Beam:  8'    Draft:  2.2'
    Beam:  5.50'    Draft:  3.42'
    Beam:  4.5'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  4'
    Beam:  9.48'    Draft:  4.98'
    Beam:  4.56'    Draft:  2.62'
    Beam:  4.7'    Draft:  2.6'
    Beam:  3.8'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  4.7'    Draft:  2.7'
    Beam:  5'    Draft:  3.9'
    Beam:  3'    Draft:  .5'
    Beam:  4'    Draft:  .5'
    Beam:  3'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  4.8'    Draft:  2.7'
    Beam:  4.5'    Draft:  .5'
    Beam:  4.5'
    Beam:  5'    Draft:  .5'
    Beam:  4.49'
    Beam:  4.67'    Draft:  0.33'
    Beam:  4' 7'    Draft:  2'7'
    Beam:  4.5'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  5'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  4'7"'
    Beam:  5'4'
    Beam:  4.6'

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The story of the former Olympian who designed the world’s most beloved boat

By Andrew Blum

Updated on Jun 23, 2021 10:14 AM EDT

11 minute read

On a slate-gray day in September, 89-year-old Bruce Kirby leans against the ­pinstriped first-mate’s seat of Lulu as it motors in slow circles on Long Island Sound. Just outside the elegantly varnished cockpit, a fleet of small sailboats races by, its formation loose and shifting. Kirby follows the boats through a pair of binoculars. One, Jack , belongs to him; he’d be out there competing if it weren’t for his ailing back. But all of the boats are Kirby’s design.

Known as Sonars, Kirby drew their shape in 1979 with a day just like this in mind. The Noroton Yacht Club , Kirby’s home port in the suburban town of Darien, Connecticut, wanted a craft for its members to race—something nimble and fast, but also sturdy and well-behaved. The Sonar is a “one-design boat,” meaning its specifications and equipment are governed by strict rules to ensure that competing in one is a test of skill, not money. Sailing remains a sport of the wealthy, and left unchecked, they can take things to extremes. The superyachts of the America’s Cup have nine-figure R&D budgets, and crews who wear crash helmets and body armor to protect themselves at new limits of speed and performance. In contrast, a used Sonar can be had for under $10,000, and is stable enough that it’s been used by Paralympians since the 2000 games. Out on the sound that afternoon, 37 boats are ­vying for the Sonar North American Championship, with a few former Olympians among the skippers. The whole event is buoyed by ­Kirby’s presence.

Kirby is a world-class sailor and Olympian himself—he represented Canada in ’56, ’64, and ’68—but he is most famous as the designer of a slew of boats known for their swiftness, and also their clarity and simplicity. The epitome of his ethos was a blockbuster, one that defined his career and the course of sailing more broadly: the ­single-​­person racing dinghy known as the Laser.

Back on land, Kirby looks on as the competitors come off the water, windblown and skipping toward the toilets. A collision left one Sonar with a dinner-plate-size hole in its stern, and Kirby leans in for a closer look. The regatta’s press person asks him to do it again for the camera. During the awards ceremony, organizers call Kirby up to the stage for pictures with the winners, and the photographer makes everyone take off their shades, “­except the rock star; he can leave his on.” The teasing is apt; among sailors, there are few bigger celebrities than Bruce Kirby. He comes by their affection honestly. His boats are a blast. “Who wants to design a slow boat?” Kirby likes to ask. “Or own one, for that matter.”

The wheel was a Neolithic invention. It appeared on the scene 5,000 or so years ago, part of a suite of advancements in agriculture. Sailboats came earlier. Australia was settled at least 50,000 years ago, and the first humans didn’t arrive on the continent by foot. Three thousand years ago, Odysseus himself was “sailing the winedark sea for ports of call on alien shores.” Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic, by sail, in 1492—marking the start of several hundred eventful years of wind-powered global travel. Only in the past 200 years have the steamship, ­internal-​­combustion engine, and jetliner erased the sailing ship’s primacy as a means of transportation. Sailboats themselves, however, have held on, not as necessity but as sport.

No surprise then that in 1969, when Bruce Kirby got a call from his friend, the Montreal-based industrial designer Ian Bruce, about drafting a new sailboat, the brief was for a piece of recreational equipment—a “car-topper” to go along with a line of outdoor gear (tents, cots, camping chairs) for the Hudson’s Bay Company retail chain. “I didn’t even know what a car-topper was,” Kirby recalls. The craft had to be easy to transport and rig in order to make it as painless as possible to get out on the water.

The dinghy wasn’t the first boat Kirby had dreamed up, but he wasn’t designing them full time. He was working as an editor at a sailing magazine, living (like now) on the Connecticut shore. As a designer, he was self-taught, nicking a copy of Skene’s Elements of Yacht Design , originally published in 1904, from a family friend and understanding, he estimates, about a third of it. But Kirby had “three-­dimensional eyeballs,” as he describes it; he had no trouble envisioning the shape of a hull. And as a world-class racer of small boats, he knew what a fast one should feel like.

Kirby sketched on ruled paper as they talked. When they hung up, he brought it to his 7-foot drawing board and began to tinker. He knew he had to “get the numbers right.” His first consideration was what’s known as the prismatic coefficient, which defines the shape of the vessel. Is it a tub or a knife? Or, in the language of yacht design, is the hull “full” or “fine”? A rectangular barge has a prismatic coefficient of 1 because its hull entirely fills the prism made by its length, beam (or width), and draft (its depth). Most sailboats have a coefficient between 0.5 and 0.6, meaning about half that volume. If the prismatic coefficient is too high—if the boat is too fat—it will be slow, especially in light wind. But if the coefficient is too low—if the boat is too skinny—it will slice through the waves rather than ride up on top of them, or “plane.” A sailboat that planes well is fast, but more important, it’s fun. High up out of the water, wind and sail become more than the sum of their parts. Kirby settled on 0.55, a just-right number to make a well-balanced boat: fast but stable, neither too tippy nor too tubby.

But only if the sailor worked for it. Dinghies depend on “live ballast,” i.e., a person leaning, or “hiking,” out over the side. A big sail makes a boat zip, if its sailor can keep it flat. Basic physics says that their ability to do so depends on their weight, which of course varies from person to person. So, Kirby had a second number to choose: the ratio of sail size to the hull’s displacement, which depends on the weight of the boat plus its human. Kirby dialed in his ­dinghy to perform best with 180 pounds of flesh—in his words, “a good-size guy working like hell to go fast.” The decision was in part selfish; it described Kirby at the time.

Within a couple of weeks, Kirby had a sketch for Bruce. “He was in a bit of a hurry,” Kirby says. When Hudson’s Bay decided against selling a boat at all, Kirby told Bruce to hold on to the design: “I put a little more oomph in the boat than you asked for. It’s going to be a pretty hot little boat if we ever have a chance to build it.”

The chance came soon enough. In October 1970, Kirby’s magazine planned a promotional regatta for sailboats that cost less than $1,000, to be held at the Playboy Club in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Kirby and Bruce built a prototype of the car-topper and rigged it for the first time the day of the race. They came in second place. The bend of the mast didn’t match the shape of the sail, so they recut the cloth that night and won the next day’s contest. The little boat was fast and looked it, with a low profile that kept sailors close to the water. Spectators tried to buy it right off the beach.

Back home, the friends began work on a second prototype, mailing plans back and forth across the border. They built it with an adjustable mast so they could play with different configurations. By December, it was ready for final testing. Doing laps on Lake Saint-Louis near Montreal, they moved the mast forward a few inches, cut its height, and took a foot off the end of the boom, looking for just the right feel. By the end of the cold weekend, they decided their hot little dinghy—13 feet, 10½ inches long—was ready for market. All it needed was a name. At a celebratory dinner, a sailing friend—a McGill University student—​­suggested it should be something youthful and international. “Why don’t you call it something like ­‘Laser’?” he asked.

Ian Bruce had a small boatbuilding shop, and the men decided that he would manufacture the dinghy, while Kirby would receive royalties for the design. Bruce priced it at $695. At the New York Boat Show the next month, they collected orders for 144 Lasers. “We didn’t know what the hell was happening,” Kirby recalls.

There were societal factors at play. Postwar prosperity and the construction of new highways led to a boom in ­second-​home ownership in the 1960s and ’70s. Many of those new residences were along lakes and reservoirs, and there were more of those too: Between 1933 and 1968, the Tennessee Valley Authority created more than 10,000 miles of new shoreline, while the Bureau of Land Management created 200 reservoirs. A new swath of the middle class could afford a lake house and, apparently, were ready for an inexpensive sailboat to go with it.

As intended, the Laser was cheap and easy to transport, rig, and bang into a dock. “From a technology standpoint, it’s a very simple boat, and just a great, great boat to learn how to sail fast,” says Scott MacLeod, a sailor at the Noro­ton Yacht Club who twice won the North American collegiate Singlehanded Championship in a Laser—1983 and 1985—and topped out at seventh place in the Worlds.

Laser sailors first organized themselves into an international class in 1974, codifying Kirby’s design into strictly defined specs, and setting the craft on a path toward the Olympics, where it debuted in Atlanta in 1996. In the ’80s, the introduction of a smaller sail, known as the Radial, allowed lighter sailors to be competitive in heavy winds, and became the standard for women’s Laser racing. The sport of sailing is said to be in perpetual decline, but Laser racing has persisted. The 2018 Laser Masters World Championships, held in Dún Laoghaire, Ireland, had 302 entries from 25 countries. (The apogee was the 1980 Laser Worlds, in Kingston, Ontario, a legendary event with 350 entries.) But there are also thousands of smaller weekend regattas, held everywhere from Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn, New York, to the Victoria Nyanza Sailing Club in Kampala, Uganda.

All told, more than 220,000 Lasers have been built by licensed manufacturers on five continents. (Ian Bruce sold his boatbuilding business in the 1980s. He died in 2016.) With the exception of alternative rigs with smaller sails, like the Radial, the Laser has hardly changed. There have been slight upgrades, each one documented and approved in a “construction manual” maintained by the International Laser Class Association, a kind of worldwide club of Laser sailors. Each Laser factory is audited for conformity.

“Because it’s such a one-design boat, it really comes down to the sailor,” says Sarah Douglas, a contender for the Canadian 2020 Olympic sailing team who recently came in sixth at the Laser Worlds. “It’s not equipment differences or sail differences; it comes down to what the sailor is able to do out on the water,” she says. “At the end of the day, you can’t blame your boat. It’s just you. It is all you.”

For decades, Kirby and his wife, Margo, lived in a house on Connecticut’s little Five Mile River, just upstream from where it empties into Long Island Sound. It had a deepwater dock out the back, and Kirby’s Laser—sail number 0—was laid out on the lawn. (It’s now at the Mystic Seaport Museum .) But recently they moved a few blocks away, to a more modest Colonial with a two-car garage. There are still moving boxes to unpack, yet the walls are already hung with old photos of Kirby sailing his designs, and boat models known as half hulls mounted on plaques. The Laser gets pride of place. Next to the front door, there’s a framed action shot of the “hot little boat” at its best: in the sail position known as a reach, with spray skirting off the bow as if it had a jet engine underneath.

The Laser’s simplicity makes it something like the platonic ideal of a sailboat, like a child’s drawing with a line and a triangle—but enabled by the postwar innovations of fiberglass (for its hull), aluminum (for its mast), and Dacron (for its sail). It is the sort of definitive and lasting design that comes around only rarely, such as the iPhone or five-pocket bluejeans. Except bluejeans and iPhones are constantly being tweaked, evolving along with human taste or ingenuity. Each change widens the aperture of possibility. The object does a new thing, looks a new way, or serves a new purpose.

But a Laser is a sailboat. It moves by the power of the wind along the surface of the water, a function that hasn’t changed in millennia. Granted, Lasers rarely go anywhere, except in circles. They satisfy a basic human desire for speed and competition, each high on the hierarchy of pleasures. It’s all the more remarkable, then, that among innumerable variations of small sailboats over all time, the precise design of the Laser has ridden up on the wave of history, and stayed there, for 50 years—and counting.

This article was originally published in the Spring 2019 Transportation issue of Popular Science.

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Guide to Laser Sail and Rig Sizes


Over 200,000 Laser sailboats have been built over the last 40 years, more than most other small dinghy sailboats. In this article we are going to answer one of the most common questions we get: What size rig do I have?  This will help answer what size sail and/or rig you already have and what size sail and/or rig you need to purchase to update your Laser. 

What size rig / sail do I have? Standard vs. Radial vs 4.7 Explained

The Laser sailboat has had a number of different rig sizes, with the intention of making the boat sailable by a wide range of sailors (and different sailor weights) by simply swapping out the lower mast section and sail while keeping all other components the same. There are currently three different rig sizes and they are commonly referred to as 'Standard', 'Radial' and '4.7'. Below you will find an image that shows the three rigs side by side, and in the following section we'll explain each one.


Laser Standard / MK2 / ILCA 7

This is the most common Laser rig size, and the original rig on the boat when it was designed. It features a 7.06 square meter sail (about 76 square feet). In 2018, the Laser Class approved a new 'Standard' sail, which is referred to as the 'MKII' or 'Mark 2' to distinguish it from the first version. The difference, among other things, is in the panels. The original 'Standard' sail featured horizontal cut panels. The new MkII sail has radial cut panels. There is no difference in size between these two versions, and as of 2020 all new Laser Standard sails are available in this updated cut.  


How to tell if you have a 'Standard' sail:  The first and most obvious way to tell if you have a 'Standard' sail is to look at the panels. If they are horizontal, it is most likely a standard sail. Next, you can measure the luff (the front edge of the sail along the mast sleeve). This measurement should be about 5130 mm or 200 inches  from the top of the sail to the bottom.

How to tell if you have a 'Standard' lower mast section:  The 'Standard' lower mast section should measure about 2865 mm or 113 inches . It is a fairly stout mast section compared to the two smaller mast sections. 

Laser Radial / ILCA 6

Originally called the 'M' rig when first designed, the Laser 'Radial' sail is smaller than the 'Standard' sail at 5.76 square meters (62 square feet). At the time, it was the only Laser sail to feature the radial cut panels, which allowed the sail to be de-powered more easily in bigh winds. Per the notes about the 'Standard' rig above, both the Standard and Radial sail feature the radial cut design. Another typical indicator of a Radial size sail are the blue panels at the tack and clew of the sail.


How to tell if you have a 'Radial' sail:  The first and most obvious way to tell if you have a 'Standard' sail is to look at the panels. If they are radial, as in emanating out from the center, it is most likely a radial sail. Next, you can measure the luff (the front edge of the sail along the mast sleeve). This measurement should be about 4560 mm or 180 inches  from the top of the sail to the bottom.

How to tell if you have a 'Radial' lower mast section:  The 'Radial' lower mast section should measure about  2262 mm or 89 inches . It is also a bit smaller in diameter than the standard section. 

Laser 4.7 / ILCA 5

The Laser 4.7 (or ILCA 5) is the smallest of the three Laser sails and was designed for young sailors just getting into Laser sailing. The 4.7 lower mast section is also different from the others in that is has a pre-bend near the boom fitting, allowing the sail to depower much easier. This is the least common Laser sail size, and if you have an old one around, chances are it is not a 4.7 sail.


How to tell if you have a '4.7' sail:  The 4.7 is similar to the old 'Standard' sail as it has cross cut panels. Many 4.7 sails also have an obvious 4.7 logo somewhere on the cloth. Next, you can measure the luff (the front edge of the sail along the mast sleeve). This measurement should be about  4080 mm or 160 inches  from the top of the sail to the bottom.

How to tell if you have a '4.7' lower mast section:  The '4.7 lower mast section has a pre-bend in it and should measure about 1810 mm or 71 inches . The bend is the easiest way to tell it apart from the others. 

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The Olympic History of the Laser

  • By World Sailing
  • Updated: July 28, 2016

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Laser sailing will commence at 13:00 local time on Monday 8 August at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games but what’s the history of the one-person dinghy, where does its roots lie? Well we’ve done all the hard work to provide you with the answers

Previous Olympic Medallists

The first ever Olympic medal in the Laser was won by Brazil’s Robert Scheidt at the Atlanta 1996 Games after a dramatic start line duel with British rival Ben Ainslie. Sydney 2000 saw Ainslie’s revenge, as the Brit match raced the Brazilian for the Gold. Following Ainslie’s switch to the Finn for the Athens 2004 quadrennial Robert Scheidt dominated the class and ultimately made a triumphant return to the top of the podium – his second Olympic Gold medal. Scheidt then switched classes to the Star, leaving another Brit, Paul Goodison, to take Gold at Beijing 2008. London 2012 saw a long-awaited gold for Australia, after years of strong Australian performances Tom Slingsby was finally able to capture the top step for the boxing kangaroos.

Recent World Champions

The Rio 2016 quadrennial kicked off in Oman where Robert Scheidt (BRA) announced his return to the Laser in style by taking his ninth Laser World Championship title. Nicholas Heiner (NED) won in 2014 but the Rio 2016 quad was really dominated by Nick Thompson (GBR) who took third place in 2014 and followed it with back to back World Champion titles in 2015 and 2016.

Life as an Olympic Event

The Laser never fails to deliver drama to proceedings. Five Olympic sailing competitions have seen it all; fierce rivalries, winner-takes-all match racing, surprise upsets, Olympic firsts and of course some of the closest racing on the Olympic sailing program.

The Laser was introduced to the Games as an open class for the 1996 Quadrennial. The simple single-person dinghy already had a cult following of thousands all over the world and inclusion was almost viewed as a forgone conclusion. In 2004 the Laser was changed to from open to men’s lightweight equipment following the inclusion of the Laser Radial as women’s single person dinghy for the 2008 cycle.

The Laser’s low cost means it has the widest pool of nations competing of any Olympic Sailing Class and it’s not unusual to see sailors from nations that aren’t traditionally viewed as big sailing nations on the podium.

What’s it like to sail?

Deceptively simple. The Laser is known as a boat that’s easy to sail badly. Laser sailing and racing presents a unique set of physical and skill based challenges. At the top level it’s a physical class, requiring a very high level of core fitness in order to endure the hiking and body-torque techniques essential to get the boat moving fast.

laser class

Short History of the Class and Key specs

The Laser is a 4.19m long, 56.7 kg hiking dinghy with a single 7.06 m2 sail. While not the most high performance class at the Games the Laser probably has the most enthusiastic following.

The Laser’s story began with a phone call between Canadians Bruce Kirby and Ian Bruce. A marketing offshoot of Canada’s Hudson Bay Company had asked Bruce to come up with proposals for a line of outdoor sporting equipment, among them was a boat small enough to be carried on a roof rack of a typical car. As they talked Kirby sketched what would be known as “the million dollar doodle”. The now famous sail was the brainchild Hans Fogh who originally designed it without sight of the rest of the boat. Fogh would go on to tweak his design before finally settling on the rig that we know today.

The sailboat idea was ultimately dropped and the drawing remained in Bruce’s drawer for several months until One Design and Offshore Yachtsman magazine held a regatta for boats under $1000 which Kirby and Bruce saw as the perfect opportunity to launch their little dinghy. With some overnight modifications the prototype that would become the Laser won its class.

After more tweaking the first official Laser was officially unveiled at the New York Boat Show in 1971. The class took off immediately. The first world championship was held in three years later in Bermuda. Entrants came from 24 countries, and first place was won by Peter Commette (USA). The Laser was included in the Olympic roster for the first time for Atlanta 1996 quadrennial and has remained an Olympic Class ever since.

Today more Lasers have been sold than any other type of boat – well over two hundred thousand of them! The simplicity and low cost of the design means Lasers can be found everywhere from the Olympic Games to the beach in front of your hotel on holiday. The biggest attraction of the Laser dinghy is that it is protected by strict one-design class rules, which means each Laser is built to the same specifications and modifications to boats are strictly prohibited. This means every boat is virtually identical which leaves it down to the skill of the sailor to win the race.

Famous Faces

Arguably the greatest champion of the Laser Class is Robert Scheidt from Brazil with two gold and one silver Olympic medals and nine Laser World Champion titles. Only two other sailors can claim more than two Laser World Champion titles; Tom Slingsby (AUS) has five and fellow countryman Glenn Bourke, three. Scheidt’s fierce rivalry with Sir Ben Ainslie (GBR) is the stuff of legend. The Brazilian master will be aiming for his third medal on home waters in Rio when the games kicks off in just a few days’ time.

On the Rio start line, Scheidt will be joined by a colourful cast of talented athletes, vying for their place on the podium. Pavlos Kontides (CYP) – whose silver medal in London was Cyprus’s first ever – will be looking to go one better. Philipp Buhl (GER) and Ton?i Stipanovi? (CRO) who are never far from the podium will both be looking to add Olympic medallist to their impressive sailing CVs.

The Laser has also been home to big names in the sailing world like Ed Baird (USA), Nik Burfoot (NZL), Gustavo Lima (POR), Michael Blackburn (AUS), Mark Mendelblatt (USA) and Vasilij ?bogar (SLO).

Did you know…

The Laser was originally named the “Weekender” with the Prototype sail branded with the letters TGIF for “Thank God it’s Friday”. It was renamed Laser following a suggestion by student Doug Balfour who pointed out that the name ‘Laser’ was modern, recognizable and truly international and that the symmetrical Laser beam logo would only have to go on one side of the sail. The rest is history!

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Laser Class Laser by LaserPerfomance – $6,475.00!


Features Laser sailing is an investment in skills that will last a lifetime, skills that apply to any boat. Laser sailors have access to a community of sailors from around the world who love to race. One Laser sailor in Honolulu recently recorded the first Laser speed record at 16.8 knots, or 28 feet per second. ( Link to our Laser speed record story ) When you are ready to race, get into a Laser.

The International Laser Class hosts more events in more nations than any other one-design class in the world. In North America alone there are more than a thousand events each year. Whether you choose to race in local club events or international championships there is an event for everyone. The International Laser Class magazine,  Laser World  and the North American class magazine  Laser Sailor  will always keep you up-to-date on future events, results, and tips to improve your Laser sailing.

The International Laser Class Association runs a circuit of Masters events for Laser sailors over 35 years of age. The Masters circuit culminates in the Laser Masters World Championship which is held annually. The Laser Masters racing circuit is the largest and most heavily attended masters racing group of any one-design class in the world.

Lasers are available with one of two options, the Race package and the XD package.Laser Race: Allen upgrade powerpack, Allen upgraded vang, gorilla tiller with 42” extension, 60 mm Allen ratchet block, padded hiking strap, rolled sail, upgraded line package, GRP foils with upgraded rudder bolt.Laser XD: XD Harken vang , XD Harken powerpack, XD Carbon tiller, XD Carbon tiller extension, XD padded hiking strap, Harken 57 mm ratchet block, upgraded vectran line package, GRP foils with upgraded rudder bolt. The Laser has a Vela gray hull with a Vela gray deck. The $6,475 list price is for the Laser Race version.  The Laser XD option is available at $6,998


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Published on July 27th, 2016 | by Assoc Editor

A History of the Laser

Published on July 27th, 2016 by Assoc Editor -->

Laser sailing will commence at 13:00 local time on Monday 8 August at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games but what’s the history of the one-person dinghy, where does its roots lie? Well we’ve done all the hard work to provide you with the answers…

Previous Olympic Medalists The first ever Olympic medal in the Laser was won by Brazil’s Robert Scheidt at the Atlanta 1996 Games after a dramatic start line duel with British rival Ben Ainslie. Sydney 2000 saw Ainslie’s revenge, as the Brit match raced the Brazilian for the Gold. Following Ainslie’s switch to the Finn for the Athens 2004 quadrennial Robert Scheidt dominated the class and ultimately made a triumphant return to the top of the podium – his second Olympic Gold medal. Scheidt then switched classes to the Star, leaving another Brit, Paul Goodison, to take Gold at Beijing 2008. London 2012 saw a long-awaited gold for Australia, after years of strong Australian performances Tom Slingsby was finally able to capture the top step for the boxing kangaroos.

Recent World Champions The Rio 2016 quadrennial kicked off in Oman where Robert Scheidt (BRA) announced his return to the Laser in style by taking his ninth Laser World Championship title. Nicholas Heiner (NED) won in 2014 but the Rio 2016 quad was really dominated by Nick Thompson (GBR) who took third place in 2014 and followed it with back to back World Champion titles in 2015 and 2016.

Life as an Olympic Event The Laser never fails to deliver drama to proceedings. Five Olympic sailing competitions have seen it all; fierce rivalries, winner-takes-all match racing, surprise upsets, Olympic firsts and of course some of the closest racing on the Olympic sailing program.

yellow laser sailboat

The Laser was introduced to the Games as an open class for the 1996 Quadrennial. The simple single-person dinghy already had a cult following of thousands all over the world and inclusion was almost viewed as a forgone conclusion. In 2004 the Laser was changed to from open to men’s lightweight equipment following the inclusion of the Laser Radial as women’s single person dinghy for the 2008 cycle.

The Laser’s low cost means it has the widest pool of nations competing of any Olympic Sailing Class and it’s not unusual to see sailors from nations that aren’t traditionally viewed as big sailing nations on the podium.

What’s it like to sail? Deceptively simple. The Laser is known as a boat that’s easy to sail badly. Laser sailing and racing presents a unique set of physical and skill based challenges. At the top level it’s a physical class, requiring a very high level of core fitness in order to endure the hiking and body-torque techniques essential to get the boat moving fast.

Short History of the Class and Key specs The Laser is a 4.19m long, 56.7 kg hiking dinghy with a single 7.06 m2 sail. While not the most high performance class at the Games the Laser probably has the most enthusiastic following.

The Laser’s story began with a phone call between Canadians Bruce Kirby and Ian Bruce. A marketing offshoot of Canada’s Hudson Bay Company had asked Bruce to come up with proposals for a line of outdoor sporting equipment, among them was a boat small enough to be carried on a roof rack of a typical car. As they talked Kirby sketched what would be known as “the million dollar doodle”. The now famous sail was the brainchild Hans Fogh who originally designed it without sight of the rest of the boat. Fogh would go on to tweak his design before finally settling on the rig that we know today.

The sailboat idea was ultimately dropped and the drawing remained in Bruce’s drawer for several months until One Design and Offshore Yachtsman magazine held a regatta for boats under $1000 which Kirby and Bruce saw as the perfect opportunity to launch their little dinghy. With some overnight modifications the prototype that would become the Laser won its class.

After more tweaking the first official Laser was officially unveiled at the New York Boat Show in 1971. The class took off immediately. The first world championship was held in three years later in Bermuda. Entrants came from 24 countries, and first place was won by Peter Commette (USA). The Laser was included in the Olympic roster for the first time for Atlanta 1996 quadrennial and has remained an Olympic Class ever since.

Today more Lasers have been sold than any other type of boat – well over two hundred thousand of them! The simplicity and low cost of the design means Lasers can be found everywhere from the Olympic Games to the beach in front of your hotel on holiday. The biggest attraction of the Laser dinghy is that it is protected by strict one-design class rules, which means each Laser is built to the same specifications and modifications to boats are strictly prohibited. This means every boat is virtually identical which leaves it down to the skill of the sailor to win the race.

Famous Faces Arguably the greatest champion of the Laser Class is Robert Scheidt from Brazil with two gold and one silver Olympic medals and nine Laser World Champion titles. Only two other sailors can claim more than two Laser World Champion titles; Tom Slingsby (AUS) has five and fellow countryman Glenn Bourke, three. Scheidt’s fierce rivalry with Sir Ben Ainslie (GBR) is the stuff of legend. The Brazilian master will be aiming for his third medal on home waters in Rio when the games kicks off in just a few days’ time.

On the Rio start line, Scheidt will be joined by a colourful cast of talented athletes, vying for their place on the podium. Pavlos Kontides (CYP) – whose silver medal in London was Cyprus’s first ever – will be looking to go one better. Philipp Buhl (GER) and Ton?i Stipanovi? (CRO) who are never far from the podium will both be looking to add Olympic medallist to their impressive sailing CVs.

The Laser has also been home to big names in the sailing world like Ed Baird (USA), Nik Burfoot (NZL), Gustavo Lima (POR), Michael Blackburn (AUS), Mark Mendelblatt (USA) and Vasilij ?bogar (SLO).

Did you know… The Laser was originally named the “Weekender” with the Prototype sail branded with the letters TGIF for “Thank God it’s Friday”. It was renamed Laser following a suggestion by student Doug Balfour who pointed out that the name ‘Laser’ was modern, recognizable and truly international and that the symmetrical Laser beam logo would only have to go on one side of the sail. The rest is history!

Source: World Sailing

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Tags: ILCA 7 , Olympic Games , Rio Games

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Laser Sailboat: Mastering Performance and Techniques for Success

The Laser sailboat is a popular single-handed, one-design sailing dinghy known for its simplicity and performance. Designed by Ian Bruce and Bruce Kirby in 1970, the Laser has become the world's most popular adult and youth sailboat, with over 225,000 boats in 140 countries.

yellow laser sailboat

The boat's versatility is a significant contributing factor to its popularity, as it can be customized for different sailors and conditions using three interchangeable rigs of different sail areas.

Laser sailboats offer both beginners and experienced sailors the joy of sailing with their user-friendly design and competitive performance capabilities .

With a strong focus on sustainability, LaserPerformance, the leading producer of Laser sailboats, actively works to minimize the environmental impact of their products through ethical sourcing and manufacturing practices.

yellow laser sailboat

Key Takeaways

  • Laser sailboats are known for versatility, simplicity, and high-performance capabilities.
  • Designed in 1970, they have become the world's most popular sailboat for both adult and youth sailors.
  • LaserPerformance is committed to sustainability through ethical sourcing and manufacturing practices.

History and Development

Inception of the Laser Sailboat

The Laser sailboat, an internationally popular one-design class, was conceived in 1969 by Bruce Kirby , a Canadian designer and former Olympian. He aimed to create an innovative design that was simple, affordable, and easy to sail.

The prototype, originally called the "Weekender," was first introduced to the public in 1971 at the New York Boat Show . Its inaugural sail featured the insignia "TGIF," a reference to its early name.

The boat's simplicity and performance attracted sailors of all skill levels, and by the early 1970s, it had become a commercial success.

Laser Class Evolution

The International Laser Class Association (ILCA) was established in response to the growing popularity of this sailboat. The ILCA sought to standardize the Laser's various specifications and ensure consistency across all boats.

One of its key contributions has been the establishment of three interchangeable rigs: Standard, Radial, and 4.7 , which cater to different wind strengths and crew weights.

This adaptability has made the Laser more accessible and appealing to a broader range of sailors.

yellow laser sailboat

The Laser's rise as an international class was further solidified when it became an Olympic class in 1996. The boat's simplicity, strict one-design nature, and large worldwide fleet have made it a staple of the Olympic sailing program.

Its design has remained relatively unchanged since its inception, with only minor modifications being made to improve performance and durability .

The Laser remains a popular choice for sailors globally, both competitive and recreational. Its unique combination of simplicity, adaptability, and performance has ensured its continued success as a one-design class, and the International Laser Class Association continues to play a crucial role in maintaining the consistency of the boat and promoting the sport of sailing around the world.

Laser Sailboat Specifications

Hull Design and Construction

The Laser sailboat is known for its simplicity and performance which was designed in 1970 by Ian Bruce and Bruce Kirby. The hull design contributes to its stability and speed in the water.

Its construction uses a lightweight hull, ensuring optimal handling for sailors of various skill levels. This sailboat has been designed with durability and stability in mind.

Its materials and construction techniques focus on withstanding the rigors of sailing while maintaining a consistent and smooth ride on the water.

Rigging Variants

There are three interchangeable rigging variants for the Laser sailboat, each offering different sail areas to accommodate sailor weight and wind strength. These variants include:

  • Laser 4.7 : With a sail area of 4.7 square meters, this rig is suitable for youth and lighter female sailors. It is considered the smallest and most accessible rig for Laser sailing. More information about Laser 4.7.
  • Laser Radial : This rig offers a 5.1 square meter sail area, suited for women and lighter sailors seeking a more challenging sail size. Learn about Laser Radial.
  • Laser Standard (ILCA 7) : The most common and originally designed rig using a 7.1 square meter sail, also known as MK2 , features a larger sail area suitable for heavier and more athletic sailors. Details on Laser Standard sail and rig.

yellow laser sailboat

Dimensions and Sail Measurements

The Laser sailboat has specific dimensions and sail measurements which contribute to its design and performance. Here are the key dimensions:

  • LOA (Length Overall): 4.2 meters
  • LWL (Length at Waterline): 3.81 meters
  • Beam : 1.39 meters
  • Draft : 0.787 meters
  • Weight : Standard 58.97 kg (130 lbs)

The sail measurements for the three different rigging variants are as follows:

Rig VariantSail Area (sqm)
Laser 4.74.7
Laser Radial5.1
Laser Standard7.1

These specifications ensure consistent performance and ease of handling for sailors in various conditions and preferences.

Sailing Dynamics and Performance

Handling and Maneuverability

The Laser sailboat is known for its excellent handling and maneuverability, making it suitable for sailors of all skill levels.

Its simplified rigging and straightforward design allow for easy control and quick response to changes in wind and water conditions.

The Laser's hull weight is only 120 pounds (54.43 kg), contributing to its nimbleness on the water.

Steering the Laser sailboat is mostly dependent on the sailor's body positioning and sail trimming techniques, giving more room for tactical excellence. Due to its responsive nature, the Laser rewards sailors who can make quick adjustments and maintain an optimal sail trim.

Speed and Stability

The Laser sailboat offers a good balance of speed and stability for both recreational and competitive sailing.

Its relatively simple design, combined with a large sail area of 75 square feet (6.97 square meters) , enables it to reach impressive speeds for its size while maintaining stability.

Key factors affecting the Laser's speed and stability include:

  • Hull design: The Laser's hull is designed to reduce drag and enhance stability, providing a fast and steady sailing experience.
  • Sail size and shape: The Laser's sail is optimized for various wind conditions, allowing it to perform well in both light and strong winds.
  • Sailor's weight and athleticism: The speed and stability of a Laser sailboat are also influenced by the sailor's weight and athleticism. An optimal weight range for Laser sailors is 140 to 190 pounds (64 to 86 kg) , and experienced, athletic sailors can better handle the boat in challenging conditions.

Sailor Interaction

A significant aspect of the Laser sailboat's performance is the level of interaction between the sailor and the boat.

As mentioned earlier, the Laser rewards sailors who possess excellent steering and trimming techniques, as well as a strong sense of tactical awareness.

This interaction allows the Laser to perform at its best under various conditions.

Sailors can further optimize their Laser sailboat's performance by:

  • Adjusting the sail's angle and position to match wind conditions
  • Proper body positioning and weight distribution
  • Adopting efficient upwind and downwind sailing techniques
  • Maintaining focus and awareness of wind shifts and changes in water conditions

Types of Laser Sailboats

Laser sailboats are a type of one-design dinghies, which means that they follow strict design and manufacturing rules to ensure all boats in the Laser class are identical.

The versatile laser class is widely popular as they offer different sail and rig sizes, catering to sailors of various ages, weights, and skill levels.

Laser Standard

The Laser Standard , also known as the ILCA 7 , is the largest of the three laser rigs. This adult racing class boat features a 7.1 sqm sail, making it suitable for heavier and more athletic sailors.

Laser Radial

The Laser Radial or ILCA 6 has a smaller 5.1 sqm sail. It is specifically tailored to lighter sailors, including women and youth sailors. The Radial's sail allows for better control and easier handling in various wind conditions.

This provides a level playing field for a wide range of sailors in terms of age, weight, and experience level.

Lastly, the Laser 4.7 or ILCA 4 features the smallest sail, measuring 4.7 sqm. This rig is designed for young sailors who are new to Laser sailing and need a more manageable sail size. The unique 4.7 lower mast section includes a pre-bend near the boom fitting, which allows the sail to depower more easily.

This provides a more forgiving experience for new and younger sailors.

Each Laser sailboat variant utilizes the same hull design, ensuring that the core sailing experience remains consistent across the board. This enables sailors to transition seamlessly between the different rig sizes as they progress in their sailing abilities.

Competitive Sailing

Racing and Regattas

The Laser sailboat has been a popular choice in the sailing community for competitive racing due to its simplicity and one-design class. The Laser Class Association organizes races and regattas in various formats where sailors adhere to the class rules.

The laser class has three different sail sizes - Laser Standard (ILCA 7), Laser Radial (ILCA 6), and Laser 4.7 (ILCA 4). These cater to sailors of different ages, weights, and abilities to participate in a single class.

These characteristics make the Laser sailboat a widely sought-after option for sailors who are interested in competitive racing 1 .

Olympic Presence

The laser class has a strong presence in the Olympics, being recognized as an Olympic class sailing dinghy. Laser Standard (ILCA 7) and Laser Radial (ILCA 6) are the two divisions that have been part of the Olympic Games since 1996 and 2008, respectively.

With its universal appeal and the level playing field it offers to sailors, the laser class has grown significantly in popularity over the years. It has achieved global recognition as a highly competitive sailing class in the Olympic Games.

National and International Championships

Alongside racing, regattas and their Olympic presence, the Laser Class Association also organizes various national and international championships.

Among these events are the ILCA 4 Youth World Championship, scheduled to happen in Viana do Castelo, Portugal, in June 2024 2 .

The World Championships typically attract top sailors from different nations, competing for the title of world champion.

A list of major championships for laser sailing includes:

  • ILCA 4 Youth World Championship
  • ILCA 6 World Championship
  • ILCA 7 World Championship

In addition to these flagship events, many national championships are also held regularly by various Laser Class Associations around the world. This fosters the growth of talented sailors and promotes the spirit of competition within the laser sailing community.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Routine Care and Maintenance

Laser sailboats are known for their durability, but regular maintenance is essential to ensure their longevity and maintain resale value.

Inspect the hull and foils for any damage or signs of wear. Also, check the steering systems, such as rudder and tiller, ensuring they are functioning smoothly without any wiggles.

Regularly inspect tiller extension fittings for cracking and signs of potential breakage.

Cleaning your sailboat after each use will help minimize the chance of damage from dirt, salt, and debris. Store sails, lines, and other equipment properly to avoid moisture damage, mold, and mildew growth.

Verifying the functionality of the autobailer should also be a part of the routine maintenance process.

Transport and Storage

Transporting a Laser sailboat can be done with relative ease, as they are lightweight and their compact size allows for cartop transport.

When cartopping your Laser, use appropriate padding and straps to secure the boat without causing damage to the hull, mast, or other components.

As for storage, it is essential to keep your Laser sailboat in a covered and well-ventilated area, preferably on a dolly or custom cradle that supports the gunwales to prevent unnecessary stress on the hull.

Moreover, ensure the mast and other equipment are safely stored alongside the boat.

Periodically inspect the boat during storage to check for any signs of damage, moisture buildup, or rodent infestation.

Laser Sailboat Community and Culture

The Laser sailboat has built a strong sense of community that extends across different countries. This community primarily revolves around clubs, associations, and social and recreational sailing.

Clubs and Associations

A significant part of the Laser sailing community is the involvement in clubs and associations at various levels. The International Laser Class Association (ILCA) is the governing body that brings together Laser sailors from all around the world.

This association is responsible for maintaining the one-design principles, organizing international events, and promoting Laser sailing as a high-quality, competitive sport.

At a local level, numerous clubs are home to passionate Laser sailors. Club racing is a popular form of competition within the community, offering a friendly yet competitive environment for sailors to test their skills.

There are also regional associations supporting the growth of the Laser sailing community in their respective areas.

Example of Laser clubs:

  • Family Fun Sailing Club : Focused on promoting sailing for the whole family and organizing social events.
  • Weekender Club : Emphasizes weekend gatherings and collaborative sailing initiatives.
  • TGIF Racing Club : Prioritizes Friday evening club races for those looking to engage in competitive sailing after work.

Social and Recreational Sailing

The Laser sailboat's appeal extends beyond competitive racing, with many enthusiasts enjoying the boat for its simplicity and versatility in social and recreational sailing.

The Laser community is known for organizing events that cater to various interests and skill levels, ensuring that everyone has a chance to find their niche.

Some common social and recreational sailing events include:

  • Casual group sails : Informal gatherings where sailors can share tips, learn from one another, and enjoy sailing in a relaxed and social environment.
  • Adventure sails : Excursions to explore new sailing locations or participate in long-distance trips.
  • Family fun days : Sailing events focusing on family-oriented activities, making the sport accessible and enjoyable for all ages.

Frequently Asked Questions

What factors determine the price of a Laser sailboat?

When looking for a Laser sailboat, various factors such as brand, condition, materials used, size, and additional features all play a role in determining the price .

A brand-new Laser will typically cost more than its used counterpart. Higher quality materials and improved technology can also increase the price, as well as customizable options and additional accessories.

To find the right Laser sailboat at a competitive price , it's essential to compare offerings from various vendors and take time to evaluate factors like reputation and warranty. Sailing Chandlery provides more information on Laser sailboats and their prices.

What are the essential specifications to look for in a Laser sailboat?

When considering a Laser sailboat, pay attention to details like hull weight , rig size, sail size, and weight capacity , as these will affect the boat's performance and suitability for the intended use.

A standard Laser sailboat generally has a hull weight of 125 lbs or 56.7 kg , with different sail sizes available, such as ILCA 4 (Laser 4.7), ILCA 6 (Laser Radial), and ILCA 7 (Laser Standard).

Each sail size is designed for sailors within specific weight ranges, providing the best performance and stability.

How can I find a reputable vendor for Laser sailboat kits?

To find a reputable vendor for Laser sailboat kits, research different suppliers, seek recommendations from fellow sailors, and read reviews from previous customers.

Online platforms like West Coast Sailing offer resources and information on Laser sailboats, including detailed guides, FAQs, and where to find quality suppliers.

What is the recommended weight capacity of a standard Laser sailboat?

The recommended weight capacity for a Laser sailboat varies depending on the rig size.

The ILCA 6 (Laser Radial) is suitable for sailors between 60 kg and 75 kg , while the ILCA 7 (Laser Standard) is better suited for sailors weighing 75 kg to over 90 kg.

The ILCA 4 (Laser 4.7) is designed for younger and lighter sailors. When choosing a Laser sailboat, ensure that the rig size matches the intended user's weight range for optimal performance.

What are the characteristics that define the best Laser sailboats on the market?

The best Laser sailboats on the market offer a combination of durability, performance, and ease of use.

Look for models with robust construction. They are made from high-quality materials to withstand harsh sailing conditions.

Additionally, seek sailboats with easy-to-use rigging systems and low-maintenance designs.

Also, make sure they have support from reputable manufacturers. This ensures they meet strict class specifications.

Is sailing a Laser suitable for beginners and what are the challenges involved?

Sailing a Laser is generally suitable for beginners. These boats are known for their simplicity, ease of use, and responsive handling. However, beginners should be prepared for some challenges.

These challenges include mastering the correct body positioning and balance or adjusting to different wind and weather conditions. It's essential for new Laser sailors to familiarize themselves with the boat's assembly and rigging process and seek guidance from experienced sailors or trainers. This ensures a safe and enjoyable sailing experience.

yellow laser sailboat

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The Sunfish combines easy rigging and manageability for a comfortable and hassle-free sailing experience. This is the sailboat loved by all. Designed in 1952 as the ultimate beach craft, the Sunfish sailboat is still a favourite with all ages. This maintenance free boat holds its resale value thanks to its robust construction, highlighted by hard chines and a flat underbody. The Sunfish can be stored almost anywhere and is a snap to car-top, making it a popular international class and easy to transport to your favourite beach for family fun.

yellow laser sailboat

The Sunfish has its roots planted firmly in 1947 in Waterbury, Connecticut. Friends Alexander “Al” Bryan and Cortlandt “Cort” Heyniger (the Al and Cort in Alcort) pondered, “How to put a sail on a surfboard?” The answer involved a rejected design for American Red Cross waterfront rescue surfboards, leading to the Sailfish – a lateen rigged, flat-decked, plywood marvel. In 1951, Bryan’s pregnant wife found its flat deck somewhat uncomfortable. The addition of a cockpit and widening of the hull created the Sunfish. The logo was created by Heyniger, who traced a nickel and added fins, the tail and an eye. Early wood Sailfish and Sunfish were available assembled or as kits. In 1959 the introduction of fiberglass and the low cost and ease of production led to the proliferation of Sunfish everywhere. Other improvements included aluminium spars replacing spruce, Dacron sails replacing cotton, ash replacing mahogany for tillers, resulting in increased speed, performance and reliability. Sunfish racing started almost as quickly as two or three boats came together – the first North American Championship was 1963, the first Midwinters was 1965.

yellow laser sailboat

1 Hull – 2 Versions

Race – A strict one design international sail class

  • Adjustable downhaul
  • Adjustable outhaul
  • Performance ratchet block
  • Performance sailcloth

Recreational – For the ones exclusively looking for the pleasure of sailing a extremely simple and fun dinghy

  • Colourful sails
  • Even more simple to rig
  • Reduced time to water
  • Sailing made simple

yellow laser sailboat

The Sunfish is a sailing icon

One of sailing’s best-known brands, it is unmatched in simplicity and performance making it popular for all ages and abilities. With more than 60 years in production and sailed by celebrities such as the Kennedy and Paul McCartney, the Sunfish is the most popular sailboat in history.


yellow laser sailboat

60 ft 2 5.58 m 2

yellow laser sailboat

13.9 FT 4.24M

yellow laser sailboat

4.1 FT 1.25 M

yellow laser sailboat

2.11 FT 0.64 M

yellow laser sailboat


yellow laser sailboat





yellow laser sailboat



yellow laser sailboat

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Thumbnail Filmstrip of Sunfish Recreational Version Images

Sku: lpsf11000 sunfish recreational version.

  • Description

Made by Laser Performance

The Sunfish sailboat combines easy rigging and manageability for a comfortable and hassle free sailing experience. This is the sailboat loved by all. Designed in 1952, the Sunfish is still a favorite with all ages.

With the easy to control and rig triangular lateen sail, the Sunfish is the easiest boat to access the joy of sailing. Find these small sailboats on lakes and bays all over the country in addition to racing fleets all over the world. The single-sail Sunfish is praised for it's simple to rig set up, while it's size and weight make it easy to car top or trailer. The Sunfish is built to last and provide years of worry free enjoyment with minimal maintenance required.

  • Sunfish Recreational Sail w/ Window
  • Recreational Spar Set
  • Ratcheting Mainsheet Block
  • Standard Line Pack
  • Fiberglass Rudder
  • Fiberglass Daggerboard
  • Aluminum Tiller and Extension
  • Ice Blue Sunfish Hull
  • Draft: 2'11"
  • Sail Area: 75 Square Feet
  • Hull Weight: 120 lbs

Due to the size of this item, shipping will need to be quoted on a case by case basis. Please contact us directly at (631) 264-0005 for a shipping quote.

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Tiny New Lasers Fill a Long-Standing Gap in the Rainbow of Visible-Light Colors, Opening New Applications

  • Scientists have made small red and blue lasers for years, but other colors have been a challenge.
  • Researchers have filled an important technology gap by creating orange, yellow and green lasers tiny enough to fit on a chip.
  • Low-noise, compact lasers in this wavelength range are important for quantum sensing, communications and information processing.

Series of visible light colors generated by a microring resonator.

It’s not easy making   green.

For years, scientists have fabricated small, high-quality lasers that generate red and blue light. However, the method they typically employ — injecting electric current into semiconductors — hasn’t worked as well in building tiny lasers that emit light at yellow and green wavelengths. Researchers refer to the dearth of stable, miniature lasers in this region of the visible-light spectrum as the “green gap.” Filling this gap opens new opportunities in underwater communications, medical treatments and more.

Green laser pointers have existed for 25 years, but they produce light only in a narrow spectrum of green and are not integrated in chips where they could work together with other devices to perform useful tasks.

Compact laser diodes

Now scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have closed the green gap by modifying a tiny optical component: a ring-shaped microresonator, small enough to fit on a chip.

A miniature source of green laser light could improve underwater communication because water is nearly transparent to blue-green wavelengths in most aquatic environments. Other potential applications are in full-color laser projection displays and laser treatment of medical conditions, including diabetic retinopathy, a proliferation of blood vessels in the eye.

Compact lasers in this wavelength range are also important for applications in quantum computing and communication, as they could potentially store data in qubits, the fundamental unit of quantum information. Currently, these quantum applications depend on lasers that are larger in size, weight and power, limiting their ability to be deployed outside the laboratory.

For several years, a team led by Kartik Srinivasan of NIST and the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI), a research partnership between NIST and the University of Maryland, has used microresonators composed of silicon nitride to convert infrared laser light into other colors. When infrared light is pumped into the ring-shaped resonator, the light circles thousands of times until it reaches intensities high enough to interact strongly with the silicon nitride. That interaction, known as an optical parametric oscillation (OPO), produces two new wavelengths of light, called the idler and the signal.

ring-shaped microresonator

In previous studies, the researchers generated a few individual colors of visible laser light. Depending on the dimensions of the microresonator, which determine the colors of light that are generated, scientists produced red, orange and yellow wavelengths, as well as a wavelength of 560 nanometers , right at the hairy edge between yellow and green light. However, the team could not generate the full complement of yellow and green colors necessary to fill the green gap.

“We didn’t want to be good at hitting just a couple of wavelengths,” said NIST scientist Yi Sun, a collaborator on the new study. “We wanted to access the entire range of wavelengths in the gap.”

To fill the gap, the team modified the microresonator in two ways. First, the scientists slightly thickened it. By changing its dimensions, the researchers more easily generated light that penetrated deeper into the green gap, to wavelengths as short as 532 nanometers (billionths of a meter). With this extended range, the researchers covered the entire gap.

In addition, the team exposed the microresonator to more air by etching away some of the silicon dioxide layer below it. This had the effect of making the output colors less sensitive to the microring dimensions and the infrared pump wavelength. The lower sensitivity gave the researchers more control in generating slightly different green, yellow, orange and red wavelengths from their device.


As a result, the researchers found they could create more than 150 distinct wavelengths across the green gap and fine-tune them. “Previously, we could make big changes — red to orange to yellow to green — in the laser colors we could generate with OPO, but it was hard to make small adjustments within each of those color bands,” Srinivasan noted.

The scientists are now working to boost the energy efficiency with which they produce the green-gap laser colors. Currently, the output power is only a few percent of that of the input laser. Better coupling between the input laser and the waveguide that channels the light into the microresonator, along with better methods of extracting the generated light, could significantly improve the efficiency.

The researchers, who include Jordan Stone and Xiyuan Lu from JQI, along with Zhimin Shi from Meta’s Reality Labs Research in Redmond, Washington, reported their findings August 21 online in Light: Science and Applications .

Yi Sun, Jordan Stone, Xiyuan Lu, Feng Zhou, Junyeob Song, Zhimin Shi and Kartik Srinivasan. Advancing on-chip Kerr optical parametric oscillation towards coherent applications covering the green gap. Light: Science and Applications . Published online Aug. 21, 2024. DOI:  10.1038/s41377-024-01534-x .

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yellow laser sailboat

  • Description

Seller's Description

1978 Laser and 2000s laser for sale

Equipment: 1978 Laser Yellow Hull/White Top Bought and Restored in 2014 Full boat hardware stripped, both sides 3 rounds of rubbing compound and polish. Boat Looks great for 42yrs old. Hull is dry, couple of airbags inside. Small fiberglass nicks patched Spars and blades are in good shape New line Kit from West Coast New harken blocks on deck New Opti parts tiller New Deck Hardware Sail batten pockets patched. $2500

Trailer was also revamped. new Marine Grade Plywood was stained and received 4 coats of polyurethane. Cradle for boat has marine carpet on it. Stringers on trailer have holes cutout to hold the mast/boom. $500

90s/early 2000s Laser(can’t remember) Bought in 2018 Off White Bottom, White Top All components present. Includes a newer white sail with bag Blade bag included as well. All lines accounted for. Gunwale on the starboard side near the bow has a crack, but for recreational sailing it is not going to be an issue. $1500

I would be glad to deliver within a couple of hours. I sailed these each summer since I have had them, great way to learn how to sail.

Even if you are mildly interested, please give me a call - I will entertain an offer.

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

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A traveler's guide to Novosibirsk, the unofficial capital of Siberia

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Trans-Siberian heritage

Residents of Novosibirsk love trains and are proud of the fact that their city played a significant role in the history of the grand Trans-Siberian railway, which spans the breadth of Russia. The railway is such a part of Novosibirsk identity that it is even depicted on the city’s emblem, along with the bridge that crosses the Ob river and two Siberian sables standing on their hind legs.  

In the city, there are as many as five monuments to trains, and an open-air locomotive museum is located in the vicinity of the train station Seyatel’. The museum has more than 100 steam locomotives, diesel locomotives and carriages, reflecting the history of rail transportation in Russia from pre-revolutionary times to the present day. Wondering around the stationary trains and comparing your height with the diameter of the gigantic iron wheels of the first steam locomotives is all very well, but why not climb inside the carriages and see how the nobility once traveled across Russia in pre-revolutionary times? These tours will however need to be booked in advance. The museum opens from 11:00 until 17:00 every day except Mondays. 

Novosibirsk spans both sides of the river Ob. In the early twentieth century, the border of two different timezones passed right through the city which led to a strange situation- morning on the east bank started one hour earlier than on the west bank! The two-kilometer covered metro bridge that crosses the river is considered the longest in the world. Due to the fluctuations in temperature across the year (on average +30 °C to -30 °C), during the summer the metro bridge expands, and in the winter it contracts by half a meter. To counter these effects, the bridge’s supports are equipped with special rollers that allow it to move.   

The cultural center of Siberia

yellow laser sailboat

The repertoire of the theatre can be viewed on its official website . The theatre season runs from September to July, and comprises mainly classical performances, like the ballet “The Nutcracker” by Tchaikovsky, Borodin’s opera “Prince Igor” and Verdi’s “La Traviata”.  

The large Siberian sea and ligers

yellow laser sailboat

Weekends are best spent at the Novosibirsk zoo . The zoo is known for breeding big cats, although surrounded by controversy, hosts a successful crossing of a tiger and lion, which of course would not otherwise breed in wildlife. Ligers, or exotic cubs of an African lion and Bengal tigress, feel quite comfortable in the Siberian climate and even produce offspring. The zoo is open to visitors year-round, seven days a week, and even has its own free mobile app, Zoo Nsk .

Every year at the beginning of January, the festival of snow culture takes place bringing together artists from across Russia and around the world to participate in a snow sculpting competition. The tradition started in 2000 inspired by the snow festival in Sapporo, Novosibirsk’s twin-city.

Siberian Silicon Valley

yellow laser sailboat

Despite the fact that Akademgorodok was built half a century ago in the middle of the uninhabited Siberian taiga, architecturally it was ahead of its time. No trees were destroyed for its construction, and houses were built right in the middle of the forest. A man walking through the woods would seemingly stumble upon these structures. At that time, no one had built anything similar in the world and ecovillages only became fashionable much later.

For residents of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok is a different world. When you step out the bus or car, you are immediately on one of the hiking paths through the forest, between the scientific buildings and clubs. On a walk through Akademgorodok, it is possible to unexpectedly encounter art-like objects handmade by residents of the city which have been erected as monuments and some monuments fixed up by city authorities. For example, the monument to the laboratory mice, which knits a strand of DNA on to some needles, can be found in the square alongside the Institute of Cytology and Genetics. In Akademgorodok there are many cafes and restaurants, in which it is possible to rest after a long walk. Grab a coffee and go to eat at Traveler’s Coffee , or eat lunch at the grille and bar People’s or Clover .

Winters in the Akademgorodok are slightly colder than in the city, so wrap up. Spring and summer are usually wetter, so waterproof boots are recommended. In the summer the Ob sea provides respite from the heat, so do not forget your swimsuit to go for a dip.

Memento Mori

yellow laser sailboat

Among the exhibits of the museum is one dedicated to world funeral culture — hearses, memorial jewellery from the hair of the deceased, samples from a specific photo-genre of  "post mortem", a collection of funeral wear from the Victorian era, deathmasks, statues and monuments. There’s also an impressive collection of coffins. One of them, resembling a fish, was manufactured on a special visit to Novosibirsk by a designer coffin-maker from Africa, Eric Adjetey Anang, who specializes in the production of unusual coffins.

Surprisingly, the crematorium itself does not look at all gloomy in appearance and definitely does not look like infernal scenes from movies, or like crematoriums of other cities that gravitate towards gloomy temple aesthetics. The Novosibirsk crematorium is decorated in “cheerful” orange tones and is surrounded by a park with a children’s playground nearby. A visit to the museum then leaves you with mixed feelings. 

Novosibirsk underground

yellow laser sailboat

Tourists from all over the world go down into the Moscow metro to take a ride and a few selfies in the most famous underground museum. The Novosibirsk metro is also quite a museum in itself — it has 13 stations, the most beautiful of which is Gagarinskaya, Sibirskaya and Rechnoy Vokzal.

The ultramodern Gagarinskaya station is like a real cosmos underground. Its technologically themed design includes marble walls with metallic elements, dark blue backlighting and portraits of Yuri Gagarin. The Sibirskaya station looks like an underground treasure trove, decorated by Altai masters craftsmen with mosaics of precious Siberian stones. The Rechnoy Vokzal station is framed with ten glowing stained glass windows depicting the largest cities of Siberia, including Novosibirsk itself, Omsk, Barnaul and others. The platform resembles a big ship sailing on the Ob, from which ancient Siberian cities are visible through its windows.  

How to get there

The easiest way to get to Novosibirsk is by plane with Aeroflot or Novosibirsk airline S7 with one-way tickets from Moscow costing from 200-250 USD. If you decide to take from the train from Moscow, you’ll have to travel approximately a third of the Trans-Siberian Railway. That’s 3,300 kilometers over almost a three-day journey. 

Where to stay

There are many great hotels in Novosibirsk. Amongst the best include a four-star Doubletree hotel by Hilton , which is located near Lenin Square (per room from $200). After renovations and repairs, the congress-hotel Novosibirsk has improved (per room from $100) and is located across from the train station. Less expensive but of a similar standard is the four-star River Park hotel near Rechnoy Vokzal metro station, which costs $80 per night.

All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

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Weather and Seasons in Novosibirsk

  • Novosibirsk Oblast
  • Novosibirsk

Best Time To Visit Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk has a typical continental climate with snowy, dry winters and warm, temperate summers.

  • Winter: November to early March. Extremely cold with temperature dropping down to -20 degree Celsius.
  • Spring: March and April. No precipitation and a pleasant climate. Temperatures during the day reach up to 20 degree Celsius.
  • Summer: May, June and July: Typically, a wet season with heavy rainfall. The temperatures remain within the range of 25 to 30 degree Celsius. July is the wettest month of the year.
  • Fall: September and October: High humidity, unpredictable temperatures with ground frosts.

The best time to visit Novosibirsk is between May to September.

  • 20℉ 0℉

Highest temperature in Novosibirsk is recorded as 89.6℉ in June.

Lowest temperature in Novosibirsk is recorded as -34.6℉ in December.

Most humid month in Novosibirsk is November.

Least humid month in Novosibirsk is May.

Novosibirsk Zoo

  • Everyday : 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM

Novosibirsk State Academic Opera And Ballet Theatre

  • Everyday : 03:00 PM to 06:00 PM

Novosibirsk Main Railway Station Image

  • Everyday : 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM

West Siberian Railway History Museum

  • Everyday : 10:00 AM to 03:00 PM

37 Facts About Novosibirsk

Adelice Lindemann

Written by Adelice Lindemann

Modified & Updated: 25 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith


Novosibirsk, often referred to as the “Capital of Siberia,” is a vibrant and dynamic city located in southwestern Russia. With a population exceeding 1.5 million residents, it is the third most populous city in Russia and serves as the administrative center of the Novosibirsk Oblast.

Nestled along the banks of the Ob River, Novosibirsk is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, scientific advancements, and picturesque landscapes. As the largest city in Siberia, it offers a perfect blend of modern and traditional attractions, making it a fascinating destination for both locals and tourists.

In this article, we will delve into 37 interesting facts about Novosibirsk, shedding light on its history, architecture, natural wonders, and cultural significance. Whether you are planning a visit or simply curious about this intriguing city, these facts will give you a deeper understanding of what Novosibirsk has to offer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Novosibirsk, the “Capital of Siberia,” is a vibrant city with a rich cultural scene, stunning natural landscapes, and a strong sense of community, offering a high quality of life for its residents.
  • From being a major industrial and transportation hub to hosting world-class cultural institutions and scientific research centers, Novosibirsk is a dynamic city with a diverse culinary scene and a thriving IT and tech industry.

Novosibirsk is the third-largest city in Russia.

Situated in southwestern Siberia, Novosibirsk has a population of over 1.6 million people, making it one of the largest and most vibrant cities in the country.

The city was founded in 1893.

Novosibirsk was established as a railway junction on the Trans-Siberian Railway, playing a significant role in the development of Siberia.

It is known as the “Capital of Siberia”.

Due to its economic and cultural significance, Novosibirsk is often referred to as the capital of Siberia.

Novosibirsk is a major industrial center.

The city is home to a wide range of industries, including machinery manufacturing, chemical production, energy, and metallurgy .

It is famous for its scientific and research institutions.

Novosibirsk hosts several renowned scientific and research institutions, contributing to advancements in various fields including nuclear physics, chemistry, and biotechnology.

The Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre is one of the largest in Russia.

This iconic cultural institution showcases world-class ballet and opera performances and is a must-visit for art enthusiasts visiting the city .

The city has a vibrant theater scene.

Novosibirsk boasts numerous theaters, showcasing a wide variety of performances from traditional plays to experimental productions.

Novosibirsk is a major transportation hub.

Thanks to its strategic location on the Trans-Siberian Railway, the city serves as a crucial transportation hub connecting Siberia with other regions of Russia .

The Ob River flows through Novosibirsk.

The majestic Ob River adds to the city’s natural beauty and provides opportunities for recreational activities such as boating and fishing.

Novosibirsk is known for its harsh winter climate.

With temperatures dropping well below freezing in winter, the city experiences a true Siberian winter with snowy landscapes.

The Novosibirsk Zoo is one of the largest and oldest in Russia.

Home to a wide variety of animal species, including rare and endangered ones, the Novosibirsk Zoo attracts visitors from near and far.

Novosibirsk is a center for academic excellence.

The city is home to Novosibirsk State University, one of the top universities in Russia, renowned for its research and education programs.

The Novosibirsk Metro is the newest metro system in Russia.

Opened in 1985, the Novosibirsk Metro provides efficient transportation for residents and visitors alike.

Novosibirsk is surrounded by picturesque nature.

Surrounded by stunning landscapes, including the Altai Mountains and the Novosibirsk Reservoir, the city offers numerous opportunities for outdoor activities.

The Novosibirsk State Circus is famous for its performances.

Showcasing talented acrobats , clowns, and animal acts, the Novosibirsk State Circus offers entertaining shows for all ages.

Novosibirsk is home to a thriving art scene.

The city is dotted with art galleries, showcasing the works of local and international artists .

Novosibirsk has a diverse culinary scene.

From traditional Russian cuisine to international flavors, the city offers a wide range of dining options to satisfy all taste buds.

The Novosibirsk State Museum of Local History is a treasure trove of historical artifacts.

Exploring the museum gives visitors an insight into the rich history and culture of the region.

Novosibirsk is known for its vibrant nightlife.

The city is home to numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues, ensuring a lively atmosphere after dark.

Novosibirsk has a strong ice hockey tradition.

Ice hockey is a popular sport in the city, with local teams competing in national and international tournaments.

The Novosibirsk State Philharmonic Hall hosts world-class musical performances.

Music lovers can enjoy classical concerts and symphony orchestra performances in this renowned venue.

Novosibirsk is home to the Akademgorodok, a scientific research town.

Akademgorodok is a unique scientific community located near Novosibirsk, housing numerous research institutes and academic organizations.

Novosibirsk has a unique blend of architectural styles.

The city features a mix of Soviet-era buildings, modern skyscrapers, and historic structures, creating an eclectic cityscape.

Novosibirsk is an important center for ballet training and education.

The city’s ballet schools and academies attract aspiring dancers from across Russia and abroad.

Novosibirsk is a gateway to the stunning Altai Mountains.

Located nearby, the Altai Mountains offer breathtaking landscapes, hiking trails, and opportunities for outdoor adventures.

Novosibirsk hosts various cultural festivals throughout the year.

From music and theater festivals to art exhibitions, the city’s cultural calendar is always packed with exciting events.

Novosibirsk is a green city with numerous parks and gardens.

Residents and visitors can enjoy the beauty of nature in the city’s well-maintained parks and botanical gardens.

Novosibirsk is a center for technology and innovation.

The city is home to several technology parks and innovation centers, fostering the development of cutting-edge technologies.

Novosibirsk has a strong sense of community.

The residents of Novosibirsk are known for their hospitality and friendly nature, making visitors feel welcome.

Novosibirsk is a paradise for shopping enthusiasts.

The city is dotted with shopping malls, boutiques, and markets, offering a wide range of shopping options.

Novosibirsk has a rich literary heritage.

The city has been home to many famous Russian writers and poets, and their works are celebrated in literary circles.

Novosibirsk is a popular destination for medical tourism.

The city is known for its advanced medical facilities and expertise, attracting patients from around the world.

Novosibirsk has a well-developed public transportation system.

With buses, trams, trolleybuses, and the metro, getting around the city is convenient and efficient.

Novosibirsk is a city of sport.

The city has a strong sports culture, with numerous sports facilities and opportunities for athletic activities .

Novosibirsk has a thriving IT and tech industry.

The city is home to numerous IT companies and startups, contributing to the development of the digital economy.

Novosibirsk celebrates its anniversary every year on July 12th.

The city comes alive with festivities, including concerts, fireworks, and cultural events, to commemorate its foundation.

Novosibirsk offers a high quality of life.

With its excellent educational and healthcare systems, cultural amenities, and vibrant community, Novosibirsk provides a great living environment for its residents.

Novosibirsk is a fascinating city filled with rich history, stunning architecture, and a vibrant cultural scene. From its origins as a small village to becoming the third-largest city in Russia, Novosibirsk has emerged as a major economic and cultural hub in Siberia . With its world-class universities, theaters, museums, and natural attractions, Novosibirsk offers a myriad of experiences for visitors.

Whether you’re exploring the impressive Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater, strolling along the picturesque banks of the Ob River, or immersing yourself in the city’s scientific and technological achievements at the Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk has something for everyone.

From its iconic landmarks such as the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral to its vibrant festivals like the International Jazz Festival , Novosibirsk has a unique charm that will captivate any traveler. So, make sure to include Novosibirsk in your travel itinerary and discover the hidden gems of this remarkable city.

Q: What is the population of Novosibirsk?

A: As of 2021, the estimated population of Novosibirsk is around 1.6 million people.

Q: Is Novosibirsk a safe city to visit?

A: Novosibirsk is generally considered a safe city for tourists. However, it is always recommended to take standard precautions such as avoiding unfamiliar areas at night and keeping your belongings secure.

Q: What is the best time to visit Novosibirsk?

A: The best time to visit Novosibirsk is during the summer months of June to September when the weather is pleasant and suitable for outdoor activities. However, if you enjoy the winter chill and snow, visiting during the winter season can also be a unique experience.

Q: Are there any interesting cultural events in Novosibirsk?

A: Yes, Novosibirsk is known for its vibrant cultural scene. The city hosts various festivals throughout the year, including the International Jazz Festival, Novosibirsk International Film Festival, and the Siberian Ice March Festival.

Q: Can I visit Novosibirsk without knowing Russian?

A: While knowing some basic Russian phrases can be helpful, many establishments in Novosibirsk, especially tourist areas, have English signage and staff who can communicate in English. However, learning a few essential Russian phrases can enhance your travel experience.

Novosibirsk's captivating history and vibrant culture make it a must-visit destination for any traveler. From its humble beginnings as a small settlement to its current status as Russia's third-largest city, Novosibirsk has a story worth exploring. If you're a sports enthusiast, don't miss the opportunity to learn more about the city's beloved football club , FC Sibir Novosibirsk. With its rich heritage and passionate fan base, the club has become an integral part of Novosibirsk's identity.

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    Posted Over 1 Month. Call Boat Owner David 650-450-2410. Description: 2011 Weta Trimaran Sailboat for sale in excellent condition. Garaged since purchase in August 2011. Hull 579 with numbers on sail ready to race or day sail as you see fit. My family is growing and my sailing is shrinking.

  19. Tiny New Lasers Fill a Long-Standing Gap in the Rainbow of Visible

    "Previously, we could make big changes — red to orange to yellow to green — in the laser colors we could generate with OPO, but it was hard to make small adjustments within each of those color bands," Srinivasan noted. By changing the wavelength of the infrared pump, NIST researchers can generate wavelengths of visible light across the ...

  20. 1978 Laser

    1978 Laser and 2000s laser for sale. Equipment: 1978 Laser Yellow Hull/White Top Bought and Restored in 2014 Full boat hardware stripped, both sides 3 rounds of rubbing compound and polish. Boat Looks great for 42yrs old. Hull is dry, couple of airbags inside. Small fiberglass nicks patched Spars and blades are in good shape New line Kit from ...

  21. A traveler's guide to Novosibirsk, the unofficial capital of Siberia

    Trans-Siberian heritage. Residents of Novosibirsk love trains and are proud of the fact that their city played a significant role in the history of the grand Trans-Siberian railway, which spans ...

  22. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Novosibirsk Oblast (2024)

    Shimmering golden cupolas, pious atmosphere inside. Recommended. 8. Novosibirsk State Museum of Local Lore. 141. History Museums. Housed in an historic mansion, this museum explores the history and ethnography of Siberia, including its colonization, fashions, lifestyles and flora and fauna. 9.

  23. Best Times to Visit Novosibirsk

    Summer: May, June and July: Typically, a wet season with heavy rainfall. The temperatures remain within the range of 25 to 30 degree Celsius. July is the wettest month of the year. Fall: September and October: High humidity, unpredictable temperatures with ground frosts. The best time to visit Novosibirsk is between May to September.

  24. 37 Facts about Novosibirsk

    Novosibirsk is the third-largest city in Russia. Situated in southwestern Siberia, Novosibirsk has a population of over 1.6 million people, making it one of the largest and most vibrant cities in the country.. The city was founded in 1893. Novosibirsk was established as a railway junction on the Trans-Siberian Railway, playing a significant role in the development of Siberia.