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H-type Nubian yacht

H-type Nubian yacht

The H-Type Nubian yacht was a sleek luxury yacht and what it lacked in weapons it made up for in style and a strong deflector shield. The signature silver finish is a mark that the ship belongs to a former member of Naboo’s monarchy. Padme Amidala used a ship like this after her J-Type diplomatic barge was destroyed in an assassins attack. It was an H-Type that whisked Padme and Anakin Skywalker from Naboo to Tatooine, and then to Geonosis where the Clone Wars would begin.

  • Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (Episode II)
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars
  • Royal House of Naboo

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H-type Nubian yachts

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H-type Nubian yacht

H-Type Nubian staryatch


Nubian H-Type Yatch once crated for Queen Amidala now revived and used by rich Naboo royals as a personal transport. Popular now amongst the young.

The H-type Nubian yacht was a sleek, rocket-shaped yacht created by the Nubian Design Collective , and customized by the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps for the Royal House of Naboo .

  • 1 Characteristics
  • 2 History[1]Edit
  • 3 Exodus Revival
  • 5 Appearances[4]Edit
  • 6 Sources[10]Edit
  • 7 Notes and references[15]Edit

Characteristics [ ]

The vessel was unarmed in accordance with the peaceful culture of Naboo . The yacht only required a small crew and Padmé could pilot the ship on her own from the cockpit in the central area of the yacht's upper section. Below the cockpit were maintenance consoles, the Class 0.9 Nubian 150 hyperdrive core and stores to contain supplies and astromech droids . The lower and upper levels were connected by a turbolift platform, situated before the lounge and crew bunks on the upper level. At the front section of the lower level was Padmé's bedroom which could serve as a portable throne room. The ship featured a powerful shield system, an array of electronic countermeasures, a slim, narrow profile and sheltered engines giving a small sensor signature for evading pursuits. It also featured a breakaway escape pod

History [1] Edit [ ]

Though originally constructed for the Royal House, the yacht was not assigned to a member of Naboo's royalty. Instead, it was given to Senator Padmé Amidala after a failed assassination attempt on Coruscant resulted in the destruction of her Naboo Royal Cruiser .

[2] The Naboo Yacht lands in a docking bay on Tatooine . Naboo Yachts were the smallest non-fighter craft in the Theed Hangars, and they were primarily employed as getaway vessels as they were much faster than most civilian ships. With Senator Amidala at the helm of one of these vessels, even the N-1 starfighters of the Royal Naboo Security Forces had difficulty keeping pace.

On the eve of the Clone Wars , Amidala returned to Naboo in secret, escorted by Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker . Skywalker was compelled to leave Naboo to return to his home planet of Tatooine , and Padmé joined him, both traveling in a Naboo Yacht. Following his mother's death and his retaliation against the Sand People , R2-D2 received a distress signal from Obi-Wan Kenobi .

Amidala and Skywalker traveled in the yacht to Geonosis in a failed attempt to rescue Kenobi. It was on Geonosis that the opening battle of the Clone Wars was fought, plunging the Galaxy into three years of warfare.

The yachts continued to serve Amidala during the early years of the Clone Wars, transporting her to such places as Ilum . Captain Gregar Typho , Yoda , and the Senator journeyed there to rescue two Jedi from the crystal temple and prevent a Confederacy conspiracy at the Battle of Ilum .

[3] Padmé Amidala's yacht captured in Malevolence's tractor beam.

After Senator Amidala had gone to see Ziro the Hutt to try to reopen communication with Jabba the Hutt, Ziro captured the senator to sell to Viceroy Gunray. When she was imprisoned, she tricked the battle droid into anwering a call on her comlink from C-3PO. She told C-3PO that she was being held by Ziro the Hutt and to get help. Latter C-3PO arrived at Ziro's palace in the Royal Yacht with members of the Coruscant Guard to free the senator.

Several of Senator Amidala's H-type yachts suffered misfortunes. After being led into a trap near the Kaliida Shoals Medical Center by Darth Sidious , the Senator and the yacht she was traveling in were captured by the Malevolence . In an attempt to stop General Grievous , Padmé set the engines to overload. The ship exploded, although Grievous escaped unscathed.

The senator used another H-type yacht to travel to Rodia to assist in a food crisis on the planet. Padmé was captured by CIS forces when Onaconda Farr yielded to the Separatist's terms. While the yacht was parked, however, it was destroyed by Jar Jar Binks when he clumsily activated a magnetic loading arm above the craft, causing it to smash through the ship to the floor of the landing bay.

Padmé and Jar Jar later traveled to Naboo, again using an H-type yacht to investigate the presence of battle droids on her homeworld, which led to the discovery of the recreation of the Blue Shadow Virus .

Along with this ship, Amidala would also use a J-Type Naboo star skiff .

Exodus Revival [ ]

Now in prodcution for Naboo royals it has found a popular revival with the young in partiuclar. Current owners of H-Types include Krista Mire' and the Princess Tisa and her mother Malloy's Benifica Tisa.

Threads [ ]

Naboo: Shadows Rising (Coming Soon)

House of Shadows (Coming Soon)

Appearances [4] Edit [ ]

  • Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (First appearance)
  • Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones comic
  • Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones junior novel
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars film
  • [5] Star Wars: Clone Wars – " Chapter 15 "
  • [6] Star Wars: Clone Wars – " Chapter 16 "
  • The Clone Wars: Agenda
  • The Clone Wars: Departure
  • [7] Star Wars: The Clone Wars – " Destroy Malevolence "
  • [8] Star Wars: The Clone Wars – " Bombad Jedi "
  • The Clone Wars: The Valley
  • [9] Star Wars: The Clone Wars – " Blue Shadow Virus "

Sources [10] Edit [ ]

  • Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Illustrated Companion
  • Attack of the Clones: Incredible Cross-Sections
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File 42 (PAD1-2, Padmé's Starship )
  • Star Wars: Complete Cross-Sections
  • The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
  • [11] Star Wars Trading Card Game – Attack of the Clones (Card: Padmé's Yacht )
  • [12] Star Wars Trading Card Game – Sith Rising (Card: Nubian Yacht )
  • [13] Star Wars Trading Card Game – Jedi Guardians (Card: Padmé's Yacht )
  • Star Wars PocketModel TCG: Scum and Villainy
  • Star Wars PocketModel TCG: Clone Wars
  • Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 28
  • [14] H-type Nubian yacht in the Databank

Notes and references [15] Edit [ ]

  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Star Wars: Complete Cross-Sections
  • ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 The Official Star Wars Fact File
  • 1 Lightsaber Types
  • 2 Jedi Order
  • 3 MandalMotors

H-type Nubian Yacht

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H-type Nubian Yacht

The H-type Nubian yacht was a sleek, rocket-shaped yacht created by the Nubian Design Collective, and customized by the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps for the Royal House of Naboo. The vessel was unarmed in accordance with the peaceful culture of Naboo. The yacht only required a small crew and Padmé could pilot the ship on her own from the cockpit in the central area of the yacht's upper section. Below the cockpit were maintenance consoles, the Class 0.9 Nubian 150 hyperdrive core and stores to contain supplies and astromech droids. The lower and upper levels were connected by a turbolift platform, situated before the lounge and crew bunks on the upper level. At the front section of the lower level was Padmé's bedroom which could serve as a portable throne room. The ship featured a powerful shield system, an array of electronic countermeasures, a slim, narrow profile and sheltered engines giving a small sensor signature for evading pursuits. It also featured a breakaway escape pod. Though originally constructed for the Royal House, the yacht was not assigned to a member of Naboo's royalty. Instead, it was given to Senator Padmé Amidala after a failed assassination attempt on Coruscant resulted in the destruction of her Naboo Royal Cruiser. Purchase TN: 191 (To Build) 127 (New) 85 (Used) Restriction: Lic (+1)

Shield – SP 220 – DR 44 – Shield Damage Threshold 88

Starsfighter / Shuttle Colossal Type 9
1 -128
-118 = 10 + (Pilot Class Defense Bns + Pilots Dex Mod) + -128 Size Mod (Example)
Duralloy 1,070
+3 meters 89
3,000 meters +4
0 50 meters x 50 meters
Cryogenic Power Cell 0
4,000 kg -24
Hyperdrive, Class 1
Average Average
Half Half
Yes Yes
No No
No No
45 degrees / +1 fighting squares 45 degrees / +1 fighting squares
45 degree / – 5 meters 45 degree / – 5 meters
90 degrees 90 degrees
60 degrees 60 degrees
Half Half
Any Any
Double Double
+1 fighting squares +1 fighting squares

• • Starfighters require the Pilot Starship Skill to be operated. • • A starfighter in combat is always moving either under its own power, or by its current momentum, unless it has been brought to a full stop (a starfighter coming to a full stop is a move action, a starfighter at a full stop is considered flatfooted until it moves again. This rule does not apply to vehicles able to hover in place). On a turn that a starfighter does not come to a full stop, and does not make a move action that round, the starfighter still moves forward in a straight line an amount of squares equal to one half its normal movement. (Vehicle Trait) • • Shuttles get a +5 bonus to all Saves and Piloting Skill Checks made to re-enter or exit a planets atmosphere.

Accommodations • • 5 Seats • • 1 Luxury Accommodations • • 2 Spartan Accommodations

Facilities • • Diplomatic Facilities (PL3) • • Med Bay (PL4) • • Throne Room (PL 2)

Structure Traits • • Escape Pods (PL 6)

Power System • • Cryogenic Power Cell (PL 6)

Vehicle Systems • • Maneuvering Thrusters (PL 5) • • 2x Electromagnetic Turbine (PL 6) • • Sublight Accelerator Motor (S.L.A.M. System) (PL 6) • • Repulsorlift (PL6) • • 2x Ion Engine (Speed +1500 meters.) (PL 6) • • Navicomputer (PL 6) • • Hyperdrive, Class 1 (PL 7) • • Automatic Fire Control System (PL 5) • • Internal Comm System (PL 5) • • Life Support System (PL 5) • • Radio Transceiver (PL 5) • • Utility Flare System (PL 5) • • Class III Sensor Array (PL 6) • • Depolarizing Charge (PL 6) • • Gravity Field Generator (PL 6) • • Proximity Sensors (PL 6) • • Collision Detection Sensors (PL 6) • • Advanced Diagnostics (PL 7) • • Holo Transceiver (PL 7) • • Subspace Communication Array (PL 7) • • Anti-Accident System (PL 6) • • Autopilot System, Improved (PL 6) • • Chaff Launcher (PL 6) • • Damage Control, Improved (PL 6) • • Radiation Shielding (PL 6) • • Missile Lock Alert (PL 6) • • Shields – SP 220 – DR 44 (PL 7)

  • 1 1983 Winnebago Brave
  • 2 1985 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS
  • 3 1973 Ford Centurion
  • Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps products
  • Yacht classes

H-type Nubian yacht

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H-type Nubian yacht

Customized H-type Nubian yacht




47.9 meters


8.1 meters


7.1 meters

Maximum acceleration

2,800 G

Maximum speed (atmosphere)

8,000 km/h

Engine unit(s)

Nubian Sossen-3 ion drives (2) (primary and backup engines)

Hyperdrive rating

Class 0.9

Hyperdrive range

20.000 LY

Hyperdrive system (1) (1)
Power output

7 × 10 MW

Power plant

Redundant power generators


Naboo- co-designed layered shield system


Reinforced hull with royal chromium plating

Navigation system



Various electronic countermeasures



Escape craft

Breakaway escape capsule (1)


Standard version:

/shield technician (1) (2)

Modified version:

Minimum crew



1 luxury cabin





The H-type Nubian yacht was a sleek, rocket-shaped yacht created by the Nubian Design Collective , and customized by the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps for the Royal House of Naboo .

  • 1 Characteristics
  • 3 Appearances
  • 5.1 In other languages

Characteristics [ ]

A Nubian yacht.

The vessel was unarmed in accordance with the peaceful culture of Naboo . The yacht only required a small crew and Padmé could pilot the ship on her own from the cockpit in the central area of the yacht's upper section. Below the cockpit were maintenance consoles, the Class 0.9 Nubian 150 hyperdrive core and stores to contain supplies and astromech droids .

The lower and upper levels were connected by a turbolift platform, situated before the lounge and crew bunks on the upper level. At the front section of the lower level was Padmé's bedroom which could serve as a portable throne room. The ship featured a powerful shield system, an array of electronic countermeasures, a slim, narrow profile and sheltered engines giving a small sensor signature for evading pursuits. It also featured a breakaway escape pod .

History [ ]

Though originally constructed for the Royal House, the yacht was not assigned to a member of Naboo's royalty. Instead, it was given to Senator Padmé Amidala after a failed assassination attempt on Coruscant resulted in the destruction of her Naboo Royal Cruiser .

The Naboo Yacht lands in a docking bay on Tatooine .

Naboo Yachts were the smallest non-fighter craft in the Theed Hangars, and they were primarily employed as getaway vessels as they were much faster than most civilian ships. With Senator Amidala at the helm of one of these vessels, even the N-1 starfighters of the Royal Naboo Security Forces had difficulty keeping pace.

On the eve of the Clone Wars , Amidala returned to Naboo in secret, escorted by Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker . Skywalker was compelled to leave Naboo to return to his home planet of Tatooine , and Padmé joined him, both traveling in a Naboo Yacht. Following his mother's death and his retaliation against the Sand People , R2-D2 received a distress signal from Obi-Wan Kenobi .

Amidala and Skywalker traveled in the yacht to Geonosis in a failed attempt to rescue Kenobi. It was on Geonosis that the opening battle of the Clone Wars was fought, plunging the Galaxy into three years of warfare.

The yachts continued to serve Amidala during the early years of the Clone Wars, transporting her to such places as Ilum . Captain Gregar Typho , Yoda , and the Senator journeyed there to rescue two Jedi from the crystal temple and prevent a Confederacy conspiracy at the Ambush on Ilum .

Padmé Amidala's yacht captured in Malevolence's tractor beam.

After going to see Ziro the Hutt to try to reopen communication with Jabba the Hutt , Amidala was captured by Ziro to sell to Viceroy Nute Gunray . Amidala tricked battle droid into anwering a call on her comlink from C-3PO . She informed C-3PO of her capture and told him to get help. C-3PO arrived at Ziro's Palace in the Royal Yacht with members of the Coruscant Guard to free the senator.

Several of Senator Amidala's H-type yachts suffered misfortunes. After being led into a trap near the Kaliida Shoals Medical Center by Darth Sidious , the Senator and the yacht she was traveling in were captured by the Malevolence . In an attempt to stop General Grievous , Padmé set the engines to overload. The ship exploded, although Grievous escaped unscathed.

The senator used another H-type yacht to travel to Rodia to assist in a food crisis on the planet. Padmé was captured by Separatist forces when Onaconda Farr yielded to the Separatist's terms. While the yacht was parked, however, it was destroyed by Jar Jar Binks when he clumsily activated a magnetic loading arm above the craft, causing it to smash through the ship to the floor of the landing bay.

Padmé and Jar Jar later traveled to Naboo, again using an H-type yacht to investigate the presence of battle droids on her homeworld, which led to the discovery of the recreation of the Blue Shadow Virus .

Along with this ship, Amidala would also use a J-type star skiff .

Appearances [ ]

Concept art of a H-type Nubian yacht.

  • Star Wars : Episode II Attack of the Clones Template:1st
  • Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones comic
  • Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones junior novel
  • Template:CW
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars film
  • The Clone Wars: Agenda
  • The Clone Wars: Departure
  • Template:TCW
  • Template:TCW Template:Flash
  • The Clone Wars: The Valley

Sources [ ]


  • Star Wars: Attack of the Clones The Visual Dictionary Template:1stm
  • Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Illustrated Companion
  • Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Incredible Cross-Sections
  • The Art of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
  • Template:TCG
  • Template:FFCite
  • The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels '
  • Star Wars: Complete Cross-Sections
  • Template:SWPM
  • Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 28
  • Template:Blog
  • Template:Topps
  • Template:DB

Notes and references [ ]

  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Star Wars: Complete Cross-Sections
  • ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 The Official Star Wars Fact File

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02 : 48 : 52


The H-Type Yacht, designed on Naboo, is a smaller, sleeker craft than its cousin the J-Type 327 and is used primarily for diplomatic missions. Like virtually all of Naboo's chromium-skinned craft, the H-Type is unarmed and instead depends on its small cross section and steeply angled hull to protect it from hostile fire. With its hyperdrive nestled deep inside the glittering art-body hull, the H-Type itself has surprisingly little room for passengers. This limitation is due to the ship being equipped with the same kind of hyperdrive and very similar sublight drives as the J-Type 327, despite being almost half the size and weighing only three times more than a large fighter.

  • Quantum : 31
  • Meleenium : 327
  • Ardanium : 39
  • Rockivory : 28
  • Varmigio : 72
  • Lommite : 30
  • Durelium : 24
  • Interstellar Parcel Service
  • Hyperspeed: 3
  • Sublight Speed: 30 MGLT
  • Max Speed: 300 km/h
  • Manoeuvrability: 4
  • Weight: 150 T
  • Volume: 2,000 m³
  • Length: 48 m
  • Party Slot: 4.00
  • Weight Cap: 6 T
  • Volume Cap: 25 m³
  • Max Passengers: 8
  • Deflectors: 70
  • Ionic Capacity: 30
  • Raw Value: 136,435 CR
  • Generic DC: 2.0 Slots
  • Recommended Workers: 10
  • Recycling XP : 20 XP
  • Production Mod: 100
  • Produced by: Manufacturing
  • Produced in: Factory , Shipyard I , Shipyard II , Shipyard III , Shipyard IV , X7 Factory Station
  • Fighter/Freighter Piloting
  • Fighter/Freighter Combat
  • Space Command

h type nubian yacht interior

3/ Room Map

Floor: base.

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Naboo H-type Yacht

Naboo H-type Yacht Craft : Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps Htype Yacht Type : Space yacht Scale : Starfighter Length : 47.9 meters Skill : Space transports: H-type yacht Crew : 1 (1 can coordinate) Passengers : 6 Cargo Capacity : 2 metric tons Consumables : 2 months Cost : Not for sale Hyperdrive Multiplier : x1 Hyperdrive Backup : x5 Nav Computer : Yes Maneuverability : 3D Space : 9 Atmosphere : 400; 1,150 kmh Hull : 3D+2 Shields : 3D Sensors :

  • Passive: 30/1D
  • Scan: 65/2D
  • Search: 80/3D+1
  • Focus: 4/4D

Notes : The ship’s narrow profile and sheltered sublight engines grants it considerable sensor stealth abilities, adding +1D to sensors difficulties to detect it.

Capsule : The Naboo Yacht was the personal craft and royal starship of Padmé Amidala. It was a customized H-type Nubian yacht and was employed as a getaway vessel, being the smallest non-fighter craft in the Theed Hangars, though much faster than most civilian ships. It featured a powerful shield system, an array of electronic countermeasures, a slim, narrow profile and sheltered engines giving a small sensor signature for evading pursuits and an escape pod. The vessel was unarmed in accordance with the peaceful culture of Naboo. The yacht only required a small crew and Padmé could pilot the ship on her own from the cockpit in the central area of the yacht’s upper section. Below the cockpit were maintenance consoles, the class 0.9 Nubian 150 hyperdrive core and stores to contain supplies and astromech droids. The lower and upper levels were connected by a turbolift platform, situated before the lounge and crew bunks on the upper level. At the front section of the upper level was Padmé’s bedroom which could serve as a portable throne room.

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H-type Nubian Yacht

h type nubian yacht interior

H-type Nubian Yacht Type: Space Vehicle Category: Shuttle

Space Vehicle Modification: Onboard Luxury Amenities

Space Vehicle Cosmetic: Chromium Plated

Upgrade: Empty

Enhancement: Empty

Owned by: Arx Starship Acquisitions

Prototype: H-type Nubian Yacht

The H-type Nubian Yacht is a 48-meter long Shuttle designed as a sleek and customizable yacht with a luxury cabin. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has great maneuverability and exceptional speed, with heavy armor and powerful shielding. Manufactured by the Nubian Design Collective, it had a slim narrow profile and sheltered engines to reduce its sensor signature to help with evading pursuits, as well as a breakaway escape pod and electronic countermeasures for defensive purposes.

Armament None

Complement 4 crew for full effectiveness 1 passenger

H-type Nubian Yacht has had its interior converted to provide the epitome of luxury and comfort, befitting Arx Starship Acquisitions's preferences.

H-type Nubian Yacht has been coated in a thin layer of chromium, giving it a reflective mirror like finish. It gives this H-type Nubian Yacht an unmistakable appearance that draws attention and gives an appearance of luxury.

This slot is empty

Mike Lynch and daughter among missing after yacht sinks: What we know about disaster - and 'alarming' potential cause

The British-flagged luxury vessel named Bayesian was carrying 22 people when it got into difficulty off the coast of Sicily. Seven bodies have now been recovered from the wreckage.

h type nubian yacht interior

News reporter @samuelosborne93

Friday 23 August 2024 12:24, UK

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h type nubian yacht interior

Seven bodies have been found after a superyacht sank off the coast of Sicily.

Twenty-two people were on board the vessel named Bayesian when it got into difficulty in the early hours of Monday, with 15 people rescued.

Here's what we know about the sinking of the luxury vessel so far.

Follow latest updates on the superyacht sinking

Seven people missing after British-flagged yacht capsizes in tornado off coast of Italy

What might have caused the sinking?

The British-flagged luxury vessel, named Bayesian, capsized at around 4.30am local time on Monday morning off Palermo, according to ship-tracking site Marine Traffic.

It sank in as little as 60 seconds with 22 people on board, 12 passengers and a crew of 10, according to the Italian coastguard.

Waterspouts, essentially tornados that form over water, were seen as powerful winds battered the area overnight, local media said.

h type nubian yacht interior

The yacht may have sunk faster with all the doors open due to the hot weather, Sailing Today magazine editor Sam Jefferson has said.

"I imagine all the doors were open because it was hot, so there were enough hatches and doors open that it filled with water very quickly and sank like that," he said.

Official pictures show air conditioning units in several of the rooms, however, which could counter the suggestion open windows caused the vessel to sink faster.

The huge mast is also likely to have played a role, he added.

What are waterspouts?

Waterspouts typically occur during thunderstorms and can develop very rapidly, within minutes.

Their spin generally reaches wind speeds between 75-200mph, but can reach as high as 300mph.

A waterspout is formed during a storm in the Mediterranean Sea, October 1, 2018. REUTERS/Alkis Konstantinidis

They can travel at about 10-20mph typically but can reach greater speeds, making them difficult to avoid - especially in something as slow-moving as a yacht.

Matthew Schanck, chair of the Maritime Search and Rescue Council, called the reports of a tornado or waterspout "rare" and "quite alarming".

"The vessel was at anchor in a recognised anchorage," Mr Schanck said.

"Depending on wind direction and the state of the sea, this informs the captain whether it is a safe area to anchor or not. There was nothing that was too concerning, for my eye. All in all, the captain used the information they had to make a safe call."

Pic: Reuters

Who owns the yacht?

The yacht belonged to the family of British tech tycoon Mike Lynch. He was confirmed to have died after rescuers found his body on Thursday. Mr Lynch was on holiday with his 18-year-old daughter Hannah, who is still missing, and his wife Angela Bacares, who was rescued.

Mr Lynch, 59, was known as the " British Bill Gates " and has been in the headlines in recent months over a high-profile fraud case.

h type nubian yacht interior

In June, a US jury cleared him of all charges, which were related to the 2011 sale of his software company Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard (HP). The yacht trip is believed to have been a celebration of the end of Mr Lynch's legal troubles.

HP accused him of deliberately overstating the value of the company before it was acquired by the American tech giant.

Mr Lynch was extradited to the US to face trial in May last year and spent 13 months under house arrest in San Francisco as he awaited trial on 17 charges of conspiracy and wire fraud brought by the US Department of Justice - which were later reduced to 15 charges. He always denied any wrongdoing and was acquitted.

Read more: Lynch's co-defendant dies days before yacht sinking

CCTV shows storm which capsized superyacht, killing one

Who was on board when the boat sank?

The passengers were largely British and American, with crew members were from New Zealand, South Africa, and Canada.

Charlotte Golunski was among the Britons rescued. Her LinkedIn profile says she is a partner at Mr Lynch's firm Invoke Capital and has worked there since 2012.

Charlotte Golunski

Speaking after the ordeal, Ms Golunski told Italian media that she lost her daughter Sofia for "two seconds" amid the "fury" of the sea but was able to retrieve her. She said she held the infant above the waves until the lifeboat was ready.

"Many people screamed. Luckily the lifeboat inflated and 11 of us were able to get on board," she told ANSA.

The girl's father James Emsley also survived, according to Sicily's civil protection agency.

Also on board were Jonathan Bloomer, chairman of investment bank Morgan Stanley, his wife Judy Bloomer, a top US lawyer Chris Morvillo, who worked on Mr Lynch's criminal case, and his wife Neda Morvillo. Divers confirmed on Thursday that their bodies had been recovered.

The yacht's captain James Cutfield survived, along with South African crew members Leah Randall and Katja Chicken.

Jonathan Bloomer is the chairman of Morgan Stanley Pic: Hiscox/ Linkedin

Recaldo Thomas, a Canadian-Antiguan chef who was working on the boat, was the first to be found dead, the Italian Coastguard confirmed to Sky News.

During rescue efforts, divers saw "corpses through the portholes" of the wreck as they recovered the body of a man at a depth of 50m (164ft), according to Salvo Cocina, the head of the Civil Protection of Sicily.

h type nubian yacht interior

What do we know about the vessel?

The Bayesian is owned by a company controlled by Mr Lynch's wife.

It was known for its unusual 72.3m (246ft) single mast - one of the world's tallest made of aluminium - and shared its name with the statistical method Mr Lynch's Autonomy software was based on.

Pic:Danny Wheelz

It was built by Italian company Perini Navi in 2008 and last refitted in 2020.

It was listed for rent for up to €195,000 (£166,000) a week, according to online charter sites.

The luxury vessel , which was managed by yachting company Camper & Nicholsons, could accommodate up to 12 guests in six suites.

It won a string of awards for its design, according to online specialist yacht sites.

Mr Schanck, of the Maritime Search and Rescue Council, said the vessel would have been equipped with "high standard" life-saving appliances and radio communications.

He added the yacht would have met all international standards and UK Maritime Coastguard Agency regulations before its voyage.

It was previously named Salute, or "health" in Italian, when it flew under a Dutch flag. Its minimalist interior featured light wood with Japanese accents designed by the French designer Remi Tessier, according to descriptions on charter sites.

Pic:Perini Navi/The Italian Sea Group

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What were its last movements?

The boat left the Sicilian port of Milazzo on 14 August and was last tracked east of Palermo on Sunday evening, with a navigation status of "at anchor", according to vessel tracking site VesselFinder.

The Bayesian previously travelled to other parts of Sicily before its last sighting off the coast of the port of Porticello.

The path of the last 24 hours of the Bayesian. Pic: MarineTraffic

On Sunday, the boat was seen off the coast of Cefalu before it travelled towards Porticello, MarineTraffic data shows.

In the days before, the yacht travelled around four of the Aeolian islands, just north of Sicily.

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Prosecutors in the nearby town of Termini Imerese have opened an investigation into the sinking.

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Approved Starship   H-Type Nubian Yacht (Classic)

  • Thread starter Maple Harte
  • Start date Aug 11, 2022
  • Tags classic yacht

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Maple Harte

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Maple Harte

  • Aug 11, 2022
  • Intent : To create a classic canon ship for open market


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  • Aug 13, 2022

Maple Harte

  • Your ratings are overpowered (+2), please edit.
  • And I suggest here to modify the Squadron Count to None, after all, these beauties are stand alone ships, and no one use them in squadrons.


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Naboo Yacht

Craft: Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps H-type Yacht Type: Space yacht Scale: Starfighter Length: 47.9 meters Skill: Space transports: H-type yacht Crew: 4, skeleton: 2/+5, plus 2 astromech droids Passengers: 1 Cargo Capacity: 2 metric tons Consumables: 2 months Cost: Not for sale Hyperdrive Multiplier: x0.9 Hyperdrive Backup: x5 Nav Computer: Yes Maneuverability: 3D Space: 9 Atmosphere: 400; 1,150 kmh Hull: 3D+2 Shields: 3D Sensors:

  • Passive: 30/1D
  • Scan: 65/2D
  • Search: 80/3D+1
  • Focus: 4/4D

Notes: The ship’s narrow profile and sheltered sublight engines grants it considerable sensor stealth abilities, adding +1D to sensors difficulties to detect it.

Background: The H-type Nubian yacht, also known as the Naboo yacht, was a small yacht used by the Naboo. While not heavily armed, they were equipped with a strong deflector shield. Senator Padmé Amidala used several H-types during the Fall of the Republic, which bore silver coating to denote her status as former Queen of Naboo. One was flown from Naboo to Tatooine to help Anakin Skywalker find his mother, and then to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi; others were used during the Battle of the Kaliida Nebula and her mission to Rodia, though in both cases the yachts were destroyed owing to unfortunate circumstances.

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I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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  8. H-type Nubian yacht

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    Background: The H-type Nubian yacht, also known as the Naboo yacht, was a small yacht used by the Naboo. While not heavily armed, they were equipped with a strong deflector shield. Senator Padmé Amidala used several H-types during the Fall of the Republic, which bore silver coating to denote her status as former Queen of Naboo.

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