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Yachting Monthly

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Sailing the Baltic Sea: where to go

Rachael Sprot

  • Rachael Sprot
  • October 13, 2022

Is the Baltic the new Mediterranean? Rachael Sprot takes a closer look at this underrated cruising ground

Knowing how to tie up to a rock is a vital skill when sailing the Baltic Sea. Credit: Martin Leisborn

Knowing how to tie up to a rock is a vital skill when sailing the Baltic Sea. Credit: Martin Leisborn Credit: Martin Leisborn

Sailing the Baltic Sea: where to go & the skills you need

‘Showers are destroyed,’ pronounced a workman, gesturing towards the dilapidated marina building at the Riga Yacht Club. I had no Latvian and he spoke very little English but valiantly explained the futility of my search.

We’d arrived in Riga at 0500. It was the end of April and according to the pilot charts the ice in the Gulf of Riga may have only just receded.

The generator, our main source of hot water, had packed up somewhere off Gdansk. So we were all a little crestfallen at the news. ‘WiFi?’ asked a crew member before hurriedly retracting it with, ‘just joking!’ as I glowered at him.

But I remember it now because it was the low point in an otherwise magical tour of the Baltic that inspired me to return and sail there again and again.

Sailing the Baltic Sea: Culture, history, wilderness

History and geography make the Baltic a rich and rewarding place to sail.

Hanseatic trade routes once crisscrossed the sea and a group of states grew around these maritime connections. As such it is uniquely suited to exploration by water.

People sitting on a dockside

Sunset at a bustling eatery on Bohuslän. Credit: Frank Chmura/Alamy Stock Photo

The concentration of beautiful cities, many of them capitals, which you can sail right into is unrivalled.

It also played a pivotal role in some of the defining events of the 21st century: the first battle of the Second World War and the fall of the USSR began on its shores. But there’s wilderness too.

Sail out of Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo or Gothenburg and you are soon surrounded by nature in tranquil archipelagos.

At its widest point it measures 150 miles across – far more compact the Mediterranean and a summer cruise could be done entirely day-sailing, especially since the days are so long.

At the height of the season there’s a festival atmosphere as everyone heads to the coast, but before July or by late August you’ll have it largely to yourself.

How to get to the Baltic Sea

The main challenge in sailing the Baltic Sea is getting there in the first place.

It’s 350 miles from Dover to Brunsbüttel, the start of the Kiel canal. There’s an Inshore Traffic Zone along the Dutch and German coasts keeping yachts clear of the busy shipping routes, but it’s a busy stretch of water and you’ll need to keep a careful lookout.

A yacht sailing on the Kiel Canal

Sailing boats on the Kiel Canal, Baltic coast, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Credit: Alamy Stock Photo

The Friesian islands make for lovely places to stop along the way, Vlieland has a good marina, easy access and picturesque scenery.

The duty-free island of Helgoland in the German Bight is also worth paying a visit if you need to top up on ‘essential’ supplies of the alcoholic kind.

The 53 miles of the Kiel or Nord-Ostsee canal is an event in itself. Sharing the narrow waterway with large ships is intimidating.

Yachts must keep clear by staying well to starboard and following instructions and light signals. Navigable during daylight hours only, the transit can be completed in a long summer day.

Riga, the capital of Estonia. Credit: Alamy Stock Photo

Riga, the capital of Latvia. Credit: Alamy Stock Photo

Alternatively spend a night in the marina at Rendsburg or one of several anchorages along the way and take a break from ship dodging.

Exiting the locks at Holtenau, you enter the large waterway of Kieler Förder, with excellent facilities and several good marinas.

From the north it’s just under 440 miles from Hartlepool to Skagen on the tip of Denmark. This route has different challenges.

Dense concentrations of shipping isn’t one of them, but there are wind farms to negotiate and oil rigs breathing fire into the night.

It can feel as though you’re crossing a construction site at times. Most rigs have a 500m exclusion zone and a patrol boat on standby.

Check the North Sea navigation warnings before departure and keep a listening watch on Channel 16.

For those with time, there are two alternatives to the Kiel canal: the Limfjord which cuts through the north of Denmark; and the much smaller Eider canal which runs north of the Kiel canal before joining it towards the end.

Both are lovely diversions if you have time.

Navigating the Baltic Sea

The Baltic Sea's cruising grounds. Credit: Maxine Heath

The Baltic Sea’s cruising grounds. Credit: Maxine Heath

The Baltic is a straightforward cruising ground compared with British waters.

There’s no tide as the body of water is too small to generate the oscillations which fringe the major oceans.

Instead, there’s a steady outpouring of water through the Kattegat, powered by the net input of freshwater from rivers.

Streams can reach a couple of knots in pinch points such as the Øresund between Copenhagen and Malmö.

In other areas, there are noticeable wind-driven currents. These are most pronounced after prolonged periods of the strong wind from the same direction, and they have the effect of changing the water levels too.

The open pulpit on a yacht

An open pulpit, and bow ladder, will make Baltic mooring easier, whether in a marina or to a rock. Credit: Martin Leisborn

Consistent NE winds can cause a SW setting current which ‘drains’ the Gulf of Bothnia and Gulf of Finland, reducing depths by more than 1m in extreme scenarios.

Further south a combination of high pressure and wind-driven currents causes fluctuations of 0.1 – 0.3m.

For shallow passages you’ll need to take account of recent weather patterns and ask for local advice before committing.

Weather conditions are generally more benign than on our tempestuous Atlantic shores. In many areas there’s little fetch for a seastate to develop, although when it does it can be short and sharp.

The climate feels more continental than maritime, with colder winters and slightly warmer summers than the UK.

At the height of the season temperatures often reach 30°, and sea temperatures can be 20° in the archipelagos.

You might be pleasantly surprised by the cost of sailing the Baltic Sea. Although alcohol is considerably more expensive in the Nordic countries, you can stock up in Germany and Poland en route.

Berthing fees are generally fairly modest: even in Scandinavia they tend to be cheaper than those charged in the south coast of the UK, so the increased cost of other things tends to even itself out.

Berthing is often paid on an app and reserved in advance, which is a good idea in the height of season (July – mid-August).

It’s rare to see the harbour master doing rounds: they tend to rely on an honesty system. Many of the marinas are on a much smaller scale than the UK.

Facilities are admittedly much simpler but spotlessly clean.

It’s a breath of fresh air compared to more commercialised cruising grounds that are so popular elsewhere.

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Southern Denmark, Copenhagen and SW Sweden

A chart showing part of the Baltic Sea

Credit: Maxine Heath

Denmark and southern Sweden are easy to access and make an excellent introduction to Baltic cruising.

Many people pass through quickly on the way to the archipelagos further north, but gentle landscapes and pretty towns reward those hopping along the coast.

Copenhagen is the jewel in the crown of the southern Baltic. Tie up in the bustling old Nyhavn and be part of the action or one of the large marinas further north for a quiet night.

Though Danish, the island of Bornholm actually lies closer to Sweden. It’s known for its picturesque harbours, pristine beaches, round churches and traditional smokehouses.

Colourful boats and houses in Denmark

Colourful Copenhagen as seen from the Nyhavn Canal. Credit: Kim Petersen/Alamy Stock Photo

But it’s the tiny, fortified island of Christiansø, just east of Bornholm, which is a truly special spot.

The harbour feels as though it’s barely changed since the 1600s. The Swedish coast is low-lying here, with long stretches of beach flanked by some of the country’s best farmland.

There are few anchorages until you reach the SE corner, but the gorgeous town of Ystad, with its medieval timber houses, and Karlskrona, the UNESCO listed naval port, more than make up for it.

The ultimate stopping off point when heading to or from the east coast is Utklippen, a tiny fishing station formed by blasting a gap between two rocky islets.

North Denmark, Bohuslän Coast and Southern Norway

The fjords of southern Norway, such as here in Berefjord, are smaller than those further north, but are still dramatic places to explore

The fjords of southern Norway, such as here in Berefjord, are smaller than those further north, but are still dramatic places to explore

Heading north from Copenhagen into the Kattegat, most yachts have their eyes on Sweden’s Bohuslän coast.

The Skärgård, a tapestry of pink granite islands, fringes the mainland coast from Gothenburg up to the Norwegian border creating an inexhaustible cruising ground.

It’s a place where the locals moor alongside the rocks and cook crayfish on the BBQ.

There are lots of natural harbours, many of them former fishing stations, with timber huts painted in distinctive rust-red paint.

Navigation is intricate and challenging, but you’ll be rewarded with exhilarating passages in flat water.

Two boats moored up alongside rocks while sailing the Baltic Sea

A natural harbour at Bogen Island, Bohuslän, west coast of Sweden. Credit: Alamy Stock Photo

Keep heading north and you’ll cross the border into Norway and eventually arrive in Oslo.

The skärgård continues but there’s added interest as we enter the land of the fjords. Although less dramatic than the deep fjords of the west coast, Oslofjord has lots of good cruising and it’s a great introduction to a country with the most spectacular coastline in Europe .

The topography of the Danish side means that harbours tend to be man-made, with sleepy fishing ports and rural landscapes.

The islands of Anholt and Læsø are both worth a stop for their beautiful beaches and Læsø’s seaweed-roofed huts.

The windswept dunes of Skagen form the northern tip of the country. It has a strong artistic heritage and is a busy holiday destination for the Danes, who often gather on the sandy strip where land turns imperceptibly to sea.

The coastline may not hold the same intrigue as the Swedish and Norwegian side, but you might find the elusive quality of hygge and decide to stay put instead, which would certainly save a few miles on the summer cruise!

Eastern Sweden and Finland

A chart showing sweden and finland

For me, the big decision is whether to aim for the east or west coast of Sweden. Both routes have beautiful archipelagos, lots of interest en route and wonderful cities.

If there were no real-life variables, Stockholm and the coastline south of it would clinch it for me. Stockholm is a waterside city in the truest sense.

The perfectly preserved wreck of the Vasa , a 17th-century warship which sank in the harbour on its maiden voyage, is now a museum on one of the city’s many islands.

The incredible story of how it was painstakingly raised and preserved is as astounding as the ship itself.

The surrounding archipelago is equally gorgeous and unlike the west coast the islands are clad in pine trees whose scent wafts out to sea.

An aerial view of islands in Stockholm

Islands of the Stockholm archipelago in autumn. Credit: Alamy Stock Photo

The large offshore islands of Gotland and Oland are fascinating places to stop en route. Both feature on the UNESCO list, Oland for its ancient agricultural landscape and Gotland for Visby, the hub of the Hanseatic League in medieval times and its 13th-century walled town.

Visby’s ramparts and winding lanes certainly rival Tuscany for atmosphere.

Before arriving in the Stockholm archipelago , the Blå Kusten or Blue Coast could easily distract you from your target.

It’s another long skärgård with wild islands, narrow sounds and total serenity. Often overlooked, it is just as beautiful as the better-known archipelagos.

The autonomous Åland archipelago between Sweden and Finland is a hallowed cruising ground for locals and visitors alike.

Yachts moored on an island in Finland

Many islands in Finland are privately owned. Seek permission before mooring. Credit: Katy Stickland

However, the fringe of skerries continues right along the coast of Finland to the Russian border, with Helsinki as a useful and attractive stopping point along the way.

Most islands are privately owned, so beware of encroaching on people’s privacy. A respectful crew are normally warmly received and often invited to use the sauna.

After a few days in Finland you realise the Swedish archipelagos were merely a warm-up act.

In some areas the islands are so densely packed that there’s more land than sea. By the end of a two-week cruise you’ll have an advanced diploma in rock-dodging, and much shorter fingernails.

The Gulf of Bothnia is a rather long cul-de-sac for foreign yachts, although the Finns, Swedes and Germans head up there to get away from it all.

It’s 350 miles to the top, which is also the border between Finland and Sweden. Head up there for solitude and wilderness.

Germany & Poland

A chart showing how to sail the Baltic Sea

If the Scandi-chic of the northern Baltic is a bit too much, or the price of beer has begun to wear thin, don’t miss a trip to the southern Baltic.

Many of the former Hanseatic towns along this coast have been painstakingly restored after damage in the Second World War.

Lubeck, Wismar and Stralsund all have UNESCO world heritage status.

With inexpensive marinas close to the centre of town, cobbled streets and town squares, you could easily while away a fortnight on this beautiful coastline.

Inside the beech-forested island of Rügen are the intriguing waterways of the Boddensee.

A town from the air surrounded by water

The Hanseatic town of Stralsund has UNESCO world heritage status. Credit: Iurii Buriak/Alamy Stock Photo

Take a detour through the reeds to Peenemünde, the factory where the V1 and V2 rockets were developed. It’s now a museum with a poignant message about the relationship between science and war.

The Polish coast is challenging, with long sandy stretches and ports which are often inaccessible in onshore winds.

Cruising takes the shape of long passages, followed by a few days in port to explore the surrounding area, rather than the island hopping of the north.

It’s worth taking the time to explore though, whether heading inshore to the extensive national parks, or beachcombing for nuggets of amber which wash up after gales.

Although out on a limb, Gdansk is unmissable.

A yacht sailing past some cliffs covered in trees

The chalk cliffs of Jasmund National Park on the island of Rugen make a striking backdrop. Credit: Aleksandr Ugorenkov/Alamy Stock Photo

The approach takes you past the Westerplatte, the peninsula that was attacked by the German warship Schleswig-Holstein on 1 September 1939, initiating the Second World War.

The route continues for a further 4 miles up through the shipyards, some derelict, some in use, which were the birthplace of the Solidarity Movement that was pivotal in the fall of the USSR.

In the heart of the city though, it’s the imposing medieval wooden crane which dominates the harbour.

Once the largest cargo crane in Europe, it was damaged in 1945 when 80 per cent of the city was destroyed in the final throes of the war.

Now restored, it’s a spectacular sight and a reminder that the city’s identity stretches much further than recent history.

Baltic States

A chart showing the Baltic States

A very different kind of adventure can be found on the coasts of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Riga and Tallinn are beautiful cities with UNESCO status and good marinas.

Cruising is cheaper here than it is in Scandinavia but English is not as widely spoken.

A lighthouse which can be seen while sailing the Baltic Sea

The lighthouse on the tip of Sorve Cape, Saaremaar, Estonia. Credit: Alamy Stock Photo

Despite this, foreign yachts are given a warm welcome and most people will generously engage in marina charades as you try to act out a washing machine.

The main cruising ground is the Estonian islands at the northern end of the Gulf of Riga. It provides plenty of opportunities for intricate pilotage and there’s often a sauna ashore for weary sailors.

Latvia has several commercial ports which are accessible to yachts, including Ventspils and Liepāja, both of which are about 90nm from Gotland.

Lithuania’s coastline is dominated by the Curonian Spit.

Stretching for over 60nm, the tree-clad sand dunes don’t offer much shelter to sailors but Klaipėda, Lithuania’s main port, is a pleasant town.

A laerge ship moored outside the cathedral in St Petersburg

The magical approach to St Petersburg is currently a no-go. Credit: Alamy Stock Photo

There are two Russian coasts in the Baltic: the Gulf of Finland from about 27°E, and Kaliningrad between Poland and Lithuania.

Even before this year they had a strong military presence.

In happier times, St Petersburg was the adventurer’s ultimate prize. Each year a few dozen yachts would apply for visas and make the approach via the TSS to this mesmerising city.

For now it is probably best given a wide berth.

Itineraries for sailing the Baltic Sea from Kiel

A chart showing routes for sailing the Baltic Sea

Germany, Bornhom and southern Sweden

Copenhagen & western Sweden

Circumnavigate Denmark

Denmark & western Sweden, exit via the Limfjord

Germany, Gdansk, Gotland & Sweden’s Blue Coast

Circumnavigate Sweden by cutting through the Göte Kanal

Denmark > Gothenburg > Bohuslän Coast – Oslofjord – Exit via the Skagerrak

Germany > Poland > Tallinn > Helsinki > Åland archipelago > Stockholm archipelago

Charts & Pilot books for sailing the Baltic Sea

Dust jacket for The Baltic Sea and Approaches

The RCCPF Baltic Sea Pilot guide is a good place to start when researching a trip. It gives a good overview of each area and is perfectly adequate if passing through. In the archipelagos though, a local pilot guide is essential.

The Swedish Hamnguiden are superb, with aerial photographs of every harbour and anchorage, showing what kind or berth or mooring is to be found, where to do a rock mooring , and where to drop the hook for a ‘normal’ anchorage.

Electronic chart coverage can be excellent, but it’s hard work passage planning on electronic charts, especially in intricate waters.

Most countries have their own leisure charts in easy-to-use format so that you can flip through as you follow a lead in the skerries.

They often have the recommended routes drawn on, including an indication of the maximum draught and are worth investing in if you’re planning to explore beyond the main ports.

German company NV produces inexpensive coverage of the southern Baltic. Chart packs are accompanied by a pilot book with harbour details.

Buy the Baltic Sea and Approaches at Amazon (UK)

Buy the Baltic Sea and Approaches at Amazon (US)

Buy the Baltic Sea and Approaches at Waterstones (UK)

Buy the Baltic Sea and Approaches at Foyles (UK)

Buy the Baltic Sea and Approaches at Google Play

RIB Ride in Riga

RIB Ride in Riga

Water safari in Riga on a rigid inflatable boat (RIB) will give you an unforgettable experience - fresh wind, invigorating splashes of water, breathtaking maneuvers at high speed, and all this while being surrounded by beautiful river and sea panoramas.

A rigid inflatable boat  in Riga is one of the safest types of water transport, but due to its high speed and maneuverability, the trip will seem to you a real extreme and will provide an adrenaline rush.

The RIB Ride will begin at the Riga Yacht Club, the oldest Baltic yacht club, located in the very center of the capital. During a RIB trip along the Daugava River, you can enjoy panoramic views of the city, as well as see the Freeport of Riga, the Riga Shipyard, the Daugavgriva Lighthouse, the Latvian Naval Base, Love Island, Kundzinsala Island and much more. You will also leave Riga and enter an open sea.

The RIB tour lasts 2 hours and is available from May to September. Boat has a capasity for up to 10 people. Do not miss this great opportunity to see Riga from a new perspective and get an unforgettable experience! This is a great choice for a stag do , hen party, birthday party, or just for a fun adventure!

RIB Sightseeing Tour

RIB Tour in Riga

 You will get a 10% discount if you order 3 services or more.
 Duration~2 hours
 RunsMay - September
 Capacity10 persons
 Speed30 - 80 km/h


Experienced skipper

 Min. Group Size8 persons

55 €/pp

Speed RIB Ride

RIB Ride in Riga

 You will get a 10% discount if you order 3 services or more.
 Duration15 min
 RunsMay - September


Experienced skipper

 Min. Group Size8 persons

35 €/pp

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Matthias Kossen

Riga Weekend


We, the team of Riga Weekend company, truly believe that Latvia is the best country in the world to visit. And our mission and our main goal is to get more people know this through their personal experience. To this end, we founded our company, created this webpage and worked for many years in the tourist market, offering the best of Latvia for our clients.


 CZ 75 Sp-01 Shadow 

Desert Eagle

  "SCAR" ISSC MK-22 


  Franchi Spas 15 

Bushmaster XM15 E2S "Shotry"

  Bushmaster XM15 E2S "Shotry" 

 glock 17 .

Price:       2,5 € * per shot.

The minimum amount of the selected set or individual set of weapons - 70€ . 

The price includes:

Transfer tuda suda

* Minimum order: 5 shots per gun.

** Free transfers for groups of 5 persons or more

Tulsky Tokarev

 Revolver "Taurus" 

Price:       3 € * per shot.

Price:       4,5 € * per shot.

Kalashnikov (AK-47)

  Kalashnikov (AK-47) 

Saiga MK (Kalashnikov)

 Mini Set (17 shots) 

Price:       40 € * per person.

* Minimum order: 2 Sets.

** Free transfers for groups of 5 persons (5 sets) or more

Light Set  (34 shots)

 Light Set (30 shots) 

Price:       70 € * per person.

The set includes a weapon with minimal recoil.

Cowboy Set (45 shots)

 Cowboy (40 shots) 

Price:       100 € * per person.

Rambo Set (76 shots)

Introduction to the World of Wine

At the Wine Tasting in Riga , you will get acquainted with: production technology, temperature and serving, wine classification, serving and serving, tasting technique.

During the Tasting, you will have the opportunity to taste: red wines Tempranillo and Primitivo-distinguished by their expressiveness; delicate white wine Sauvignon Blanc; soft with a balanced taste Spanish wine Cava; and classic German wine Riesling.

The tasting takes place in the center of Riga in one of the most popular wine restaurant.

City Yacht Club marina contacts

Jānis Grīslis

Jānis Grīslis

City Yacht Club  commodore Tālr. (+371) 29 196 943​

vita matise

Vita Matīse

Children sailing sports school coach Tālr. (+371) 26 565 290

rolands millers

Rolands Millers

Sailing school director Tālr. (+371) 22 012 776

Sabīne Plinere

Sabīne Plinere

Administration ​Tālr. (+371) 28 301 867

City Yacht Club Contacts

Rīga, Ķīpsala, Balasta dambis ​56*57′,13N; 024*05′, 24E

Union “Pilsētas Jahtklubs” Reģ. Nr. 40008140483 ​ Leagal address: Stabu iela 56b-14, Riga, LV-1011, Latvia

Post address:   Stabu iela 56b-14, Riga, LV-1011, Latvia

Bank details: Luminor Bank AS code RIKOLV2X account LV73RIKO0000082700894

e-mail:  ​ [email protected]

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City Yacht Club Contacts

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Hotels near Riga City Yacht Club, Riga

Enter your dates to see the latest prices and deals for riga hotels, featured hotels near riga city yacht club, star rating, review score.

Neiburgs Hotel, hotel in Riga

Neiburgs Hotel

The Art-Nouveau-style, 4-star Neiburgs Hotel is located in the heart of Riga’s Old Town, overlooking the Dome Square. It offers luxurious, air-conditioned apartments with a kitchenette.

riga yacht club

Grand Poet Hotel and SPA by Semarah

Featuring a fitness center and spa and wellness center, Grand Poet by Semarah is located in the center of Rīga, across the street from the Bastion Hill.

riga yacht club

Metropole Hotel by Semarah

Metropole Hotel by Semarah is located in a historical building from the 19th century, set in the Riga’s Old Town. It offers elegant classic-style hotel rooms with free Wi-Fi access.

riga yacht club

Aston Hotel Riga

Attractively located in the center of Riga, Aston Hotel Riga has air-conditioned rooms, a fitness center, free WiFi and a terrace. This 4-star hotel offers room service and a 24-hour front desk.

Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel, Riga, hotel in Riga

Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel, Riga

Located in Riga, 1804 feet from the Freedom Monument, the Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel offers spacious, air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi. It also has a sauna and fitness center.

riga yacht club

The Dome Hotel is located in a 400-year-old building in a quiet street in the heart of Riga’s Old Town.

riga yacht club

Top 10 trending hotels near Riga City Yacht Club

Discover our most popular hotels from the last 30 days, enjoy breakfast at hotels near riga city yacht club.

Grand Poet Hotel and SPA by Semarah

The design of room was wonderful.Location exeptional,breakfast perfect

Neiburgs Hotel

Big room, well cleaned, good breakfast. Love the sauna!

Metropole Hotel by Semarah

Clean room, helpful staff, everything was perfect.

A22 Hotel

Located in Riga, a 16-minute walk from Latvian National Museum of Art, A22 Hotel provides accommodations with a fitness center, private parking, a shared lounge and a restaurant.

Everything was perfect. Design, staff, comfy and big bed.

Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga

Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga

Located in Rīga in the Vidzeme Region, 328 feet from Latvian National Opera, Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga features a spa center and sauna.

Central location, near Opera Riga. Best hotel in Riga

Dome Hotel

Perfect location to explore the old town. Gorgeous room

Hilton Garden Inn Riga Old Town

Hilton Garden Inn Riga Old Town

Set in Rīga, 328 feet from House of Blackheads, superior 4-star hotel Hilton Garden Inn Riga Old Town offers accommodations with a restaurant, private parking, a fitness center and a bar.

Amazing location, amazing views throuhg the windows,very nice staff

Relais Le Chevalier

Relais Le Chevalier

Set in Rīga and with Latvian National Opera reachable within 1969 feet, Relais Le Chevalier offers express check-in and check-out, nonsmoking rooms, a bar, free WiFi and a terrace.

Friendly staff and great location. The room was cozy and clean.

Budget hotels near Riga City Yacht Club

Park Inn by Radisson Riga Valdemara

Park Inn by Radisson Riga Valdemara

Built in 2016, Park Inn by Radisson Riga Valdemara invites its guests to stay on the western side of Daugava River with good connections to the Old Town, Riga International Airport and main sights.

Quite nice apartment and breakfast was sensational

Pullman Riga Old Town

Pullman Riga Old Town

Located in the center of a historic area, Pullman Riga Old Town is set in a former Baron Munchausen's horse stable from the 18th Century and features a horse breed theme throughout the premises.

Breakfast was amazing, love the ginger energy drinks.

Wellton Riga Hotel & SPA

Wellton Riga Hotel & SPA

4-star modern hotel Wellton Riga Hotel & SPA is located in the heart of Old Town and features a restaurant Tapas Tapas where guests are served Latvian and European cuisine.

The spa was lovely. Staff very friendly and very helpful.

Wellton Centrum Hotel & SPA

Wellton Centrum Hotel & SPA

Wellton Centrum Hotel & SPA, housed in a modern building constructed to feature authentic elements of the original historic structure, is located in the Old Town of Riga.

Our stay was very good, and the breakfast was excellent

Radisson Hotel Old Town Riga

Radisson Hotel Old Town Riga

4-star Radisson Hotel Old Town Riga is located in the heart of the Old Town, with most of the Old Town sights located in an area up to 1640 feet from the hotel.

The level of Radisson is high as always. No dislikes.

Hotel Justus

Hotel Justus

Located in Riga’s Old Town, Hotel Justus offers air-conditioned rooms with a safe, mini-bar, flat-screen satellite TV and a free internet connection. The hotel also has a sauna.

Great location, friendly staff and excellent breakfast

TRIBE Riga City Centre

TRIBE Riga City Centre

TRIBE Riga City Centre is a hotel located in a historical Art Nouveau building in Riga, only a 5-minute walk from the Old Town. It offers rooms with a flat-screen cable TV and free WiFi.

Rooms are nice. Quiet, if windows towards the courtyard.

Boutique Hotel KRISTOFS

Boutique Hotel KRISTOFS

This boutique hotel is housed in an 18th-century mansion and located in the heart of Old Town Riga, 656 feet from St. Peter’s Church. It features elegant rooms with free WiFi.

Everything was amazing we loved the hotel and breakfast

Hotels with great access to Riga City Yacht Club!

Grand Palace Hotel - The Leading Hotels of the World

Grand Palace Hotel - The Leading Hotels of the World

Grand Palace Hotel - The Leading Hotels of the World is located in the heart of Riga’s Old Town, only 328 feet from Riga Castle. It features rooms with free WiFi, a mini-bar and flat-screen cable TV.

Very comfortable, luxurious room. Excellent breakfast.

Konventa Sēta Hotel Keystone Collection

Konventa Sēta Hotel Keystone Collection

Konventa Sēta Hotel Keystone Collection is a 4-star hotel, housed in a historic state-of-the-art townhouse in a 7 building complex.

The front desk staff was very helpful and friendly

Hotel Edvards

Hotel Edvards

Opened in 2008, the Hotel Edvards is a family-run hotel in a quiet part of Riga's center, just 3 blocks away from the historic old town.

Close to Old town Vecriga, but still in a bustling modern day city area.

Hestia Hotel Jugend

Hestia Hotel Jugend

The 4-star Hestia Hotel Jugend is located in the Art Nouveau district of Riga, a 10-minute walk from the historic Old Town. It offers rooms with classic interior design and free Wi-Fi.

Big bed , clean , perfect breakfast, near old town

Radisson Blu Ridzene Hotel, Riga

Radisson Blu Ridzene Hotel, Riga

The 4-star Radisson Blu Ridzene Hotel overlooks the Esplanade Park in Riga and is located just a 5-minute walk from its historic Old Town. It offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and a seating area.

Location, value for money, atmosphere, friendly staff

Avalon Hotel & Conferences

Avalon Hotel & Conferences

The 4-star Avalon Hotel & Conferences is located in Riga’s Old Town, only 1640 feet from the Opera House and Freedom Monument.

Everything was great - friendly staff, clean room, great bar!

Radisson Blu Latvija Conference & Spa Hotel, Riga

Radisson Blu Latvija Conference & Spa Hotel, Riga

The 4-star Radisson Blu Latvija Conference & Spa Hotel is located in the heart of Riga, 1312 feet from the beautiful Old Town.

Excellent hotel very good location Excellent Spa

Bellevue Park Hotel Riga with FREE Parking

Bellevue Park Hotel Riga with FREE Parking

The 4-star Superior Bellevue Park Hotel Riga with FREE Parking is located next to the picturesque Victory Park, 1.1 mi from the city’s Old Town.

Breakfast was very good. Also the food at restaurant.

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Car rental in Riga

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riga yacht club

riga yacht club

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Yacht Club Latvijas Jahta

Gulf of riga.


  Stūrmaņu 1C, Rīga

  +371 29 206 978


  Yacht Club Latvijas Jahta

  57°02’15.6″ N .       24°03’37.2″ E

Liepaja Marina

Max. LOA: 30 m

Liepaja Marina

Number of berths: 80

riga yacht club

* Depths and heights measures in metres, in reference to mean sea level (BHS-77)

riga yacht club


Yacht club Latvijas Jahta is located in the district of Bolderāja  – a neighbourhood of Riga, on the opposite site to the centre of city. It is located on the left bank of the Daugava River. The area has been inhabited since at least the 10th century and began as a fishing area. There is a good public transport connection to the city centre.

Starting from Rīga safe water reception buoy B (57°06.5’ N; 23°56.94’ E), proceed to the entrance of the Port of Rīga, and along the main fairway up to green lateral buoy No. 7 (57°02.55’ N; 24°03.90’ E); then proceed to starboard in Loču Channel (Pilots’ Channel). The marina is on the port side of the entrance to Loču Channel. Due to port construction works, marina pontoons can be located in an inside basin – Meldru Bay.

Yacht club “Latvijas Jahta” is located in the district of Bolderāja – a neighbourhood of Riga, on the opposite side from the centre of city.

  • Events 2022

Porto Marine

Porto Marine is located in the center of Jurmala marina.

We offer berth for yachts and boats in a picturesque place on the bank of the river Lielupe in city Jurmala resort, just a few miles from the Gulf of Riga.

Yacht Club is very well located and it is very easy to reach us by car and leave it on our free car park.

Piers are equipped with lighting, equipment to connect to power on shore and water supply, convenient parking slips for hydrocycles.

There are also individual storage boxes for equipment, accessories and supplies of your boat or hydrocycle.

Qualified Yacht Club staff will ensure safe mooring, provide services of sink your boat dry and wet cleaning, check the technical condition to hold timely maintenance and repair.

We can offer services for launching and lifting of vessels by crane and storage trailer on our territory. We can provide winter storage of your boat on shore.

' title=

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  • Financial control, annual and monthly budgeting. Spending optimisation and management, pay run, and financial reports.
  • Yacht Class and Flag support.
  • Annual, regulatory and emergency maintenance and repair works.
  • Warranty services for new yachts.
  • Crew management.
  • Berth selection and management.
  • Navigation plans.
  • Rules and regulations advisory in the yacht’s base country or countries of seasonal navigation.
  • We conduct market surveys and arrange visits to shipyards.
  • We involve lawyers with particular skill sets to study and analyze contracts offered by shipyards.
  • We invite specialized surveyors to supervise the construction.
  • We communicate with the shipyard and other parties involved in construction on a daily basis and create an archive to track the project development.
  • We offer other services, including search for design studios, suppliers, etc.
  • We analyze the refit market (Southern or Northern Europe, Turkey, China) and hold a tender procedure to get the most efficient price and quality ratio.
  • We invite specialized surveyors to supervise the refit.
  • Buy or sell a yacht risk-free (KYC procedure, due diligence, cash flow, contracts)
  • The most secure yacht ownership arrangement from a legal standpoint.
  • Tax and financial optimisation of yacht ownership.
  • Financing and leasing (construction, new yacht available, brokerage).
  • Private or commercial use. For example, you would only like to charter your boat from time to time. What should you do in this particular case?
  • Registration. We help select the most convenient flag taking into account the existing tasks and conditions.
  • Insurance based on the type of vessel and its use, mandatory and not mandatory issues.
  • Transportation by land or sea.
  • Crew management (hire, insurance, employment contracts, risks, alternatives).
  • Berth management.
  • DC Freedom 30,60, 100
  • DUO (AC & DC)

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riga yacht club


  • Yacht charter Latvia
  • Sailing yacht charter
  • Yacht charter Riga
  • Yacht charter Jurmala
  • Terms and conditions
  • Catamaran charter Latvia
  • Wild Cat 65 catamaran
  • Lagoon 380 catamaran
  • Motor yacht charter
  • Motor yacht charter Riga
  • Motor boat rental Riga
  • Motor boats in Jurmala
  • Daugava estuary cruise
  • From Riga to Jurmala
  • Port of Riga sightseeing
  • Lielupe estuary cruise
  • "Smile of the White dune"
  • From Jurmala to Engure
  • Cruise to Ruhnu island
  • To the "Positivus" festival
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Choose yacht type: single hull sailing yacht, sailing catamaran (twin-hull sailing yacht), motor yacht (motorised yacht without sails) or a motor boat (open motorised speedboat).

Please specify your cruise date. For a cruise of several days, specify the start (departure) date.

So that all your guests feel comfortable during the cruise, plan the number of passengers to be no more than 70%-80% of the recommended maximum number of persons specified in the yacht’s description.

You can book a yacht for whatever length of time you wish or choose one of the pre-planned routes we offer. You can check out our routes in the Routes section

Choose the cruise start time - the time when you want to step on board the yacht. To properly enjoy your yacht cruise, we recommend allocating at least 4-5 hours.

Planning a yacht cruise, you can choose the most convenient jetty where to board the yacht and start your cruise.

Planning your yacht cruise, you can choose the most convenient jetty where to alight from the yacht.

When taking cruises lasting two or more days with overnight accommodation planned on the yacht, choose the number of cabins you need on the yacht. There are usually two beds per cabin.

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Yacht charter Riga

Charter a yacht in Riga

For a memorable time on the water, cruise along the sea coast, and give yourself a deserved break, multi-day yacht cruises, to ruhnu island in estonia, charter a yacht in jurmala to enjoy, the seashore in the palm of your hand, yacht cruises in greece, a memorable time in the aegean islands.


Take a cruise on a sailing yacht for the wind-blown rush of outdoor sport


Book a sailing catamaran and cruise the coast in stylish comfort


For speed with prestige, a motor yacht cruise is true racing elegance


Book a motor boat to give you and your friends a real sailing buzz

riga yacht club

Sailing Yacht Stars

  • Max. 15 persons
  • Length 43 ft / 13.0 m
  • From center of Riga

riga yacht club

Sailing Yacht Turaida

  • Max. 10 persons
  • Length 34.8 ft / 10.6 m
  • From Jurmala, Lielupe

riga yacht club

Motor Yacht Sealine F43

  • Max. 12 persons
  • Length 43.4 ft / 13.2 m

riga yacht club

Sailing Catamaran Lagoon 380

  • Length 37.9 ft / 11.6 m
  • From Riga, Bolderāja

riga yacht club

Sailing Yacht Jessica

  • Length 50.8 ft / 15.5 m

riga yacht club

Sailing Yacht Sun Odyssey 42DS

  • Length 42.4 ft / 12.9 m

riga yacht club

Sailing Yacht Dufour 405 GL

  • Length 39.9 ft / 12.2 m

riga yacht club

Motor Boat Bayliner 285

  • Max. 7 persons
  • Length 28.7 ft / 8.8 m

riga yacht club

A two hour break on the waters of the Daugava against a…

riga yacht club

A three hour cruise from Central Riga to the point where the…

riga yacht club

A concentrated cruise around the picturesque islets of the Lielupe Estuary.

riga yacht club

An impressive tour of the Daugava and Lielupe Estuary with a cruise…

riga yacht club

A yacht cruise to the Estonian island of Ruhnu is one of…

riga yacht club

To be continued……

riga yacht club

A cruise on a sailing yacht to the popular Positivus music festival…

riga yacht club

A cocktail of three hours of fresh air and the picturesque landscapes…

riga yacht club

  • Sailing Yacht Charter
  • Sailing Yachts
  • Our Catamarans
  • Wild Cat 65 Catamaran
  • Lagoon 380 Catamaran
  • Motor Yachts
  • Motor Boats


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    riga yacht club

  3. Historic Riga Yacht Club in the Daugava, Editorial Photography

    riga yacht club

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    riga yacht club

  5. Marina in Riga

    riga yacht club

  6. Marina in Riga

    riga yacht club


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  1. Marina in Riga

    City Yacht Club - marina in Riga, Kipsala is one of the largest and most modern nautical clubs in the Baltic sea. It is situated just 15 minutes walk away from the city centre and Old Riga, in a quiet and clean area - Kipsala island. Enjoy exciting city life in the centre and have a good rest when you come back to your boat in City Yacht Club.

  2. Riga Yacht Club marina ⋅ Riga ⋅ Latvia ⋅ Get all prices ⋅ MarinaSpots

    Welcome to the Riga Yacht Club Marina, located in the beautiful region of Riga, Latvia. Our marina offers modern facilities and a picturesque setting for boaters of all levels. Whether you are an experienced sailor or a passionate amateur, our marina...

  3. Marina of the yacht club

    If you are the owner of water transport and want to rent a parking space for your vehicle, the Yacht Club pier in Andrejosta, Eksporta iela 1d, will certainly help you.

  4. Sailing the Baltic Sea: where to go

    'Showers are destroyed,' pronounced a workman, gesturing towards the dilapidated marina building at the Riga Yacht Club. I had no Latvian and he spoke very little English but valiantly explained the futility of my search. We'd arrived in Riga at 0500. It was the end of April and according to the pilot charts the ice in the Gulf of Riga ...

  5. Riga Yacht Club in Riga , Latvia

    Unclaimed. Write a Review. City Yacht Club, 24 Markalnes Street. Riga , 1024. 56° 57' 15.84'', 24° 5' 12.48''. Mob. + 371 29196943, Mob. + 371 28301967, Mob. + 371 26167999 (Habour Master) www.pilsetasjahtklubs.lv. Edit Marina Info. Dockside Inn and Tavern is located on the edge of pristine Moosehead Lake in ...

  6. Skipper course in Riga, Latvia

    Theoretical course in Riga, Ķīpsala, Balasta dambis in Latvian (Mo. & We. 18:00-21:00) in Russian (Tu. & Th. 18:00-21:00) May - Oct. Practical trainings and exams take place in City Yacht Club: Riga, Kipsala, Balasta dambis Apr. - Aug. study trips 500 miles in Greece, the Baltic Sea or other waters as agreed with the members of the group

  7. Riga Yacht Club

    The Riga Yacht Club is a fresh and welcome addition to the city's social life. The floating marina complex, with a total length of 795 meters, includes an office block, two toilet blocks, a caretaker's house, and a small enclosed boathouse. All structures are designed in the same architectural language, featuring the wood cladding ...

  8. Home

    About us. Riga Port City is a unique waterfront development project in the centre of Riga - with 4.5 km of riverfront, 55 ha of land and proximity to the UNESCO World Heritage Historic Centre, Art Nouveau district and Old Town, all within a few minutes' walk. The Riga Port City area, which starts on the banks of Daugava at the Vanšu Bridge ...

  9. RIB Ride in Riga

    The RIB Ride will begin at the Riga Yacht Club, the oldest Baltic yacht club, located in the very center of the capital. During a RIB trip along the Daugava River, you can enjoy panoramic views of the city, as well as see the Freeport of Riga, the Riga Shipyard, the Daugavgriva Lighthouse, the Latvian Naval Base, Love Island, Kundzinsala Island ...

  10. City Yacht Club marina Contacts

    City Yacht Club Contacts. Rīga, Ķīpsala, Balasta dambis 56*57′,13N; 024*05′, 24E. Union "Pilsētas Jahtklubs" Reģ. Nr. 40008140483 Leagal address: Stabu iela 56b-14, Riga, LV-1011, Latvia

  11. Riga: Private Boat Tour City Canal and Daugava River

    Experience will take ~ 55 minutes. The start of the experience will be at Andrejosta Yacht Club (Rīga, Esporta street 1D). please use Google Maps for finding the location (don't use Iphone/Apple maps). Boat is parked at Pier C. If You are visiting Rīga by Cruise ship, Yacht club is located only 5 minutes walk from Rīga Passenger Port.

  12. Яхт-клуб Латвии Latvijas Jahta

    In 1991, was created by JSC "Latvijas Jahta" based on the "Central Yacht Club of Latvia", were attracted investors who invested significantly in the development of sailing. ... Distance from sea port gate Riga 3.5 km from city center 10.5 km. Marina piers.

  13. Marina of the yacht club in Andrejosta

    Marina of the yacht club in Andrejosta. 29 Jul, 2022. Summer is in full swing! This summer the territory of Riga Port City has come to life again, not only with new events and places in the territory offered by the tenants but also with the advantages provided by the waterfront, which are already enjoyed by the owners of yachts and boats. If ...

  14. The 10 best hotels near Riga City Yacht Club in Riga, Latvia

    Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel, Riga. Rīga (1.3 mi from Riga City Yacht Club) Located in Riga, 1804 feet from the Freedom Monument, the Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel offers spacious, air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi. It also has a sauna and fitness center. 9.0.

  15. Yacht Club Latvijas Jahta

    Yacht club Latvijas Jahta is located in the district of Bolderāja - a neighbourhood of Riga, on the opposite site to the centre of city. It is located on the left bank of the Daugava River. The area has been inhabited since at least the 10th century and began as a fishing area. There is a good public transport connection to the city centre.

  16. The BEST Riga Boats & yachts 2024

    Our most recommended Riga Boats & yachts. 1. Riga: Canal Boat Sightseeing Tour

  17. Yacht Club, yacht club, Riga, Liela street, 6

    Yacht club Yacht Club at , Rīga, Lielā iela, 6, ☎️ +371 67 40 32 22. 1 review. Get directions in Yandex Maps. Search. Directions. Maps • Riga • Yacht clubs. Yacht Club. 1 review. Business hours unknown +371 67 40 32 22. Show phone. Riga, Liela street, 6.

  18. Yacht club

    Porto Marine is located in the center of Jurmala marina. Berth. We offer berth for yachts and boats in a picturesque place on the bank of the river Lielupe in city Jurmala resort, just a few miles from the Gulf of Riga. Yacht Club is very well located and it is very easy to reach us by car and leave it on our free car park.

  19. Riga Yacht Club, yacht club, Riga, Pavu Street, 14

    Yacht club Riga Yacht Club at , Rīga, Pāvu iela, 14, ☎️ +371 29 29 87 22. Get directions in Yandex Maps.

  20. Yacht Charter Riga

    Motor Yacht Sealine F43. (1) €1300. Max. 12 persons. Length 43.4 ft / 13.2 m. From center of Riga. View more. Book now. and many others choose us.

  21. Premium Yachts

    The founder and CEO is Andris Zeiza, a Latvian citizen and a resident of Riga. Andris's father, Juris Zeiza, a sailing and powerboating enthusiast, brought Andris to Latvijas Jahta (Riga Yacht Club) in childhood. ... LV-1016 Riga, Latvia Sturmanu 1C, Yacht Club Latvijas [email protected] +3712-923-9906 +3712-466-7602. Send request.

  22. Yacht Charter Latvia

    Choose yacht type. Choose yacht type: single hull sailing yacht, sailing catamaran (twin-hull sailing yacht), motor yacht (motorised yacht without sails) or a motor boat (open motorised speedboat). ... Great value boat tours along the Lielupe and Gulf of Riga coast. Max. 10 persons; Length 34.8 ft / 10.6 m; From Jurmala, Lielupe;

  23. Riga

    Riga | 40.9 m | 2009. The 27-meter Canados motor yacht Manta has sunk off the coast of Corsica, France, after striking a reef on August 15, 2024. The incident occurred at approximately 6:30 a.m. local time near the Senetosa lighthouse, located in the southern part of the island.Local authorities and rescue teams responded swiftly to the ...