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  • Basic Safety Training
  • Refresher (Fire & PST)
  • Elementary First Aid
  • Fire Prevention & Fire-fighting
  • Personal Survival Techniques
  • Advanced Fire Fighting
  • Advanced Fire Fighting Refresher
  • Proficiency in Security Awareness
  • Personal Safety & Social Responsibility
  • Crowd Management / Crisis Management and Human Behaviour
  • Powerboat Level 2
  • PWC/Jet Ski License
  • PWI/Jet Ski Instructor
  • PWC + PWI Pack
  • Pack PB2 & PWC
  • Day Skipper
  • Shorebased Yachtmaster Theory
  • Yachtmaster Practical Preparation & Offshore Exam
  • Yachtmaster Offshore Package
  • Full Deckhand Pack
  • Full Interior Pack
  • Basic Deckhand Pack
  • Basic Interior Pack
  • Full Tender and Jet Ski Pack
  • Tender Pack
  • Jetski Pack
  • Yacht Deckhand Training
  • Yacht Steward/ess Training
  • Basic Food & Beverage Services
  • Basic Housekeeping & Laundry Services
  • Basic Wine, Bartending & Mixology
  • Food Safety Level 2
  • ⚡Lithium-ion Battery Safety Awareness on Superyachts
  • VHF Short Range Certificate
  • RYA Professional Practice & Responsibilities
  • RYA Essential Navigation and Seamanship
  • RYA Online Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Theory
  • RYA Online Day Skipper Theory
  • STCW PDSD for Superyachts
  • STCW PDSD for Cruise Ships
  • STCW Proficiency as Ship Security Officer on Superyachts
  • Useful Information
  • Steward/ess

Yachtmaster Offshore: When, Why, and How

In a seafarer’s career, there comes the time when Yachtmaster ticket becomes either a necessity, or the next logical step in professional development. No matter what the reason for the course is, Yachtmaster Offshore requires a thorough preparation and planning as well as some prior knowledge and experience.

  • When am I ready to take the course?

The candidate’s eligibility for Yachtmaster Offshore program is defined by a number of requirements. First and foremost, the logged sea time must show a minimum of 2500 nautical miles, about half of which should be in tidal waters. There is a huge debate as to what tidal waters are, and the RYA leaves it to the Yachtmaster candidate to decide whether the passage they undertook happened in a tidal area. The definition offered by the RYA is as follows:

An area is deemed tidal if published stream, current or tidal range data is available, the influence of which is significant enough to require the effects to be taken into account to plan and execute a safe and efficient passage .

But even if the decision to call experience tidal is the candidate’s, the RYA wisely warns that the final judgement will be made by the examiner and recommends to list only those miles that can be backed up with evidence. The qualifying sea time should be gained on motor vessels if the candidate applies for Yachtmaster Offshore Motor license. Sail miles do not count.

The RYA also sets a requirement as to the number of qualifying passages. As defined by the Association, ‘a passage is a non-stop voyage from a departure port / safe haven to a destination port / safe haven ’. For the Yachtmaster Offshore , there must be a minimum of 5 passages over 60 nm each; 2 of those passages should be overnight and 2 when the candidate acted as a skipper. The skipper, as understood by the RYA , is a person nominated and responsible for the planning and execution of a passage including vessel and watch management . It’s important that throughout the 60-mile passage there occurs no change of skippers; otherwise, the passage cannot be deemed as qualifying.

Proper understanding of the skipper’s role is vital for ticking the box of another requirement – 5 days on board acting as a skipper. A day in this case is a period of 8 consecutive hours, and the majority of them should be at sea . In every 24 hours, Yachtmaster candidate can have only one qualifying day onboard.

Last but not least, the RYA’s Yachtmaster Offshore exam pre-requisites put some restrictions as to the tonnage and length: days on board and miles should be gained on vessels up to 500 gt and less than 24 meters LOA.

  • When is the best time to take the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore course?

The full program – RYA Yachtmaster Offshore theory and RYA Yachtmaster Practical – takes 10 days to complete; the exam is usually scheduled right after, and candidates need to allow 2 days for it. With the sea, winds, and weather being unpredictable, to the candidates coming from abroad we advise to add an extra day before taking flights back home. Thus, the course is quite a commitment, and most seafarers take it during low Med season. Our Yachtmaster Offshore course is scheduled every month from December throughout April to give options to potential candidates.

  • Why take the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore?

Yachtmaster is not for beginners. Commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence entitles its holder to master a yacht of up to 200 gt, and that is a big responsibility. That said, one of the reasons to get Yachtmaster is to advance the qualifications from entry to higher level including MCA Officer of the Watch (OOW) or Chief Mate, for which Yachtmaster Offshore CoC is among the required documents. Yachtmaster Offshore Shore-based (theory) certificate is another pre-requisite to apply for the OOW, and it has to be sent along with STCW and other records as a part of the Notice of Eligibility.

 In a scheme of RYA training , Yachtmaster Offshore is preceded by RYA Day Skipper and Coastal Skipper, which allow to navigate 20 and 60 nautical miles offshore accordingly. With Yachtmaster Offshore qualifications, it is possible to skipper a cruising yacht up to 150 miles from harbour, so recreational boaters can have larger areas to explore and longer distances to cover.

  • How to apply for Yachtmaster Offshore Program?

If you believe you are ready and meet the pre-requisites mentioned above and outlined on our website , your first step is to get in touch with us by email, phone, or through contact form . Once we receive your enquiry, we will email to you Sea Time Summary and Self-Evaluation forms to fill out, which we will then forward to our instructor to confirm your eligibility. If you are eligible for the course, we will proceed with course booking and securing your place on the training.

Some important things to remember: the candidates for the training should hold a valid Elementary First Aid certificate . For the STCW EFA , it should be issued within the last 5 years, for the RYA First Aid - within the last 3 years. VHF Marine Radio certificate can be offered as a part of Yachtmaster Offshore package , but if you already hold the certificate, we can offer a 100 euros reduction.

Our next Yachtmaster Offshore session starts on the 6 th of December. Click here for more dates.

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RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor – Everything You Need to Know

Time8 to 48 hour exam (dependant on the number of people) after a potential prep course of up to 5 days
Prerequisites50 days spent at sea
2500nm cruised, with at least 50% in tidal waters
5 days as skipper
5 60nm passages, 2 as skipper
Min. Age18
Exam8 hours to 2 days on the water
AimTo work commercially on a sailing vessel under 24m in length within 150nm of a harbour.

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor ticket is considered the most useful and credible of all motor cruising qualifications. Administered on behalf of the UK Maritime and Coastgaurd Agency by the RYA the qualification is accepted as a worldwide standard. To gain an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor qualification you must sit a practical exam. 

What Does the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Allow You to Do?

Gaining an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor will allow you to work commercially on motor vessels not exceeding 200GT.

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor exam certifies that you are competent to skipper a motor yacht on any passage that is not more than 150nm from a harbour.

How Can You Sit an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Exam?

The exam can be organised via the RYA to be done on your own vessel or via an RYA training centre, to be done on an RYA training vessel. It should be noted, that to complete the exam on your own vessel, your vessel must be up to an appropriate safety standard.

Most RYA training centres offering the RYA Cruising Scheme offer some form of pre exam preparation or coaching for those looking to take an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor exam.

These courses are often referred to as ‘RYA Yachtmaster Prep’ courses. This is unique within the RYA training framework in that it does not have a fixed course syllabus, length or course completion certificate.

Who Can Do an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Exam?

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor exam is open to anyone who meets the minimum criteria, with all experience within the last 10 years.

  • 18 years of age or older
  • 50 days spent at sea
  • 2500nm cruised, with at least 50% in tidal waters
  • 5 days as skipper
  • 5 passages of over 60nm, with at least 2 as skipper

If you have skippering experience but not the required days or passages, then the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Motor might be for you.

If you have the miles, but not the skippering experience, then again, the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Motor might be for you.

Additionally, exam candidates must also hold a relevant GMDSS VHF certification and an RYA First Aid certificate or recognised equivalent.

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor

Can You Go Straight to the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Course and Exam?

You can indeed jump straight into the RYA Cruising Scheme at this stage, however, it is imperative that you understand the levels that are required of you, both in your knowledge and practical skills.

It is suggested that as a minimum you have completed (and passed) the RYA Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Theory course as the knowledge in here is both required for you to be at the level required, but will be formally tested during your RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor exam, both orally and in practical applications.

What Do You Need to Know before Attending an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Course and Exam?

You, of course, need to be a suitably experienced skipper and this involves meeting the prerequisites mentioned above to be eligible. You should be able to handle your vessel competently in close quarters and at sea. You should be comfortable applying this in various day and night time passages.

As mentioned, it is strongly recommended to have completed the RYA Coastal and Yachtmaster Theory as the depth of knowledge gained from this shore based course will be tested throughout your exam. 

How Long Does an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Prep Course and Exam Take?

The exam can take anything from 8 hours to 2 days depending on how many candidates are being examined on one vessel at a time. Up to 4 candidates can sit the exam at once and this would last for a maximum of 48 hours if so.

An RYA Yachtmaster Prep course is generally four and a half days long and is usually directly followed by the practical exam.

Is There a Set Syllabus for the Prep Course?

No, this is the one time that while there is a recognised ‘course’, there is no syllabus. It is up to the experienced instructor on the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Prep course to tailor the learnings to your needs. This is more about refining your skills rather than teaching new ones.

You should be honest with yourself and your instructor in order for learnings throughout the week to be tailored to improve yourself on any weak areas that you may have.

What Should I Expect from a Prep Course?

These courses run as a standalone course and while there may be students on another course, generally everyone onboard is a candidate for an RYA Yachtmaster Exam. The courses should however be run with no more than 4 students on board.

The content will depend on the needs of all students and is aimed at fine-tuning existing skills rather than teaching new ones. This will involve a lot of night time cruising and navigation, carrying out challenging boat handling while using theory knowledge and ensuring general skippering skills are up to scratch.

There is a basic syllabus that is used to help shape the exam content, but in reality, you can be tested on anything from the RYA cruising scheme within the exam.

Before choosing the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Prep course you need to be honest with yourself and your own abilities. While on the course you need to take on the advice and guidance given by the instructor on what areas need work. If you speak to your instructor before the course, they can tailor the instruction to your needs.

What Should I Expect on an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Exam?

On the exam, you will be given the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and competence. You will be expected to take full responsibility of your vessel and crew. The examiner will be looking for you to demonstrate competence and show your broad range of experience.

The exam will be an intensive experience and even when you are not the designated skipper, you will still be asked questions and observed and examined as a participant of the crew.

During the exam you will be asked to complete various tasks, ranging from leaving the dock, skippering a short passage, casualty recovery, night pilotage and even blind navigation. Additionally, you will be tested on theoretical aspects such as how to deal with an engine failure, knowledge of your vessel’s stability, meteorology and IRPCS.

As a potential RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor, these tasks are ones that should now be second nature to you and should take minimal time to plan while the theoretical knowledge should be able to roll off your tongue. 

What Is the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Exam Syllabus?

The following topics make up the basis for the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor exam syllabus. IRPCS, safety, boat handling, seamanship, responsibility as skipper, navigation, meteorology and signals.

But, as mentioned above, anything from the whole RYA cruising syllabus scheme can be tested.

What Is the Cost of an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Course and Exam?

As ever, many schools differ in price. We would recommend that you take a look around at the various options and find what suits your needs the best. Cheapest is not often better.

This can range from knowing if you will have to share a cabin while onboard to whether food and berthing charges are included to how many other students you will be sharing your week with.

The exam fee is usually not included, which is currently £231.

Where Should I Do My RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor?

As always there are many thoughts and pros on cons on this, and as a potential RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor you should consider yourself experienced enough to sit the exam anywhere. However, if you choose to sit the exam in an area that you are familiar with then you will take a little bit of the stress out of learning a new area and start with a small advantage of having that all important local knowledge at your disposal.

What Happens If I Struggle on thePrep Course?

Your instructor should be able to update you on your ability levels throughout the course. They will be highly experienced and it is suggested that you listen to their advice given.

If you are learning something for the first time you should consider if you are ready for the exam. Talk to your instructor and they will be able to guide you on if you are ready for the exam, if they would advise further training or if they recommend that you aim for the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Motor exam instead.

What Is the Pass Mark for the Exam?

There is no pass mark as such and the examiner will be looking to see that you are a competent and complete skipper, capable of looking after both your vessel and crew in a safe manner.

Every exam is different and no examiner will be setting out to fail any candidates, but they must ensure and check that each candidate is able to demonstrate their ability, knowledge and skills in a safe and timely manner.

If you were to fail to reach the levels of an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor certificate of competence then the examiner will give you a thorough debrief complete with action points to work on before you have another attempt at the exam. 

What Comes After RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor?

After completion of the exam, you will have gained the highly sought after RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor certificate of competence and you can get this commercially endorsed by adding a sea survival certification, a personal medical and a PPR course, all of which, along with your GMDSS VHF and First Aid should be sent off to the RYA for certification upgrade. This will now allow the holder to skipper a vessel commercially, so long as it is less than 200 gross tonnes, up to 150nm from a harbour.

The next step is of course to get out on the water and to keep learning, keep gaining experience and keep improving on the skills and knowledge learned so far. No skipper is the finished article and we should all keep seeking to improve.

Within the RYA cruising scheme, there are a couple more steps that are possible. This is to progress and upgrade your RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor certificate of competence to an RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Motor certificate of competence.

To do this there is 3 main steps, first, you will need to complete an RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Theory course, where you will learn about astro navigation, ocean meteorology and ocean navigation,   join the waiting list for our ocean theory course here . Next, is to complete an ocean qualifying passage that meets the necessary requirements. Finally, you will then need to complete another exam, this time an oral exam, where you will discuss your ocean qualifying passage and general ocean skippering skills.

On successful completion of this, you will be awared the highest accolade within the RYA cruising scheme, the RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Motor certificate of competence.

One other direction of travel is to become an RYA Cruising Instructor for Motor. To do this, you will first want to consolidate your skippering skills and knowledge then look to come back and start off with an RYA Cruising Instructor course. On this course, RYA Instructor Trainers will assess and guide you through what is required and expected to work as an RYA Cruising Instructor for Motor. 

commercially endorsed yachtmaster offshore

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What is a commercial endorsement?

It is an endorsement printed on your RYA certificate of competence to show that you have undergone additional training and a medical fitness test, enabling you to work on commercial vessels. There are two types of commercial endorsement:

The standard commercial endorsement allows you work on board British flagged vessels subject to the MCA’s codes of practice for small commercial vessels. The following wording would appear on your certificate:

  • For Yachtmaster Offshore and Yachtmaster Ocean Certificates of Competence: This certificate is valid for use as a Master of yachts of up to 200gt on commercially and privately registered yachts until (date of expiry).
  • For Powerboat Level 2, Powerboat Advanced, Day Skipper and Yachtmaster Coastal Certificates of Competence: Valid for vessels of up to 24 metres in length used for commercial purposes subject to the codes of practice issued by the MCA until (date of expiry).

The STCW endorsement is for holders of the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore and Ocean Certificates of Competence working under non-UK maritime authorities. It requires you to take 4 additional courses:

  • Personal Survival techniques (STCW A-V1/1-1)
  • Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (STCW A-V1/1-4)
  • Elementary first aid (STCW A-V1/1-3)
  • Fire fighting and fire prevention (STCW A-V1/1-2)

The following wording would appear on your certificate: The certificate holder has completed training under the STCW code A- VI/1 Para 2.1. This certificate is valid for use as Master of yachts of up to 200gt on commercially and privately registered yachts until:(date of expiry).

Which certificates can be commercially endorsed?

The following certificates can receive the standard commercial endorsement:

I) Course completion certificate:

  • RYA National Powerboat Certificate – Level 2
  • RYA National Powerboat Certificate – Advanced (only if issued before January 1, 2005)
  • RYA Day Skipper (tidal) practical course completion certificate.
  • RYA Day Skipper (non-tidal) practical course completion certificate, only if supported by a Day Skipper shorebased course completion certificate.

II) Certificate of competence (exam passed):

  • RYA Advanced Powerboat Certificate of Competence
  • RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence
  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence
  • RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence

In addition, the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore and Yachtmaster Ocean Certificates of Competence can receive the STCW endorsement.

Which certificate do I need?

The MCA’s codes of practice categorise British flagged commercial yachts according to the type of yacht and the waters in which they operate. It is this categorisation that determines which of the above certificates you will need. See the MCA’s table of manning requirements below.

The RYA is a certifying authority for the codes of practice and can give advice on the coding and categorisation of commercial yachts. See the requirements for commercial boats link below.

How do I apply for a standard commercial endorsement?

Send the following items to RYA Certification, RYA House, Ensign Way, Hamble, Hampshire SO31 4YA:

  • Your original certificate – see list above
  • Your Professional Practices and Responsibilites certificate – more information
  • A commercial endorsement application form – see link on the right
  • An ML5 or ENG1 medical fitness certificate – download the MCA’s ML5 form from the link on the right. Skippers working in category 1 or 0 waters will need the ENG1 medical. Contact the MCA for a list of approved doctors.
  • A copy of your RYA Basic Sea Survival certificate or STCW Personal Survival Techniques
  • A passport sized photo with your name on the back

*From April 2012 applicants for the commercial endorsement will also have to complete an online course and assessment, as detailed in the ‘What is a commercial endorsement?’ section above.

How do I apply for a STCW endorsement?

  • Your original RYA Yachtmaster Offshore or Yachtmaster Ocean certificate of competence
  • A commercial endorsement application form – see link below
  • Evidence of completion of STCW courses – see list above

Revalidating your commercial endorsement

All commercial endorsements must be revalidated every five years by proving at least 150 days of actual sea service on appropriate vessels during the previous five years, and be in possession of a valid medical fitness certificate.

If you are unable to prove the requisite sea service but are able to demonstrate that during at least half of the five year period you have been employed on duties closely associated with the management and operation of one or more of the appropriate types of vessels, you may have your certificate considered for revalidation.

*April 2012 onwards applicants for the commercial endorsement also have to complete an online PPR course and assessment, as detailed here .

Once you have taken your first PPR course, at subsequent renewals of your commercial endorsement you will need to take a reduced version of the course and a short test to make sure you are still up to speed with the subject.

Note: If you are over 65 and subject to more regular medical fitness examinations, you do not need to take the PPR course each time you renew your medical. You will simply need to take it when your commerical endorsment is due for renewal (normally every five years).

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Here's What You Can do With a Commercially Endorsed RYA Certificate.

22 May 2018

Many of us take an RYA yachting course in order to achieve a basic level of competence and to help guarantee that we have attained at least a rudimentary knowledge. Others want to continue their learning through a structured process and others still will see completing the RYA syllabi as a stepping stone to a career in the marine industry.

Anyone that has been taught by an RYA sailing school will know that their instructor (presumably paid - and therefore, a professional) is both a Yachtmaster Offshore / Ocean and also a qualified Instructor (either a Cruising Instructor or Yachtmaster Instructor). To be either, you need to hold a commercial endorsement . However, what many don’t know is that you can hold a variety of commercially endorsed RYA certificates which will enable you to legally work on British-flagged vessels in many parts of the World.

The highest RYA certification is the Yachtmaster Ocean qualification which qualifies the holder to skipper a qualifying British-flagged vessel anywhere in the World. Dependent on the area of operation, there may be other manning requirements. 

For example, when in category 0 waters (more than 150 miles from a safe haven) the vessel must not only be specified to meet a Cat 0 coding (if it is to be commercially run) but the skipper must also have a second-in-command that is qualified RYA Yachtmaster Offshore. Both holders must have commercial endorsements on their certificates.

A Yachtmaster Offshore may skipper a properly coded vessel up to 150 miles from a safe haven (Cat 1 waters) or up to 60 miles from a safe haven (Cat 2 waters). A Yachtmaster Coastal may skipper a vessel in Cat 3 waters (up to 20 miles from a safe haven).

But commercially endorsed skippers are not restricted to the above areas of operation and those with less advanced qualifications may also work in the industry by obtaining a commercial endorsement. This includes;

  • RYA Powerboat Certificate of Competence, which may be commercially endorsed and used to skipper qualifying vessels in Cat 3, 4, 5 and 6 waters).
  • RYA Day Skipper certificates of Competence may be commercially endorsed for skippers in Cat 3, 4, 5 and 6 waters also. 

For clarity, the definitions for Cat 4, 5 and 6 waters are as follows;

Category 4 Waters:  Up to 20 miles from a safe haven in favourable weather and daylight.

Category 5 waters: To sea, within 20 miles from a nominated departure point in favourable weather and daylight

Category 6 Waters:  To sea, within 3 miles from a nominated departure point(s) and never more than 3 miles from land, in favourable weather and daylight 

The laws pertaining to the manning and operation of British-flagged ships are set down and enforced by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA).

Related articles:

  • What is an RYA Commercial Endorsement and How Do I Get One?
  • What is an STCW10 Certificate and Who Needs One?
  • Who are the Royal Yachting Association?

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  • Entry Level Courses
  • Steward/ess Career Course
  • RYA Day Skipper Career Course
  • Intermediate Course
  • Yachtmaster Coastal With Commercial Endorsement
  • Advanced Course

RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore With Commercial Endorsement

  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore upgrade with commercial endorsement

Short Courses | Recreational Sailing

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  • RYA Courses

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  • SAS Courses

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  • SAMSA Courses

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  • Extra Courses

More About Atlantic Yachting

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  • Why Langebaan

Langebaan Lagoon  offers the only  RYA approved sailing examination waters in South Africa. The lagoon is the perfect sail training playground, with tides, streams, commercial traffic, calm and rough seas to provide for all training requirements.

  • Read more about Langebaan

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Recreational Sailing Short Courses

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commercially endorsed yachtmaster offshore

  •  Prior experience required: None
  •  Minimum age: 18 Years
  •  Where: Langebaan
  •  Duration: 115 Days

RYA Competent Crew | 5 Days | Ratio 5:1

This course introduces the complete beginner to cruising and teaches personal safety, seamanship and helmsmanship to the level required to be a useful member of the crew of a cruising yacht.

  • Knowledge of sea terms and parts of a boat, her rigging and sails
  • Sail Handling
  • Fire Precautions and fighting
  • Personal Safety equipment
  • Man overboard
  • Emergency equipment
  • Manners and customs
  • Rules of the road
  • Meteorology
  • Seasickness
  • Helmsmanship and sailing
  • General Duties

***RYA Competent Crew Certificate*** (includes food and accommodation onboard)

RYA Day Skipper Theory | 6 Days | Ratio 12:1

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to chart work, navigation, meteorology and the basics of seamanship.

  • Nautical Terms
  • Anchor work
  • International regulations for preventing collisions at sea
  • Definition of position, course and speed
  • Navigational charts and publications
  • Navigational drawing instruments
  • Tides and tidal streams
  • Visual aids to navigation
  • Passage Planning
  • Navigation in restricted visibility
  • Marine Environment

***RYA/MCA Day Skipper for Sail & Power Craft Shore Based Certificate*** (includes accommodation | excludes food)

RYA Day Skipper Practical | 5 Days | Ratio 5:1

This course is to teach pilotage, navigation, seamanship and boat handling up to the standard required to skipper a small cruising yacht safely by day in tidal waters with which the student is familiar.

  • Preparation for sea
  • Maintenance and repair work
  • Victualling
  • Emergency Situations
  • Yacht handling under power
  • Yacht handling under sail
  • Passage making

***RYA Practical Sailing Course Day Skipper Certificate*** (includes accommodation onboard and food)

SAMSA SRC Radio License 2 Days

Cover VHF Radio syllabus

*** SRC radio certificate*** (includes accommodation | excludes food)

RYA Diesel Engine | 1 Day | Ratio 6:1

***RYA Diesel Engine Certificate*** (includes accommodation | excludes food)

AY Deckhand / Superyacht Training | 2 Days

CleaningDay Work
VarnishingDock walking
PaintingCrew Agents
SplicingCrew CV
Minor RepairsInterviews
Gel Coat & Fiber GlassCrew Salaries
Rope WorkOffshore Bank Accounts
Winch MaintenanceSeasons
Where to go and how to go about finding work
What not to do
Crew Accommodation

***Atlantic Yachting Deckhand Certificate*** (includes accommodation | excludes food)

Boat Handling | 5 days

Re-capping day skipper theory & practical aspects plus boat handling experience

(includes accommodation | includes food)

RYA Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore Theory | 7 Days | Ratio 12:1

This is an advanced course in navigation and meteorology for candidates for the Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate. The syllabus makes some provision for the revision of subjects in the Day Skipper Course but those who have not acquired the knowledge set out in the Day Skipper Course are unlikely to be able to assimilate all the subjects covered in this advanced course in the timetable.

  • The magnetic compass
  • Tidal Streams
  • Rules of the Road
  • Safety at Sea
  • Passage Plan
  • GPS and chart plotter
  • Echo sounders

***RYA/MCA Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore Shore Based Certificate*** (includes accommodation | excludes food) 

RYA Coastal Skipper Practical | 5 Days | Ratio 5:1

The aim of the course is to teach the skills and techniques required to skipper a cruising yacht (7-15m LOA) safely on coastal and offshore passages by day and night

  • Passage making ability as skipper
  • Adverse weather conditions
  • Emergency situations

***RYA Practical Sailing Course Coastal Skipper Certificate*** (includes accommodation onboard and food)

RYA Radar | 1 Day | Ratio 12:1

***RYA Radar Certificate*** (includes accommodation | excludes food)

RYA Power Boat Level II | 2 Days | Ratio 3:1

Section A – PracticalSection B – Theory | Knowledge of:
Launching and RecoveryTypes of craft
Boat HandlingEngines and Drivers
Securing to a buoySighting of fuel tanks
AnchoringRoutine engine checks
Leaving and coming alongsideClose down procedures
Man OverboardAdvice to inland drivers about coastal waters
Use and Limitations of GPS
Application of local byelaws
Source of weather information

***RYA Power Boat Level 2 Power Boat Handling Certificate*** (includes accommodation | excludes food)

RYA PWC | 1 Day | Ratio 4:1

  • Layout of a PW, controls, propulsion and steering system, fuel and oil, stowage compartment
  • Personal equipment – wetsuits/dry suit, personal buoyancy, head and eye protection
  • Pre-launch checks
  • Essential safety information, kill-cord, safe speed, local hazards

Collision Avoidance:

  • Rules of the road applicable to PWs
  • Priorities between different classes of vessels
  • Overtaking, crossing and end-on approach rules
  • Local rules, speed limits, prohibited areas

Orientation at Sea:

  • Charts, scales, direction and distance
  • Representation of land, shallows and deep water
  • Buoys, lateral and cardinal
  • Avoid shipping areas for water skiing etc.
  • Tides, high and low water and tidal streams

Weather, Safety, Courtesy to other water users

  • Sources and significance of weather forecasts
  • Lee and water shores
  • Safety and emergency equipment
  • Courtesy to other water users
  • Avoiding pollution ad disturbances and damage to wildlife habitats

***RYA Personal Watercraft Certificate of Proficiency*** (includes accommodation | excludes food)

RYA PPR online course | 1 day | Compulsory for commercial endorsement

(includes accommodation | excludes food)

Mile building Trips

  • 50 days sea time
  • 5 days as skipper
  • 5 passages over 60nm, including 2 overnight and 2 as skipper

***Signed off in logbook ~ should candidate meet required tasks*** (includes accommodation | includes food)

Exam Preparation | boat handling | 5 Days | Ratio 5:1

This course is designed to revise the theoretical and practical aspects of the RYA Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore Exams. It is assumed that all aspects of boat handling and theory are familiar to the students and only revision is required.

  • Practical navigation
  • Boat Handling (sailing on and off docks, ferry gliding, blind navigation, picking up moorings, tidal stream work etc)
  • General Seamanship
  • Responsibilities of Skipper
  • Safety checks & briefing

(includes accommodation onboard and food)

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Exam 3/4 Days

1 day passage plan

3 – 4 days practical exam

(We have allowed 3 – 4 days for the external exam to cover any unforeseen circumstances therefore you should not make any personal plans over this period)

NB: see link below on exam procedures.

..\..\Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore Exam Syllabus.pdf

Successful graduates earn their RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore with commercial endorsement (includes accommodation onboard and food)


Stcw 2010 11 days (standard of training & certification of watch keepers).

This is an outsourced course which is compulsory for any crew working in the yachting industry.

  • Elementary First Aid – 2 days
  • Marine Fire Fighting – 3 days
  • PSSR (Personal, Safety and Social Responsibilities) – 2 days
  • PST (Personal Survival Techniques) – 2 days
  • PDSD (Proficiency in Designated Security Duties) – 2 days

***MCA Certificates *** We book this on your behalf – STCW + Accommodation in Cape Town

commercially endorsed yachtmaster offshore

RYA/MCA Day Skipper to Yachtmaster & Steward/ess courses for those starting out in Super Yachting industry

  • Intermediate Courses
  • Advanced Courses

Ready to get started?

Impartial training and careers advice

Call us: +441983 280 641

+441983 280 641

Requirements for the Yachtmaster Offshore Exam

To sit the RYA Yachtmaster offshore exam, you are required to have the following miles and experience. All completed within the last ten years:

  • A minimum of 2,500 miles are logged before you sit the exam. At least half the miles must be in tidal waters.
  • Five passages over 60 miles long** . Two of these passages must have been at night, and two acting as skipper. 
  • 50 days at sea on yachts up to 500gt.
  • At least five days experience as a skipper.
  • A valid First Aid Certificate (If STCW, completed within the last 5 years)
  • A GMDSS short-range VHF radio certificate.

** Note: All five passages must have been on a vessel between 7m and 24m in length.

Requirements for the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal exam

  • 30 days at sea on a vessel less than 24m in length, and a minimum of 800 miles logged before you sit the exam. At least half the sea time must be in tidal waters.
  • Two days as skipper, on a vessel less than 24m in length.
  • 12 night hours.
  • A valid First Aid certificate.
  • You must be 17 years old at the time of the exam.

If you hold the RYA Coastal Skipper course completion certificate, then the miles required for Yachtmaster Coastal are reduced to 400.

What is considered tidal waters?

An area is deemed tidal if published stream, current or tidal range data is available, the influence of which is significant enough to require the effects to be taken into account to plan and execute a safe and efficient passage.

But, all my sea miles has been on a vessel OVER 24m….

Good news! The RYA accepts 50% (1,250) of your qualifying sea miles gained on a vessel over 24m. 

It’s crucial to provide a Testimonial or Discharge book as proof of your 1,250 sea miles.

The other 50% (1,250 miles) must be from vessels between 7m and 24m in length.

Some Superyachts have large tenders and chase boats. In this case, any miles and qualifying passages gained at the helm go some way to 1,250 sea miles.

Do I need RYA Yachtmaster Theory?

Depends on your goal.

Technically, you don’t need it to sit your Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore exam, however:

To become an RYA Yachtmaster, you need to be able to navigate using traditional and electronic navigation techniques. The RYA Yachtmaster Theory Course teaches you everything you need to know to navigate a yacht offshore and we recommend it to everybody thinking of sitting the RYA Yachtmaster practical exam.

RYA Yachtmaster Theory is a requirement for Officer of the Watch 3000GT.

At Flying Fish we combine both Yachtmaster Theory and a practical prep week into one course.

How do I convert from sail to power?

To convert from Yachtmaster offshore sail to power you must have completed, in the last 10 years:

  • Minimum of 1,250 miles on a vessel between 7m and 24m in length.
  • 25 days living onboard.
  • 3 days as skipper.
  • Three passages of over 60 miles, including one overnight and one as skipper.

How to record your miles.

Your experience would have been built up over some time on various types of yachts. The miles that you have gained on vessels between 7 and 24 meters in length in the  past ten years  can be recorded in either:

  • RYA’s G158 logbook
  • A CV detailing the information below
  • An Excel spreadsheet

Please note, when recording your miles and experience, make sure you detail the following:

  • Dates the passage/trip took place.
  • Name and type of vessel
  • Details of the passages
  • Miles sailed on each passage
  • Night hours

Flying Fish has created a personal log that you can use to record your sea miles.

What First Aid qualification do I need?

You must have a valid, in-date First Aid qualification to sit the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore exam. 

The RYA, STCW, and Seafish First Aid certificates are all accepted by the RYA.

How long are certificates valid?

The RYA First Aid certificate is valid for 3-years.

STCW First Aid certificates do not have an expiry date. However, It is accepted that after 5 years, our knowledge of CPR and other life-saving techniques tends to fade.

Therefore, the RYA requires holders of STCW First Aid to refresh every 5-years from the date of issue.

At flying Fish, we offer STCW Elementary First Aid courses that coincide with our Yachtmaster Power Theory and practical courses. If you need to update your STCW Elementary First Aid qualification, we invite you to click on the link below to book an update.

Commercial Endorsement

By commercially endorsing your Yachtmaster qualification, you not only meet the necessary requirements for taking paying passengers on a commercial vessel but also equip yourself with the confidence and readiness for professional opportunities.

Superyacht tenders are usually registered as a “tender too” the larger yacht, and in most cases, Commercial Endorsement is not required.

Many individuals choose to endorse their RYA Yachtmaster for commercial use. This endorsement prepares you for potential opportunities, such as working as a professional skipper. If this is your goal, in addition to First Aid and VHF, you will need the following:

  • Either an  ENG1 or ML5 medical
  • STCW or RYA Sea survival certificate
  • Complete the RYA’s online  PPR course

Once you have completed these three steps, you can apply for commercial endorsement through the RYA.

Upgrade to RYA Master 200 GT

Complete  STCW Basic Safety Training , then the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore certificate will be endorsed to allow the holder to skipper a commercial or privately owned vessel up to 200 gross tonnes, which may be greater than 24m in length.

What other skills do I need before I join a prep course?

If you are considering a  Yachtmaster Prep course  then Flying Fish will provide some pre-course reading. If you did some background reading before your prep course, it would help if you had a good knowledge of the following:

  • I.R.P.C.S (rules of the road) and distress signals.
  • Weather. The passage of frontal depression, sea breeze, fog, effects of wind and tide, and terminology used in a weather forecast.
  • Navigation. Understand how to calculate tidal heights, course to steer, and estimated position.
  • Ability to tie the basic knots.
  • Have knowledge of Radar, rule 19, and how to use it for collision avoidance.
  • The  G158 logbook  provides all sea time requirements and a section where you can record all your sea time.
  • Commercial Endorsment

National Yachting School  » Commercial Endorsment

Commercial Endorsment for professional skippers

Commercial endorsment, authorizing the management of vessels up to 200gt for commercial uses, may be obtained for all types of RYA certificates – RYA Day Skipper, RYA Coastal Skipper, RYA Yachtmaster Coastal, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore and RYA Yachtmaster Ocean. Commercial endorsment is issued by the British government's Ma­ritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).

Certificates to RYA Yachtmaster Coastal with commercial endorsement are valid for recreational and commercial vessels up to 24 meters length, permissions differ in navigation and distance from shore.

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore and RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Certificates with commercial endorsement are valid for recreational and commercial vessels up to 200gt, distance of 150 miles from a safe haven, respectively indefinitely. This certificate is then used as a basis for further qualification levels (MCA Officer of the Watch, MCA's Chief Mate, Master 500GT and 3000GT) that allow you to work professionally on vessels up to 3000gt.

This is the British system, officially valid on ships under the British flag. Higher certificates (Yachtmaster Offshore and Ocean) with commercial endorsement are commonly recognized as sufficient qualification in many other states. To obtain internationally recognized commercial endorsement it is necessary to complete STCW courses. But it is always necessary to ask the local authorities about specific conditions of the flag state and the territorial waters.

Commercial endorsement is valid generally for 5 years (skippers over 65 years must renew their medical certificate more often). Toobtain the commercial endorsement you will need:

  • Completed application RYA / MCA
  • A certificate of medical examination according to the standards of MCA
  • Survival at sea course. Recognised courses are RYA Basic Sea Survival, ISAF Sea Survival Training or standard STCW courses.
  • „Professional Practices and Responsibilities“ online course ( more infoabout the online course )

If you are interested in obtaining the Commercial endorsment please contact us. For more detailed informations about the Commercial endorsment visit the RYA website

Due to the coronavirus crisis, we are canceling all practical courses in Croatia until further notice. For new course dates, please keep an eye on our website.

Winter courses on Canaries

In NYS we believe that there’s no such a thing as winter in sailing and you can always find a good place to enjoy your hobby any time throught the year. So we offer popular winter courses again, this time on Canary Islands, starting from Tenerife because of the best flight connections.

RYA Sailing Accreditation Rated as the World’s Best

The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) sailing qualifications have been voted the premiere sailing accreditation for excellence and global reputation following a recent survey targeting 200 professional yacht and motorboat charter companies. The professional charter companies that were surveyed own and manage in excess of 6,000 charter boats across the Mediterranean, Caribbean and Asia.

  • Sail Cruising courses
  • Rent a boat
  • Sailing equipment
  • Yachting publications

National Yachting School Liptov - RYA Training Centre

National Yachting School Skola jachtingu s.r.o. Makovskeho namesti 3147/2, Brno, Czech Republic

Phone: +420 731 745 273 Phone: +421 902 896 099

Web: www.skolajachtingu.cz E-mail: [email protected]

(c) 2011-2024 National Yachting School - Sailing Courses, Skipper Licences

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Online Courses

  • What is RYA?
  • NYS Instructors
  • RYA Training Centre
  • Terms and Conditions
  • RYA Sail Training Ladder
  • RYA Competent Crew
  • RYA Day Skipper
  • RYA Coastal Skipper
  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal Preparation & Exam
  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Preparation & Exam
  • Shorebased Theory Courses
  • RYA Basic Sea Survival / World Sailing Personal Offshore Survival course
  • Short Range Certificate

Sailing Courses

  • Onze instructeurs
  • Onze schepen
  • Opstaphaven, zeezeilcentrum Harlingen
  • Opstaphaven Amsterdam Marina
  • Zeiljacht verhuur
  • Teambuilding
  • Uw juiste cursus kiezen
  • kennismakingsdag
  • Last minutes
  • Basiscursus
  • Gevorderden
  • Jachtschipper
  • Speciale cursussen
  • Avontuurlijke trips
  • Theoriedagen
  • Overzicht zeilprogramma 2024
  • Fast track to RYA Yachtmaster Offshore
  • Waar vaart de Albatros
  • Waar vaart de Jan van Gent
  • Waar vaart de Zeezeiler
  • Waar vaart de WestWind
  • Waar vaart de WindShift
  • Waar vaart de Victoria
  • Publicaties & De Zeezeilers
  • Zeilblogs & verhalen deelnemers
  • IJsselmeer en Waddenzee
  • Wad, zeegaten en volle zee
  • Duitse bocht
  • Engelse Eastcoast rivers
  • Bretagne en Kanaaleilanden
  • Ierland, Iles of Scilly
  • Scandinavië
  • Zeilen Caribbean en Oceaanoversteek
  • Spanje en Biscaye
  • Algemene voorwaarden
  • Arrangement en korting
  • Meest gestelde vragen
  • Wat neemt u mee op de cursus?
  • Kenniscentrum
  • CWO certificering
  • RYA certificering

De Zeezeilers

RYA Courses

  • Algemene informatie

commercially endorsed yachtmaster offshore

Qualification as a Yachtmaster™ Offshore is the ultimate aim of many skippers, both professional and recreational. We offer several RYA courses for different levels of experience.

Curious about where you are in the scheme? Please contact us for advise.

RYA Course De Zeezeilers

Competent Crew Course (5 days practical) This course is for beginners who would like to become active crew members rather than just passengers. Dates and Prices > Additionally you can choose for a jump start in navigation with the RYA's Essential Navigation online. More information >

Day Skipper Course (5 days practical) A course for aspiring skippers with some yachting experience and basic navigation and sailing skills. Dates and Prices > We strongly advise to do a Day Skipper online theory course beforehand. More information >

  • Qualifying Miles (6-14 days practical) Routinate your skills by building miles. Gain more experience before the next step. Dates and Prices >

Coastal Skipper Course (5 days practical) Advanced skippering techniques for yachtsmen and women with considerable knowledge of sailing and navigation. Dates and Prices > You must have your theory up to speed on a Coastal Skipper / YM Offshore level beforehand. More information >

  • Qualifying Miles (30-40 days sailing + training) Milesbuilders and training challenging passages and pilotage to apply knowledge. Dates and Prices > In these variety of trips are at least 5 x 60 qualifying miles. For these we advise to obtain a Coastal Skipper certificate first.

Yachtmaster Offshore Prep & Exam (5+2 days) Preparation Course prior to the exam. The final exam takes 2 days . Dates and Prices >

RYA VHF Short Range Certificate (online + practical assessment) Qualification required to operate marine VHF radio equipment. More information >

RYA First Aid (1 day) Highly recommended for all sailors and mandatory for aspiring Yachtmasters. More information >

What is a Yachtmaster™ Offshore?

A RYA Yachtmaster Offshore is competent to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage during which the yacht is no more than 150 miles from harbour. A RYA Yachtmaster™ needs a wealth of knowledge, not only to cope with plain sailing or motor cruising, but also to be able to manage demanding situations. Qualification as a RYA Yachtmaster™ is the ultimate aim of many skippers, both professional and recreational.

The RYA Yachtmaster certificate does not only display your level as a sailor, it is also one of the sailing documents recognized throughout the world. The exam will include an assessment of your skippering skills, boat handling, general seamanship, navigation, safety awareness and knowledge of the IRPCS, meteorology and signals.

50 days, 2,500 miles including at least 5 passages over 60 miles of which 2 overnight and 2 as the skipper.


A GMDSS Short Range Certificate (SRC) or
higher grade of marine radio certificate.

A valid First Aid certificate

8-12 hours for 1 candidate, 10-18 hours for
2 candidates. No more than two candidates
can be examined in 24 hours and no more
than four candidates can be examined in one
2 day session.

What does it mean to be commercially endorsed?

If you need a Yachtmaster™ Offshore Certificate of Competence in order to work on board a commercial craft, subject to the MCA's codes of practice, you will need to get it commercially endorsed.

You can then work as a Master of commercial vessels of up to 200gt in category 1 to 6 waters - that is up to 150 miles from a safe harbour.

For a commercial endorsement, in addition to your practical certificate of competence you will need:

  • Professional Practices and Responsibilities certificate, acquired with a short online course
  • A completed ML5 Medical Report Form or ENG1 medical fitness form provided by a doctor
  • A RYA Basic Sea Survival certificate or Offshore Personal Survival Techniques
  • A RYA Marine Radio SRC Certificate or other acceptable GMDSS Marine Radio Operator's Certificate

The next step: RYA Yachtmaster Ocean

For Ocean passages the following definition will apply. “Throughout the passage the candidate must have acted in a responsible capacity either in sole charge of a watch or as a skipper”. The examiner will determine whether the candidate is competent at astro navigation.

Candidates must have successfully navigated a yacht at sea by astro navigation. As a minimum this should include the planning, reduction, and plotting of a sun-run-meridian altitude or sun-run-sun sight and a compass check carried out using the bearing of the sun, moon, a star or planet. Yachtmaster Ocean Shorebased Course

More about 'qualifying passages' After every practical course you need to consolidate your acquired skills. Build miles and broaden your experience in a variety of areas and in different circumstances.

For Yachtmaster Offshore you need at least 5 qualifying passages as a bare minimum: 1) Over 60 nm non-stop by the shortest navigable route with no change of skipper. Passages such as recognised races which may not comply exactly with these requirements may be submitted to the RYA for approval. 2) Trainee skippers undertaking 60 mile passages are strongly advised to obtain a Coastal Skipper qualification first! 3) Supporting testimonials or a Seaman’s Discharge book

  • Skipper: The skipper is the person nominated and responsible for the planning and execution of a passage including vessel and watch management. The skipper is not necessarily the most experienced or qualified person on board, but must be the person with responsibility for the safe execution of the passage. If the skipper's role is transferred to another person at any time during a passage then neither person can claim to have skippered that passage.
  • Mate: For the purpose of qualifying passages, a mate is any person on board who has sole responsibility for managing a navigational watch during a passage. They must be actively engaged in the planning and execution of a passage.
  • Tidal: An area is deemed tidal if published stream, current or tidal range data is available, the influence of which is significant enough to require the effects to be taken into account to plan and execute a safe and efficient passage.
  • Days on board: A day on board or as skipper is a period of eight consecutive hours living on board, the majority of which the vessel should have been at sea. Periods of less than eight hours cannot be aggregated to make up eight hours. Only one eight-hour period may be counted in any 24 hour period.
  • Kennis centrum
  • Data Protection Policy-Navathome
  • Terms and Conditions-NavatHome
  • Professional qualifications
  • stcw-endorsements

STCW endorsements

STCW is an international agreement by the maritime nations to mutually accept certain seafaring qualifications. On British flagged vessels operating in the UK or in many non-UK ports, an RYA certificate of competence with a commercial endorsement fulfils all legal requirements. However, some employers or flag states may require STCW basic safety training which is covered by the STCW endorsement. Holders of commercially endorsed RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore and Yachtmaster™ Ocean certificates of competence can also obtain an STCW endorsement if they hold the following certificates:

Certificate and length of course
STCW Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (half day)

STCW Elementary First Aid (1 day), OR

STCW Proficiency in Medical First Aid (4 days), OR

STCW Proficiency in Medical Care On Board(5 days)

Must be updated every five years for the duration of the STCW endorsement
STCW Proficiency in Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (2 days)
From 1 January 2017 onwards: Must be completed or updated within the last five years
STCW Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques (1 day)
From 1 January 2017 onwards: Must be completed or updated within the last five years

Applying for a STCW endorsement

Applicants who don't already hold a commercial endorsement to their RYA Yachtmaster Offshore or Ocean Certificate of Competence should complete the full commercial endorsement application form (available below) and send it with copies of the STCW certificates mentioned above.The standard commercial endorsement fee applies if the commercial endorsement and STCW endorsement are applied for at the same time.

Applicants who do already hold a commercial endorsement to their RYA Yachtmaster Offshore or OceanCertificate of Competence should complete sections 1 and 2 of the commercialendorsement application form (available in the downloads section on theright) and send it with copies of the STCW certificates mentioned above.A fee of £15 is required to add the STCW endorsement if not applied for at the same time as the commercial endorsement.

Once the STCW endorsement is issued, the following wording will appear on your certificate:The certificate holder has completed training under the STCW code A-V1/1Para 2.1. This certificate is valid for use as Master of yachts of up to 200gton commercially and privately registered yachts until [date of expiry].

Revalidating the STCW endorsement

Applications should complete the commercial endorsement revalidation form (available below) and return it to the RYA. From 1 January 2017 onwards, applicants must also send copies of their up to date STCW Proficiencyin Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting and STCW Proficiencyin Personal Survival Techniques.

The standard commercial endorsement revalidation fee applies if the commercialendorsement and STCW endorsement are revalidated at the same time. A fee of £15 is required to revalidate the STCW endorsement if not done at the same time as the commercial endorsement revalidation.

MCA certificates

MCA Master of Coded vessels less than 200gt and other higher large yacht MCA qualifications are STCW accredited.

  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Slovenščina
  • Science & Tech
  • Russian Kitchen

The Republic of Udmurtia, the industrial shield of Russia

M.Kalashnikov, the famous small-arms designer

M.Kalashnikov, the famous small-arms designer

Udmurtia, a land of thousand silver springs and woods - is ideally located in the picturesque parts between the Kama and the Viatka rivers, in the heart of Russia. The republic's capital, the city of Izhevsk, was founded on April 10, 1760 by count Peter Shuvalov. The Republic is the birthplace of the world-wide known Russian composer Peter Tchaikovsky who was born and spent most of his childhood in the city of Votkinsk; the legendary small arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov lives and works in Izhevsk. The Udmurt Republic is one of the most dynamically developing regions in the Russian Federation. Its economy is highly diversified, Udmurtia possesses a huge industrial potential and highly qualified workforce, well-developed agro- and construction industries, abundant natural resources, and dynamically developing financial, science and technologic systems. In 2007, foreign trade turnover of the Republic amounted to $ 1.052 bn. In Russia and far beyond, people know the products of Izhevsk's radio factory and mechanical works. OAO Izhstal, the oldest factory in the Republic of Udmurtia and one of Russia's leading steelmakers, retains a strong position in the market of stainless steel products and special steel grades, with its products having the world's highest quality standards. As part of the international project for construction of a pilot nuclear fusion reactor (ITER), the Chepetsky Mechanical Plant is preparing for production of superconducting materials based on NbTi alloy and Nb3Sn compound. Eventually, it will implement a complete superconductor production cycle, from input materials to ready wires with specific technical characteristics. Today, Udmurtia has more than 300 factories and plants, most of which are equipped with modern machinery and employ highly skilled workers. It also has a significant science and technology potential for the development of the nanoindustry. Business incubators were launched in Izhevsk and Glazov to offer good conditions for the implementation of innovation business plans. Udmurtia holds a leading position in the Russian market for several kinds of consumer goods. The Republic manufactures 80 % of Russian sporting and hunting guns and 67 % of Russian motorcycles and accounts for a major share in the country's total output of radio and medical equipment. More than a quarter of Udmurtia's products are exported to 96 countries around the world. Medium-size and big business development has benefited from growth in the machine building sector and oil and gas industries and from the availability of an extensive communications infrastructure, highways, railways and airports, a solid banking system, and social stability. There is also a highly developed small business sector. According to statistics, about 15,500 business enterprises were registered in Udmurtia in 2008. For several decades, Udmurtia was closed to foreigners. In recent years, Udmurtia has substantially improved its investment appeal. Due to Udmurtia's well-developed market infrastructure, strong technology market and extensive research and development potential, the republic has a good investment climate and business opportunities for foreign investors. In order to provide informational support to investors, a State Register of investment projects in the Udmurt Republic is maintained, an interactive Internet site providing information on investments has been established. For long, international and Russian companies have been investing in automobile manufacturing and the oil and defense industries. A new investment horizon is now emerging with the rapid advance of Udmurtia's IT market. At the end of September, Moody's Investor Service assigned to the Republic of Udmurtia a Ba1 foreign and domestic currency debt rating, assessing its outlook as stable. According to Alexander Proklov, Moody's senior analyst, these ratings are underpinned by a record of many years of budgetary discipline.

Related links : The government of Udmurtia

All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

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commercially endorsed yachtmaster offshore

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  • Certificates of Competence
  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Exam

Full details of the exam syllabus and requirements are shown in the RYA Yachtmaster Scheme Syllabus and Logbook (G158) available from the webshop (see right).

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore practical exams can be taken under sail or power and your certificate will be endorsed accordingly. The candidate or a training centre provides the boat and the RYA provides an examiner. Note: All qualifying sea time and passages must be gained on vessels appropriate to the type of exam i.e. gained in sailing vessels for a sail exam and power vessels for a power exam.

There is no formal training course leading up to the exam, but those who have not previously taken RYA courses often find it useful to book themselves in for some informal training at an RYA centre prior to their exam. This training can be tailor-made to your specific needs and helps to fill any gaps in your knowledge that may become apparent.

The exam will include an assessment of your skippering skills, boat handling, general seamanship, navigation, safety awareness and knowledge of the IRPCS, meteorology and signals.

Documented minimum sea time completed on a seagoing sailing or motor yacht (as appropriate) in the last 10 years:

which may be reduced to 25 days if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence ; ; , which may be reduced to 1250 miles if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence

At least half the qualifying sea time should be gained in tidal waters and on vessels less than 24m LOA, and all seatime must be on vessels of the same discipline as the exam to be taken, i.e. sail or power.

Contact if your sea time is on a yacht greater than 24m and 500gt.

For example, an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail wishing to be examined for RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Power


8-12 hours for 1 candidate, 10-18 hours for 2 candidates.No more than two candidates can be examined in 24 hours and no more than four candidates can be examined in one 2 day session.
18 at the time of the exam

Boats used for exams

You may use your own boat or a boat that you have chartered or borrowed. You will be responsible for ensuring the boat is seaworthy and suitable for the area in which the exam takes place and equipped as shown below.

The boat used must be between 7m and 18m (LOA) and be in sound, seaworthy condition, equipped to the standard set out in the RYA Boat Safety Handbook 2nd Edition (code G103). The boat must be equipped with a full up to date set of charts and navigational publications along with working instruments and either plotter or GPS. In addition to the candidate there should be two crew on board as the examiner will not take part in the management of the boat during the exam.

There may be vessels that will meet the guidelines outlined above but by virtue of their layout, construction, handling characteristics or other factors may be unsuitable for use for an RYA Yachtmaster Practical examination. The RYA reserves the right to refuse an exam on a vessel that, in the view of the RYA Chief Examiner, will not allow the examiner to conduct an examination to the standard required by the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Qualification Panel.

Before you book your exam please check that you:

  • can provide a boat
  • have completed the required mileage and experience as skipper
  • hold an SRC (Short Range Certificate) or higher level GMDSS radio operators qualification
  • hold a valid first aid certificate
  • have read the syllabus in RYA Logbook (G158)
  • have read and comply with the pre-requisites above.

Additionally if not on the boat, you will need to bring to the exam:

  • laminated or waterproof charts
  • GPS set (may be hand held)
  • tide tables
  • pilotage information for the local area, eg pilot books, port information etc
  • plotting instruments.
  • Photographic ID card or document, such as a passport or driving licence

If you need your Certificate of Competence in order to work on board a commercial craft subject the MCA's codes of practice, you will need to get it commercially endorsed .

Useful links

Arranging your exam, commercial endorsements, exam payments service, mca manning requirements, professional qualifications.


This blog is an attempt to share my love and knowledge of Traditional Folk Clothing and embroidery. I am open to requests to research and transmit information on particular Costumes for dance groups, choirs, etc. I do embroidery and sew costumes myself and I would like to spread interest into this particular Art Form

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

North udmurt costume.

commercially endorsed yachtmaster offshore

Top recommendations in Izhevsk

Udmurtia Republic museum

Udmurt Culture

Learn about the culture and traditions of the Udmurt people, as well as about the history and nature of Izhevsk and Udmurtia at the Kuzebai Gerd National Museum and the Museum of Applied Art. In additional, just outside the city is Ludorvai Archeological and Ethnographical Museum Reserve.


Industrial Heritage

See examples of the weapons and motorbikes produced by the Izhmash Factory at the Museum of the History of Izhmash and find out more about the Kalashnikov and its creator at the Kalashnikov Museum-Exhibition Centre.

Main cathedral of Udmurtia

Go and see the spectacular St Michael’s Cathedral – the most famous landmark in the city. The city has two other cathedrals which are also worth seeing: St Aleksandr Nevsky’s Eparchial Cathedral and the Trinity Cathedral.

Sarapul trip

Out of the City

Take the opportunity to see more of the republic. Two nearby options which can be easily visited from Izhevsk by bus are Votkinsk and Sarapul. Votkinsk is the birthplace of composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky and Sarapul is a quaint city on the River Kama with many historical buildings.

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  1. Yachtmaster Offshore with commercial endorsement photo

    commercially endorsed yachtmaster offshore

  2. RYA / MCA Commercial Endorsement

    commercially endorsed yachtmaster offshore

  3. RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore With Commercial Endorsement

    commercially endorsed yachtmaster offshore

  4. Cédric Beaumont

    commercially endorsed yachtmaster offshore

  5. Mik Robinson

    commercially endorsed yachtmaster offshore

  6. Yachtmaster Offshore

    commercially endorsed yachtmaster offshore


  1. Gaining commercial endorsements

    A commercial endorsement is required for work on board British flagged vessels subject to the MCA's codes of practice for small commercial vessels. A number of additional training courses and medical fitness certificates are required to be eligible for a commercial endorsement. For Sail Cruising and Yachtmaster Instructors who only work in ...

  2. Working as an RYA Yachtmaster

    A commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence will enable you to work as a Master of commercial vessels of up to 200gt in category 1 to 6 waters - that is up to 150 miles from a safe haven. This Certificate of Competence can used commercially in its own right, or as a pre-requisite for the MCA's Officer of the Watch ...

  3. Yachtmaster Offshore: When, Why, and How

    Commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence entitles its holder to master a yacht of up to 200 gt, and that is a big responsibility. That said, one of the reasons to get Yachtmaster is to advance the qualifications from entry to higher level including MCA Officer of the Watch (OOW) or Chief Mate, for which Yachtmaster ...

  4. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor

    5 60nm passages, 2 as skipper. Min. Age. 18. Exam. 8 hours to 2 days on the water. Aim. To work commercially on a sailing vessel under 24m in length within 150nm of a harbour. Course Info. The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Motor ticket is considered the most useful and credible of all motor cruising qualifications.

  5. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam

    RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam pre-requisites. 5 passages over 60 miles long, which must include 2 overnight passages and 2 as skipper, which may be reduced to 3 passages including 1 overnight and 1 as skipper if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence 3. 1 At least half the qualifying sea time should be ...

  6. PDF Yachtmaster™ Offshore

    Yachtmaster™ Offshore practical exams can be taken under sail or power and your certificate will be endorsed accordingly. The candidate or a training centre provides the boat and the RYA provides an examiner. ... The commercially endorsed RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore Certificate of Competence can used commercially in its own right. It is also ...

  7. yachtmaster commercial endorsment

    The STCW endorsement is for holders of the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore and Ocean Certificates of Competence working under non-UK maritime authorities. It requires you to take 4 additional courses: The certificate holder has completed training under the STCW code A- VI/1 Para 2.1. This certificate is valid for use as Master of yachts of up to 200gt ...

  8. Here's What You Can do With a Commercially Endorsed RYA Certificate

    A Yachtmaster Offshore may skipper a properly coded vessel up to 150 miles from a safe haven (Cat 1 waters) or up to 60 miles from a safe haven (Cat 2 waters). A Yachtmaster Coastal may skipper a vessel in Cat 3 waters (up to 20 miles from a safe haven). But commercially endorsed skippers are not restricted to the above areas of operation and ...

  9. RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore With Commercial Endorsement

    The Commercial Yachtmaster Offshore course provides the training, practical experience and preparation for gaining a commercially endorsed RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Offshore certificate. Successful graduates are able to work on a variety of sailing & motor yachts, including charter skipper, flotilla skipper or corporate day sailing.

  10. RYA commercial endorsement

    RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence; RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence; ... Ensign Way, Hamble, Hampshire SO31 4YA: ENG1 or ML5 medical. Your original certificate that you intend to get commercially endorsed. Professional Practices and Responsibilities course, known as PPR. Note, that the PPR qualification lasts for ...

  11. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore

    The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore prep and exam course is the final step on a student's journey to becoming a fully qualified, professional skipper. ... To become commercially endorsed the following must be held: RYA Sea Survival; ML5 medical certificate; First aid certificate; Radio Operators Licence - needed before starting this course ...

  12. Requirements for the Yachtmaster offshore exam

    Complete STCW Basic Safety Training, then the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore certificate will be endorsed to allow the holder to skipper a commercial or privately owned vessel up to 200 gross tonnes, which may be greater than 24m in length.

  13. Commercial Endorsment

    Commercial endorsment, authorizing the management of vessels up to 200gt for commercial uses, may be obtained for all types of RYA certificates - RYA Day Skipper, RYA Coastal Skipper, RYA Yachtmaster Coastal, RYA Yachtmaster Offshore and RYA Yachtmaster Ocean. Commercial endorsment is issued by the British government's Ma­ritime and ...

  14. RYA Courses

    If you need a Yachtmaster™ Offshore Certificate of Competence in order to work on board a commercial craft, subject to the MCA's codes of practice, you will need to get it commercially endorsed. You can then work as a Master of commercial vessels of up to 200gt in category 1 to 6 waters - that is up to 150 miles from a safe harbour.

  15. stcw-endorsements

    Holders of commercially endorsed RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore and Yachtmaster™ Ocean certificates of competence can also obtain an STCW endorsement if they hold the following certificates: Certificate and length of course Notes; STCW Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (half day) ...

  16. MCA/RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore (Preparation and Exam)

    A commercially-endorsed Yachtmaster™ Offshore can skipper a commercial vessel up to 150 miles from a safe haven as well as considering other options such as becoming an instructor or progressing to the MCA merchant scheme. Both qualifications cover commercial work on board vessels up to 300 gross tonnes, carrying up to 12 passengers. ...

  17. The Republic of Udmurtia, the industrial shield of Russia

    Udmurtia, a land of thousand silver springs and woods - is ideally located in the picturesque parts between the Kama and the Viatka rivers, in the heart of Russia. The republic's capital, the city ...

  18. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam

    RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam pre-requisites. 5 passages over 60 miles long, which must include 2 overnight passages and 2 as skipper, which may be reduced to 3 passages including 1 overnight and 1 as skipper if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence 3. 1 At least half the qualifying sea time should be ...

  19. FolkCostume&Embroidery: North Udmurt Costume

    The basic garment of the north Udmurt costume is, as usual, the chemise, of which nothing shows when the entire costume is worn, except the sleeves, and often the lower hem. The cut of the chemise is very typical. You will notice the appliqued strips of red cloth, which is quite popular in this costume and also among the neighboring Chuvash.

  20. Izhevsk

    Izhevsk is the capital of the Republic of Udmurtia and located almost midway between Kazan and Perm. The city began its history as the location of an ironworks founded in 1760 and today remains an industrial city. The most famous item to be produced here is the Kalashnikov AK-47 automatic rifle and its creator, Mikhail Kalashnikov, spent most ...

  21. Joint Stock Company Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol

    joint-stock company (date of registration 23.04.2002) — Belgian Financial Sanctions, 2024-03-28. JSC Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant 'Kupol' (or JSC IEMZ 'Kupol') is a Russian company engaged in the development, production, operation and repair of Tor missile systems, an all-weather, low to medium-altitude, short-range surface-to-air ...