What is the meaning of the term 'motorboating' and what is its origin?

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The term "motorboating" has two distinct meanings.

The first meaning refers to the activity of traveling in a motorboat [2] . This is the literal definition of the term and is commonly used in the context of recreational boating or water sports.

The second meaning, which is more commonly known as slang, refers to a sexual act. It involves placing one's face between a woman's breasts and making a noise like a motorboat by rapidly moving one's head from side to side [1] [2] . This slang term is often used humorously or in a playful manner.

Origin: The origin of the term "motorboating" in the context of the sexual act is not well-documented. However, it is believed to have emerged as a slang term in popular culture, possibly in the late 20th century or early 21st century. The act itself is a playful and humorous gesture, and the term likely originated as a way to describe the sound and motion made during the act, which resembles the noise and movement of a motorboat.

Learn more:

  • What does motorboating mean? How did the term originate?
  • motorboating - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
  • Where did the term motorboat come from? | AnandTech Forums: Technology, Hardware, Software, and Deals

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  • Nov 29, 2023

The Birth of Motorboating

Dorothy Levitt Napier powerboat

Adding a motor to a boat is said to have started in the late 1700s when Scottish inventor James Watt, often erroneously credited with the invention of the steam engine, placed one such engine in a boat in Birmingham, England.

Many steam-powered boats followed, some using a screw-type propeller to create motion as Watt did but most utilizing paddlewheels.

Except for recent developments in battery-electric power, pleasure boating has relied upon the internal combustion engine (ICE) as the source of power. There are many interesting iterations of the ICE and we will ignore some of them such as the gas turbine engine and rocket engines as their contribution to the sport, although most fascinating indeed, has been minimal.

The development of the ICE came bit by bit starting in the late 1700s. French engineers are credited with installing a prototype of their ICE in a boat around 1800-1810. There is little information available about that boat, the engine, or its inventors. Aside from an American patent for a turpentine-fueled ICE in 1826 which never went into production, it seems there was little other reported progress during the balance of that century.

Then in 1886, German inventors Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach installed their one-cylinder, petroleum-derivative powered ICE into an open double-ender skiff-type boat on a lake near Stuttgart. This roughly half-litre displacement engine weighed almost 60 kilograms (roughly 133 lbs) and developed a little over one horsepower at around 700 RPM.

The boat, named Rems , had been commissioned from the German shipyard of Friedrich Lursson , a yard that would eventually become today’s Lursson Yachts . Rems would be remembered and credited as the first motorboat, even if indeed it had not exactly been the first.

1886 Lurssen Yachts 'Rems'

It seems that the first sizeable production of motorboats was by Priestman Brothers of England which tested its first ICE-powered boat in 1888. Priestman IC engines utilized kerosene and a high-voltage spark-type ignition system patented by Karl Benz in 1888. Many of Priestman’s boats were used commercially to move goods on England’s canal system.

Frederick Lanchester of England had by 1897 developed a new ICE design with an innovative wick-fed carburetor utilizing benzene in a boat with a reversible propeller. This engine received much praise as being “high-revving” while attaining the unimaginable peak of 800 RPM. Many Lanchester boats were used as ferries on the Thames River and elsewhere.

Both pleasure and commercial motorboating was growing exponentially into the turn of the 20th century, both in Europe and America. And of course, where there are motors, there are those wanting to race and claim victory. In 1903, the Marine Motor Association was started in England, followed months later in the United States by the American Power Boat Association (APBA), both with the objective to create rules for boat racing by delineating classes of boats and engines.

motorboating origin

Also in 1903, Mr. Alfred Harmsworth donated the Harmsworth Cup for international powerboat competition. There were few rules, but the boat and engine had to be designed and built in the country being represented. The first race for the Harmsworth Cup was won by the 40-foot Napier I , designed and built as a race boat by Napier and Company of England and driven by Dorothy Levitt. The hull was steel and the four-cylinder Napier engine developed 66 horsepower -- providing a top speed of 21 mph, thus setting the world’s first speed record.

One year later, in 1904, APBA created The Challenge Cup which has been known since as the Gold Cup. The first race, on the Hudson River in New York, was won by the nearly 60-foot-long Standard having an average speed of less than 25 mph from its 110-horsepower Standard engine. Boat racing was forever changed in 1911 when the Gold Cup was won by a hydroplane design, which of course was a planing hull as opposed to the displacement hull designs up until that time.

Standard winner of the First Gold Cup in 1904

It was John L. Hacker who had earned accreditation as a marine designer at age 22 and focused his efforts on making boats go faster. Five years later, in 1904, his revolutionary Au Revoir with a shallow V-bottom design as opposed to a round bottom, set the record as the world’s fastest boat. Then in 1908, he purchased the Detroit Launch and Power Company and changed its name to the Hacker Boat Company .

In 1911, Hacker designed and built Kitty Hawk , the first stepped-hull hydroplane design which not only won the APBA Gold Cup that year but set an unthinkable world speed record over 50 mph. It held the record of the world’s fastest boat from 1911 to 1915. Top speed and average speeds rose almost yearly for both Harmsworth and Gold Cup events right into the 21st century.

John L. Hacker’s Kitty Hawk, World’s Fastest Boat 1911-1915

There are a couple of interesting notes, however. America first won England’s Harmsworth Cup in 1907, and then every year from 1920 to 1933 mostly by the indomitable Gar Wood who later owned Chris-Craft Boats . Meanwhile, Chris Smith had built his first Chris-Craft race boat in 1905 achieving an ultra-impressive speed of 25 mph. Chris-Craft went on to win the Gold Cup for eight consecutive years. Much later, the Canadian owned, designed, and built hydroplane, Miss Supertest III entered only four races before it was retired, but it won all four races – the 1959 Detroit Memorial Regatta, and the 1959, 1960, and 1961 Harmsworth Cup races.

motorboating origin

The Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM) was established in 1922 in Belgium and headquartered in Monaco -- an emerging and now constant hotbed of powerboat racing. To this day, UIM is the overall governing body for all powerboat racing in the world. Regional associations such as the APBA in America and the Canadian Boating Federation (CBF) utilize UIM standards and categories for racing and for verifying world records and championships.

But, back to the progress in recreational powerboating. German engineer Rudolf Diesel invented the diesel engine in 1893. By 1903, Diesel had perfected the four-stroke compression-ignition internal combustion diesel engine. The first engine produced 25 horsepower and was an immediate commercial success. Diesel is still the choice of power for commercial shipping and larger pleasure yachts over 40 feet. In the modern era it has been “cleaned” up and lightened up to be installed inboard in smaller pleasure boats and, most recently, as the powerhead in several brands of outboard motors .

That detail provides an interesting segue. Up until 1900, the ICE delivered its power, except for paddlewheels, by means of a screw-type propeller on the end of a shaft colloquially called a propshaft. This propshaft would extend from the inboard-mounted engine on a slight downward angle and protrude through the bottom of the boat near the stern. Aft of the propeller was the rudder. There were two configurations based on the placement of the engine in the boat: the straight drive inboard and the V-drive inboard.

These two configurations were the power arrangement of choice for almost all pleasure boats. But, such an arrangement in small boats, punts, and skiffs was too expensive for the average family. Thus, powered pleasure boating was only within the realm of the rich. This changed with the invention and commercialization of the outboard motor . Credit for the development of the first outboard motor is very sketchy. It may have been Gustave Trouve in France in 1881, or it may have been later in America by the American Motor Company of Long Island, New York.

Then in 1903, American Cameron Waterman connected an air-cooled motorcycle engine to a propeller by means of sprockets. Patented and put into production in 1906 and redesigned to be water-cooled in 1907, some 3000 Waterman Porto outboard motors were sold. This is credited as the first commercially successful outboard motor.

With this development, outboard motors became accessible to the average family. They also became commercially viable and mechanically reliable in North America, and shortly thereafter throughout the world when engine tinkerer Ole Evinrude patented his 1.5 horsepower outboard motor in 1909 from his shop in Milwaukee. Good marketing from his wife Bess and a good product saw sales grow exponentially year over year.

Poor health forced Evinrude to sell out in 1913, but he kept inventing. In 1919, unable to use his own name on the motor, he established the Elto (Evinrude Light Twin Outboard) Motor Company in Milwaukee to produce a light weight twin-cylinder, 3-horsepower outboard motor. It quickly outsold local competitors Evinrude and Johnson. But Johnson, which had introduced diecast aluminum production, kept developing increasingly bigger horsepower motors to satisfy the growing need for speed. It soon began to outsell both Evinrude and Elto. The horsepower game had begun. The Johnson 6-horsepower Big Twin of 1926 set a world outboard speed record of 23 mph. Over the years, many new outboard motor brands became available.

Several decades later came the almost literal combination of both inboard and outboard power delivery. Jim Wynne was an American marine engineer, boat designer, a perfecter of the deep-vee hull design, and one of the first offshore racers. As a racer, he was able to see the advantages and disadvantages of both outboard and inboard powered boats. In his garage in his spare time, he set about trying to marry the best parts of the two concepts. Wynne created, tested, and patented the marine sterndrive, also known as the inboard-outboard.

Volvo Penta quickly purchased the rights to its manufacture from Wynne and introduced the Aquamatic Sterndrive to worldwide acclaim at the 1959 New York Boat Show. It combined the benefits of both the inboard and outboard propulsion units in one package -- a higher horsepower engine located inside the boat protected from the elements, and a steerable and trimmable propeller unit (the outdrive) located outside the boat.

The post-WWII economic boom gave a huge boost to the pleasure boat industry worldwide. The sizes and styles of boats, the methods and materials of manufacture, and the available niche marketing to satisfy the growing demand was huge. Nonetheless, shallow water was still the Achilles heel of the propeller.

To solve this, Keenan Hanley of Prospect, Ohio designed a waterjet -- basically a centrifugal pump which would take water in one end and expel it out the other end at a greater speed. He established Hanley Hydrojet and partnered with Kermath Manufacturing of Detroit to adapt it for pleasure boat use. The Hanley-Kermath Hydro-Jet coupled to an inboard engine and protruding only slightly below the hull was installed on a 17-foot runabout and hit the 1953 boat show circuit. It didn’t cause much excitement.

By 1954, Sir William Hamilton of New Zealand had been tinkering with the water jet idea. He modified the Hanley design to expel the water stream through a steerable nozzle above the waterline, thus removing any part of the waterjet from below the hull. This became the first Hamilton Waterjet. Hamilton Jet, along with several other water jet makers, have since grown and expanded to provide water jets to almost every sector of both pleasure boating and commercial shipping.

Other methods of delivering the power to the water include surface drives, perhaps the most notable one being the Arneson Surface Drive. There are other makers of surface drives too. One recent drive development in pleasure boats is the pod drive.

This article has only scratched the surface of the development of a huge industry, but suffice it to say that powerboating has come a long way since Daimler and Maybach first installed an ICE in a boat. #culture #innovatorsinboating

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The Bridal Tip

What does it mean to motorboat someone?

As a professional wedding consultant, I strive to provide detailed and informative answers to all questions related to weddings and relationships. Today, I will address the question of what it means to “motorboat” someone. Please note that this term is slang and may not be suitable for all audiences.

To put it simply, motorboating refers to the act of placing one’s head between a woman’s breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one’s lips while moving the head from side to side. This action is typically done in a playful or intimate manner and is often seen as a form of physical affection or sexual gratification.

It is important to note that motorboating is not a universally accepted or appropriate behavior in all situations. It is generally considered a playful or intimate act between consenting adults and is often associated with a sexual context. It is crucial to always obtain explicit consent from your partner before engaging in any physical acts, including motorboating.

While motorboating may be seen as a form of physical affection or foreplay in some relationships, it is important to remember that everyone has different boundaries and comfort levels when it comes to intimate acts. It is essential to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about what is consensual and enjoyable for both parties involved.

In the context of a wedding or any public event, motorboating is generally considered inappropriate and disrespectful. It is important to maintain a level of professionalism and respect when attending such occasions. Engaging in any behavior that may be seen as offensive or inappropriate can have negative consequences and may tarnish your reputation.

To summarize, motorboating refers to the act of placing one’s head between a woman’s breasts and making a motorboat sound with one’s lips. While it may be seen as a form of physical affection or sexual gratification in certain contexts, it is crucial to always obtain explicit consent from your partner and respect their boundaries. In public or professional settings, it is important to maintain a level of professionalism and avoid engaging in inappropriate behavior.


  • 1.1 Pronunciation


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motorboating ( uncountable )

  • The act of travelling in a motorboat .
  • ( slang ) The act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one's lips whilst moving the head from side to side.
  • 2010 , Phil Torcivia, Nice Meeting You , page 183 : (He is referring to her boobs.) Phil: Nice. Dog #1: They are suh-weet! Can you imagine climbing behind that caboose and hanging on to those milk-bags? Dog #2: I'd be motorboating them for hours.
  • 2011 , Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi , A Shore Thing , page 120 : "Mmmm," he mumbled, his face between her boobs, motorboating .
  • 2012 , Alex Langley, The Geek Handbook: Practical Skills and Advice for the Likeable Modern Geek , page 56 : PROBLEM: You accidentally touched your platonic galpal on the boob. SOLUTION: Apologize quickly, making it clear that it was just a slip of the hand. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE: Try to “break the tension” by motorboating your friend's breasts.

motorboating origin

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What does the noun motor-boating mean?

There are two meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun motor-boating . See ‘Meaning & use’ for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence.

motor-boating has developed meanings and uses in subjects including

How common is the noun motor-boating ?

How is the noun motor-boating pronounced?

British english, u.s. english, where does the noun motor-boating come from.

Earliest known use

The earliest known use of the noun motor-boating is in the 1900s.

OED's earliest evidence for motor-boating is from 1905, in Oakland (California) Tribune .

motor-boating is formed within English, by derivation.

Etymons: motor boat n. , ‑ing suffix 1 .

Nearby entries

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  • motor boat, n. 1871–
  • motor-boat, v. 1903–
  • motor-boating, n. 1905–
  • motor-boatist, n. 1908–
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  • motor-bus, v. 1915–
  • motorcade, n. 1910–
  • motorcade, v. 1965–
  • motor camp, n. 1925–
  • motor cannon, n. 1889–
  • motor car, n. 1878–
  • motor caravan, n. 1909–
  • motor-carist, n. 1899–

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Pronunciation, entry history for motor-boating, n..

motor-boating, n. was revised in December 2002.

motor-boating, n. was last modified in July 2023.

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Revisions and additions of this kind were last incorporated into motor-boating, n. in July 2023.

Earlier versions of this entry were published in:

A Supplement to the OED, Volume II (1976)

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1890, in the meaning defined above

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“Motorboat.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/motorboat. Accessed 6 Sep. 2024.

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Nglish: Translation of motorboat for Spanish Speakers

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Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about motorboat

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motorboating ( English)

  • The act of travelling in a motorboat .
  • ( slang ) The act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one's lips whilst moving the head from side to side.
  • Present participle of motorboat
  • 2010 , Phil Torcivia, Nice Meeting You , page 183: (He is referring to her boobs.) Phil: Nice. Dog #1: They are suh-weet! Can you imagine climbing behind that caboose and hanging on to those milk-bags? Dog #2: I'd be motorboating them for hours.
  • 2011 , Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi , A Shore Thing , page 120: "Mmmm," he mumbled, his face between her boobs, motorboating .
  • 2012 , Alex Langley, The Geek Handbook: Practical Skills and Advice for the Likeable Modern Geek , page 56 PROBLEM: You accidentally touched your platonic galpal on the boob. SOLUTION: Apologize quickly, making it clear that it was just a slip of the hand. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE: Try to “break the tension” by motorboating your friend's breasts.

Automatically generated practical examples in English:

The Class B (under 60 feet) was one of three motorboating classes contested on the Water motorsports at the 1908 Summer Olympics programme. Water motorsports at the 1908 Summer Olympics – Class B

The Class A (open class) was one of three motorboating classes contested on the Water motorsports at the 1908 Summer Olympics programme. Water motorsports at the 1908 Summer Olympics – Class A

The Class C (6.5 to 8 metres) was one of three motorboating classes contested on the Water motorsports at the 1908 Summer Olympics programme. Water motorsports at the 1908 Summer Olympics – Class C

▾  Further examples

The Yachting Association of India is the governing body for sailing, windsurfing and motorboating in India. Sailing in India - Wikipedia

Purpose, Promote small boat sailing and motorboating in and about the Charlottetown Harbour. Headquarters, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Charlottetown Yacht Club - Wikipedia

The surrounding area offers many opportunities for outdoor recreation; these include fishing, sailing, motorboating , golfing, and hiking. New Smyrna Beach, Florida - Wikipedia

Lance Corporal Daniel Monk, 31, who was accused of thrusting his face into a female soldier's lap before 'motorboating' her, was today cleared of sexual assault at Bulford Military Court. Mail Online, 1 April 2022

▾  Dictionary entries

Entries where "motorboating" occurs:

motorboat : …(masc.) Swedish: motorbåt‎ (common) Verb motorboat (third-person singular simple present motorboats, present participle motorboating , simple past and past participle motorboated) (slang) To place one's head between a woman's breasts and make the sound of…

motonautisme : motonautisme (French) Noun motonautisme (masc.) (pl. motonautismes) motorboating Related words & phrases motonautiste

moottoriveneily : moottoriveneily (Finnish) Noun moottoriveneily motorboating

motonautică : motonautică (Romanian) Origin & history From French motonautique‎ Noun motonautică (fem.) (uncountable) motorboating

Citations:motorboat : …2013, page 84:    You're blind to the blue Pacific water and glaring sun as your entire face is buried in Sofia's bosom—you're motorboating on a motorboat! 2013, "Benny Boy," "The Blackout And The Beautiful: Part XII - The Finale", The Black Sheep (University…

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Cite this page : "motorboating" – WordSense Online Dictionary (6th September, 2024) URL: https://www.wordsense.eu/motorboating/

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[ moh -ter-boh-ting ]

  • the recreational activity of operating or traveling in a motorboat .
  • a malfunction in audio equipment resulting in sounds like those produced by an outboard motor.

Word History and Origins

Origin of motorboating 1

Example Sentences

I thought about motorboating them, but that seemed a little past the line.

Definition of motorboat

Verb - transitive.

  • See more words with the same meaning: sex activities, practices, moves .
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Definitions include: to suck , i.e. perform fellatio.
Definitions include: one of many made up "sex moves" that involve physical abuse of women.
Definitions include: to fellate.
Definitions include: to be on the giving end of anal sex.
Definitions include: to sexually stimulate a person's penis with one's hands.
Definitions include: fellatio.
Definitions include: of sex, unprotected sex.
Definitions include: anal sex
Definitions include: to perform cunnilingus.
Definitions include: to perform aggressive fellatio.
Definitions include: to perform oral sex.
Definitions include: to perform cunnilingus; " ".
Definitions include: to perform fellatio.
Definitions include: an alcoholic beverage consumed "on the road" (i.e. in a vehicle.)
Definitions include: one of many made up "sex moves" that involve physical abuse of women.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: Eat my pussy
Definitions include: a brief sexual encounter.
Definitions include: a penis.
Definitions include: insanely crazy people
Definitions include: jerk, asshole from carta - junk/crap.
Definitions include: sergeant.
Definitions include: to feed livestock
Definitions include: to believe a lie.
Definitions include: impressive.
Definitions include: breasts

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  • While you can take a motorboat, many people prefer to take the original Venetian taxi, the famous gondola.  

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  1. Women in Motorboat

    motorboating origin

  2. What is the meaning of the term 'motorboating' and what is its origin

    motorboating origin

  3. What does motorboating mean

    motorboating origin

  4. Solved A motorboat starts at the origin and moves in the

    motorboating origin

  5. The Motorboating Language

    motorboating origin

  6. History Of Motorboats

    motorboating origin


  1. Baby motorboat

  2. Boating and holidays in Croatia #boatingadventure #wateradventure #watersport #motorboating

  3. #allepy #boating #fastboats #motorboating #kerala #nature #enjoyment #thrilling #tourism #tour

  4. Outer motorboat and inner motorboat

  5. "How to Motorboat"

  6. #motorboat #motorboats #motorboating #maxum #adriaticsea #adriatyk #adriatic


  1. What is the meaning of the term 'motorboating' and what is its origin

    Origin: The origin of the term "motorboating" in the context of the sexual act is not well-documented. However, it is believed to have emerged as a slang term in popular culture, possibly in the late 20th century or early 21st century. The act itself is a playful and humorous gesture, and the term likely originated as a way to describe the ...

  2. Full Speed Ahead: The Origins of 'Motorboating'

    Tracing the exact origin of 'motorboating' in the context of breasts can be a bit like trying to find a specific wave in the ocean. The term has been used in various circles, often informally and away from the prying eyes of mainstream media or academia, which makes its history a bit murky. What we do know, however, is that the term was being ...

  3. The Birth of Motorboating

    The Birth of Motorboating. Adding a motor to a boat is said to have started in the late 1700s when Scottish inventor James Watt, often erroneously credited with the invention of the steam engine, placed one such engine in a boat in Birmingham, England. Many steam-powered boats followed, some using a screw-type propeller to create motion as Watt ...

  4. What does it mean to motorboat someone?

    To put it simply, motorboating refers to the act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one's lips while moving the head from side to side. This action is typically done in a playful or intimate manner and is often seen as a form of physical affection or sexual gratification.

  5. Motorboat

    A motorboat with an outboard motor. A motorboat, speedboat or powerboat is a boat that is exclusively powered by an engine.. Some motorboats are fitted with inboard engines, others have an outboard motor installed on the rear, containing the internal combustion engine, the gearbox and the propeller in one portable unit. An inboard-outboard contains a hybrid of an inboard and an outboard, where ...

  6. Understanding "Motor Boat": A Deep Dive into Meaning

    Unlocking the Meaning of 'Motor Boat': A Linguistic Journey • Join us as we delve into the multifaceted meaning of the phrase 'motor boat.' From its literal ...

  7. motorboating

    motorboating (uncountable) The act of travelling in a motorboat. The act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one's lips whilst moving the head from side to side. Verb [edit] motorboating. present participle and gerund of motorboat.

  8. Motorboat

    motorboat, a relatively small watercraft propelled by an internal-combustion or electric engine. Motorboats range in size from miniature craft designed to carry one person to seagoing vessels of 100 feet (30 m) or more. Most motorboats, however, have space for six passengers or fewer. Motorboats are used recreationally for traveling on water ...

  9. motor-boating, n. meanings, etymology and more

    There are two meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun motor-boating. See 'Meaning & use' for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence. motor-boating has developed meanings and uses in subjects including . nautical (1900s) electronics (1930s) See meaning & use ...

  10. Motorboat Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of MOTORBOAT is a boat propelled usually by an internal combustion engine. a boat propelled usually by an internal combustion engine… See the full definition ... Kevin Cullen and the team set out into Lake Michigan on a 16-foot motorboat with sonar gear in tow.

  11. motorboat

    v. int. The act of pushing one's face in between two ample breasts, and rocking one's head side to side very rapidly while making a vigorous, lip-vibrating "brrr" sound. n. The sound produced when doing a motorboat.

  12. motorboating: meaning

    motorboating What does motorboating‎ mean? motorboating (English)Noun motorboating (uncountable). The act of travelling in a motorboat. The act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one's lips whilst moving the head from side to sideVerb motorboating. Present participle of motorboat; 2010, Phil Torcivia, Nice Meeting You, page 183: (He is ...


    MOTORBOAT definition: 1. a small, fast boat that is powered by an engine 2. a small, fast boat that is powered by an…. Learn more.

  14. MOTORBOATING Definition & Meaning

    Motorboating definition: the recreational activity of operating or traveling in a motorboat. . See examples of MOTORBOATING used in a sentence.

  15. Motorboat Types: Powerboat Terms, Uses, and Definitions

    Bass Boat: A type of boat that generally has a flat deck, low freeboard, and a shallow draft and is used primarily for fishing on protected lakes and rivers. Bay Boat: A low-freeboard center console fishing boat designed for near-shore and coastal use. Bowrider: A powerboat with a seating area set in its bow.

  16. What does motorboat mean? motorboat Definition. Meaning of motorboat

    motorboat. verb - transitive. to place one's mouth between a female's breasts, and exhale while turning one's head left and right. This creates a sound similar to a motorboat. See more words with the same meaning: sex activities, practices, moves. Last edited on Dec 30 2010.

  17. Motorboating Definition & Meaning

    Motorboating definition: The act of travelling in a motorboat . The act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and make the sound of a motorboat with one's lips whilst moving the head from side to side.

  18. motorboat noun

    Definition of motorboat noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.


    MOTORBOAT meaning: 1. a small, fast boat that is powered by an engine 2. a small, fast boat that is powered by an…. Learn more.

  20. Urban Dictionary: motorboated

    a face shaken in boobs, as evidenced in wedding crashers, and in superpoke on facebook

  21. MOTORBOATING definition and meaning

    Travelling by motorboat.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.

  22. Motorboat Definition & Meaning

    Motorboat definition: A boat propelled by an internal-combustion engine or other motor.

  23. Motorboat Definition & Meaning

    motorboat. 1 ENTRIES FOUND: motorboat (noun) motorboat / ˈ moʊtɚˌboʊt/ noun. plural motorboats. Britannica Dictionary definition of MOTORBOAT. [count] : a boat with a motor — see picture at boat.