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Australian Sailing CBH Rating

trailable yacht cbh

The Australian Sports Boat Association has adopted CBH Rating run by Australian Sailing as its primary rating system. The changed from Yacht Rating Services Australia's SMS Rating to Australian Sailing's CBH Rating was approved by the ASBA Members at a Special general Meeting on the 24th November 2022 as the members agreed that the CBH rating system would suit the changing needs of the ASBA.

The Class Based Handicap (CBH) formula has now been updated to align it with World Sailing’s Equipment Rules definitions and remedy some other previously identified issues. This change will ensure the rating is more inclusive, allowing a wider range of Trailable Yacht and Sports Boat Classes access to a CBH rating.

As a result of the changes to the model and definitions the Trailable Yacht & Sports Boat Rule has been amended to reflect these changes and has now become the CBH Rating System.

In addition, the National Committee has been disbanded and the CBH ratings function will be administered internally by Australian Sailing staff. Australian Sailing will also coordinate the hosting of the National Championships, in line with the way other Australian Sailing events are managed.

The new Rating System is intended to

• Provide a National System for even and fair racing on handicap in a mixed fleet of Trailable Yachts and / or Sports Boats • Ensure transparency across the rating system  • Allow Trailable Yacht and Sports Boat owners to gain a new CBH at any time of the year • Support Australian Sailing in its work to promote Trailable Yacht and Sports Boat racing activities within the states and territories and at national level.

For all the information on Australian Sailing CBH rating, application and rating list, head over to their  resource's website

Sailing Australia has also created several resources to help owners with the transition to CBH:

Where to get CBH Information

Does your sports boat need measuring for CBH

Who can measure a sports boat for a CBH rating

How does a sports boat get measured for CBH

CBH and light ship condition

Applying for a CBH rating

CBH listing is publicly available

Preparing sports boat safety equipment

Current Boat CBH ratings

Lodging your CBH data with Sailing Australia

ASBA LTP Handicap

trailable yacht cbh

The Australian Sports Boat Association has adopted ASBA LTP as a secondary handicapping system. ASBA LTP is a performance handicap system developed by Top Yacht. A boat’s ASBA LTP Handicap will adjust over the course of an ASBA regatta and recalculated after each ASBA regatta and displayed ready for the next regatta.

The ASBA Handicaps are based on the long-term performance of the Sports Boat. If a Sports Boat does not have a ASBA LTP Handicap a starting handicap will be allocated be the ASBA committee. This handicap is applied to the elapsed time of the boat to obtain its corrected time for the race.

The ASBA has seen a need to create a performance handicap system for the fleet and working with Top Yacht the ASBA LTP Handicap was best suited as it does not just use results over a few races. The long term considers results over a longer period of time to make the best average handicap. This takes out the highs and lows that some performance handicaps can have. The Australian Sports Boat Association's committee discusses feedback from members and presents this to the Top Yacht’s Handicapping Committee to get the best out of the handicap system. A list of boats and handicaps have been compiled by Top Yacht. Boats and their handicaps get added and updated by Top Yacht as they sail with the fleet.

Current Boat ASBA LTP Handicaps

Evolution Sails

Australian Trailable Yacht and Sports Boat Rule

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  • Abstract and Figures
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Australian Trailable Yacht and Sports Boat Rule




1.0 OBJECTIVE 1.01 The objective of the Australian Trailable Yacht and Sports Boat Rule (ATYSBR), hereinafter called “the Rule”, is to provide a national system for even and fair racing on handicap in a mixed fleet of trailable yachts and/or sports boats, resulting in racing success being primarily determined by the skills of the crew. 1.02 The Rule will also provide a basis for the conduct of national and state-level championships for trailable yachts and sports boats, as well as for club and other events.

2.0 DEFINITIONS 2.01 Class Based Handicap: The Class Based Handicap (CBH) is an allocated performance factor applicable to an individual trailable yacht or sports boat, or a class of trailable yachts or sports boats, to achieve the objective at Section 1 when sailing in a mixed fleet. 2.02 Trailable Yacht or Sports Boat: For the purpose of this Rule a trailable yacht or sports boat is a monohull, ballasted yacht with a retractable keel , being of 9.40 metres LOA or less, which can be transported on the road on the same trailer used to launch and retrieve it without the assistance of external equipment or detachment from the towing vehicle and without requiring a special road permit. 2.03 Standard Trailable Yacht or Standard Sports Boat: A Standard Trailable Yacht or Standard Sports Boat is a trailable yacht or sports boat having a cabin of solid construction enclosing at least two functional berths. The cabin shall have minimum headroom measured vertically and continuously over the total area of one square metre of the cabin sole with hatches, pop tops etc closed off.  For craft less than 6.00 m LOA - 0.90 m  For craft of 6.00 m LOA or longer - 1.05 m 2.04 Open Trailable Yacht or Open Sports Boat: An Open Trailable Yacht or Open Sports Boat is a trailable yacht or sports boat that does not necessarily conform to the requirements for a Standard Trailable Yacht or Standard Sports Boat. There shall be a cockpit and provision for stowage of sails , equipment and crew effects below deck, except that: -  Berths are not required.  The bow section of the boat shall be decked in at least level with or higher than the gunnels, with the aftermost edge of the deck being no more than 100 mm forward of the leading edge of the centreboard case.

ATYSBR JANUARY 2013 3.0 GENERAL 3.01 This Rule shall be known as the Australian Trailable Yacht and Sports Boat Rule (ATYSBR), otherwise referred to in this document as the ”Rule”. 3.02 This Rule shall come into effect on 1 August 2010. 3.03 The Custodian of this Rule shall be Yachting Australia (YA). 3.04 The Rule shall be used in conjunction with the Racing Rules of Sailing and the rules of individual class associations. In the event of a conflict, interpretation of these rules is the responsibility of the Custodian to ensure the intention of fair and even racing is upheld. 3.05 It is not the purpose of this Rule to restrict any individual yacht class from development within their own class rules. 3.06 This Rule is intended to support each Member Yachting Association (MYA) in its work to promote trailable yacht and sports boat racing activities within their own state or territory and at the national level. 3.07 In this Rule the word `shall` is mandatory and the word `may` permissive. 3.08 YA and its subordinate bodies shall not be held liable for any accident or injury occurring in a race organised under the ATYSBR.

4.0 VARIATIONS 4.01 This Rule shall only be amended in accordance with YA policy.

5.0 CLASS BASED HANDICAP 5.01 A CBH shall be allocated by the Custodian, based on the information relating to the basic dimensions of an individual boat or class of boat provided by a measurer appointed by an MYA and shall be recorded in Appendix `A` of this Rule. 5.02 Any change to the details provided by a boat or class at Section 5.01, upon which its CBH was calculated, shall be advised to the Custodian by an MYA appointed measurer and the Appendix `A` shall be amended to include the new or changed CBH. 5.03 Where the specifications of a boat or a class are altered from those upon which its CBH was calculated, it shall immediately notify its MYA appointed measurer and shall be re-measured for review of its CBH by the Custodian. 5.04 A designer, manufacturer or owner shall comply with the spirit and intent of the ATYSBR and shall not seek means of artificially reducing an allocated CBH or seek to increase performance without a corresponding increase in CBH. 5.05 The CBH is for racing events. The CBH does not give any concessions for additional equipment or fittings that exceed those required by the Category of Event in YA Special Regulations Part 1 as specified by the Organising Authority of an event, or for the age of any boat. 5.06 The CBHs listed in Appendix `A` are regarded as the National CBH of any Class of Trailable Yacht or Sports Boat. These CBHs shall be used for the YA National Championship. 5.07 Each boat’s or class’s classification and CBH shall be reviewed annually by the Custodian, at least 3 months prior to each YA National Championship, and posted 60 days prior to the event. 5.08 The Custodian may undertake a review of the CBH applying to any class, or boat, on the request of two or more MYAs. Any revised CBH shall remain interim until the next annual review. 5.09 Any alteration referred to at Section 5.03, or breach of that Section that is decided by a protest committee, shall be advised to the Custodian, which shall then amend Appendix `A` and notify each MYA for distribution to Organising Authorities.

ATYSBR JANUARY 2013 5.10 The method of obtaining a CBH as set out in Appendix `B` shall be included in the annual review provided for at Section 5.06. 5.11 Types of CBH  Affiliated one-design class (YA affiliated class association with registered Class Rules).  Non-affiliated one design (no affiliated class association).  Individually modified one design or one of a kind (OAK).  Provisional handicap until reliable performance data is obtained.

6.0 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP 6.01 The YA National Trailable Yacht and Sports Boat Championship shall be conducted using this Rule. 6.02 The eligibility requirements for the YA National Championship shall be as set out in Section 7.0 . Additionally, the classifications at Section 7.0 may be used for other events as chosen by the Organising Authority. 6.03 To be eligible to sail in a YA National Trailable Yacht and Sports Boat Championship an entry must have an allocated CBH as listed in Appendix `A`. 6.04 An entry not listed in Appendix `A` may be allocated, for the Championship, a provisional CBH as determined by the Custodian or its nominated representative, plus a penalty of (+) 0.020. The allocated CBH shall not be subject to appeal by the owner or his/her representative.

7.0 CLASSIFICATIONS Trailable boats, including sports boats, shall conform to the following classifications. 7.01 Standard Trailable Yacht Maximum beam 2.5 m CBH as specified in Appendix `A` 7.02 Open Trailable Yacht Maximum beam 2.5 m CBH as specified in Appendix `A` 7.03 Standard Sports Boat Maximum beam 2.5 m CBH as specified in Appendix `A` 7.04 Open Sports Boat A maximum hull beam of 2.5 m while towing A maximum extended wing beam, while sailing, of 3.5 m CBH as specified in Appendix `A` 7.05 The Custodian shall classify all such boats under this Rule.

8.0 VARIATIONS TO LAUNCHING AND RETRIEVING 8.01 Owing to the effect of shallow angled ramps and tides, and for the purpose of launching or retrieving with a crane (for ease of launching or retrieving but not the sole purpose due to boat design), the trailer may be detached from the towing vehicle without invalidating the status of a trailable yacht or sports boat under this Rule at Section 2 2. The design or construction of a boat or trailer shall not be the determining factor for detaching from the towing vehicle or the use of a crane.

ATYSBR JANUARY 2013 9.0 ELIGIBILITY 9.01 Eligible boats are as described in Section 7.0 , and may be fitted with either drop or swing keels , centreboards, canards or other movable appendages, provided that they are mechanically locked down in their designed sailing position, as determined by their allocated CBH. 9.02 A trailable yacht or sports boat issued with a CBH by an MYA prior to the entry into force of this Rule in July 2007 shall be accepted as an eligible boat and as complying with the Rule.

10.0 DIMENSIONS 10.01 Sailing Configuration. Hull length overall - Minimum 4.60 m Maximum 9.40 m Hull width Maximum 2.50 m Hull width with wings: Maximum 3.50 m Mast length - Maximum 12.50 m from top of cabin to mast tip Maximum 13.50 m from sheer Draft - Maximum 2.50 m

11.0 EQUIPMENT RULES 11.01 Standard equipment as described in individual class rules shall not be relocated or removed when racing. 11.02 Outboard motors shall be fitted in their operating position, but may be retracted out of the water while racing. 11.03 Unless otherwise specified and approved by class rules, or use of hiking devices has been included in the original request for CBH by the builder/owner and reflected in the CBH, no crew member shall sail or manoeuvre the boat with his/her torso outboard of a vertical line from the gunwale with the boat in its sailing position at the time. 11.04 Open Sports Boats may use hiking straps, trapezes, or hiking wings (maximum beam 3.5 m) to increase stability. This rule excludes Open Sports Boats from Section 11.03. 11.05 Open Sports Boats with a sailing beam exceeding 2.50 m shall not use a trapeze(s), or sliding beams. 11.06 A boat may use hiking devices to increase stability if allowed by the registered individual class rules. 11.07 Standard Sports Boats and Open Sports Boats shall be single masted. 11.08 Standard Trailable Yachts/Open Trailable Yachts /Standard Sports Boats shall not use any attachments to the hull in a manner to move the crew beyond the maximum beam of the hull unless permitted by Section 11.03.

12.0 SAILS 12.01 Sails shall be constructed and measured in accordance with the individual class rules. 12.02 If no class rules apply sails shall be measured in accordance with the ISAF Equipment Rules of Sailing in relation to sail measurement, but shall not exceed the dimensions of the CBH measurement.

13.0 CREW 13.01 The maximum crew number shall be six (6) or less if specified in individual class rules while racing using CBH and this Rule. 13.02 Minimum crew numbers shall be two (2) while racing.

ATYSBR JANUARY 2013 13.02.01 YA Special Regulations, Category 5 One (1) member of the crew shall be 18 years or over. 13.02.02 YA Special Regulations Category 6 All crew members are to be 14 years or older, unless one (1) crew member is over the age of 18 years.

14.0 HORIZONTAL STABILITY FACTOR (HSF) 14.01 Boats may comply with the Horizontal Stability Factor (HSF) as defined for Trailable Yacht races by the YA Special Regulations Category 6 14.02 Determination of the HSF shall be at the owner’s risk and cost and no liability will be accepted by the club, the State authority, the YA or any of its members, officers or servants. 14.03 All boats not complying with Rule 14.0 HSF shall have a minimum keel / overall boat weight ratio i.e., (weight of keel fin and bulb assembly / weight of boat empty) of : -  0.20 : 1 All boats with CBH less than 0.801  0.35 : 1 All boats with CBH of .801 and greater  Or comply with Section 9.02 of this Rule Fastenings and other components of the keel assembly not permanently fixed to the keel shall be excluded from the keel weight.

15.0 BUOYANCY 15.01 Boats not complying with the HSF at Section 14.01 shall have sufficient buoyancy to support the boat, its crew and stores above the water when fully swamped.

16.0 REVIEW 16.01 This Rule shall be reviewed at least every four years.



GENERAL: Trailable Yachts and Sports Boats use the Class Based Handicap system (CBH). Class Based Handicaps shall be used in conjunction with the Australian Trailable Yacht and Sports Boat Rule (ATYSBR). NOTES: 1. Unlisted classes and OAK’s will require full measurement to obtain a CBH rating. 2. All allocated CBH’s are subject to amendment in light of reliable performance data being available. 3. Boats with a standard spinnaker and pole being changed to an asymmetric spinnaker (with same sail area) and asymmetric spinnaker pole shall increase the allocated CBH by 0.010. 4. Asymmetric spinnakers and poles not fitted to the mast may only be used if specified in individual class rules. 5. No hiking devices are to be fitted to a boat and no type of hiking is allowed while using these CBH’s, unless specified in individual class rules. KEY: The following symbols may be associated with a CBH and represent the following configurations. With genoa +G Standard without spinnaker * With spinnaker +S Masthead spinnaker only MHS Masthead (usually Genoa and Spinnaker) MH Fully battened mainsail FB Bilge keel BIK Bulb keel BK Swing keel SK Drop keel DK Water Ballast WB Modified boat Mod or M Provisional CBH P One of a kind OAK

CLASS KEY: Elliott 7.8 MK 1 Asymmetric spinnaker ¾ Elliott 7.8 MK 2 Asymmetric spinnaker MHS Sonata 6.7 MK 2 Taller rig and increased sail area than MK 1 Sonata 760 Sports MK 2 Lighter hull weight than MK 1 Spider 22 MK 2 Taller mast same sail area as MK 1 Spider 24 MK 2 Different keel than MK 1 Spider 28 MK 2 Taller mast, same sail area as MK 1 Young 7.8 Timber hull, ¾ spinnaker Young Rocket MK 1 Timber hull, MHS Young Rocket MK 1 Glass hull, ¾ spinnaker, short keel Young Rocket MK 2 Glass hull, MHS, short keel Young 780 Rocket MK 3 Glass hull, MHS, longer keel



CLASS CBH CLASS CBH Adams 21 0.690 Clifton 683 SK 0.650 Adams 8 0.890 Clipper 17 0.531 Admiral 21 0.641 Clipper 21 0.592 Adventure 0.661 Coastal 868 0.734 Adventure 22 0.628 Cole 19 0.610 Alien 21 Cat Rig 0.700 Cole 23 0.665 Alien 21 Sloop Rig 0.740 Comet 20 0.638 Allegro 0.630 Compass 750 0.698 Aloora 0.630 Compass 750 MK 2 0.699 Aloora ( Junk Rig) 0.610 Compass 750 MK 3 0.721 Aloora MK 2 0.640 Court 550* 0.553 Austral 20 0.650 Court 650 0.624 Austral 24 DK 0.675 Court 750 0.657 Austral 24 SK 0.665 Cross 830 0.850 Austral Clubman 8 0.805 Cumulus 0.650 Austral Clubman 8 0.795 Cunningham 19 0.640 Adventurer & Classic Models Only B 63 0.645 Dancer 0.562 Baroness 22 0.611 Davidson 26 0.778 Beale 740 (Frac. Rig) 0.790 Dennis TS 500 0.560 Beale 740 (MH Rig) 0.800 Dennis TS 600 0.617 Beale 780 0.807 DH Rambler 0.626 Beale 860 0.850 Diamond/Rasmussen 0.750 Beckman 5.9 0.790 P Duncanson 22 0.669 Beneteau 235 0.715 Duncanson 25 0.675 Beneteau 7 0.730 Eclipse 17 0.592 Binks 25 0.672 Elliott 5.9 0.775 Blazer 23 0.790 Embassy 5.5 0.572 Blazer 740 0.780 Explorer 16 0.580 Bonito 22 0.650 Explorer 21 0.627 Bonito 580 0.630 Farr 5000 0.570 Bonito 750 0.710 Farr 6000 0.640 Bonito 25 0.700 Farr 740 Sports 0.755 Boomaroo 22 0.640 Farr 7500 0.708 Boomaroo 25 0.656 Farr 940/Noelex 30 0.825 Boomerang 20 DK 0.640 Firebird 19 0.600 Boomerang 20 SK 0.620 Flinders 7.8 0.648 Brolga 17 0.602 Freedom 21 0.639 Capri 18 0.567 Gazelle 0.720 Capri 21 0.620 Gem 550 0.685 Caprice 11 BK 0.579 Griffin 17 0.589 Careel 18 0.590 Hartley 16 0.635 Careel 22 L 0.690 Hartley 18 (3/4) 0.620 Careel 22 S 0.665 Hartley 18 MH 0.620 Careel Sonata 26 0.728 Hartley 21` 0.610 Caribou 20 0.619 Hewitt 20 0.576 Castle 20 0.651 Highway 21 0.658 Castle 550 0.675 Highway 8 0.730 Castle 650 0.725 Hood 20* 0.605 Catalina 25 0.650 Hunter 19 0.600 Cherry 16 0.590 Hunter 19 (Fixed Keel) 0.610 Clifton 683 DK 0.660 Hutton 24 0.671

ATYSBR JANUARY 2013 Inga 5.5 0.600 Investigator 0.594 Sonata 760 Sports MK 2 0.766 JS 6.7 0.672 Sonata 8 0.728 Jeanneau 24 0.775 Southern Cross 23 0.650 Jedda 20 0.610 Spacesailer 20 0.624 Jedda 22 BIK 0.575 Spider 22 MK 1 0.788 Kalaroo 780 0.764 Spider 22 MK 2 0.798 Kestrel BIK 0.650 Spider 24 MK 1 0.754 King 780 0.815 Spider 24 MK 2 0.764 Koala 24 0.659 Spider 28 MK 1 0.815 Lancer 25 0.637 Spider 28 MK 1 MHS 0.830 Lidgard 25 0.715 Spider 28 MK 2 0.830 Magnum 8.5 0.767 Spider 28 MK 2 MHS 0.850 Masrm 720 0.770 Spider 28 MK 4 0.800 Masrm 720C 0.725 Star 22 0.600 Masrm 750 0.797 Status Slipstream 0.710 Matilda 0.590 South Coast 22 0.715 Maxi 20 0.586 South Coast 25 0.625 McGregor 26 0.663 Stratus 747 0.723 McGregor 26 WB 0.715 Sunbird 24 MS 0.585 Narwahl Is. Sharpie 0.705 Sunbird 25 0.635 Norwalk Islands Sharpie (NIS 23) 0.705 Sunmaid 20 0.600 Noelex 25 0.725 Swarbrick 20 0.660 Noelex 30/Farr 940 0.825 T26 0.738 Nomad 20 0.572 Timpenny 670 0.685 Pacific 747 0.607 Timpenny 770 DK 0.740 Penn 707 0.687 Timpenny 770 SK 0.716 Princess 0.580 Tropic 5.2 0.572 Quintet 5 0.586 Ultimate 16 0.580 Quintet 7 0.715 Ultimate 18 DK 0.600 Randell 20 0.626 Ultimate 18 SK 0.590 Red Jacket* 0.561 Ultimate 23 0.615 Red Witch 0.605 Van Der Stadt 7 0.715 Resolution 0.725 Venture 6 0.662 RL 24 DK 0.760 Victory 22 0.620 RL 24 SK 0.725 Vivacity 0.625 RL 28 0.692 Waratah 0.613 Ross 650 0.746 Wildfire 0.674 Ross 780 MK 1,2,3 0.795 X 770 Sport 0.730 Sabre 20 0.625 Young 5.7 0.616 Sabre 22 0.639 Young 6.0 0.705 Scorpion 7 0.635 Zeeman 6.5 0.680 Sea Bita 0.595 Sea Horse 6 0.660 Seaway 25 0.725 Seaway 25 MHS 0.730 Serena TY22* 0.617 Sonata 6 0.630 Sonata 6.3 0.650 Sonata 6.7 MK 1 0.710 Sonata 6.7 MK 2 0.722 Sonata 7 0.650 Sonata 26 0.728 Sonata 760 Sports MK 1 0.740


INDIVIDUALLY MODIFIED STANDARD TRAILABLE YACHTS & OAK’S CLASS & NAME CBH CLASS & NAME CBH Beale 740 Breathless 0.777M RL 28 Moonbird 0.700M Careel 18 + G* 0.591M RL 28 Pepsea 0.710M Cherry 16 (Mod Chivers) No Name 0.605M RL 28 Stormy Affair 0.690M Dennis TS 500 Mod No Name 0.675M Ross 780 Men At Work 0.805M DH Rambler Hen & Chicken Bay 0.640M Ross 780 Radical 0.805M Elliott 5.9 Elle 0.780M Ross 780 Risky Business 0.800M Elliott 5.9 Jaffa 0.785M Sonata 6.7 Flash Point 0.795M Hartley TS 16 Mod Remix 0.675M Sonata 6.7 MK 1 Magic Moments 0.706M Hartley 18 Mod Rani 0.632M Sonata 6.7 MK 2 (Five O’clock Somewhere) 0.755M Hartley 18 Mod Kari 0.632M Sonata 760 Sports Awesome 0.790M Hartley 21 Mod No Name 0.650M Spider 28 MK 1 ¾ Spin Kiwi Bird 0.825M Highway 21 Eclipse 0.680M Spider 28 Mk 1 MHS Kiwi Bird 0.845M Jeanneau Fun 7.2 Parafunalia 0.755M Spider 24 Party Maniac 0.785M Magnum 8.5 Blue Bayou 0.775M Status Slipstream Grey Ghost 0.720M Masrm 720 Dr Who 0.765M Timpenny 670 Posh Junk 0.720M Masrm 720 Huntress 0.765M Timpenny 670 Mod No Name 0.697M Masrm 720 Sailagere 0.795M Timpenny 770 DK Genia 0.758M Masrm 720 Salty Tiger 0.795M Ultimate 23 Mod Tranty 0.705M Masrm 720M Men With Wind 0.785M Wildfire Upfront 0.681M Masrm 750 Monkey Business 0.845M Young 6.0 Wednesdays Child 0.720M MW Sharpie Slippery When Wet 0.790M OAK Exporter 0.780M MW Sharpie Shirley Valentine 0.600M OAK Penguin 4 0.629M RL 28 Blackbeard 0.725M OAK Spirit Of Elvis 0.790M RL 28 Distraction 0.710M OAK Loki 0.695M RL 28 Exotic 0.721M RL 28 Foul Play 0.710M RL 28 Impulse 0.750M


CLASS & NAME CBH CLASS & NAME CBH Blazer 740 Hughie 0.840P Bush Ranger Class 0.700P Hartley TS 16 Mod Remix 0.675P Macgregor 26 `M Series` Class 0.656P Ross 780 Six Pak 0.810P Sonata 6.7 MK 2 (Five O’clock Somewhere) 0.755P

STANDARD SPORTS BOATS CLASS CBH CLASS CBH Bull 7000 0.850 Melges 24 0.890 Egan 6 0.835 Metcher 8 0.874 Elliott 6.5 0.840 PG 8000 0.880 Elliott 7.0 (Pin Top M/S) 0.835 Scorpion 8 0.893 Elliott 7.4 0.805 Thompson 7 0.895 Elliott 7.8 MK 1 0.860 Thompson 8 0.950 Elliott 7.8 MK 2 0.880 Young 6.6 Rocket 0.779 Elliott 770 0.864 Young 7.8 ¾ Spin 0.805 Flying Angel 9.1 0.822 Young 7.8 MHS 0.844 Inglis 27 0.870 Young 780 Rocket MK 1 0.840 Lyons 750 0.860 Young 780 Rocket MK 2 0.869 Lyons 8 0.910 Young 780 Rocket MK 3 0.890 Masrm 750 0.797


CLASS & NAME CBH CLASS & NAME CBH I550 OAK Tokyo Trash Baby 0.800M OAK Nothing To Serious 0.900 M I550 OAK Tonka 0.740M OAK Orphan 0.800 M Elliott 7.4 Never Again 0.810M Elliott 780 Dri- Deck Escapade 0.867M JS30 Obsessed 0.835 M Selmor 7.8 Elastic Limit 0.794 M Lyons 750 Wicked 0.875 M Young 780 Grey Ghost 0.820M Young 780 MK 2 Flaps 0.900 M Young 780 Getahobbi 0.820 M Young 7.8 The Terrar 0.825 M OAK Penguins On Parade 0.925 M OAK Stiletto 0.875 M OAK Lightning 8 0.870 M


CLASS & NAME CBH CLASS & NAME CBH Cruise Missile No Name 0.935P Thompson 750 No Name 0.935P Edmonds 7500 No Name 0.910P Thompson 6.5 No Name 0.850P Elliott 7 (Square Top M/S) 0.840P Lyons 740 No Name 0.850P Elliott 7.4 Never Again 0.810P Young 770 Freestyle 0.810P Elliott Escape No Name 0.864P Elliott ESPX No Name 0.925P Eagle Hot Gossip 0.840P Leech 650 Sling Shot 0.859P Sprint 550 Quattro 0.822P Stealth 8 No Name 0.970P


Magic 25 All of Class 0.9 25P Knuckles 6 M Rip It Up 0.835P Duncanson Sports 8 Fiery Dragon 0.980P


VX-One Weapon Of Choice 0.855P


INTRODUCTION Trailable Yachts and Sports Boats use the Class Based Handicapping system (CBH). The Class Based Handicap was conceived by the Victorian Yachting Council (VYC) Trailable Yacht Division, now Yachting Victoria (YV), in 1985 to cater for open fleet racing of differing classes of trailable monohull yachts.

The CBH rating uses a system derived from the Junior Offshore Group (JOG) measurement system. Performance information and empirical evidence provide a de-rating factor, which varies between classes (even similar types); due to the inability of the measurement system to take into account subtle variations in things such as hull form.

The CBH for each class of yacht is set such that only a well sailed yacht, in top racing condition, would have an equal chance of winning a series of races over varying conditions against equally well sailed yachts from other classes.

Where club racing consists of trailable yachts and sports boats, sailing with “off the beach” boats it is recommended that back calculated personal handicaps are used and that the CBH system is used as a starting point for handicappers to rate the different boats.

It is therefore recommended that in club mixed fleet TY & SB racing and at National, State and Class Championships the CBH system is used. The elapsed time for a race is multiplied by CBH to obtain the corrected time.

APPLYING FOR A CBH Detailed, accurate measurement data will be required to obtain a CBH. This technical information is usually obtained from the designer/builder.

To obtain a CBH an owner/builder/designer or class association must: -

. Submit an application on the prescribed form provided by the Measurer of the applicable MYA, along with the class rules . Submit the appropriate measurement fee to the Measurer of the applicable MYA . Make available the boat for measurement . To ensure the manufacture of class yachts complies with the original specification as supplied to the Custodian, the first boat built after five (5) years of receipt of the CBH certificate, or the first boat built by a new manufacturer shall be measured as if applying for a new CBH.

APPLYING FOR RE-MEASUREMENT Any alteration or modification to a trailable yacht or sports boat, or its equipment that does not accord with class rules will require re-measurement and the re-allocation of a suitable Provisional CBH

Modified boats are required to carry a `MOD` symbol on the mainsail next to the class insignia.


LOA Length Over All (mm) LPG Longest perpendicular of largest genoa LWL Length of Water Line (mm) (Luff to Clew at a right angle to the luff) B Rated Beam (mm) P Mainsail Hoist (mm) MASS Total Mass ( in KGS) BLM Batten Length Maximum (mm) BM Maximum Beam (mm) E Mainsail Foot Length (mm) I Fore Triangle Height (mm) EPF Effective Propeller Factor SL Spinnaker Luff (mm) KF Keel Factor J Base of Fore Triangle (mm) OAML Over All Mast length (mm) SPL Spinnaker Pole Length (mm) SMW Spinnaker Maximum Width (mm)

PREPARATION OF YACHT FOR MEASUREMENT . All of the above items must be measured for a handicap to be produced.

. In order to determine waterline length , it may be necessary for the boat to be floated in its racing trim. Briefly, everything required for racing shall be in the locations where it will be stowed or used while racing.

. This will not include batteries, anchors and chain, navigational instruments and cooking appliances (unless required under the Class rules). No food, clothing, stores, toolkits PFD’s or additional ballast, etc. shall be aboard. Fuel and water tanks shall be empty.

. Dimensional bands shall be painted on the mast and boom in a contrasting colour (“black bands”).

. Spinnaker poles shall be in the normal stowage position.

. All sails used whilst racing shall be stowed below deck on the cabin sole and not forward of the mast.

. All mattresses, cushions and pillows as required by class rules shall be stowed in their normal positions.

. Centreboards, swing keels and drop keels shall be in the fully lowered position.

. If the yacht motor is an outboard motor , it shall be fitted in the operating position.

. The yacht shall be rigged completely and ready to sail.

. The yacht’s bow shall not be depressed through lying to a mooring and the bilges shall be dry.

. Major hull measurements may be taken ashore, with the yacht approximately level.

. The longitudinal trim should be established from freeboard measurements taken from the yacht afloat in measurement trim. Large overhangs may be taken into account in assessing waterline length or de-rating factor.

ATYSBR JANUARY 2013 . For the measurement of fore-triangle height, (the “I” measurement), the distance shall be measured from the midpoint of a line taken athwart ships, through the sheer of the hull directly below the mast, to the intersection of the forestay with the mast.

. The weight of the boat (mass) shall be measured with the boat in racing trim. It will not include the fuel, anchors, chains, and safety equipment (unless required by the Class Rules), food, clothing, stores, tool kits, etc. but shall include the motor. Measurement of Mass will be determined during the measurement process by use of the applicable MYA’s weighing equipment.

. The applicant for measurement will be required to sign the measurement certificate and a declaration as to the validity of all measurements listed on the certificate. Subsequent infringement of any of the measurements may lead to disqualification in a particular race(s) in which the infringement(s) occurred and any other previous races as may be determined, resulting in possible withdrawal of the CBH to prevent further race entries.

. Supplementary measurement information / class rules, in accordance with the attached guidelines, will be required before a handicap will be provided.

. Where no class association exists for a particular design, the MYA may assist the owner, if necessary, to prepare this information.

. In addition to undertaking measurements, which are the basis of the handicap formula, checking the measurements against those contained in the class rules / supplementary measurement information questionnaire shall be required.

Yachting Australia, an MYA or any of its members, officers or servants will not except liability for any damage how so ever incurred during the entire measurement process.




PHONE NO: Bus______Home______


STATUS OF APPLICANT:______(e.g. Club or association, manufacturing or agent, private owner)




NAME & ADDRESS OF OWNER:______(If not the Applicant) ______

Is a set of Class Rules attached? Yes No (Please circle) If no Class Rules attached, have Class Rules been established? Yes No (Please circle) Is this application for a modification? If yes attach details. Yes No

NOTE: If no Class Rules are attached Appendix F must be completed

Applications should be submitted with the details required and should be accompanied by any supporting or evidentiary information regarding the yachts performance against other known Classes.

All handicaps issued are “Provisional” for 12 months or until the next annual CBH review (whichever is sooner), except that a yacht may remain on a “Provisional” handicap until such time as sufficient relevant performance data has been obtained. Provisional handicaps are subject to adjustment, upwards or downwards, at the discretion of the YA TYSPC.

Application form to be returned to



1. It is the purpose of the CBH to encourage, where possible, the rating of boats as a class rather than individually, although this does not preclude the measurement and rating of “one off” designs.

2. Applications for measurement and CBH calculation should come from the class association, or the manufacturer or his agent and a set of class rules should be lodged with the application for measurement. The owners of “one off” designs should submit their applications in as much detail as possible and provide similar information as that required for class boats.

3. Applications should be directed to the MYA Administration Officer on the prescribed form and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee, as determined by the MYA.

4. The MYA will allocate the task to an accredited Trailable Yacht and Sports Boat Measurer. The MYA will advise the Applicant of the name, address and telephone number of the Measurer.

5. A mutually satisfactory appointment will be made between the Applicant and Measurer.

6. On completion of measurement, the Measurer will forward the data to the Custodian for calculation and preparation of the measurement certificate.

7. Four (4) copies of the measurement certificate will be distributed as follows:

. Two copies to the applicant. One of the copies must be signed (preferably on behalf of the Class Association) and returned to the MYA. . One copy to the Custodian. . One copy to the Measurer

8. By signing a copy of the measurement certificate and returning it to the MYA, the applicant expresses his acceptance of the work.

9. The application fee may be determined annually.

10. Part-measurements and checking of alterations must be applied for in the same way as a full measurement and a measurement fee (up to the full amount) paid.

11. All new measurements and CBH results will be circulated by the Custodian to all MYAs for distribution to Organising Authorities.

12. All handicaps issued are “Provisional” for 12 months or until the next annual CBH review (whichever is sooner) except that a boat may remain on a “Provisional” handicap until such time as sufficient relevant performance data has been obtained. Provisional handicaps are subject to adjustment, upwards or downwards, at the discretion of the Custodian.

13. If travel incurred is more than 50 km from the capital city GPO, or from the Measurer’s home address, the Measurer shall be paid an additional $15.00 per 50 km or part thereof. Payments will be made by the MYA when measurement certificates are issued.



The Custodian recommends that the following information be included in Class Rules for Trailable Yachts and Sports Boats.

1. General Name of class, objects, authorised builder, etc

2. Class Certificates It is recommended that each class undertake their own measurements to ensure that class rules are complied with and certificates issued to owners. Queries concerning measurement methods must be directed to the applicable MYA Trailable Yacht Committee.

3. Measurements Details of class measuring procedures, designation of class measurer etc.

4. Hull and Deck Specification of material of construction permitted (a) hull, (b) deck, and reference to hull plans and dimensions. A diagram of the boat should be appended containing the main hull and deck dimensions. Deck layout if prescribed. Internal ballast, weight and position. Waterline marks required and their measured location prescribed.

5. Keel / Centreplate Type (swing/drop/bilge), weight (where located), dimensions and shape (aerofoil/flat plate etc), method of raising and lowering, whether lockdown device is fitted (Refer to YA Special Regulations). If swing keel, whether any devices (i.e., centreplate flaps or blocks) are permitted to fill the slot opening. A diagram should be appended with dimensions. (Note: where flaps/blocks or similar devices designed to reduce drag are fitted to classes with swing keels, they will, for measurement purposes, be treated as a drop keel).

6. Rudder Type allowed (swing/dagger etc), how to be mounted. A diagram should be appended showing dimensions and mounting details.

7. Masts and Spars Section size and material allowed for mast, boom, spreaders, spinnaker pole etc., dimensions, reefing system for sails etc.

8. Rigging Type of standing rigging and wire size, location of intersection with mast, position of chain plates etc., halyards (wire or rope), dimensions, internal or external, where attached to mast, location of halyard blocks on mast, spinnaker ring etc. A diagram should be appended. Spars should have dimensional limit bands painted on in contrasting colour.

9. Sails Number and type permitted, materials allowed, detailed sail plan to be attached indicating:

Main Foot, luff measurement, area, roach and batten types, lengths, headboard width. A diagram showing shape and dimension should be appended.

Genoa Foot, luff measurement, area. A diagram should be appended showing shape and dimensions. Any restrictions on type of cut (mitre, crosscut, etc).

Jibs As per Genoa

Bloopers If permitted

Spinnaker Width, height, area, diagram should be appended showing shape, restrictions on cut (cross, radial head , asymmetric etc). Maximum number of spinnakers to be used during a race.

10. Optional Devices

Details of what is permitted under class rules, e.g. Boom vang, mainsheet traveller, tiller extension, main luff down haul (Cunningham), backstay tension device, barber haulers, mainsail foot outhaul, flattening reef etc.

11. Prohibitions Any items specifically prohibited such as trapeze, crew hiking out, rotating masts, etc.

12. Fittings required in cabin Details of essential furniture to be contained in the boat, e.g. bunks, stove, sink etc.

13. Auxiliary Power Type of motor permitted (outboard / inboard), minimum horsepower, if outboard where carried (in well / on transom ). Note: Motors must be mounted in the normal operating position whilst racing (refer to YA Special Regulations), except that the motor may be tilted such that the propeller and leg are clear of the water.

14. Safety At a minimum, class rules shall meet the requirements of YA Special Regulations; any additional requirements of the class must be specified, e.g. PFD’s to be worn at all times, whether lifelines are required, buoyancy requirements etc.

15. Crew Minimum number required for sailing, minimum age, etc

16. Association Insignia Diagram to be attached

17. Any other requirements Please list.



Name of Class ______

This questionnaire is taken from the guidelines issued for the preparation of class rules. Where class rules do not exist (such as where there are only a few boats of a particular type and there is no association) the owner(s) of the boat type presented for measurement should endeavour to supply as much of the information as possible.

It should be noted that the questionnaire has an alternative title of “Supplementary Measurement Information” and it is suggested that the information should be supplied by classes although it may not be listed at the present time in the “official” class rules.

It should also be noted that the numbering system is based on the guidelines and as the first measurement listed in the guidelines is number 4. The same numbering system has been used in the questionnaire.

All measurements should be supplied in millimetres and weights in kilograms.

4. Hull and Deck

4.1 Construction Material Allowed

(a) Hull Marine Ply Solid GRP

Other (specify) (e.g. airex foam, balsa core etc)

(b) Deck Marine Ply Solid GRP

Other (specify) (e.g. airex foam, balsa core etc) 4.2 Dimensions (attach diagram with dimensions if possible)

LOA ______LWL ______MAX. BEAM ______

If skeg , or shoal draft keel etc., specify

Approx. shape and dimensions

4.3 Other hull / deck prescriptions, if applicable. (If your class has mandatory deck layout, please specify)

ATYSBR JANUARY 2013 ______

4.4 Weight Total minimum weight as per CBH requirements for measurements ______kgs If available, specify separately weights of: Hull kgs Deck kgs

4.5 Ballast Keel weight Describe (e.g. lead shot, bulb, solid lead in steel keel etc)

Internal ballast weight ______kgs Describe (e.g. steel punchings, lead, etc and where material is positioned. e.g., throughout the keel, at the foot of the keel or other.)

5. CENTREPLATE Type: (please tick) Swing Drop

Bilge Drop Swing

Other (specify)______

Shape: Aerofoil Flat Plate Other (specify)______

Dimensions: Max.Thickness______Width______Length______

Method of raising and lowering describe (e.g. wire winch, hydraulic ram, sheet winch, electric winch. Method of locking centreplate in the down position.)

If bilge keels, can keels be raised separately?______

If swing (or swing bilge), do class rules allow flaps or other device to block off hole when keel in down position?

Describe ______

Attach diagram of keel case showing above information.

Type: Swing Dagger Other


If option allowed, specify ______

Shape: Aerofoil Flat Plate Other

Dimensions: Max thickness ______width ______length ______

Attach diagram of rudder showing above information


Shape (round, oval or pear shape) ______Section Dimensions:

Fore & Aft______


Gauge______Section size______



Shape ______

Section Dimensions:

Width ______Thickness______

ATYSBR JANUARY 2013 Gauge ______Section size ______

Material ______

7.3 Spreader/s: No. of ______

Length ______

Others specifications______

7.4 Spinnaker Pole: Length ______

Material ______(For boats with bowsprit poles for asymmetric spinnakers, measure length from jib tack to pole end). On these boats, for rating purposes, the “SPL” will be the pole length + “J” (fore triangle base).

8. RIGGING (Diagram must be attached)

8.1 Standing Rigging

Describe (e.g.). Single fixed backstay, upper masthead shrouds, lower shrouds, 7/8 height forestay etc) and show measurements where attached to mast and hull.

Running backstays fitted? ______

Twin groove head-sail foil or other similar device allowed?______

Describe: ______

Variable tension devices allowed on backstay?

8.2 Halyards: internal or external?______

8.3 Location of spinnaker ring? (e.g.).1 meter from mast step)______

8.4 Height of spinnaker halyard block. ______

ATYSBR JANUARY 2013 (The distance shall be measured from the intersection of the forestay with the mast to the spinnaker halyard exit (“I” + dim?)

8.5 Black Bands (or bands of contrasting colour)

8.5.1 Mast distance apart (inner of both bands – underside of top mast band to inside of Sail track when boom fitted) ______

8.5.2 Boom (fore-side of black band to foreside of mast track) ______

9.1 Main and Headsails (Sail Plan shall be attached)

Note: measurements taken from re-measured boat – notify if any variations exist (suggest check class measurements for foot and luff).

Main Jib /Genoa

Maximum area: ______

Luff: ______

Foot ______

Genoa LPG ______

Roach ______No. of Battens / total length ______

If only largest headsail specified in class rules and no restriction on size or number of smaller sails, specify (i.e. number of sails allowed, etc.)

9.2 Spinnaker: Type allowed (symmetrical / asymmetrical) (If no restriction, state)

Max Area ______Max Luff ______Max. Width ______

Leech (asymmetric) ______Foot (asymmetric) _____++_____

9.3 General

If any other restrictions in class rules such as material type, material weights, second smaller spinnaker, etc. specify


Any devices specified in class rules; e.g. 8:1 boom vang, mainsail reefing, jib barber haulers, spinnaker, flattening reef on main (slab foot), rotating mast, lifelines mandatory in class rules, etc.


Any devices etc. not permitted, e.g. rotating mast, trapeze (not permitted in Trailable Yacht races).


12.1 Specify any mandatory requirements contained in class rules, e.g. four bunks, sink, stove, toilet etc. (Note trailable yacht requirements in YA Special Regulations).

______12.2 Buoyancy – required in class rules, specify and describe (e.g. front and rear sealed air tanks, foam (amount and location) etc.

If not buoyant, specify:______

13. AUXILIARY POWER (inboard / outboard) ______

If Inboard, propeller type (fixed / folding) ______


Specify any mandatory requirements contained in class rules ______


Specify minimum number required for racing and minimum age etc


Diagram shall be attached


SIGNED: ______

DATE: ______


(Please circle applicable title)

  • Cape_Dory_25
  • Boomerang_20
  • Chris_Law_(sailor)
  • Cremorne_(clipper)
  • Nathan_Wilmot
  • Aussie_(trimaran)
  • B14_(dinghy)



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Public comment invited on CBH

Australian Sailing is looking at reviewing two important elements of how CBH is run and offered to Trailable Yachts and Sports Boats. These are the ratings themselves, how the numbers stack up, and the rule that underpins their use. Boat owners and clubs with an interest in the CBH rule for rating these fleets are invited to provide feedback on the ratings and proposed amendments to the rule.

To provide feedback on the CBH Ratings:

  • Consider the CBH Rating Lists on this page . These are important because they show the CBH for each boat or class and the measurements used to calculate it’s rating.
  • Then complete this survey to submit your feedback. We are asking for specific information in relation to rated data and examples of results and conditions that provide context to your feedback.

To provide feedback on proposed amendments to the CBH Rule:

  • Read the proposed amendments in this document .
  • Then complete this survey to submit your feedback. We are asking for your views on every proposed amendment to the CBH Rule.

The window for feedback closes on 14 December 2023 which should allow ample time for class associations, clubs and boat owners to look at the issues and provide feedback.

Changes won’t be rushed through; we expect that no changes will come into effect until 1 July 2024.

For information about CBH click here . IRC and ORC ratings are on this page .

By Chris Zonca  https://www.sailing.org.au/about/ourstaff/

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Commodore - California Yacht Club

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August was originally named<br />

Sextilis because it was the sixth<br />

month in the original ten-month<br />

Roman calendar. About 700 B.C.E. it<br />

became the eighth month when January<br />

and February were added by King<br />

Pompilius, who also gave it 29 days.<br />

Julius Ceasar added two days when he<br />

created the Julian Calendar in 45<br />

B.C.E. giving it its modern length of 31<br />

days. In 8 B.C.E. it was renamed in<br />

honor of Augustus, (who did not take a day from<br />

February as some theories would have you believe) He<br />

chose this month to take his name rather than his birth<br />

month – which was traditional – as a mark of honor to<br />

the defeated Queen Cleopatra, the last ruler of Egypt,<br />

this being her birth month.<br />

With a history like that, August has to be special, a<br />

long month in the heart of summer in Marina del Rey.<br />

June gloom is over, Sunset Series is seeing the top<br />

boats in each class competing for the coveted Marilyn<br />

Ritchie Trophy, Catalina will welcome CYC back for<br />

the Family Cruise, and the Junior Sailing program is in<br />

its second session where the kids are having a great<br />

time while learning the fine points of sailing and<br />

sailboat racing.<br />

Out on Santa Monica Bay, August will bring two<br />

exciting events to CYC this year. At the beginning of<br />

the month the Laser National Championship will see<br />

more than 120 of these nimble Olympic-class boats<br />

competing (coming from U.S., Canada, Mexico, and<br />

Virgin Islands). Regatta Chairman S/C Frank Glynn<br />

(no slouch himself when it comes to Laser racing) will<br />

put the competitors through their paces with races<br />

Thursday through Sunday, August 4 - 7. Both standard<br />

Laser and the Laser Radials will compete.<br />

Then at the end of the month, the<br />

Martin 242 North American<br />

Championship will see our strong local<br />

fleet pitting themselves against<br />

challengers from the rest of our<br />

continent. Regatta Chairman Mary<br />

Stuyvesant plans a start clinic and<br />

practice races on August 25, before<br />

the actual races August 26-28.<br />

Looking farther afield, my<br />

<strong>Commodore</strong>s Cruise starts August 13<br />

2/BREEZE AUGUST 2011<br />

From The <strong>Commodore</strong><br />

<strong>Commodore</strong><br />

Ann Ach<br />

from Istanbul, Turkey, where we board<br />

the fabulous Windstar for seven days of<br />

gorgeous Mediterranean weather as we<br />

visit historic archeological sites at<br />

Ephesus and Rhodes, the resort seaport<br />

Bodrum, and enjoy the beautiful islands<br />

Santorini and Mykonos before docking<br />

at Piraeus (port of Athens), Greece.<br />

Many of the participants will start with<br />

a three-day tour in Istanbul, and finish<br />

with two days in Athens. This Cruise<br />

promises to provide incomparable memories.<br />

Back in Southern <strong>California</strong>, the Family Cruise,<br />

hosted by Chairmen Keri and Bill Wofford, takes us<br />

back to Corsair <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> on Catalina Island on<br />

August 19-21. Last year’s event was a resounding<br />

success and this year should be even better. Emerald<br />

Bay is a great setting for anything from scuba<br />

diving to hiking or just relaxing with a good book.<br />

The evenings offer a chance to gather around the<br />

grills and fire pit to the share the day’s activities<br />

with both old friends and new.<br />

Looking for a local, relaxing, and fun evening?<br />

The Pool Party on August 14 features a “burn your<br />

own meat” barbecue with music and friends. Check<br />

it out.<br />

The Junior Awards Banquet (August 18) is the<br />

culmination of the Junior Summer program, and the<br />

top sportsmen and racers will be honored. More<br />

then 90 Juniors are participating in this program.<br />

Each year the program draws kids that join the yearround<br />

race team, which compete in Optis, Lasers,<br />

Radials, CFJs, and 420s. A few standout Juniors<br />

may be awarded one of the <strong>Club</strong>’s perpetual<br />

trophies designated for youth sailors (Detroit<br />

Highpoint, Rindge Racing Achievement Award,<br />

Roosevelt Seamanship Award, or the<br />

Zimmer Sportsmanship Award).<br />

Although the banquet marks the end of<br />

the Summer Program, it also marks<br />

the beginning of a new season of<br />

High School and <strong>Club</strong> Regattas.<br />

Young sailors are the lifeblood of<br />

our <strong>Club</strong> and they deserve our<br />

thanks and admiration.<br />

I hope this year at CYC brings<br />

the sun to you.

<strong>California</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong><br />

4469 Admiralty Way,<br />

Marina del Rey, CA 90292<br />

310-823-4567<br />

Fax: 310-822-3658<br />

www.calyachtclub.com<br />

Volume 47 • Number 8<br />

General Manager<br />

Michele Underwood<br />

Editor-in-Chief<br />

Constance Miller<br />

Managing Editor<br />

Vince Mattera<br />

Editorial Assistants<br />

Diane Adler<br />

Mike Daniels<br />

Nancy Lepe<br />

Vice <strong>Commodore</strong><br />

David Collins<br />

Rear <strong>Commodore</strong><br />

Uta Leslie<br />

Fleet Captain<br />

Richard Mainland<br />

Port Captain<br />

Rick Turner<br />

The Breeze is published to provide<br />

members with announcements of,<br />

and information about, <strong>Club</strong><br />

activities. Deadline for articles is the<br />

first day of the previous month of the<br />

publication date.<br />

To place an ad, please contact<br />

Claudia Moore, at<br />

310-823-4567 x2765 or<br />

[email protected]<br />

Breeze (USPS #016-319)<br />

is published monthly by <strong>California</strong><br />

<strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, Inc. d.b.a. <strong>California</strong><br />

<strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, 4469 Admiralty Way,<br />

Marina del Rey, CA 90292.<br />

Subscription price of $12 annually<br />

is included in member dues.<br />

Periodicals postage paid at Venice,<br />

CA and at additional mailing office.<br />


Send address changes to: Breeze<br />

4469 Admiralty Way<br />

Copyright © 2011<br />

<strong>California</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, Inc.<br />

All Rights Reserved<br />

4th of July Dinghy Cruise<br />

Car Rally and Car Show<br />

Junior Summer Program<br />

POWER<br />

4th of July Dinghy Cruise 5<br />

Car Rally and Car Show 10<br />

Dock Party 16<br />

Engines in High Gear 18<br />

CYCWA<br />

On The Horizon 6<br />

SAIL<br />

Winners’ Circle 7<br />


Junior Summer Program 13<br />


New Members 19<br />

From the Manager 22<br />


August/September Events 23<br />

Front Cover: Summer Sailing Program at CYC – Instructors and participants from<br />

Session I.<br />

-photos by Mike Shocklee<br />

Back Cover: CYC 4th of July Dinghy Cruise<br />

-photos by Pati Etter<br />


4th of July<br />

Dinghy Cruise<br />

By Don Rothenberg<br />

Adedicated group of 52 CYC<br />

members and guests welcomed<br />

the 4th of July with a rousing<br />

celebration lunch at El Torito<br />

Restaurant. We paraded across the<br />

marina with decorated dinghies in a<br />

flotilla led by Pati and George Etter,<br />

who had made arrangements for us to<br />

tie up in a slip just outside the<br />

restaurant. S/C John Isaksen waved a<br />

huge American flag while standing<br />

precariously in his dinghy while<br />

smaller flags and patriotic bows and<br />

ribbons waved in the breeze from<br />

other dinghies.<br />

Once inside, the happy group<br />

greeted one another, each admiring the<br />

others patriotic get-up. The<br />

complimentary margaritas flowed<br />

freely as the group surveyed the ample<br />

special menu to choose just the right<br />

entree, while overindulging on the<br />

never-ending bowls of chips and dip.<br />

Midway through lunch, our songbird,<br />

Lola Haag, led us through two<br />

energetic rounds of God Bless<br />

America. I’m sure our enthusiastic<br />

singers could be heard all over the<br />

marina as others in the restaurant and<br />

the wait staff joined in.<br />

After lunch we again paraded<br />

around the marina led, this time, by a<br />

fire-boat with a steady stream of water<br />

announcing our arrival, which had<br />

been arranged by Lowell Safir, a guest<br />

at our lunch. Others joined the group<br />

and we got many thumbs up and even<br />

applause from boaters enjoying the<br />

beautiful day in their slips.<br />

Many thanks to my committee of<br />

Maureen and Bill Tieman, and Nancy<br />

Sogg for their help in passing out the<br />

goodies at the guest dock, and again to<br />

George Etter for arranging the slip for<br />

us. Thanks also to photographers Pati<br />

Etter, Carol Watkins, and Jaynee Eitel.<br />

Look at the pictures. They tell the<br />

story of a happy, enthusiastic and<br />

patriotic group having fun celebrating<br />

the 4th of July.<br />

4/BREEZE AUGUST 2011<br />

-photos Pati Etter, Jaynee Eitel, and Carol Watkins


on the Horizon<br />




First Thursday of Every Month<br />

August 4, 2011<br />

11:45 a.m. - Fireside Room<br />

SEO Norma Pratt and Sue Moore,<br />

Cochairmen<br />

Book Mates is an enormously<br />

successful book group with<br />

stimulating conversation that meets<br />

once a month.<br />

The August book is a non-fiction<br />

titled “Tough Without a Gun” by<br />

Stefan Kanfer, the life and<br />

extraordinary afterlife of Humphrey<br />

Bogart. September’s read is “The<br />

Motion of the Ocean” by Janna<br />

Esarey. A pre-discussion buffet lunch<br />

is served at 11:45 a.m. $14 inclusive.<br />

Make a reservation at the front desk<br />

and come join this diverse group. We<br />

welcome all CYC members!<br />


7:00 p.m. - Gallery Room<br />

Sue Purcell, Chairman<br />

There will not be an August<br />

meeting this month. Our book for<br />

September 29 will be “Gone Fishing:<br />

An Easy Rawlins Novel” by Walter<br />

Mosley. This book is available in<br />

paperback and can be ordered online.<br />

Please keep the following dates open<br />

for our future meetings: October 26,<br />

November 30 and December 28.<br />

Please feel free to contact Sue Purcell<br />

with any future book suggestions.<br />

Cost is $10 which includes<br />

cheese/crackers and coffee/tea.<br />


Every Wednesday<br />

from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.<br />

Joan Silver, Chairman<br />

This group meets every week<br />

with a break for a no-host lunch. If<br />

you play bridge and would like to join<br />

as a substitute, or already have a<br />

foursome and would like to play with<br />

the group, please contact Joan Silver.<br />

6/BREEZE AUGUST 2011<br />


Every Tuesday and Thursday<br />

10 a.m. to noon<br />

Birgitte Keld and Diane Manzella,<br />

Jeanne Pieper<br />

has returned this<br />

month to paddle<br />

tennis after a tenyear<br />

absence.<br />

A member of<br />

CYC for more than<br />

33 years, Jeanne<br />

and her husband,<br />

Jim, have owned<br />

many boats, the<br />

last being a 50-foot<br />

sail, on which they<br />

spent several years<br />

vacationing in the Isthmus and other<br />

coves in Catalina. Unfortunately for<br />

Jeanne and Jim, they sold their boat on<br />

November 3, 1993, the infamous date of<br />

the Malibu fire. They never imagined<br />

that while they were closing the sale of<br />

their boat, their home would be<br />

consumed in flames. Jeanne reminisces<br />

that while staying at the Marina del Rey<br />

Ritz Carlton, they were served,<br />

complements of the house, charred<br />

salmon while watching their home burn.<br />

Homeless, but undaunted, Jeanne<br />

and Jim moved forward with their lives<br />

with only the clothes on their backs, the<br />

support of their loved ones, and the<br />

kindness and thoughtfulness of Jeanne’s<br />

students in an inner-city school. Jeanne<br />

said the children gave her whatever they<br />

could find around their homes including,<br />

cereal, blankets and clothes. She added<br />

that the experience was life-changing.<br />

Most of us are just getting to know<br />

Jeanne, but clearly she is a woman of<br />

persistence and stamina, a true survivor.<br />

The CYCWA paddle team is a very<br />

fun group of women who love being<br />

together on the courts. For those new to<br />

the game, we have extra rackets for you<br />

to try before you purchase one.<br />

We encourage you to come and join<br />

this wonderful group of social ladies.<br />

Whether your interests lie in getting<br />

some exercise, meeting new friends, or<br />

just getting some fresh air, please join<br />

us every Tuesday and Thursday.<br />


Thursdays 11 a.m.<br />

Susan Allan, Chairman<br />

CYC’s own mah jongg maven,<br />

Susan Allan, follows the official<br />

National Mah Jongg League rules and<br />

regulations.<br />

This strategic tile game is great fun<br />

and will keep your mind active. If you<br />

already play mah jongg you can also<br />

help teach the members who are new to<br />

the game. Just come and have some<br />

fun! Questions? Call Susan Allan.<br />


Doheny Mansion Tour<br />

Tuesday, October 4, 2011<br />

If you haven’t been to this<br />

magnificent historic mansion, you won’t<br />

want to miss this guided tour. The bus<br />

will leave CYC promptly at 9 a.m.<br />

$38 includes bus/docent fees.<br />

More detailed information will<br />

follow. Stay tuned!<br />

Cats like Janet leave paw prints in our hearts.<br />

As you may know, a couple of weeks ago Janet<br />

was put to sleep due to her suffering from cancer.<br />

Thank you to those of you who were<br />

responsible for Janet’s good life at the<br />

courts…donating food, making sure she was fed,<br />

keeping the area clean and stroking her when she<br />

allowed us to show her affection, and a very warm<br />

and sincere thank you of appreciation to CYC<br />

member Rick Gunderson who cared for Janet in the<br />

later stages of her life.<br />

Janet was the paddle tennis mascot for the last<br />

15 years and we all miss her.

Winners’ Circle<br />


CAL RACE WEEK 6/4 – 5/2011 COURSE #1 J/109 1. Grace<br />

O’Malley, Alice Leahey. CYC. 2. Electra, Thomas Brott, SBYC.<br />

3. Persistence, Bryce Benjamin, CYC. J/105 1. Current<br />

Obsession, LBYC. 2. Sanity, Rick Goebel, SDYC. 3. Blink, John<br />

Howell, SDYC. 4. Rock and Roll, Donald Poppe, SBYC. J/80 1.<br />

Avet, Curt Johnson, CYC. 2. DUI, Dan Gribble, BYC. 3. Blue Jay,<br />

Robert Hayward, SMWYC. PHRF C 1. Tigger, Fred Cottrell,<br />

KHYC. 2. Hitchhiker, Doug/Minda Johnstone, CYC. 3. Viral,<br />

Timothy Carter, ABYC. COURSE #2 J/24 1. Take Five, Susan<br />

Taylor, CYC. 2. Bullet, Thomas Tunberg, SBYC. 3. Critter, James<br />

Burley, SMWYC. MARTIN 242 1. All In, Mike George, CYC.<br />

2. Trolleycar, Peter Stazicker/Bill Petersen, CYC. 3. Pau Hana,<br />

Paul Zambriski, KHYC. 4. Three-Oh-Five, Yumio Dornberg/<br />

Barbara Duker, CYC. 5. Dean, Duncan Cameron, CYC. OPEN<br />

5.70 1. Koa, David Brown, CYC. 2. Farniente, Nicholas de<br />

Roulhac, CYC. 3. II Havic, Team Festa, CYC. 4. JBU IV, Team<br />

Open /Sailing, SCCYC. STAR 1. No Name, Alejandro Bugacov,<br />

CYC. 2. June Bug, Rick Peters, CYC. 3. No Name, John<br />

O’Donnell, SCCYC. COURSE #3 FARR 40 1. Far Niente,<br />

Frederic Scheer, CYC. 2. Temptress, Ray Godwin, LBYC. 3. Dark<br />

Star, Jeff Janov, CYC. 4. Piranha, Dave Voss, CYC. FARR 30<br />

1. Groovederci, Deneen Demourkas, SBYC. 2. Huckleberry II, Jim<br />

Murrell, KHYC. 3. Babe, Doug Steele, CYC. PHRF A 1.<br />

Pendragon IV, John MacLaurin, CYC. 2. It’s OK, Tres Gordo,<br />

BYC. PHRF B 1. Flying Fiche, Chris Wacker/Bob Zellner,<br />

LBYC. 2. Cowabunga, Bob Biship, CYC. 3. Plankton, John Staff,<br />

CYC. SCHOCK 35 1. Mako, David Michaels, ABYC. 2. Code<br />

Blue, Bruce Bennett/Bob Marcus, SIBYC/ABYC. 3. Outlier,<br />

Richard Fish, SLBYC.<br />

SUNSET SERIES RACE #9 6/8/11 PHRF A 1. Pendragon IV,<br />

John MacLaurin, CYC. 2. Margaritaville, Jay Steinbeck, CYC.<br />

PHRF B 1. Plankton, John Staff, CYC. 2. Ghost II, Al Berg,<br />

SMWYC. 3. Bravura, Paul Katz, DRYC. PHRF C 1. Spray,<br />

Peter Nelson, CYC. 2. Persistence, Bryce Benjamin, CYC. 3.<br />

Grace O’Malley, Alice Leahey, CYC. 4. Veloce, John Heaney,<br />

CYC. PHRF D 1. Lizzie B., Dick Hampikian, CYC 2.<br />

Hitchhiker, Doug/ Minda Johnstone, CYC. 3. Teaser, Mike<br />

Guillaume/Guccione, SBYRC. MARTIN 242 1. Trolleycar, Peter<br />

Stazicker/Bill Petersen, CYC. 2. All In, Mike George, CYC. 3.<br />

Trophy Blonde, Doug McIntosh, CYC. 4. Dean, Duncan Cameron,<br />

CYC. PHRF E 1. Bandit, Cheda/Thomas/Fleck, SCCYC. 2.<br />

Scooter, Greg Rosenkrans, SMWYC. 3. Ka Holo Moana, Steve<br />

Arkle, SCCYC. 4. Critter, James Baurley, SFVYC. CRUISING A<br />

1. Celerity, Mike Moorhead/ Bruce Bilson, CYC, 2. Duchess, Ron<br />

Jacobs, DRYC. 3. Prometheus, George Biddle, SBYRC.<br />

CRUISING B 1. Lick-A-T-Split, Khan Griffith, PMYC. 2.<br />

Surprise, Larry Travis, CYC. 3. Yassoo, Samuel (Joe) Cohen,<br />

SBYRC. 4.Vita Brevis, Harry/Christiane Johnson, CYC.<br />

2011 BERGER/STEIN SERIES DRYC 6/11/2011 MDR TO<br />

CAT HARBOR PHRF AA 1. Margaritaville, Jay Steinbeck,<br />

CYC. PHRF A 1. Plankton, John Staff, CYC. PHRF B<br />

1.Persistence, Bryce Benjamin, CYC. 3. Trust Me, Duncan<br />

Cameron, CYC. 4. Aquabella, Dan McGanty, CYC. PHRF C 1.<br />

Hitchhiker, Doug/ Minda Johnstone, CYC. CRUISING A Elixer,<br />

Chad Downey, CYC. 2. Prometheus, George Biddle, CYC.<br />

2011 BERGER/STEIN SERIES DRYC 6/12/2011 CAT<br />

HARBOR TO MDR PHRF AA 1. Margaritaville, Jay Steinbeck,<br />

CYC. All other boats did not start because after one hour of<br />

postponement a lack of wind caused the race to be cancelled.<br />

SUNSET SERIES RACE #10 6/15/11 PHRF A 1. Pendragon<br />

IV, John MacLaurin, CYC 2. Margaritaville, Jay Steinbeck, CYC.<br />

PHRF B 1. Plankton, John Staff, CYC. 2. Cuvee Caliemte, CYC.<br />

3. Ghost II, Al Berg, SMWYC. PHRF C 1. Grace O’Malley,<br />

Alice Leahey, CYC. 2. Persistence, Bryce Benjamin, CYC. 3.<br />

Veloce, John Heaney, SBYRC. 4. Aquabella, Dan McGanty, CYC.<br />

PHRF D 1. Avet, Curt Johnson, CYC. 2. Toon Town, Michael<br />

Eisenberg, DRYC. 3. Lizzie B., Dick Hampikian, CYC. MARTIN<br />

242 1. Dean, Duncan Cameron, CYC. 2. Strange Crew, Steve<br />

Hathaway/Craig Leeds/Margie Cate/Stephanie Hathaway, CYC. 3.<br />

All In, Mike George, CYC. 4. Trolleycar, Peter Stazicker/Bill<br />

Petersen, PHRF E 1. Ka holo Moana, Steve Arkle, SCCYC. 2.<br />

Critter, James Baurley, SFVYC. 3. Bandit, Cheda/Thomas/Fleck,<br />

SCCYC. 4. Take Five, Susan Taylor, CYC. CRUISING A 1.<br />

Celerity, Bruce Bilson/ Michael Moorhead, CYC. 2. Duchess, Ron<br />

CRUISING B 1. Sunshine, Lenny Gordon, PSSA. 2. Yassoo,<br />

Samuel (Joe) Cohen, SBYRC. 3. Lick-A-T-Split, Khan Griffith,<br />

PMYC. 4. Sponge Bob, Dylan Pfeifer, PSSA.<br />

SUNSET SERIES RACE #11 6/22/11 PHRF A 1. Margaritaville,<br />

Jay Steinbeck, CYC. 2. Pendragon IV, John MacLaurin, CYC.<br />

PHRF B 1. Bravura, Paul Katz, DRYC. 2. Ghost II, Al Berg,<br />

SMWYC. 3. Plankton, John Staff, CYC. 4. Cuvee Caliente,<br />

Mahaffey family, CYC. PHRF C 1. Grace O’Malley, Alice<br />

Leahey, CYC. 2. Persistence, Bryce Benjamin, CYC. 3. Spray,<br />

Peter Nelson, CYC. 4. Aquabella, Dan McGanty, CYC. PHRF D<br />

1. MisQue, Jerry/Lea Kaye, DRYC. 2. Avet, Curt Johnson, CYC. 3.<br />

Toon Town, Michael Eisenberg, DRYC. MARTIN 242 1. Velerito,<br />

Brack Duker, CYC. 2. Dean, Duncan Cameron, CYC. 3. Strange<br />

Crew, Steve Hathaway/Craig Leeds/Margie Cate/Stephanie<br />

Hathaway, CYC. 4. All In, Mike George, CYC. 5. Blarney, Tom<br />

O’Conor, CYC. PHRF E 1. Take Five, Susan Taylor, CYC. 2.<br />

Bandit, Cheda/Thomas/ Fleck, SCCYC. 3. Scooter, Greg<br />

Rosenkrans, SMWYC. 4. Ho’omele, Scott Tobin, CYC.<br />

CRUISING A 1. Duchess, Ron Jacobs, DRYC. 2. Celerity,<br />

Michael Moorhead/Bruce Bilson, CYC. 3. Avanti, Jim LaBarge,<br />

CYC. CRUISING B 1. First Berth, Alex Shekhtmeyster, BSSA.<br />

2. Not Them Again, Frank Cazares, WSA. 3. Yassoo, Samuel (Joe)<br />

Cohen, SBYRC. 4. Sponge Bob, Dylan Pfeifer, PSSA.<br />

SUNSET SERIES RACE #12 6/29/2011 PHRF A 1. Dark Star,<br />

Jeff Janov, CYC. 2. Margaritaville, Jay Steinbeck, CYC. 3.<br />

Pendragon IV, John MacLaurin, CYC. PHRF B 1. Lugano, Jorge<br />

Benidid, SCCYC. 2. Cuvee Caliente, Mahaffey family, CYC. 3.<br />

Bravura, Paul Katz, DRYC. 4. Babe, Doug Steele, CYC. PHRF C<br />

1. Grace O’Malley, Alice Leahey, CYC. 2. Persistence, Bryce<br />

Benjamin, CYC. 3. Twelve Bar Blues, Chuck Spear, PSSA. 4. By<br />

Design, Oliver Garrett, DYRC. PHRF D 1. Lizzie B., Dick<br />

Hampikian, CYC. 2. Avet, Curt Johnson, CYC. 3. Teaser, Mike<br />

Stazicker/Bill Petersen, CYC 2. Dean, Duncan Cameron, CYC. 3.<br />

Velerito, Brack Duker, CYC. 4. Trophy Blonde, Doug McIntosh,<br />

CYC. PHRF E 1. Bandit, Cheta/Thomas/Fleck, SCCYC 2.<br />

Critter, Anne-Laure Le Ny, SMWYC. 3. Ho’omele, Scott Tobin/<br />

Stephenson, CYC. 4. One More Time, Andrew Hedges, SFVYC.<br />

CRUISING A 1. Prometheus, George Biddle, SBYRC. 2. Avanti,<br />

Jim LaBarge, CYC. 3. Chutzpah, Andy Naker, DRYC.<br />

CRUISING B 1. Not Them Again, Frank Cazares, WSA 2. Vita<br />

Brevis, Harry/Christiane Johnson, CYC. 3. Encore, Rene Hollander,<br />

SBYRC. 4. Surprise, Larry Travis, CYC.<br />


How To Rig A Dinghy For Scuba – Mike Blecher, Steve<br />

Mendel, Ron Austin, Barbie Blecher, Steve Krug, Bob Davis,<br />

Sherry Davis. - Jim Ach photos<br />

8/BREEZE AUGUST 2011<br />

Full-Service Boat Yard and Marina<br />

Learn more about us online:<br />

www.The-BoatYard.com<br />

13555 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292<br />

Phone: (310) 823-8964 Fax: (310) 821-0569


Car Rally<br />

and Car Show<br />

CYC’s 3rd Roar<br />

by the Shore!<br />

By S/C Anne Sacks<br />

There was no June gloom at this event. The<br />

CYC Car Rally and Show was a day of<br />

driving, test drives, viewing, camaraderie,<br />

and barbecue with the best SoCal summer<br />

weather.<br />

Rally car number one left the CYC gate by<br />

10 a.m. on a course up the coast to the Santa<br />

Monica Mountains through Malibu. All drivers<br />

and navigators returned to the <strong>Club</strong> by noon for a<br />

lunch and awards presentation on the CYC lawn.<br />

All exclaimed that the route was incredibly scenic.<br />

The winners were as follows: First Place, Bill<br />

Lamm and Yvonne Sininger; Second Place, Paul<br />

Mychnic and Jim Ach; Third Place, Randy and<br />

Dawn Sprout. Seven cars in total rallied. The<br />

other teams were Scott Jarema and Paul Ivy, John<br />

Marshall and Gary Willis, Dave and Diane Lewis<br />

and Holt and Halaine Rose. Port Captain Rick<br />

Turner, who is a national car rally champion, and<br />

wife Ann, ran the rally event for the third year.<br />

Hoorah to the Turners and all!<br />

There was plenty to do for members and their<br />

guests who were not in the rally. Foreign,<br />

domestic, vintage, classic, and major-emphasis<br />

cars were on show at the <strong>Club</strong>. Sylvia McArthur<br />

Tyminski brought her beautiful 1931 Ford<br />

Victoria, now fully restored with the assistance of<br />

Ed Firth. She was joined by friends, Willie and<br />

Darlene Duncan, who showed their beautifully<br />

restored 1931 Ford Sports Coupe. Norman Harris<br />

displayed two Porsches. His own awardingwinning<br />

Porsche 911 and another 911 he restored<br />

for Carlene Murphy. Holt and Halaine Rose’s<br />

Porsche 968, 1992 “Twilight Blue Metallic”<br />

Cabriolet which was one of 2,248 imported to the<br />

U.S.<br />

This was the third year that CYC member Joe<br />

Simpkin arranged for “Evergreen Sustainable<br />

Technology” vehicles, Toyota, Lexus, Volkswagen<br />

and Audi, from LAcarGUY to be displayed and<br />

available for test drives. It was a day of sharing,<br />

looking, and driving.<br />

Attendees enjoyed a barbecue lunch and<br />

music by Hugo on the lawn area.<br />

The planning committee, Chairman S/C Anne<br />

Sacks, P/C Rick Turner, Ann Turner and Power<br />

Fleet Chairman Dawn Sprout thank all Rally and<br />

Car Show participants, CYC catering,<br />

maintenance, and management for their support of<br />

the day!<br />

10/BREEZE AUGUST 2011<br />

Photos by Dawn Sprout, Ann Turner, S/C Anne Sacks, and Halaine Rose



Summer Fun<br />


The summer is in full swing for the<br />

CYC Junior sailors and rowers. The<br />

beginners have done their capsize test<br />

and are sailing solo, the racer team<br />

members have competed in the Junior<br />

Olympics, and CFJ Nationals, and the<br />

rowers are showing interest in joining the<br />

team in the fall.<br />

From the mouths of the Juniors of CYC:<br />

“I think the summer camp is really fun<br />

and the coaches are nice”<br />

- Grant Janov<br />

“My coach, Ryann, is teaching me about<br />

the box drill and I’m really excited”<br />

–Kieran Shoklee<br />

“I like sailing with my<br />

favorite coach, Kaytlin”<br />

- Lucia Walden<br />

“I like the cool sea breeze”<br />

- Finn Weeks<br />

“My favorite part of the summer program<br />

is swimming in the pool at lunch<br />

with my friends”<br />

– Erin Slagerman<br />

“It’s not a sailing camp,<br />

it’s a sailing experience”<br />

- Gavin Abraham<br />

“Sailing in the summer program<br />

is awesome”<br />

- Ryan Janov<br />

“I think that the best days of<br />

sailing camp are the days we<br />

get to do the fun races”<br />

- Marie Line<br />

“Racing and chilling are the best”<br />

- Richard Hathaway<br />

Upcoming Events:<br />

Laser Nationals<br />

August 3-7<br />

Opti West Coast Champs<br />

August 6-7<br />

Santa Barbara <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong><br />

Junior Awards Banquet<br />

August 18<br />

CYC Pool Patio<br />



- Mike Shocklee photos<br />

Leiter Cup<br />


This year, the Women’s Jr.<br />

Singlehanded National<br />

Championships, (aka Leiter<br />

Cup) was held in San Francisco<br />

Bay, at Richmond <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong><br />

June 27 – July 1. Overall, there<br />

were 58 boats that competed. The<br />

whole six-hour drive there I was<br />

very nervous, because San<br />

Francisco is usually very windy.<br />

Leiter Cup consists of two<br />

days of clinic and three days of<br />

racing. The first day of the clinic, it<br />

was very light, and shifty<br />

conditions—not the sort of breeze I<br />

was looking forward to at all. The<br />

second day of the clinic, the breeze<br />

picked up in the afternoon to a<br />

steady 14 knots. This was the type<br />

of breeze I was expecting for San<br />

Francisco. The first day of racing<br />

there was absolutely no wind at all,<br />

and it was pouring rain. Everyone<br />

was soaking wet and freezing, and<br />

wanted to go in. We were able to<br />

get off one race before they<br />

postponed the rest of the races for<br />

that day. I didn’t do so well in that<br />

race, because I didn’t follow the<br />

shifts. The next day the wind came<br />

back up in the afternoon, and we<br />

were all having a blast! I paid<br />

more attention to the shifts, and did<br />

fairly well. In the morning, when it<br />

wasn’t that windy, my best race of<br />

the day was a 7th. When the wind<br />

came up, I struggled to keep the<br />

boat flat, but I tried to work my<br />

hardest and hiked really hard. The<br />

last day was the windiest yet. By 2<br />

o’clock the breeze was a steady 20<br />

knots, and a little under half the<br />

fleet had gone in for the day. I was<br />

in survival mode with my boat, my<br />

only goal was to cross the finish<br />

line. I was tired, wet, cold, and<br />

exhausted, but I tried very hard and<br />

got a 15th. Overall it was a very<br />

fun regatta, and I learned about<br />

how to sail in different kinds of<br />

breeze. Overall, I ended up in 17<br />

and am looking forward to Leiter<br />

Cup again next year in Chicago.<br />


16/BREEZE AUGUST 2011<br />

“I SEA YOU” Dock Party


Atalented group of chaimen have led us through some very<br />

fun events recently at CYC! A big thank you to S/C<br />

Anne Sacks for being Chairman of the Car Show & Rally<br />

and the barbecue lunch on the grass. As one looked across the<br />

channel, the day was gorgeous! Port Captain Rick Turner<br />

designed a beautiful road-rally through the hills of Malibu.<br />

Thanks also to Ann Turner for all her help with the event.<br />

Penelope Cornwall came up with the idea of “I SEA YOU”<br />

dock party. Sporting very silly sunglasses, a large crowd<br />

gathered at the dock to munch on goodies and drink punch<br />

spiked with vodka. Thanks also to Scott Jarema for adding<br />

music to the party.<br />

History continued with the very fun 4th of July Dinghy<br />

Cruise to El Torito. Thank you to Don Rothenberg for being<br />

Chairman of this event once again. (See article on page 4.)<br />

18/BREEZE AUGUST 2011<br />

Power Fleet Engines in High Gear!<br />

Friday, August 26<br />

Champagne Predicted Log race<br />

Chairman Bob Roth<br />


CYC presents<br />

Santa Monica Bay Power Fleet and Southern <strong>California</strong> Cruiser Assoc.<br />

Cruiser Navigation Contests<br />

Mainland to Catalina Harbor<br />

Champagne Cup and Del Mar Perpetual Trophy<br />

Trophy Presentation and Dinner<br />

The trophies will be presented at a dinner to be held on Friday, August 26.<br />

CYC has arranged with Harbor Reef Restaurant to cater a complete dinner<br />

$38 per person.<br />

Entry form must be mailed to arrive no later than<br />

Wednesday, August 17, 2011<br />

MAIL TO: <strong>California</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong><br />

ATTN: Front Desk<br />

4469 Admiralty Way • Marina del Rey, CA 90292<br />

If you are interested in this event, contact Bob Roth<br />


Sunday, September 18<br />

CYC MdR Fishing Challenge<br />

Chairman: Paul Ivy<br />

Saturday, October 1<br />

Dock Party<br />

Chairman: Sue Purcell<br />

New members: Whether you sail, power, row, or just<br />

walk, call one of these chairmen to help on their committee.<br />

This is a great way to get involved and meet new friends!<br />

What a <strong>Club</strong>!<br />

Skin Problems?<br />

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Visit us at:<br />

www.marinadermatology.com<br />

CYC Member Norman C. Stirling, M.D.<br />

CYC <strong>Club</strong> 25<br />

Artwork by Randy Sprout

Benjamin and Evelyn<br />

Alexander were married<br />

at CYC in 2007 and live<br />

in Beverly Glen Canyon<br />

with their 12-year old<br />

rescue pit bull, Madison.<br />

Benjamin is a partner at<br />

Rutter Hobbs & Davidoff,<br />

a Century City law firm.<br />

A sailor in his youth,<br />

Benjamin currently rows<br />

and standup paddles; he<br />

looks forward to sailing<br />

again as a member of<br />

CYC. Evelyn is an<br />

independent college<br />

counselor and owns an<br />

all-natural, hand-crafted<br />

dog food service called<br />

The Hound’s Tooth.<br />

Frederick and Sue Howarth call Pacific Palisades home.<br />

Both have sailing experience and enjoy scuba diving and their<br />

two new rescue puppies. They are active in the family<br />

insurance business specializing in disability and long-term care<br />

coverage. They are looking forward to using the <strong>Club</strong>’s dining<br />

facilities.<br />

Justin Petsche is a financial rep<br />

with the Strategic Financial Group<br />

in Los Angeles. He has experience<br />

in powerboating and wants to learn<br />

to sail. He is excited about joining<br />

CYC to enjoy all that there is to<br />

offer around the water. He sees<br />

himself getting involved in racing<br />

and social events.<br />

New Members<br />


John Franklin Schaller and kids Grace (12) and Matt (9) hail<br />

from Wayzata, Minnesota. John spends his professional time in<br />

the hedge-fund industry. He is joining CYC for the sailing and<br />

social activities.<br />

Mary Lea Wagner is<br />

general sales manager at<br />

KSWD-FM and lives in<br />

Venice. She grew up<br />

sailing in San Francisco<br />

and is also a member of<br />

St. Francis <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.<br />

She wants to sail here at<br />

CYC as well as take part<br />

in all the various<br />

<strong>Club</strong>house social<br />

activities and paddle<br />

tennis.<br />


CYC-MDR<br />

Annual<br />

Fishing Challenge<br />

Weigh-in 4 p.m.<br />

Enjoy a day of fishing<br />

Barbecue and Party to Follow<br />

Get your Reservations into<br />

the Front Desk or Call<br />

20/BREEZE AUGUST 2011<br />

Chairman Paul Ivy<br />

[email protected]


From The<br />

Manager<br />

By MICHELE<br />


We are halfway through the<br />

summer, but don’t dismay<br />

– there’s a lot of fun still<br />

coming your way! On August 14, we<br />

have our first CYC Pool Party with a<br />

“Burn Your Own Meat BBQ.” We<br />

will have games for the kids in the<br />

pool followed by a barbecue on the<br />

patio. You bring the entrée and we<br />

will provide soup, salad, and<br />

dessert, along with a full bar. It will<br />

be like a Friday night on Ballast<br />

Point, except we don’t have to go to<br />

Catalina.<br />

We will continue with our third<br />

installment of our Pool Patio<br />

Cocktail Parties on August 19. This<br />

month we will enjoy complimentary<br />

rum tasting, along with some music,<br />

dancing and conversation around the fire pits. Our yearly wine<br />

tasting extravaganza on the front lawn will have an Italian<br />

theme on August 26. This event gets bigger and better each year<br />

with dozens of great wines to try, and delicious food too. All of<br />

these events are great opportunities to invite friends to see how<br />

much fun it is to be a member at CYC.<br />

We have two championship regattas in August coming to<br />

CYC. We will be welcoming back the Laser and Laser Radial<br />

Classes to compete in the 2011 Laser U.S. Nationals on Santa<br />

Monica Bay the first week of the month. Regatta Chairman S/C<br />

Frank Glynn has put together an experienced Race Committee.<br />

With the support of the CYC staff, it should be a great week for<br />

the racers. During this regatta we will have no Sunset Series on<br />

Wednesday August 3. The last weekend of the month, we will<br />

be hosting the Martin 242 North American Championship. CYC<br />

has a number of competitors in this fleet, so come and support<br />

our sailors whether it’s volunteering for Race Committee or<br />

cheering them on when they pick up their trophies. Regatta<br />

Chairman Mary Stuyvesant has worked hard to plan a great<br />

regatta, so plan on coming down to enjoy the party.<br />

Family Cruise has grown to be one of the biggest cruises<br />

of the year and this year is no different. Corsair <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> on<br />

Emerald Bay will be the destination. This was such a big hit<br />

with members last year that as soon as they returned from last<br />

year’s cruise, Chairmen Bill and Keri Wofford said, “We want<br />

to go back next year!” So grab the kids and head on over to<br />

Catalina for a fun family weekend. We also say bon voyage<br />

to our <strong>Commodore</strong> Ann Ach as she sets sail for Greece on<br />

her <strong>Commodore</strong>s Cruise. We wish her and all the CYC<br />

members traveling with her a wonderful cruise and look<br />

forward to the pictures and stories afterward.<br />

Over the last three months, we have lost one bicycle,<br />

four dock carts and the main gangway came off its hanger<br />

because someone left a dock cart or other item under the<br />

gangway. The gangway moves with the tide and anything<br />

stored under it becomes crushed when the water level<br />

changes. Please do not put anything under the gangways,<br />

and return the dock carts to the area designated for them.<br />

See you ‘round the <strong>Club</strong>.<br />

Michele<br />

22/BREEZE AUGUST 2011<br />

CYC Members!<br />

Did you know that your sons and daughters who<br />

are between the ages of 21 and 29 can join the <strong>Club</strong><br />

as Intermediate Members with no initiation fee?<br />

They can enjoy all the privileges,<br />

amenities, and benefits of being<br />

a CYC member for just<br />

$76 a month.<br />

For more information, please contact Claudia<br />

Moore, Membership Representative<br />

310-823-4567 or [email protected]<br />

In Memoriam<br />

Carlton M. Rogers<br />

Member since 1937<br />

Milan Colich<br />

Member since 1963<br />

William R. Cabeen Jr. MD<br />

Member since 1977<br />

Bunny Ripple<br />

Former Member

AUGUST 2011<br />

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday<br />

Brunch<br />

Laser U.S.<br />

Nationals<br />

Pasta<br />

Bar<br />

7<br />

<strong>Club</strong> Closed 1<br />

Junior Summer<br />

Session Two<br />

<strong>Club</strong> Closed 8<br />

Junior Rowing<br />

Session Four<br />

Begins<br />

<strong>Club</strong> Closed 2<br />

<strong>Club</strong> Closed 9<br />

3 Book Mates 4 Junior Summer 5<br />

NoSunset Series<br />

New Member Mtg. Session Two<br />

Junior Summer Fleet Council<br />

Junior Mtg.<br />

Laser U.S. Laser Nationals<br />

Registration Junior Session Two<br />

Seafood Buffet<br />

Prix Fixe Special<br />

Sunset Series 10 Sail Comm. 11 Jr. Summer 12<br />

Mtg.<br />

Junior Summer Junior Session Two<br />

<strong>Commodore</strong>s<br />

Session Two Flotilla 12-42 Mtg. Cruise<br />

Starlight Series<br />

Prix Fixe Special Seafood Buffet<br />

Paddle Tennis 6<br />

Dinner for Two:<br />

Chateaubriand<br />

13<br />

Cruise<br />

Brunch 14<br />

CYC Pool Party<br />

“Burn Your Own<br />

Meat”<br />

Pasta Bar<br />

<strong>Club</strong> Closed 15<br />

<strong>Club</strong> Closed 16<br />

Sunset Series 17<br />

Junior 18 Family Cruise 19 Family Cruise20<br />

Session Two Ends<br />

Pool Patio<br />

Jr. Awards Banquet Cocktail Night <strong>Commodore</strong>s<br />

<strong>Commodore</strong>s <strong>Commodore</strong>s<br />

Seafood Buffet Chateaubriand<br />

Brunch 21 <strong>Club</strong> Closed 22 <strong>Club</strong> Closed 23<br />

Div 12. Business<br />

Family Cruise Mtg.<br />

Junior Seminar Junior Seminar<br />

2012 Calendar<br />

Sunset Series Starlight Ser. Champagne 26 Power Fleet<br />

24<br />

25<br />

Cup/Pabst/Del Mar Breakfast<br />

27<br />

<strong>Yacht</strong> Luncheon<br />

Log Race<br />

Bridge Mtg.<br />

Martin 242 North<br />

Martin 242 Champ.<br />

Junior Seminar Martin 242 Champ.<br />

American Champ.<br />

Registration Wine Appreciation<br />

Prix Fixe Special Seafood Buffet Dinner for Two:<br />

Bunch 28 <strong>Club</strong> Closed 29 <strong>Club</strong> Closed 30 Sunset Series 31<br />


CYC Awards<br />

Comm. Mtg.<br />

4-7 Laser U.S. Nationals<br />

12-20 <strong>Commodore</strong>s Cruise<br />

CYC Bridge Game<br />

19-21 Family Cruise<br />

26 Champagne Cup/Pabst/Del Mar Log Race<br />

26-28 Martin 242 North American Championship<br />

SEPTEMBER 2011<br />

Book Mates 1 2 3<br />

New Member Mtg.<br />

Fleet Council<br />

Ends<br />

Lobster<br />

4 <strong>Club</strong> Closed<br />

Labor Day<br />

Barbecue<br />

5 <strong>Club</strong> Closed 6<br />

Sunset Series<br />

7 Sail Comm. 8<br />

CYCWA Board<br />

First Mates 9<br />

Junior Barbecue<br />

(Youth Program)<br />

First Mates<br />

10<br />

Flotilla 12-42 Mtg.<br />


4469 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292 • 310-823-4567 • Fax: 310-822-3658<br />

Always check www.calyachtclub.com for the most current event information.<br />


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July 2013 - California Yacht Club

  • Page 2 and 3: August was originally named Sextili
  • Page 4 and 5: 4th of July Dinghy Cruise By Don Ro
  • Page 6 and 7: CYCWA on the Horizon BY JOAN ZISLER
  • Page 8 and 9: How To Rig A Dinghy For Scuba - Mik
  • Page 10 and 11: Car Rally and Car Show CYC’s 3rd
  • Page 12 and 13: 12/BREEZE AUGUST 2011
  • Page 14 and 15: 14/BREEZE AUGUST 2011
  • Page 16 and 17: 16/BREEZE AUGUST 2011 “I SEA YOU
  • Page 18 and 19: Atalented group of chaimen have led
  • Page 20 and 21: CYC-MDR Annual Fishing Challenge Su
  • Page 22 and 23: From The Manager By MICHELE UNDERWO

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  1. CBH Rating System

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  4. PDF Australian Class Based Handicap (Cbh) Rating System for Trailable

    able Yacht and Sports Boat owners the ability to gain a new CBH at. ar.Ensure transparency of Trailable Yacht and Sports Boats' ratings.1.0 OBJECTIVE:1.01 The objective of the Australian CBH Rating System hereinafter called "the Rating System", is to provide a national system for fair racing on handicap in a mixed fleet of Trailable ...

  5. PDF Australian Class Based Handicap (Cbh) Rating System for Trailable


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  7. Australian Trailable Yacht and Sports Boat Rule [PDF]

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  9. Aust Trailable Yacht and Sports Boat Rule released

    The rule's CBH list includes something in the vicinity of 150 standard trailable yacht classes, 30 Sports Boat classes and a great many individually modified trailable or sports boats listed under the CBH. The Australian Trailable Yacht and Sports Boat Rule provides a basis for the conduct of national and state-level championship for trailable ...

  10. PDF Policy Document Australian Trailable Yacht and Sports Boat Rule

    The Class Based Handicap (CBH) is a calculated rating applicable to an individual trailable yacht or sports boat, or a class of Trailable yachts or sports boats, to achieve the objective at Section 1 when sailing in a mixed fleet. 2.02. Trailable Yacht or Sports Boat:

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    The CBH system was subject of two reviews in recent months, the first being to update the rule used to control how CBH ratings are issued and used, and the second to look at the ratings themselves. ... Many people from the trailable yacht and sports boat fleets took the time to provide input on both exercises. Australian Sailing is appreciative ...

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    For class standard trailable yachts, the old CBH system has been performance adjusted using over 30 years of race results, meaning in 95% of cases it was a very reliable system. In Victoria we have found that under the old CBH system the best crews sailing the best prepared boats won consistently, irrespective of class


    The Class Basic Handicap system (CBH) is recommended for trailable yachts. For occasions when trailable yachts compete with offthe-beach yachts, it is possible to - convert CBH to Tentative Yardstick by the formula: Yardstick = K CBH . For 2011/12 season K = 80.25 . When using K to create tentative yardsticks for trailable yachts the result ...

  14. Home

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    The race is Queensland's largest trailable yacht race and one of the three largest trailable yacht passage races in Australia. Eligibility Type 1 - Trailable Yacht - standard or open, Class (C) or One of A Kind (OAK) that meet the 2.0 Definitions of the Australian Sailing (AS) Australian Class Based Handicap (CBH) Rating System for ...

  17. News

    Australian Sailing is looking at reviewing two important elements of how CBH is run and offered to Trailable Yachts and Sports Boats. These are the ratings themselves, how the numbers stack up, and the rule that underpins their use. Boat owners and clubs with an interest in the CBH rule for rating these fleets are invited to provide feedback on ...


    The CBH system is defined by the Australian Trailable Yacht and Sports Boat Rule (ATYSBR). It is a nationally governed handicap designed to rate the potential speed of the boat, NOT the crew. It operates on a few key principles: Each class of trailable yacht (or registered one of a kind trailable yacht) is given a

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  21. Commodore

    Commodore - California Yacht Club. EN. English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian česk ...