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Pond Yacht rigging

By JerseyCity Frankie May 3, 2015 in Masting, rigging and sails

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Jerseycity frankie.

Im sifting the internet looking for information about pre-radio control Pond yacht rigging. Working rigging for sailing scale models.

Before radio control, as I am sure all of you know, pond yachts reached a high degree of sophistication. Self tacking steering gear controlled by wind vanes, with a lot of complex brass hardware with elastic bands and adjustable sliders, were visible on deck and could be set by the user on shore to match the prevailing wind conditions and desired point of sail.

My problem is in finding authoritative information on these mechanisms. Nearly ALL of the images I find of historic Pond Yachts, those not in actual contemporary photos, are of models that have been restored and have had their steering gear simplified, presumably by antique dealers with little working sail understanding. In most of these cases its very obvious that brass fittings remaining on deck are not rigged in a way that would have an actual effect, they have merely been mocked up to look like they function and are often left unconnected to the sails.

Have any of you R.C. guys come across books or websites that deal with this aspect f the hobby? I hope there is a repository of this knowledge somewhere, it would be a shame to lose it.


  • markjay , rshousha , Landlocked123 and 3 others


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Blue Jacket Ship Crafters, in their book department sells two books on pond models. Both books are by M. de Lesseps. They are Pond Models  and Pond Yachts How To Build And Sail Them.  These books may have the information you're looking for.

Yowch $57 on Amazon!  But I see only $21 at Blue Jacket. Thanks for the tip!

I wrote to the Central Park Yacht Club and they put me in touch with a gentleman with experience with the subject. I was touched by his generosity when he wrote back and sent along annotations on the photo I had sent him.

He explains that:

......... sheet-to-tiller rig:  there were *two* mainsheets, one used on  going to windward  and the other on the run. Both typically had hooks on the end so they could be switched.

Sailing upwind, the boat sailed on balance only, tiller centered by the elastic as shown in the picture. The beating sheet ran from the end of the boom and was hooked on the ring on the main horse. Running sheet hung loose. On the run, the running sheet would be hooked to the tiller as shown, and run out so the main boom was swung out to one side or the other. The beating sheet would hang loose. The principle is that if the boom were swung to starboard, the boat would tend to turn to port. The pressure of the wind would pull on the main sheet against the elastic and give opposite helm to the rudder , thus guiding the boat. The jib would have a single sheet, adjusted with a tensioning device,  let out for the run and pulled in for the beat.  


  • IgorSky , Jack12477 , Landlocked123 and 2 others
  • 2 weeks later...

Found this on Google books and it is relevant:   https://books.google.com/books?id=_jYCAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA103&dq=Pond+Models+%C2%A0and+Pond+Yachts&hl=en&sa=X&ei=8NtZVbWuHq7IsQTHgYHADg&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=Pond%20Models%20%C2%A0and%20Pond%20Yachts&f=false

  • 1 month later...

Try this web site from the UK: www.vmyg.uk. Its called the Vintage Model YachtGroup, its web site has a link to a

instruction book for various self steering mechanisms and how they work. 

Looked interesting.

Bridgman Bob

Thanks for the link to the website! I thought I had seen them all by now but this was a new one to me. Here are some shots of the model I am restoring, one of two. THis example was likely not actually sailed. It has a lead keel but there is no rudder head, the rudder moves but does not pierce the deck.

The second model, not pictured, has rudimentary self steering gear and I will put up some photos of that later as I finish work on her.


I finished the restoration work I was doing on these two Pond Yacht Models. I have a new appreciation for this type of model and plan on building one of my own now. Here are some before and after photos. ANd then just some details shots.


  • markjay , Omega1234 and mtaylor
  • 7 months later...
However, did you notice that shipping at Blue Jacket starts at $50.00?  


Huh?    http://www.bluejacketinc.com/ordering.htm

Mark "The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me Current Build:                                                                                              Past Builds:   La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans  - ON HOLD            Tri ton Cross-Section    

  NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                             HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64                

Non-Ship Model:                                                                                           On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                      Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0  (Abandoned)           


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A Pond Yacht Restoration

I am restoring a pond yacht, built by my grandfather , James Melville and a Mr. Ingram in Tayport, Scotland, in the early 1930s. The hull is 55 inches long x 13 inches at it's widest point ( beam ). The mast is 62 inches tall and the boom is 33 inches long. She weighs 26lb. The measurements and weight and classic lines are consistent with a classic 6 Metre yacht design, popular with model yacht builders in the 1930s.

Monday 30 March 2015

pond yacht rigging parts

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Rigging tips for building a model ship.

  • Updated on: 25th January 2021
  • Written by Gary Renshaw


Rigging is a significant part of the process of building a model ship. It can be tedious and time-consuming however putting the effort in adds to the beauty of your finished model.

In general, the instructions on rigging provided by the manufacturers of model ship kits are fairly sparse. Whilst there are several specialised and very detailed books on masting and rigging, they are more concerned with matters of historical and technical accuracy than with the sort of advice that might help the beginner to understand the best way of going about what might appear to be quite a daunting task.

Highly recommended is a 3 DVD set available from Modellers Shipyard on  Masting and Rigging . This is a comprehensive set which shows all aspects of preparing the masts, spars and yards and the rigging for a period model. For further information call our office or visit our website.

We do strongly recommend “Ship Modelling Simplified” by Mastini – it contains excellent advice on ship modelling in general and has a good section on rigging. Modeller’s Shipyard has produced the following information as an introduction to the Rigging of a model ship. The following points should be noted:

  • This is a general guide only and is to be used in conjunction with any instructions and plans provided by the kit manufacturer. In particular, it must be emphasised that any illustrations used in this leaflet are purely for the purpose of example and may not relate to your specific model.
  • The approaches described are not the only way of doing things and the order in which the various processes are carried out may be varied, within reason, to suit the individual modeller.

Building a model ship is as much an exercise in using the mind as it is in using your fingers and hands. In this small leaflet, we can’t hope to cover all the problems and queries that may be encountered in the construction of your model. It is necessary to spend as much time thinking about the task at hand as actually doing it. If having thought about it, you still have a problem then contact us. We’ll either be able to advise you ourselves or refer you another modeller in your area who’ll be happy to help you with “hands-on” assistance.


The rigging of a ship can be divided into two main parts:

  •  “Standing” or “Fixed” rigging, which is used to support the Masts and Bowsprit.
  •  “Running” rigging, which is used to manipulate spars and sails.

On an “actual” ship any Rigging which didn’t pass through a pulley block was coated with tar to help prevent it rotting. For this reason, standing rigging is often, although not always, black on ship models.

If you do want your standing rigging black, and black cord is not supplied in the kit then you can consider these options:

  • You can purchase Black cord. 
  • The use of black rigging “wax” gives a very authentic tarred look but it is difficult to do well.
  • The cord supplied with the kit can be coloured using black dye or “Raven Oil” as used by leatherworkers/saddlers.
  • Black felt-tipped “Texta” is an easy way to colour the cord.
  • Black “Padawax” shoe colour is also very satisfactory.

When any liquid dye has been used it will be necessary to stretch the cord by hanging it on a clothesline, with weights, to prevent it going slack after installation on the model. It will also probably be necessary to use clear wax to eliminate any furry look in the cord.


This includes the rigging of the Stays, Backstay, Bowsprit and Gammoning. This is fairly straightforward and should present few difficulties. Work from the centre of the ship out and try to avoid difficult and confined spaces. A Rigging Tool presented in the Tools section of our Catalogue will be helpful when rigging. The various names for the standing rigging are presented below.

  • Fore topmast stay
  • Fore topgallant stay
  • Flying-jib stay
  • Fore royal stay
  • Fore skysail stay 
  • Main topmast stay
  • Main topgallant stay
  • Main royal stay
  • Main skysail stay
  •  Mizzen stay
  • Mizzen topmast stay
  • Mizzen topgallant stay
  • Mizzen royal stay
  •  Mizzen skysail stay
  • Mizzen topmast backstay
  • Mizzen royal backstay
  • Mizzen skysail backstay
  • Main topmast backstay
  • Main topgallant backstay 
  • Main royal backstay
  • Main skysail backstay
  • Fore topmast backstay
  • Fore topgallant backstay
  • Fore royal backstay
  • Fore skysail backstay
  • Bowsprit shrouds (bobstays)

Rigging Tips for Building a Model Ship 1

Source:  “Ship Modeling Simplified” by Mastini Pages 143 –144


Before proceeding further fit all the eye pins and rigging blocks to the bowsprit, masts, yards, and deck – also to the insides of the bulwarks if required. Cleats may be required on the lower masts, deck or bulwarks. Pay particular attention to any area which will be relatively inaccessible once the shrouds and other standing rigging ropes are in place.

It is as well to drill out the holes in the blocks and deadeyes to facilitate the threading of the rigging cord when the time comes. 

For the most inaccessible blocks, insert a short piece of thin rigging cord through the hole and glue it to itself forming a loop. Later, when you wish to insert the permanent running rigging you cut the loop, glue the new cord to one end and pull it through the hole using the other end of the pilot cord. No awkward threading


In most models, the lower deadeyes are fitted into “deadeye loops” which are inserted into gaps in the outer edge of the “Channel”. Once the complete row of deadeyes are installed a capping strip is fixed along the front.

From the bottom of the deadeye loop either a straight ”Deadeye Strap” or a  “Chain Strap” goes to the side of the hull at a lower level. The style of this fitting will depend on the period to which the particular ship belongs and also the price/ quality of the ship being built.

Rigging Tips for Building a Model Ship 2

There are several points to keep in mind when setting up these “deadeye assemblies”

The deadeye strap (or chain strap) is rarely, if ever, perpendicular. Rather, it should be at an angle which is an extension of the angle of the shroud which will eventually be attached to the deadeye above it. The diagram on the left of this page should make that mouthful clearer!!

 The lower deadeyes, the ones being attached at present, should be placed so that the three holes are positioned with the lowest one being the centre of the three. When at a later stage the upper deadeye is fitted, it is equally important that the centre hole is the highest of the three. Refer to the diagram on the right-hand side of this page.

Rigging Tips for Building a Model Ship 3

These together with the “forestays” and “backstays” are the ropes that support the masts. Shrouds, which are the group of ropes to which the ratlines are attached, are made up in pairs with a deadeye at each end of a single rope.

First cut a piece of cord to an appropriate length and with the help of an alligator clip or a small clamp glue one end around a deadeye. This deadeye should then be temporarily connected to the front portside (left hand) lower deadeye using a wire jig. This jig will provide the correct spacing between the upper and the lower deadeye.

Rigging Tips for Building a Model Ship 5

The loose end of the rope then goes up, around the mast and down to the position of the lower deadeye immediately behind the first. Using glue, alligator clip and another wire spacer, the upper deadeye is attached to the shroud.  At a latter stage, the double thickness of cord immediately above the upper deadeye will be bound with fine thread as shown as shown in some of our diagrams. The “Lanyards”, made of the thinnest rigging cord, are then installed as shown in the adjoining drawing. Because on the “real thing” the lanyards were constantly used to take up tension on the shrouds they were never tarred and should not be black.

Once the first pair of shrouds has been completed, the exercise is repeated on the other (starboard) side, then, back to the port side and so on.

If, when the others have been done there remains a single lower deadeye on each side then the final pair of shrouds goes from one side of the ship to the other with a large seized eye around the masthead. In all of this, it is important to ensure that the deadeyes are in straight rows parallel with the channels and with each other.

Rigging Tips for Building a Model Ship 6


Rigging Tips for Building a Model Ship 7

The forestays should now be fitted paying attention to the particular fittings used.  Quite commonly  “heart deadeyes” and lanyards will be used for tensioning purposes.

Rigging Tips for Building a Model Ship 9

These are always rigged with a large seized eye around the masthead as with the “odd”  shrouds (if any). As with the shrouds they are rigged with deadeyes and lanyards but the upper deadeye will normally be at a higher level than that of the shroud deadeyes.  

The colour of the ratline cord is grey or fawn. The tying of ratlines can be fairly tedious but it is worth going to some trouble to ensure that it is done well.  Among the points to keep in mind are:

  • They should not be too tight otherwise they will pull the shrouds together.
  • They should be parallel to the waterline.
  • On the “real thing” the spacing between each row was about 400mm  so, on a model at a scale of say 1:50, the gap would be approximately 10mm.
  • Avoid tying knots tightly until all the ratlines are in place. This will allow some “fine tuning” before placing a tiny dab of glue on each knot. Placing a sheet of white plain paper behind the shrouds will assist with gaining contrast to make the tying of the ratlines a tad easier on the eyes.

Rigging Tips for Building a Model Ship 10


The adjacent diagram demonstrates clearly the method best used to attach the cord to the belaying pins.

If you have any difficulties determining which belaying pin a rope is intended to go to, a good rule of thumb is that the higher up the mast it starts then the further back it finishes.

Rigging Tips for Building a Model Ship 11


Plenty of rope coils draped over the belaying pins provide a finishing touch. These can be made from odd lengths of offcuts. If placed into the shapes you require they can be (fixed) permanently by using hair lacquer or nail polish.


In the plans or in the instructions there should be a key or description of the size of cord to be used for various purposes. In the unlikely event that no indication is given, then the following can serve as a guide: 

Forestays & Anchor ropes – Heavy cord  

Shrouds & Backstays  – Medium cord  

Ratlines & Running Rigging – Lightest cord


Once the standing rigging has been completed you can now start the Running Rigging. You will have enlarged the holes in the blocks which are already in place. Do the same with all other blocks as you come to use them.

When threading cord through blocks, you will find that a needle threader (available from sewing shops) will be very handy. Also, a smear of super glue on the end of the cord can stiffen it and make it easier to thread. Work from the centre of the ship out and try to avoid locking yourself into difficult positions. A Rigging Tool presented in the Tools section of our Catalogue will be helpful when rigging.

The various names for the Running Rigging are presented below.

  • Fore brace   
  • Fore lower topsail brace
  • Fore upper topsail brace
  • Fore lower topgallant brace
  • Fore upper topgallant brace
  • Fore royal brace
  • Fore skysail brace
  • Fore yard lift
  • Fore topsail yard lift
  • Fore topgallant yard lift
  • Fore royal yard lift
  • Fore skysail yard lift
  • Main lower topsail brace
  • Main upper topsail brace
  • Main lower topgallant brace
  • Main upper topgallant brace
  • Main royal brace
  • Main skysail brace 
  • Main yard lift
  • Main topmast yard lift
  • Main topgallant yard lift
  • Main royal yard lift
  • Main skysail yard lift
  • Mizzen yard brace
  • Mizzen lower topsail brace
  • Mizzen upper topsail brace
  • Mizzen lower topgallant brace
  • Mizzen upper topgallant brace
  • Mizzen royal yard brace
  • Mizzen skysail yard brace
  • Mizzen topmast yard brace
  • Mizzen topgallant yard lift
  • Mizzen royal yard lift
  • Mizzen skysail yard lift

Rigging Tips for Building a Model Ship 12

Source:  “Ship Modeling Simplified” by Mastini Pages 145 –146


Rigging Tips for Building a Model Ship 13


  • Fore lower mast
  • Fore topmast
  • Fore topgallant mast
  • Fore royal and fore skysail mast
  • Main lower mast
  • Main topmast
  • Main topgallant mast
  • Main royal & main topgallant mast
  • Mizzen lower mast
  • Mizzen topmast
  • Mizzen topgallant mast
  • Mizzen royal & mizzen skysail mast
  • Fore topsail yard
  • Fore upper topsail yard
  • Fore lower topgallant yard
  • Fore upper topgallant yard
  • Fore royal yard
  • Fore skysail yard
  • Main lower topsail yard
  • Main upper topsail yard
  • Main lower topgallant yard
  • Main topgallant yard
  • Main royal yard
  • Main skysail yard
  • Crossjack yard
  • Mizzen lower topsail yard
  • Mizzen upper topsail yard
  • Mizzen lower topgallant yard
  • Mizzen upper topgallant yard
  • Mizzen royal yard
  • Mizzen skysail yard
  • Gaffsail boom
  • Flying-jibboom
  • Martingale boom, dolphin striker

Rigging Tips for Building a Model Ship 14

Source:  “Ship Modeling Simplified” by Mastini Pages 142 –143

Key Takeaways

  • The article provides practical rigging tips for model ship builders, focusing on both standing and running rigging techniques.
  • Emphasizes the importance of understanding different types of rigging and their applications in model ship construction.
  • Offers advice on materials and tools needed for effective rigging, including how to choose the right cord size for various rigging parts.
  • Highlights techniques for making rigging tasks simpler and more efficient, such as coloring cords and preparing blocks.
  • Advises on the order of operations for rigging, suggesting starting with standing rigging before moving to running rigging.

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Pond Yachts How to Build and Sail Them

Pond Yachts: How to Build & Sail Them


This is beautifully illustrated in watercolors, and shows you a bunch of neat detail items to make your model building all the easier and more pleasurable.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • Getting a Perspective
  • The Rule and why have a Rule
  • Designing to fit the Rule: ideas for shape, aesthetics, of hull design, displacement ,and other practical matters.
  • Materials needed
  • Carving the hull
  • Making and fixing the keel
  • Making a rudder
  • Paint and Finishes for hull, keel, rudder, mast, etc.
  • Boat stands
  • Going for a sail
  • Living with a pond model
  • Other boats to build
  • Appendices: Glossary, Materials, Miscellaneous Helps

by M. de Lesseps

86 pp., hidden wire-o-binding, softcover

Customer Reviews

This a helpful book very informative and clear language about the principals of design and construction.

very handy for my project

I was expecting the information to be a little more technical

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Seaworthy Toy Boating

Pond Boat parts

by bob | Feb 11, 2022 | Uncategorized

I have been doing this for a long time and have developed many spare parts for pond boats and can make and offer specific parts to your specifications such as masts tapered at the top. cross trees with shroud line holes, booms for jibs and mains, walnut 3 or two hole bowsies, compasses for Keystone boats, mast hoops for sails to mast, sails -jib and main sails and most Seaworthy, Jacrim and Keystone boats, so drop me a line as to what you need and give me some time to respond. In the next dat or so I will list some basic pats. My email is [email protected]

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Custom Restoration Services 

Over the years I have had many people send family boats for restoration. I will take on a project, but I have to work on it within the schedule of other restorations. Restoration may take 2 - 6 months. This page will give you an idea of what I can do for you.

Antique Pond boat custom sails


Masts and booms are made of hardwood dowels, hand tapered, sanded and stained to look like an old spar. I use various widths of linen and cotton twine for rigging lines.

I use reproduction hooks, deck eyes and brass hardware and make new sails from a fine cotton cloth that holds a crisp shape. The cloth can be antiqued to give it an authentic old look.

Antique Pond Boat Stands


Stands are custom for each boat in variety of style and colors. Stands are necessary for working on the boat and of course enable handsome display.

antique pond boat restoration


Some boats were never painted and were made of beautiful wood. If it does not harm the antique value of the boat we do refinish and revarnish old hulls.

antique pond boat restoration

Often these old boats were repainted many times, often in un attractive colors. Stripping paint is a lengthy, messy process, but it usually reveals the elegance of the old hull. We strip hulls as a last resort.




Boat Hull up to 26” loa

Cotton Main Sail and Jib with sheets     $75

Mast, boom and rigging                         $35

Additional sails, each                             $25

Dacron or Nylon Main Sail and Jib        $60

Additional Dacron or Nylon sails            $25

Custom Stand                                        $35

Boats Hull from 27” to 45” loa

Cotton Main Sail and Jib with sheets     $100

Mast, boom and rigging                          $50

Additional Sails                                       $35

Dacron or Nylon Main Sail and Jib         $75

Additional sails                                       $30

Custom Stand                                        $45

Boat Hull 46” and larger loa                     Quoted

Wire Standing Rigging                            $10/ft of mast length

Deck Hardware, brass                             Quoted

Hull Restoration

Cleaning, paint retouching, varnish          $35/hr  (average is about 5 hrs.)

Repair and Reconstruction                       $35/hr

Paint removal and Re-painting                 $35/hr (average is about 6 hrs)

Cotton sails are made of a fine natural color cotton and include brass colored grommets and wired mast hoops, cotton rigging line, brass s-hooks and bowsers. I can supply brass replacement deck hardware and blocks/pulleys.  Note: Cotton sails can water stain if used for actual sailing.


Appreciating Antiques

Model Yacht Fittings

f or Vintage Pond Yachts and

for Seaworthy, Jacrim and Keystone Boats

Catalog Available

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Black Pearl sail

The definitive guide to sailing yacht rigging

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Do you know your Bermudan rig from your DynaRig or wingsails? And which is best? BOAT explains it all...

Take a look at a modern racing yacht from above, beating to windward and heeled to the breeze, and you can see at a glance why Bermudan rigs have stood the test of time. With its fore and aft sails bladed into efficient aerodynamic shapes, a modern yacht can slice close to the wind and be driven hard. Such a sight would have been outlandish a century ago. Then, a typical trading barquentine could set 18 sails to catch light airs, but it needed a large crew to battle with canvas far out on the yards. In a modern miracle as incredible in its way as flight, today’s racing yachts can sail faster than the speed of the wind – in some cases several times faster.

A mainsail set on a single spar is an age-old concept but only in the 19th century was it adapted as the Bermudan or Marconi rig. A one-piece mainsail set on a mast without a gaff, hoisted with one halyard and controlled by one sheet, was simpler and more efficient. This revolution became the power train of pleasure yachting and racing.

But perhaps the time is coming for a re-evaluation of simpler rigs requiring fewer crew – alternatives with lower loads operated by automated systems. In an era of reduced carbon consumption, could more radical sailplans even herald a revival in sail power?

The evergreen Bermudan rig

The Bermudan rig is the all-rounder, able to perform well at all angles of sail. It is efficient upwind, while downwind the sail area can be significantly boosted with a big gennaker or spinnaker. For good reasons, it is the first choice for nearly every modern sailing yacht up to around 60 to 65 metres for cruising and regatta racing alike. At larger sizes, however, things start to become trickier, and the trade-offs get interesting.

Over the last decade, sail handling technology has steadily advanced to allow sloop rigs to grow larger and larger. “But with that comes a highly loaded rig, many tonnes of compression from tension in the rigging, and you have to build structure in the boat to accept that,” explains Paul MacDonald, founder and superyacht sales manager of Southern Spars.

“You have to have a lot of deck gear and captive winches below decks and the machinery for that. But over the years, boom furling systems and MPS [Multi Purpose Sails for downwind angles] stored on a drum, for example, have made sail handling safer.

Bill Tripp is the designer behind the 86-metre Aquijo , which broke new ground in 2015 as the world’s largest Bermudan ketch. Tripp prefers to call the rig a "sketch", a portmanteau word for a rig that is neither a sloop nor a ketch “because the main and mizzen are identical”. Even though the sailplan is divided over two masts, each spar is still a towering 90 metres above the water. Aquijo perfectly illustrates the issues involved with a Bermudan rig when scaled up.

“The sloop is great but I prefer the ‘sketch’ for sailing around the world under full control due to the desirability of a two-masted rig for reaching ability, which dominates passages, and the safety of controllable loads when sailing in all kinds of conditions miles from nowhere,” he says.

Upwind, Aquijo sets a jib, staysail, mainsail and mizzen, all in North Sails 3Di, totalling 3,821 square metres. A furling Code sail for reaching and downwind angles increases that to a vast 5,051 square metres.

While Aquijo has a crew retinue of 17, it can be controlled under sail by six or seven people. With custom winches to handle halyards and sheets, the sails can be hoisted astonishingly quickly for such a large rig. “It takes five minutes to put the main up, on average, and the main and mizzen can go up at the same time,” Tripp says. Aquijo has now sailed 100,000 nautical miles around the world and the owner is planning another circumnavigation through the Northwest Passage.

Tripp is not convinced of the wisdom of a much larger single-masted sloop rig. “If you are day sailing in the Med, a sloop would be awesome, but I am not sure if you had fewer sails you would be able to [reduce canvas] well enough. Also the mast is a windage problem when the keel is up and you are beam-to. If you are on anchor, that’s no problem but you’d have to be able to cope with being on the docks in 70 knots. The windage at 120 metres is not only more but the centre of effort is so much higher, and so the heeling loads all go up.”

However, British designer Malcolm McKeon , the name behind the high-performance, sloop-rigged carbon composite superyachts Missy and Ribelle , is pushing the sloop rig to new heights. His 85-metre design concept Apex, developed with Royal Huisman , would be the largest sloop-rigged yacht in the world. “The loads are enormous,” he admits, “but it is all scalable.”

“The big disadvantage is sail handling. The downwind sails are pretty complicated once you start hoisting and retrieving, even with drum and reel systems. It is not straightforward.” But, he adds, “I think we know the advantages of a sloop: if you want all-round performance you can’t beat it, even at the top end.”

Advantages of a clipper rig

The DynaRig has been around as a concept since the 1960s when German engineer Wilhelm Prölss devised these free-standing, rotating rigs as a fuel-saving solution for large commercial vessels. The idea was ahead of its time, so much so that its first realisation came nearly 40 years later when American owner Tom Perkins bought the residual technology and commissioned Dykstra Naval Architects to create a three-masted DynaRig for Maltese Falcon , his 88-metre Perini Navi.

The DynaRig is not as efficient upwind as the Bermudan rig, and is probably not the best solution for a yacht smaller than around 65 metres, suggests Jeroen de Vos of Dykstra. “We wouldn’t advise putting a DynaRig on a small yacht because there are other ways to manage sail handling. But on a larger yacht the DynaRig becomes an alternative because there is no rigging, no highly loaded sheets, low-tech [small] sails and no big winches.”

The beauty of the DynaRig is that its automatic systems can be handled by one or two people and, notes de Vos, “you don’t have to get out of your chair to go sailing. Maltese Falcon can sail on and off the anchor and can set 2,400 square metres of sail in six minutes. On other boats it takes six minutes to get the sail cover off.”

Damon Roberts of Magma Structures, which built the rigs for Maltese Falcon and the only other DynaRig yacht to date, the 106-metre Black Pearl , says: “You can do any manoeuvre easily; it’s like sailing a dinghy. There are no highly loaded sheets or ropes or flogging lines. You can luff up, bear away, tack and gybe at  any time and really enjoy sailing the boat without any apparent fuss.”

So with all these advantages, why has the DynaRig been chosen for only two sailing superyachts? For some designers, such as Malcolm McKeon, it is partly to do with compromises imposed by the large mast tubes and bearing diameters on the internal structure and layout, “particularly in the cockpit area,” he says. He also points out that the clipper ship look is not to every owner’s taste. “Sloops are more conventional looking,” he says.

Damon Roberts says there is still development work to be done. He has teamed up with Southern Spars and, with their additional resources, expects evolution with several new projects. “These include two at the moment that are twin-masted DynaRigs,” he says. “We did quite a lot of wind tunnel work early on as we felt that was really the sweet spot for it, and people will be stunned at how efficient these are.”

The future of the wingsail

Wingsails have been around for decades too, but with their adoption by the last two America’s Cups and the confluence with foiling technology, they have undergone rapid and revolutionary development.

To date, there is no proven solution for reefing a wing that would be suitable for offshore cruising or ocean passages. As the pronounced aerodynamic “nose” at the leading edge of a wing can develop force in strong winds, they could potentially make a large yacht uncontrollable in port as well.

“How do you get rid of sail and how does [a boat] handle when caught out in heavy wind conditions – which you will be? How do you keep the angle of attack all the way up the rig and how do you handle squalls?” Roberts asks. “A mechanism to reduce sail might be easy to sketch out but it is difficult to engineer.”

Jeroen de Vos says: “The wingsails are more developed towards performance and I wouldn’t say that they are as practical as soft sails or would ever make handling easier. But if somebody wants that, why not? Reefable soft sails, wings that are inflated, hoisted panels, possibly these are applicable. The development of this area is happening very rapidly.”

Paul MacDonald of Southern Spars agrees that the time is not here yet but thinks it will come. “In reality we are in the early days of wings. For the America’s Cup, they are the most efficient way of sailing by a long shot, but with them comes handling issues, which the industry hasn’t resolved yet. But I am sure they will be in 10 years’ time. Designers such as VPLP are starting to [work on concepts] and we are going to see something that is usable and efficient and suitable for ocean work eventually,” he says. “And whatever the solution is, you imagine that it will scale.”

Looking to the future

A drive for greener superyachts could present an opportunity for sail, but perhaps it needs to be less daunting.

“There is this intimidation of sheets and backstays, and sailing is a language you don’t learn in a year,” Tripp says. “But we have a project we are doing now with a yard with some new rig technology and some soft wings that we think is going to be viable.

“We can uncomplicate sailing more. If we can win people over from motorboats it will help, but we are only winning these battles one or two at a time. We need [more] projects like Sailing Yacht A , which are something really different, and do more things better with less energy. We as architects need to elicit change.”

McKeon also sees change coming. “People are more and more concerned about keeping their image green and sails are the way to do that,” he says. “Simpler sailing systems are needed. The current generation is used to Bermudan sloops. In years to come, the traditionalists will all be gone, and maybe new people will be more accepting of [different ideas]. I think in the future we will certainly have wings.”

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  2. Pond Yacht rigging

    18. #2. Posted May 5, 2015. Blue Jacket Ship Crafters, in their book department sells two books on pond models. Both books are by M. de Lesseps. They are Pond Models and Pond Yachts How To Build And Sail Them. These books may have the information you're looking for. JerseyCity Frankie. 1.

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  6. A Pond Yacht Restoration: Rigging.

    Rigging. After a short rummage about in an under the stairs cupboard I found the boom arm of the yacht rig.The boom is in good condition and fits to the mast base ( not sure how ). Boom arm. As far as I'm aware there is no jib parts, I do have the rudder and it looks OK. Don't know how efficient it will be though. Hopefully when the rigging ...

  7. Rigging Tips for Building a Model Ship

    The rigging of a ship can be divided into two main parts: "Standing" or "Fixed" rigging, which is used to support the Masts and Bowsprit. "Running" rigging, which is used to manipulate spars and sails. On an "actual" ship any Rigging which didn't pass through a pulley block was coated with tar to help prevent it rotting.

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  10. Pond Yachts: How to Build & Sail Them

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  17. The definitive guide to sailing yacht rigging

    Credit: Bill Tripp Design. The Bermudan rig is the all-rounder, able to perform well at all angles of sail. It is efficient upwind, while downwind the sail area can be significantly boosted with a big gennaker or spinnaker. For good reasons, it is the first choice for nearly every modern sailing yacht up to around 60 to 65 metres for cruising ...

  18. Lake Yosemite Sailing Association

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