, but that investigators had not zeroed in on any potential suspects.

“There could be responsibilities of the captain only,” he said. “There could be responsibilities of the whole crew. There could be responsibilities of the boat makers. Or there could be responsibilities of those who were in charge of surveilling the boat.”

It remains unclear what kind of emergency training or preparation took place before the disaster, or what kind of coordination there was during it. So far, none of the surviving crew members have made a public statement about what happened the night the ship sank.

Prosecutors said they want to ask more questions of the captain and crew, who have been in a Sicilian hotel with other survivors. They said that neither alcohol nor drug tests had been performed on crew members, and that they have been allowed to leave Italy.

Prosecutors also said they were also investigating why the captain, an experienced sailor, left the sinking boat while some passengers were still on board.

Besides possible manslaughter charges, the authorities are investigating the possibility of a negligently caused shipwreck.

The bodies of five passengers were found in one cabin, on the left side of the yacht, the authorities said. The five were most likely trying to flee to the higher side of the boat and were probably sleeping when the boat started to sink, they said.

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What caused the fatal sinking of the superyacht Bayesian?

Bayesian yacht, map of where it sank and Italian coastguard

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Victor Mallet and Visual and Data Journalism team in London

Roula Khalaf, Editor of the FT, selects her favourite stories in this weekly newsletter.

One of the world’s largest sailing superyachts sank in high winds off Sicily on Monday, causing the death of UK tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch and six other passengers and crew whose bodies were recovered from the wreck or from the sea.

The trip on the Lynch family’s yacht had been intended to celebrate his recent acquittal by a US jury, with 12 passengers on board, including his wife and 18-year-old daughter, and 10 crew members.

The Italian coastguard said the 56-metre, 540-tonne, British-flagged yacht Bayesian sank within minutes after it was hit by ferocious winds of 60 knots (over 110km/h) near Palermo.

The rapid sinking of such a large, modern and well-equipped yacht due to bad weather, rather than as a result of a collision, has raised concerns over marine safety as extreme weather events occur with more frequency and intensity.

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Why did the superyacht sink?

The yacht may well have been caught in a waterspout — a form of tornado — because the extreme wind speeds were recorded only in a localised area around the harbour of Porticello, where the boat was anchored about 300 metres offshore when it was struck.

Karsten Börner, the skipper of a nearby boat, told the FT that Bayesian appeared to capsize. He said he regarded the boat as unstable and his comments suggest that it could have been the combination of high winds and Bayesian’s 72-metre mast — the world’s tallest aluminium mast, according to manufacturers Perini Navi — that triggered the disaster.

Schematic showing the scale of the Sailing Yacht Bayesian by comparing it to the size of a London bus

Even with no sails up, a boat with a tall mast has a lot of “windage”, or surface area exposed to the wind, which can tip the vessel over in a storm. The boat may have heeled over so far that it took on water through open windows, hatches or companionways.

According to Perini Navi, Bayesian had a keel that can be lifted to reduce the draught of the boat — otherwise nearly 10 metres — for easier entrance to shallow harbours. If the keel were for some reason in the raised position rather than fully extended, that could compromise the boat’s stability in a strong wind.


Skippers of sailing yachts with exceptionally high masts typically aim to move out of harm’s way if strong winds are forecast.

Yacht designers and sailors are nevertheless puzzled by the sinking of the boat. AIS (Automatic Identification System) tracking data shows it took 16 minutes from the time Bayesian appeared to started dragging its anchor until it sank. But it is not yet known whether vulnerable hatches were open or when water started entering the boat. Italian prosecutors are investigating possible charges of manslaughter and “negligent shipwreck”.

Giovanni Costantino, chief executive of Italian Sea Group, which owns Perini Navi, told the Financial Times that Bayesian was “absolutely safe” and said the crew should have had time to secure the boat and evacuate passengers from their cabins.

Should we blame climate change?

Climate change is likely to have been at least a contributing factor in the Mediterranean’s unsettled and sometimes violent weather this summer. The Mediterranean is a favoured cruising ground for superyachts during the northern hemisphere summer — in winter, the wealthy prefer the Caribbean or the Indian Ocean — because the weather is typically warm and sunny, and storms are rare. 

Meteorological experts have long predicted that climate change and the heating-up of oceans will help trigger more extreme weather events, including floods, droughts and more severe hurricanes.

Last week, the Mediterranean reached a median temperature of 28.9C — its highest surface temperature on record — and similar records are being broken in other seas. June was the 15th consecutive month that global sea temperatures hit a record high and forecasters predict the warmer waters may fuel an intense Atlantic hurricane season.

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Will disasters at sea occur more often?

While design improvements and safety regulations have made even the smallest boats safer, the potential dangers posed by bad weather are increasing in line with the rising number of pleasure vessels at sea.

Last week, a sudden and exceptionally strong thunderstorm with wind squalls blowing at up to 53 knots (about 100km/h) swept over the Balearic Islands of Ibiza and Formentera, driving several sailing and motor yachts to crash on to the shore. Among those damaged and grounded but later recovered was a luxury, 30-metre vessel made by the Monaco-based Wally Yachts .

The cause was a thunderstorm known as a “Dana”, a Spanish acronym for depresión aislada en niveles altos or isolated high-altitude depression. The bad weather also caused serious flooding in Mallorca and Menorca to the north.

How can boat makers and skippers help avoid more deaths?

The weather in the Mediterranean is often notoriously unpredictable and prone to sudden, unforecast gales — unlike the north Atlantic, where weather shifts are usually signalled days in advance by changing air pressure and cloud formations visible to the naked eye.

Safety at sea depends largely on two factors: the seaworthiness of the boat and the skill and experience of the captain and crew.

Modern boats — Bayesian was built in 2008 and refurbished four years ago — are normally built to high safety standards and equipped with electronic navigation and communications systems, as well as standard emergency gear such as life vests.

Common accidents include people falling overboard, fires on board and accidental groundings or collisions — not sinking in bad weather.

Visual and data team: Alan Smith, Aditi Bhandhari, Ian Bott and Jana Tauschinski

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Body of last victim left missing after tech magnate Mike Lynch's family yacht sank off Sicily is recovered

By Anna Matranga

Updated on: August 23, 2024 / 8:12 AM EDT / CBS News

Divers have recovered the remains of the last person who was left missing when the superyacht Bayesian sank early Monday off the coast of Sicily, the head of the island's Civil Protection agency, Salvo Cocina, told CBS News on Friday. The body has been brought to shore, not been formally identified. 

It is believed to be that of Hannah Lynch, British  tech magnate Mike Lynch 's 18-year-old daughter, according to Italian media. 

Mike Lynch's body was retrieved Thursday from inside the sunken vessel, which was left resting on the seabed at a depth of more than 160 feet, at a 90 degree angle, making rescue efforts complicated and dangerous. 

Shortly after the 184-foot luxury sailing yacht sank, the body of the ship's cook was recovered from the water near the wreck. Divers managed to retrieve four other bodies from the Bayesian on Wednesday, including two Americans.


With the recovery of the body on Friday, the total number of victims rises to seven, accounting fully for all of those who were on the boat owned by Mike Lynch's wife Angela Bacares. 

Fifteen people survived the sinking, including Bacares. The survivors were found on a life raft by the captain of a boat that had been anchored nearby.

Prosecutors have been questioning survivors and witnesses to determine what could have caused the luxury superyacht, equipped with state-of-the-art safety equipment, to sink within what witnesses said was a matter of minutes during a storm. 

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25 Feet 1960 Owens

$6,500 (usd), boat id: 41868, contact us directly - 800-675-4089, learn how the process works (faq).

Well built cruiser with kitchen and bathroom. Sleeps 3 easily. Nice running 283 which has been recently tuned up and serviced. Full weather enclosure and double axel trailer included. The hull has been repainted and varnished in spring of 2021. This a tight hull that doesn't leak. Trailer has had a big makeover including new bearings and seals, New Wheel Cylinders, New Master Cylinder and fresh paint. Very reliable trailer read for the road. Ready to use now!!

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Staten Island waterfront homes, with price tags of up to $2.5M, now complete amid controversy

  • Updated: Aug. 29, 2024, 5:52 a.m.
  • | Published: Aug. 29, 2024, 5:50 a.m.

Great Kills Harbor development Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2024

Three multi-family homes sit on a once-controversial site Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2024. (Staten Island Advance/Paul Liotta)

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Developers of what was once a controversial building plan for luxury waterfront homes built near tidal wetlands on the shores of Great Kills Harbor recently completed the project to little fanfare, but some controversy still remains, the Advance/ has learned.

The Great Kills Yacht Club, which has its property adjacent to the three-building residential development -- one of which recently sold for $2.25 million -- at the north end of Mansion Avenue, sued the builders and two contracting firms in May over what the club says was negligence during construction.

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Owens Flagship Yacht

Owens Flagship Yacht 1957

No reserve auction for a 1957 Owens Cabin Cruiser. The previous owner plasticized the hull, not my first choice, but it worked. Any bottom paint will have to be worked around what he did. I was promised the original Owens steering wheel but it has not materialized. I will happily send it along should that happen.New battery, accessory belt and impeller. Electric trim tabs. Instrumentation and electronics all functioning except for right wiper and cabin lights. Zero rot. Has a dirty Bimini that is functional and Porta-Potty head. Will need new glass for hatchway door. I'm keeping the stained glass I had made for this boat, sorry. Cushions are as dirty as the top, sadly. Come with flag and Danforth anchor with rode.Trailer has new LED lighting, bearing buddies and good tires. It does not have electric brakes. Clear titles for both.If you are a wood boat enthusiast and want an operable one that comes rolling on a decent trailer, with some TLC and a little time, you'll have exactly what you want with this one. This is not a show boat and is sold as is where is. It is a 60-year-old antique vessel, please keep that in mind when bidding. She floats and runs and that's a LOT more than many of the old woodies on classifieds board.All the best and good luck bidding!

Is this boat available?

still available?

You have it listed for $1000. Is this the selling price or bidding price to start? Thanks Gil

LOL but serious is this still for sale?

Hello, I'm wondering the same thing, is the $1000 a starting bid and if so ,how do I get in on the bidding?? Thanks

Is anyone monitoring this sale?? Thanks

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Staggering $68 Million Lake Minnetonka Mansion Aims To Shatter Minnesota’s House Price Record

( Courtesy of Spacecrafting )

Staggering $68 Million Lake Minnetonka Mansion Aims To Shatter Minnesota’s House Price Record

Minnesota boasts plenty of phenomenal and luxurious homes, but the state is not traditionally associated with glamorous and imposing lakefront mansions that go for tens of millions of dollars.

But one magnificent property looks set to change Minnesota’s real estate image once and for all—going up against the expansive lakehouses that are more commonly found on Lake Tahoe or Lake Michigan .

Priced at an incredible $68 million, the brand-new estate on Lake Minnetonka is quietly being shopped around to potential buyers with the aim of becoming the state’s most expensive home.

And should it sell for anywhere near the asking price, it will have no trouble in smashing that record, according to Isaac Kuehn , a real estate adviser with Minneapolis-based DRG.

At the time of writing, Kuehn says that the most expensive home to ever be sold in Minnesota went for $17.5 million in September 2006—more than $50 million less than this megamansion has been priced at.

$68 Million Mansion in Minnesota

(Courtesy of Spacecrafting)

$68 Million Mansion in Minnesota

The famous Pillsbury Mansion, also on Lake Minnetonka, was listed for $24 million in 2011. It was razed and the property was divided into five individual sites before it was finally sold .

Interestingly enough, the state’s most lucrative listings have all been located on lush Lake Minnetonka, located just west of Minneapolis. But it’s safe to say that nothing like this new, 8-acre estate with 655 feet of waterfront has ever been constructed on its tony shores.

The compound features 29,000 square feet of living space, including eight bedrooms and 17 bathrooms, the listing states. It took two years to design and five years to build.

The architecture appears to be an elegant melange of several design approaches, including Tudor, chateau, contemporary, and even Prairie-style, and together they somehow seem organic.

Natural materials, including stone and wood, are used extensively. High, coffered ceilings abound, and multipaned windows can be found throughout, framing the home’s spectacular views.

It seems that no expense was spared in the construction of this magnificent home.

For example, $750,000 worth of Italian marble was used in the bathroom of the primary wing’s main suite. That includes a 1,400-pound carved marble tub, as reported by the Wall Street Journal . Luxuries include a spa with a Himalayan salt room and an entertaining area with a home theater, bowling alley, arcade, cigar lounge, and wine cave.

Since lake houses with amenities for large groups of friends and family are a tradition in Minnesota, it’s also reported that this home has a bunk room with 12 beds, an eight-car showcase garage, plus a six-car garage for recreational vehicles.

Did we mention the property is not just a summertime escape, but a year-round elegant compound?

It comes with two 2,000-square-foot guesthouses and a guest boat dock (in addition to the main one for residents).

$68 Million Mansion in Minnesota

For recreation, there’s a pool and pool house, a lakeside porch, and a putting green by a pond.

Plus, with its location right on the lake, all the water sports you can imagine are right at hand, including fishing, sailing, boating, kayaking, canoeing, waterskiing, and tubing in the warmer months, and ice fishing, skating, and snowmobiling in the winter.

Incidentally, the second most expensive home on the market in Minnesota right now is also on Lake Minnetonka—on its own peninsula.

Listed at $14,750,000 , it features 9,016 square feet of living space and has five bedrooms and 6.6 baths.

Father-son team John F. Adams and John C. Adams of Compass share the listing for what is Minnesota’s current priciest listing.

Lisa Johnson Mandell is an award-winning writer who covers lifestyle, entertainment, real estate, design, and travel. Find her on

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