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Gemini 31/3000

Long america's only production cruising multihull, this boat has many fans..

Tony Smith sure knows how to make the most of a good thing. The British multihull lover has gotten more mileage out of one design than any boatbuilder we know. And why not? With more than 200 Geminis built to date, and interest building, why switch?

Gemini 31/3000 sailboat

In 1972 Smith designed and developed the 26-foot folding trimaran Telstar in England. He brought the molds to the U.S. and built 350 of them before a devestating fire destroyed the molds in 1981. Desperate to resurrect his business, he grabbed some old catamaran molds he had—the Aristocat—changed the name and that same year launched the first Gemini 31.

Three years and 27 boats later, he retooled to produce the Gemini 3000, which is essentially the same boat, but longer. Today, yet another incarnation of that first design—the Gemini 3200—continues to sell well.

Several years ago, Smith planned to introduce a larger 37-foot version, but the cost was much higher and despite building one boat, he changed his mind. The multihull business in this country has been slow to take off. And as even the established monohull builders like Pearson and C & C have found out, there ain’t much room for error. Instead, Smith has refined the Gemini much like the Volkswagen Beetle. By listening to owners’ comments, and by incorporating his own evolving ideas, the boat has changed a good deal, though one would be hard pressed to distinguish, at a glance, between a 1984 Gemini and a 1992 model.

The funny thing about the Gemini is that it’s an old design. Ken Shaw drew the lines in 1969. There’s nothing particularly contemporary about it. However, by painting the cabin sides black (Euro styling), adding a swept-back fiberglass “pilothouse” and gradually adding length to the full-bodied hulls, the Gemini has always looked like she belonged with her contemporaries, whether that was the 1980s or 1990s.

The most important thing to remember when evaluating this design is that the Gemini is essentially used as a 30-foot live-aboard, cruising catamaran. While faster than most monohulls of equal length, it has no pretense of being a racer. How could it be with such a spacious interior? Further, many of Smith’s customers are older folks who are tired of heeling, don’t have $200,000 to spend, and don’t plan to circumnavigate. In fact, most Geminis we’ve seen are happily puttering up and down the Intracoastal Waterway along the Eastern Seaboard and Gulf Coast. It’s perfect for that.

Summing up the design gets a little dicey when offshore work is discussed. The Gemini’s liabilities here are several. Because of the substantial accommodations built on the bridge, which necessitates lowering it for headroom, and the solid bridge forward (as opposed to netting), it’s a bit heavy. Smith says that if loaded for extended cruising, there is not a lot of clearance between the bottom of the bridge and the surface of the water, and it will pound going to weather in choppy seas. Sailed light, the Gemini will do quite nicely and be much more comfortable.

The performance of full bridgedeck cats, such as the Gemini, also suffer a bit from the extra weight and windage. Smith, a racer at heart, admits that if he had his druthers he’d build an open bridge forward, but for his cruising clientele, the full bridge makes more sense.

Nevertheless, Geminis have, according to Smith, crossed the Atlantic, cruised the South Pacific and Caribbean.

Having spent a week cruising the Chesapeake Bay aboard a Gemini 31, we found the boat extremely comfortable and fun to sail. With a large queen-size stateroom forward and double staterooms aft in each hull, there’s room for Mom and Dad, Junior and Sis, each in their own private cabins.

Gemini 31/3000

Speed reaching and sailing upwind was about 50 percent faster than what we could do in our 33-foot Pearson Vanguard. We hit double digits just once. But sailing in moderate winds we’d make eight and nine knots when our Pearson would do five and six. Three or four knots may not seem like a lot, but for sailboats on an all-day passage, the difference cuts hours off sailing time.

Best of all, it’s level sailing. This makes for very restful cruising.

Punching to windward in a chop, we did buck a bit, and the quicker motion of a multi takes some getting used to. All in all, we came away impressed with its space and performance.


The key to high-performance multihull construction is lightness and strength. The rapid evolution of composite building techniques now makes possible the use of lightweight core materials, specialized fibers such as Kevlar, and strong resins that in combination yield a panel that is much lighter and stiffer than solid fiberglass or fiberglass with just “traditional” core materials such as end-grain balsa and PVC foam. Vacuum bagging helps assure uniform bonding of all the “parts.” Naturally, such construction is costly.

Construction of the Gemini, which is marketed as a comfortable, low-priced cruising catamaran rather than a spartan high-tech racing machine, is quite conventional. The hull is built of solid fiberglass—mat and woven roving. The deck is cored with balsa for stiffness. The new Gemini 3200 incorporates a layer of vinylester resin as a blister barrier. Twenty percent of the owners of older models responding to our survey reported “some” blistering—a below average incidence.

The centerboard trunks were laid up separately in the early boats, but Smith said it was difficult getting good tolerances for the centerboards to fit right. Now the trunks are part of the hull mold and the slot is a guaranteed two inches and the polyurethane-coated plywood centerboards 1-7/8″.

Obviously, to keep weight light, a multihull builder isn’t going to use any unnecessary laminations. Consequently, many multihulls feel flimsy compared to monohulls. One Gemini owner said, “The strength is a little lower than I would have liked, but it helps hold the cost down.” And, we might, add, the weight that is so important to multihull performance. The rock steady feel of thick decks is somewhat at odds with the requirements of multihull design and construction.

A frequent complaint of Gemini owners is gelcoat flaws. “Gelcoat has many voids,” wrote one owner. “Some gelcoat yellowing and crazing,” said another. The interior woodwork is acceptable to some owners, and not to others. “Woodwork finish is inept,” said one owner. “Finish work is my biggest complaint,” said the owner of a 1985 model.

Smith admits that leaky windows were a problem in early boats. The design has since been changed, including the use of Lexan in place of Plexiglas, and a new system to bed the large panels allows for thicker beads of sealant to absorb the expansion and contraction of the windows.

Most owners, however, seemed to feel that these are minor problems they’re willing to live with. They rate construction lower than other attributes of the boat, but overall still are satisfied with their choice of the Gemini. We’d like to see a bit more glass in the Gemini, or the use of a core for stiffness and strength, though we acknowledge it would increase the price.


Besides accomodation space and low heel angles, speed is a major factor in choosing a multihull. Only one owner expressed disappointment in his Gemini’s maximum speed attainable. True, it won’t hit those 15- to 20-knot speeds possible in more performance-oriented cats and tris. Nearly all owners, however, remarked on the Gemini’s good light-air performance. And, as we found during our week’s cruise of the Chesapeake Bay, the boat is definitely faster than a cruising monohull of equivalent size.

A key to performance in any multihull is keeping weight down. Unfortunately, many owners overload their boats and this has a direct effect on speed and pointing ability. It’s a problem with no easy answers for live-aboards and long-term cruisers: Either buy a boat with longer hulls and hence greater payload capacity, or live with sub-par performance.

A significant feature of the Gemini is its centerboards, which improve pointing and tacking considerably. Many production catamarans today have fin keels on each hull. The thought here is that the problems inherent with centerboards (broken pennants, jammed boards in the trunk) are eliminated, while acceptable upwind sailing characteristics are retained. This may be true, but there seems no denying that centerboards improve overall performance. Further, the fins add to wetted surface, which increases drag and adversely affect maneuverability.

It is interesting that author Bernard Perret wrote in the October 1990 issue of Cruising World regarding his search for a cruising cat: “We focused in on exactly what we wanted: two sideboards to help us tack more efficiently against the wind and to maintain a shallow draft…”

Having ourselves sailed on production cats without centerboards that were dogs to windward (close reaching was virtually impossible, leaving motorsailing the only option), we consider daggerboards or centerboards an important criteria in selecting a catamaran. Perret said he tacks his French-built 36-foot Naviplane through 115 degrees true, but that’s nothing to write home about. We’re sure he could do better if he wasn’t loaded down with cruising gear for five. Under optimal conditions, Smith says the Gemini can tack through 80 degrees. Burdened with bicycles, computers, three anchors, a library, and food for six months, that number is sure to increase.

A number of owners noted the boat’s lack of directional stability (because there’s not a lot of boat underwater). But they also acknowledged that it is very easy to steer, and that with the lee board down, it balances nicely.

The wide sheeting angle of the early boats made the genoa inefficient upwind. Smith says this has been improved, by means of lengthening the track, in the Gemini 3200.

Gemini 31/3000

Under power, the Gemini performs well. The outboard turns with the rudders for assistance in close quarters—most multihulls need it. And it retracts for sailing. The arrangement has been modified several times over the years.

The current Gemini 3200 comes equipped with a 40-hp. Tohatsu. Some 31 owners felt more power was needed. The results of our recent Reader Survey didn’t rate Tohatsus very highly, but Smith says a 25-inch shaft is very important for maximum performance.

The Mercury 35, standard on Gemini 31s and 3000s, is no longer made. The Tohatsu, he said, is the only engine in that power range available with a 25-inch shaft. In any case, motoring the Gemini at decent speeds, and in comfort, is certainly possible, though punching into head seas isn’t its cup of tea—multis are too light and their motors often too weak to grind out the miles like a heavy, diesel-powered monohull.

Twin Yanmar and Volvo diesels were available, but at such an increase in cost, few buyers would consider them. We’d take the outboard for cost savings, clean interiors, and ease of repair and maintenance. So what if it’s a little noisier? You’ll motor less with a catamaran than your old monohull anyway.


There are numerous appeals to the cruising cat—the large foredeck, large cockpit and the possibility of three or more private sleeping cabins. The Gemini has all three.

The full bridge means there is no netting between the hulls as seen on many cats. This adds weight, but does help deflect waves. From a particularly hedonistic point of view, the netting is best for lying on face down, watching the water fly by. On the other hand, footing is precarious. The full bridge makes anchor handling easier and provides for possibly a little extra stowage space.

The Gemini’s cockpit is large enough to walk around in, with good footing and stowage. Bulkhead wheel steering is convenient whether standing under the so-called pilothouse (added after hull #10), or sitting either on the bench seat or coaming top.

There is not standing headroom in the saloon forward of the 6′ 2″ pilothouse, but this isn’t a major item. Several interior plans have been offered over the years. The one we chartered had a 64″ x 75″ double berth forward in the starboard sector. The view from the bunk looking through the forward windows is stunning! The head with shower was in the port bow and aft, in each hull, was a quarter cabin. The 48″ x 75″ bunks in these weren’t quite as wide as a couple might like, but tolerable, and certainly more than big enough for kids. The nav station was amidships to port and the galley in the starboard hull, with 6′ 3″ headroom. Headroom forward is 6′ 0″ .

An interesting dilemma of outboard-powered boats is the question of generating power for live-aboard conveniences. Outboard engines aren’t able to generate the amps necessary to run a lot of hungry electrical appliances. To combat the problem, Smith has elected to use RV-type propane/12-volt/110-volt refrigerators. These are well suited to multihulls because they work most efficiently when level. LPG, of course, will be the usual energy source for these units, though at the dock shorepower works well. We sailed with a Dometic three-way refrigerator for several years and found them too poorly insulated for 12-volt service.

An instantaneous gas-fired water heater services the Gemini’s shower, which again eliminates the need for electricity.

About the only appliances that must then be accounted for are cabin lights, fans, stereo and pumps. This can be handled by several good quality batteries, though some owners note the need for alternate energy sources. Solar panels, in our experience, can help a great deal, but several fairly large ones will be needed. They are difficult to place where shadows won’t limit performance, and where they aren’t likely to be stepped on. Plus, their life expectancy is depressingly brief—several years in our experience. A better bet, for many cruisers, will be a pole-mounted wind generator capable of producing, say, six to seven amps in 15 to 18 knots of wind.

The Gemini 31 is a comfortable coastal cruiser that benefits from its builder’s undying devotion. The quality of workmanship isn’t what you’ll find in more expensive monohulls or multihulls, but this is also one of the few cruising multihulls that’s affordable to buyers in the $50,000 to $80,000 range—used or new.


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Gemini Catamaran Models Guide

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Arguably one of the United States most popular cruising catamarans, Gemini Catamarans offer a range of domestic-built sailing and motor cruising vessels. Designed for affordability, compact design, ease of use without compromising on comfort and liveability.

The Gemini models deliver an almost unbeatable level of accommodation in relation to their size, with far more private cabin space, specious heads, and elegant dining/living space roomy enough to entertain in.

The Gemini range is a versatile craft to suit a wide customer base from serious liveaboard sailors to coastal weekend cruisers.

History of Gemini Design

The original Gemini hull shape and design was patterned in 1969 by Ken Shaw, with the Gemini 31. Over the years that followed there were serval variations to the original design in the LOA and styling but the Gemini image largely remained the same with both the Gemini 3000 and the Gemini 3200 model.

It was in 1996 when Tony Smith took ownership of the design under his company, Performance Cruising, that he redesigned the hull shape and introduced the much-loved Gemini 105 design.

For over 17 years Tony Smith retained the classic design of the Gemini 105 model, splashing over 1200 hulls from humble beginnings at his facility in Annapolis, Maryland.

At thirty-three feet long and with a beam of just fourteen feet the Gemini 105 was large enough to liveaboard but great value for money whilst also having the flexibility with retractable daggerboards for upwind sailing and gunkholing in the shallows, and due to its compact size, could snuggly fit within a conventional boat slip.

It ticked all the boxes for so many Americans looking for an entry-level catamaran without compromising on comfort.

Flowing a partnership with Hunter Marine and a generous buyout from The Catamaran Company, Gemini was able to live on under the direction of the Smith’s daughter Laura Smith Hershfeld who is now building variations of the classic 105.

We see the Legacy 35 sailing vessel as a fresh take on the proven favourite as well as Gemini’s very own power catamaran range with the Freestyle 339 and customizable Freestyle 37 model.

Gemini Models

Gemini 105mc.

Gemini 105Mc

The original and the classic Gemini 105-sailing design was originally conceptualised in 1996 and only later changed to the 105MC in 2004 with some notable differences being the extended cockpit cover to allow a full enclosure and a slightly taller mast.

It was in 2011 that Gemini offered the limited-edition design Touch Models whose upgrades included cherry veneer finishes, Corian countertops and ducted air conditioning.

Since its inception, the 105 model remains one of the most popular sailing catamarans, with a proven and much-loved design. Expect spacious accommodation, in relation to its size, with a light and airy saloon and cockpit, a 3-cabin layout and a large wet head.

The c-shaped settee in the saloon converts into an additional large bed for extra guests and with a propane-powered fridge offering ample food storage, this small vessel provides an excellent platform to entertain and host all your friends.

Built for safety rather than speed the Gemini 105 won’t break any records but still can achieve 40-50% of wind speed and the ability to point at about 50 degrees (apparent) to wind. Utilising the centerboards and sailplane contribute to its ability to sail closer to wind than most production catamarans out there.

And given the centerboards are lifting and the rudders are a kick-up design you can sail through as little as 2’ of water. Fitted with either outboards or Westerbeke 30b3 diesel engines, both options are fitted with great accessibility for servicing and maintenance.

The 105 design is no longer in production and has been replaced with the new Gemini Legacy 35, but there is still a large number of pre-owned Gemini 105 on the used boating market around the world.


Manufactured Length 34’ (10.36m)
Beam 14’ (4.27m)
LWL 31’ (9.45m)
Mast Height Clearance 46’ (14.02m)
# of cabins 3
Heads 1

*Specifications provided from:


Designer Tony Smith suggests that this model is the ideal ‘couple’s catamaran’, perfect for those new to the boating world or a coastal cruiser on a monohull budget.

This was the design that has built the Gemini brand name into one of America’s most popular domestic-built catamarans.

For those in the market for pre-owned vessels, this model is well worth considering, especially since it still fosters an active and supportive owner’s association as well as a local builder who is willing to provide support to all Gemini owners.

Gemini Legacy 35

Gemini Freestyle 37

Based on the original Gemini 105 design, the Legacy 35 takes a fresh look at a proven family-friendly performance cruising catamaran.

Still retaining a 34-inch draft, allowing for shallow water anchoring, a 14-foot beam for easy haul out and compact size only 2 feet longer than original the flexibility that this vessel offers is admirable.

It is argued that this 35 model offers more interior than most 40 foot monohulls, still offering the iconic Gemini design down below. The large C-shaped lounge area in the saloon with a table facing aft, a spacious galley amidships on the starboard hull, with cabins and double berths fore and aft.

The port side accommodates the owner’s stateroom with an aft head, a navigation station amidships and a spacious cabin forward for the mast, there really is plenty of room for the whole family below the decks here.

Similar to that of the Gemini 105 the Legacy 35 handles easily, tracking straight with its shallow keels and together with a square-top mainsail and optional Selden sprit you can enjoy speedy sailing atop this stable platform, with virtually no heeling.

This design has also included an upgrade to the engine specs to include two 15 horsepower shaft drive Yanmar diesels, allowing for a much higher and efficient motoring speed.

LOA 35’4”
LWL 32’
Beam 14’
Draft 34”
Heads 1 or 2
Staterooms 3
Fuel Capacity 56 Gallons
Water Capacity 60 Gallons
Hot Water Tank Capacity 6 Gallons
Holding Tank Capacity 18 Gallons each head
Displacement 9800 lbs
Engines 2x 15HP Yanmar Diesels
Mast Length 40’5”
Sail Area: Main Sail 386’
Sail Area: Roller Furling 270’
Sail Area: optional Code Zero 498’
Standing Headroom 6’3”-6’5”

*Specifications and features provided from:


There is no doubt Gemini’s new Legacy 35 model has been well received by the wider American sailing customer base, receiving raving reviews from its cruising community. Gemini still retains its place in the market based on its core values of comfort, sailing ability and excellent value with this popular new sailing design.

Gemini Freestyle 37

Gemini Freestyle 37

The Gemini Freestyle 37 is a completely new concept for Gemini and also in boat design, fully customizable for a world where flexibility is key.

Each Freestyle model can be tailored to suit a variety of sailing ambitions, whether it be as a basic sailing family catamaran, a day charter boat or even luxury cruising vessel complete with chaise lounge, outdoor galley and wraparound bar.

Still based on the classic Gemini 105 hulls this vessel can be purchased at a very low base price and customised to suit any family. The basic base price offers a similar style to an open picnic-style boat with deck furniture available as modular or built-in sections from the factory, either at initial purchase or as a retrofit.

There is also an option for a full-size hardtop canopy that can be used as a sun deck or platform for solar panels. The added platform for solar allows for a new ‘green’ version of the design, developed to include electric engines and ample solar power for appliances.

LOA 38’2
Head Configuration 1
Engine 1X 25HP
LWL 34’10”
Stateroom 1 Queen
Mast Length 40’5’
Beam 14’
Fuel Capacity 56 Gallons
Mast Height Off Water 47’
Draft 2’10”
Water Capacity 60 Gallons
Main Sail Area 386 Sqft
Headroom 6’3” – 6’5”
Optional Hot Water Tank 6 Gallons
Genoa Sail Area 270 Sqft Estimated
Displacement 7500 LBS
Holding Tank 18 Gallons
Optional Code Zero TBD Sqft

Deck / Hull / Cockpit*

  • Anchor Roller
  • Anchor Well w/ Space for Rode and Chain
  • Blister Prevent Technology Hull
  • Bow Pulpit, Stainless Steel with Bow Seats
  • Hull, FRP / Balsa Sandwich and Naidacore© Above Waterline, Solid FRP Bottom
  • Hull, Structural Grid Reinforcement
  • Lifelines, Double w/ Stainless Steel Stanchions
  • Four Mooring Cleats, Stainless Steel
  • Non-Skid Deck
  • Rub rail, Full Wrap w/ Stainless Steel Insert
  • Rudder w/ Stainless Steel Shaft
  • Stainless Steel Telescoping Swim Ladder
  • Through-Bolted Hull / Deck Join
  • Through-Hull Fittings, All Marelon Below the Waterline
  • Cockpit Traveler Arch, Stainless Steel w/ Mainsheet
  • Full, Overhead Canvas Canopy
  • Two Storage Lockers

Storage Cabinets

  • Under-Counter Storage
  • Sink, Single Stainless Steel
  • Optional Refrigerator
  • Optional Corian® Countertop
  • Optional Fresh Water System, Pressurized, Hot and Cold

Forward Cabin

  • Overhead Cabin Lighting
  • 1 Deck Hatch, Opening
  • Electrical Outlets, AC/DC
  • Hanging Locker
  • Queen Size Mattress, Foam
  • Storage Shelving

Forward Head

  • Sink with pull out shower faucet
  • Optional Separate Shower
  • Vanity Unit with Mirror
  • Optional Corian Countertop
  • Shower Curtain
  • Teak Shower Grate in Floor
  • Shower Sump Pump
  • GFI Receptacle
  • Optional Water Heater

Forward Cockpit

Gemini Freestyle 37

  • Seating for up to Six
  • Floor Drain
  • Optional Cockpit Cushions
  • Optional Cockpit Table
  • Internal Halyards led to Helm Station
  • Jib Furling System
  • Jib, 100% Furling with Sun Cover
  • Mainsail, Full Roach
  • Mainsheet Purchase System
  • Mast with Diamond Rig and Fractional Sail Plan
  • Reefing System, Dual Line Led Aft
  • Rigging Line Stoppers and Organizers
  • One Winch Handles
  • Winches, (2) Rigging, 2-speed Self Tailing

Systems / Electronics

  • 12-Volt DC Electrical System w/ Breaker Panel
  • Electrical Outlets, AC & DC
  • Optional Alternator, 60-Amp with Dual Diesel

Inboard Option

  • 2 – Group 24 batteries
  • 1 X 2 Blade Props
  • Battery Box, Port
  • Battery Box, Starboard
  • Optional Battery Charger, 40-Amp
  • Bilge Pump, Electric, Automatic
  • Engine Panel, Deluxe w/ Alarms and Hour Meter
  • Gauges, Tank for Fuel, Water
  • Fresh Water System, Pressurized Cold
  • Navigation Light Package
  • Shore Power System, 120 Volt
  • Emergency Tiller


The Gemini Freestyle 37 not only offers the trusted design features of the original Gemini hulls but opens up the possibilities to a far wider audience of sailors with its flexibility in custom-built versions.

Gemini Freestyle 399 Power

Gemini Freestyle 399 Power

Taking the streamlined design features that step further, Gemini now has their very first ultimate day-powerboat catamaran. Taking all the innovations of customizability from the Freestyle 37 and evolving this to suit the motorboat market.

Unlike the other models, this design incorporates a centre consul design powdered by twin Suzuki DF90A outboards with a cruising speed of 15 knots and 22.5 knots at full throttle. This helm station is positioned front and centre makes the cockpit an ever-larger entertaining space.

Similar to the Freestyle 37 this model is fully customizable to suit almost any purpose with basic day use versions, charter and full luxury fit-out options available.

LOA 41’ (Including engines)’2”
Head Configuration Standard Head to Starboard with Cabin Option to Port, Head available to port as well
Engine Twin outboard, Suzuki 90 HP (optional larger engine available)
LWL 36’
Staterooms 1 Optional
Beam 14’
Fuel Capacity 56 gallons (future option: 150 gallons)
Draft 18’
Water Capacity 60 Gallons
Headroom 6’3-6’5
Optional Hot Water Tank 6 Gallons
Displacement 10000 LBS (loaded)
Holding Tank 20 Gallons (30 Gallon Optional)

Gemini Freestyle 399

Forward Head(s)


This design takes everything great from the earlier sailing models to put a new spin on the motor cruising catamaran, offering the same affordability, comfort and cruising capability that Gemini is so well known for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answer : Gemini Catamarans are manufactured at the Hunter Marine plant in Florida.

Answer : The Gemini is designed as a coastal cruiser and therefore are designed for a different purpose. It has been reported that some owners of the sailing models have crossed open ocean passages such as the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Answer : The Gemini range is a moderately priced modestly constructed catamaran. Their standout features include excellent value, outstanding accommodations and solid sailing performance. There is an active and supportive owners’ association as well informative support from the local US-based build facility. Highlights include: Narrow beam offering ease when hauling out. These vessels fit into a standard slip, lowering the cost of ownership and reducing haul-out fees. Shallow draft combined with kick-up centerboards and rudders as well as outboards that can raise up. This allows the vessel to be anchored in as little as 2’ of water. Great sense of liveability . Despite its size, Gemini catamarans offer larger living spaces than most other comparable-sized boats on the market, combined with a minimum of 6’ of headroom inside and up to 6’7 of headroom in the cockpit. Better than average speed. With regards to their sailing vessel’s range they won’t necessarily bet speed records but for a vessel of her size achieves a noteworthy 40-50% of wind speed and the ability to point at about 50 degrees (apparent) to the wind. Outstanding engine accessibility . Careful consideration has been made with all models for access in and around the engine wells, for both the diesel and outboard fit-outs making it far easier to complete maintenance and servicing.

For more reading:

  • Best Boat Accessories: Top 2022 Recommendations
  • Motor Boat Types Explained: How to Find the Right One for You
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    Beam:  14''    Draft:  2'8'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  1.8'
    Draft:  18'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  1.55'
    Beam:  14'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  18'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  14'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  1.5'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  1.65'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  5.5'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  1'6'

gemini 38 catamaran

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01-08-2012, 21:38  
. The cheapest seem to be Geminis. The expensive ones like Lagoons are a bit over our range. I am wondering if anyone has experience with Geminis and know if they are worthy of serious cruising. I've seen videos on YouTube of these cats in the ocean and they seem to do just fine. They don't seem as fancy as other cats like Lagoons but seem functional. What do you all think???
01-08-2012, 21:43  
and what you are proposing to do with it.
01-08-2012, 22:21  
Boat: Lippincott 30

They just did a RTW in a ; it's equipped and .
01-08-2012, 22:46  
Boat: Gemini 105MC 34 ft hull#753
and the dingy davit with the hammock couch.
There have been 2 Gemini 105Mc's circumnavicate, taking there time and only going when the is good. sv Slap Dash is one that I followed there blog and there in the process of selling to go on to an other adventure.
Have you watched the Gemini crossing the north Atlantic on
(Vimeo.com 5595748 ) with Performance Crusing' owner and his son. Some big winds and 35 ft swells on that trip from Annaplous to .
Mr B from has some interesting tales of big seas in his Gemini 105Mc.

We have plans to go crusing in a few years are avaiable.
02-08-2012, 06:10  
Boat: Gemini 105Mc 34'
and the . Personally I would get a larger cat for for comfort and the ability to have more provisions and ...maybe for an extra level of , too. The newer Gems are certified "Ocean" and should hold up much better than the crew in nasty seas, but I think it was not built as a circumnavigator, even if a couple crazy managed to do so (yay, Slapdash!). Hope your dreams come together for you!
02-08-2012, 06:20  
Boat: Paper Tiger 14 foot, Gemini 105MC 34 foot Catamaran Hull no 825
to , About 3000 NM all up,
Not once did I feel unsafe in it.

, Just pick your windows to avoid the really huge seas,

and get following seas, Its not pleasant sailing into the big waves and winds,

I love my Gemini, And its just the right size for two people,

02-08-2012, 15:59  
Boat: Still have the 33yo Jon boat. But now a CATAMARAN. Nice little 18' Bay Cat.
. The cheapest seem to be Geminis. The expensive ones like Lagoons are a bit over our range. I am wondering if anyone has experience with Geminis and know if they are worthy of serious cruising. I've seen videos on YouTube of these cats in the ocean and they seem to do just fine. They don't seem as fancy as other cats like Lagoons but seem functional. What do you all think???
02-08-2012, 16:25  
Boat: a sailing boat

02-08-2012, 16:32  
Boat: WTB Lagoon or Leopard 38'-40'
use, and (I think) subject to slapping and pounding in higher waves.

If you find the space comfortable, and don't mind looking through the windows while navigating, and plan to stay near coastlines or are willing to rough it a bit on the sea, they are a terrific value.
02-08-2012, 23:32  
Boat: Paper Tiger 14 foot, Gemini 105MC 34 foot Catamaran Hull no 825
of my Gemini,
I was crossing the Tasman Sea heading for Port Macquarie, about 40 nm off the coast, Shows how it across the waves. About 3 metre waves, doing about 7.5 Knots,

Tasman Sea crossing, Day 7 from Bundaberg,
14-02-2022, 09:08  
model auto pilot: I need a belt and drive replacement
14-02-2022, 10:19  
Boat: Seaward 22
of the Gemini. However with Silette no longer making the Sonic drive, I would be concerned about replacement going the way of the dinosaur. A conversion to would be a possibility.
14-02-2022, 10:28  
Boat: Morgan Out Island 41
of the Gemini. However with Silette no longer making the Sonic drive, I would be concerned about replacement parts going the way of the dinosaur. A conversion to would be a possibility.
14-02-2022, 11:10  
Boat: Seaward 22
14-02-2022, 12:15  
Boat: Morgan Out Island 41
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Gemini 3000 Review: A Budget Boat with an Offshore attitude

  • Post author By Capt Chris German
  • Post date August 18, 2020

gemini 38 catamaran

Gemini Catamarans have gotten a reputation among sailors as a cheaper cruiser with a gift for sailing to wind. But it has been my experience that no catamaran goes to wind well and to compare cats on their windward performance is like picking a gold medal winner in the 50 yard dash from a field of sloths. Gemini is no different than any other cat I have sailed, but what they lack in performance and style, they make up for in affordability and modability.

My first mate, Matt entered into the world of Catamarans when he found a used Gemini 30 in an estate sale in Connecticut. I joined him for the 12 hour drive from North Carolina to offer my expert opinion and eye for deals and when we came upon this one what a deal it was. The gentleman who owned it had passed and there was a storage unit full of extras and a yard bill that the family didn’t want to pay. In late October and November yard bills come due for winter storage and great many deals can be had when the yard starts putting thumb screws on the owners to pay up.

gemini 38 catamaran

Matt scored this boat for a budget price of $8500 and that left plenty over to refinish the boat when he got it trucked back to North Carolina. Digging in, he found a great many sins in the boat where quality corners were cut and cost cutting combined with weight control, left a decided flimsy boat that as Matt says, “ is perfect to sail from Maryland to the Carribean and that’s about it.”

gemini 38 catamaran

Built in 1985, Matt’s boat was laid in Mayo, Maryland at the Gemini plant. Designed by British Boat Builder Tony Smith, it was the second generation of the vessel with four designs total made from the same mold, the 3100, 3000, 3200 and 3400- but with different designs. This one proved to be no match for ages as the years were hard on this girl. Matt found lots of rot and mold that needed to be cut away where water intrusion compromised the soft goods like head liner and wall coverings. Bulkheads and deck joints were peeling away where glass was improperly laid up and wood coring rotted away. The wood cored top side had a few soft spots that gave the boat a flimsy feel and he found a ton of opportunity to stiffen up seams and joints with some judicious use of mat fiberglass. Once the loose joints were resecured he went to town with paint and gave the boat a whole new fresh feel and clean smell, even if it had lost all the charm that the builders intended.

The 3000 has a decidedly light feel to the boat and gives a sailor pause before taking it out in any heavy breeze, but Matt enjoyed overnighting on the vessel while cruising the inshore waters of the Neuse River down to Beaufort. The boat was heavy enough to handle some of the more intense Ocean breezes, but light enough and shallow enough to gunk hole in the swamps and hiding holes of East Carolina.

For storage and liveability this boat came in dead even because it’s original design lacked a certain quality with the rotten headliner and failing bulkhead joints and time had taken its toll. After gutting the thing, he made it his own complete with wine-filled Marty Moose Mugs and Jimmy Buffett tunes blaring at 2 am on the dock. What it lacks in polish, it makes up with Matt’s unique style and by focusing on the functionality of the boat he made a seaworthy vessel that serves him well. He found convenience in the 9.9 honda outboard at first that pushed the boat just fine while saving on gas. He tells me, were he to do it all over again he might scrap the fiberglass cockpit cover but I personally like the cover as it gave great protection to the helm and created a warm place to ring in the New Year last winter when I last visited.

There were no major frills on this boat and the sail plan was entirely average with a genoa jib and standard main. It made great time downind on a reach but labored to go windward higher than 60 degrees like most cats. It’s deck design and talent for downwind sailing, made for a very comfy sail with minimal hobby horsing And the low profile cabin top made traversing the hard shell trampoline that spans the hulls to douse the main quite easy. While she won’t win any races, she’s a good cruiser downwind and comfy enough for even a young family who is looking to head out together on a budget.

Gemini built a ton of these ladies in the 80’s when the dollar was strong and the boats were flimsy. But 30 years later the headliner was shot and the decor distinctly dated. Matt enjoyed tearing it all out down to bare fiberglass and eventually chose to scrap the standard Honda for an equally old but more reliable four stroke Envinrude. And he was just out this past month in 30 knots of breeze where he says waves were crashing over the bow and the boat was flexing like an accordion. He said it was so bad even the dog got scared, but he made it back in time for work and credits Gemini for building a boat that won’t take you to Fiji, but is enough to help you keep your sanity while you socially isolate.

gemini 38 catamaran

All told, the Gemini 3000 is plentiful on the used US market with 500 hulls made in Maryland from 1980 to 1996. A new boat will run you considerably more than a used model which can be found for as low $3500 for the truly ambitious DIYers. But if you’re into the new ones, you will be forced to spend a ton more money and buy five more feet because they discontinued the 30 late last century. The Gemini 30 however is “great weekender plus” says Matt and for the money, you won’t find a better entry level catamaran for the newly inaugurated sailor looking for a used vessel. Thanks for reading and do well, have fun and sail far.

  • Tags Catamaran Interviews , Catamaran Reviews

Capt Chris German

By Capt Chris German

Capt Chris German has taught sailing for more than 25 years with NauticED and US Sailing. He has delivered boats from Maine to Florida and taught thousands of students from beginner to 100 ton Captains to coaching Olympic Hopefuls.


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    gemini 38 catamaran

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  1. Gemini boats for sale

    Gemini boats for sale on YachtWorld are listed for an assortment of prices from $6,224 on the relatively lower-priced models, with costs up to $189,000 for the most expensive, custom yachts. What Gemini model is the best? Some of the most iconic Gemini models currently listed include: 105Mc, Legacy 35, 105 MC, 105 M and 105M.

  2. Gemini sailboats for sale by owner.

    Gemini preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Gemini used sailboats for sale by owner. Home. ... Gemini Catamaran 105m Quarter Share: Length: 34' Beam: 14' Draft: 1.65' Type: cruiser: Hull: fiberglass catamaran: ... 38' Morgan Yachts USA Morgan 38 Belmar Marina, New Jersey Asking $7,500. 32' Sabre 197 Princeton Ave Brick, New Jersey

  3. Gemini Catamaran boats for sale in United States

    2013 Gemini Legacy 35. US$180,000. US $1,368/mo. Knot 10 Yacht Sales | Rock Hall, Maryland. Request Info. <. 1. >. * Price displayed is based on today's currency conversion rate of the listed sales price.

  4. Gemini Catamarans For Sale

    Gemini Freestyle 399 Power (Chesapeake Bay) Asking: $272,733 (USD) Hull 004 is a Edgewater, Maryland based 2019 Gemini Freestyle 399 Power Catamaran For Sale By Broker. Photos & Details Contact Catamaran Broker. Embrace the thrill of power catamarans with the Gemini Freestyle 399. This innovative design delivers impressive cruising speeds of 14 ...

  5. Gemini 31/3000

    Construction of the Gemini, which is marketed as a comfortable, low-priced cruising catamaran rather than a spartan high-tech racing machine, is quite conventional. The hull is built of solid fiberglass—mat and woven roving. The deck is cored with balsa for stiffness. The new Gemini 3200 incorporates a layer of vinylester resin as a blister ...

  6. Gemini Catamaran Models Guide

    The Gemini Freestyle 37 is a completely new concept for Gemini and also in boat design, fully customizable for a world where flexibility is key. Each Freestyle model can be tailored to suit a variety of sailing ambitions, whether it be as a basic sailing family catamaran, a day charter boat or even luxury cruising vessel complete with chaise ...

  7. Used Sail Catamaran for sale OCTEMBER SECOND 2016 GEMINI

    Boat Description. October Second is ready to sail immediately. Available now for sale this 2016 Gemini Legacy 35 catamaran sailing vessel is well equipped, has air conditioning, generator, solar panels, water-maker, dinghy davits, Corian counter tops and many other amenities and upgrades. The vessels narrow, yet accommodating 14 foot beam ...

  8. Sold Catamaran THE FULL MONTE 2016 GEMINI Legacy 35

    Boat Description. This 2016 Gemini Legacy 35 catamaran for sale just keeps getting better! Fully equipped with all the creature comforts, this Gem is ready for long weekend cruises, extended travel plans or your permanent floating home. Custom options include a drop down box from the ceiling of the cockpit to store your favorite brand HDTV ...

  9. 10 Best Pocket Catamarans (Under 38 ft)

    Gemini 105M; The most popular American line of catamarans with over 1100 deliveries, this Gemini 105MC is one of the most affordable catamarans on the market. ... Their cockpits are as large as a 38 - 40 foot catamaran. Most of these boats are in Europe but a fail number were either imported or sailed to North America. Seawind 1000;

  10. Gemini Catamaran boats for sale

    Offering the best selection of Gemini boats to choose from. ... 1997 Gemini 105M Catamaran. US$50,000. Seattle Yachts | Los Angeles, California. Request Info; 2007 Gemini 105 MC. US$99,900. US $759/mo. Upper Chesapeake Yacht Sales | Chestertown, Maryland. Request Info; Sponsored Boats

  11. 2016 Gemini Legacy 35 Catamaran for sale

    Vida Mar a 2016 Gemini Legacy 35 Features, June 21st 2022 additions, 2 new Mabru ac units and shore power. front 8,000 Btu's main 12,000 Btu's. New covers for deadlights and hatches. Shurflo Engine Strainers. Cockpit ceiling light Raymarine Axiom pro 9 s. 2 Raymarine i70's multifunction instrument display. Raymarine itc-5 instrument transducer ...

  12. GEMINI 31/3000

    Notes. The GEMINI 31 was the first of Gemini series of cruising catamarans that became the best selling boat of its type being built in the United States. Loosely Based on the earlier ARISTOCAT 30, designed by Musters and Shaw, the 31 was superseded by the very similar Gemini 3000, which remained in production until 1990, when it was in its ...

  13. Gemini boats for sale

    Find 12 Gemini boats for sale near you, including boat prices, photos, and more. Locate Gemini boat dealers and find your boat at Boat Trader! Sell Your Boat; Find. ... 1997 Gemini 105M Catamaran. $50,000. Los Angeles, CA 90292 | Seattle Yachts. Request Info; 1994 Gemini 3400. $38,800. Gibraltar, MI 48173 | Private Seller.

  14. New Sail Catamaran for sale BROCHURE-GEMINI LEGACY 35

    Boat Description. Made in America since 1981, the Gemini Legacy 35 has proven to be the most family-friendly performance cruising catamaran in the world, and the reasons are obvious; •A 34 inch draft that allows the boat to be pulled up right next to a beach or anchored in small, protected coves. •A 14 foot beam, which means the boat can be ...

  15. Gemini sailboats for sale by owner.

    Gemini preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Gemini used sailboats for sale by owner. Home. ... Gemini Catamaran 105m Quarter Share: Length: 34' Beam: 14' Draft: 1.65' Type: cruiser: Hull: fiberglass catamaran: ... 38' Morgan Yachts USA Morgan 38 Belmar Marina, New Jersey Asking $7,500. 32.6' catalina 320

  16. Gemini Legacy 35 Catamarans For Sale

    Gemini Legacy 35 (Caribbean) Asking: $189,000 (USD) Neptune is a St Thomas, Virgin Islands (US) based 2015 Gemini Legacy 35 Catamaran For Sale By Broker. Photos & Details Contact Catamaran Broker. Made in America since 1981, the Gemini Legacy has proven to be the most family-friendly performance cruising catamaran in the world, and the reasons ...

  17. Gemini Catamarans

    Posts: 1. Gemini Catamarans. My wife and I are looking ahead a few years at the possibility of cruising around the world in a catamaran. The cheapest seem to be Geminis. The expensive ones like Lagoons are a bit over our price range. I am wondering if anyone has experience with Geminis and know if they are worthy of serious bluewater cruising.

  18. Gemini Legacy 35 boats for sale

    Find Gemini Legacy 35 boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Gemini boats to choose from. ... 105M Catamaran. Model-gemini-desktop. 3200. Model-gemini-desktop. 35 Legacy. Model-gemini-desktop. WR550. Model-gemini-desktop. WR650. 2 more Models... Engine Details. Number of Engines. All 1 2 3 4+

  19. 2008 Gemini 105Mc Catamaran for sale

    The only gray gel coated Gemini 105Mc in the world! Fully outfitting for extended cruising! Solar panels and Rutland 913 wind generator. Phasor 3.5kW gen set (777 hours) Spectra water maker. Bruce anchor with Power Winch electric windlass with 200' of chain, 15kg Rocna. TracVision satellite TV. Mermaid Mfg. 16,500 BTU AC/heat

  20. Used 2004 Performance Catamarans Gemini 105MC, 32566 Navarre

    For Sale: 2004 Gemini 105MC Sailboat - Excellent Condition Discover the perfect blend of performance, comfort, and ease of handling with this well-maintained 2004 Gemini 105MC. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or new to catamarans, this versatile vessel offers a smooth sailing experience for all.

  21. Gemini 3000 Review: A Budget Boat with an Offshore attitude

    Gemini Catamarans have gotten a reputation among sailors as a cheaper cruiser with a gift for sailing to wind. But it has been my experience that no catamaran goes to wind wel ... Admiral 38 Admiral 40 Admiral 50; Americat Americat 3014; Antares Antares 44; Aquila Aquila 44 Aquila 48 Power Catamaran; Aventura Aventura 37; Balance


    Warren Luhrs - cockpit design. Beginning in 2010, Marlow-Hunter sub contracts building Gemini Catamarans.

  23. View All Catamaran Listings for sale, Search Catamarans

    Find a pre owned or new Catamarans or search sail or power catamarans. Explore our listings from Gemini, Nautitech, Fountaine Pajot Dealerships. Find a pre owned or new Catamarans or search sail or power catamarans. Explore our listings from Gemini, Nautitech, Fountaine Pajot Dealerships ... 38 Saves; 2012 SUNREEF 82 ft Type: Sail ...