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Nemo II Galápagos Cruise

Action-packed days and relaxing nights under sail, a galápagos cruise on board the nemo ii.

What we love about the Nemo II

A true sailboat

Only 14 guests for a more intimate experience

Open wheelhouse on the upper deck

Choice of northern or southern itineraries

nemo II_23

The Nemo II is a true sailing catamaran owned and operated by a family business who have been sailing the Galápagos waters since 1990. This is a perfect way to see the islands in a vessel purpose-made for stable, fast journeys under sail or engine. Captain Henry is a true character! A former Galápagos fisherman, he's been skipper here for 12 years and he knows the local waters intimately. He also loves snorkelling, so more often than not he joins us when we get in the water! Fabricio the chef has been working for Nemo for 7 years, and he loves to cook seafood the Ecuadorian way - you'll love it. All the meals are served buffet-style, and taken in the outdoor dining area which can actually be enclosed to keep out the wind, but keep the amazing views. A Nemo cruise is quite active, typically you will enjoy 5 or 6 activities per day. We were tired but very happy each and every evening. Finally, what an experience to be on a true sailing catamaran - you will be travelling under sail through the Galápagos Islands and we found it magical.

Nemo II has been cleverly designed to allow for larger, more opens cabins than many catamarans of similar type. Her seven cabins include some with double beds and others with twin bunk or double with single bunk. Cabin are decorated with clean, bright finishes and they are well lit making them feel airy and spacious. Each one has individual air conditioning and private en suite bathrooms with modern decor and hot shower and basin.

Nemo II has excellent social spaces. The catamaran design means central lounge area is large and open, with luxurious sofas and easy chairs and a bright modern design with panoramic windows. Beautiful wood complements the crisp white finishes, and the bar, TV with DVD, and music system mean the lounge is a great place to relax with the other guests.

The dining room is outside, yet enclosed and offers relaxed dining with comfortable chairs and large tables to share the excellent food. The upper deck has sun loungers to lie down on and soak up the equatorial sun, or to gaze up at the stars at night. Between the two bows you can sit or lie on the netting, floating over the ocean and maybe spotting a dolphin or two.

When moving under sail there’s nowhere better to be that on the upper deck, where the captain’s open wheelhouse means you get a fantastic sailing experience that’s totally different to the motor yachts and this is the reason why Nemo II is such a popular choice.

Nemo II offers a choice of excellent itineraries to help you really explore the Galápagos. Her bilingual naturalist guide will share their in-depth knowledge of the local wildlife and habitats, and you can enjoy snorkeling, kayaking, hiking and more as you cruise around the islands. Northern and southern routes are available, allowing you to pick the islands that you most wish to learn about and discover.

Nemo II has a great balance between a real, working sailboat and offering accommodation that’s generous and comfortable. Her updated guest bathrooms are some of the best in the class. We love being able to sit right in the open wheelhouse and watch the captain and crew trim the sails as we head between the islands. We like the choice of comprehensive northern or southern itineraries that you get with Nemo II.

** While the yacht is equipped with sails, they can only be used when weather and wind conditions are favorable. The decision to use the sails is entirely at the discretion of the captain, who will always prioritize safety and the overall sailing conditions.

Dates & Prices on board the Nemo II

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Amenities on board the Nemo II

Transfers to and from ship

Snorkel gear (free of charge)

Travel for good: Your Each booking contributes to Ventura’s Conservation Project.

Kayaks on board

Air conditioning & private bathroom

Standup paddle boards

Single travellers can share cabin

Water, Coffee, Tea & fresh juices

-20% for children ≤ 12

Triple cabins

English guides

Food & Drinks on board the Nemo II

The food on our Galapágos Cruises is among the very best you will find in South America. Most of the on-board chefs are internationally trained and have prior experience working in the best hotels and restaurants in Ecuador and indeed around the world.

You can expect a first-class selection of food, including a good variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, locally sourced poultry and fish/seafood, rice and pasta dishes. Most boats will always include some typical Ecuadorian dishes on the menu during your cruise. If you have specific dietary requirements then these can usually be accommodated by the chef providing you have given advance notice. Please make sure you tell us about any allergies or dietary requirements you have at the time you book with us. If you leave it until you arrive at the dockside, then it may well be impossible to accommodate your needs.

Most boats serve a range of options at meal times in a relaxed buffet-style. At the first class and luxury end of the market, some boats have more formal dining where you will be served at your seat. However the atmosphere is always relaxed on board our cruises, and never stuffy or formal.

Wir von Galapatours lieben und respektieren die unberührten Ökosysteme und die faszinierende Tierwelt der Galápagos-Inseln, und wir bestehen darauf, dass unsere Kreuzfahrtpartner dies auch tun. Um den Archipel zu schützen, müssen alle unsere Kreuzfahrtschiffe über ausgeklügelte Wasserfiltersysteme, moderne, effiziente Motoren und strenge Wartungspläne verfügen, um die Umweltverschmutzung zu minimieren.\n\nDie Behörde des Galápagos-Nationalparks legt auch genaue Kreuzfahrtrouten fest, die vorschreiben, welche Schiffe zu bestimmten Zeiten die Höhepunkte besuchen können, sowie die Begrenzung der Passagierzahlen. Diese Maßnahmen stellen sicher, dass die Tiere und Lebensräume nicht durch zu viele Besucher gestört werden.\n\nFür Galapatours hat die Erhaltung der unberührten Ökosysteme und der bemerkenswerten Tierwelt der Galápagos-Inseln oberste Priorität. Unser Engagement geht über die obligatorischen Umweltstandards für Kreuzfahrtschiffe in dieser Region hinaus: Ein Teil Ihres Reisepreises fließt in unser Naturschutzprojekt. Diese Initiative befähigt lokale Gemeinschaften, ihr Gebiet zu schützen, sich an der Wiederaufforstung zu beteiligen und sich auf eine langfristige Umweltverantwortung vorzubereiten. Auf diese Weise trägt Ihre Reise zum Umweltschutz bei und zeigt, wie Reisen eine Kraft für das Gute sein kann! Und auch Sie können Ihren Teil dazu beitragen, indem Sie verantwortungsbewusst reisen und unsere Öko-Richtlinien während Ihres Aufenthaltes befolgen. Klicken Sie hier , um mehr über diese Richtlinien, unser Engagement für nachhaltigen Tourismus und die Regeln des Galápagos-Nationalparks zu erfahren.

Cabins categories on board the Nemo II


Superior Cabins 1 & 2


Max. occupancy :

More about this cabin

Nemo II

Standard Cabins 6 & 7


Superior Cabins 3, 4, 5

Technical details of nemo ii, sailing catamaran, electricity, 110v/220v/12v, cruising speed, main engines, 1x jhon deer, gross tonnage, reviews of nemo ii.


Nemo II Galapagos Cruise

August 2024

Onboard the NEMO II is an exceptional way to visit the Galapagos!! The crew is top notch, the excursions plentiful and onboard amenities lovely! Our guide, Jairo, was exceptional in welcoming us and weaving ecology, history and culture of the Galapagos into excursions and during gatherings in preparation for group activities. The entire trip was a highlight from guided trail walks, to dry and wet snorkeling, to sitting out on the upper deck gazing at the constellations we were surrounded by epic beauty.

Se dice que nada es perfecto, pero nuestro crucero de 4 días y 3 noches en el catamarán Nemo II prácticamente lo fue. El grupo, la tripulación, la comida, el guía y las excursiones superaron con creces nuestras expectativas. En el itinerario había una larga lista de fauna y flora marina que podíamos ver y, a excepción de los tiburones martillo, lo vimos todo. Incluso vimos orcas y albatros. Quizá tuvimos suerte. Un amigo me dijo que Galápagos es el único lugar donde se puede nadar con leones marinos y pingüinos al mismo tiempo, lo que parecía un poco descabellado, pero eso es exactamente lo que ocurrió en nuestra excursión. Probablemente, nuestro guía tuvo mucho que ver. Su entusiasmo y sus conocimientos son un orgullo para las Galápagos. No sólo se aseguró de que todos los que quisieran tuvieran la oportunidad de conocer de cerca estas maravillas naturales, sino que a menudo había una foto al estilo National Geographic para demostrarlo. Cuatro días no es mucho tiempo, pero creo que para nosotros fue lo justo. Hubo una buena mezcla de actividades submarinas y terrestres. Me fascinaron los diferentes paisajes y aves de cada una de las islas. Nos juntamos con un grupo estupendo de pasajeros: éramos 13 de seis nacionalidades y durante esos pocos días fuimos una gran familia mundial feliz. La tripulación operaba en silencio y anónimamente en un segundo plano para asegurarse de que nuestras tres comidas fueran de alta cocina, la limpieza de los camarotes se hacía por arte de magia y la lancha neumática (taxi acuático, RIB, no recuerdo cómo se llamaba) siempre estaba ahí para transportarnos a la siguiente aventura... ¡y de vuelta! Sobre el papel parecía caro, pero en realidad no lo era tanto. Y la ventaja de un viaje de tres noches significa que, aunque se supone que es una vez en la vida, lo volveríamos a hacer encantados.

Une aventure FANTASTIQUE ! Quel voyage inoubliable ! Mon guide, Rual, connaissait très bien tous les oiseaux, les animaux et l'histoire des îles. Le terrain que nous avons parcouru était plus difficile que ce à quoi je m'attendais. Beaucoup d'escalade sur de hauts rochers escarpés avec des surfaces irrégulières était la norme. Bien que je n'aie pas participé au snorkeling, d'autres l'ont fait et ont pris beaucoup de belles photos sous-marines. J'ai vu les tortues géantes, les fous à pattes bleues et à pattes rouges, les formations volcaniques et d'autres animaux que l'on trouve uniquement sur certaines îles. 7 jours - 6 nuits, c'était juste la durée parfaite. Merci pour votre aide et votre patience dans la planification de cette grande aventure ! Judy

This adventure was GREAT! What an unforgettable trip! My guide, Rual, was extremely knowledgeable about all of the birds, animals and history of the islands. The terrain we covered was more strenuous than I had expected. A lot of climbing on high steep rocks with uneven surfaces was the norm. Although I did not participate in snorkeling, others did and got a lot of great underwater pictures. I saw the giant tortoise, blue footed and red footed boobies, volcanic formations and other animals only found on the islands. My 7 days - 6 nights was just a perfect amount of time. Thanks for all your help and patience in planning my great adventure! Judy

Wanderlust Family

We had an amazing time! We used Galapatours for a trip in April 2018 and found them to be very helpful. Both Tom and Babett were responsive and always available if we had questions. We booked somewhat last minute, and they were amazing at helping to find a boat that fit our requirements, organizing flights and coordinating all the details. We just returned from our trip, and it was like being in a National Geographic episode! The islands are enchanting, the boat (Nemo II) was perfect, and we had an amazing time. Feedback from:


Nemo II Review-March 31 to April 7 We went on the Nemo II catamaran the first week of April on the northern route and have nothing but great reviews for the boat and the crew. The boat was immaculate, the crew was friendly, courteous and very efficient. It seemed as if they were always working, but willing to take time to talk if we initiated a conversation. We did find out that the crew rotates about every six weeks so there is no guarantee that you will have the same people each time, but I don’t think it matters too much since they all seem to enjoy what they do. I will say this is not a luxury boat, but they don’t sell themselves as such. The cabins are small, but you don’t spend much time in them so it doesn’t matter too much. My husband and I had cabin 3, which has a top double bunk and a lower single. We mostly used the lower one for storage although our daughter did sleep in it one night when she was ill. She mostly stayed in cabin 5 with her aunt, which has two single upper bunks and some storage below. We also had two other friends traveling in our group who had cabin 6. Their cabin, with one upper and one lower bunk, was near one of the engines and a bit smaller than cabin 5. The common areas are spacious, with a lounge inside and covered dining outside. It was never an issue with bad weather, although it did rain a couple of times, mostly at night. The upper deck area was always available to sit on and did have a couple of awnings that were open to provide shade most of the time. It was amazing to sit up there at night and look at all of the stars in the sky. We found the shower to be inconsistent in our cabin, some days the water would be warm, others downright cold. My sister-in-law always had hot water in her shower and we never heard anyone else complain about cold showers. We joked that since our cabin was right across from the galley that the dishwasher must be using all the hot water on that side of the boat. We never did ask anyone to see if it could be fixed as it wasn’t that big of a deal for us. It was hot outside and most days the cool shower felt really good. Our guide, Graciela, was extremely knowledgeable, having worked in the Galapagos for over twenty years. She obviously cares about the islands and knows the history and wildlife well. While she was nice, she did not go out of her way to be overly friendly. We did notice that we would never see her before breakfast and she always seemed to disappear into her cabin immediately after dinner each night. During any down time we had, she was pretty much no where to be seen. I don’t know if this is common with other guides, but we found it odd. The last afternoon she did join us on deck as we were moving to the next island. Each night before dinner she would explain the next day’s itinerary, and we found that on a few occasions she gave erroneous information, getting us mixed up with a different boat that she sometimes guides. It was confusing but we get it sorted out eventually. I don’t know how often she works on the Nemo II, but one crew member did tell me that whenever they have children on board (there were three girls aged 8-11) the owner tries to make sure they have a female guide. Overall, we were extremely happy with this boat. As I said, it’s not a luxury boat but we didn’t want that. The passenger to crew ratio is 2:1 and the attentiveness of the crew is amazing. We were lucky to have Antonio, Mauricio, Jorge, Ernesto, Daniel and Victor helping us this week. When our daughter became ill for a few days, I was amazed at the concern they all showed for her and how happy everyone was when she recovered. Victor (the chef) even prepared chicken noodle soup for her, something I’m sure wasn’t originally planned for the week. Some people have said that they have problems with crews because most of them don’t speak English, but it wasn’t really a problem for us. I speak a little bit of Spanish and as the week went on I tried to learn more, and the crew appeared happy to help me with this. Mauricio helped me quite a bit, plus he speaks English pretty well, much better than he realizes. That seemed to be the case with most of the crew; they do understand English even if they don’t speak it much. It certainly doesn’t hurt if we try to speak a bit of Spanish either! I would highly recommend this boat to anyone interested in touring the Galapagos. The smaller size may put some people off, but I think the size played a big part in our total experience. You get to know your traveling companions pretty quickly and there is much more interaction with the crew. Our immediate group made up half of the passengers, plus a family of four from Canada and a younger couple from Australia. We all meshed fairly well, plus our daughter was excited to have other girls her age to play with. I don’t believe it’s typical to have children on board, but everyone (crew included) seemed to enjoy having them there. Most of the crew members have children themselves and they were are very patient with the girls. The bottom line is this: the Nemo II is a good boat, has a friendly and attentive crew. The cabins are small, but you don’t spend much time in them. The food was surprisingly good, especially given the small area the chef has to work in. They work hard to ensure you have a good time, but you can also tell they enjoy what they do. I would not hesitate to travel on this boat again if we return to the Galapagos, but next time on the southern route.

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Home » Galapagos Cruises and Tours » Nemo II Galapagos Cruise

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

Nemo II Galapagos Cruise

Nemo 2 galapagos yacht, inclusions & exclusions.

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

Nemo II Galapagos Yacht offers two different itineraries

 Itinerary North - West & North Islands

AM: Highlands


Contact us and get discounted prices for Nemo 2 Galapagos

Regular twin cabins 3 or 4 (double upper bed, single lower) (2024 prices), basic twin cabins 5-7 (single bunks or 2 lower singles) (2024 prices).

Promotions Available on Selected Departures in 2024 Galapagos Cruises

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Nemo II Galapagos Catamaran - Deck Plans

  • 5-Star Luxury Cruises
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  • 3-Star Mid-range Cruises
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  • Galapagos Charters
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Nemo II Cruise Ship, Galapagos

  • from ₽ 49,148 / day

Nemo II Galapagos

Overall experience “We are glad we chose this cruise.” Nancy M, United States
  • Diverse activities and underwater exploration
  • Kayak available for water explorations
  • Naturalist guide on board

The Nemo II offers a truly intimate cruising experience; with just seven cabins, accommodating a maximum of 14 guests on each cruise, you can be assured of a friendly vibe and personalized service. All cabins have a private bathroom and air conditioning. Some have a double bed, and others have two single bunks. Savour delicious cuisine in the classy dining room and feel the sun’s warm rays on your face as you relax on the sun deck. There is also an indoor lounge from where you can enjoy the views and learn more about the area with the A/V system, and an onboard guide can also help answer any questions you may have. A kayak is carried for further explorations of the waters, though you’ll also be able to get close to wildlife without leaving your small ship cruise vessel.  

Join an eight-day cruise on the Nemo II and be dazzled by the diverse and unusual wildlife, the magical underwater world, and the picturesque vistas of the Galapagos. There are plenty of activities to enjoy. There are two routes to choose between, both starting and finishing at Baltra. The North itinerary takes guests to Santa Cruz, complete with a trip to the Charles Darwin Station, to various points on the island of Isabela, to Buccaneer Cove on Santiago, where snorkeling, kayaking, and panga riding are on the menu of activities, and then to the islands of Rabida, Genovesa, and Daphne. The South program also visits the Charles Darwin Station on Santa Cruz before sailing to San Cristobal and Lobos Island. Other highlights include diverse stops on Espanola, Floreana, Santa Fe, and Santiago islands.  

The friendly staff members of the Nemo II will be keen to help you enjoy your trip from the moment you board the boat. Reserve your cabins for a memorable adventure in the Galapagos by booking online.

Choose your departure date

Included: VAT, Fuel Surcharge, Drinking Water, Tea & Coffee, Full-Board Meal Plan (All meals), Snacks, Kayaks, Naturalist Guide, Snorkel Gear, Beach Towels, Cabin Towels, Complimentary Toiletries, Deck Towels.

Required Extras: Domestic Flight Non-Issuance Fee (50 USD per trip), National Park Fees (100-200 USD), Visas and Fees (20 USD), Local Flights.

Optional Extras: Gratuities, Airport Transfer, Hotel Transfer, Alcoholic Beverages, Soft drinks, Laundry / Pressing Services.

Book now, pay later: You can easily place your booking online. We will then hold the spaces for you and you can confirm with a payment later.

* Extra fees are shown per person.

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Boat features

  • Daily housekeeping
  • Aircon Cabins
  • Warm Water Showers
  • Outdoor Dining
  • Charging stations
  • Family Cabins
  • Kayaks On-Board
  • Naturalist Itineraries
  • Dedicated Local & International Crew
  • Naturalist Guide
  • Family Friendly Cruise

Food & Drinks

  • Vegetarian Options
  • Buffet style
  • Beer available
  • Wine Available
  • Welcome Cocktails
  • Full-board Option
  • Al Fresco Dining

If you have any specific dietary requirements whilst on-board your cruise, you can add this to your special requests on step 2 of the booking form. We advise limiting these requests to religious beliefs or food allergies.

Languages Spoken

The crew speaks English and Spanish.

Gear Rental

There is equipment available to rent on this boat. Please provide your rental needs on the booking form. You will need to pay for the rental gear on board of the boat. Show prices

Drawings & Vessel Layouts

#deckplan floorplan

Cabin Types

Cabin #1

Boat Specifications

Boat navigation and safety.

  • Radio VHF/DSC/SSB
  • E.P.I.R.B. Distress System
  • First Aid Kits

Nemo II Reviews

  • 9.6 Exceptional
  • 12 Verified Reviews
  • Activities 9.8
  • 10 Exceptional
  • guillermo H
amazing trip, excelent organization one of the most fantastic trips in my life, live aboard was great, the catamaran has all the thing you need to make the trip so is amazing. Galapagos marine and land wild life is beyond anything I've seen. The guide was excellent, the timing of each activity perfect....not a single complain or suggestion. Recommended for organization / service /scenaries
  • 8.4 Very good
Great! Swimming with sharks and penguins. It was a very great trip overall. For improvement: Sleeping was very difficult in our room while generator was running. They provided good service and turned it off after we told them. Also tips information given by Crew was twice as high as recommended by Lonely planets travelguide 2022 for galapagos. That was a bit misleading. Overall we were very happy about the trip. Recommended for Snorkling, wildlife, service
A fantastic journey through Galapagos nature! Walking on lava fields. Snorkeling with sharks, sea lions, turtles and many other creatures. Genovesa boobery. Playing with sea lions. Travelling on a catamaran was the best way to really experience and be immersed in Galapagos nature. Crew's attention to details. Recommended for Great guide and crew, animals and nature, visited locations.
Truly another world which I have never experienced before. Snorkeling with the sea lions swimming around you was the best. Recommended for The Islands, boat och guide.
It was everything we hoped for. Seeing all the animals and learning about them. Snorkeling Great meals and snacks Recommended for All the things we saw on our day trips. Friendly and knowledgeable staff and guide. Great group of fellow passengers.
A fantastic experience! The islands on our 8 day cruise showed the diversity and splendor of the marine and terrestrial wildlife. It was truly amazing. The guide and the crew were knowledgeable, friendly and were a lot of fun. We are glad we chose this cruise. Recommended for The hiking and snorkeling. The guide and crew. The boat.
By far the best choice for Galapagos cruise! I choose Nemo 2 for my Galapagos cruise because I wanted to experience catamaran type of sailing ship & be able to snorkel in many destinations. Oh how good was my decision! Nemo 2 is very stable and you don't get seasick as easily as in other types of ships. Its also small and has perfect group size of 14; You'll get to know others very well and group spirit will be great! I also liked hospitality of crew; they work hard in order to keep ship very clean and you satisfied; Food is great, and there are tasty snacks and soft drinks between meals! And our guide was amazing! He was really helpful and answered to our questions with great enthusiasm! And yes, you can do a lot of snorkeling with Nemo 2 !! which is great! Recommended for Catamaran type ship, crew hospitality, food
Jairo and Nemo II crew gave us an outstanding experience of a lifetime! Thank you :) From safety and cleanliness of Nemo II, amazing food and on-land and in-water guided tours by our well-informed and very professional Naturalist guide, Jairo, we experienced Galapagos Islands in 8 days which we will never forget. Jairo created a wonderful video of our tour which we will treasure, as he captured so many special moments we experienced: swimming with sea lions (not seals!) and sharks, walking on lava fields/volcanoes, watching blue-footed boobies dancing, tip-toeing through Iguanas, the list could go on and on and on! You will not regret your choice to sail on any Nemo :) Recommended for Very informative Naturalist guide, amazing variety of hikes/snorkelling, on-board service and food
Once in a lifetime experience We saw so much! Our guide's enthusiasm was great. He seemed to really enjoy sharing the islands with us. He was very knowledgable about the animals and sealife, and while snorkeling would dive under to point out animals we might not see otherwise. It was overall a great experience. Recommended for Small boat, friendly guide, awesome crew.
  • 8.8 Fabulous
A wonderful trip! Seeing all of the marine life while snorkeling. Recommended for Snorkeling, information about the islands and walking tours of the islands

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  • Caledonian Sky
  • Calico Jack
  • Calipso Cruise
  • Calipso Dive
  • Captain Bota
  • Caribbean Explorer II
  • Carpe Diem Indonesia
  • Cayman Aggressor IV
  • Chichagof Dream
  • Christianna VII
  • Cocos Island Aggressor
  • Coral Adventurer
  • Coral Discoverer
  • Coral Geographer
  • Coral Sea Dreaming
  • Cormorant II
  • Crucero Amazonas
  • Cruisenautic
  • Danubio Azul
  • Deep Andaman Queen
  • Dewi Nusantara
  • Discovery Alaska
  • Discovery I
  • Discovery II
  • Discovery Palawan
  • DiveRACE Class E
  • Dolce Vita Egypt
  • Dolphin Dream
  • Dolphin Queen
  • Duke of York
  • Duyung Baru
  • EcoPro Mariana
  • EcoPro Seascape
  • Elite Galapagos
  • Emperor Asmaa
  • Emperor Elite
  • Emperor Explorer
  • Emperor Harmoni
  • Emperor Leo
  • Emperor Raja Laut
  • Emperor Serenity
  • Emperor Superior
  • Emperor Voyager
  • Expedition Antarctica
  • Fascination
  • Fiji Princess
  • Freedom III
  • G Adventures Croatia
  • G Adventures Greece
  • G Adventures Thailand
  • Galapagos Aggressor III
  • Galapagos Angel
  • Galapagos Horizon
  • Galapagos Legend
  • Galapagos Master
  • Galapagos Sea Star
  • Galapagos Sky
  • Galaxy Diver II
  • Galaxy Orion
  • Galaxy Sirius
  • Gaya Baru Indah
  • Gemini Explorer
  • Gentle Giant
  • Ghazala Explorer
  • Golden Dolphin
  • Golden Dolphin II
  • Golden Dolphin iii
  • Golden Dolphin IV
  • Grand Daphne
  • Grand Majestic
  • Grand Queen Beatriz - Galapagos
  • Hammerhead II
  • Harmony G Cape Verde
  • Heaven Saphir
  • Heritage Explorer
  • Hondius Antarctica
  • Hondius Arctic
  • Humboldt Explorer
  • Iberotel Amara
  • Iberotel Crown Emperor
  • Iberotel Crown Empress
  • Idriva Comfort Plus
  • Idriva Deluxe
  • Idriva Premium
  • Indo Master
  • Infinity Galapagos
  • Jardines Avalon Fleet
  • Jaz Nile Monarch
  • Jelajahi Laut
  • Katarina Line Deluxe
  • Katarina Line Deluxe Superior
  • Katarina Line Premium Class
  • Katarina Line Premium Superior
  • Katarina Line Traditional En-Suite
  • Kimberley Quest II
  • Komodo Sea Dragon
  • Lucky Marine Liveaboard
  • Maldives Aggressor II
  • Maldives Blue Force 3
  • Mama Marija
  • Mama Marija II
  • Manatee Amazon Cruise
  • Manta Queen 1
  • Manta Queen 2
  • Manta Queen 3
  • Manta Queen 5
  • Manta Queen 7
  • Manta Queen 8
  • Merit Dahabiya
  • Mikumba Dua
  • Mutiara Laut
  • MY Odyssey Liveaboard
  • Natural Paradise
  • Nautilus Belle Amie
  • Nautilus Explorer
  • Nautilus Gallant Lady
  • Nautilus Two
  • Nautilus Under Sea
  • Neptune One
  • Nile Queen II
  • Northern Dream
  • Ocean Albatros Antarctica
  • Ocean Albatros Arctic
  • Ocean Divine
  • Ocean Dream
  • Ocean Hunter 3
  • Ocean Lovers
  • Ocean Quest
  • Ocean Sapphire
  • Ocean Spray
  • Ocean Victory
  • Odyssey Dive
  • Okeanos Aggressor II
  • Ombak Putih
  • Ortelius Antarctica
  • Ortelius Arctic Diving
  • Pacific Master
  • Palau Aggressor II
  • Palau Siren
  • Palau Sport
  • Panorama Greece
  • Panorama II Polynesia
  • Pearl of Papua
  • Philippine Siren
  • Philippines Aggressor
  • Philippines Aggressor II
  • Plancius Antarctica
  • Plancius Antarctica Diving
  • Plancius Arctic
  • Plancius Arctic Diving
  • Polar Pioneer
  • Princess Aloha
  • Princess Dhonkamana
  • Princess Haleema
  • Princess Haseena
  • Princess Rani
  • Princess Sara
  • Princess Ulua
  • Putri Papua
  • Queenesia II
  • Quino el Guardian
  • Raja Ampat Aggressor
  • Raja Ampat Explorer
  • Red Sea Aggressor II
  • Red Sea Aggressor IV
  • Red Sea Blue Force 2
  • Reef Endeavour Diving
  • Reina Silvia Voyager
  • Rembrandt van Rijn Arctic
  • Roatan Aggressor
  • Rocio del Mar
  • Royal Evolution
  • Royal Evolution - Saudi Arabia
  • Running on Waves
  • Safari Endeavour Alaska
  • Safari Explorer
  • Safari Explorer Hawaii
  • Safari Quest
  • Safari Voyager Mexico
  • San Spirito
  • Saudi Explorer
  • Saudi Pioneer
  • Sawasdee Fasai
  • Scubaspa Yang
  • Scubaspa Ying
  • Scubaspa Zen
  • Sea Bird Cruise
  • Sea Pearl - Egypt
  • Sea Pearl Cruise
  • Sea Safari 8
  • Sea Safari VI
  • Sea Serpent
  • Sea Serpent Contessa
  • Sea Serpent Excellence
  • Sea Serpent Grand
  • Sea Star Alaska
  • Seafari Explorer 2
  • Seahorse II
  • Seaman Journey
  • Seawolf Dominator
  • Seawolf Steel
  • Seven Seas Egypt
  • Shore Thing
  • Situju7 Cruise
  • Smiling Seahorse
  • Snefro Love
  • Snefro Pearl
  • Snefro Spirit
  • Snefro Target
  • Solitude Adventurer
  • Solitude Gaia
  • Solitude One
  • Solomons Master
  • Southern Sport
  • Spirit of Freedom
  • SS Glorious Miss Nouran
  • SS Serena Dreams
  • Steigenberger Legacy
  • Steigenberger Minerva
  • Steigenberger Regency
  • Steigenberger Royale
  • Stella Maris
  • Stella Maris Explorer
  • Stella Oceana
  • Sunshine Egypt
  • Thailand Aggressor
  • The Phinisi
  • Thunderbird
  • Tiare Cruise
  • Tiburon Explorer
  • Tranquility
  • Treasure of Galapagos
  • Turks and Caicos Aggressor II
  • Turks and Caicos Explorer
  • Vita Xplorer
  • Water And Wind
  • Westward Alaska
  • Westward Mexico
  • White Manta
  • White Pearl
  • Wilderness Discoverer
  • Yasawa Princess
  • Zephyria II
  • Cayman Islands
  • Dominican Republic
  • Turks and Caicos
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Philippines
  • Solomon islands
  • {{ review.modelAverageRatingFormatted }} {{ review.ratingText }}
  • {{ review.modelPresentationName }}
{{ review.title }} {{ review.howwasit }} Recommended for {{ review.best_things }}

Fill in the form below and LiveAboard’s customer service will get back to you as soon as possible.

We’re here to help. Your next trip might be an experience of a lifetime. Don’t miss out!

  • 1 double bed
  • Aircon with control
  • Ensuite Bathroom
  • Max 2 guests

A cabin with a double bed. Individual air conditioning, private bathroom, and reading lights.

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

  • 2 single beds (twin)

1 lower single bed and 1 upper single bed. Each cabin has individual air conditioning, a private bathroom, and reading lights.

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

  • 1 single and 1 double bed

1 lower double bed and 1 upper single bed. Each cabin has individual air conditioning, a private bathroom, and reading lights.

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

Rental Gear Prices

There is equipment available to rent on this boat. Please provide your rental needs on the booking form. You will need to pay for the rental gear on board of the boat.

  • Snorkel Gear Included

{{ itinerary.itineraryName }}

  • Private Charter ENQUIRE
  • Private Charter
  • -{{ }} % Special Deal
  • {{ itinerary.currencySymbol }} {{ itinerary.crossedRate }} {{ itinerary.currencySymbol }} {{ itinerary.price }}
  • {{ itinerary.spacesLeftText }} Select Cabin Book Now

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nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

Ask a Question

Do you have any questions about Nemo 2 Galapagos Catamaran before you book? Help us filling the form below, and we will get back to you shortly.

Nemo 2 Galapagos Catamaran

Catamaran Interior & Exterior

Nemo 2 Galapagos Catamaran - Sun Deck

Catamaran Cabins

Nemo 2 Galapagos Catamaran - Hall

  • Nemo 2 Galapagos Catamaran
  • You are here:
  • Galapagos Islands Cruises

Facilities Grading - 3

Superior accommodation, all standard facilities & amenities, plus spacious cabins & comfortable interior - exterior lounge areas. Cabins may feature bunk beds or lower beds with portholes or windows. Vessel type varies from yachts, sailboats, to catamarans

Services Grading - 3

Bilingual naturalist guide - knowledgeable in flora, fauna & wildlife, guidance level 2 or 3. Bathroom amenities & fresh towels with cleaning service every day. Daily briefings for future scheduled activities. Local &/or International cuisine catering to different diets, on board bar, & usually a crew of 6+ looking after guests needs & comfort.

Itineraries Grading - 4

Extensive & far reaching itineraries, programs usually visit the northwest islands, where long non-stop programs are required. Programs can usually be combined or taken individually with short length programs, these offer popular stops in the south, center, east & northern islands. Activities include the youngest islands in Galapagos with a high incidence of endemic wildlife.

Itineraries & Rates 2024

A westnorth program.

A Westnorth Program

  • Superior Cabins 1 & 2 $4,600
  • Superior Cabins 3 & 4 $4,600
  • Superior Cabin 5 $4,600
  • Standard Cabins 6 & 7 $4,500

A4 North Program

A4 North Program

  • Superior Cabins 1 & 2 $2,200
  • Superior Cabins 3 & 4 $2,200
  • Superior Cabin 5 $2,200
  • Standard Cabins 6 & 7 $2,100

A5 West Program

A5 West Program

  • Superior Cabins 1 & 2 $3,000
  • Superior Cabins 3 & 4 $3,000
  • Superior Cabin 5 $3,000
  • Standard Cabins 6 & 7 $2,900

B South Program

B South Program

B4 South Program

B4 South Program

B5 East Program

B5 East Program

Dates, Offers & Availability

Your flexible booking options, your options if plans change.

CANCELLATION POLICIES FOR FIT (for independent travelers) 

  • 121 days or more – 35% cancellation penalty fee applies
  • 120 days to 91 days prior to cruise date – a 60% cancellation fee applies
  • 90 days prior to cruise departure – a full 100% cancellation fee applies


  • 211 days or more – 35% cancellation penalty fee applies
  • 210 days to 91 days prior to cruise date – a 65% cancellation fee applies
  • 90 days prior to cruise departure – a full cancellation fee applies

REMARK:   Bear in mind that 100% charges apply in the event Galapagos flight tickets, TCTs (Transit Control Cards) and Galapagos National Park entrance have been issued.  These are issued roughly 60 days prior to departure.

RELOCATION : GreenGo Travel is committed to providing the utmost assistance and support. We are dedicated to doing everything within our capabilities to offer the best possible solutions. If a favorable situation arises, we have successfully facilitated customers in rescheduling their travel to an alternative date, and on certain occasions, the cruise management has kindly made exceptions. It is important to note that, while we cannot guarantee specific outcomes, we are more than willing to make every effort to accommodate your needs. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we look forward to the opportunity to assist you in the best way possible.

We understand these are uncertain times and want to make sure you feel confident about your options if your plans change.


If there’s no other option than to cancel, we’d like to make sure you’re aware of the potential fees involved. The overview below shows this tour’s cancellation fees depending on how far ahead of the departure date you cancel.

Up to 121 days before departure

Up to 120 days before departure, up to 90 days before departure.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

0 dates found on our database.


nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

Nemo 2 Inclusions & Exclusions

Accommodation, use of onboard facilities
All meals, water, coffee & tea
All activities as listed
Certified bilingual guide
Snorkel equipment rental
Transfers in galapagos
Park fee & TC card: $220
Round flight (mainland-galapagos-mainland)
Alcoholic & soft drinks
Wetsuit rental
Personal expenses, tipping & travel insurance
Quito shuttles (hotel-airport-hotel)

Nemo 2 Features, Decks & Notices

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

Superior Cruising Services 1/3

Main Features

  • Air conditioned cabins
  • Private bathrooms
  • Certified naturalist guide
  • Snorkel & wetsuit included
  • Bunk or double cabins

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

Children Policies 2/3

Minors Aboard Cruise

  • Minimum Age: 6 years old
  • Eligible Age: under 12 years
  • Eligible Discount: 20%
  • Restriction: Travel with full paying adult

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

Cruise Information 3/3

Notices & Cruise Details

  • Valid through dec-27-19to dec-31-20
  • Single supplement: 60%
  • Peak season surcharge: 10%
  • Wetsuit rental: $5 Daily per person
  • Accommodation based on 2 guest per cabin
  • Inquire your trip advisor for discounts & offers

Itineraries, inclusions & exclusions are subject to change by the Galapagos National Park, or vessel/s management.

Nemo 2 General Details

Superior Cabins 1 & 2

Superior Cabins 1 & 2

Cabin information.

  • Cabin Numbers: 1,2
  • Max occupancy: 2
  • Bedding: Double bed
  • Double: Yes

Superior Cabins 3 & 4

Superior Cabins 3 & 4

  • Cabin Numbers: 3,4
  • Max occupancy: 3
  • Bedding: Double or Triple
  • Bunkbeds: Yes
  • Triple: Yes

Superior Cabin 5

Superior Cabin 5

  • Cabin Numbers: 5
  • Sharing: Allowed

Standard Cabins 6 & 7

Standard Cabins 6 & 7

  • Cabin Numbers: 6,7
  • Bedding: 2 singles bunk

Cabin Specifications

  • Cabins: 7 staterooms
  • Twin/double: Yes
  • Convertible: -
  • Interconnected: -
  • Bedding: Double bed,Double or Triple,2 singles bunk
  • Sharing: Yes

Cruise Technical Specifications

  • Vessel type: Motor catamaran
  • Year built: 1990
  • Length: 21.88 m / 71.78 ft
  • Beam: 10.39 m / 34.08 ft
  • Max speed: 9 knots
  • Crew: 6 + guide
  • Capacity: 17 guests
  • Engine: 2 engines / 200 HP
  • Decks: 1 deck
  • Balconies: -

Cruise Facilities

  • 16 guests max
  • Cabin large windows
  • Convertible Cabins
  • Free alcoholic drinks
  • Galapagos Charters
  • Green Practices
  • Interconnected cabins
  • Multimedia System
  • Onboard Wifi
  • Private balcony
  • Same gender guarantee
  • Satellite Phone
  • Single cabin
  • Snorkeling equipment
  • Spa Services
  • Suite cabins
  • Wetsuits Service

Cruise Surcharges

Children aboard cruise.

  • Minimum age: -
  • Eligible age: -
  • Eligible disount: -
  • Restriction: -

Expenses Aboard

  • Wetsuit rental: -
  • Souvenirs: -
  • Internet: -

Customers Reviews 5 Reviews

  • Overall Rating Excellent 5.0
  • Itinerary Excellent 5.0
  • Guide Excellent 5.0
  • Transport Excellent 5.0
  • Accommodation Excellent 5.0
  • Food Excellent 5.0
  • Staff Members Excellent 5.0

Nemo 2 Similar Options

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

Galapagos last minute

Galapagos Last Minute

From: USD $1,500

Christmas New Year's Eve 2024

Christmas & New Year's Eve Aboard Nemo II

From: USD $2,600

Galapagos Pre Booking 2025

Galapagos Pre Booking 2025 Aboard Nemo Fleet

From: USD $2,580

See Our Catamarans

Nemo Galapagos Cruises

Your Galapagos Islands cruise starts here!


36 Years of experience in the Galapagos Cruise

Feel Galapagos aboard S/C Nemo


Feel Galapagos aboard S/C Nemo III

Galapagos cruises by s/c nemo galapagos.

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

Do you want to experience something outstanding? In this case a Galapagos Islands cruise can be the best experience of your life! If you enjoy nature and prefer to watch it from a comfortable setting – then a Galapagos cruise is just what you need. We are Nemo Galapagos Latintour, the boat owner and operator with over 30 years of experience in Galapagos cruises. With us you can rest assured that your Galapagos cruise with us will be your best cruise ever.

A zoologist's fantasy, the Galapagos Islands deliver an once-in-a-lifetime chance to observe animals to be found nowhere else on the planet. From the very instant you step onto these stunning shores, you're met by giant tortoises basking in the sun, lava lizards scurrying between rocks, and frigates swooping overhead. No one who has walked among these exceptional creatures has forgotten the experience!

Our S/C Nemo Catamarans

We are the owners and direct operators of three catamaran boats available for cruises in the galapagos islands: nemo i , nemo ii and nemo iii ; all specializing in naturalist cruises. nemo galapagos cruises are very well recommended by international visitors on traveler forums. glowing reviews are available on trip advisor for all of our two boats..

Feel Galapagos aboard S/C Nemo II

Feel Galapagos aboard S/C Nemo II

Feel Galapagos aboard S/C Nemo III

Why Choose Us?

There are 6 reasons why you should choose us for your once in a lifetime galapagos islands trip..

Why Choose Us

Right information

Best prices, fast and effective answers, easy and secure payment methods, the most experience galapagos planner, years of experience on the market, our itineraries in the galapagos islands, we specialize in 4, 5 and 8 days first class naturalist cruises in the galapagos islands designed for international visitors. our unique itineraries will take your to magic places otherwise unreachable..

Nemo II North Itinerary A 8 days


Duration: 8 days / 7 nights.

Nemo III North Itinerary A 8 days


Nemo II South Itinerary B 8 days


Nemo III South Itinerary B 8 days


Nemo III South Itinerary B5 5 days


Duration: 5 days / 4 nights.

Nemo III North Itinerary A4 4 days


Duration: 4 days / 3 nights, charter nemo.

Traveling with a group of friends, family, special celebrations, we offer personalized service for your group, discounts and incredible gifts!

The charter includes for each passenger: ✔️ Panama Hat + ✔️ Free Internet Access + ✔️ Wet Suit

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

What Our Customers Say

Here’s what some of our awesome customers had to say:.

We have just arrived from 2 weeks aboard the Nemo II. We did all the principal islands of the Galapagos. It was wonderful! All the services on board were perfect. The crew and the captain were so kind and helpful. Always aware to make our stay and experiences amazing. The catamaran was very clean and also the cabin. Raul took time to give us the good surprise of a turtle and bird made of towels on our bed! Beautiful!. The food was delicious and fresh every day. The cooks are very strong to be able to cook us very good meals in a small kitchen like is the kitchen in Nemo II.

Elisabete Mendes

We had an amazing time aboard Nemo 2 last December, the staff and Crew were very accommodating and the meals were delicious!

Jessalyn Taylor

I traveled through the Galapagos on the NEMO III in June of 2016. The trip was fantastic! The gourmet meals kept our energy up as we went snorkeling and hiking. Our naturalist guide, Peter, had to be the very best in the area and the crew especially Jime made us feel at home. It was hard to leave. The wildlife that we saw and swam with was out of this world. I am planning another trip with my family in the future and plan to travel on the Nemo III again.

Elizabeth O'Bryan Burden


Aboard the Nemo II – Catamaran

Nemo 2

Nemo II is comfortable sail catamaran offering incredible itineraries up to 8 days to explore the Galapagos Islands, with daily excursions to different islands. The ship was designed by Lagenvin, its ingenious design makes an exceptional choice to navigate through the crystal-clear waters of the archipelago.

The cruise is a great choice for families and groups of friends, offering 7 spacious staterooms and social areas fully equipped, also offers a diving equipment for those who want to take a look at the islands under water.


  • Cabin 1 and Cabin 2: Double bed (for couples only).
  • Cabin 3 and Cabin 4: Lower single bed and upper double bed.
  • Cabin 5: 1 lower double bed and 1 upper single bed.
  • Cabin 6-7: 1 lower single bed and 1 upper single bed.


Nemo 2

Nature Galapagos & Ecuador

S/C Nemo Galapagos Cruise (Nemo II)

First Class Catamaran

  • Itineraries
  • Inquire More
  • First Class Cruise
  • Galapagos Cruises

S/C Nemo Galapagos Cruise II Description:

The Nemo Galapagos Cruise II is a beautiful first class sailing catamaran designed by Lagenvin. The ingeniously designed saloon, vast cockpit and unique exterior surface make this beautiful catamaran an exceptional choice for your Galapagos cruise. A great choice for families and groups of friends, the Nemo II Catamaran also comes fully equipped with diving gear for those that would like to explore the Galapagos below as well as above the water. The Nemo II is wonderfully stable and holds 12 passengers, providing an intimate yet comfortable setting for traveling through the islands. All rooms are equipped with private bathrooms, air conditioning, and hot water, and the Nemo Catamaran runs with an excellent bilingual naturalist guide.


  • The S/C Nemo Galapagos Cruise (Nemo II) is a fist-class motor sail catamaran
  • It offers two exhaustive 8-day cruise itineraries (sunday to sunday) in Galapagos Islands
  • Galapagos expert certified guide
  • Cabins with private bathroom

Techchnic Equipment in Nemo Cruise II

  • Water maker
  • 2 life rafts
  • 1 EPIRB (Satellite locator)
  • 1 SART (Radio Beacon)
  • 2 waterproof VHF
  • 20 life vests


  • HF & VHF
21.88 mts
10.39 mts
1.50 mts
2.000 lts
12 V, 110 V, 220 V
2 engines / 200 HP
14 passengers
1 Captain, 1 Helmsman, 1 Deck sailor, 1 Bartender, 1 Cooker, 1 Machinist, 1 Certified bilingual naturalist guide
first class
snorkeling equipment, sea kayak and dinghy.

Ship Structure


North itinerary a 8 days (sunday - sunday), click here to read.

North itinerary A 8 days



 Santa Cruz: Bachas Beach (WK-SN)


Genovesa: Darwin Bay (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)

 El Barranco (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)


Santiago: Sullivan Bay (WK-PR-SN)

 Rabida (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)


Santa Cruz: Highlands (WK)

 Charles Darwin Station (WK)


Isabela: Elizabeth Bay (KY-PR-PB)

 Urbina Bay (WK-SN)


Isabela: Tagus Cove (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)

 Fernandina: Espinoza Point (WK-SN)


Santiago: Espumilla Beach (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB) – Buccaneer Cove (KY-PR-SN-PB)

 Salt Mines (WK) – Santiago: Egas Port (WK-SN)


 Black Turtle Cove (PR) – Baltra

SN  = Snorkel     PR  = Panga Ride     KY  = Kayak     CN  = Circumnavigation WK  = Walking     PB  = Paddle Board

NORTH ITINERARY A 4 DAYS (Sunday - Wednesday)





 Santa Cruz: Bachas Beach (WK-SN)


Genovesa: Darwin Bay (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)

 El Barranco (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)


Santiago: Sullivan Bay (WK-PR-SN)

 Rabida (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)


 Santa Cruz: Highlands (WK) – Baltra

NORTH ITINERARY A 5 DAYS (Wednesday - Sunday)




 Santa Cruz: Charles Darwin Station (WK)


Isabela: Elizabeth Bay (KY-PR-PB)

 Urbina Bay (WK-SN)


Isabela: Tagus Cove (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)

 Fernandina: Espinoza Point (WK-SN)


Santiago: Espumilla Beach (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB) – Buccaneer Cove (KY-PR-SN-PB)

Salt Mines (WK) – Santiago: Egas Port (WK-SN)


 Black Turtle Cove (PR) – Baltra

SOUTH ITINERARY B 8 DAYS (Sunday - Sunday)





 North Seymour (WK-PR-SN)


San Cristobal: Lobos Island (WK-PR-SN) – Kicker Rock (CN)

Brujo Hill (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)


Floreana: Champion Islet (PR-SN) – Cormorant Point (WK-PR-SN)

 Post Office Bay (WK-SN) – The Baroness Viewpoint (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)


Espanola: Osborn Islet (SN) – Gardner Islet (PR-SN) – Gardner Bay (WK-KY-SN-PB)

Suarez Point (WK)


Santa Cruz: Highlands (WK)

Charles Darwin Station (WK)


South Plaza (WK)

Santa Fe (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)


Bartolome (WK-PR-SN)

Chinese Hat (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)


 Daphne Mayor (CN) – Baltra

SOUTH ITINERARY B 5 DAYS (Sunday - Thursday)





 North Seymour (WK-PR-SN)


San Cristobal: Lobos Island (WK-PR-SN) – Kicker Rock (CN)  Brujo Hill (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)


Floreana: Champion Islet (PR-SN) – Cormorant Point (WK-PR-SN)  Post Office Bay (WK-SN) – The Baroness Viewpoint (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)


Espanola: Osborn Islet (SN) – Gardner Islet (PR-SN) – Gardner Bay (WK-KY-SN-PB)  Suarez Point (WK)


 Santa Cruz: Highlands (WK) – Baltra

SOUTH ITINERARY B 4 DAYS (Thursday - Sunday)

South itinerary 4 days




 Santa Cruz: Charles Darwin Station (WK)


South Plaza (WK)  Santa Fe (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)


Bartolome (WK-PR-SN)

 Chinese Hat (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)


 Daphne Mayor (CN) – Baltra

NOTE:  Cruise Itinerary is subject to change due to Galapagos National Park dispositions or to circumstances  beyond our control (force majeure).

Above prices include:

Accommodation in double cabins with private bathrooms 3 meals per day and snaks Excursions on the islands with an English speaking nature guide Single kayak sit top

Above prices do not include:

Flight tickets to/from Galapagos Galapagos National Park entrance fee: $100.00 USD per person Migratory Control Card: $20.00 USD per person Alcoholic drinks and sodas Tips

Nemo II Galapagos Cruise

Please be aware that the prices vary consistently due to promotions and Galapagos last minute deals , so in order to GET THE BEST PRICE for the dates you desire please fill out the request form below. After doing so, we will send you the absolute best prices for the dates that you indicate.

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S/C Nemo II – Galapagos Itineraries & Activities

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos


Northern itinerary: This ship is one of the few in the Galapagos that lets you get to 3 of the most distant islands in on its northwestern itinerary: Genovesa, Isabela, and Fernandina. You'll be able to see adorably small Galápagos Penguins and Flightless Cormorants around Isabela and Fernandina. Abundant marine life surrounds these two islands for an unforgettable snorkeling experience. The seabird colonies on Genovesa are marvelous.

On the Nemo II southern itinerary, you’ll be able to see Española’s magnificent Waved Albatross, at one of the only two places on Earth it comes to breed. You also could snorkel with penguins around Bartolome Island. Snorkeling at León Dormido (Kicker Rock) is also a trendy experience for visitors to the island.


Islands you will visit:

- North Seymour

- Santa Cruz

- Fernandina

nemoii north itinerary


Beginning at Baltra airport, our Galapagos itinerary takes in several magnificent islands where you’ll have the chance to savor once-in-a-lifetime experiences you’ll never forget. Onboard Nemo II you’ll travel to Puerto Ayora to see the world-famous Galapagos tortoises at the Charles Darwin Research Station, Isabela Island with its incredible volcanic terrain home to many fascinating land iguanas and Rabida where striking red volcanic beaches and beautiful sea lions dominate the coastline.

Almost every day onboard the Nemo catamaran you’ll have the unique opportunity go snorkeling to admire the tropical coral reefs and all the amazing life underwater which thrive upon them.

north seymour


AM: Galapagos Airport - Baltra Island

PM: North Seymour Island

charles darwin station


AM: Santa Cruz Highlands – Santa Cruz Island

PM: Charles Darwin Research Station - Santa Cruz Island

punta moreno


AM: Punta Moreno - Isabela Island

PM: Urbina Bay - Isabela Island

punta espinosa


AM: Tagus Cove - Isabela Island

PM: Punta Espinoza - Fernandina Island

buccaneers cove


AM: Puerto Egas - Santiago Island

PM: Buccaneer's Cove - Santiago Island



AM: Rabida Island

PM: Sullivan Bay - Santiago Island

darwin bay


AM: El Barranco - Genovesa Island

PM: Darwin Bay - Genovesa Island



AM: Daphne Minor Islet


- South Plaza

- San Cristobal

- Chinese Hat

- Bartolome

nemoii south itinerary


Your magical journey onboard Nemo II begins at a charming breeding center where you’ll get closer than ever before to some larger-than-life endangered giant tortoises. Next on our South Galapagos itinerary is San Cristobal, with a mesmerizing coastline best known for its crystal-clear aquamarine waters that house a wealth of marine life. Here you’ll be invited to embrace the refreshing ocean and snorkel among the fascinating creatures that live beneath the water’s surface, including tropical fish, rays, sea lions and even sharks. The Nemo catamaran then stops by the Espanola and Floreana islands for you to explore the unspoiled, rugged landscape on foot and see the famous sea lions before returning to the boat for more island hopping and out of this world experiences.

bachas beach

PM: Bachas Beach - Santa Cruz Island

santa fe

AM: Plazas Sur Island

PM: Santa Fe Island

kicker rock

AM: Cerro Brujo (Witch hill) - San Cristobal Island Kicker Rock - Leon Dormido

PM: Lobos Island

gardner bay

AM: Punta Suarez - Española Island

PM: Gardner Bay - Española Island

santa cruz highlands

AM: Punta Cormorant - Floreana Island Islet Champion

PM: Post Office Bay - Floreana Island


AM: Chinese Hat - Sombrero Chino

PM: Bartolome Island

black turtle cove

AM: Black Turtle Cove - Santa Cruz Island

nemoii galapagos itinerary snorkel

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Nemo I | Galapagos Catamaran

Nemo I

Nemo III | Galapagos Catamaran

Nemo III

Nemo II | Galapagos Catamaran

Nemo II

Galapagos tours are the best way for visitors to enjoy a display of nature encounters within the unspoiled wilderness of these remote Islands by the Equator in the Pacific Ocean of South America.

Nemo catamarans the best option for travellers who want a small boat tour experience without compromising the comfort, stability and service of larger vessels. Our website presents the full features of our Nemo I & II catamarans for cruising the Galapagos Islands.

We have put together a knowledge base throughout this website to help plan your Ecuador & Galapagos tour. The information you will find is:

  • Catamaran details, Nemo I & II with their full features, cabin layouts and social areas.
  • Cruise itineraries for naturalist and scuba diving tours in the Galapagos Islands national park & marine reserve
  • Information about Galapagos wildlife and underwater wonders to give you an idea of what you may encounter on your cruises.
  • Ecuador tour options and ideas, so you can make your most of your visit - we will give you ideas for visiting the Andes, the Amazon & Pacific coast beaches - before our after your Galapagos cruise
  • Charter options and group planning for students, alumni and special interest tours.
  • Expert travel advice, you can contact us any time to request information about our boats, the destination and side trips. We will recommend other boats if the Nemo fleet cannot accommodate your needs.


Puerto Villamil | Pink Flamingos | Galapagos Islands

Nemo Galapagos Latintour

Embark on an Unforgettable Adventure in the Galapagos Islands aboard the Nemo III Galapagos Cruise

Discover the mystique and beauty of this world-renowned destination as you sail from island to island. With our exemplary service and a trusted fleet of Nemo Galapagos cruises , we guarantee an extraordinary experience for all ages. Get ready to create lifelong memories on your Nemo III Galapagos Cruise!


  • Standard Cabin 1: 2 single lower beds
  • Standard Cabin 2: 2 single lower beds
  • Standard Cabin 3: 1 lower double bed, 1 upper single bed
  • Suite Cabin 4: 1 lower double bed, 1 upper single bed
  • Standard Cabin 5: 1 double bed
  • Suite Cabin 6: 1 lower double bed, 1 upper single bed
  • Standard Cabin 7: 2 single beds
  • Standard Cabin 8: 1 double bed

Nemo III Galapagos Islands Cruise

Overall Rating

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

First Class

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

16 passengers

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

Total Cabins:

Welcome to first-class accommodation aboard the nemo iii galapagos cruise..

Our comfortable and renovated cabins provide the perfect space for you to rest and unwind after a day full of adventures. From double cabins to cabins specially designed for couples, we have the ideal option for every traveler. Each cabin features ample storage space and carefully selected details to ensure a pleasant stay. Enjoy the comfort of your accommodation on board the Nemo III Galapagos Cruise!

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

Watch About Us Video

Nemo III Services

At Nemo III Galapagos, we take pride in offering a full range of services to ensure your comfort and satisfaction during your cruise. Indulge in our terrace jacuzzi for relaxation, enjoy renovated cabins with ensuite bathrooms and extra storage space for your belongings.

Delight in three delicious meals a day prepared with local recipes, immerse yourself in adventure with our expert bilingual-guided daily excursions, and enjoy all the amenities such as air conditioning and hot/cold water.

Your comfort and enjoyment are our top priority at Nemo III Galapagos Services!

Reasons to Travel on a Cruise

Immerse yourself in the incredible nature and wildlife of the Galapagos Islands during your Nemo III cruise. Each day, our unique excursions will take you to explore the diversity and splendor of these iconic islands. Our experienced guides will provide historical insights and lead you to astounding locations. Be the honored guest as you marvel at the beauty and creation of nature. Don’t miss out on this extraordinary experience on your Nemo III Galapagos Cruise!

Galapagos the enchanted islands

Departure Dates 2024 & 2025

The cruise departures are on sundays, wednesdays and thursdays.

We're sorry, there aren't available cabins for the selected search options Try again, choose other search options

Rates Includes

Accommodation with private bathrooms

Accommodation with private bathrooms

3 Meals a Day and Snaks

3 Meals a Day and Snaks

Certified Galapagos Guide

Certified Galapagos Guide

Hot and cold water

Hot and cold water

Snorkeling Equipment

Snorkeling Equipment

Panga Ride, Circumnavigation & Walking

Panga Ride, Circumnavigation & Walking


Air Conditioning

We will provide transfers in Galapagos

We will provide transfers in Galapagos

Single sit on top Kayak

Single sit on top Kayak

  • Accommodation in double cabins with private bathrooms.
  • 3 meals per day.
  • Galapagos certified guide.
  • Hot and cold water.
  • Air conditioned.
  • Towels for inside and outside.
  • Single kayak sit top.
  • Snorkeling and kayak equipment are also provided.
  • Coffee, water, and tea throughout the trip.
  • We will provide transfers (with the rest of the group) in Galapagos from the airport to the cruise port and back as long as they coincide with our operating days. However, passengers who have taken their flights on different dates should check the meeting point, and the cost of transfers will be at their own expense.
  • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Tips and personal expenses
  • Galapagos Park entrance fee: USD $200 for adults and USD $100 for children.
  • Transit Control Card fee (USD $20 per person)
  • Wetsuit rental (3mm long wetsuit)
  • Roundtrip tickets to Galapagos from Quito
  • International air tickets to either Quito or Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • We strongly recommend that you have travel insurance.
  • TRANSIT CARD: All passengers are required to obtain a transit card before boarding their flight. If passengers have purchased their flights through LATINTOUR, the guide will provide it at the airport along with their boarding pass. However, if passengers have booked their own flights, it is the passenger’s responsibility to arrive at the airport 3 hours prior to departure to acquire the transit card. LATINTOUR will not be responsible for passengers who have booked their flights independently and fail to obtain their card on time.
  • All rates are in US Dollars and per person.
  • Child discounts apply for kids under 12 years at the moment of trip.
  • Single supplement 80% of the net rate
  • All rates mentioned are subject to change in the event of local tax increases or other unforeseen circumstances.

Deck Plan Nemo III


8 days - north, itinerary "a" day by day.

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

 Baltra | Pm Santa Cruz: Bachas Beach (WK–SN)
Am Genovesa: El Barranco (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB) | Pm Darwin Bay (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
Am Santiago: Chinese Hat (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB) | Pm Rabida (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
Am Santa Cruz: Highlands (WK) | Pm Charles Darwin Station (WK)
Am Isabela: Moreno Point (WK-PR-SN) | Pm Urbina Bay (WK–SN)
Am Fernandina: Espinoza Point (WK-PR-SN) | Pm Isabela: Tagus Cove (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
Am Santiago: Salt Mines (WK) – Egas Port (WK-SN) | Pm Espumilla Beach (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB) – Buccaneers Cove (KY-PR-SN-PB)
Black Turtle Cove (PR) – Baltra
Snorkel  Panga Ride  Kayak Walking  Circumnavigation   Paddle Board

5 days - North

Itinerary "a5" day by day.

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

 Baltra | Pm Charles Darwin Station (WK)
Am Isabela: Moreno Point (WK-PR-SN) | Pm Urbina Bay (WK–SN)
Am Fernandina: Espinoza Point (WK-PR-SN) | Pm Isabela: Tagus Cove (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
Am Santiago: Salt Mines (WK) – Egas Port (WK-SN) | Pm Espumilla Beach (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB) – Buccaneers Cove (KY-PR-SN-PB)
 Black Turtle Cove (PR) – Baltra<
Snorkel  Panga Ride  Kayak  Walking  Circumnavigation   Paddle Board

4 days - North

Itinerary "a4" day by day.

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

 Baltra | Pm Santa Cruz: Bachas Beach (WK–SN)
Am Genovesa: El Barranco (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB) | Pm Darwin Bay (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
Am Santiago: Chinese Hat (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB) | Pm Rabida (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
 Santa Cruz: Highlands (WK) – Baltra
Snorkel  Panga Ride  Kayak  Walking  Circumnavigation   Paddle Board

8 days - sOUTH

Itinerary "b" day by day.

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

 Baltra | Pm Seymour (WK-PR-SN)
Am San Cristobal: Lobos Island (WK-PR-SN) – Kicker Rock (CN) | Pm Brujo Hill (WK-KY PR-SN-PB)
Am Espanola: Gardner Bay (WK-KY-SN-PB) – Osborn Islet (SN) – Gardner Island (PR-SN) | Pm Suarez Point (WK)
Am Floreana: Champion Islet (PR-SN) – Cormorant Point (WK-PR-SN) | Pm Post Office Bay (WK-SN) – The Baroness Viewpoint (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
Am Santa Cruz: Highlands (WK) | Pm Charles Darwin Station (WK)
Am South Plaza (WK) | Pm Santa Fe (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
Am Bartolome (WK-PR-SN) | Pm Sullivan Bay (WK-PR-SN)
 Daphne Mayor (CN) – Baltra
Snorkel  Panga Ride  Kayak  Walking  Circumnavigation   Paddle Board

5 days - sOUTH

Itinerary "b5" day by day.

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

 Baltra | Pm Seymour (WK-PR-SN)
Am San Cristobal: Lobos Island (WK-PR-SN) – Kicker Rock (CN) | Pm Brujo Hill (WK-KY PR-SN-PB)
Am Espanola: Gardner Bay (WK-KY-SN-PB) – Osborn Islet (SN) – Gardner Island (PR-SN) | Pm Suarez Point (WK)
Am Floreana: Champion Islet (PR-SN) – Cormorant Point (WK-PR-SN) | Pm Post Office Bay (WK-SN) – The Baroness Viewpoint (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
 Santa Cruz: Highlands (WK) – Baltra
Snorkel  Panga Ride  Kayak  Walking  Circumnavigation   Paddle Board

4 days - sOUTH

Itinerary "b4" day by day.

nemo 2 catamaran galapagos

 Baltra | Pm Charles Darwin Station (WK)
Am South Plaza (WK) | Pm Santa Fe (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
Am Bartolome (WK-PR-SN) | Pm Sullivan Bay (WK-PR-SN)
 Daphne Mayor (CN) – Baltra
Snorkel  Panga Ride  Kayak  Walking  Circumnavigation   Paddle Board


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Galapagos Islands Cruises 2024 - 2025

Galapagos Last Minute Offers


Catamaran Nemo II Galapagos Island Cruises


Wed 23-Oct-2024 Sun 27-Oct-2024 North - 5 Days
Sun 27-Oct-2024 Sun 03-Nov-2024 South - 8 Days
Sun 27-Oct-2024 Thu 31-Oct-2024 South - 5 Days
Thu 31-Oct-2024 Sun 03-Nov-2024 South - 4 Days
Sun 03-Nov-2024 Sun 10-Nov-2024 North - 8 Days
Sun 03-Nov-2024 Wed 06-Nov-2024 North - 4 Days
Wed 06-Nov-2024 Sun 10-Nov-2024 North - 5 Days -->
Sun 10-Nov-2024 Sun 17-Nov-2024 South - 8 Days
Sun 10-Nov-2024 Thu 14-Nov-2024 South - 5 Days --> -->
Thu 14-Nov-2024 Sun 17-Nov-2024 South - 4 Days --> -->

See more dates

Sun 22-Sep-2024 Sun 29-Sep-2024 North - 8 Days
Sun 22-Sep-2024 Wed 25-Sep-2024 North - 4 Days
Wed 25-Sep-2024 Sun 29-Sep-2024 North - 5 Days
Sun 29-Sep-2024 Sun 06-Oct-2024 South - 8 Days
Sun 29-Sep-2024 Thu 03-Oct-2024 South - 5 Days
Thu 03-Oct-2024 Sun 06-Oct-2024 South - 4 Days

Go to Galapagos Island on board Nemo II for a memory of a lifetime!

The Nemo II Galapagos cruise is 22 meters long, 10.3 wide. It has 3 candles and a 200 horsepower engine. It is fully equipped with all amenities you need for a special trip. The boat has a capacity for only 12 people, its size and exclusive spaces has been designed for travelers to enjoy the sensation of silence and intimacy with the islands, the sea and the magnificent nature.

Galapagos Island... A real paradise!

It is well known that Charles Darwing visited the archipelago in 1835 on board the Beagle boat. For five weeks, the boat anchored in the islands and of these five weeks, Darwing only took two on land but it was enough time for him to be inspired by the unique nature of the Galapagos and to formulate later, with further studies, his theory of the origin of species, natural selection and evolution.

The truth is that every person who travels to the islands is marveled by the magnificence of the islands. Visiting Galapagos is like moving over the time and going back to the Eden from which the man was expelled millions of years ago. The peaceful inhabitants, the birds, lions, lizards, turtles, unique species of flora and fauna…it is a real paradise.

I Wish a Galapagos Trip

Exploring the beauty of the islands in 8 days

The archilelago, which became part of Ecuador in 1832, is located 970 kilometers from the mainland. The trip to the islands on board the Nemo II starts in Baltra island where you will go on board Nemo Galapagos boat cruise . It is an 8-days trip, sleeping on the boat, sailing at night and visiting the main islands during the day. By the time the tour is over, you will have had a full and exultant vision and impression of the Enchanted Islands, as they are also known as.

We will explore islands of just 2km2 from end to end. In such a small space of land you will see hundreds of blue-footed boobies, big yellow land iguanas and many frigates, whose male swollen red bag bearing under the peak in order to attract females. This will be like a baptism, a baptism of life, of proximity to the nature to the point of almost touching the impassive birds in their nests. And it would be like that every day... animals contemplate visitors and we will also contemplate them just delighted.

The amazing flora and fauna of the archipelago

On Santa Cruz Island, where the largest city in the archipelago, Ayora, is, we will visit the Darwin Center where turtles and iguanas breed to repopulate the islands. We will also go up to “ranchos”. On roads and pastures we will begin to see hundreds of turtles and we will meet the female mate of the "Lonesome George" who was the last century-old turtle of the Pinta island and whose death made world headlines in 2012.

Galapagos has been so far declared: Natural Heritage, National Park, Ramsar territory and a whaling reserve. In markets of food of the islands, pelicans and sea lions are mixed among buyers requesting them pieces of meat. The show is very funny.

I Want a Trip to the Galapagos Islands

We will also visit Urbina Bay where we will see many giant tortoises in their nests. The third berth in Isabela Island will be Tagus a place where marines have left graffitis in its rocks from time immemorial. The oldest graffiti dates from 1836, engraved with a knife on the rock. We will climb the steep island; a ridge separates the Darwin lagoon from the sea. It is a gorgeous, round and blue water lagoon.

We will cross the narrow strait between Isabela and Fernandina island. Both islands are still in the formation process and are active volcanoes. Then, we will disembark at Punta Espinosa where thousands and thousands of marine, black iguanas heat up themselves, sleep and meditate on the rocks, "Beware step on" the guide will warn you. The warning will be pertinent since the ground will be full of them.

Walking among them, if we get less than half a meter, they will spit on you, but don't worry, it is not harmful. Also, you will see red and beautiful Galapagos crabs, which abound in the rocks, and are less skittish than others crabs you find in other islands of the archipelago.

We will next visit Puerto Egas and Playa Flakes. Then, in Rabida Island as in other beaches from other islands, sea lions and their pups play together in the sand. The smooth and shiny skin, its long and slender shape makes them beautiful. Several mothers urse their young.

In Sullivan Bay on Santiago Island we will see a great area of petrified rocks. As the lava cools rocks have formed and you can see many of imaginable figures. On Genovesa Island find the famous and beautiful red-footed booby.

A memorable farewell dinner at Nemo Galapagos Tours

On the islands there are 13 species of Darwin finches and are found everywhere. The list of reptiles, mammals and especially endemic, native and migratory birds, is very large. The last night we will have a memorable farewell dinner at the Nemo II, a beautiful houseboat on the paradise where time itself seems to have stood still.

The respect to the islands must be total, people cannot even walk off the tracks.

From June to December marine mammals and land birds are at their peak, but any time is good to visit the islands.

Catamaran Nemo 2: Safety Recommendations

We present the following video with safety recommendations that are present when traveling on a cruise to the Galapagos Islands aboard one of our NEMO.

¿Do you have more questions? Contact Us

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  • +593 98 438 7921

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Our nemo iii galapagos cruise includes:.

  • Jacuzzi in sundeck
  • Accommodation in double cabins with private bathrooms.
  • 3 meals per day.
  • Snaks - Hot and cold water - Amenities - Air conditioned.
  • Towels for inside and outside.
  • Single kayak sit top.
  • Snorkeling and kayak equipment are also provided.
  • Coffee, water, and tea throughout the trip.
  • We will provide transfers (with the rest of the group) in Galapagos from the airport to the cruise port and back as long as they coincide with our operating days. However, passengers who have taken their flights on different dates should check the meeting point, and the cost of transfers will be at their own expense.
  • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Tips and personal expenses
  • Galapagos Park entrance fee (USD $200 per person)
  • Transit Control Card fee (USD $20 per person)
  • Wetsuit rental (3mm long wetsuit)
  • Roundtrip tickets to Galapagos from Quito
  • International air tickets to either Quito or Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • We strongly recommend that you have travel insurance.




PM Baltra - Santa Cruz: Bachas Beach (WK–SN)
AM Genovesa: El Barranco (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
PM Darwin Bay (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
AM Santiago: Chinese Hat (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
PM Rabida (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
AM Santa Cruz: Highlands (WK)
PM Charles Darwin Station (WK)
AM Isabela: Moreno Point (WK-PR-SN)
PM Urbina Bay (WK–SN)
AM Fernandina: Espinoza Point (WK-SN)
PM Isabela: Tagus Cove (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
AM Santiago: Salt Mines (WK) - Egas Port (WK-SN)
PM Espumilla Beach (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB) - Buccaneers Cove (KY-PR-SN-PB)
AM Black Turtle Cove (PR) - Baltra


PM Baltra - Santa Cruz: Bachas Beach (WK–SN)
AM Genovesa: El Barranco (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
PM Darwin Bay (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
AM Santiago: Chinese Hat (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
PM Rabida (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
AM Santa Cruz: Highlands (WK) - Baltra


PM Baltra - Santa Cruz: Charles Darwin Station (WK)
AM Isabela: Moreno Point (WK-PR-SN)
PM Urbina Bay (WK–SN)
AM Fernandina: Espinoza Point (WK-SN)
PM Isabela: Tagus Cove (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
AM Santiago: Salt Mines (WK) - Egas Port (WK-SN)
PM Espumilla Beach (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB) - Buccaneers Cove (KY-PR-SN-PB)
AM Black Turtle Cove (PR) - Baltra


PM Baltra - Seymour (WK-PR-SN)
AM San Cristobal: Lobos Island (WK-PR-SN) - Kicker Rock (CN)
PM Brujo Hill (WK-KY PR-SN-PB)
AM Espanola: Gardner Bay (WK-KY-SN-PB) - Osborn Islet (SN) - Gardner Island (PR-SN)
PM Suarez Point (WK)
AM Floreana: Champion Islet (PR-SN) - Cormorant Point (WK-PR-SN)
PM Post Office Bay (WK-SN) - The Baroness Viewpoint (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
AM Santa Cruz: Highlands (WK)
PM Charles Darwin Station (WK)
AM South Plaza (WK)
PM Santa Fe (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
AM Bartolome (WK-PR-SN)
PM Sullivan Bay (WK-PR-SN)
AM Daphne Mayor (CN) - Baltra


PM Baltra - Seymour (WK-PR-SN)
AM San Cristobal: Lobos Island (WK-PR-SN) - Kicker Rock (CN)
PM Brujo Hill (WK-KY PR-SN-PB)
AM Espanola: Gardner Bay (WK-KY-SN-PB) - Osborn Islet (SN) - Gardner Island (PR-SN)
PM Suarez Point (WK)
AM Floreana: Champion Islet (PR-SN) - Cormorant Point (WK-PR-SN)
PM Post Office Bay (WK-SN) - The Baroness Viewpoint (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
AM Santa Cruz: Highlands (WK) - Baltra


PM Baltra - Santa Cruz: Charles Darwin Station (WK)
AM South Plaza (WK)
PM Santa Fe (WK-KY-PR-SN-PB)
AM Bartolome (WK-PR-SN)
PM Sullivan Bay (WK-PR-SN)
AM Daphne Mayor (CN) - Baltra


Virtual Tour 3D Nemo III Motor Sail Catamaran

3D Nemo III

Virtual Tour 360 Nemo III Motor Sail Catamaran

360° Nemo III

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Nemo I

From: US$2,000 (4D/3N)


The Nemo I (also known as the Nemo Martinica) is a 14-passenger sailing catamaran, offering a unique cruising experience in the Galapagos Archipelago. On this catamaran you will experience the Galapagos Archipelago to its fullest. Most social areas are open deck spaces where you will constantly enjoy the most spectacular views of the islands and their volcanic rock formations. These areas include various lounges and catamaran netting at the front. Meals are served in the indoor and outdoor dining areas. When weather conditions permit we can turn off the engines and raise the sails, navigating silently through one the world's natural wonders.

Key Features:

  • Social areas are open deck spaces
  • Each cabin is equipped with e-suite facilities and shower.

Gallery | Prices | Itineraries | Other Catamarans

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Overall Rating 3.1      

What is this?

  • Accom.: 2.7
  • Itinerary: 3.9
  • Service: 3.1

Prices from: US$ 2,000 (4D/3N)

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4 Days 5 Days 8 Days
Standard US$2,000US$2,800US$4,250
Charter US$27,000US$37,000US$56,000
  • For the latest promotions on this boat and others, please click here .
  • Prices are per person in United States Dollars.
  • Prices are subject to change without prior notice.

Additional Information

  • All rates are in US Dollars and per person.
  • Single travelers are allowed to book a Twin cabin on sharing basis.
  • The minimum passenger age for FIT cruises is 3 years.
  • Single supplement: 80%. For promotional or last minute rates single supplement will be 100% charge
  • Child discount: 25% of net rate. Only applicable for 1 child under 12 years of age travelling with two adults. Not applicable for last minute rates.
  • For charter children of all ages are accepted.
  • All rates mentioned are subject to change in the event of local tax increases or other unforeseen circunstances.
  • For Christmas and New Year we only sell 8 days cruises surcharge 10% for Charter and FIT

Rates Include

  • Accommodation in double cabins with private bathrooms.
  • 3 meals per day.
  • Galapagos certified guide.
  • Hot and cold water
  • Air conditioned.
  • Towels for inside and outside.
  • Single kayak sit top.
  • Snorkel gear.

Not Included

  • Flight tickets to/from Galapagos.
  • Entry to Galapagos National Park
  • Wet suit US 5 per person per day.
  • Transit Card
  • Gratuities.
  • Bar consumption on board.
  • Health insurance is mandatory during your stay in Galapagos.

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Year of construction: 1996
Type: Catamaran
Length: 83 ft
Beam: 33.34 ft (10 m)
Capacity: 14 passengers
Accommodation: Standard: 7
Draft: 1.50 m
Main engines: Engines: 9 knots / 2 CAT 125 hp each
On Board: DVD / TV, Kayaks, Snorkeling equipment
Max speed: 10 knots
Crew: 6 members (1 captain, 1 engineer, 1 helmsman, 1 sailor, 1 waiter, 1 cook) and 1 Naturalist guide english speaking.
Safety & Navigation: HF & VHF, 2 Mobile VHF, 2 life rafts, 1 EPIRB, 1 SART, 2 waterproof VHF, 20 life vests


Itinerary Rating
     Flora & Fauna: Landscapes: Activities:
SUN AM Baltra: Arrival to Baltra Airport and Transfer to the boat
PM North Seymour
MON AM South Plaza
PM Santa Fe Island
TUE AM : Lobos Island
: Kicker Rock
PM : Witch Hill
WED AM : Gardner Bay
: Osborn Islet
PM : Gadrner Islet
: Suarez Point
THU AM : Fausto Llerena Breeding Center
Itinerary Rating
     Flora & Fauna: Landscapes: Activities:
SUN AM Baltra: Arrival to Baltra Airport and Transfer to the boat
PM : Highlands
MON AM : Post Office Bay
: Baroness Viewing Point
PM : Cormorant Point
: Champion Islet
TUE AM Bartholomew Island
PM : Sullivan Bay
WED AM : Black Turtle Cove
Baltra: Transfer to Baltra Airport
Itinerary Rating
     Flora & Fauna: Landscapes: Activities:
SUN AM Baltra: Arrival to Baltra Airport and Transfer to the boat
PM North Seymour
MON AM South Plaza
PM Santa Fe Island
TUE AM : Lobos Island
: Kicker Rock
PM : Witch Hill
WED AM : Gardner Bay
: Osborn Islet
PM : Gadrner Islet
: Suarez Point
THU AM : Fausto Llerena Breeding Center
PM : Highlands
FRI AM : Post Office Bay
: Baroness Viewing Point
PM : Cormorant Point
: Champion Islet
SAT AM Bartholomew Island
PM : Sullivan Bay
SUN AM : Black Turtle Cove
Baltra: Transfer to Baltra Airport
Itinerary Rating
     Flora & Fauna: Landscapes: Activities:
SUN AM Baltra: Arrival to Baltra Airport and Transfer to the boat
PM : Bachas Beach
MON AM : El Barranco
PM : Darwin Bay
TUE AM Rabida
PM Chinese Hat Islet
WED AM : Highlands
PM : Fausto Llerena Breeding Center
THU AM : Moreno Point
PM : Urbina Bay
FRI AM : Espinosa Point
PM : Tagus Cove
SAT AM : Salt Mines
: Egas Port
PM : Espumilla Beach
: Buccaneer Cove
SUN AM Daphne Major
Itinerary Rating
     Flora & Fauna: Landscapes: Activities:
WED AM Baltra: Arrival to Baltra Airport and Transfer to the boat
PM : Fausto Llerena Breeding Center
THU AM : Moreno Point
PM : Urbina Bay
FRI AM : Espinosa Point
PM : Tagus Cove
SAT AM : Salt Mines
: Egas Port
PM : Espumilla Beach
: Buccaneer Cove
SUN AM Daphne Major
Baltra: Transfer to Baltra Airport
Itinerary Rating
     Flora & Fauna: Landscapes: Activities:
SUN AM Baltra: Arrival to Baltra Airport and Transfer to the boat
PM : Bachas Beach
MON AM : El Barranco
PM : Darwin Bay
TUE AM Rabida
PM Chinese Hat Islet
WED AM : Highlands
Baltra: Transfer to Baltra Airport

Please note: Itineraries are unlikely to change significantly but are subject to change. Weather, wildlife breeding, instructions from the Galapagos National Park, specific abilities and interests of passengers as well as operational matters may cause your guide or captain to change the time or nature of visits. Your guide will always endeavor to select the best itinerary within these limits....


Cruise rating: 3.1 /5 - 1 customer reviews

Hi Lilian, I just wanted to say thank you for organising everything. Peter and I had a great time. Everything from the plane tickets, pick up at Balra, the variety and abundance of food, daily activities, our guide Angie , the friendliness of the crew etc was beyond our expectations. Everything ran smoothly. Thank you once again. Kind regards Nirmal Singh March 2018 3.1 - Visitor Point

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  1. Nemo II Galapagos islands cruise

    Nemo II Galapagos islands cruise is a first Class Motor­Sail Catamaran offering 8 days Galapagos Islands cruises. Contact us and make a deal with the boat owner. Skip to content. Call Us +1 305 848 7326 & +1 813 753 9870 Mon - Fri : 09:00/18:00 GMT - 5 EST. Home;

  2. Nemo Galapagos Islands Cruises

    Nemo Galapagos cruises is the owner of 3 First Class Motor­ Sail Catamarans. We offer Galapagos Islands cruises on board of Nemo I, Nemo II and Nemo III catamaran. Skip to content. Call Us +1 305 848 7326 & +1 813 753 9870 Mon - Fri : 09:00/18:00 GMT - 5 EST. Home;

  3. S/C Nemo II Galapagos Cruise

    Nemo II motor sail catamaran offer 8 days luxury cruise (sunday to sunday) in Galapagos Islands, with daily excursions to different islands in 2 itineraries (North and South) switching between them every week. Accommodation in double cabins with private bathrooms. Snaks - Hot and cold water - Amenities - Air conditioned.

  4. Nemo II Galápagos Cruise

    The Nemo II is a true sailing catamaran owned and operated by a family business who have been sailing the Galápagos waters since 1990. This is a perfect way to see the islands in a vessel purpose-made for stable, fast journeys under sail or engine. Captain Henry is a true character!

  5. Nemo II Catamaran

    Overview: The Nemo II is a large trans-oceanic, alumarine, 72-foot, multihull yacht; a wonderfully stable cruising vessel. Her availability for charters makes her an ideal choice for families and groups of friends. Nemo II was specially designed by Lagenvin to take up to 14 passengers, accommodated in seven double cabins, each with a private ...

  6. Galapagos Cruises aboard Nemo II motor sail catamaran

    Nemo II Galapagos Cruise. The NEMO II crew wants to pamper you on this 4, 5 or 8 days luxury catamaran cruise that includes all meals, snacks, daily excursions and expert-guided tours. In addition, Latintour is available for charter for you, your friends and family.

  7. Nemo II Galapagos Cruise

    Nemo II Galapagos Cruise. Glittering with modern style and design, the Nemo II Galapagos catamaran is a first-class yacht that gives you an unmatchable experience throughout the highly famed Galapagos Islands. A double haul sailboat with a capacity of 14 passengers, the Nemo II Galapagos Yacht is adorned with a wooden interior and large lounge ...

  8. Nemo II Cruise Ship, Galapagos

    The 7-cabin Nemo II offers 2 routes around the Galapagos, each with diverse activities and sights. The onboard guide adds more depth to excursions, and you can relax in the lounge or on the sun deck. ... sea lions, turtles and many other creatures. Genovesa boobery. Playing with sea lions. Travelling on a catamaran was the best way to really ...

  9. Nemo II Catamaran

    Galapagos tour Nemo II catamaran details, Islands tours. Nemo II, a trans-oceanic Alumarine 72-foot multihull catamaran yacht for charters and cruising, is large. Dive equipped. This is a great choice for groups or families, as well as for diving or naturalist cruises. Lagenvin designed this large catamaran to accommodate up to 14 people.

  10. Nemo 2 Galapagos Catamaran

    The Nemo 2 Galapagos Catamaran offers fantastic programs for eight days only and covers the South-East and North-West in great detail; visiting distant locations like Fernandina and Genovesa. Cabins of the Nemo 2 Galapagos Catamaran Cabins aboard the Nemo 2 Galapagos cruise features air conditioning, twin or double beds bunk beds fitted with ...

  11. Explore Galapagos Islands

    Nemo Galapagos Cruises is a company dedicated to Cruises in Galapagos Islands we own 3 motor sail catamarans in Galapagos Islands. +593 98 438 7921; ... Our S/C Nemo Catamarans We are the owners and direct operators of three catamaran boats available for cruises in the Galapagos Islands: ...

  12. NEMO II

    Nemo II is comfortable sail catamaran offering incredible itineraries up to 8 days to explore the Galapagos Islands, with daily excursions to different islands. The ship was designed by Lagenvin, its ingenious design makes an exceptional choice to navigate through the crystal-clear waters of the archipelago.

  13. Nemo II

    The Nemo II is an unique 72 ft. (22 m.) multihull sailing catamaran with capacity for 14 people. All its cabins, which are different in configuration and size, have been carefully fitted to ensure passenger comfort. All cabins have a private bathroom and self-regulated air conditioning.

  14. Nemo II Galapagos Catamaran

    8 days Nov 24 - Dec 01 2024 $3200. Unbeatable Deal! 🌟 Enjoy our 8-day southern itinerary with free kayaking 🛶, paddle boarding 🏄‍♂️, and snorkeling 🤿. Best price guaranteed! 💯. The Nemo II is a modern comfortable First Class - 12 passenger Galapagos catamaran enjoyable by anyone wishing to explore the Galapagos Isles.

  15. Nemo Galapagos Cruise (Nemo II)

    The Nemo II is wonderfully stable and holds 12 passengers, providing an intimate yet comfortable setting for traveling through the islands. All rooms are equipped with private bathrooms, air conditioning, and hot water, and the Nemo Catamaran runs with an excellent bilingual naturalist guide. KEY FEATURES. The S/C Nemo Galapagos Cruise (Nemo II ...

  16. NEMO II

    Itineraries. Cruise Info. The perfect boat for an unforgettable voyage around the Galapagos, Nemo II is a modern, spacious and well-equipped catamaran on board which you can experience an all-inclusive eight-day cruise around the majestic islands. This stunning Galapagos sailing catamaran accommodates up to 14 guests, six experienced crew ...

  17. Nemo II

    S/C NEMO II - GALAPAGOS ITINERARY - 8 DAY / 7 NIGHT CRUISE - NORTHERN ISLANDS. ... The Nemo catamaran then stops by the Espanola and Floreana islands for you to explore the unspoiled, rugged landscape on foot and see the famous sea lions before returning to the boat for more island hopping and out of this world experiences. ...

  18. Nemo II Catamaran

    - The Nemo II catamaran is a magnificent sailing catamaran that wins people over with her modern and sleek style.- Nemo II cabins are a mix of mix of double,...

  19. Nemo Catamarans

    Our website presents the full features of our Nemo I & II catamarans for cruising the Galapagos Islands. We have put together a knowledge base throughout this website to help plan your Ecuador & Galapagos tour. The information you will find is: Catamaran details, Nemo I & II with their full features, cabin layouts and social areas. Information ...

  20. Nemo III

    Reasons to Travel on a Cruise. Immerse yourself in the incredible nature and wildlife of the Galapagos Islands during your Nemo III cruise. Each day, our unique excursions will take you to explore the diversity and splendor of these iconic islands. Our experienced guides will provide historical insights and lead you to astounding locations.

  21. Galapagos Islands Cruises 2024 & 2025 Nemo Fleet Catamarans Galapagos Tours

    The Nemo II Galapagos cruise is 22 meters long, 10.3 wide. It has 3 candles and a 200 horsepower engine. It is fully equipped with all amenities you need for a special trip. The boat has a capacity for only 12 people, its size and exclusive spaces has been designed for travelers to enjoy the sensation of silence and intimacy with the islands ...

  22. S/C Nemo III Galapagos Cruise

    Nemo III motor sail catamaran offer 8 days luxury cruise (sunday to sunday) in Galapagos Islands, with daily excursions to different islands in 2 itineraries (North and South) switching between them every week. Accommodation in double cabins with private bathrooms. Snaks - Hot and cold water - Amenities - Air conditioned.

  23. Nemo I Catamaran

    The Nemo I (also known as the Nemo Martinica) is a 14-passenger sailing catamaran, offering a unique cruising experience in the Galapagos Archipelago. On this catamaran you will experience the Galapagos Archipelago to its fullest. Most social areas are open deck spaces where you will constantly enjoy the most spectacular views of the islands ...