The model yacht company specializes in buying, selling and restoring vintage model pond yachts  and model sailing yachts.

We offer a selection of restored, original and unrestored model yachts and steam boats.

We also sell marine art, maratime antiques, yachting photographs,  and broker the sale of good quality models boats on behalf of owners.

We undertake selective restorations of model yachts for clients.

Please contact us for further information.


vintage model yachts

100 Years of "A" class yachts
Centenary meeting
Gosport 29th July

Last Sunday of the month, Sidney Park, Cleethorps


There is a for sale/wanted section. The individual ads are not listed on the 'what's new' page so please check this section if you are looking to sell or buy vintage yachts or equipment. Advertisements from non-members are accepted at the VMYG's discretion.

If you are restoring an old boat you should find our how to do it and where to get it pages useful as we will list the hard to find specialist suppliers as well as those concerned with the normal business of model boat construction and sailing. If you have dealt with a good specialist supplier please let us know and we will see if we can add him to our links page. Do look around these pages, there is a search facility to help you find elusive articles.

VMYG Site search (This search facility is currently not working)


If you would like any more information or are interested in joining the group please e-mail us. Please note that Images and content are copyright VMYG. Do not reproduce without permission, which will not be unreasonably withheld.

Got an old boat in the attic / loft /garage?

Dig it out, take a couple of photos (a side shot of the hull is best) and we will do our best to identify it. Just e-mail the photos with a brief description, main dimensions and any background information and we will do the rest. This mystery boats submitted to date are here

To learn more about what we do and the benefits of VMYG membership click here


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US VMYG Newsletter / Journal Index

Prepared by Ken Young

The following is an index of the newsletter (through Volume 18, Number 2) and the journal (beginning with Volume 19, Number 1). The list indicates the major articles that appeared in the publications of the US VMYG when it began in the Spring of 1997. It does not include the editor’s comments, the president’s message, planned activities, and organizational items such as the leadership list.

~ JOURNAL  – The Model Yacht ~

Volume 25, number 2 – summer 2024.

  • A New Vintage 36 Based on a Marblehead 450 . by Alain Jousse. Alain takes us through the process of building a Vintage 36/600 from the plans for a Marblehead 450.>
  • Naval Architecture for Small Boats and Model Yacht Builders: Lesson 1 & 2. by Thomas L Lathrop. Originally published in 1928 as part of a series. Thomas gives the basics for creating line drawings for boats from a naval architect’s point of view. In Lesson 1 he covers getting started with tools and equipment. Lesson two discusses creating line drawings when the lines are all curved.
  • Make A Pondside Boat Stand. by TMY Editorial Staff. The process and materials needed to build a simple, sturdy pond side boat stand for rigging or working on your boat are described. Read on
  • Friendship Rigged Nottingham : The Deck . by Gudmund Thompson. This is the next article in a series detailing the construction Gudmund’s cutter Nottingham . In this installment he discusses planking and finishing the deck, including an inlaid compass rose, and determining the placement of deck fittings to control five sails.
  • Cecil Adams: The Grand Old Man of Model Yachting. by Graham Reeves. Cecil Adams was born in England. He moved to Chicago where he was introduced to model yachting. A builder by trade, he was soon designing and building model boats of various sizes. Some of his designs are still sailing today.
  • In Pursuit of “Good Enough”: Building A Vintage Marblehead During Nights and Naptimes. by Martin Beels . Martin is building a new vintage Marblehead with the “help” of his 5- and 9-year-old sons. He talks about getting the youngsters involve in doing simple things to get them started working with wood, but always keeping it fun. He describes his building process of Bewitched and includes conversations he had with John Henderson on building techniques.

Volume 25, Number 1 – Spring 2024 ( Boat Identification )

  • Overview of the US VMYG Website. by Jeffrey Beck.  Jeff provides a comprehensive description of all areas of the Group’s website, with details on the various areas and benefits the site provides members.
  • Fiona .   by Lisa Bauer, Ken Young, Chuck Lage, John Henderson, and Graham Reeves. Lisa needed help identifying a boat her dad built in the 1960s. The process involved a half dozen sleuths, including Graham Reeves in the UK. It turned out to be Fiona. Lisa decided to use her seamstress skills to make new sails for her now identified boat.
  • A Display Boat?   by Stephen Cross, Bruce Richter, and John Stoudt. Stephen contacted Bruce for some help with identifying he found that has been in storage for 40 years. Stephen, Bruce and John work through the various clues to determine what it might be,
  • A Skiff Sailed Boat.   by Bill Sash and Earl Boebert. Bill asked for assistance in identifying a boat. Earl lists three factors that helped determine the type of boat Bill has and described how it was raced in the 1920s.
  • Friendship-Rigged Nottingham : Below Deck. by Gudmund Thomson. Gudmund takes us through the process of designing the eight-servo system for sail control in his 60-in Nottingham, including running backstays. He uses CAD drawings and a 3D printer to create the parts for his system, and he describes the complex below-deck arrangement.
  • Yachting in London.    Written in 1899 and shared by John Smith, Sheldon, S.C. Original article written in 1899 describing a young boy’s introduction to model sailing. The article describes the model sailing scene in London and a description of a day of racing with the London Yacht Club in the late 1800’s.

Volume 24, Number 3 – Fall 2023 ( Building )

  • 2023 US VMYG National Championship Regatta Report. by John Stoudt. A complete summary and final scores of all classes, as well as special awards. John includes descriptions of rare vintage boats in attendance, especially A Boats celebrating their 100 th anniversary.
  • Modeling the Chesapeake Bugeye Brown Smith Jones . by John Henderson. John gives a history of Chesapeake workboats and their development focusing on Bugeyes, specifically the Brown Smith Jones . He then describes the construction process of the 49-in model, with excellent photographs and drawings.
  • A Chesapeake Skipjack Stole My Heart, But I Love Her Anyway. by Peter Simmons. Peter describes his early modeling experiences building Thames River Barges, which lead to his interest in scratch-built Skipjacks.
  • Modeling L Francis Hereshoff’s Design No. 53:  Ben My Chree ( the Stuart Knockabout). by John Henderson. John describes scaling down the original plans for a Hereshoff 28-ft knockabout to a 42-in model, and the calculations and construction techniques he used.
  • It’s a 10-Rater! by Jeff Beck. Jeff found an old hull that he thought was an A Boat, but turned out to be a 10 Rater. He describes the process of deconstructing the hull and frames, planking the deck, and designing the rig.
  • Remnant’s Restoration (It seemed like a good idea at the time…) by Chuck Lage. Chuck was given a Marblehead hull in horrible condition and explains his process of restoring a derelict yacht to a fully rigged racing sailboat.
  • Sailing a Malay Jong: Not as Simple As One Might Think. by John Stoudt. John takes his Indonesian Malay Jong for its maiden voyage and discovers the idiosyncrasies of an exotic, but fast, sailboat.

Volume 24, Number 2 – Summer 2023 ( Fittings )

  • 2023 Membership Survey Report. by John Stoudt. A summary of the survey sent to members in early 2023.
  • Tee-shaped Brass for Various Fittings. by TMY Staff. Making a brass “tee” out of flat brass stock. These can be used for mast cranes, mast steps, jib racks, shroud racks, and more. Read on
  • Tools and Materials for Making Metal Fittings. by TMY Staff. Description of tools to help with fittings production. Read on
  • Fairleads. by TMY Staff. Making fairleads out of brass or aluminum nuts and bolts. Read on
  • Gooseneck Attachment Bracket. by TMY Staff. Making a gooseneck attachment bracket from brass strip and ball joint. Read on
  • A Simple Mast Step On Deck. by TMY Staff. Using a flat brass or aluminum plate for multi-position mast step. Read on
  • Turnbuckles. by TMY Staff. Making turnbuckles using a clevis and rigging screw. Read on
  • Constructing a Sail Control Arm. by TMY Staff. Making a strong and light sail arm. Read on
  • Addressing Sail Arm Friction. by Steve LeBrenz. Using Porcelane China Paint to reduce sheet friction in a sail arm. Read on
  • Rudder Connecting Rod. by TMY Staff. Making a rudder connecting rod using threaded rod, clevis, and rigging coupler. Read on

Volume 24, Number 1 – Winter/Spring 2023 ( Sailing & Tuning )

  • The Tuning Cycle. by Bob Sterne. This is a reprint of a tuning cycle design originally published in Model Yachting .
  • Bench Tuning Your Boat. by John Stoudt. John presents some techniques for adjusting sheet travel before your first on the water tuning. He also discusses acceptable and unacceptable metal O rings and hooks. Read on
  • Sails: The Source of Power An Introduction to Model Yacht Sails, Part 1. by Rod Carr. Sailmaker Rod Carr gives an introduction and explanation of sail nomenclature, shape, construction, mast attachments, and settings.
  • It’s Not The Slot! How sails really work. by Bob Scepanski, Bob takes a new look at the jib/main “slot” and what really goes on with wind circulation as it goes around and through the sails in this reprint from Model Yachting . He explains common misconceptions about the “slot”.
  • Switching Gears and Sailing Fast. by Richard Kahle. Richard explains his process of setting up his boat, and adjusting sail twist on the water with sheet vanging and jib trim adjustments in this reprint from Model Yachting .
  • TECH TOPICS: Helm Balance, with simple calculations of Center of Lateral Resistance and Center of Effort. by John Henderson. John explains the concept of boat “tracking” and provides formulas for determining CLR of the hull and the CE of sails. He describes the relationship between the two forces and how to optimize that relationship. Read on
  • Carr High Twist Sail Handling Instructions. by Rod Carr. Sailmaker and designer Rod Carr explains the development of Carr High Twist sails. He then gives a step by step description of tuning both main and jib to take advantage of the new design.
  • The Right Jibe (or Gybe?) by Lester Gilbert. Lester looks at downwind sailing from two perspectives. One is how to achieve the best boat speed out of the set of your sails at various angles off the wind. The other is which jibe to be on from tactical racing perspectives.
  • “My Boat is Sinking!” by Martin Blumenthal and John Stoudt. A sight that no skipper wants to see is the tip of his mast disappearing beneath the water in the middle of the pond. Sometimes you get lucky and your club has members involved with underwater ROV’s. This is a fascinating description of an incident at the Chester Springs Yacht Club in Pennsylvania and the process of retrieving a Vintage 36 from the bottom of the pond, including underwater video.
  • A Boat Dryer. by Martin Blumenthal. Martin describes how to use a computer fan to dry the inside of your hull.
  • Friendship-Rigged Nottingham 60. by Gudmund Thompson. Gudmund continues his description of the rigging and sail controls of his beautiful Nottingham 60. He provides a chart with the functions of all eight servos.

Volume 23, Number 3 – Fall 2022 ( Boat Identification)

  • How (Where) Did You Find That? Pond Bo a t Treasure Hunting in the 21 st Cen tury. by Mike Denest. Mike takes us through the process of finding and identifying vintage pond boats using modern technology. He shares his experience of finding and trying to identify a 6 Rater. He discusses using the internet as a source for both finding and identifying boats including eBay, craigslist, auction house sites, as well as just word of mouth.
  • A Dean ’ s Loft Discovery. by Mar ia Ferguson and Martin Bandy. In the process of clearing out their p arent ’ s home of more than fifty five years , the Deans find two vintage pond yachts. In trying to discover the lineage of the two boats, Maria was put in touch with Martin Bandy in the UK. She provides the email conversations they had and steps that were taken to determine the history of the two boats.
  • Flotation Chambers for Models of Open Cockpit Boats. by John Henderson . As a follow up to the articles John and Stanton Smith provided in the Spring 2022 issue of this journal, John provides a process of a dding flotation to an open cockpit boat including calculating the amount of flotation, placement, types of flotation, and appearance.
  • Two – Pond – Boat Inquiry. by Travis Butler, John Stoudt, and Earl Boebert . Travis has two vintage pond boats. One he has had for 40 y e ars and one is new to him. He provides a fascination discussion he had with John Stoud t and Earl Boebert trying to determine the history of the boats.
  • Museum Find. by John Hill . As a volunteer at t h e Santa Barbara Maritime Museum, John discovered a vintage pond yacht that he ’ s trying to identify. He provides a discussion with John Stoudt trying to determine the history of the boat. Thanks in part to o ne of John ’ s college student colleagues they were able to determine the boat ’ s origins.
  • U S Vintage Model Yacht Group 2022 Regatta Report. Result s , pictures and summary of the 2022 National Championship for all classes of the US VMYG .
  • My Grandfather ’ s Boat. by Greg Williams. Greg describes the process of finding the history o f a boat that was owned by his grandfather that originated in England and ended up in Detroit with the help of John Stoudt, Graham Reeves, and Martin Bandy.
  • A 1920 – 19 30 Wooden Model Cutter. by Kathryn T. and Bob Zeyher . The steps that were taken to try to identify a pond boat that belonged to Kathryn ’ s grandfather and had been sitting in her garage for 65 years.
  • Swiss Marblehead. by Lee Bryant . Lee has a Mar blehead that he was told originated in Switzerland. With some help from the UK Vintage Gro up, he was able to learn who had built it and who had registered it first.

Volume 23, Number 2 – Summer 2022 ( Design Considerations)

  • Model Yacht Design in 1896. –  Excerpts from Model Yachts and Model Yacht Sailing – How to Build, Rig, and Sail a Self Acting Model Yacht   by Jams E Walton. Walton describes how he used the shapes of a mackerel and a duck as design parameters for faster sailboat hulls, as well as determining rig dimensions.
  • Modeling a Historic Chesapeake Bay Log Canoe. by John Henderson – a brief history and a detailed description of designing and building a classic Chesapeake Bay log canoe. Read on
  • Modeling an Open Cockpit Boat Using a Raised Floor. by Stanton Smith – the process of designing and building a raised floor in the open cockpit of a Chesapeake Bay log canoe. His design is another take on John Henderson’s design in the previous article.
  • Modeling the J-Boat Rainbow for the Vintage 36/600 Class: A Challenge of Scale. by John Henderson – the challenges, calculations, and design process of downsizing a J-Class Rainbow to scale for a 36-in boat.
  • Running Backstays. by Gudmund Thompson – the calculations, design, and sailing a model yacht with functioning running backstays. Updated on
  • TECH TOPICS: Speed. by John Henderson – formulas for calculating boat speed, as well as an explanation of all the factors that effect the speed of a hull going through the water.

Volume 23, Number 1 – Winter 2022 ( Ingenuity 2)

  • Tribute to Rick Hilsinger.  – on his retirement from The WoodenBoat School.
  • Tribute to Captain William D “Bill” Pinkney . – A summary of Bill’s sailing career beginning with his early membership in the Central Park Model Yacht Club to his 2021 induction into the National Sailing Hall of Fame.
  • Basic Model Yacht Finishing/Refinishing. by Walt Shuggs – Walt, a finishing expert at Ford Motor Company, gives tips on creating the hull finish we all want. Read on
  • Making a Spreader. – The editorial staff explains how to make spreaders using stainless steel rods and brass tubes. Read on
  • Sanding Fixtures.   by John Stoudt –  tips on sanding hard to reach places and surfaces with strange shapes.
  • Lift-N-Carry. by Richard Mikulec – Richard designed and built a free standing lifter for his Marblehead that allows him to leave it fully rigged, standing upright, launch, retrieve, and make adjustments easily.
  • A Deck Clamp. by  Jeff Beck – a method for gluing a deck to a hull by clamping it with pegs and bungee cords.
  • It Ain’t Pretty But It’s Effective.   The editorial staff explains how to create a paint booth using a drop cloth. Read on
  • A Mobil Work Stand.   by John Stoudt –   how he developed a stand to support a hull being restored without causing additional problems. He has made it mobile to address a problem we all have – not enough room.
  • Shroud Savers. by  Chuck Lage – a way of using potato chip bag clips to organize the rat’s nest of shrouds and halyards that we all deal with into a manageable system.

Volume 22, Number 3 – Fall 2021 ( Ingenuity)

  • Before Remote Control. by Alan Suydam – This article was first published in Issue 197 of Model Yachting . Alan discusses the various ways that model yachts were controlled before remote control was available.
  • Tesla and the First Remote-Controlled Boat. by Ken Young – Ken discusses this very early R/C boat and when and where it was exhibited.
  • Tesla’s Remote-Controlled Boat. by John Henderson – John discusses technical aspects of the electronics used in Tesla’s boat.
  • British Boat Rigging. by John Stoudt – John discusses the ingenious way that this boat was rigged for sailing in various types of wind on Round Pond in London with unusual ways to adjust the rig size and fascinating deck fittings.
  • US VMYG 2021 National Regatta Report. – This article reports on the five events held in Honey Brook, PA (October 2021) which included 32 skippers sailing 66 boats in the regatta.
  • Wind Indicator. by TMY Editorial Staff – This article discusses the construction of a simple, effective mast top wind indicator.
  • TECH TOPICS: Positioning the Ballast. by John Henderson – John discusses the importance of the position of the ballast in a model yacht. He explains ballast placement and the success of the model yacht when completed. Read on
  • Electronics Board Layout. by John Stoudt – John explains a simple layout that can be applied to many model yachts. This layout is simple and prevents the tangling of the sheets under the deck of a boat.
  • And a not so Simple Electronics Board. by Gudmund Thompson – Gudmund designed this complex electronics board that he installed in the Colin Archer. He provides an explanation of the board and its design.
  • Making a Deck Beam Pattern. by TMY Editorial Staff – This article explains how to make a deck beam pattern that can be used to layout all of the deck beams from this one pattern. Read on

Volume 22, Number 2 – Summer 2021 ( Early Venues )

  • Insert – The Model Yachting Center Proposal brochure
  • A Tribute to Alan Suydam. by TMY Editorial Staff – An announcement of him winning the AMYA Hall of Fame Award and an overview of Alan Suydam’s background and his career as a model boatbuilder, sailor, mentor, and competitor, as well as his many contributions to the sport of RC sailing.
  • Washington Model Yacht Club (WMYC), Washington DC . by Peter Kelley – Peter tells how he acquired a group of vintage model boats that had been used by members of the WMYC which existed from 1922 into the 1950’s.
  • Pond Sailing in Seattle. by Scott Rohrer – A history of the development sailing on the various Seattle area ponds, along with drawings of several boats they sailed.
  • Robert Bennet Forbes and the Founding of the Bennet Yacht Club. by David Gregg – A story of the formation, history, and activities of a club that was founded in 1883 and still exists today.
  • By Their Marks Ye Shall Know Them. by Mike Denest – A discussion about the sail identification marks on model yacht sails over the years.
  • TECH TOPICS: The Effects of Being Overweight. by John Henderson – A discussion of the effects on boat speed with an increase in weight of five percent. From Lester Gilbert’s work. Read on
  • Svea Project Follow Up. by TMY Editorial Staff – A discussion between John Henderson and Gene Novak on ballasting problems with Svea J Boat.
  • Svea Ballasting Issues. by Gene Novak – Gene explains the process and problems with ballast in Svea and his attempts to get the ballast weight and position correct.
  • How to Acquire a Model Sailboat Waterline Without Falling in the Pond. by Martin Blumenthal – A quick, easy, and dry way to determine the waterline of a boat using strips of a file folder.

Volume 22, Number 1 – Spring 2021 ( Construction Techniques )

  • Deriving a Vintage 36 Model from a Favorite Vintage Marblehead Design.   by John Henderson – How to change a design/plan to build an effective model yacht.
  • Building a Skeg and Rudder for a Fiberglas Hull. by Ivor Walton Read on – Materials and process to install a wooden skeg and rudder in a Madcap hull.
  • Building Odyssey . by Michael Neben – Building a model sailboat from a 40-year-old kit.
  • Sanding and Finishing. by John Stoudt – Preparing a wood surface for finishing and the finishing process.
  • The Cutter in Deal. by John Kinghorn – The process of building a free sailed cutter rig model yacht.
  • Bending Wood: The Last Episode. by John Stoudt Read on – Completion and installation of the hatch cover on a Classic Marblehead.
  • Setting Up Swing-Arm Controls. by John Henderson Read on – A simple explanation to determine sail arm length.
  • Get Your Boy One (For Yourself). by Peter Kelley – A discussion about the vintage power model yachts sold by the Boucher, Inc.

Volume 21, Number 3 – Fall 2020 ( Boat Restoration )

  • Model Yacht Restoration Decision Making. by Rod Carr Read on – Organizational plan for restoring model yacht
  • Restoration of An Early “A” Boat. by John Stoudt Read on – Boat evaluation and restoration process with an investigation of origin and history of boat – could it be a Bill Bithell boat?
  • Restoration: A Boat Without a Keel. by Margaret Ann Rice – Vintage restoration with design of new rudder and keel
  • Busman’s Holiday.   by Tom Price – Complete restoration of 1930’s Marblehead hull, deck, keel, rudder, and rig.

Volume 21, Number 2 – Summer 2020 ( Vintage Boats )

  • Early Pond Yacht Skippers: Bill Bithell. by Cliff Martin
  • A Little History & The Pond Boat Story. by Bob Jones – A history of pond boats starting with the Egyptians
  • Rating Rules for Vintage Boats. by John Henderson Read on – A discussion of possible technical rating systems for pond yachts.
  • Pepper – A 1948 Chris-Craft Custom Runabout. by Richard Rogers – Completion of Ch ris Craft started by Pepper Langley and completed by Richard
  • Self-Righting Catamaran. by the US VMYG editorial staff with comments by TJ Perrotti
  • The Great Schooner Model Society. by George Surgent
  • Stay at Home Sailing. by Richard Mikulec – Tuning your boat from your couch with a fan
  • Gadgets and Gizmos. A Paint Stand. by Joe Paradine
  • Malay Jong. The Ultimate Free Sailing Model Yacht. by John Stoudt – Story of an Indonesian model yacht and its trip to the US

Volume 21, Number 1 – Spring 2020 ( Skiff Sailing )

  • Lilliputian Cup Defenders. by Harry Dillon Jones
  • Boat Identification. by TMY editorial staff
  • Earl Boebert Craftsmanship Award. by Rob Dutton
  • An Unusual Vintage Marblehead Design. by John Henderson
  • Gadget and Gizmos: Plywood Plank Embosser. by Ken Young
  • The Svea Project – Part 3. by Gene Novak
  • Hulls + from Blue Crab Model Yachts

Volume 20, Number 3 – Fall 2019

  • A Tribute to a Friend, David S. Brawner. by John Stoudt
  • 2019 National Championship Regatta Report (review, pictures, and results). by John Stoudt
  • The Marshall Croft Sportsmanship Award Winners (a history). by TMY editorial staff
  • Early Pond Yacht Skippers – Part 1. by Cliff Martin
  • What Boat Is This? by Nicholas
  • Introduction to Vane Design. by John Fisher
  • The Svea Project – Part 2. by Gene Novak
  • Construction Help. by Allan Thorsen

Volume 20, Number 2 – Summer 2019

  • 36R Class, Race 1. by Mike Stobbe
  • 2 018 Bill Bithell VM Cup Regatta Report. by John Snow
  • Spreckles Lake: Golden Gate Park, San Francisco (a history). by Carl Brosius, Mary Rose Casa, Craig Carter, and Mike Stobbe
  • Boat Repairs: Rub Rail. by John Stoudt Read on
  • TECH TOPICS: Balance. by T.J. Perrotti  Read on
  • Danger Lurking! LiPo batteries. by Bill Ewing
  • Planning and Building Scale Model Boats That Sail – Part 3 Building. by John Henderson Read on

Volume 20, Number 1   Spring 2019

  • Woods Hole Model Boat Show Preview. by Jennifer Gaines
  • 2018 US VMYG V36 and VM National Championships. by John Snow
  • In Search of the “Classic” Marblehead. by Ken Young
  • How to Make a Boom Vang. by Ivor Walton Read on
  • Bending Wood – Part 3. by John Stoudt Read on
  • Planning and Building Scale Models That Sail – Part 2: Design Calculations. by John Henderson Read on
  • US VMYG Clothing Available. by TMY editorial staff Store
  • Model Yacht Construction Classes. by Rich Hilsinger

Volume 19, Number 3 – Fall 2018

  • A Tribute: Earl Boebert. by TMY editorial staff
  • Lighter, Stronger, Faster: The Herreshoff Legacy. by TMY editorial staff
  • 100% Scale Schooner Models? by Charlie Blume
  • Planning and Building Scale Model Boats (Part I). by John Henderson Read on
  • What Class of Boat Is This? by Chuck Luscomb
  • Right Place, Right Time. by Rich Hilsinger
  • Draw an Ellipse. by John Stoudt
  • Make A Mold for Bending Wood. by John Stoudt Read on
  • The Svea Project. by Gene Novak
  • Storrow Lagoon. by John Storrow
  • Mystic Seaport Museum – The American Model Yachting Collection. by Paul O’Pecko and John Stoudt
  • The Draketail. by Annie and Richard Rogers
  • Banner Unveiled at National Championship Regatta. by TMY editorial staff

Volume 19, Number 2 – Summer 2018

  • How Ya Gonna Keep Them Down on The Farm? by Bruce Richter
  • 3 rd Annual Bill Full Memorial Regatta Report. by John Snow
  • Can’t We All Just Get Along? Evidently, Yes (Central Park Model Yacht Club Vintage Invitational Report). by Bruce Richter
  • A Tribute: John Snow. by TMY editorial staff
  • Vintage Plans Available. by Ivor Walton Shop plans on
  • Catamarans Big and Small: Part I – The Early Years. by T.J. Perrotti
  • Speaking of Batteries. by John Henderson Read on
  • Everything Old Is New Again! Resurrecting Vintage Designs with Digital Age Tools. by Steve Deligan
  • Blue Crab Model Yachts. by Cissy Nickel
  • Bending Wood. by John Stoudt Read on
  • Another Source for Building a Vintage Marblehead. by Steve Deligan

Volume 19, Number 1 – Winter 2018

  • Getting the word out. On-screen. In print. And with your help. by Bruce Richter
  • Maritime Model Expo at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum. by John Henderson
  • Mission Statement and Supporting Pillars. by TMY editorial staff
  • The New Logo. by Jim Flach
  • The Weigh Ahead Survey Report. by TMY editorial staff
  • 2017 US VMYG V36/VM Regatta . by John Snow
  • 2017 US VMYG Traditional Watercraft Regatta Report. by Harry Mote
  • Look What I found in the Dump! – A Bill Bithell Marblehead. by Nick Nobili
  • 2017 Bill Bithell Regatta Report. by John Snow
  • The Vintage Model Yacht Group is…People!! By Ken Young
  • Build Your Own Plank-Constructed Pond Yacht at WoodenBoat School (ME). by Rich Hilsinger
  • Build Your Own Vintage 36 Model Yacht at Hudson River Maritime Museum. by Sarah Wasberg-Johnson

~ NEWSLETTER – The Model Yacht ~

Volume 18, number 2 – winter 2016-2017.

  • The Weigh Ahead (membership survey report update). by John Stoudt
  • Carita – An Unexpected Find (Part III) – completion. by Tom Schreiber
  • Tritonia A 1934 Marblehead. by John Stoudt – restoration with drawings
  • Scat II – A Previously Unknown Design by John Black (Part II – taking lines). by Dave Crawford and Earl Boebert Read on
  • 2016 US VMYG National Regatta. by Harry Mote
  • Skylark – 36-inch restricted class. by E.C. Tansley (1950) – drawings and instructions

Volume 18, Number 1 – Summer 2016

  • 2016 Traditional Watercraft Regatta. by John Stoudt
  • Carita – An Unexpected Find (Part II) – restoration. by Tom Schreiber
  • Scat II – A Previously Unknown Design by John Black. by Dave Crawford and Earl Boebert –  history and line drawings
  • US VMYG Class Coordinators. by John Stoudt

Special Issue – Special 20 th Anniversary Issue Announcement

  • Announcing the 20 th anniversary regatta and associated activities

Volume 17, Number 3 – Winter 2015-2016

  • Operation Layline. by John Snow
  • Sea Going Model Yachts. by H.M. Savage and J. Case (1906) Read on – drawings and construction of large model yachts with steering
  • Thorobred . by Matt Walsh Design –  plans

Volume 17, Number 2 – Fall 2015

  • Self-Steering. by Earl Boebert
  •   Carita – An Unexpected Find. by Tom Schreiber
  • Sea Going Model Yachts (1903). by H. M. Savage (1903)
  • Steering Gears for Model Yachts. by W. H. Wilson-Theobold (1903)
  • Steering Gear for Model Yachts. by G. Rhodes (1903)

Volume 17, Number 1   Spring 2015

  • 2014 National Championship Regatta Report. by John Stoudt
  • History of The Craftsmanship Award, The Marshall Croft Sportsmanship Award, National Regatta Locations, Founding Members. by John Stoudt and Ivor Walton
  • Black Watch . by John B. Duncan (1938) – plans and drawings

Volume 16, Number 3 – Winter 2013-2014

  • Windling World. by Mark Steele – schooner and square riggers
  • International Five Point Five Meter Class Pond Model (1/6 Scale). by Jack Gregory
  • Building A Madcap Hull – A Build Log. by Ivor Walton
  • The US/UK Challenge Cup. by Mike Stobbe
  • 2013 US VMYG National Regatta Report. by Harry Mote
  • Harry W “Pete” Petersen, Jr: A Model Yachting Life. by Harry Mote
  • What A Difference A Year Makes. by Earl Boebert Read on – Line drawings of Wampum, Wampum II

Volume 16, Number 2 – Summer 2013

  • Alternate Design for Self-Tacking Vane. by Ains Ballantyne (1945) – plan
  • Windling World. by Mark Steele
  • The First 36-in Restricted Class Championship. by Mike Stobbe
  • The Designs of Claudio Diolati. by Earl Boebert – drawings for Columbia, Endeavor II, Esterel.
  • Snipe Jr . by William F Crosby (1932) – plans and instructions for 20-in Snipe
  • A Note on Radio Control. by Earl Boebert

Volume 16, Number 1 – Winter 2012-2013

  • Paradoxy . by John Snow – line drawings for a Gus Lassel 40-in sharpie
  • Windling World. by Mark Steele – Of Pretty Boats, Elixirs Sought and Matters Mary!
  • 78 Years of Model Yachting – the 1930s. by Ryan Hunwicks
  • Blackchin II: A Sonder-Inspired V36. by Earl Boebert
  • 2012  National Regatta Report. by John Snow
  • 2012  Traditional Watercraft Regatta Report. by Al Suydam

Volume 15, Number 3 – Spring/Summer 2012

  • US VMYG Vintage 36 Class Rules
  • R/C Vintage Marblehead Rating Rules
  • Starlet . by John Black – drawings, plans, instructions – reprinted from Popular Mechanics , March 1942)

Volume 15, Number 2 – Winter 2011-2012

  • A. Potter’s Bunny I – plan
  • Westward Part XI (update). by Ken Hall
  • S. Wins the Challenge Cup (At Last). by Mark Stobbe
  • 2011 National Regatta Report. by Harry Mote
  • The MYRAA R Class. by Earl Boebert
  • Class Rules and Why We Have Them. by Harry Mote

Volume 15, Number 1 – Summer 2011

  • Windling World. by Mark Steele – Fife-ish Youpi Frencj Cutter for breakfast, fish for lunch, a Clipper for tea, plus schooners and a stunning racer!
  • The Model Sailing Yachts of Franklin Bassford. Revised and Updated by Earl Boebert (2010 and 2011)
  • The Compelling Nature of Experienced Marbleheads. by Thom McLaughlin
  • Bill Huizing’s Puritan photo

Volume 14, Number 3 – Winter 2010-2011

  • Windling World. by Mark Steele – the smallest schooners and square riggers
  • An Appreciation of Priscilla . by Jeff Pierson – restoring A 19 th century pond yacht
  • The Saga of the Little Yankees. by Earl Boebert
  • Model Radio Installations. by Earl Boebert
  • A couple of early photos
  • How About a Square-Rigged Class. by George Steele
  • The Eileen O’Boyle Square Rigger. by Douglas J. Boyle (1932–1933)
  • Plover – M class plan

Volume 14, Number 2 – Fall 2010

  • Windling World. by Mark Steele – A Stunning Westward, A USN Somers , a Schooner out of Bark, Sindia Sails Downunder, and Flavio Footy!
  • Building A Large Model Yacht – Some Lessons Learned. by Ken Hall – 8 ½ foot complete schooner build, shipping container, and sea trials
  • 2010 National Regatta Report. by John Snow

Volume 14, Number 1 – Summer 2010

  • A Marblehead Model Sailing Yacht. by Claude Horst (1939) – plans, drawings, and instructions
  • The Mark Steele Challenge. by Mark Steele

Volume 13, Number 3 – Winter 2009/2010

  • Windling World. by Mark Steele – Give the Man a Sailboat
  • How to Build ‘The M. Y.’ Star Jr . by W.J. Daniels (1929) – 36-in plans and instructions
  • More on Prospero. by Earl Boebert, Russell Potts, and Art Holzman Read on
  • Yet Another Starlet . by Earl Boebert – drawings
  • Spindrift. Marblehead drawings. A reprint from Model Craftsman , July, and August 1939

Volume 13, Number 2 – Fall 2009

  • Windling World. by Mark Steele -schooners and square rigs
  • Prospero . by W. J. Daniels (1912) Read on – discussion of balancing hulls
  • A Speedy Racing Schooner. by E. Armitage McCann (~1930)
  • 2009 US Vintage Model Yacht Regatta. by Al Suydam
  • Mystery Marblehead. by John Stoudt
  • A Nifty Little Boat. by W. W. Littlejohn (1928)
  • Onward 18-ft Model. by W. J. Daniels

Volume 13, Number 1 – Summer 2009

  • Daisy . by Jeff Conklin -24-in sloop
  • Big Little Ship or Little Big Ship? by Earl Boebert – square riggers
  • An Attractive Schooner. by Earl Boebert
  • Another Kethman Vane. by Earl Boebert
  • A 25-in Sailing Sloop. by Claude Horst (1933) and Earl Boebert – plans and instructions
  • A Fine Ranger Jr. by Earl Boebert
  • New England VM Regatta. by John Snow

Volume 12, Number 3 – Winter 2008-2009

  • Windling World. by Mark Steele – Of Skunners n “Uvvers, a Vijfmaster, Solo and Three Brfithers
  • A Husky Schooner Designed for Ocean Racing. by Earl Boebert
  • The Fisher Drawings. by Earl Boebert – multiple plans for building and fitting boats
  • Miniature Yacht Clubs. by Earl Boebert and an unknown author (1872) – reprint from Hearth and Home magazine
  • Midget – An Alpha Class Racing Model. by Earl Boebert and unknown author (1921)
  • The Lassel Vane – Theme and Variations. by Earl Boebert
  • The “EZ-Build” Vane. by Graham Reeves
  • Harold Kethman (vane). by Stephen Crewes
  • Bill Bithell Cup VM Regatta. by John Snow
  • Scotland Centenary. by Chris MacKenzie
  • A Whirlwind, Jr. by Steve Kling

Volume 12, Number 2 – Fall 2008

  • Windling World. by Mark Steele – Sindia, Inkerman Smallbones, Lurking Croc, Lady Love and Running Tide!
  • A “Pole Mast” Schooner. by Earl Boebert
  • The Delta Class – Design. by Harold Kethman
  • A Marblehead 450 (vane sailor). by Dave Thibodeau and Earl Boebert
  • An Interesting Tensioner. by Earl Boebert
  • 2008 National Vintage Regatta. by Harry Mote
  • Hartman Model Boats. by Richard Long
  • Another Yankee III. by David Tanski
  • Plans for Broomex and Exsquire (X class boats). by J. Selmer-Larsen

Volume 12, Number 1- Summer 2008

  • Windling World . by Mark Steele – Sharpies for Whatever, The Tour Fassa in the Netherlands, Sailing dem Bottles, and a Magnificent Golden Hind
  • The Restoration of a Sea Scout Racing Model. by Andy Abrahamson
  • Yankee Down Under. by Bob Jones
  • Spindrif (a vane Marblehead). by Charles Meister
  • A replica of a 1920s Boat. by Michael Duddy
  • Chico II. by Steve Mash
  • Black Watch . by John B. Duncan (1938) – 60-in vane boat drawings

Volume 11, Number 3 – Winter 2007-2008

  • Windling World. by Mark Steele– Of Webfooters, Direction-Changers, Favorite Boats, Not-Quite-Footy- Footies, and Purpose-Built Boatyard
  • How to Build A “Straddle Bug”. by William Atkins (1925) – an iceboat on floats
  • Racing Model Yachts. by William Henry (1921) – early racing in New York
  • R/C Vintage Marblehead Rating Rules Update 2007. by John Henson
  • Schooner of 104 tons. by G. W. Monroe (1937)
  • Festive. by Earl Boebert
  • What a Difference a Year Makes Wampum I and Wampum II. by Earl Boebert Read on
  • Etching “The Trail Trip” (1889)

Volume 11, Number 2 – Fall 2007

  • 2007 National Regatta Report. by John Snow – Celebrating the 75 th Anniversary of the Marblehead Class
  • Windling World. by Mark Steele – Of Square Riggers, Ketches, Sloops and Yawls; Boats for Pleasurable Windling
  • Model Yachting Notes.  by Earl Boebert – VMYG Vane Updated, Traditional Watercraft Survey, Thorobred, Toy Yachting in Central Park
  • Tuning and Trimming a Model Racing Yacht. by Walter K Moss (1937) – vane boats
  • Kittiwake . by Earl Boebert – plan

Volume 11, Number 1 – Summer 2007

  • Adventures in Cold Molding. by Earl Boebert – Part the Second, In Which We Find a Technique That Works Read on
  • Building 50-in North Carolina Sharpie. by Thomas Pratt
  • Building a Miniature Yacht by the Plank Method. by J. L. Wilson (1924)
  • How About a Dhow? By George Steele
  • Mentoring Project Model Sailboats Launched. by Charles Roden
  • The 2007 US-UK Challenge Cup – San Francisco. by Mike Stobbe and Ernie Mortensen
  • Hayseed VI. by Earl Boebert

Volume 10, Number 3 – Winter 2006-2007

  • 2006 National Vintage Regatta Report. by Harry Mote
  • Traditional Watercraft Regatta. by Buck McClellan, Alan Suydam, and George Sergent
  • Young America Goes Yachting. by Earl Boebert
  • Dreams of the Old Marbleheaders Live on. by Stephen Crewes
  • Adventures in Cold Molding. by Earl Boebert Read on
  • Kiltie . by Earl Boebert – 6-meter drawings
  • Dodge and Dodge Again. by Earl Boebert
  • Highgate Park. by Earl Boebert – illustration of early sailing
  • A Major New Publication by Curved Air Press. by Earl Boebert

Volume 10, Number 2 – Fall 2006

  • V36 Class Notes (rule proposal). by Alan Suydam
  • Vintage Down Under. by Stephen Crewes (Australia, 2006)
  • Getting Our Feet Wet for the 2007 US–UK Free Sail Regatta. by Ernie Mortensen
  • Sea Gull launched. by Kenneth Hall
  • How to Repair a Split Plank. by Mike Stobbe Read on
  • Luthier’s and Instrument Maker’s Planes. by Kenneth Hall
  • Building A Model Yacht Hull. by Anonymous (1953)

Volume 10, Number 1 – Summer 2006

  • Self-Tacking Vane Gear for Model Sailing Yachts. Introduction by Earl Boebert and text by John Black (1941)
  • Windling World. Mark Steele
  • Plank on frame construction of a traditional fin keel boat. by Thomas Darling with an introduction by Earl Boebert
  • Afterward: Miserable Rabbett. by Earl Boebert

Volume 9, Number 3 – Winter 2005-2006

  • Onward, Big and Little (10-Raters). by Earl Boebert
  • The US VMYG Vane. by Earl Boebert
  • Yankee III Update. by Earl Boebert
  • Multiconic Design of Hull Surfaces. by S.S. Rabl (1958)
  • Model Sailboats: The Technical Side of a Fascinating Hobby. by Samuel S. Sanford (1930)

Volume 9, Number 2 – Fall 2005

  • 2005 National Regatta Report. by Earl Boebert
  • Workshop Hints and Tips. by Fred Abbe, Earl Boebert, Charlie Roden, Mike Stobbe, and Alan Suydam.
  • An Auxiliary Cruising Schooner. by Earl Boebert
  • 2005 Traditional Watercraft Regatta Report. Buck McLellan
  • Bob Irwin and the A. J. Fisher Co. by Dick Hein
  • DN 36 : A Model Racing Sailboat. by Anonymous (probably Archie Arroll ~1935) – drawings and instructions

Volume 9, Number 1 – Summer 2005

  • US-UK Challenge Regatta 2005. by Graham Reeves and Martin Bandey – review and pictures of 36-inch vane boats
  • Model Sailboat Building in Portland, Oregon, Grade Schools Circa 1950: The Sandra Lee & Sun Kiss . by Paul Stager
  • Faith – A Bristol Channel Pilot Cutter. by Douglas Phillips-Birt (1962)
  • Square Rigged Notes. by George Steele
  • Lilliputian Cup Defenders. by Harry Dillon Jones (1900)
  • Sail Making for Model Yachts. by Thomas Darling (1925)

Volume 8, Number 3 – Winter 2004-2005

  • Porty . by C. G. Butler and Earl Boebert – line drawings for simple sloop
  • A Model of Dodge. by Earl Boebert
  • Ben Bow. by William Atkin (1929)
  • Yacht Sails. by Terrance North (1939) – names and drawings of different types of sails
  • The Vintage 36-in Class. by Alan Suydam
  • Whirlwind Jr. by Earl Boebert – drawings and instructions

Volume 8, Number 2 – Fall 2004

  • 2004 National Regatta Report. by John Atwood
  • Satanita . by Earl Boebert (1893) – largest and fastest cutter ever built
  • Donald Duck . by Earl Boebert – Henry Tucker M class design plan
  • An Inexpensive Bench Block. by Dave Querin
  • Thermopylae : A Sailing Model Clipper Ship. by Graham Henley (1950) – plans and instructions

Volume 8, Number 1 – Summer 2004

  • The Keel Catboat Dodge. by Earl Boebert
  • Model Yachts: How to Design and Build Them. by Arthur C Hyde (1885) Read on

Volume 7, Number 3 – Winter 2003-2004

  • 2004 Museum of Model Yachting Activities. by John Snow
  • R/C Vintage Marblehead (VM) Ratings Rules. by Charlie Roden
  • Simple Model Yacht Theory. by A.M. Colbridge (1952)
  • Snipe Junior . by W. M. F. Crosby (1932) – 20-in racing model plans and instructions
  • Modified “R” Class plan that meets VM class rule

Volume 7, Number 2 – Fall 2003

  • Twenty Vintage Marbleheads Launched. by Charlie Roden – model sailboat mentoring project
  • Early DX Class History and Sailboat Innovations. by Francis Reynolds
  • 2003 Vintage Marblehead Regatta Report. by Alan Suydam
  • The New Vintage 36 Class. by Alan Suydam
  • Another Small Class: The MM 25-inch vane sailor. by Earl Boebert – plans and instructions

Volume 7, Number 1 – Summer 2003

  • 2003 US-UK Challenge Cup. by Earl Boebert and Jeff Stobbe
  • The Davison Trip Tracking Gear. by A.C. Davidson (1942)
  • Skylark . by F.C. Tansley (1950) – 36-in restricted class – drawings and instructions
  • Line Drawings for 24-in Sharpie. by John Cavileer (1923)
  • 2003 National Regatta Report. by Alan Suydam
  • Steve Crewes Does It Again. by Earl Boebert
  • A Developed – Surface Sailing Model. by William F. Crosby (1944) – plans and instructions for 24-inch sloop

Volume 6, Number 3 – Winter 2002-2003

  • The American Model Yachting Collection (Mystic Seaport). by John Snow
  • 2002 Vintage Traditional Watercraft Regatta Report. by Annie Michnowicz and Richard Rogers
  • The Pirate Model Yacht and the Little Pirates program. by Scott Rohrer
  • R/C for little P irate. by Rod Carr
  • The R Class. by Earl Boebert
  • Bill Bithell Inducted into the AMYA Hall of Fame
  • The Most Beautiful Model Yachting Book – – Ever. by Earl Boebert
  • Afterward: Modern Materials supplement. by Earl Boebert.

Volume 6, Number 2 – Fall 2002

  • The American Model Yachting Collection. by Earl Boebert
  • Modeling Black Hawk. by Earl Boebert and Harry Mote
  • Region One Vintage Marblehead Invitational Regatta. by Bill Hagerup
  • The San Francisco Marblehead Invitational. by Jeff Stobbe
  • 2002 VM National Regatta. by Earl Boebert
  • Traditional Sailing Craft Regatta. by Parker McClellan
  • Fittings and Rigs. by Earl Boebert – description and history of numerous commercial and self-made parts, including various rigging diagrams
  • Shroud adjuster MK 3. by Joe Frasier
  • Yankee III Fittings. by Earl Boebert

Volume 6, Number 1 – Spring/Summer 2002

  • Vamarie.  by Harry Mote – Line drawings and history.
  • The Gypsy Sloops. by Earl Boebert – plans for small boats
  • The in the Water Model Boat Show and Vintage Regatta. by Charlie Roden
  • A Modified Horizontal Lift Method and Two Model Offers You Can’t Refuse. by Harry Mote
  • Book Review – Sydney’s Model Racing Skiffs – A History (Stephen Crewes). by Earl Boebert
  • A Yacht Model for Racing. by Captain E. Armitage McCann (Reprinted from Popular Science July and August 1926) – 20-inch boat plans and instructions

Volume 5, Number 3 – Winter 2001/2002

  • Schooners and Scale News. by Harry Mote
  • 2001 VM National Regatta and Museum Exhibit. by Thom McLaughlin
  • The Y ankee Jr. Project. by Earl Boebert
  • Overlapping Jibs on Small Scale Model Yachts. by Earl Boebert
  • Model Yacht Construction Over a Solid Form. by Ted Houk (1941) and Rod Carr (2001)

Volume 5, Number 2 – Fall 2007

  • The Third Annual San Francisco Model Yacht Club Marblehead Invitational. by Jeff Stobbe
  • Mystic Seaport Model Yacht Regatta. by John Snow
  • UK Report – San Francisco Model Yacht Club racing in the UK. by Jeff Stobbe
  • Traditional Sailing Craft Scale Models Regatta at Mystic Seaport. by Harry Mote
  • Andrew Charters’s Method of Tacking Overlapping Jibs. by Harry Mote
  • US VMYG at The Wooden Boat Show. by Al Suydam
  • Nina and Her “Radical Rig”. by Harry Mote
  • Model Yacht Building at the WoodenBoat School. by Thom McLaughlin
  • Turnbuckles and Bottle Screws. by Jack McKie and Vic Smeed Read on
  • A Miniature Model Yacht. by Earl Boebert – Wilson Theobald plan

Volume 5, Number 1 Spring/Summer 2001

  • More Six-Foot Schooners. by Tom Pratt
  • Atlantic – The Schooner yacht as a Model. by Harry Mote
  • The Search for the Sydney Model Yacht Continues. by Steve Crewes
  • Make Shavings, Not Sawdust . by Earl Boebert Read on – about hand planes and chisels
  • Yankee Jr. John Black’s Lost Design. by Earl Boebert

Volume 4, Number 3 – Winter 2000-2001

  • Dorade – The Sailing Yawl. by Earl Boebert and Harry Mote
  • Vintage Marblehead Coordinator Report. by Charlie Bloom
  • The International A Class in the United States. by Rod Carr
  • The Braine Steering Gear. by Charles Farley (1946)
  • Gyeing The Model Yacht. by Walter K. Moss (1940)
  • Free Sailing in the Radio Age. by Earl Boebert with thoughts by Thom McLaughlin

Volume 4, Number 2 – Fall 2000

  • The Second Annual San Francisco Marblehead Invitational Regatta . by Jeff Stobbe
  • Vintage Marblehead Coordinator’s Report. by Charlie Roden
  • 2000 Vintage M Regatta Report. by John Snow
  • Traditional Sailing Craft Scale Model Regatta Report. by Harry Mote
  • Spring Lake Open Attracts 11 Marbleheads. by Harry Mote
  • Scaling Laws. by George Steel
  • The Masthead Fly. by Charles Roden
  • In Search of the Sydney Model Yacht. by Steve Crewes
  • Sailing Spreckles Lake. by Earl Boebert
  • The Lateral Plane of Model Yachts. by Paul Fiske (1946)

Volume 4, Number 1 – Spring 2000

  • Six Foot Schooners. by Andrew Charter with introduction by Harry Mote
  • Old Lithograph. Oldest known picture of model yachting (June 1880)
  • Model Yacht Outreach. by Harry Mote
  • Never Trust a Blueprint. by Reginald Wood Butcher (1946)
  • The Ancient Mariner Speaks. – Questions and Answers
  • The Model Sailing Yachts of Franklin Bassford. by Earl Boebert

Volume 3, Number 3 – Winter 1999/2000

  • Thoughts on Guidelines for Schooner Static Judging. by Harry Mote
  • Book Review – An Introduction to Radio Controlled Scale Sailing Model (Phillip Vaughn Williams). by Harry Mote
  • Vintage Marblehead (VM) Coordinator’s Report. Proposed rule changes. by Charles Roden
  • Book Review – A Bibliography of Model Yachting (Russell Potts). by Earl Boebert
  • A Marblehead Model Sailing Yacht. by Claude Horst – update of Horst’s pamphlet with plans and instructions

Volume 3, Number 2 – Fall 1999

  • Nathanael Herreshoff ‘s Vane Gears. by Nathanael Herreshoff with comments by Earl Boebert
  • San Francisco Invitational Regatta Results. by Jeff Stobbe
  • US VMYG National Regatta Report. by Alan Suydam
  • Pond Yacht Building Course. by Thom McLaughlin
  • Technical Supplement – Excerpts from Thomas Moore’s Build a Winning Model Yacht. (1928) Read on
  • Curved Areas, Versed Sines, Trochoids, and the Wave Theory. by Earl Boebert Read on

Volume 3, Number 1 – Spring 1999

  • Vintage M Coordinator Report. by Charles Roden – proposed rule changes
  • Vintage Northwest. by Rod Carr
  • Daisy: History and development of vane steered cutter. by Jonathon Klinghorn
  • Old A Boat to Be Sailing Soon . by Stan E. Delo
  • Sailing Spreckels Lake. by Jeff Stobbe
  • Camelot East Regatta a Great Success. by Milt Thrasher
  • Book Review. Sunday Sailors. A Beginners Guide to Pond Boats and Model Yachting Until the 1950’s (Don Kihlstrom). by John Snow
  • A Few Comments on Jibs. by Charlie Roden
  • The Ancient Mariner Answers Your Questions
  • Speed Rigging (Braine steering) by George Baron (1937)
  • Vane steered free sail boats by Charles Farley (1945)

Volume 2, Number 3 – Winter 1998/99

  • We Attend Christchurch’s 100 th . by Earl Boebert
  • Features of an “ideal” Pond Boat. by George Steele
  • Magic – Dedicated to All Model Yacht Wives. by Jeanne Stout Burke
  • This Old Pilot Schooner. by Harry Mote
  • Vintage Marblehead Coordinators Report. by Charlie Roden
  • How Smooth Does Your Bottom Have to Be? by Charlie Roden
  • The Ancient Mariner Answers Design Questions
  • Sailboat Lifter/Launcher. by Jim Gray
  • Book Review. Pond Models – Some Simple Thoughts on Building and Sailing Them (M. de Lesseps). by Thom McLaughlin
  • A Simple Self Tacking Vane. by Earl Boebert

Volume 2, Number 2 – Summer 1998

  • A Birthday Bash: The San Francisco Model Yacht Club Turns 100. by Dominic Meo, III
  • Mill Pond Centennial 1998, Port Washington, Long Island, New York. by Jim Dolan and John Snow
  • Free Sailing. by George Steele
  • A Proposal for a New Event. by Earl Boebert
  • What Should We Call That? by Rod Carr
  • More on Rudders and Flaps. by Russell Potts
  • Foam Board as an Aid to Construction. by Jim Gray
  • An Old Pilot Schooner. by Helvig Dronquist

Volume 2, Number 1 – Spring 1998

  • Book Review – Model Sailing Yachts by W. J. Daniels and H. B.  Tucker (1951). by Chris Cafiero
  • Traditional Sailing Craft/Scale Model Regatta. by Harry Mote
  • More on Rudders and Flaps. by Earl Boebert, Harry Mote, and Grant Slinn
  • The San Francisco Model Yacht Club – Model Yachting in California. by Chester Chapman (1903)
  • History of San Francisco Model Yacht Club. by Don Lyon (1945)
  • A Profile of Don R. Lyon. by C. G. Gallagher (1948)
  • Stop Burning Your Fingers. by Ian Scott
  • Silver Soldering. by Earl Boebert
  • Swaged Fittings for Model Yachts. by Jim Gray
  • A Twenty-Five-inch Sailing Sloop (building plans) designed and described. by Claude Horst

Volume 1, Number 3 – Winter 1997-1998

  • American Model Yachting Publishing (1971–1997). by Rod Carr
  • 1997 Vintage Activities Summary. by John Snow
  • Southeast Area Vintage Comments. by Thom McLaughlin
  • Martha’s Vineyard Free-Sailed Model Yacht Regatta. by Jim Dolan and John Snow
  • Vintage “M” (VM) Class design rules. by John Snow
  • Starlet . by John Black (1942) – detailed construction plans and instructions for “a 36/600 vintage sharpie

Volume 1, Number 2 – Summer 1997

  • R/C Vintage “M” Class Racing Rules Format for Redd’s Pond. by Earl Boebert
  • R/C for Vintage Yachts. by Joe Frasier – basic guidelines, prior planning, components, construction, rigging, antenna
  • Woods Hole Model Boat Show. by Jim Dolan and John Snow – a description of experiences and exhibits at this bi- annual model yacht exposition
  • Redd’s Pond. by Jim Dolan and John Snow – a history of Redd’s Pond starting in the 1600s
  • The Myth of the Bounteous Board. by Charlie Roden – incidents at the WoodenBoat Show

Volume 1, Number 1 – Spring 1997

  • Building and Sailing the Cheerio. by Alan Suydam
  • Toy Yachts and Yachty Characters. by Charley Williamson
  • What Do You Want? Information… by Earl Boebert – Gus Lassel, Ted Houk, Mill Pond MYC
  • New US VMYG Division: Traditional Sailing Craft. by Harry Mote –  R/C Schooner Racing and Display Rules; Traditional Sailing Craft Scale Models; Schooners; Argonauts R/C  Schooner Fleet; R/C Scratch-built, Plank on Frame Schooners with Bulbs and Large Rudders Permitted; R/C Fiberglass Schooner Hulls Scratch Completed with Bulbs and Large Rudders Permitted
  • Zip A Marblehead Class Model Racing Yacht. by George Baron.

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Models on special.

vintage model yachts

Endeavour Yacht 80cm – J Class

Riva Aquariva Gucci 70cm Model Boat | Model Boats for Sale Australia

Riva Aquariva Gucci 70cm

vintage model yachts

Dragon Yacht 60cm

Australia Half hull model

Australia II Yacht Half-hull 90cm

Majestic Motor Yacht Model for Sale in Australia | Seacraft Gallery

Majestic Motor Yacht (with LED lights) 80cm

Sundancer Motor Yacht Model for Sale | Handcrafted Model Boats

Sea Ray Sundancer Motor Yacht 70cm

Riviera Open Flybird super yacht model

Riviera 45 Open Flybridge Motor Yacht 80cm

Aston Martin Powerboat for Sale | Wooden Yacht Models Australia

Aston Martin Power Boat AM37 60cm

Best sellers.

RMS Titanic model with lights 2023

RMS Titanic 80cm with lights

Riva Blue model boats 2019||Riva Blue model boats 2019||Riva Blue model boats 2019||Riva Blue model boats 2019||Riva Blue model boats 2019||Riva Blue model boats 2019||Riva Blue model boats 2019||Riva Blue model boats 2019||Riva Aquarama 70cm Model boat 1||Riva Aquarama 70cm Model boat 2||Riva Aquarama 70cm Model boat 3||Riva Aquarama 70cm Model boat 4||Riva Aquarama 70cm Model boat 5||Riva Aquarama 70cm Model boat 6||Riva Aquarama 70cm Model boat 7||Riva Aquarama 70cm Model boat 8||Riva Aquarama 70cm Model boat 8

Riva Aquarama 70cm (Blue – White)

HMS Victory model ship

HMS Victory 55cm – Captain Nelson

Black Pearl Model Ship

Pirates of the Caribbean – Black Pearl pirate ship 50cm

vintage model yachts

Le Soleil Royal 95cm – Extremely Detailed

HMS Investigator Model Ship

HMS Investigator 90cm – Captain Matthew Flinders

Endeavour model ship painted 75cm

HMB Endeavour 75cm Painted – James Cook ship

HMS Victory painted model ship

HMS Victory 75cm Painted – Extremely Detailed

New arrivals.

Armidale patrol boat model

HMAS Armidale (II) Patrol Boat Model 80cm

HMAS Bundaberg Model

HMAS Bundaberg (II) Patrol Boat Model 80cm

HMAS Paramatta Model

HMAS Parramatta III (DE46) River Class Destroyer 80cm

HMAS Swan Model

HMAS Swan III (DE50) River Class Destroyer Escort 80cm

HMAS Yarra Model

HMAS Yarra III (DE45) River Class Destroyer Escort 80cm

RMS Queen Elizabeth Model cruise

RMS Queen Elizabeth 89cm with Lights – Special Edition (Please inquire)

HMAS Torrens Model

HMAS Torrens III (DE53) River Class Destroyer 80cm

Lamborghini 90cm model boat 5||Lamborghini 90cm model boat 6||Lamborghini 90cm model boat 4||Lamborghini 90cm model boat 2||Lamborghini 90cm model boat 7||Lamborghini 90cm model boat 8||Lamborghini 90cm model boat 9||Lamborghini 90cm model boat 10||Lamborghini 90cm model boat 11||Lamborghini 90cm model boat 1||Lamborghini 90cm model boat 12||Lamborghini 90cm model boat 3

Riva Lamborghini 90cm

vintage model yachts


Throughout Australia’s rich and diverse history, maritime travel has played a significant role. Ships and boats have transported people to and from this island for hundreds of years, and this is the reason why Australia boasts such a robust history involving ships, boats, and other forms of naval travel. The nation is home to a vast array of boats, encompassing both vintage and contemporary vessels, and boasts several world-renowned marinas.

At Seacraft Gallery, we are proud to help represent the maritime past, present, and future of Australia. We look to celebrate Australia’s rich maritime history by crafting a diverse and captivating collection of  ship models, representing vessels that traverse the globe to reach the nation. Our collection spans from ancient Australian vessels to ships from corresponding eras, capturing a broad spectrum of naval history with meticulous attention to detail.

We offer free shipping on orders over $150.00 and a 100% money back guarantee if you are unsatisfied. All models must pass a 10 point quality control inspection before we ship it to you from Sydney warehouse, and all shipped items are guaranteed to arrive safely in professional packaging.

Need something specific? Then let us know. The team at Seacraft Gallery can build bespoke models of ships ; just let us know what you are looking for, and we can try to make it so.

The team at Seacraft Gallery – Sydney Australia

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Britannia Pond Yachts create hand-crafted beautifully finished wooden free sailing pond yachts made with passion the old fashioned way. Visit our shop for our latest range of vintage yachts for sale.

Guaranteed to sail every time

At 'Britannia Pond Yachts' we want to help preserve and promote the pastime of sailing pond yachts for future generations to come. By designing our own range of free sailing wooden model boats, we have incorporated the qualities and form of vintage model sailing yachts in every single one of our completed model boats. We first design our model yachts using our own hand drawn plans, the hull shapes are transferred onto timber blanks which are then carefully hand carved using traditional tools, methods, and materials. In this way we can optimise a yachts smooth sleek lines and extract the very best sailing performance from our wooden model yachts. The grace of billowing sails, the style and lines of model sailing boats from an age gone by, is evident from every little detail that has been carefully considered to provide you with the most beautiful model sailing boat that we can build.

Britannia North Star

Britannia Ponds Yachts North Star.​

We are also able to supply a large range of classic, vintage model boats and antique Pond Yachts from manufacturers like the famous Star Yachts of Birkenhead, Bowman, Skipper, Suggs, Ailsa, Gamages, Alexander and many others. Some of these sailing boats we restore to sailing condition, we also offer other vintage model yachts for restoration by yourself. Our stock is constantly changing please visit our shop to see our latest stock of vintage model yachts. If we do not list what you are looking for please ask, as we may be able to find it or you. From time to time to are also able to supply highly collectable Victorian and Edwardian Cutters. So if it is a gaff rigged cutter a topsail clipper bowed schooner, or a toy yacht or a toy boat that is suitable for a child, or a racing yacht or a gaff rigged antique cruiser for you then please enquire.

Britannia Pond Yachts Victorian 25 inch Beam Trawler LT6 Seaspray.jpeg

Late Victorian 25 inch Lowestoft Beam Trawler.​

"No price can be put on those dreams and aspersions of the mind, when she touches the water and with a little shove, those sails fill, and she heels over to track across the pond. From my first Birkenhead Star Yacht  “Southern Star,” the feeling was just the same as when I launched my newly restored classic yacht “Moon Song”. The only difference other than having to run around the pond to catch it, was that I was now fully part of that journey, that first push, that seed planted in my mind that had brought me to this point. So when you see an old pond yacht, don’t see it as a dated toy yacht or an artistic novelty! It is a carriage from which dreams are born!"

Graham Sweeney, Shipwright, 2019.

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Pond Yacht, sailing a vintage Skipper C13 Catamaran at Riverside Park, St Neots

Super Star Pond Yacht

Super Star Pond Yacht

Pond Yacht, Britannia Pixie.

Pond Yacht, Britannia Pixie.

The story of a 1920's Star SY5a pond yacht

The story of a 1920's Star SY5a pond yacht

Britannia Pond Yachts Cartoon .jpg

Our dreams are hand made in England.

We can ship our dreams all around the world, please enquire.

Britannia Pond Yachts 16 inch Gnome

Here are some of our yacht designs visit our gallery to see more. ​

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Admiralty Ship Models


Welcome to our model boat website, the ultimate destination for collectors and enthusiasts of classic model boats. We specialize in offering an extensive collection of high-quality models of some of the most iconic boats in history, including Riva, Chris Craft, and hydroplane models.

Our Riva models are handcrafted to capture the timeless elegance and style of these classic Italian speedboats. Our selection of Riva models includes Riva Aquarama, Riva Ariston, Rivarama and Aquariva.

Our Chris Craft models are equally impressive, featuring attention to detail and an emphasis on classic American style.  For those who appreciate the speed and excitement of hydroplane racing, we also offer hydroplane models that capture the sleek lines and beauty of these high-performance boats.

All our model boats are sold fully built. They aren't kits. These are display models only and not radio-controlled.

Please email us if you have any queries about these model boats or if you would like to order a display case for them.

Chris Craft wooden boat models


Hydroplane model


Riva Aquarama model yacht


vintage model yachts

Model Yacht Building


Introduction: Model Yacht Building

Step 1: laser cut frames and decks for model boats, step 2: solid models, recommendations.

DIY Solar-Powered Emergency USB Charger for Camping and Hiking

Microcontrollers Contest

Microcontrollers Contest

Woodworking Contest

Woodworking Contest

Art and Sculpture Contest

Art and Sculpture Contest

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antique model boat

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Folk Art Rowing Boat Scratch Built Model wooden circa 1940s Vintage

Folk art rowing boat scratch built model wooden circa 1940s ii vintage, vintage bronze & copper model of edward aagaard viking boat copenhagen iron art, new listing antique chinese export silver junk model boat ship on wood stand no reserve, antique marlow cabin cruiser steam engine boat yacht wooden scale model, vintage wooden model boat for parts,repair or restoration, stunning and antique model of boat, folk art circa 1930/militaria, vintage clock work model speed boat san remo ms 735 yacht in box west german, chris craft style wooden classic model sport boat single cockpit 14" long, antique model engine electric toy boat car etc, antique model boat, ancient egyptian royal galley, built antique itc 60`s 1/48th "finest hours" uscg type rescue boat display model, old wood handcrafted model of a chinese junk vessel boat ship 11" bought in 1952, vintage wooden model sailing boat timber woodwork model yacht m real simpel, ancient sail boat wooden ship model kit parts antique pure copper anchor chain, vintage horn and bone sailboat, hand made model boat ornament. 26cm long, antique boat's half hull plaque, english, decorative maritime model, edwardian, rushton indian girl canoe model 24" handcrafted wooden built boat new, vintage antique old australian cedar pond boat yacht toy racing skiff model, vintage 18” long row boat handmade wooden nautical model kit toy boat, primitive wood boat ship folk art 16 1/2 model ship, antique chinese hand crafted model junk boat detailed 17.25"l x 4.75"w x 21" h, antique, vtg metal warship boat battleship model measuring 16" x 7" x 3 3/4", painted tin steamboat, antique toy, model, folk art, early 20th century, art deco bakelite chrome hull model sailing boat yacht lucite base ball feet, vintage hand made & painted model wooden speed boat, 12 inches long, large vintage antique old cedar & pine boat ship half model, antique wooden model boat lake river, vintage wooden model boat ss united states 1787 frigate art spain, antique desk shelf mantel table home decor brown sailing boat ship wooden model, birkenhead star yacht sy0 model boat sailboat sailing ship wood toy 8in w stand, 14 inch tall model sail boat beige white wood, new listing 7x antique toy paper model kit bus race car boat house skyscraper funny paper m, vintage chris craft style wooden wood model 40s 50s speed boat damaged 10" brown, vintage chris craft style wooden wood model 40s 50s speed boat damaged 10" white, antique ,vintage shady lady model boat from lewes, vintage wooden model sailing boat timber hull pond yacht, antique diorama model boat in sa bottle graved early 1900 good condition b804, vintage chris craft style wooden wood model 40s 50s speed boat damaged 10" blue, u.s. navy boat clock mk i 1941- new condition, vintage antique wooden sailboat display model decor, chinese pirate military junk wooden model ship boat vintage with brass canons, vintage chinese hong kong silver junk boat model, ship wooden sailing boat model, 1982 artesania latina swift virginia pilot boat 1805 wood model kit 1:50 scale, circa 1800 katy of norfolk virginia pilot boat model, endeavour red white yacht wood model 24" americas cup j class boat sailboat, vintage wooden wood / tin pond hobby sail boat / yacht 20" long #ht, vintage/antique collectables gift sterling silver 925 ship model boat 144 g, endeavour america's cup j class yacht wood model 24" boat sailboat new, vintage hand carved wood kashmir india model boat house, small wooden model boat - about 6 inches white and blue, wooden model sailing boat orange green white ropes ladders flags signed read, chinese silver model patrol boat junk ship, vintage folk art wooden row boat model 12’, southsea model boats on canoe lake - 4x antique photographs c1906, antique neptune outboard motor model 0b12a collectible boat or man cave parts n2, antique sterling silver model sailing ship boat w/ moving rudder anchor.



    The US Vintage Model Yacht Group (US VMYG) is a Special Interest Group of the American Model Yachting Association. The US VMYG is also a close collaborator with the Vintage Model Yacht Group (United Kingdom). Our organizational goals are the preservation, building, and sailing of older model yacht designs, and the study of the history of the ...

  2. model yacht company pond yachts

    The model yacht company specializes in buying, selling and restoring vintage model pond yachts and model sailing yachts. We offer a selection of restored, original and unrestored model yachts and steam boats. We also sell marine art, maratime antiques, yachting photographs, and broker the sale of good quality models boats on behalf of owners.

  3. Antique Model Ships for sale

    Antique Vintage Model Boat PARTS INCOMPLETE MODEL BOAT UNMARKED OLD 18" Long . $39.99. or Best Offer. $20.00 shipping. 0 bids. 3d 6h. Rare Nautical Maritime Antique Early 1900's Wood Tug Boat Model Diorama. $119.99. $18.05 shipping. Antique Half Hull Ship Model Makers Model Lord Byron 1874 Iron Ship.


    [email protected] (410) 404-3093. Vintage Power. Peter Kelley. [email protected] (905) 301-9977. Register Your Boat. The US Vintage Model Yacht Group (US VMYG) is a Special Interest Group of the American Model Yachting Association. The US VMYG is also a close collaborator with the Vintage Model Yacht Group (United Kingdom).

  5. Vintage Fully Assembled Model Ships for Sale

    In the meantime you may contact us by phone at 00 34 656182289 or alternatively by using our Contact Page in our online shop. Welcome to Vintage Ship Models. In addition to our collection of well known tall ship models such as Cutty Sark and HMS Victory, we also offer a range of such diverse models as the famous Polar Exporation Ships, Chinese ...

  6. US Vintage Model Yacht Group

    This channel is to share the joy of building and sailing vintage model yachts.

  7. U.S. Vintage Model Yacht Group

    The US Vintage Model Yacht Group (US VMYG) is a Special Interest Group of the American Model Yachting Association. The US VMYG is also a close collaborator with the Vintage Model Yacht Group (United...

  8. Vintage Model Yacht Group UK

    Welcome to the VMYG website. This site is devoted to the history, restoration and sailing of Vintage Pond Yachts of all types and ages. We also have an active interest in the toy boats that introduced so many of us to this pastime. - new material is listed here What's New. Imminent Events 2023.

  9. About Us

    The US Vintage Model Yacht Group is a Special Interest Group of the American Model Yachting Association. Our organizational goals are the preservation, building, and sailing of older model yacht designs and the study of the history of the sport of model yachting. "Vintage" primarily means any older model sailboats no longer sailed (or never ...

  10. Model Yacht for sale

    New listing 1960's Vintage Model Sailing Yacht. Pre-owned. £0.99. £6.00 P&P. 0 bids. 6d 23h. Detailed 50cm long wooden model Enterprise J Class Sailing Yacht. Brand new. £55.00. 59 watching. White Sailing Yacht Collectable Model 66cm Nautical Wood Boat Fabric Sail Large . Brand new. £20.99. Click & Collect.

  11. THE AMYA

    The AMYA was established in 1970 as a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting racing, designing, building, and preservation of all model sailing yachts, and membership is open to all who are interested in these activities. Our quarterly magazine is the only publication devoted 100% to model yachting. It is a great benefit of AMYA ...

  12. Scale Model Yacht for sale

    Great deals on Scale Model Yacht. Expand your options of fun home activities with the largest online selection at Fast & Free shipping on many items! ... 1/32 Scale Vintage Yacht 1 Moon Light II - Union Plastic Model - Japan Kit #B-03. $60.00. or Best Offer. $15.70 shipping.

  13. TMY Index

    The Vintage Model Yacht Group is…People!! By Ken Young; Build Your Own Plank-Constructed Pond Yacht at WoodenBoat School (ME). by Rich Hilsinger; Build Your Own Vintage 36 Model Yacht at Hudson River Maritime Museum. by Sarah Wasberg-Johnson ~ NEWSLETTER - The Model Yacht ~ Volume 18, Number 2 - Winter 2016-2017

  14. Handcrafted Model Ships, Model Boats & Model Sailing Yachts for Sale

    Model Boats (21) Model Cruises (23) Sailing Yachts (23) Custom Models Modern Yachts (17) Model Warships (41) Display ... and other forms of naval travel. The nation is home to a vast array of boats, encompassing both vintage and contemporary vessels, and boasts several world-renowned marinas. At Seacraft Gallery, we are proud to help represent ...

  15. HOME

    Britannia Ponds Yachts North Star. We are also able to supply a large range of classic, vintage model boats and antique Pond Yachts from manufacturers like the famous Star Yachts of Birkenhead, Bowman, Skipper, Suggs, Ailsa, Gamages, Alexander and many others. Some of these sailing boats we restore to sailing condition, we also offer other ...

  16. Vintage Model Boat

    Antique Vintage Marine Models Yachtsman Magazine London June 1933 Sailing Ships Boats Nautical. (949) $38.00. FREE shipping. Vintage Pond Yacht. Perfect Model Boat Co, 1930-1960. Kit 16in Hollow hull, hull with Ballast and Rudder installed. (62) $21.33.


    Welcome to our model boat website, the ultimate destination for collectors and enthusiasts of classic model boats. We specialize in offering an extensive collection of high-quality models of some of the most iconic boats in history, including Riva, Chris Craft, and hydroplane models.Our Riva models are handcrafted to capture the timeless elegance and style of these classic Italian speedboats ...

  18. Model Yacht Building

    Vintage Model Yachts. There is a large group involved in building large model yachts like my 73" Vanja that had plans published by Popular Mechanics in 1936. I offer copies of Vanja and IOD 48" plans on my websites. I have fiberglass molds for the Vanja 73" and IOD 48". I have made 4 Vanja hulls and will make more for those who are interested ...

  19. Ready Made Model Ships, Ship Models Kits, Model Sailing Ships for Sale

    Endeavour Model Yacht Black / White (Standard Range) - AM (AS155) USD $ 198 Original price was: USD $198. USD $ 173 Current price is: USD $173. View Product. Sale! USS Constitution Wooden Model Ship - GN USD $ 490 Original price was: USD $490. USD $ 466 Current price is: USD $466.

  20. Antique Model Pond Boats/Yachts for sale

    Get the best deals on Antique Model Pond Boats/Yachts when you shop the largest online selection at Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands ... Vintage 1895 Cup Racer 36" Wooden Pond Yacht Model Sailboat wirh Stand. $199.00. or Best Offer. $77.51 shipping.

  21. Power Antique And Classic boats for sale

    Antique and Classic boats for sale on YachtWorld are available in a range of prices from $1 on the relatively more affordable end up to $6,748,802 for the more costly models. Remember the cost of ownership when considering your budget and the listing price of a yacht for sale. Find Power Antique And Classic boats for sale in your area & across ...

  22. Classic Racing Yachts

    America's Cup Classic Yacht Model 42cm . The smallest model in our range of the famous America's Cup racing yachts of the late 19th century is a solid wooden hulled model - 16.5 inches long and 25 inches high. ... Vintage Ship Models, Sirius Marine Calle Isla Taberca no. 15 Orihuela Costa 03189 Spain; Call us now: ...

  23. antique model boat products for sale

    Vintage Model Wooden Pond Yacht Weighted Keel 17" Hull Antique Sail Boat PROJECT. £99.95. or Best Offer. £7.50 postage. Collectable Vintage/Antique/Old - Ship/Boat in a Glass Bottle. £17.95. Click & Collect. £3.95 postage. Model ship metal sea boat antique style USA 1890 Baltimore Cruiser no kit.