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Sail Training International

YB Tracking

Keep up with all the exciting action on the water during The Tall Ships Races 2024 with YB Tracking.

During The Tall Ships Races 2024, each participating ship in the Races will be fitted with a YB satellite transponder, a self-contained battery operated tracker which allows tracking of a vessel’s position from anywhere on earth.

All vessels taking part in the Races will be equipped with one so you can follow the fleet – anytime, anywhere – as they sail from Klaipeda, to Helsinki, Tallinn, Turku and Mariehamn before finishing in Szczecin.

The Tall Ships Races 2024: Race One Preview

Ahead of the first race of the series, Race Director, Magda Makowska, previewed what is looking set to be an fast paced passage through the Baltic Sea.

How Does YB Work?

YB “wakes up” on a regular basis (for example, every hour) to obtain a position using the GPS satellite network, and then transmits that position back to an online map, which is embedded on the STI website during a Race, or viewed directly. If you own a Yellowbrick you get your own personal map, which you can embed into your own website. Vessels taking part in STI events are now being offered a unique opportunity to purchase their own Yellowbrick device, at a substantial discount to the normal price. And for each take STI then benefits from a rebate on its cost for hiring Yellowbrick for our Races.


YB Tracking features a big selection of different sailing events; the event you are interested in should be chosen on the PC or app home screen by its event name.

Once the event is loaded, the user will see a satellite view of the first race course for that event. The system works slightly differently between PC and phone app – but the basic functions remain the same.

There are multiple legs (or courses) in the event – you can click on the race leg you want to see from a drop down menu. Each race leg page shows the satellite positions of competing vessels and different view options including Overlays, Teams, Leaderboard and Social.

Overlays can provide latitude and longitude lines, day and night indicators, course waypoints, up to date wind directions and speeds, and change the overall map style.

Teams shows vessels in alphabetical order along with nationalities and further information. If you can’t find the vessel you are looking for, it might be you are looking at the wrong division/group. Click the “Groups” button on the top right, and choose the right group. Touching the name of the boat should then take you to the boat on the map.

Leaderboard is a list of the vessels, start time, DTF – Distance To Finish and VMG – Velocity Made Good (the progress made to the finish that is the speed along the rhumb line – the straight distance from race start to race finish).

Please Note: All stats are before the Sail Training International  Time Correction Factor has been calculated.

Choose Leaderboard separates the ships into classes for more detailed race tracking. Clicking one of the vessels will centre the map on their location, and highlight them on the map. If a user clicks on or hovers over a vessel, key information – including skipper’s name, current sailing speed, last recorded position and their place in the class leader board and overall leader board – will be shown.

Zoom allows users to select one of three race overviews All, Leaders and Course. Users can zoom into the lead three teams and add different overlays to the event map.


Yes – once all the data has loaded, a scroll bar will appear at the bottom of the map. Clicking and dragging this will move you backwards and forwards through time, so you can replay the race and see the vessels move.


The mobile app will show the latest data we have at all times. If viewing on a PC the data will usually be refreshed at least every fifteen minutes.


YB Tracking platform provides a detailed help page and pop up by clicking on the ‘help’ button.

For help installing the YB Tracking map embed code, contact YB Tracking directly at: [email protected] .


The YB Tracking Race map, with all functionality, can be easily added to your website using the following embed code. This can be added simply through your website’s content management system (CMS).

<iframe src=”https://yb.tl/magellan-elcano2″ width=”965px” height=”965px” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”></iframe>

The div style is added to allow the YB block to resize according to the responsive design of your site. You can change the width and the height to suit your site best.

Find Out More

  • Visit www.ybtracking.com for more information.
  • You can download the YB Tracking mobile app for iPhone/iPad from iTunes , and for Android from Google Play .

Follow The Tall ships Races Magellan-Elcano

Once again, during The Tall Ships Races Magellan-Elcano you are able to follow the Tall Ships fleet as they make their way along the Race route thanks to the YB satellite tracking system.

You can follow each race leg and ensure you miss none of the sailing action below.

The Tall Ship Races Magellan-Elcano: Race One, Report Three

Weather conditions came to the fore on day three of Race One as light winds leading the Race Committee to announce a Finish at Sea. The weather had already presented the fleet with a number of tactical decisions to make and made for a challenging race across the classes.

With a revised finish deadline of 0800 UTC today (22 August), the fleet will now continue their journey to A Coruna and the next stop on The Tall Ships Races Magellan-Elcano. Provisional results show the Class B Gaff Cutter, Jolie Brise ,  and Class D BM Yawl, Stella Polare coming out on top, but all results are still pending until the fleet reach the next Host Port.

“The Race Committee brought the time limit forward to 0800 UTC in view of the light headwinds encountered by the fleet. Bring the timeline limit forward will allow ample time for ships to make A Coruna and the next scheduled celebrations. We’ve seen an exciting race from Falmouth and it has been fascinating to see the different tactics being deployed across the fleet, in particular the close battle between the Polish ships, Fryderyk Chopin and Dar Mlodziezy. Well done to all crews who have completed such a challenging race!” The Tall Ships Races Magellan-Elcano Race Director, Paul Bishop

Provisional placings of each Class at the time of publication are below, these are subject to change based on the final race declaration forms which will be submitted by each ship upon their arrival in A Coruna.

Fryderyk Chopin (Poland)

Dar Mlodziezy (Poland)

Capitan Miranda (Uruguay)

Jolie Brise (UK)

Stella Polare (Italy)

Challenge Wales (UK)

Juan de Langara (Spain)

The Tall Ship Races Magellan-Elcano: Race One, Report Two

The fleet are continuing well on the race to A Coruna, with Fryderyk Chopin (Poland) and Jolie Brise (UK) continuing to lead Classes A and B respectively, and Stella Polare (Italy) pulling ahead in Class C/D.

As the fleet enter their second full day of sailing, we asked the crews of the fleet for their favourite moments of the race event so far. The answers give a great insight to life on board during the races.

Cuauhtemoc: Cadet Gerardo Motta

“I want to write about the best things that has happened to me since leaving Falmouth. The first being the teamwork I’ve had with my fellow crew, throughout all the efficient manoeuvering that hopefully will have positive results at the end of the competition, and also the learning and experience I’ve gathered through our navigation.

In the end all of the dedication the crew brings to accomplish our final goal, to have a positive experience and live an adventure, memories that will stay with us for a lifetime.

Now, this is the best experience of my life.”

Challenge Wales

“Bioluminescence at night where the water would glow before the dolphins break the surface. Shooting stars and how bright they were. Seeing dolphins in general were pretty amazing and we liked seeing the ship lights at night from other vessels as most of us had never seen that before.

We’re excited for the night watch tonight to hopefully see more amazing things. Also, passing the waypoint!”

Dar Mlodziezy: Trainee Hubert

“Our arrival to waving people Falmouth, walking down the streets of Falmouth and our first pint in Falmouth. Watching the setting sun seen from the very top of the mast and seeing all the other vessels”

Fryderyk Chopin

“When our engineer finally fixed the toilets!”

“Putting up sails without blowing them out! And celebrating an 18th birthday on board.”

The leaders of each Class at the time of publication are:

Georg Stage (Denmark)

The Tall Ship Races Magellan-Elcano: Race One, Report One

With a little over 24 hours of the race completed, it has been a tale of different tactics for the fleet on their way to A Coruna.

Following a dramatic start, which saw Capitan Miranda (Uruguay) cross the start line first as Storm Betty created large swells to contend with, the fleet have looked to differing courses in their efforts to reach the finish line first.

Race Director, Paul Bishop, explains the different options on offer to the Captains.

“The vessels have had a challenging night tacking into the SW headwinds towards WP1 off the north west coast of France. The trainees are beginning to get their ‘sea legs’ as the large residual swell from Storm Betty has subsided and are now enjoying more settled conditions. Essentially, there seem to be three different tactics going on. Some captains and navigators have opted to go south, some to the west whilst others have decided to take the more direct route. Each have their potential merits and it will be fascinating to see which pays off they round WP1. The wind is forecast to become light and variable over the next 24hrs before a more favourable northerly sets in later on Tuesday.” The Tall Ships Races Magellan-Elcano Race Director, Paul Bishop

Relive the Tall Ships Races 2023

The Tall Ships Races 2023 saw the Tall Ships fleet take part in an epic race series as they sailed from Den Helder, Netherlands, to Hartlepool, UK, Fredikstad, Norway, Lerwick, UK, and finish in Arendal, Norway.

You can relive each race leg thanks to the YB satellite tracking system below.

The Tall Ships Races 2023: Race Two, Report Four

Race Two of The Tall Ships Races 2023 has continued in exciting fashion and seen a number of the fleet cross the finish line.

The race between Statraad Lehmkuhl (Norway) and Fryderyk Chopin (Poland) continued down to the wire, with the Norwegian Class A finishing only 20 minutes ahead of her Polish competitor in a photo finish.

Elsewhere, Class B saw Jolie Brise (UK) continue their longtime success in the races as the only ship to finish so far. In contrast, Class C is balanced between finishers and those still sailing, with Esprit (Germany) leading the way in the water.

Of course it’s all still to play for in the final placings once the Time Correction Factor is applied and final declaration times are submitted by the Captains.

The leaders of each class at the time of publication are:

Statsraad Lehmkuhl (Norway)

Betty   (Denmark)

Rupel (Belgium)

Esprit (Germany)

Belfer   (Poland)

Saeftinghe (Belgium)

Urania (The Netherlands)

Tara (Denmark)

Patricia (Belgium)

The Tall Ships Races 2023: Race Two, Report Three

The third day of racing has seen the Tall Ships fleet continue to enjoy excellent sailing conditions and the leading ship on the water, Dar Mlodziezy (Poland) delivering a stunning performance to cross the finish line at 21:53 UTC last night (Tuesday 12 July).

Throughout the fleet, there has been an exciting battle with changes in the top positions in Class A, Class B and Class Class C. With the TCF factored in, Dar Mlodziezy has jumped up two places to lead Statsraad Lehmkuhl (Norway) in second and Fryderyk Chopin (Poland) in third in Class A. Both ships are within touching distance of the finish line, fighting neck and neck.

In Class B, Denmark’s Betty has made amazing progress to pass both Swan (UK) and Rupel (Belgium), putting them second behind leaders Jolie Brise (UK), who are no strangers to success in The Tall Ships Races. In Class C, it was another Polish ship, Belfer , who made their way up the placings to third in Class.

Class D saw no change with Urania (the Netherlands) still leading Tara (Denmark) and Patricia (Belgium).

The Tall Ships Races 2023: Race Two, Report Two

After two days of sailing, Dar Mlodziezy (Poland) leads the way on the water as the fleet close in on waypoint one, closely followed by Patricia (Belgium) and Urania (the Netherlands) vying for 2nd and 3rd place in line honours. With the crucial Time Correction Factor in place though it’s another Class A ship, Norway’s Statsraad Lehmkuhl, who leads the field overall.

The fleet have enjoyed more favourable sailing conditions with 25-30 kts wind speed pushing the fleet to over 15 kts on their way to Fredrikstad. With these conditions set to continue, it won’t be long before the first arrivals in Fredrikstad.

Swan   (UK)

Vahine (Finland)

The Tall Ships Races 2023: Race Two, Report One

After yesterday’s dramatic race start, the fleet are making progress towards Fredrikstad and experiencing some excellent sailing conditions.  

“To quote the captain of Urania, they are enjoying ‘champagne’ sailing conditions!   The sun is shining and they have 15 knots of wind. All appears to be going to plan and it seems that the fleet, who are in quite a compact area, are all getting similar wind conditions and speed.” The Tall Ships Races 2023 Race Director, Magda Makowska

Betty (Denmark)

Belfer (Poland)

The Tall Ships Races 2023: Race One, Report One

With challenging head on westerly winds still affecting the Tall Ships fleet as the make their way to the start line, the Race Operations Committee decided that the start gate will remain open after 1200 UTC.

This change will mean all ships in the fleet will have the chance to pass the start line for Race One, with final placings decided by their progress over elapsed time.

When the time came to start the race, it was the Class D yacht Patricia (Belgium) that made it across the start line first. Race Director, Magda Makowska, gave an update on the fleet’s progress and the upcoming weather conditions.

“With the start gate still open, we’re just waiting for the remaining vessels to pass and begin their race to Hartlepool. There are some big waves out there still providing challenging conditions for the fleet.

The forecast is looking to improve for the fleet in the coming days though, and we expect them to enjoy some great sailing conditions as they make their way along the course to the finish line and the upcoming celebrations in Hartlepool – which will be well earned after Race One!”

Race Director, Magda Makowska

Relive the Tall Ships Races 2019

Replay with all the action in the Tall Ships Races 2019 with YB Tracking and relive the races in full with our race reports, below.

Full Race Reports

Relive The Tall Ships Races 2024

Use YB satellite tracking to relive all the action during The Tall Ships Races 2024...

Sail Onboard

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Visit our sail on board site to go sail training.

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Step 1 of 7.

Thanks for your interest in ordering a custom print of a race. You can choose various size options. Please follow the instructions below to customise and order your print.

Before we send your finished product you will be sent a proof copy to check. This will be sent to you a couple of days after you place your order, and once the race has finished.


YB Races 4+

Rock seven mobile services ltd, designed for ipad.

  • 2.9 • 58 Ratings
  • Offers In-App Purchases



The YB Tracking iPhone/iPad app allows you to follow live race tracking on your mobile - updated to feature everything we track including yacht races, car rallies, adventure racing and more. Information in the race viewer is also controlled by the race organisers - not YB Tracking. For instance, if a race organiser has not provided pictures for the teams, then pictures will not appear in this app or on our web-based viewer. Key features: - See information about the teams in the race - View live leaderboards - Review the map, course and wind info (where available) - Zoom to all teams, leaders, and the course area - Social media feed with news about the race - Replay facility, to allow you to scrub backwards and forwards in time Note: This app requires an internet connection to operate

Version 4.0.14

Bug fixes and improvements

Ratings and Reviews

Vendee globe.

I can’t understand why the Vendee Globe, the most impressive and important race along with the Golden Globe isn’t part of the listing. That’s a major mistake. I hope you guys will fix this as soon as possible, as the race started already 5 days ago. I would have rated this app much higher if I could find the Vendee Globe among all the races you follow.

The worst version yet

I’d give it zero stars if I could. I’ve been using this app to track the Chicago Mac Race for years and this is by far the worst version yet. These are my top three issues: 1) You cannot save favorite teams, you have to go through the process of finding your teams every time you open the app. 2) You cannot tag a boat and have it highlighted on the map. 3) You cannot select and follow a single boat within a team, you have to see all of them. You’ve done much better in the past, fix this for next year!


Really disappointing when you’re trying to follow a race, but since you’re using IOS device and you are not *allowed* to follow it in a browser instead of having to download this buggy, constantly crashing app that lacks something as simple as being able to search for a racer on the map page. Props for trying to support racing, but give us the option to use the browser app until you improve this app. Miserable experience, especially when there’s no option

App Privacy

The developer, Rock Seven Mobile Services Ltd , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

Data Not Collected

The developer does not collect any data from this app.

Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


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Gladstone Ports Corporation Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race B2G

Yacht Tracker through YB Tracking

The Gladstone Ports Corporation Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race fleet may be tracked live via YB Yacht Tracking.  There are a number of ways to view the Tracking screen depending on your preferred mobile device.

If you intend watching on a fullscreen PC (or you already have the YB Races App on your device) follow the link at the button below to the 2024 Race field which will be populated with data for the 2024 fleet.

If you wish to view on a mobile device and you do not already have the YB Races App loaded you will need to visit your applicable device App store.  Then you will need to download the App specific to your device.  Once downloaded and opened you may search for this year’s race using the race name and year and add it to your races in the App.

For further advice and information about mobile device Apps visit the official YB site .

Organised and Hosted by Queensland Cruising Yacht Club

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Yachting World cover

12 yacht trackers compared to help you choose the right unit for your voyage

Pip Hare

  • November 21, 2016

Significant falls in the cost of worldwide tracking have made it viable for anyone who sails to share their position and status with a contact ashore. Pip Hare looks at what is available and what it costs.

yb yacht tracker

Product Overview

This article was originally published nov 2016. it was last product and price checked 28 feb 2023..

Some of the products in this article are no longer available but this article contains other useful information you may want to read. If you want to buy a new tracker or messenger then have a look at our new article buyer’s guide.

A newer article is available Best satellite messenger and tracker for sailing and boating

Advances in tracking technologies have had a significant impact on offshore sailing, both cruising and racing. Once something used exclusively by extreme adventurers and offshore racers – significant falls in the cost of worldwide tracking have made it viable for anyone who sails to share their position and status with a contact ashore.

And trackers can do a lot more for you than just share your adventure. They allow owners to monitor their vessel when they are not on board. Unlike AIS, which broadcasts your position, custom trackers will only share your location with the people you choose.

GSM or satellite?

The Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) is equivalent to a mobile phone signal of 2G or above, and I was surprised to find how much coverage I managed to get during my testing on this network.

I carried out tests on the south coast of the UK, the west coast of Scotland and in the Swedish and Finnish archipelagos, and got total coverage everywhere except Scotland, where I had a GSM signal for around half the time on a two-day passage, enabling me to make the equivalent of four or five updates a day.

If you mostly sail around Europe, with the odd passage offshore, these could offer low-cost tracking and security solutions. For ocean sailing or in more remote or less developed locations, satellite trackers are a better bet.

I tested satellite trackers on two networks: Globalstar simplex and Iridium.

Globalstar has a 24-satellite network that reportedly achieves over 80 per cent coverage of the world’s surface. Globalstar solutions can provide a lower-cost satellite service for trackers, but because they use the simplex network this offers only one-way messaging.

Iridium ’s 66 satellites guarantee total global coverage, including in polar regions and mid-ocean. If you are heading further afield or if you require two-way communications Iridium should be your choice.

Airtime costs continue to come down and all the products I tested offered monthly pay-as-you-go packages, making satellite tracking a lot cheaper than you might think.

An example of the track record on a screen and the communications sent by text.

An example of the track record on a screen and the communications sent by text.

Fixed or portable?

Fixed trackers can be securely mounted, wired into a 12V supply and hidden from view. Without screens, they are the most robust units, but require an interface to administer. Remote monitoring of fixed devices could be useful if you leave the boat for long periods and if you are worried about security in a remote anchorage.

Portable trackers for the active person are a lifestyle purchase, useful for crews rather than boat owners. When buying a tracker for a big trip, think what charging options will be available to you – if these are limited, consider one of the units that takes regular batteries instead of requiring a plug-in to recharge and be certain to configure your device for minimum transmissions before you head off.

Advice for buyers

The tracker market is bursting with options. It can be quite difficult not to be the proverbial ‘kid in the sweet shop’ and opt for a unit that can just do everything. To make a sensible investment, consider carefully what functions will actually add new value to your whole boat set-up and where and how often you will be cruising.

Fixed trackers can lower insurance premiums. Portable trackers could be used in other sports or for charters abroad, so offer value in different ways. Certainly don’t write off the GSM option without considering your cruising ground first.

We should also see the cost of satellite comms dropping further. Last year saw the launch of OneWeb, backed by Richard Branson. The goal of this constellation of over 600 satellites is to provide low-cost broadband and mobile phone coverage with global coverage in the next couple of years, opening up the world of remote monitoring and operation even further.

Take a look at the comparison listing (and downloadable spreadsheet) on the next page to make up your own mind.

12 yacht trackers compared

First a few words about what functions are on offer and what they are useful for. Don’t get distracted by the vast range of functionality on offer. Important things to consider are: what functions are actually useful to you; what is the real cost of using extra functions; and does it represent good value?

Below is an outline of some of the more important functions I tested.

Sharing your track with friends is one of the wonderful things about this technology, so consider the ease of access to these facilities. I enlisted the help of my mum to test the sharing facilities for each tracker – the end-user experience ratings in the table are hers.

Remember that sending an SOS message from any of these trackers will not link directly to the maritime rescue services, so they should never take the place of an EPIRB or a VHF/HF distress alert. The SOS buttons will link you to a commercial rescue co-ordination centre which will relay your position.

Geo fencing

Setting a geographical boundary around your vessel which will generate an alert sent to specified contacts if broken. Mostly a security function, this could also be used as a remote anchor alarm if you head ashore.

Movement alert

Similar to geo fencing, but this will send an alert once the boat has started to move after a specified time spent stationary.

The tracker will stop transmitting if the boat stops moving for a specified period of time. In my tests this feature significantly improved battery life.

Shock sensor/collision sensor

Sends an alert if the unit receives a significant jolt, useful for theft or remote notification of a collision.

Preloaded messages

Created before a trip and uploaded to a device that has no keyboard. These can be sent to predefined contacts with one press of a button.

Two-way messaging

This could replace onboard email. Make sure you know if you are charged by the character or by the message. Inbound and outbound messages are charged.

Mapping portal

How does your chosen tracker export and display your positions? Not all trackers come with their own mapping portal, so bear that in mind.

Remote activation

This will allow the alarm to be turned off and on via the network – only available for GSM and Iridium trackers.

Sabotage alert

Notification if the power source is cut or tampered with.

Download the comparison table: 12 yacht trackers compared – Yachting World magazine

Delorme InReach portable Iridium satellite yacht tracker.

DeLorme inReach – portable – Iridium 8/10

The DeLorme inReach tracker has the whole package, including two-way messaging functions. Settings can be managed on the device itself via an online portal and also via Bluetooth to the EarthMate mobile phone app.

Messaging options include a selection of your own preloaded messages or free text, which can be typed in directly to the unit or created on a tablet or phone and sent using Bluetooth.

I recommend the app to manage this device as the screen is too small to navigate easily through menus or type text.

DeLorme is now offering enhanced, location-specific marine weather forecasts. There is no sleep function, so the battery lasted only 72 hours when the unit was set to transmit every five minutes – poor compared with the Spot (below).

The unit did not work at all indoors and it must be plugged in to recharge. Editing preloaded messages and preloading a contact list is essential to efficient use. The menus are not always intuitive, so it’s also worth reading the manual to make the most of all the functions.

My mum gave the DeLorme sharing pages the top rating for the end-user experience; she found it simple to navigate, felt the data was well represented and liked the high level of zoom.

Airtime plans vary, but you are charged around 8p for every location ‘ping’, which means my test of 72 hours at five-minute intervals cost £69. Ouch.

Monthly Fee: £12 (basic package: unlimited preloaded messaging +10 free text messages). Additional cost per ‘ping’ 8p

SuperSail fixed GSM yacht tracker

SuperSail – fixed – GSM 8/10

This is pitched as a security device, with all manner of add-on accessories for remote monitoring and operation, including float switches and door sensors.

I tested the basic model of tracker and GPS antenna only, which is managed through a mobile app. Getting an initial GPS lock took time; in the end I took the separate GPS antenna on deck to obtain a first fix and then installed it below decks with no disruption to GSM or GPS signals. LEDs on the front of the box indicate clearly if the unit has a signal – very useful for initial siting.

Tracking is not sharable through a public page, but if friends download the app they can track you on your own account (though they could also access the alarm configuration). The SuperSail obtains a position fix every ten minutes as standard, leaving a comprehensive trail to view. If you lose mobile signal the device will store up your position and transmit the backlog once a mobile signal has been regained.

Monthly airtime Europe £10

Monthly airtime worldwide £27

SmartOne C fixed Globalstar satellite yacht tracker.

SmartOne C – fixed – Globalstar 7/10

The SmartOne C is similar in function to the Spot Trace, offering tracking and alerting, but with the versatility of a monthly contract. This device exports raw data and does not come with a bespoke mapping portal.

For my test I worked with GTC, a telecommunications company, and the GTC track platform for both the SmartOne C and G Sat Micro. If you are not technologically minded then working with a supplier could be a great solution as they would set up, configure and update any devices for you.

There is no separate public sharing page for the GTC track portal. Instead you register guests on to your main administration page then restrict their permissions. The site offers a good presentation of linked tracking data and is user-friendly.

Monthly fee – tracking only £5.00

Monthly fee – alerts and tracking £12.50

Monthly fee – GTC track £6.50 Activation fee £15.00

Spot Trace fixed Globalstar satellite tracker

Spot Trace – fixed – Globalstar 7/10

The Spot Trace is a no-frills tracker in a rugged waterproof case that mounts inside a locker lid or just under the coachroof. It also worked down below when placed reasonably high up. If permanently mounting use the Spot waterproof lead to hardwire the unit to an external power source and it will still be rated as waterproof.

The Trace is set-up through the same portal as the Gen3, so requires internet access for configuration. It has the same tracking and alerting functions as the Gen 3, such as motions alerts and sleep mode, but without the messaging function, so airtime costs are slightly lower.

Annual fee – basic – including alerts to SMS £110

Spot Gen 3 portable Globalstar sattelite tracker.

Spot Gen 3 – portable – Globalstar 8/10

The Spot Gen 3 provides an impressive battery life – I carried it around for over a month set to transmit every five minutes when moving and did not deplete the batteries.

The device will send alerts and a selection of five one-way messages to email or via SMS, but you pay extra for SMS messages. The entire unit is managed via an online portal where transmission frequencies, alerting and preloaded messages are set up. The Spot must be plugged into a computer connected to the internet to change configuration. Editing the standard preloaded message text is a must – one of them simply says ‘Help’.

Each Spot has its own mapping page that can be shared with friends and linked to social media. The sharing site is not particularly detailed and only displays seven days of tracking history – frustrating for those who would like to see the entire journey. You are now able to download the Spot app to display the full tracking history. However, this does not display a trail to link the different reports and is only available for IOS 8.

Annual fee: £125 (basic: including messages to email)

Enhanced tracking (more than 24hrs): +£30 per year

SOS support: +£15 per year

Messages to SMS: +10p per message

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GSat Micro portable Iridium satellite yacht tracker.

GSat Micro – portable – Iridium 7/10

This device is the cutting-edge of tracker technology. It is the smallest Iridium tracker going, fitting comfortably in the palm of a hand. It also has incredibly advanced functionality, including the ability to receive and carry out advanced commands via satellite.

Its current uses are mainly commercial and military, but this is the space we should be watching to imagine what standard tracker technology will be offering us in years to come. The bad news is that you need to be a bit of a nerd to control the GSat micro. But with the right programmer you would be able to invent, write and test commands that could be carried out anywhere in the world – cutting the engine or turning instruments on or off would only be the start of its functionality.

Charges are monthly and relate to bytes and should be discussed with the provider – I’ve given prices for an entry-level package with the GTC track mapping portal.

Entry level package: £28 per month (12,000 bytes)

Activation fee: £37

YB3 portable Iridium satellite tracker

YB tracking: YB3 – portable – Iridium 8/10 YB3i – fixed – Iridium 9/10

YB’s stand-out feature is its thoughtful sharing package. All YB trackers come with their own blog page as well as mapping application. Simply log on to your account and start writing – blogs will be attached to your tracking map and easily shared with contacts and on social media for free. The portal is easy to access, well presented and was another of mum’s favourites.

Both devices offer a full range of functions, including two-way messaging with free text. Just remember that you’re paying to receive messages, so train your friends to keep them short. Neither the portable or fixed device has a sleep mode; this is substituted by a ‘burst’ setting where the device transmits at a low frequency when stationary (12 hours maximum) then at a higher rate when moving.

The units are configured either via an online portal, Bluetooth to a mobile phone app, or on the screen of the YB3.

The app is essential for proficient use of the YB3i and of great benefit to the YB3 – I think it’s worth the extra money to buy the Bluetooth model.

YB3i fixed Iridium satellite yacht tracker. Monthly line rental £8; Credits 6p

YB3i fixed Iridium satellite yacht tracker. Monthly line rental £8; Credits 6p

The YB3 is a little large for a personal device – it comes with a pouch to mount it easily on the guardrail. However, the YB3i is waterproof to 5m, so could be mounted on deck.

I encountered a few problems with my YB3 unit failing to charge, which YB has now addressed. (The company offers good customer service to owners and viewers, one benefit of dealing directly with the manufacturer for the total package.)

Airtime costs are a pretty simple pay-as-you-go package and unused credits do not expire: one credit equals one position report and 50 characters of text sent or received.

Monthly line rental £8

Back2You fixed and wired GSM boat tracker.

Back2you Wired boat tracker – fixed and wired – GSM 7/10 & Personal tracker – portable – GSM 6/10

I tested the company’s wired boat tracker, self-contained longlife tracker and a small personal tracker. The Back2you trackers offer worldwide GSM coverage; the personal tracker is UK and Europe. They can be viewed and managed via an online portal.

The system is clearly set up for terrestrial vehicle monitoring, but with the satellite-based Google Maps base it works very well afloat.

The wired boat tracker showed an excellent level of track detail when set to transmit every 30 seconds. Back2you also has a mobile phone app that can send commands to the trackers, but I did not find this very user-friendly, so would recommend sticking with the portal.

Back2You self-contained GSM boat tracker.

Back2You self-contained GSM boat tracker.

The self-contained longlife tracker is purely for anti-theft. There is nothing to fit or install, no batteries to manage – just hide it away on your boat. It will switch on once a day and ping you a position, but if your boat is stolen you can switch it to live monitoring. Batterylife is three years.

This personal tracker is impressive in use, easy to stuff in a pocket, but it’s not waterproof and its functionality is designed more for the security of children and vulnerable adults.

First year free with purchase of device.

Subsequent annual fee: £60

Smartphone app: £2.99

Personal tracker (GiffGaff pay as you go): £5 per month


Yachtsafe – fixed – GSM 6/10

Yachtsafe is more of a security device than a public tracker. It checks its position every ten minutes, but doesn’t keep a historical log, so has limited appeal for position sharing with friends.

Position reports are on request from the mobile app and then shown on your phone’s mapping application.

There is a good range of alerts, including a sabotage warning, and extra sensors can provide further input to the unit. The system only covers Europe and charges an annual fee that includes 500 messages. I used 20 messages in a four-day trial.

Annual fee: £69 (500 messages – valid for one year only)

Yachtsafe fixed GSM tracker. Annual fee: £69 (500 messages – valid for one year only).

Yachtsafe fixed GSM tracker. Annual fee: £69 (500 messages – valid for one year only).

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All Products

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YB3 - Handheld Tracker & Aquapac

Yb3 - handheld tracker.

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YB3i - Fixed Installation Tracker

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Soft Pouch to suit YB3

yb yacht tracker

2m IP68 USB Cable to suit YB3

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Weather Proof Aquapac to suit YB3

yb yacht tracker

Quick Release Mount to suit YB3

yb yacht tracker

Deck Mount to suit YB3i

yb yacht tracker

Rokk Mount to suit YB3i

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Cig. Lighter / USB Charger


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  1. HOME

    YB Tracking offers products to track and communicate with yachts, vehicles, adventure racers and expeditions via satellite, from anywhere on Earth. See live events, mapping, support, pricing and feedback from customers.

  2. YB Races App

    YB Races App lets you follow the latest updates, live tracking, and race progress of sailing events on your Android or iOS device. You can see positions, tracks, competitors, weather, routes, and more features on the app.

  3. Rent Trackers for Yacht Racing & Regattas

    YB Tracking provides real-time GPS tracking for yacht races and regattas worldwide. See features, prices, testimonials and events calendar for yacht race tracking services.

  4. YB Tracking Race Viewer

    Newport Bermuda 2024 - YB Tracking Race Viewer. Newport Bermuda 2024 - YB Tracking Race Viewer.. Zoom Options. Overlays / Map. Powered by PredictWind. Level: Showing Wind. Enable real-time playback Speed: Teams Leaderboard Segments ...

  5. YB Tracking Race Viewer

    Rolex Fastnet 2023 - YB Tracking Race Viewer. Rolex Fastnet 2023 - YB Tracking Race Viewer.. Zoom Options. Overlays / Map. Powered by PredictWind. Level: Showing Wind. Enable real-time playback Speed: Teams Leaderboard Segments ...

  6. YB Tracking Race Viewer

    Golden Globe Race 2022 - YB Tracking Race Viewer. Golden Globe Race 2022 - YB Tracking Race Viewer.. Zoom Options. Overlays / Map. Powered by PredictWind. Level: Showing Wind. Enable real-time playback Speed: Teams Leaderboard Segments ...

  7. Detailed Guide: Getting Started with YB Tracking for Regattas

    Setting Up the Sail Tracker. After registration, open settings in the YB Tracking app. Enter the boat details and choose the applicable sailing event - this information will be shown in the sail tracker on the race viewer. Then set up the transmission interval, typically, two-minute intervals work well for regattas. Be sure to run a test of the ...

  8. YB Races

    The YB Android app allows you to follow live yacht race tracking on your mobile. Key features: - See yacht and team information. - View live leaderboards. - Review the map, rhum line and wind info. - Quick button to see the leaders in the race. - Quick button to see the whole fleet.

  9. YB Tracking Race Viewer

    ARC 2023 - YB Tracking Race Viewer. ARC 2023 - YB Tracking Race Viewer.. There are multiple courses in this event - we're showing ARC 2023 at the moment. ... Little Big Boat. 1.000: 19 Nov 13:00 08 Dec 20:00: Finished 3069 NM - 53 NM: 08 Dec 06:29-67: Hot Stuff. 1.011: 19 Nov 12:45 10 Dec 14:00: Finished 3019 NM - 0 NM: 08 Dec 10:24-68 ...

  10. YB3 Handheld Tracker

    About the YB3. The YB3 automatically sends your position, and allows you to send and receive short messages from anywhere on Earth with a clear view of the sky. It works far beyond the reach of WiFi and GSM networks. It will wake up on a regular basis, obtain a position using the GPS satellite network, and then transmit that position back to YB ...

  11. About YB Tracking

    About YB Tracking. Suggest Edits. YB Tracking, then known as Yellowbrick, started life in 2010 as an Offshore Yacht Race tracking service. Over the last decade, YB has grown to become the world leader in remote location sports tracking offshore, offroad and in the air! YB Tracking holds a rental fleet of over 1500 military-grade, waterproof and ...

  12. YB Tracking Race Viewer

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  13. YB Tracking

    YB Tracking. Keep up with all the exciting action on the water during The Tall Ships Races 2024 with YB Tracking. During The Tall Ships Races 2024, each participating ship in the Races will be fitted with a YB satellite transponder, a self-contained battery operated tracker which allows tracking of a vessel's position from anywhere on earth.

  14. YB Tracking Race Viewer

    Day 1 - YB Tracking Race Viewer


    Products. We specialise in tracking and communications using Iridium satellite - getting data to and from devices in very remote locations, where no other communications are possible. We manufacture and sell a number of products ourselves, provide an event rental service, and we provide airtime as well - essentially, we provide end-to-end ...

  16. YB Tracking

    YB Tracking - Iridium Satellite Tracking - Products - Order Custom Prints YB Tracking | Truly global satellite tracking beacons for yacht racing, adventures, treks, expeditions and challenges | Order Custom Prints

  17. ‎YB Races on the App Store

    ‎The YB Tracking iPhone/iPad app allows you to follow live race tracking on your mobile - updated to feature everything we track including yacht races, car rallies, adventure racing and more. Information in the race viewer is also controlled by the race organisers - not YB Tracking. For instance, if…

  18. YB3i Fixed Vehicle Tracker

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  19. Yacht Tracker through YB Tracking

    Yacht Tracker through YB Tracking. The Gladstone Ports Corporation Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race fleet may be tracked live via YB Yacht Tracking. There are a number of ways to view the Tracking screen depending on your preferred mobile device. If you intend watching on a fullscreen PC (or you already have the YB Races App on your device ...

  20. YB Tracking Race Viewer

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  21. 12 yacht trackers compared to help you choose the ...

    YB tracking: YB3 - portable - Iridium 8/10 YB3i - fixed - Iridium 9/10 YB's stand-out feature is its thoughtful sharing package. All YB trackers come with their own blog page as well as ...

  22. All Products

    All of the YB Tracking products available for purchase, from our wildly popular handheld YB3 device to our fixed vehicle tracker, the YB3i. YB Tracking has been designing and manufacturing trackers in the UK for over 12 years. Alongside the production of the trackers, YB Tracking supplies rental trackers to over 250 events per year, showing the ...

  23. YB Tracking Race Viewer

    Transpac 2023 - YB Tracking Race Viewer. Transpac 2023 - YB Tracking Race Viewer.. Zoom Options. Overlays / Map. Powered by PredictWind. Level: Showing Wind. Enable real-time playback Speed: Teams Leaderboard Segments Social Media ...

  24. YB Tracking Race Viewer

    Trans Superior International Yacht Race 2023 - YB Tracking Race Viewer. Trans Superior International Yacht Race 2023 - YB Tracking Race Viewer.. Zoom Options. Overlays / Map. Powered by PredictWind. Level: Showing Wind. Enable real-time playback ...