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Rolex Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race

The Cruising Yacht Club of Australia’s premier blue water event, the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, will start at 1pm on Boxing Day.

Rolex Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race 2024

Courtesy Destination NSW

  • Thursday, 26 December 2024
  • Starting line at Point Piper

No other commercial port in the world can boast the start of such an iconic and internationally recognised blue water classic, with the natural grandeur of Sydney Harbour providing a unique backdrop for competitors and spectators alike.

Ranked as one of the most challenging and prestigious long ocean races in the world, the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race covers a distance of 628 nautical miles. As the fleet heads south into the Tasman Sea, the yachts will battle the elements before reaching the finish between two and five days later, depending on the size of the yacht and sailing conditions.

For more information please visit  Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2024

  • Port Jackson – east of Sydney Harbour Bridge (PDF 3.09MB)

Coming soon

Tips for attending aquatic events

Sydney Harbour is an extremely busy waterway. It's used by recreational and commercial vessels, from big ships and high-speed ferries to small powerboats, yachts and kayaks.

It has busy navigational channels and special rules.

The risk of collision is much higher on the harbour, so keep a proper lookout for other vessels, swimmers, marine life, hazards and seaplanes. Be prepared to take action to avoid a collision with another vessel. You may need to slow down to travel at a safe speed and keep a safe distance.

If you're planning to go on the harbour, know your responsibilities and take extra care.

Make sure you have the right safety equipment and lifejackets for enclosed waters before you go.

Courtesy moorings and marina facilities on Sydney Harbour

Sydney Harbour has more to offer the general boating public with the installation of courtesy moorings and a destinations plan increasing access to services and amenities.

The pink courtesy moorings are available to moor recreational vessels for up to 24 hours (with the exception of Athol Bay (4 hours) and Spit Bridge (2 hours for vessels waiting for the Spit bridge opening), or where emergency mooring is required but not available. They provide an environmentally sensitive alternative to anchoring and are available for short term use by any registered vessel under the 20 tonne size limit.

Courtesy moorings have been installed around Sydney Harbour including Balmoral, Rose Bay, Chinamans Beach, Hermit Bay, Chowder Bay, Athol Bay, Taylors Bay, Camp Cove, Watsons Bay, Vaucluse Bay, Nielsen Park and McMahons Point West.

The Sydney Harbour Destinations Plan is another initiative of the NSW Government to increase the number of services and amenities available to the general boating public on Sydney Harbour through participating marinas.

Facilities available include access to toilets, pump out, water and fuel, cafés, kiosks and marine services. When out on Sydney Harbour, look for the green Boating Destination marina banner on display at participating marinas. Blue banners within the marinas show the location of available Boating Destination berths.

To find your closest destination marina or courtesy mooring, visit the Sydney Harbour Boating Destinations webpage.

Sydney Harbour Bridge Transit Zone

The Sydney Harbour Bridge Transit Zone was created to allow safe navigation through this very busy part of the harbour. It prohibits vessels from stopping or drifting under Sydney Harbour Bridge.

The zone includes the area around Sydney Harbour Bridge, and between Bennelong Point and Kirribilli Point to Millers Point and Blues Point. It does not include Walsh Bay, Sydney Cove, or Lavender Bay north of Blues Point, or the southern end of Milsons Point ferry wharf.

You can only travel through the zone to get to an area alongside or outside the zone.

Vessels must not travel faster than 15 knots or anchor or drift in the zone, except in an emergency.

Sydney Harbour Bridge transit zone

 Restircted zones

Check if and where you can take your vessel on the harbour:

  • personal watercraft (PWC) – you must not drive a PWC anywhere on Sydney Harbour. This includes its tidal bays, rivers and tributaries, Parramatta River, Middle Harbour and Lane Cove River.
  • kiteboards – you must not use a kiteboard on the harbour
  • sailboards – many areas within the harbour are restricted. Check maps and signage.

See Exclusion and restriction zones .

For information on seaplanes in Rose Bay see the best practice guide for the use of Rose Bay (PDF 373.38KB) .

You must follow the give way rules on Sydney Harbour.

Maritime Events - Ferry

There are special rules for ferries that display an orange diamond shape. This shape is called the 'priority over sail signal'. This replaces the usual 'power gives way to sail' rule during the day, meaning that sailing vessels must keep well clear of these ferries. The 'priority over sail signal' does not apply at night or if the ferry is overtaking a sailing vessel.

Sailing vessels must keep a minimum distance from these ferries of:

  • 200m from the bow
  • 30m from the sides or stern.

High-speed ferries display an all round yellow flashing light when travelling at speed. Be aware that they may be travelling much faster than they appear to be.

Shipping channels

Sailing vessels and powered vessels must keep well clear of big ships in Sydney Harbour's shipping channels. These vessels are limited in their ability to manoeuvre. You must keep to starboard (right) side and give way.

Sydney Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) broadcasts safety messages and shipping movements every 2 hours on VHF 16/13. The broadcasts start daily at around 1am.

Wear a Lifejacket poster

Lifejacket rules apply on NSW waterways and you must wear a lifejacket in a range of situations. Children aged under 12 must wear lifejackets at all times on boats less than 4.8 metres, or when they are in open areas of vessels less than 8 metres that are underway.

Lifejackets must be worn by everyone on small boats less than 4.8 metres when boating at night, or on open (ocean) waters, or when boating alone, or when instructed to by the skipper.

It can be difficult dropping anchor in a crowd of spectator vessels. Gain experience and confidence by practising anchoring before the big events, and follow these simple guidelines:

  • Know the depth of water before you anchor, you will need anchor rope and chain at least three times the depth of water
  • Ensure there is adequate chain on the anchor, generally one to two times the length of the boat
  • Ensure you have an appropriate anchor for the size of the craft. Carry a spare anchor and rope/chain in case your main anchor gets fouled
  • Keep your distance and maintain a space at least three times the length of your boat from other vessels anchored nearby
  • Keep 200 metres clear of submarine cables or pipelines. Check the boating maps for these location or look for signs on the foreshore.
  • Carry fenders as spectator areas may be very crowded
  • Watch the weather. Wind and waves can cause your anchor to drag
  • Do not anchor close to ferry channels or exclusion zone boundaries.

Keep A Proper Lookout poster

As the skipper, you must keep a proper lookout – by sight and hearing – at all times. This helps you judge your situation and the risk of collision. This is essential to keeping everyone safe on the water.

When keeping a proper lookout, look all around, including behind you. Look out for hazards so you can avoid colliding with people, other vessels, structures, land and animals. Look out for vulnerable groups, including swimmers and divers, and smaller vessels, such as sailboards and kayaks, which can be difficult to see.

Be mindful of noise – such as loud music – that could prevent you from hearing sounds or signals from other vessels or people.

Take extra care at times of restricted visibility, for example, at night (between sunset and sunrise) or in poor weather conditions.

Make sure you're travelling at a safe speed . If you have a radar, use it to keep a lookout. Remember to dim the display at night so you do not lose your night vision.

It's recommended that you have a lookout person. They can alert you if your view is blocked.

Be Bright At Night poster

Ensure you have appropriate navigation lights, particularly if you want to attend night time events.

  • Check they are in working order and you have spare fuses, globes and torches before heading out
  • Ensure navigation lights are on and working between sunset and sunrise
  • Turn off cabin lights as they may reduce your ability to see
  • If the vessel has a flybridge and weather permits, it is generally preferable to drive from there as you will have a better all round view
  • Avoid using flood/spotlights high up. These lights reduce the night vision of other skippers
  • When at anchor at night, show an all round white light where it can best be seen.

Find out more information on what navigational lights are required to be displayed for your vessel. 

Boats need lighting at night for safety

It is important to have the right communication tools so you can stay informed while afloat. In the event of illness or emergency, a marine radio will give you a direct line of communication with authorities.

In the event of an emergency on the water, communicate with authorities on radio VHF 16 or if you only have a mobile phone, call 000 .

The Transport (Maritime) information line 13 12 36 operates from 8.30am to 4.30pm during all major aquatic events.

Go Easy On The Drink poster

Random breath testing can be applied to skippers of boats underway. Keep below the 0.05 limit.

It can be a long day afloat and both skippers and passengers can suffer from fatigue, sunburn and wind chill. Be aware that the boating environment can multiply the effects of alcohol.

Sydney Harbour is spectacular. Let's keep it that way. It is illegal to pollute any waterways in NSW with oily bilge or galley water, litter or sewage.

Collect all your rubbish on board and dispose of it properly ashore. This includes cigarette butts and oil or grease from deck mounted barbecues. Stow it, don't throw it.

  • Boaters on Sydney Harbour are reminded to keep an eye out for Little Penguins between North Head and Manly during the summer breeding season.
  • A 4 knot speed limit in these 'Environmental Protected Areas' extends from Cannae Point to Smedleys Point, and includes Quarantine Bay, Store Beach, Collins Beach and Little Manly. This speed limit also continues north to 100 metres offshore from Smedleys Point toward Manly.
  • Boaters must anchor at least 50 metres from the high water mark, which is identified by yellow aqua mark buoys and not in the vicinity of known seagrass beds.

Maritime Events - Penguin map



Pantaenius 2022 - SAIL MPU - ROW

Rolex Sydney Hobart Race - on the water video of the final miles, plus dockside interviews

rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

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rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

Rolex Sydney Hobart Race : Spectacular start in record conditions

Tatjana Pokorny

 ·  26.12.2022

The start of the 77th Rolex Sydney Hobart Race

One day, 9 hours, 15 minutes, 24 seconds. This race record is to be beaten in the 77th edition of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Race 2022. It was set five years ago by the 100-foot racer "LDV Comanche". As "Andoo Comanche", the proven record chaser is now once again one of the co-favourites, but has strong competition. Not only the nine-time line honours winner and "Hamilton Island Wild Oats" skipper Mark Richards believes this in view of the predicted fast downwind conditions. A new record is possible in this edition. The first boat could cross the finish line as early as 27 December.

Dream start in Sydney Harbour

At 1 p.m. local time on Boxing Day in Sydney Harbour, the best conditions were served up in winds of between 10 and 15 knots from the north to north-east. The fog that had covered the world-famous regatta stage in front of the Opera House like a duvet shortly beforehand had cleared in good time. The 109 boats and their highly motivated crews started the race in bright sunshine under a blue Australian summer sky.

Just a few moments after the start, two of the expected four-way battle between the co-favourite maxis stood out. Three of them - "Andoo Comanche", "Black Jack" and "LawConnect" - had chosen the western channel in Sydney Harbour as their starting lane, while "Hamilton Island Wild Oats" had immediately switched to the eastern side. From there, the fleet regularly headed for the harbour exit in order to get out of the Heads.

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Thrilling kick-off, protest flags and precautionary penalty cringes

In the midst of the action, the "Andoo Comanche" skippered by John Winning Jr. suddenly completed a precautionary 720-degree penalty curl to avoid a possible protest and subsequent penalty. The "Hamilton Island Wild Oats" crew with skipper Mark Richards did the same, although the team was not sure that it was affected. However, some crew members may have remembered 2017, when a breach of the rules cost them the line honours and the race record. The LDV Comanche took both five years ago following a jury decision.

Two hours after the starting signal, the first failure occurred: the Hick 40 "Avalanche", a double-handed boat with James Murchison and co-skipper James Francis, reported a broken bowsprit. This reduced the fleet to 108 boats, including 19 double-handed boats. The four maxis were so close together in the race to the Heads, with several protest flags flying in the sterns, that even at this early stage a tense scenario was emerging for the showdown on the Derwent River in Hobart.

Six hours after the start, the "Andoo Comanche" led the field on the morning of Boxing Day German time. By then, the black and red racer had already completed the first 100-plus nautical miles of the 628-nautical-mile course from Sydney to Hobart.

"Ho, ho, ho: fantastic zero start!"

The "Orione" crew with the Berlin brothers Axel and Peter Baumgartner initially headed for the finish on their Grand Soleil 45 in 90th place in the line honours classification. From on board, the team wrote to YACHT online in high Christmas spirits: "Ho, ho, ho: fantastic zero start! Then a first nice cross with main and G3 in almost 20 knots of wind. At the outgoing buoy we have about a third of the field behind us. We even catch up under spinnaker. One hour of about 88 is already over."

About six hours after the start, the McIntyre 55 "Flying Fish Arctos" was in 61st place in the line honours classification. Sailing with the Australian-British crew is Benjamin Deifel from Meckenbeuren, who, like the Berlin brothers, is taking part in his first Rolex Sydney Hobart Race. Both boats - "Orione" with a German crew and the "Flying Fish Arctos" with Ben Deifel - are sailing in the PHS class of the race and therefore in the "Corinthian" classification.

With Christmas greetings from Sydney: A look into the stern of the "Orione" crew

Click here for the story of the two Berlin brothers who are realising their lifelong dream in this edition of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Race.

Benjamin Deifel has only been sailing for three years. But impressively intensively. "I didn't sail at all before 2018, then came across the Clipper Race and sailed around the world from 2019 to 2022. I completed around 45,000 nautical miles. During the coronavirus break, I completed my RYA certificates," reports the 34-year-old from Lake Constance. The experience on board is mixed: according to Deifel, some of his fellow sailors have experience from previous editions of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Race. Others - like himself - are fulfilling a lifelong dream by taking part.

The crew of the "Flying Fish Arctos" with Benjamin Deifel (2nd from left)

Everyone on board the 55-foot yacht "Flying Fish Arctos" was optimistic going into the classic. Deifel says: "We saw on the training days that the boat runs very well with the right wind - beam reach, downwind. The boat is not really built for upwind courses."

For him, says Benjamin Deifel, the race was "an absolute highlight at the end of the year". He says: "After Covid, we were finally able to complete the circumnavigation this year, including the Pacific crossing. The Sydney Hobart is now the icing on the cake. Even in the days leading up to the race, it was impressive to be travelling with the Maxis and the others. We're sailing in the same class as the 'Orione' - maybe we'll meet at the Customs House in Hobart."

Click here for the live tracker for the 77th Rolex Sydney Hobart Race.

Most read in category regatta.

rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

Rolex Sydney Hobart Race winner decided by 51 seconds

Helen Fretter

  • Helen Fretter
  • December 27, 2023

The 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Race line honours battle is settled in the final gybe after one of the closest finishes in the race’s history, with Law Connect winning ahead of long-time leader Andoo Comanche.

rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

Law Connect has won the 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Race line honours, after the closest finish in over 40 years, which ended in a gybe-for-gybe battle up the Derwent River against long-time leader Andoo Comanche .

Andoo Comanche held the advantage going into the Derwent with a two-mile lead, John Winning Jr’s crew crowded onto the bow in the light early morning winds to try and lift Comanche’s 8m beamy transom, which gives the yacht the nickname the ‘aircraft carrier’.  

Law Connect followed up the Derwent River with a knot or two more breeze, and were able to close the gap some two miles from the finish line, but the waters outside Hobart were littered with glassy patches, and each boat repeatedly battled to maintain hull speed through windless holes.

After 628 miles of racing, the lead changed repeatedly in the final half hour, with Law Connect taking the advantage on the final gybe for the line to roll over the top of Andoo Comanche and cross the line ahead.  

rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

Law Connect overtakes Andoo Comanche metres from the finish line of the 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Race. Photo: Rolex/Kurt Arrigo

It was an exceptional display of light winds tactical match racing, with Law Connect helmsman Tony Mutter and tactician Chris Nicholson directing Christian Beck’s team to victory, after being 2nd on three previous years . Law Connect crossed the Castray Esplanade finish line in Hobart at 08.03.58am local time after 1 day 19 hours 03 minutes 58 seconds of racing.

Beck gave a self-deprecating speech after, praising the crew for their efforts on a boat he admitted was not as fast or well-funded as their rivals. “I honestly can’t believe it. I rated it about a 25% chance we’d win, so to win was just amazing.

“An hour ago we were about 3 miles behind Comanche, so to win – I still can’t believe it.”

rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

Law Connect (SYD 1000)a Juan K 100ft Custom design, on its way to winning the 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Race.

Mixed 2023 Sydney Hobart Race

The 2023 edition of the Rolex Sydney Hobart has so far seen truly mixed conditions. The Boxing Day start delivered its customary spectacle, as the three 100ft maxis led the fleet out of a packed Sydney Habour. Law Connect gave an impromptu demonstration of how to gybe a giant overlapping headsail after breaking a furling line that left them unable to tack around a turning mark, while Scallywag took penalty turns once in clear water after a port-starboard incident with Comanche shortly after the start.

rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

Start of the 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart yacht race. Photo: Rolex/Andrea Francolini

Over the first two days of racing the fleet had to contend with electrical storms, squalls and severe sea states, as well as periods of light winds, and there have been 11 retirements so far. They included another line honours hopeful, the 100ft Scallywag , which had to retire after snapping the bowsprit in the first day of racing.

Other boats retired due to rigging damage, mainsail damage, and severe seasickness caused by the unpleasant sea state.  

Most dramatically the double-handed entry Rum Rebellion retired after being knocked down and having a Man Overboard, who was safely recovered.  

Co-skipper Shane Connelly reported that they were approximately 20 miles offshore on the first evening of the race, sailing under full main and spinnaker in 6-10 knots of wind, when the wind suddenly increased to over 16 knots with a ‘ferocious’ looking storm cloud approaching from behind.  

The duo prepared to drop the spinnaker, but a micro-burst of wind hit the yacht, causing a knockdown. Connelly, who had gone forwards during the spinnaker drop, was thrown overboard but tethered, and as the boat righted was lifted back onboard. He reported after: “The safety drills and systems all worked and we could sort ourselves out”

The stormy conditions caused issues across the fleet on the first night. Aboard the Santa Cruz 72 Antipodes crew member Geoff Cropley reported this morning: “We had lightning and thunder for hours. Then there was a major wind shift which auto gybed the boat.

“The spinnaker got wrapped in the drop, along with spinnaker staysail. All the team was up and trying to untwist and get that down. It took us about 40 minutes. We were heading north-east and sailing backwards for a period of time.

“We’re now hunkered down with a reef in the main. There’s little bit of blue sky. It’s quite nice out here.”

rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

Azzuro, an S&S 34 owned by Jack Kliner, with crew including Jessica Watson, during the 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Race. Photo: Rolex/Andrea Francolini

Meanwhile the battle for IRC overall continues. IRC 1 contender Alive , a Reichel Pugh 66 with a talent-packed crew including Gavin Brady, Stu Bannatyne and legendary Australian navigator Adrienne Cahalan, a veteran of 30 Hobart races. Close behind them on the IRC rankings is Hobart grandee, Sean Langman on the Reichel Pugh 69 Moneypenny led IRC 0, while the  S&S 34 Azzurro raced by Jessica Watson  is fastest of the small boats on the current IRC rankings.  

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rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

Hobart, 31 December 2022 – One of the world's great sportsmen once said: “Winning takes care of everything”. For Sam Haynes, the Australian owner of Celestial and recipient of the Tattersall Cup for overall victory on corrected time at the 2022 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, never have truer words been spoken. To a lesser degree, and without any intended pun on his name, the quote also reflects John Winning Jr’s line honours success with Andoo Comanche.

rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

The 77th Rolex Sydney Hobart started on 26 December, its traditional slot in the global sporting calendar. Once again hundreds of thousands of people crowded the shores of Sydney Harbour, or watched from the water as well as live on television and over the internet. The departure from the familiar setting did not disappoint. 109 yachts, comprising professionals and Corinthians, and some 20 double handed or two-person crews, set off under blue skies and bright sunshine. A 10 – 15 knot north north-easterly meant a beat out to the heads, before spinnakers were hoisted and close to 48 hours of uninterrupted downwind sailing began.

With an international repute that transcends sailing’s perceived boundaries, the Rolex Sydney Hobart is an icon in the sport and has been supported by Rolex for over 20 years. The organizing club, the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia (CYCA), works tirelessly with its partner the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania to ensure the race remains at the pinnacle of classic 600 mile offshore competition. Supporting dynamic yacht clubs like the CYCA, institutions essential to the evolution of sailing, is a core facet of Rolex’s relationship with yachting.

rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

Success at the “Great Race South” is dependent upon so many factors. Paul Cayard, legendary yachtsman and Rolex Testimonee, is clear on the qualities required:

“ Success in offshore racing requires rigorous preparation, tactical skill and an unyielding determination to push through to the finish. ”  

A veteran of 11 previous campaigns, Sam Haynes agrees:

“ You have to arrive on the 26 December completely ready. That is the only way to approach a race like this .  Testing, training, analysis ,  getting prepared involves a lot of people who are not even on the race boat. ”

rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

John Winning Jr speaks in a similar vein. His first thoughts on realising his would be first boat to finish the 628nm course turned to who and what had made it possible:

“ This boat is all about line honours and we have done what we set out to achieve. I reflected on all the people in the support crew, the team onboard, the time spent training, doing what it took to make the boat go faster, on everything we did to have the best chance possible to achieve our aim. ”

Ahead of the race, Winning Jr had said about the battle to be first home:

"Second place will not do. It is win or nothing ."

In a race like this, ‘nothing’ is only a heartbeat away. Shortly after the congested start, where the four competing 100ft (30.5m) maxis traded tacks in their concerted effort to be first into open water, Andoo Comanche struck a mark of the course. Recognising their error, the crew performed two 360 degree turns in quick succession to purge the infringement. Failure to do so could have led to a fatal penalty at the end of the race. The pre-race favourite needed to reset and re-focus.

rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

Once in the Tasman Sea, the skilled crew of Andoo Comanche set to work reeling in the yachts ahead and establishing a small but vital lead over their closest pursuers. Winning Jr acknowledged the determination witnessed in the battle for line honours and the J.H. Illingworth Challenge Cup.

"It is an incredible ocean race, something quite special. Equal amounts of effort will have gone into all the yachts competing in the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race. The three other 100 footers especially kept us honest, and I would like to congratulate them for an amazing competition. "

Andoo Comanche completed the course in a time of one day 11 hours 56 minutes 48 seconds, two hours outside the race record established in 2017.

rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

The hurdle faced by Celestial came a year earlier and was substantial. Turning the clock back 12 months, Haynes, Vice Commodore of the CYCA and a passionate sailor, admitted to being crushed by finishing second overall after a rule infringement late in the 2021 race resulted in his team being demoted from top spot.

"After last year, I was ready to walk away from the sport. Talking to my family and key people on the team, I realised it was not the right way to go. I wanted to try again, to step up to the challenge. ”

As the race unfolded it was clear no crew would have a straight-forward time. The initial downwind sleighride was brutal and tiring, boats racing at speed and on the edge, with race-ending damage a split second away. For the smaller entries, there was an additional, cruel twist as the wind turned on day three forcing them to beat upwind to the southernmost point of the course at Tasman Island, slowing down their progress and effectively removing any chance of overall victory on handicap.

rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

Onboard Celestial the mindset was singular, as Haynes explains:

"We had done our homework. We had done a lot of training, so we could be absolutely confident in the boat and ourselves. At our final pre-race briefing I told the crew we are going to push as fast as we possibly can because we have to do that to beat the other boats.”

The approach was not without danger, particularly in the hours of darkness:

"There is always an element of extreme risk in fast offshore racing at night. It can be quite beautiful, but the second night east of Tasmania was gnarly with a big sea state and gusts of 30 – 35 knots. The boat was waist deep in water, regularly diving into waves, violently shaking, but still being driven right on its limits. ”

rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

Celestial eventually crossed the finish line late in the morning of 28 December, establishing an unbeatable lead in the standings.

Fiercely challenging, the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race offers a huge sense of personal achievement to those that complete it. Winning the race on corrected time guarantees a place in sailing folklore. Open to all, only the most determined entrants can truly aspire to this pinnacle of achievements. For this edition, the last words rest with Sam Haynes:

"To win a race like this is a massive, life changing achievement . It is a very hard trophy to win. However good you are there are a lot of reasons why you might not succeed. To finally hold the Tattersall Cup means everything .”

rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

ROLEX AND YACHTING Rolex has always associated with activities driven by passion, excellence, precision and team spirit. The Swiss watchmaker naturally gravitated towards the elite world of yachting six decades ago and the brand's enduring partnership now encompasses the most prestigious clubs, races and regattas, as well as towering figures in the sport, including ground-breaking round-the-world yachtsman Sir Francis Chichester and the most successful Olympic sailor of all time, Sir Ben Ainslie. Today, Rolex is Title Sponsor of 15 major international events from leading offshore races such as the annual Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race and the biennial Rolex Fastnet Race, to grand prix competition at the Rolex TP52 World Championship and spectacular gatherings at the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup and the Rolex Swan Cup. It also supports the exciting SailGP global championship in which national teams race identical supercharged F50 catamarans on some of the world's most famous harbours. Rolex's partnerships with the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, Royal Ocean Racing Club, Yacht Club Costa Smeralda, Yacht Club Italiano, New York Yacht Club and Royal Yacht Squadron, among others, are the foundation of its enduring relationship with this dynamic sport.

Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2024

rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

Entries open for 2022 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race

  • 09 Jun, 2022 10:45:00 AM

Entries open for 2022 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race

The Cruising Yacht Club of Australia is pleased to welcome entries from eligible yachts for the 2022 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race.

The 77 th edition of the historic 628 nautical mile race will start in Sydney Harbour on Monday 26 December 2022.

The Rolex Sydney Hobart made a celebrated return in 2021, with 88 boats tackling rough conditions and challenging light breeze in a race that had it all.

The easing of interstate and international border restrictions promises to entice boats from across Australia and abroad to this legendary blue water challenge.

For the first time in race history, eligible two-handed boats will be able to compete for the Tattersall Cup, awarded to the overall winner on IRC.

"In the face of much adversity, including border restrictions and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it was great to see such a strong fleet for the return of the race in 2021," said CYCA Commodore, Noel Cornish AM.

"Competitors battled conditions that typified the challenge which makes the Rolex Sydney Hobart one of the world’s greatest offshore races.

"It was a pleasure to welcome competitors to the CYCA ahead of the race start and we look forward to seeing crews from far and wide return to the race.

"I would like to thank our Race Sponsor, Rolex, for their ongoing support as we celebrate our 20th year of partnership in 2022."

Matt Allen’s Botin 52, Ichi Ban, was crowned Overall winner of the 2021 Rolex Sydney Hobart , clinching a record-equalling third Tattersall Cup.

Peter Harburg's Reichel/Pugh 100, Black Jack (skippered by Mark Bradford) , won Line Honours , with Disko Trooper_Contender Sailcloth (Jules Hall/Jan Scholten) and Sidewinder (Rob Gough/John Saul) claiming wins on handicap and Line Honours respectively in the inaugural Two-Handed Division.

Entries for the 2022 Rolex Sydney Hobart close at 1700hrs on Friday 28 October 2022.


Congratulations to all the divisional winners of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2023

Congratulations to all the divisional winners of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2023

PHOTOS | 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Official Prizegiving

PHOTOS | 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Official Prizegiving

PHOTOS | Day 5 Morning - Tasman Island and Storm Bay

PHOTOS | Day 5 Morning - Tasman Island and Storm Bay

PHOTOS | Day 5 and Day 6 finishers

PHOTOS | Day 5 and Day 6 finishers

PHOTOS | Official Presentation of Tattersall Cup and Rolex Timepiece to the Overall Winner

PHOTOS | Official Presentation of Tattersall Cup and Rolex Timepiece to the Overall Winner

2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race - A Race for the Ages

2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race - A Race for the Ages

VIDEO | 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race - Rolex Daily Video Summary

VIDEO | 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race - Rolex Daily Video Summary

VIDEO | Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2023

VIDEO | Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2023

VIDEO | 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Official Prizegiving

VIDEO | 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Official Prizegiving

VIDEO | Race Update - 31 December Morning

VIDEO | Race Update - 31 December Morning

AUDIO | 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Sked 10

AUDIO | 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Sked 10

AUDIO | 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Sked 9

AUDIO | 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Sked 9

AUDIO | 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Sked 8

AUDIO | 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Sked 8

AUDIO | 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Sked 7

AUDIO | 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Sked 7

AUDIO | 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Sked 6

AUDIO | 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Sked 6

Official rolex sydney hobart merchandise.

Shop the official clothing range of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race and the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia in person at the Club in New South Head Road, Darling Point or online below.  

From casual to technical clothing, there is something for all occasions. Be quick as stock is limited!


  1. Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2023

    rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

  2. Start of the 2022 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race

    rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

  3. SailRaceWin: RSHYR: 66th Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race

    rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

  4. Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race start

    rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

  5. Comanche wins 75th Sydney to Hobart race, InfoTrack in 2nd

    rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time

  6. PHOTOS: Start of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2014 >> Scuttlebutt

    rolex sydney hobart yacht race start time


  1. Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2024

    The Cruising Yacht Club of Australia (CYCA) is pleased to invite eligible boats to enter 2024 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race. The 79th edition of the historic 628-nautical mile blue water classic will start on Sydney Harbour at 1300 hrs AEDT on Thursday 26 December 2024. Full Story.

  2. Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2024

    The Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race will again start in accordance with tradition with the firing of a starting cannon. The start will be at 1.00pm on Boxing Day, 26 December. The fleet will start from start lines off Nielsen Park with boats on the northern line rounding "Victor Mark" and boats on the southern lines rounding "X-Ray Mark", at the ...

  3. Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2024

    A gentle start was delivered to those competing in the 2024 Noakes Sydney Gold Coast Yacht Race. Fifty-one yachts assembled on the start line before the yachts crawled across Sydney Harbour and north up the Tasman Sea. View all photos PHOTOS. Congratulations to all the divisional winners of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2023; PHOTOS | 2023 ...

  4. Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race

    InfoTrack leads the fleet through Sydney Heads and south to Hobart in ideal, if smoky conditions at the start of the 75th Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race in 2019. The Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race is an annual event hosted by the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, starting in Sydney, New South Wales, on Boxing Day and finishing in Hobart, Tasmania.

  5. News Story

    Hobart, 31 December 2023 - The 78th Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race will go down in history as a relentlessly demanding test of determination, as well as physical and mental resilience. The record will highlight a tooth and nail fight to the finish for Line Honours, and a Tasmanian boat joining the select few to have achieved two overall wins in the event's near eight decades.

  6. Rolex Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race

    The Cruising Yacht Club of Australia's premier blue water event, the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, will start at 1pm on Boxing Day. The Cruising Yacht Club of Australia's premier blue water event, the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, will start at 1pm on Boxing Day. ... particularly if you want to attend night time events. Check they are ...

  7. Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2021

    ROLEX SYDNEY HOBART YACHT RACE: DEFINED BY AN INTREPID SPIRIT AND CAMARADERIE. ... The 76th edition is scheduled for the traditional lunchtime start on 26 December, with a fleet of more than 90 yachts expected to take on the famous 628-nautical mile (1,010 kilometres) course. ... Winning the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race overall after time ...

  8. PDF Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race: Revered, Relentless, Rewarding

    and the most successful Olympic sailor of all time, Sir Ben Ainslie. Today, Rolex is Title Sponsor of 15 major international events - from leading offshore races such as the annual Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race and the biennial Rolex Fastnet Race, to grand prix competition at the Rolex TP52 World Championship and spectacular



  10. Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race: Latest updates and live boat cam coverage

    The 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race will go down in history as a "Big Boat" race with the top three yachts all being over 60ft and early finishers. The smaller boats in the race encountered head winds of 35-45kts and rough seas - making it impossible to finish ahead of their deadlines to take the top trophy, the Tattersall Cup.

  11. Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2024

    The 628 nautical mile course is often described as the most gruelling long ocean race in the world, a challenge to everyone who takes part. Scallywag and Wild Oats XI at the start in 2016. Matador surfing their way to Hobart. Tasman Island. From the spectacular start in Sydney Harbour, the fleet sails out into the Tasman Sea, down the south ...

  12. PDF Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race: Defined by An Intrepid Spirit and

    Winning the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race overall after time correction and securing the coveted Tattersall Cup guarantees a place in yachting folklore. Matt Allen's Ichi Ban has won two of the past three editions, in 2017 and 2019. Should the Australian boat emerge victorious again, she will join two of the race's most

  13. Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race: Alive wins overall for a second time in

    78th Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race start ©Kurt Arrigo. previous next. Alive, skippered by Duncan Hine, has been declared the overall winner of the 78th Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, securing the Tasmanian boat its second victory in five years.

  14. PDF Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race: Defined by Camaraderie and An Intrepid

    Following a captivating start from Sydney Harbour, the fleet heads south along ... and the most successful Olympic sailor of all time, Sir Ben Ainslie. Today, Rolex is Title Sponsor of 15 major international events - from leading offshore races such as the annual Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race and the biennial Rolex Fastnet Race, to grand

  15. Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2024

    THE START. The race begins at 1pm local time (AEDT) on Monday 26 December 2022. Australian viewers can watch the live broadcast of the race start from 12.30pm on the Seven Network or on the 7plus app . International viewers can watch along on the Rolex Sydney Hobart home page or CYCA TV YouTube channel . For spectators lucky enough to be in ...

  16. Rolex Sydney Hobart Race

    Catch the final hour or so of the finish of the 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race video, as Law Connect and Andoo Comanche match raced up the Derwent, along with other finish line video as it comes to hand. ... Replay of the start on Boxing Day - Sydney Harbour Related Articles ... Rig damage has ended the campaign for Henry and co-Skipper ...

  17. News Story

    Geneva, 21 November 2023 - For close to 80 years, the international sailing calendar has been brought to a spectacular finale with one of the most legendary contests in the sport. The Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race has acquired a reputation that has long transcended yachting's traditional frontiers. The race and its organizer, the Cruising ...

  18. Rolex Sydney Hobart Race: Spectacular start in record conditions

    The 77th Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2022 got off to a fast start on Boxing Day. The 628 nautical mile classic offers record conditions for the 109 boats in the 77th edition. The German challengers also enjoyed the start

  19. Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2024

    The Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race is organised by Cruising Yacht Club of Australia ... Race Time. YEAR RACETIME ... Results will be available three hours after race start. IRC; PHS; Corinthian - IRC; Corinthian - PHS; 2-Handed IRC; 2-Handed PHS; 2-Handed Line Honours;

  20. Rolex Sydney Hobart Race winner decided by 51 seconds

    Law Connect crossed the Castray Esplanade finish line in Hobart at 08.03.58am local time after 1 day 19 ... with Comanche shortly after the start. ... 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart yacht race. Photo ...

  21. Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2024

    The Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race is a classic long ocean race open to anyone who owns a yacht that qualifies for this challenging event and which meets all the safety requirements of a Category 1 safety race. ... Under this system, a yacht's finishing time (elapsed time from start to finish) is multiplied by its IRC rating number to ...

  22. News Story

    Hobart, 31 December 2022- One of the world's great sportsmen once said: "Winning takes care of everything". For Sam Haynes, the Australian owner of Celestial and recipient of the Tattersall Cup for overall victory on corrected time at the 2022 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, never have truer words been spoken.

  23. Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2024

    The Cruising Yacht Club of Australia is pleased to welcome entries from eligible yachts for the 2022 Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race. The 77 th edition of the historic 628 nautical mile race will start in Sydney Harbour on Monday 26 December 2022.. The Rolex Sydney Hobart made a celebrated return in 2021, with 88 boats tackling rough conditions and challenging light breeze in a race that had it ...