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david coulthard yacht highlander

David Coulthard: I’ve stared death in the face but I'm not fazed

Last updated at 09:23 26 August 2007

When his private jet crashed in France, David Coulthard calmly walked away from the carnage that left two dead.

In this shocking extract from his new autobiography, the Formula One ace reveals how he survived the tragedy and why he thought he'd never live past 30.

David Coulthard has scored more points in Formula One than any other Brit – he's our most successful F1 driver. He made his F1 debut with Williams at the Spanish Grand Prix in 1994, replacing the late Ayrton Senna. In 1996, he joined McLaren and stayed with the team for nine seasons before joining Red Bull.

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David Coulthard

In May 2000, he was flying en route to Nice with his then girlfriend and personal trainer when disaster struck. Here, he recalls that harrowing day:

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David Coulthard

'Staring ahead of me into the Lear's cockpit I saw a light flashing.

I knew straight away that an engine must have failed.

One had, on the left side. I wasn't in any form of panic though, because there was no logical reason to be; we still had another engine.

It might sound strange that I wasn't anxious but I didn't think there was any need to be and I couldn't do anything about it anyway.

I was accustomed to chartering small aircraft to travel to and from my home in Monaco.

I've flown a little bit and I have a basic understanding of flight rules. So when, an hour into the flight from Farnborough, there was a strange noise, I recognised immediately that something was wrong.

The co-pilot told me and my American girlfriend of the time, Heidi Wichlinski, and my personal trainer, Andy Matthews, that we were going to make an emergency landing at Lyon-Satolas airport.

We started our descent and began the final approach.

When we got level with the height of the trees, I said to Andy and Heidi to calm them – a bad joke as it turned out – 'Hey, we're only about 50ft up, so even if we crash we'll be fine.'

Within a few seconds of the words coming out of my mouth, the plane was ploughing into the ground and grinding to a halt, a mangled wreck.

We had started to land at 12.38pm.

Only 26 seconds later we had crashed and the pilot and the co-pilot were both killed.

The pilot had come in too low and too slow, which is a dangerous combination.

The plane's wing tip hit the ground as we swerved to the left.

This rammed the nose into the ground – with the cockpit and the two pilots taking the full force of the impact.

I could see that the front had been ripped off the fuselage. It was like a road car with the bonnet completely gone.

The body of one of the pilots was actually found under the aircraft.

I don't remember any noise at all.

I also don't remember seeing anything during the crash itself. Heidi was trying to open the emergency door next to her, above the wing. I could see there was a fire right outside that door, so I suggested we all go out of the front of the plane, which had a gaping hole where the nose had been severed.

Andy went out first and I went out next, so I could help Heidi down.

I handed Heidi's dog Moody to Andy, and he threw the mutt about 30ft across the grass, like a rugby ball.

Heidi was a little hysterical and Andy was wired too.

I felt quite calm and almost detached at this point.

I remember looking over my shoulder at the smouldering wreckage and thinking,

'Um, that was close. Now, how are we going to get home?'

Four days after the crash I drove for McLaren in the Spanish Grand Prix. I paid my respects to the pilots at a press conference beforehand.

It was a weird feeling talking about them. I had no relationship with them; I shook their hand when I got on the plane and that was it.

I qualified fourth and finished second in the race behind my team-mate Mika Hakkinen and ahead of a very determined Michael Schumacher.

This is a result I am very proud of.

People often ask me what the repercussions of the crash were for me.

I am being totally open and honest by saying that, if there were any, I don't remember them.

What is there to say? People died, I didn't. The real tragedy was the death of those husbands and fathers.

Could I change what happened? No. Should I let this affect my attitude to flying?

No, and besides, as a Formula One driver, I have little choice in whether I fly or not. What happened, happened. It is what it is.

I grew up being scared of the dark, with nightmares of a monster coming to

get me through the dark streets of Twynholm, the village in the Scottish borders where we lived. That scared me.

And I've had exes who have hidden behind doors and gone 'Boo!' and I hate it.

That scares me.

Maybe this sounds silly coming out of the mouth of an F1 driver.

But I've always been the sort to dip a toe in the water, then think, 'Yup, that's all right, yeah, I can do that…' before leaping in.

That has been my approach to life. So you can see, I'm not the daredevil. I hate being scared.

But racing just isn't something that frightens me.

I wouldn't do it if I was scared. My job goes hand in hand with danger – only in March I had a spectacular run in with Alexander Wurz in the Australian Grand Prix.

Before the plane crash, I'd had two significant crashes myself and it took the death of another driver, Ayrton Senna, to get me on the grid of my first F1, in Barcelona in May 1994.

By then I had been a test driver for Williams for a year.

That day, along with millions of others, I watched as Ayrton Senna fought off a brilliantly quick Michael Schumacher at the San Marino Grand Prix.

During lap seven, Senna's Williams car suddenly smashed into a wall at 190mph on the Tamburello corner. He was critically injured and later died.

The following week I was testing in Jerez and Frank Williams flew down to tell me that I would be racing with Damon Hill in Spain the next week.

Obviously the context of Senna's death made jumping up and down and cheering at the news inappropriate, even after years of racing, travelling, testing and training, but I would never do that anyway.

I simply said, 'Oh, OK Frank, thank you.'

As I finally sat ready to go out on to the track for qualifying in an F1 grand prix, the team radio hissed at me.

It was Patrick Head, co-founder of the Williams team. 'OK, David, we're not looking for anything dramatic, just take the car round, keep it off the kerbs, make sure you qualify.'

I couldn't resist. 'Thank you for that, Patrick. Remind me, when I pull out of the garage, do I turn left or right?' And, yes, I qualified...

The harsh reality of life and the business is that drivers come and drivers go.

Usually they move teams, but sometimes they are killed or seriously injured.

This was my opportunity and rather than reflecting on the loss of a great champion, I had to concentrate on my job.

If I had done it half-heartedly, that would have been very disrespectful to the late Ayrton, so I just got on with it.

A year later, in 1995, I had a big shunt while testing at Silverstone, which knocked me unconscious.

It was my first really big impact in F1.

I hit the barrier at Club Corner which, at the time, consisted of old wooden sleepers from train tracks.

My head slammed forward and smashed into the side of the chassis, which cracked the helmet and knocked me out.

One consequence of this big accident was that I phoned my mother and said to her, 'Mother, I just want you to know that if I'm ever killed in a race, there is every chance that you might be watching it on TV.

'If that is so, I don't want you to think my last moments were full of fear, or that I knew I was going to die.'

It was a struggle for her to listen to that, but I am glad I made that call.

For me the accident had been a revelation.

It made me imagine the journey to death: perhaps it was just like getting knocked out, but for eternity?

The only difference here was, I woke up.

Of course one of my most famous on-track incidents was my coming-together with Schumacher at the Belgian Grand prix in 1998.

The weather on race day was atrocious and the grand prix promised much as Ferrari were catching us.

Racing in wet weather and not being in the lead is probably the most horrible part of being a grand prix driver.

People might watch the TV and think it looks quite manageable. It is not – it is about as easy as driving blind.

Our windscreen is the visor, so that rain is obstructing your vision only a few inches from your eyes.

Also, it is incredibly hard to get the water off the visor, so you really have to drive by memory.

The day did not start well. I spun out of La Source hairpin and a massive pile-up ensued, with 12 cars involved and the track littered with debris.

We restarted and Schumacher was miles in the lead when he came up to lap me.

I had every intention of getting out of his way, so I moved to the right and lifted off the accelerator.

Unfortunately, Michael was caught unawares, apparently, and smashed into the rear of my McLaren.

My rear wing was ripped off and his Ferrari lost its nose and front right wheel. He was out of the race.

Computers later showed the relative speed of the impact was 137mph.

I still had my helmet on by my parked McLaren when I saw Michael storming into our garage.

He was clearly livid: 'You tried to f***ing kill me!'

I couldn't say anything back because my helmet was on, but he had to be restrained by his own race engineer.

It went without saying that the boost this gave my team-mate Mika Hakkinen's title push did not help my cause in the eyes of cynical observers.

A good racing driver is brave, but a great one knows how to use fear to his advantage.

Fear is an essential part of doing what we do, because fear defines a limit and if you are good at understanding the physics of what a car can sustain through a corner, for example, then you drive it more quickly than others.

To be fearless is no use – you have no limits and so you just go flat out, exceed what the car can do and therefore crash.

Yet there is a contradiction about what I am saying because I never thought I would get past the age of 30 [he's now 36].

I believed this so firmly that I never planned anything that would take place after my 30th birthday.

Then only ten months before, I was in the plane crash in France.

It changed my attitude to how I wanted to live my life. So Heidi and I got engaged.

I never actually asked Heidi to marry me. I asked her 'to engage me', a deeply unromantic notion and perhaps a sign, in retrospect, that it was all wrong.

I bought her a Cartier watch one day in London's Bond Street and while we were in there I said, casually, 'What's your style of ring?' So I also bought her a diamond ring.

She liked sparkly things.

Heidi found a place to get married in the Bahamas, scheduled for the spring of 2001.

The wedding was all paid for and arranged, but I pulled out a few months before; I just couldn't do it.

I lay in bed one day thinking that I was going to be 30 in a few months, a new grand prix season was coming up and I was supposed to be getting married, all within the same few weeks.

I just didn't feel like I could do all three at the same time and, sadly, getting married was the first to go.

Heidi was staying at my apartment in Chelsea and I was at a Mayfair hotel, but in theory it was a trial separation.

One night I was at the bar in the hotel, met a girl and started having a few drinks.

We went upstairs, more drinks were poured, a bubble bath was run and the next day, she sold the story.

Coupled with the danger of

F1 comes a desire to live life to the full. There are plenty of drivers who like to enjoy themselves in various ways that their sponsors – or partners – might not approve of.

You might think F1 is under such media scrutiny that no one ever gets up to any mischief, but that's wrong.

As for myself – I have never had a relationship with a young lady on a race weekend. All right, very rarely.

F1 attracts the attractive, so I would often end up discussing the finer points of ceramic brake technology or strategic fuel loads with a variety of young women.

Yes, in my younger days I have had the knock on the hotel door and in

steps a pleasant-looking young lady who stays for an hour or so, then leaves without me actually finding out her name.

I was never sure how these women found out my room number but, to be fair, I wasn't always that bothered.

Another time, I was at a stately home for a big society event and I went, as I often do for these very formal gatherings, in my kilt.

One of the young daughters of a certain aristocrat was chatting away with me and one thing led to another and we wandered off across a courtyard.

As we were returning to the party, we were met by the girl's mother, who was looking very stern. 'What are you two up to.'

'Er, I was just giving David a tour of the house, Mummy,' said my companion.

Her mother stepped forward, tucked her daughter's bra strap back into her dress, looked me in the eye and said, 'I see you've had the full tour.'

So I accept there is evidence to support accusations in the media that I am a ladies' man but if you scratch under the surface of some of these 'sexposés', you will see that, actually, they are seriously exaggerated.

Take the 'Coulthard's Lesbian Love Boat' story, for instance.

In 1999, I bought a yacht called Highlander and took a party around Sardinia.

Some time into the voyage, unbeknown to me, one female guest started having sex with another woman on the foredeck who was, incidentally, smeared in strawberries and daiquiri.

The paparazzi were snapping away, but I was just minding my own business, drinking some tea out of a Wallace and Gromit mug on the deck.

I spent nine years at McLaren.

The end of my tenure came in 2005 and they announced in 2006 that Lewis Hamilton would get his Formula 1 debut.

Lewis asked my advice and, far from being critical as has been reported, I have been supportive of him.

I can genuinely say I am happy for Lewis and his family because I have known him as he has grown up through the sport.

I have grown up through it too and I see no reason to stop now. I have had a fantastic career, of which I am proud.

There is one statistic missing: a world title, but I don't need it to feel like a man.

I feel like a good man by honouring my word, by loving my fiancée Karen Minier and by taking care of my family.

Sometimes I catch myself, maybe when I am on a private jet heading back to my apartment in Monaco or visiting my chalet in the mountains of Switzerland, stepping back from it all momentarily to my childhood in Twynholm, and it seems like a different life, a whole world away.

In a way, it is.

However, in another way, I look back at the path that took me from an 11-year-old karter in a rural village to Britain's most successful F1 driver and all the craziness in between, and it seems like the most natural thing in the world.

I have never felt that what I do is dangerous or reckless so I can't imagine that I'm ever going to stop racing.

Why would I? After all, being an F1 driver is like enjoying a suspended childhood but with very good pocket money.

I am still passionate about racing, I still have that fire in my belly.

Am I talented? Clearly.

On my day I can beat the best drivers in the world – and I have.

Besides, I'll be honest, life outside of racing is something I am not that familiar with: I understand everything about my business. I don't understand everything about life. Racing is my life.'

© David Coulthard 2007. 'It Is What It Is' by David Coulthard is out now, price £18.99, published by Orion. To order your copy at the special price of £17.10 (including p&p) call the Live book store on 0870 165 0870

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COULTHARD LOVE BOAT; F1 ace spends pounds 7.5m on a fleet of yachts.. and names the one with biggest bed after Simone.

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Boat of the Week: Inside Malcolm Forbes’s Iconic ‘Highlander,’ Once the Ultimate ’80s Party Yacht

This bannenberg-designed 162-footer hosted everyone from rock stars to world leaders. after a major refit, she's now looking for a new owner., howard walker, howard walker's most recent stories.

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The Iconic 164-foot Highlander was owned by Malcom Forbes but has undergone a complete refit

If these teak decks could talk. Paul McCartney tinkling the ivory keyboard. Elizabeth Taylor sunning herself on the top deck. Margaret Thatcher discussing world peace with Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. Harrison Ford taking a turn at the wheel.

Back in the 1980s, an invitation from Forbes magazine owner and consummate bon vivant , Malcolm Forbes, to join him aboard his beloved superyacht The Highlander was a reason for celebration.

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And Forbes was a master when it came to celebrating. His first of many Fourth of July parties aboard The Highlander , anchored off Governors Island in New York Harbor, saw the world’s greatest movers and shakers piped aboard by tartan-clad Scottish bagpipers.

The Iconic 164-foot Highlander was owned by Malcom Forbes but has undergone a complete refit

Joanne de Guardiola’s interior design is light and sometimes whimsical, as opposed to Highlander ‘s previous formal, corporate look.  Courtesy IYC

There on the yacht’s decks were the likes of Fiat boss Gianni Agnelli, Henry and Nancy Kissinger, David and Peggy Rockefeller and Brooke Astor. More than 150 Maine lobsters and 30 pounds of Scottish smoked salmon were reportedly flown in to feed the elite crowd.

During the five years Forbes owned the yacht, before his death in 1990, she traveled the globe; everywhere from then Communist China, to Bora-Bora, to Thailand, the Philippines and Alaska.

Launched in 1985, this was the last of five Forbes-owned yachts named The Highlander, after his family’s Scottish roots. But this one was unique. Designed by world-renowned designer Jon Bannenberg and built in Holland by Feadship , her dark green hull—said to be the color of dollar bills—stretched 162 feet bow to stern.

The Iconic 164-foot Highlander was owned by Malcom Forbes but has undergone a complete refit

Malcolm Forbes used The Highlander , which traveled around the world, to entertain political leaders, celebrities and other billionaires.  Courtesy John Barrett/Celebrity Archaeology/The Mega Agency

“She was nicknamed ‘The Ultimate Capitalist Tool’ for good reason,” the yacht’s current owner, New York-based interior designer Joanne de Guardiola told Robb Report . “Anyone who was anyone stepped aboard at some time during the ’80s.”

De Guardiola and her husband, investment banker Roberto de Guardiola, bought The Highlander from the Forbes estate back in 2012. And just as she’d done with the couple’s previous Feadship, the classic 159-foot Audacia , de Guardiola commissioned a top-to-bottom refit, this time with Florida’s Derecktor Shipyards.

“We had no thoughts of buying another yacht; we loved Audacia. But back in 2012, we had heard The Highlander was for sale and I went to take a look. She was not in great shape, but as a huge fan of Jon Bannenberg’s designs, and knowing her amazing history, we couldn’t resist,” she said.

The Iconic 164-foot Highlander was owned by Malcom Forbes but has undergone a complete refit

The yacht was built by Feadship and designed by Jon Bannenberg, the father of modern yacht design. The original dark-green exterior was said to be the color of a dollar bill.  Courtesy Jim Raycroft

The exhaustive, two-year refit took the steel and aluminum superyacht down to the studs. The yacht was extended by 12 feet to add a swim deck and rear “garage” for water toys; the top deck was lengthened. Effectively doubling its size, and the master stateroom was moved to where the observatory used to be.

The entire interior was redesigned and refitted with more modern materials and finishes. Out went the padded leather ceilings, the somber, dark green carpets and ornate Chippendale antique chairs; in went bleached-white Anigre paneling, wide-planked dark wood flooring, and brightly colored pop art.

One especially jaw-dropping feature de Guardiola created was the stunning, open-tread marble staircase from salon to upper deck. That and the new, glass-enclosed sky lounge with its disco vibe and blue onyx floor.

The Iconic 164-foot Highlander was owned by Malcom Forbes but has undergone a complete refit

The top deck nearly doubled in size during Highlander ‘s two-year refit.  Courtesy IYC

“The yacht didn’t really suit a family’s needs—she was really designed for Malcolm Forbes-style corporate entertaining,” says de Guardiola. “And if you wanted to splash in the water, you had to jump over the sides. Mr. Forbes didn’t like to swim.”

But de Guardiola is quick to add that her primary focus with the refit was evolving and not compromising Jon Bannenberg’s iconic design. “That’s what attracted me to the yacht in the first place.”

Mechanical improvements included the installation of Quantum zero speed stabilizers and full rebuilds for the trusty 900 hp Detroit Diesels. They still give the yacht a top speed of 18 mph, cruising at an easy 14 mph with transatlantic capability.

The Iconic 164-foot Highlander was owned by Malcom Forbes but has undergone a complete refit

One of Highlander ‘s lounges.  Courtesy IYC

With kids in mind, Highlander —de Guardiola dropped the “the”—is brimming with water toys. Everything from Waverunners, Seabobs, banana floats and kayaks, to Malcolm Forbes’ much-loved, Ferrari-red 22-foot Donzi speedboat. Sadly, his other favorite, a custom-built Cigarette Racing powerboat, is no more. After being fully restored during the refit, the boat caught fire while Highlander was anchored off the Amalfi Coast in Italy.

“My husband was just heading off with our daughter and friends when the fire broke out,” de Guardiola says. “Everyone ended up in the water but were okay. It was one cool boat. It ran at over 60 mph.”

Since the refit, the de Guardiolas have taken friends and family all around the Mediterranean, hanging out at the Monaco Grand Prix, Cannes Film Festival, and hitting most of the Greek islands. Winters were in the Caribbean. Typically, they spent eight to 10 weeks a year aboard.

The Iconic 164-foot Highlander was owned by Malcom Forbes but has undergone a complete refit

A young Harrison Ford, taking the wheel of Highlander , was one of many celebrity guests in the 1980s.  Courtesy The Highlander Archive

So why the decision to sell? De Guardiola says she’s looking for her next project: “As with my interior design work, I love the intellectual challenge of a makeover. It’s also time. We feel we’ve been good custodians. Now someone else should enjoy her.”

Highlande r is listed with IYC in Fort Lauderdale for $8.5 million.

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The Auto Channel

Highlander’s last stand.

By Nicholas Frankl Contributing Editor.

David Coulthard is unlikely to have a better chance to snatch the championship from the grips of Schumacher and the dominant Ferrari Team than in 2002.

Nicholas Frankl caught up with the dashing Scotsman before he left for the Melbourne Grand Prix and talked about ’01 and the what’s to come.

Pre season build-ups in F1 have followed the same routine for the last few years. Every year we heard Ferrari President Luca di Montezemolo announce this was the year that the scarlet cars would win the championship. After 5 years of pronouncements, he finally predicted correctly. The other stories mostly focused on the resurgence of Williams and the continued dominance of McLaren and Ferrari. But all the way through this endless media and public speculation was the aspect of personal rivalry; Schumacher versus Hakkinen versus Coulthard. In 2002, with Mika on “sabbatical”, the weight has now been fixed firmly on the Scotsman’s experienced shoulders. Can one of Formula One's most likable “nearly men” seize his chance and move, from behind the shadows of what has largely been seen as Hakkinen’s McLaren Team, into a serious title winning position?

Thirty-year-old Coulthard has been winning races in Formula One since 1995. His big break came with the Williams Team in ’94, moving from test driver into racer when Senna was killed at Imola. Since then he has had the benefit of driving for two of the best teams in F1, both during times of championship winning seasons, but never to the benefit of the Scot. Admittedly, as Damon Hill’s teammate, Coulthard shone under pressure and delivered what was expected. But for three of the last six seasons he has had the fastest and most reliable car on the grid, and has been out-qualified and out-driven by his flying Finn Team mate. Many thought last year would be his turn. Hakkinen was clearly unmotivated from the start of the season; he had a new baby, was double world champion and was stuck with a car that was hugely inferior to the Ferraris, both in terms of out-and-out horsepower and aerodynamic performance. “I knew Mika wasn’t going to push as soon as he learnt the car was going to require a lot more hours of testing to improve it, and just get it to a competitive level” said Coulthard to SCI in March.

2001 was going to be his year, he believed, but just as the initial aerodynamic problems were cured, and Schumacher began to wonder if his performances mid-season would be enough to open up a championship gap, the McLaren stranded it’s lead contender on the grid on three occasions. If one can dissect a 17-race championship, down to a few key moments, then May 27th was the day McLaren and Coulthard lost the championship. Coulthard on pole position at the Monaco Grand Prix, and with every chance of dominating the race, stalled the car on the warm up lap – thanks in no small part to the electronic gismos introduced just a few races before, to level the playing field and allow traction control. Schumacher and Barrichello went onto a glorious Ferrari one, two and the gap opened up to 12 points between the two championship rivals. “It was probably the most disappointing race of the season. It certainly affected me and the team, and then the story broke about Adrian (Newey) leaving us and that shocked us all as well”. McLaren went into a mid-season dive – from which they never recovered.

But, armed with a new three-year contract and Ron Dennis finally paying him more than the least he could previously get away with, (worth over $6m a year compared to his derisory $2.5m for the last few seasons) and with the team now firmly behind their new physiological No1 (Mclaren, unlike Ferrari, refuse to grant a driver any preferential treatment until mathematically only one can win the championship) Coulthard can finally demonstrate whether or not he has the ability to take the fight to Ferrari, and increasingly BMW Williams too, and win the title. If he cannot mount a very serious challenge this year, he may not get the chance in a top-tier team again.

“I know this year is key to my whole career. Last year we didn’t finish enough races because of reliability problems. It was a quick car, but a bit too peaky, especially at the start of the season where we were forced to contest three races without the right aerodynamic package. There were races where we performed very well but, looking at Suzuka, we were over a second off the pole position time. It's been a while since we were so off the pace. I think if the car is at least equal to our nearest competitor, and I think that has still got to be Ferrari, although I know the BMW engine will give us some headaches too, then race victories are going to come from that. That's what Championships are made of. If that's not the case, then we might get a few wins, but someone else will get the title. On paper, all the changes have been made to address last year's problems."

During testing, the McLaren has been competitive, with both Raikkonen and Coulthard posting fastest laps and long durability stints. But the word from engine partner Mercedes is that the new FO110M V10 has fallen short of it’s projected power target. "We are not where we want to be" said team principle Ron Dennis last week, "but we have been very open about this and there is still time to develop the unit to where we will be comfortable."

Coulthard concurred. “Clearly if you look at the times from last season, BMW and Ferrari both had very powerful engines. It was most noticeable at fast tracks like Hockenheim. If we are going to beat them, head to head, we are going to need to close that gap and I’m confident Mercedes has the ability to do this. I think we’ll also gain some advantage from the swap to Michelin tires from Bridgestone. The only reason we moved to Michelin was because we believe it’s a big step forward in performance. Obviously we are keen to close the gap to Ferrari, and we believe that Michelin can help us do that.

The only fly in Coulthard's Silver Arrows ointment could be the arrival of a new, feisty, Finnish teammate in the shape of Ex-Sauber rookie Kimi Raikkonen. Coulthard must be wondering what he did to deserve another Scandinavian, whose temperament has been referred to as 'fiery' and character as “rather full of himself”.

“Kimi and I have been working together now, for a few months, on the final development of the car. He’s obviously very capable, but lacking in terms of race and testing experience.

“When I joined McLaren I'd only done 25 Grand Prix, which is only 8 more than Kimi. You can't buy experience, but if you have the speed, that is the basis to develop everything else”.

But does Coulthard expect to give his junior teammate a quick lesson and put him firmly in his place for the year?

“In a dream world you'd love to thrash any team mate. But the reality is he is a quick racing driver. There are similarities for him, with the position I was in, when I joined Williams for my first full season in 95. Damon (Hill) had the experience, but we were evenly matched in terms of speed, so there were times when I was in front of him. Over the course of the year, he was able to use his experience and he finished 10 points ahead of me at the end of the year. Kimi will be quick at every grand prix this year, as he was quick at every grand prix last year. But I also will be quick.

“I don’t know what the future holds, but when I’m asked 'can I win the championship?', I’d like to think so. If the car is not quick enough, then even Michael Schumacher is not good enough to win the championship in an uncompetitive car. You need a quick car, a reliable car and all the breaks to come your way, which they certainly haven’t in the past. If all those elements come together then it could be a good year."

While 2001 may have been a disaster on the track, Coulthard’s passion for life became ever more evident. Since the horrific private-plane crash that he was lucky to survive, and which claimed the life of the two pilots, Coulthard’s life has seen changes. He split with fiancée Heidi Wichlinski at the start of 2001 (but unlike with his previous girlfriend he didn’t have to change the locks on his Monaco apartment to keep her out!) and began a series of high profile relationships. At one point it was suggested that he and legendary F1 playboy Eddie Irvive were running a separate world championship! But Coulthard, who also opened his first Hotel last year in Monaco, has now settled down with Simone Adbelnour, a Brazilian model that friend, ex-F1 driver and Monaco neighbor, Pedro Diniz, introduced him to. “I am very happy right now. My life seems to be heading in the right direction on all sides; I have my health, some cash in the bank and new a 35-meter yacht on the way. Now I just have to focus on the championship and bring home the title.”

  • Yachting World
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David Coulthard to sail at Cowes

Yachting World

  • August 3, 2003

Team McLaren Mercedes' British Formula 1 driver David Coulthard will be taking the wheel of Formula 1 Sailing's brand-new Farr 65, Hugo Boss on Friday 8 August at Skandia Cowes Week.

Team McLaren Mercedes’ British Formula 1 driver David Coulthard will be taking the wheel of Formula 1 Sailing’s brand-new Farr 65,Hugo Bosson Friday 8 August at Skandia Cowes Week.

Coulthard will join the Hugo Boss sailing team, skippered by Alex Thomson, founder of Formula 1 Sailing, on their final test sail and training day before the yacht takes the start line of the Rolex Fastnet Race on Sunday. Coulthard says: “I have always enjoyed sailing and spend a lot of time on my boat in Monaco, but this is my first time at the helm in a race. Hugo Boss is McLaren’s longest serving partner so I am especially excited to be involved with its first yachting partnership. I will enjoy learning from Alex during the race and I will do everything I can to ensure a top performance.”

Skipper Alex Thomson will act as coach Coulthard but the racing driver is said to be fully responsible for helming Hugo Boss , as Thomson explains: “I won’t be touching the wheel all day, David is here to have the Formula 1 experience on the water, which means driving the boat himself and competing against other ocean-racing machines right off the starting blocks to the finish line.”

Hugo Bossis racing in Class 0 for Skandia Cowes Week and is moored off the Royal Yacht Squadron during the regatta.

Coulthard raced his more usual steed, a McLaren Mercedes F1 car today in the German Grand Prix; he took 10th place on the starting grid in yesterday’s final qualifying session but drove a brilliant race to take second at Hockenheim. 

racer magazine

How Coulthard kept his wings

david coulthard yacht highlander

By Dominik Wilde June 5, 2024 10:59 AM

By Dominik Wilde | June 5, 2024 10:59 AM ET

When a Formula 1 driver retires, they might go and race elsewhere for a while. They might go into broadcasting, or move into the world of business. David Coulthard has done all of that since calling time on his F1 career at the end of 2008, but he’s also taken on the usual second career of being a Formula 1 driver. Again.

Ever since joining Red Bull Racing on day one of its existence in 2005, Coulthard has been the team’s go-to driver for its Showrun exploits. It’s a role that’s continued since he stopped competing in grands prix – in fact, he’s now been driving for the team in an extra-curricular capacity longer than he actually raced in F1.

“I wouldn’t be able to give an exact number, but it must be more than 50 over the years, including when I was in F1,” he tells RACER of the number of events he’s done outside of grands prix for Red Bull. “It’s always been an element, going and putting the car in the town.”

Coulthard and I are chatting at Wrocław’s Stadion Olimpijski in Poland where, after exploring the inner workings of Red Bull’s Showrun team last year, RACER’s been invited to experience what was learned on that day in the real world.

Red Bull is the only team doing these sorts of real-world, visceral events on a regular basis. In a world driven by the media and an F1 landscape dominated by the likes of Netflix and social media, they may seem unnecessary if all you’re after is exposure and brand awareness, but Coulthard says the first person experience is something that can’t be matched – even for the younger generation which might be more accustomed to a virtual or online world – and can be inspiring.

“We all want experiences,” he says. “I think what’s changed is that the younger generation are much better informed. They’re not better life experienced, but they’ve got much more knowledge and feelings as to what they are or what they want to be, and I think that we have to evolve and adapt to those situations.

“They can come and see a car. Okay, it’s different to a modern grand prix car, but it was still world class at its time and won many grands prix in the world championship.

“It’s a little experience and to see it, I think, helps you kind of size it. And if you’re a young designer or a young engineer, in your mind, you might, oh, that’s what I’d love to do. I find them inspirational.

“So anything where people can have the chance… there are kids here that are super-excited. A lot of them are really impressed. When they lift the body off, you’re seeing what was tech at that time, which you wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do back in the day for obvious reasons.”

david coulthard yacht highlander

Younger fans have endless ways to engage with F1 from behind a screen, but there Red Bull events are built around the premise that there’s no substitute for experiencing things first-hand. Damian Kramski/Red Bull Content Pool

The stadium element of the Wrocław event was an instant sell-out, necessitating an additional three runs on nearby streets to satisfy the five-figure crowd numbers, and Coulthard says such big numbers in obscure locations isn’t unusual.

“There’s no question that Red Bull have invested more time and energy in doing that, to the point where there’s a few of the places we’ve gone, and then very shortly afterwards, they’ve announced there’s going to be a grand prix there. I’m not sure that’s going to happen here, but I’m always amazed because it’s always so well received by the public on the ground,” he says. “There’s been ones where we’ve genuinely had tens of thousands of people turn up.”

It’s those more unusual assignments from Red Bull, along with the experience of sharing F1 with new audiences, that keeps Coulthard coming back for more.

“I have enjoyed the, let’s say, more challenging ones like being on top of the Burj Al Arab, because that is a once in a lifetime moment,” he recalls. “Now, I’m not saying that driving down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington in a Formula 1 car isn’t a once in a lifetime moment, but I think it was just kind of so out there, and we did it as well in Miami (at the One Thousand Museum). They’re fun because at the end of the day you are doing something really quite different.

“But anywhere where you can actually sort of stretch your legs and show people what Formula 1 sounds like – the one in Dublin was a little bit wet last January, but it was just such a great atmosphere. The Irish don’t get very much Formula 1 action, so they were definitely up for it and the rain didn’t put them off, and we still were able to put on a reasonable show.”

So far there’s been nothing he’s said no to, describing himself as “pretty loose that way”. In fact, it’s the team that has held off from doing something Coulthard is keen to try: driving upside down.

“I want to do that, I’ve been actually lobbying the team for well over a decade, and they have done some research into it, and it’s just really been a question of timing and resources and all that sort of thing,” he says. “But I would like to be part of that because I trust the engineers, believe the science, and despite somebody once saying that, ‘Oh, we need a pilot for that’, I’m looking at and thinking, ‘I’m pretty sure we’re going to maintain contact with the ground.’ I would rather go with a driver than a pilot because if you lose contact, there’s no flaps, there’s no wings…”

The car he’s tasked with driving the most, the 2011 RB7, is rather different to the RB4 he raced in his final season, but he says it’s not something that feels a world away despite F1’s constantly-evolving nature, and that he’s managed to master certain tricks with it that even the best of the current race drivers don’t always manage.

“They’re V8s – it’s just a car, it’s a bigger car, it’s got a lot more tech going on, but at the end, the driver exploits what’s available to him,” he says. “I think anyone could jump in who’s driven a race car, I don’t think it particularly needs to be an F1 car.

david coulthard yacht highlander

David Coulthard experiencing a “once in a lifetime moment” on the helipad of the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai in 2013. Samo Vidic/Red Bull Content Pool

“The clutch is pretty jumpy sometimes, but I – touch wood – would say I’m actually, I think I’m reasonably good at donuts. Even Grand Prix drivers, they overspeed, and they end up doing sort of more like hot dogs, so I like to try and pride myself in leaving a nice circle at the end.”

He even adds that I wouldn’t have a hard time in the RB7 if I were to drive it.

“You can drive the car, absolutely, if you can drive,” he says. “(But) you might want to have a little spin around to get a feel for it first.”

While I did get some seat time in the car, it wasn’t fired up – because Red Bull takes playing around very seriously. And as the record books show, it’s every bit as serious at the race track, too. It’s a reflection of the brand that has been massively successful in everything it’s done, but not at the expense of keeping its teams and athletes bound to boring corporate rules of engagement.

“I remember asking Mr. (Red Bull co-founder Dietrich) Mateschitz right at the very beginning – because I’d been nine years at McLaren, and I fit it quite nicely into that environment – I said, ‘What is it I should know, what are the dos and don’ts?’ and he went, ‘Just be yourself’. That was as simple as that. If you fit with the brand, you’re with the brand. If you don’t want to be with the brand, then that’s fine. So it’s tremendously uncomplicated.

“It shouldn’t be for any of us to try and tell anyone else how to be,” he adds. “And I actually think that there’s no point having someone with their own personality and then saying ‘we’d like you to be like…’

“I need a briefing as to where I am and what I’m doing, but other than that, you’ve got to just say what you feel and believe and be professional. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.”

Coulthard arrived at Red Bull with almost a decade of experience at the multiple-championship-winning McLaren team and a few years before that at Williams, which he believes that helped him influence the once-floundering former Jaguar team and setting it on the path to become what it is today.

“I remember when I joined Red Bull, one of the things that I expressed to the team at that time was never to ask me whether I wanted to do something,” he says. “We’re part of a team. If it’s really important and you believe in it, tell me this is what you’re doing and I’ll do it, because if you’re asking, it puts a doubt in my mind.

david coulthard yacht highlander

The start of something big: Coulthard puts the brand-new Red Bull RB1 through its paces in F1 pre-season testing in Barcelona in 2005. Motorsport Images

“All people have to be aligned and go in the right direction, whether that’s the driver or whether it’s anyone else. So that, to me, is what a team is, and a team guides and leads their departments based on their knowledge and experience.”

Nowadays though, Coulthard has no influence on Red Bull’s F1 team, And when he’s not driving the squad’s old cars in strange places, he’s working as a TV analyst for Channel 4 in the UK. But don’t for a second think he’s getting tip-offs from his old team – he even sees that disconnect with the now-all-conquering outfit as very much a benefit.

“I’m not at all involved with the race team, I don’t have any special sort of knowledge or access to that, which is great for the role I do within television, because I can genuinely just say what I see,” says Coulthard, who is also a brand ambassador for Mercedes. “Despite some people always thinking that I’m kinder to one than the other, I think a lot of the time it’s their bias rather than my bias.

“I don’t decide who wins. I was genuinely excited at some of the grands prix when Mercedes were dominant, or even when Nico (Rosberg) was winning – who took me out of my last grand prix, not that I hold a grudge… well, I do hold a grudge, but credit where credit’s due, and if somebody’s done an incredible job and they’ve worked hard and delivered a great grand prix result, whoever that is, that’s what I feel as a fan of the sport I’m there to talk about. And I’ve got a little bit of insight, and I have an opinion.

“But you have your point of view, and someone else has their point of view, and you may get three different points of view, but in the end, that’s fine. I always found it fascinating that when it comes to incident, accidents and stewarding, I may see a certain way, but of course, the stewards may see another way, and I defer to the fact that they’ve got more information available to them in the same way that I had to when I was driving. I didn’t always agree with some of the penalties they gave me, but the referee is the referee.”

Coulthard’s retirement from racing coincided with an upturn in form for Red Bull. The year after he stepped aside, it won six races, and the year after that, it claimed its first two titles. I ask, despite his being more present in F1 than ever, if he regretted stepping away from racing in F1 a year or two too soon. Although it took away a near-certain chance to add to his haul of 13 grand prix victories, Coulthard insists it was the right time for him.

“I didn’t, because it’s all about energy and your lifespan in a certain role,” he explains. “And I think that there’s nothing worse than being the person that overstays their welcome. I think that I was in diminishing returns. I had great opportunities in my career to win races and battle somewhat for championships earlier in my career.

“I knew it was time, because when I tested the car at the beginning of 2008 for the first time, I knew it wasn’t going to be a grand prix winning car. That didn’t mean that we couldn’t win a grand prix, because there’s always those Olivier Panis in Monte Carlo moments [ED: with Ligier in 1996] , but it was, in my opinion, highly unlikely, and that meant another 12 months of slog. And the way I raced, I didn’t just turn up and jump in the car. It was all-consuming, every day, every week, did all the testing, never missed events because it matters. It matters to show commitment.

“I think there’s been other more successful, lazier drivers – maybe that was the key to their success – but you’ve got to commit to what you believe is the right way to turn up and be part of a team. The reason why I was nine years at McLaren, and the reason why I still have a relationship with Red Bull today, is because of a work ethic and turning up when you’re supposed to do what you’re supposed to do and then try not to take anyone’s virtual wallet, which apparently, is a negative thing.”

Mazda MX-5 Cup | Round 11 – VIR | Livestream

Watch Round 11 of the Mazda MX-5 Cup series at VIR, Saturday, August 24 at 6:05PM ET

david coulthard yacht highlander


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Victor Muller's classic superyacht The Highlander

Victor Muller on the refit of his classic superyacht The Highlander

Refitting his classic 1967 Feadship superyacht The Highlander with a celebrated history was a testing experience for Victor Muller. The Dutch sports-car magnate tells Stewart Campbell and Sacha Bonsor what he learnt in the process.

Profound epiphanies don’t often happen in garages in southern Holland, but when superyacht owner Victor Muller visited an oily workshop in 1983, the occasion was formative. “Sonny,” said an 80-year-old mechanic with a funny accent, “let me tell you something about the human eye… it only notices imperfection.”

Muller was a 24-year-old lawyer and had taken his car in to get the bumpers chromed. “What do you see?” the man asked. Nothing, thought Muller. “Look closer, look properly,” the man pressed.

And then he saw it, a tiny imperfection in the metalwork. “He was right,” Muller says over tea in London’s Connaught Hotel. “That blemish became all I could see. If you walk into a room and everything is fine but there’s a socket hanging from the wall, the socket’s the only thing you remember. You have to have a design so flowing that your eye doesn’t stop. That’s what I learned from an 80-year-old chromer in Holland.”

That brief moment informed everything the 54-year-old Dutch millionaire went on to accomplish: running the biggest tugboat fleet in the world, starting supercar company Spyker and amassing an enviable collection of classic cars. All of the excruciating adherence to detail, design and quality has been done with a nod to that old man, says Muller, and nowhere is this more apparent than in his latest project: the refitting of classic 1967 Feadship The Highlander .

This 37 metre icon of Dutch boatbuilding has been impressively redesigned by Muller in the US, creating something sublimely seamless. “A good design is only pleasing to the eye when it’s consistent everywhere, with one design language throughout the yacht,” he says. “I have a hard time reconciling how, on some boats, you walk from a Louis XVI room into an art deco space and on to modern realism. With my yacht, I tried to make it as consistent as possible. It’s very smooth, very calm. Nothing is flashy. It takes three things to build a brand, or a boat: consistency, consistency, consistency.”

It’s clear within minutes of meeting Muller that he’s a fanatic; whether it’s cars, boats or helicopters (he has recently learnt to fly one), his interest and enthusiasm for everything he does is extreme. “I could say car before I could say mummy,” he says, proudly. “She’s still a little upset about that!”

At the height of his auto obsession, around 1997, he owned 50 classic cars, but that’s now down to a slightly more manageable 18. Following a series of Lancias in the 1970s, he bought his first true sports car, a Maserati, in 1983, after borrowing money from his grandmother.

This infatuation wasn’t inherited – his dad had “terrible taste” in cars, a point Muller could not let go even after his father’s death: “In my eulogy, I reproached him for driving a Ford Cortina. And a big, ugly Opal Kapitan. Oh, God, and then he started buying American cars. When I was 12, I forced him out of American cars because it was an embarrassment. So he bought a Volvo 244 GLE, still a tank but at least it was a decent car. Then he started buying BMW 7 Series. This is when our relationship improved.”

"It takes three things to build a brand, or a boat: consistency, consistency, consistency."

Victor Muller

For Muller, this gradual move up the car-quality league table reached its apotheosis in 1997 when, having left law to successfully revive a number of businesses, he bought classic Dutch car-maker Spyker. In the early 20th century, this manufacturer was a big deal, building state coaches, planes and rally cars that took part in Victorianesque adventures from “Peking to Paris”, but it ceased trading in 1925.

Seventy-five years later the brand was back, with Muller at the helm, displaying the C8 Spyker concept at the Birmingham Motor Show. “I was buying new Astons and Ferraris and they were so poorly built in the 1990s. And I thought, as a classic car collector, that there must be a way to bring back the craftsmanship of the golden age of car manufacturing, from, say, 1925 to 1955. Hand built, nothing but pure materials, no plastics, no cheap shit. I thought that must be possible, so that’s what I did,” he says.

Every single Spyker starts life in Muller’s head; he just draws what he loves. “I’m very visual, I know exactly what the car’s going to look like, and I have a young guy who translates it into 3D drawings. The design of our latest car, the Venator, we did in 22 days from a drawing I did on a napkin in China.”

Muller has no formal training in design, and attributes his love of aesthetics to his upbringing. He grew up in comparative wealth, largely thanks to his father’s successful accounting firm (eventually sold to Ernst & Young) and the money was spent educating him and his sister on beauty. They were regularly taken to Italy, for example, where Victor soaked up la dolce vita: “I’m so old I actually know what that means. This was the time of (legendary Italian film director Federico) Fellini, so yeah, I love that era. I love the cars and boats made then.”

But it was his grandmother who he really has to thank. “She was like a little queen,” he recalls. “She really taught us to appreciate quality.”

It’s more than money he’s got his father to thank for, however. As a child the two of them would go birdwatching on the Dutch coast near a town called IJmuiden; the birds were interesting, he recalls, but the tugboats plying the canal between the coast and Amsterdam were fascinating: “I would see the boats come in and out and I was intrigued.”

They were owned by a company called Wijsmuller, which Muller, at just 32, would later buy and turn into the biggest tugboat operator in the world. “I sold it off to Maersk in 2001. It was my single biggest deal,” he says.

Money from the deal was ploughed into Spyker, which in turn allowed Muller to think about boats: before The Highlander , which he keeps in the US, he bought a Riva Aquariva and a nine-metre sloop that he keeps at his home in Mallorca. He previously owned a wooden Aquarama too, but got sick of having to take her in and out of the water to keep her from falling apart.

It was only when Muller was leafing through a copy of Boat International in 2007 on the island of Capri that he seriously considered buying a superyacht. “I saw an ad for a Feadship and started looking into it. I thought, heritage is very important,  I want to buy the one with  the best heritage.”

The search stopped when Muller saw The Highlander , then called Avante , nestled behind a house on the Intracoastal Waterway in Boca Raton, Florida.

The 36 metre classic scored on all counts: it was from an era when design briefs might as well have read “Elegant”; it had an enviable past, having been owned by legendary publisher Malcolm Forbes and, perhaps most importantly, it was a Feadship. “Everyone makes beautiful yachts,” explains Muller, “but there’s only one Feadship. If you buy a Feadship, you’re saying ‘I like quality and I don’t care what it costs.’”

In the 40-odd years of the yacht’s life to that point, it had hosted presidents, captains of industry and celebrities and now it was all Muller’s. “And it was still completely intact,” Muller adds. “Forty years of being in the harshest environment on the globe and externally there was nothing wrong with it.” The internals were a different matter, however. “It looked like a cheap whorehouse,” he remembers. “There was a fire on board in 1980 and the interior had been redone for a Californian owner. It was all white leather and brass. And Plexiglas. It was the worst of 1980 – nauseating – so I knew the first thing I had to do was rip the interior out.”

The Highlander spent three years at the superyacht refit yard in Fort Lauderdale, and Muller freely admits that he got it all wrong. “I was a novice and I made every classic mistake: I wasted money on the wrong things, I had to do lots of things twice. With hindsight I should have picked the yacht up and brought it back to Feadship. But I thought  at the time that I couldn’t afford it: penny-wise, pound-foolish.”

Despite often contemplating canning the whole project, slowly the yacht came together and today it stands as a testament to Muller’s exacting eye and love of detail. He went big on teak and nickel (“because it’s so much more beautiful than chrome”) and chose white and orange for the main colours; white because it contrasts beautifully with the teak, and orange “for Holland”.

What he’s created is the ultimate family getaway. Sadly his father died before the yacht was finished but his mother, still going strong at 85, loves it. “The reason for buying the yacht was because my family is so important. The yacht offers a unique place to have everyone together in a confined but spacious area. Nobody is sitting too close together, and everyone can do their own thing. But you are together. And that’s invaluable,” Muller says.

Does his family appreciate the blood, sweat and tears he has poured into the detail? The seamlessness? The aesthetic? The design? Muller pauses. “You can learn quality,” he says, slowly. “It’s handed down from generation to generation. My children appreciate it, because I tell them, ‘This is crap, and that is good.’ If you see it enough times you will recognise it yourself, if you’re open to it.”

That 80-year-old chromer would approve.

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Record updated 22-Apr-08

BBC TopGear

My life in cars: David Coulthard

DC on the cars he's owned, and the ones he's got on order...


My family has a transport business, so I grew up around trucks and the truck yard. I had a motorbike for the field at a very young age and went karting at 11. Even before that, I remember sitting on my dad’s lap at kart races – he’d do the pedals and I’d do the steering.

I turned 17 at the end of March and I passed my driving test the first week of April, but I didn’t have my own car until I was almost 18. We had a Mercedes 508D karting van: it had bunk beds in the back of it and karts in the very back.

When I eventually got a car, it was a Renault 5 Turbo – oh, I was big time – but I’d been driving a van for a year, so I deserved to step up. I was racing in Formula Ford and won both the championships, so it was a treat. I had a great time in that car; the seats reclined all the way back, which was handy as a teenage boy. It doubled up as somewhere you could, erm, well, you know what I mean...

Then I moved to England to drive for Paul Stewart Racing, Jackie’s son’s team, so I borrowed my mum’s BMW 318i. I was meant to have it for a week, but managed to eke it out for three or four months. I didn’t actually buy a car for a while because I had a Ford contract with Jackie and had an RS2000 on rotation, then a Scorpio with the most godawful body kit on it. Then, briefly, an Escort Cosworth with the big rear wing – that was proper boy racer. That got stolen outside The Point in Milton Keynes when I was in the cinema.

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Then I didn’t buy anything for a while. I was at McLaren so I had a run of Mercedes including a C63 AMG wagon. My wife is an Aston fan, so a few years back I bought her a DB9 convertible, which she still has. We also have a 1984 G-Class 280 short wheelbase with no roof on it. It looks amazing. It was white when I bought it, but I had Mercedes respray it in gunmetal silver and move the seats back, so it’s a proper five-seat restaurant car for the South of France. I keep it in Monaco where there’s a whole bunch of Brabus and AMG G-Wagens, but nothing looks as stripped and as cool.

I’m not like Jenson, who’s quite a buyer and seller of cars, but I have on order the Aston Valkyrie and the Mercedes Project One, both of which should come through in 2019 or 2020. The reason I can afford Adrian Newey’s Valkyrie is I was lucky enough to drive racing cars he designed, so it’s a tip of my hat to him.

Project One: I’m still a Mercedes guy, and it’s such a unique proposition, I don’t think anyone will do something like it ever again. But the car I drive more than any is my little Smart Convertible – every ex GP driver in touch with their racing spirit should have one of those.  

David Coulthard’s new book 'The Winning Formula: Leadership, Strategy and Motivation the F1 Way’ is on sale now   

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Highlander Charter Yacht

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Highlander (ex: The Highlander)

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49.5m  /  162'5   feadship   1986 / 2021.

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Cabin Configuration

Special Features:

  • Iconic Historic Superyacht
  • Newly Refitted Interior & Exterior
  • Quantum zero-speed stabilizers
  • New Air Conditioning System
  • Heated Jacuzzi with multi-coloured LED sprays
  • Separate Massage Room
Motor yacht Highlander still retains Jon Bannenberg's iconic angular lines and side profile

The 49.45m/162'3" 'Highlander' (ex. The Highlander) classic yacht built by the Dutch shipyard Feadship is available for charter for up to 12 guests in 7 cabins. This yacht features interior styling by English designer Bannenberg & Rowell.

Showcasing meticulous craftsmanship courtesy of her pedigree credentials, classic yacht Highlander recalls a golden age of yachting, capturing the very essence of luxury combined with spacious living areas and modern amenities for the ultimate yachting vacation. She is equipped with a dancefloor, spa and gym.

Guest Accommodation

Built in 1986, Highlander offers guest accommodation for up to 12 guests in 7 suites comprising a master suite located on the main deck, one VIP cabin, two double cabins, two twin cabins and one single cabin. There are 7 beds in total, including 2 king, 2 queen and 3 singles. She is also capable of carrying up to 11 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht charter experience.

Onboard Comfort & Entertainment

You and your guests can enjoy a variety of experiences on Highlander, notably a dancefloor where you and your guests can celebrate in style. You can recreate the full cinema experience while at sea with the included movie theatre or for the ultimate relaxation experience, the yacht plays host to a luxury spa. Maintain your fitness routine and work out in the well-equipped gym or elsewhere, soak up the bubbles in style in the deck jacuzzi.

Whatever your activities on your charter, you'll find some impressive features are seamlessly integrated to help you, notably satellite communications, keeping you connected on any voyage. Take advantage of the on board Wi-Fi and stay connected at all times or you can stay comfortable on board whatever the weather, with air conditioning during your charter.

Performance & Range

Highlander is built with a steel hull and aluminium superstructure. Powered by twin engines, she comfortably cruises at 13 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 16 knots with a range of up to 4,000 nautical miles from her 74,565 litre fuel tanks at 10 knots. An advanced stabilisation system on board reduces the side-to-side roll of the yacht and promises guests exceptional comfort levels at anchor or when underway.

Set against the backdrop of your chosen cruising ground, you and your guests can enjoy fun on the water with the collection of water toys and accessories aboard Highlander. Take to the sea on the Jet Skis offering you power and control on the water. Also there are towable toys offering fun and adventure. Additionally, there are two SEABOBs, that allow you to skim along the surface or steer under the crystal water and experience life swimming with the fish. If that isn't enough Highlander also features kayaks, paddleboards and snorkelling equipment. Highlander also sports a 12.8m/42' Scout Tender to transport you with ease.

Based in the magical waters of the Mediterranean all year round Highlander is ready for your next luxury yacht charter. Let Highlander Discover the magical places, food and experiences of the the Mediterranean.

Showcasing meticulous craftsmanship coupled with high-end luxurious finishes, classic yacht Highlander certainly has the "wow" factor, along with state-of-the-art amenities and array of water toys, promising truly unforgettable yacht charters for even the most discerning guests.


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Highlander Photos

Highlander Yacht 11

Length 49.5m / 162'5
Beam 8.59m / 28'2
Draft 2.95m / 9'8
Gross Tonnage 499 GT
Cruising Speed 13 Knots
Built | (Refitted)
Builder Feadship
Model Custom
Exterior Designer Bannenberg & Rowell
Interior Design Bannenberg & Rowell

Amenities & Entertainment

For your relaxation and entertainment Highlander has the following facilities, for more details please speak to your yacht charter broker.

Highlander is reported to be available to Charter with the following recreation facilities:

  • 1 x 12.8m  /  42' Scout Tender

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

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For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

'Highlander' Charter Rates & Destinations

Mediterranean Summer Cruising Region

Summer Season

May - September

€120,000 p/week + expenses Approx $130,500

High Season

€160,000 p/week + expenses Approx $174,000

Cruising Regions

Mediterranean Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Turkey

HOT SPOTS:   Amalfi Coast, Calvi, Corsica, French Riviera, Mykonos, Sardinia

Mediterranean Winter Cruising Region

Winter Season

October - April

Charter Highlander

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Big Eagle charter yacht

52m | Mie Zosen

from $192,500 p/week

Callisto charter yacht

50m | Piraeus

POA ♦︎

Kalizma charter yacht

46m | Ramage & Ferguson

from $132,000 p/week ♦︎

Malahne charter yacht

50m | Camper & Nicholsons

from $166,000 p/week ♦︎

Mirage charter yacht

53m | Feadship

from $222,000 p/week ♦︎

Nadan charter yacht

46m | Burger

from $125,000 p/week

Passion charter yacht

48m | Anastassiades & Tsortanides

from $120,000 p/week

Sanssouci Star charter yacht

Sanssouci Star

54m | Husumer Shipyard

from $146,000 p/week ♦︎

Seagull II charter yacht

54m | Uljanik Shipyard

from $105,000 p/week

Secret Life charter yacht

Secret Life

45m | Feadship

from $111,000 p/week ♦︎

Vetro charter yacht

49m | Lurssen

from $133,000 p/week ♦︎

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection



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Blog > Editable Country & world map templates for PowerPoint Presentations

Editable Country & world map templates for PowerPoint Presentations

09.24.20   •  #powerpoint #template.

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Our map template and finished PowerPoint:

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PowerPoint Maps Template:

Here we give you an instruction to edit the mappings of our PowerPoint template or create your own mappings for your presentation.

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Insert maps

Recently PowerPoint created the feature of creating a map in the program itself. This tool is very powerful but since it's quite new, some bugs occur from time to time. Nevertheless, here is how you quickly add a map to your slides:

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how to include and create a PowerPoint map

  • PowerPoint creates a default world map and opens a table in which you can write any other country names and values. PowerPoint will automatically change the map as soon as you change values.

insert a map by changing data

  • When you are finished, click on the X of the Excel table to close it. Attention! Until now, PowerPoint allows only 13 different countries. If you add more, they will get ignored. You can add names of continents, countries, regions and postcodes.
  • To re-open the Excel table and change anything later as well: Right click on the map and choose "Edit Data" or click on the map and choose Chart Design > Edit Data in the menu ribbon.

edit data of a map

Edit the layout of the map to your preferences

As said before, PowerPoint lets us choose between mapping the world or only a continent, focus on a country or using postcodes to draw regions and areas. Keep in mind, that combining different levels might not always work, for example when a city is too small to be seen on a world map.

You can add, remove or change chart elements by selecting the map and clicking on the plus symbol in the right, upper corner. Here you can choose between showing the title, data labels or legend and on which position they should appear.

change settings of lettering PPT map

Moreover, you can use the Design and Format Tabs in the menu to get to the editing tools or double click onto the map. Pay attention on which part of graphic you click on, since the formatting task pane refers to exactly those objects. (Format Chart Area, Format Plot Area or Format Data Series)

change all options of PPT map

To move the map, just click on it and drag it by the graphics border to your desired place. To resize it: Click on its corners and move the mouse. (click Shift at the same time, to maintain the graphics proportions)

PowerPoint offers numerous ways to edit your map, so play around with the tools to create your favourite graphic. For example, you can hide countries without a data value or change the map projection. (The proportions of world maps)

presentation of the country

Select your favourite colours

Think about the colour scheme for your whole PowerPoint presentation. A specific scheme for all slides makes the whole presentation easier to follow and your slides will perfectly harmonize together. There are different ways to change your graphics colour depending on, if you want to include the data to your colour plan or if you want to adjust each colour manually.

Use a default colour scheme:

  • First, select your map
  • Go to Design and click on Change Colours
  • Here you can use any of those schemes which consider the inserted data and can go from the brightest to the darkest colour

change colours with default options of PPT

Task pane: Format Data Series:

  • Double click onto the map to open the Format Data Series menu
  • Open the Series Colour tool and choose your minimum and maximum colour of decision

change colours with format data series

Individual colours:

  • Select individual countries or parts (they have to be highlighted)
  • Choose Fill and optionally Outline . You can also change the "weight" and "dashes"" of the outline
  • If you click onto the maps background, you can also change the background colour of the map (makes sense for an island)

change colours by clicking on an specific country

Fill all parts with the same colour

  • If you have only one country, it makes sense to fill it with a single colour. This can be done with the method explained before (Individual colours) or by selecting your map and going to the chart menu Format > Shape Fill
  • As before, you will find the same tools and options to change your objects, colour, outline or even effect (shadow,...)

change colour by filling whole country with only one colour

With SlideLizard CREATOR , you can automatically update colours and images in all your presentations. Manage your slides in a central library and automatically synchronise slide changes with all your presentations. You can also organise your slides with tags and folders to find them as quickly as possible.

Tips for PowerPoint maps and charts

  • Since you can only add 13 individual countries to a map, PPT quickly comes to its limits. Use Excel if you want to create more complex maps and copy the finished map to your slides.
  • If you insert a country's name into the table, PPT ignores the lines between each states and draws only the large country. To add the lines, simply insert two federal- state names instead of the country's name and it will draw each single state.

how to add lines of a country

  • The feature of drawing maps is relatively new, PowerPoint sometimes has problems to draw the map. You might have to delete a graphic and start again but the result will pay, so don't give up! Save your project from time to time to avoid the loss of a lot of work.

Our advanced map with even more options

Last but not least, we present you a map for advanced PPT- mapping- users. You can find this map on the last slide of our downloadable PowerPoint presentation . This graphic is an SVG- file, which means that you can grab and move each country of the world map to any place you want. Moreover, you can change it's colour again (the same way as before) and delete or resize them as well.

world map to drag and drop countries

If you want to find a specific country or make some objects unseen, there's an easy way to do so:

  • Go to the Home > Drawing menu and click on Arrange
  • Select the last option Selection Pane
  • A tool bar will pop up. Here you can click on the right "eye" symbols to hide or un-hide one of the countries.

how to use the svg-map

That was it! Have a lot of fun at creating your map or using our finished ones!

How can I insert maps in PowerPoint?

With the help of PowerPoints map function you can create maps directly in PowerPoint and edit them as you like. We have created some country and world map templates which you can download here for free. You can read here everything around maps in PowerPoint.

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About the author.

presentation of the country

Johanna Liang

Johanna is part of the design and marketing team at SlideLizard. There she gives free rein to her creative vein and realizes creative ideas in blogs, texts and design work.

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In live online training, it is sometimes useful to divide the students into small groups for certain exercises, as it would be impossible to have conversations at the same time. Break-out-rooms are used so that people can talk to each other without disturbing the others. When the exercise is over, they are sent back to the main room.

Notes Page view

The Notes Page view in PowerPoint shows a smaller version of the slide with a small area for notes underneath. In the presentation every slide has it's own space for notes. During the presentation the notes do not appear on screen. They are just visible in the presentation mode.

Audience Dynamics

Audience Dynamics means the motivations, attitudes, beliefs and values, which influence the listener's behaviour.

Animated GIF

An animated GIF enables images to be played in a specific order. It is created when several individual images are saved in a GIF file.

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Elementary Geography Lesson presentation template

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Country PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes

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Download Free and Premium Country PowerPoint Templates

Choose and download Country PowerPoint templates , and Country PowerPoint Backgrounds in just a few minutes. And with amazing ease of use, you can transform your "sleep-inducing" PowerPoint presentation into an aggressive, energetic, jaw-dropping presentation in nearly no time at all. These from free or premium Country PowerPoint Templates and Backgrounds are a great choice for a wide variety of presentation needs.

Our Free and Premium PowerPoint Templates are "pre-made" presentation shells. All graphics, typefaces, and colors have been created and are pre-set by an expert graphic designer. You simply insert your text. That's it!

Free vs. Premium Country PowerPoint Presentation Templates

PoweredTemplate offers a wide range of free Country PowerPoint Presentation Templates. You can find them by filtering by “Free”, from the “Filters” option on the site, on the top left corner of the screen after you search. This content is completely free of charge.

If you download our free Country PowerPoint templates as a free user, remember that you need to credit the author by including a credits slide or add an attribution line “Designed by PoweredTemplate”, clearly and visibly, somewhere in your final presentation.

PoweredTemplate also offers premium PowerPoint templates, which are available only to Premium users. There is no difference in product quality between free and premium Country PowerPoint Presentation Templates.

Best Country PowerPoint Templates

Are you looking for professionally designed, pre-formatted Country PowerPoint templates so you can quickly create presentations? You've come to the right place - PoweredTemplate has created these templates with professionals in mind. At PoweredTemplates, we understand how busy you are and how you love to save time.

That's why we've created a set of PowerPoint design templates with a Country theme. These Country PowerPoint templates are a great choice for a wide variety of presentation needs. Spend your time wisely - download the Country PowerPoint Templates today.

Country PowerPoint Presentation Themes FAQ

What are country powerpoint templates.

A PowerPoint template is a pattern or blueprint for your slides that you save as a .pptx or .potx file.

All the Country PowerPoint templates are natively built in PowerPoint, using placeholders on the slide master, color palettes, and other features in PowerPoint, and can contain layouts, theme colors, theme fonts, theme effects, background styles, and even content (according to Microsoft Office).

How to choose Country PowerPoint templates for presentations?

Choose after carefully studying the template features and viewing the big preview images. All the product information is on the product page in the description and a list of the features can be found in the horizontal scrolling bar under the Download button. You may download a few free templates before making the final decision.

Who are Country PowerPoint templates suitable for?

Why do i need country powerpoint templates.

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presentation of the country

Browse our extensive collection of country map templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides presentations. This category offers a wide range of editable maps for countries around the world, making it easy to create visually appealing presentations that showcase specific geographical areas, cultures, and economies.

Country map templates are ideal for presentations on topics like international business expansion, cultural studies, market analysis, political dynamics, and travel and tourism. Customize the templates to fit your presentation’s objectives and engage your audience with compelling and informative visuals.

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Map of Peru for PowerPoint and Google Slides

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Map of Nigeria for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Free Map of Pakistan for PowerPoint

Map of Pakistan for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Free Map of Switzerland for PowerPoint

Map of Switzerland for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Free Map of South Africa for PowerPoint

Map of South Africa for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Free Map of Netherlands for PowerPoint

Map of Netherlands for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Free Map of Philippines for PowerPoint

Map of Philippines for PowerPoint and Google Slides

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India Editable PowerPoint Map

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Map of Saudi Arabia for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Free Malaysia Map for PowerPoint

Map of Malaysia for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Free Egypt Map for PowerPoint

Map of Egypt for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Free Colombia Map for PowerPoint

Map of Colombia for PowerPoint and Google Slides

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Countries of the World Illustration

Countries of the World

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Burkina Faso

Burma (Myanmar)

Czech Republic

D   E   F

Great Britain

Israel and Palestine (The Holy Land)

Ivory Coast

J   K   L

M   N   O


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P   Q   R

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Regions of the World

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Russia and her Neighbors

Saudi Arabia


Slovakia (Eastern Europe)

South Africa

United Kingdom

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Country PowerPoint Presentation Templates and Google Slides

Save your time and attract your audience with our fully editable ppt templates and slides..

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Republic Of Singapore Country And States Map PowerPoint Template

This is Republic Of Singapore Country And States Map PowerPoint Template that can be used to showcase the emerging parameters of your country. The design aesthetic and useable content makes it perfect for increasing audience engagement with all things economic in mind. It includes one hundred thirteen slides with details and also maps, charts and graphs which help bring attention towards the demographics. Therefore, this is a great deck to boost your countrys economic status. It is made using creative graphics and imagery that make it a must-have design in your arsenal.

France Country Maps Flags Memorial Monuments Town And Cityscape Deck PowerPoint Template

France Country Maps Flags Memorial Monuments Town And Cityscape Deck PowerPoint Template

This France Country Maps Flags Memorial Monuments Town And Cityscape Deck PowerPoint Template presents a detailed outline of the country, carefully crafted and organized into an elegant deck that will meet all your needs. This PowerPoint presentation and its seventy five slides include silhouette maps, icons, images, flags location markers, etc, to help you explain the demographics of your country. You can also use this France Country Maps Flags Memorial Monuments Town And Cityscape Deck PowerPoint Template to provide key information about the culture or history of your nation. Whether it is for business purposes or to educate yourself this PPT presentation satisfies the needs of every user. It can be further accessed and used by any individual in PDF, JPG, and PNG formats, thus increasing the utility quotient of this design.

Introduction To Mobile Money In Developing Countries Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Introduction To Mobile Money In Developing Countries Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Induce strategic thinking by presenting this complete deck. Enthrall your audience by deploying this thought provoking PPT deck. It can be downloaded in both standard and widescreen aspect ratios, thus making it a complete package to use and deploy. Convey your thoughts and actions using the forty six slides presented in this complete deck. Additionally, feel free to alter its components like color, graphics, design, etc, to create a great first impression. Grab it now by clicking on the download button below.

Decreasing Insurance Rate In Countryside Communities Case Competition Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Decreasing Insurance Rate In Countryside Communities Case Competition Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

This complete deck acts as a great communication tool. It helps you in conveying your business message with personalized sets of graphics, icons etc. Comprising a set of fortytwo slides, this complete deck can help you persuade your audience. It also induces strategic thinking as it has been thoroughly researched and put together by our experts. Not only is it easily downloadable but also editable. The color, graphics, theme any component can be altered to fit your individual needs. So grab it now.

France Country And Federation Map PowerPoint Template

France Country And Federation Map PowerPoint Template

This is France Country And Federation Map PowerPoint Template that can be used to showcase the emerging parameters of your country. The design aesthetic and useable content makes it perfect for increasing audience engagement with all things economic in mind. It includes twenty nine slides with details and also maps, charts and graphs which help bring attention towards the demographics. Therefore, this is a great deck to boost your countrys economic status. It is made using creative graphics and imagery that make it a must-have design in your arsenal.

Portuguese Flag Sliver Circle Building Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Portuguese Flag Sliver Circle Building Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Boost your confidence and team morale with this well-structured portuguese flag sliver circle building country ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck with slides. This prefabricated set gives a voice to your presentation because of its well-researched content and graphics. Our experts have added all the components very carefully, thus helping you deliver great presentations with a single click. Not only that, it contains a set of sixteen slides that are designed using the right visuals, graphics, etc. Various topics can be discussed, and effective brainstorming sessions can be conducted using the wide variety of slides added in this complete deck. Apart from this, our PPT design contains clear instructions to help you restructure your presentations and create multiple variations. The color, format, design anything can be modified as deemed fit by the user. Not only this, it is available for immediate download. So, grab it now.

Pakistan Country And Territory Map PowerPoint Template

Pakistan Country And Territory Map PowerPoint Template

This is Pakistan Country And Territory Map PowerPoint Template that can be used to showcase the emerging parameters of your country. The design aesthetic and useable content makes it perfect for increasing audience engagement with all things economic in mind. It includes thirteen slides with details and also maps, charts and graphs which help bring attention towards the demographics. Therefore, this is a great deck to boost your countrys economic status. It is made using creative graphics and imagery that make it a must-have design in your arsenal.

City Country Citizen Walking Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck

City Country Citizen Walking Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck

Presenting this set of slides with name city country citizen walking ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck. The topics discussed in these slides are country citizen walking, town near coastline, tall buildings, road in deserted town. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Indonesia Country Flag Location Air Icon Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck

Indonesia Country Flag Location Air Icon Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck

Boost your confidence and team morale with this well-structured indonesia country flag location air icon ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck. This prefabricated set gives a voice to your presentation because of its well-researched content and graphics. Our experts have added all the components very carefully, thus helping you deliver great presentations with a single click. Not only that, it contains a set of twelve slides that are designed using the right visuals, graphics, etc. Various topics can be discussed, and effective brainstorming sessions can be conducted using the wide variety of slides added in this complete deck. Apart from this, our PPT design contains clear instructions to help you restructure your presentations and create multiple variations. The color, format, design anything can be modified as deemed fit by the user. Not only this, it is available for immediate download. So, grab it now.

Polska Country Flag Gesture Historical Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Polska Country Flag Gesture Historical Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Boost your confidence and team morale with this well-structured polska country flag gesture historical ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck with slides. This prefabricated set gives a voice to your presentation because of its well-researched content and graphics. Our experts have added all the components very carefully, thus helping you deliver great presentations with a single click. Not only that, it contains a set of twelve slides that are designed using the right visuals, graphics, etc. Various topics can be discussed, and effective brainstorming sessions can be conducted using the wide variety of slides added in this complete deck. Apart from this, our PPT design contains clear instructions to help you restructure your presentations and create multiple variations. The color, format, design anything can be modified as deemed fit by the user. Not only this, it is available for immediate download. So, grab it now.

Republic Of Austria Country Map Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Republic Of Austria Country Map Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Share a great deal of information on the topic by deploying this republic of austria country map ppt powerpoint presentation complete deck with slides. Support your ideas and thought process with this prefabricated set. It includes a set of twelve slides, all fully modifiable and editable. Each slide can be restructured and induced with the information and content of your choice. You can add or remove large content boxes as well, to make this PPT slideshow more personalized. Its high-quality graphics and visuals help in presenting a well-coordinated pitch. This PPT template is also a resourceful tool to take visual cues from and implement the best ideas to help your business grow and expand. The main attraction of this well-formulated deck is that everything is editable, giving you the freedom to adjust it to your liking and choice. Changes can be made in the background and theme as well to deliver an outstanding pitch. Therefore, click on the download button now to gain full access to this multifunctional set.

Political Map Of United Kingdom With Neighboring Countries Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Political Map Of United Kingdom With Neighboring Countries Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

This complete deck acts as a great communication tool. It helps you in conveying your business message with personalized sets of graphics, icons etc. Comprising a set of twelve slides, this complete deck can help you persuade your audience. It also induces strategic thinking as it has been thoroughly researched and put together by our experts. Not only is it easily downloadable but also editable. The color, graphics, theme any component can be altered to fit your individual needs. So grab it now.

Ghana Country Flag And Maps Icon Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete With Slides

Ghana Country Flag And Maps Icon Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete With Slides

If designing a presentation takes a lot of your time and resources and you are looking for a better alternative, then this Ghana Country Flag And Maps Icon Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete With Slides is the right fit for you. This is a prefabricated set that can help you deliver a great presentation on the topic. All the tweleve slides included in this sample template can be used to present a birds-eye view of the topic. These slides are also fully editable, giving you enough freedom to add specific details to make this layout more suited to your business setting. Apart from the content, all other elements like color, design, theme are also replaceable and editable. This helps in designing a variety of presentations with a single layout. Not only this, you can use this PPT design in formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG once downloaded. Therefore, without any further ado, download and utilize this sample presentation as per your liking.

Country Maps And National Flags Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Country Maps And National Flags Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

If designing a presentation takes a lot of your time and resources and you are looking for a better alternative, then this Country Maps And National Flags Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides is the right fit for you. This is a prefabricated set that can help you deliver a great presentation on the topic. All the twelve slides included in this sample template can be used to present a birds-eye view of the topic. These slides are also fully editable, giving you enough freedom to add specific details to make this layout more suited to your business setting. Apart from the content, all other elements like color, design, theme are also replaceable and editable. This helps in designing a variety of presentations with a single layout. Not only this, you can use this PPT design in formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG once downloaded. Therefore, without any further ado, download and utilize this sample presentation as per your liking.

Country Profile Statistics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Country Profile Statistics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides

Boost your confidence and team morale with this well-structured Country Profile Statistics Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Complete Deck With Slides. This prefabricated set gives a voice to your presentation because of its well-researched content and graphics. Our experts have added all the components very carefully, thus helping you deliver great presentations with a single click. Not only that, it contains a set of thirteen slides that are designed using the right visuals, graphics, etc. Various topics can be discussed, and effective brainstorming sessions can be conducted using the wide variety of slides added in this complete deck. Apart from this, our PPT design contains clear instructions to help you restructure your presentations and create multiple variations. The color, format, design anything can be modified as deemed fit by the user. Not only this, it is available for immediate download. So, grab it now.

Map Of Country Belarus With Capital City Minsk Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographics Microsoft

Map Of Country Belarus With Capital City Minsk Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographics Microsoft

This is a map of country belarus with capital city minsk ppt powerpoint presentation infographics microsoft. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are belarus, countries, geographical.

International Peace Countries Handshake Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration Template

International Peace Countries Handshake Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration Template

This is a international peace countries handshake ppt powerpoint presentation inspiration template. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are world peace, peace on earth, peaceful environment.

Stock Market Trends Of Five Countries Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Model Guidelines

Stock Market Trends Of Five Countries Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Model Guidelines

This is a stock market trends of five countries ppt powerpoint presentation model guidelines. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are stock market, financial market, bull market.

India Map With Neighbouring Countries Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Slides Graphics

India Map With Neighbouring Countries Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Slides Graphics

This is a india map with neighbouring countries ppt powerpoint presentation slides graphics. This is a seven stage process. The stages in this process are india, south asian country.

Map Of Country Belarus With Grodno Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Model Backgrounds

Map Of Country Belarus With Grodno Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Model Backgrounds

This is a map of country belarus with grodno ppt powerpoint presentation model backgrounds. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are belarus, countries, geographical.

Map Of Country Belarus With Percentage Values Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Slides Introduction

Map Of Country Belarus With Percentage Values Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Slides Introduction

This is a map of country belarus with percentage values ppt powerpoint presentation slides introduction. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are belarus, countries, geographical.

Map Of Country Belarus With Regions Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographic Template Clipart

Map Of Country Belarus With Regions Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographic Template Clipart

This is a map of country belarus with regions ppt powerpoint presentation infographic template clipart. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are belarus, countries, geographical.

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Gallery

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Gallery

This is a revenue split by country ppt powerpoint presentation file gallery. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are location, information, geography, management, strategy.

Location Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Guidelines

Location Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Guidelines

This is a location country ppt powerpoint presentation ideas guidelines. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are location, management, strategy, analysis, marketing.

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Microsoft

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Microsoft

This is a revenue split by country ppt powerpoint presentation styles microsoft. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are business, management, planning, information, location.

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographic Template Graphic Images

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographic Template Graphic Images

This is a revenue split by country ppt powerpoint presentation infographic template graphic images. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are usa, brazil, africa, australia, russia.

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Design Inspiration

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Design Inspiration

This is a revenue split by country ppt powerpoint presentation ideas design inspiration. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are location, management, planning, information, business.

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration Designs Download

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration Designs Download

This is a revenue split by country ppt powerpoint presentation inspiration designs download. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are usa, brazil, africa, australia, russia.

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Design Inspiration

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Design Inspiration

This is a revenue split by country ppt powerpoint presentation file design inspiration. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are united states, brazil, africa, russia, australia.

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Layouts Graphics Template

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Layouts Graphics Template

This is a revenue split by country ppt powerpoint presentation layouts graphics template. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are north america, brazil, africa, russia, australia.

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Format

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Format

This is a revenue split by country ppt powerpoint presentation styles format. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are united states, brazil, africa, russia, australia.

Geographical Reach By Country Template 1 Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Example Topics

Geographical Reach By Country Template 1 Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Example Topics

This is a geographical reach by country template 1 ppt powerpoint presentation ideas example topics. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are location, geography, information, planning, success.

Geographical Reach By Country Template 2 Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Images

Geographical Reach By Country Template 2 Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Styles Images

This is a geographical reach by country template 2 ppt powerpoint presentation styles images. This is a ten stage process. The stages in this process are location, geography, information, planning, success.

World Map With Four Countries Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Pictures Slides

World Map With Four Countries Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Pictures Slides

This is a megaphone for business promotion ppt powerpoint presentation visual aids infographics. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are support, assistance, hand holding.

Location Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographic Template Pictures

Location Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographic Template Pictures

This is a location country ppt powerpoint presentation infographic template pictures. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are business, management, location, strategy, analysis.

Members Details With Name Country And Organization Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Ideas Files

Members Details With Name Country And Organization Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Ideas Files

This is a members details with name country and organization ppt powerpoint presentation ideas files. This is a seven stage process. The stages in this process are list of participants, list of members, list of contributors.

Members List With Name Country And Institution Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Layouts Maker

Members List With Name Country And Institution Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Layouts Maker

This is a members list with name country and institution ppt powerpoint presentation layouts maker. This is a seven stage process. The stages in this process are list of participants, list of members, list of contributors.

Members List With Name Country And Position Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Slides Images

Members List With Name Country And Position Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Slides Images

This is a members list with name country and position ppt powerpoint presentation slides images. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are list of participants, list of members, list of contributors.

Members List With Name Country And Title Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Ideas Inspiration

Members List With Name Country And Title Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Ideas Inspiration

This is a members list with name country and title ppt powerpoint presentation ideas inspiration. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are list of participants, list of members, list of contributors.

Members List With Name Country Media And Position Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Outline Influencers

Members List With Name Country Media And Position Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Outline Influencers

This is a members list with name country media and position ppt powerpoint presentation outline influencers. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are list of participants, list of members, list of contributors.

Global Requirements Model Locality Country And Supplier Specific Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Ideas Graphics Tutorials

Global Requirements Model Locality Country And Supplier Specific Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Ideas Graphics Tutorials

This is a global requirements model locality country and supplier specific ppt powerpoint presentation ideas graphics tutorials. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are business requirements, business needs, company requirements, organization requirements.

Revenue Split By Country Management Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Outline Show

Revenue Split By Country Management Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Outline Show

This is a revenue split by country management ppt powerpoint presentation outline show. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are location, information, geography, management, strategy.

Global Requirements Model Locality Country And Supplier Specific Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Gallery Samples

Global Requirements Model Locality Country And Supplier Specific Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Gallery Samples

Presenting this set of slides with name global requirements model locality country and supplier specific ppt powerpoint presentation gallery samples. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are business requirements, business needs, company requirements, organization requirements. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Ecommerce Industry Outline Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographic Template Structure

Ecommerce Industry Outline Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographic Template Structure

Presenting this set of slides with name ecommerce industry outline country ppt powerpoint presentation infographic template structure. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are location, information, geography, management, strategy. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Ecommerce Industry Outline Country Map Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Gallery Layout Ideas

Ecommerce Industry Outline Country Map Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Gallery Layout Ideas

Presenting this set of slides with name ecommerce industry outline country map ppt powerpoint presentation gallery layout ideas. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are location, information, geography, management, strategy. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Revenue Split By Country Location Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Icon Deck

Revenue Split By Country Location Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Icon Deck

Presenting this set of slides with name revenue split by country location ppt powerpoint presentation icon deck. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are location, information, geography, management, strategy. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

International Retail Sales By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Model Clipart

International Retail Sales By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Model Clipart

Presenting this set of slides with name international retail sales by country ppt powerpoint presentation model clipart. The topics discussed in these slides are retail, business strategies, sales strategy. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

World Map Countries Example

World Map Countries Example

This is a world map countries example. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are canada, brazil, africa, australia, russia.

America Country Map With Locations Powerpoint Slides

America Country Map With Locations Powerpoint Slides

This PowerPoint template has been designed with America country map with locations. Each and every property of any region - color, size, shading etc can be modified to help you build an effective PowerPoint presentation. You may use this template to display sales territories, business and new office locations, travel planning etc in your presentations.

Five Maps For Different Countries Powerpoint Slides

Five Maps For Different Countries Powerpoint Slides

This PowerPoint map template has been designed with five maps of different countries. Each and every property of any region - color, size, shading etc can be modified to help you build an effective PowerPoint presentation. Any text can be entered at any point in the PowerPoint map slide.

Map Diagram For Demography Of Country Powerpoint Slides

Map Diagram For Demography Of Country Powerpoint Slides

This PowerPoint map template has been carefully created by our professional team to display location and other geographic details in your PowerPoint presentation. Each and every property of any region - color, size, shading etc can be modified to help you build an effective PowerPoint presentation.

World Maps With Countries Location Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Shapes

World Maps With Countries Location Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Shapes

This is a world maps with countries location ppt powerpoint presentation shapes. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are russia, china, united states america, brazil, australia.

Location Of Countries In World Map Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Rules

Location Of Countries In World Map Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Rules

This is a location of countries in world map ppt powerpoint presentation rules. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are russia, brazil, united states america, china, australia.

Target Business Locations With Country Names Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Layouts

Target Business Locations With Country Names Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Layouts

This is a target business locations with country names ppt powerpoint presentation layouts. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are europe, north america, latin america, africa, asia.

Market Size By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Images

Market Size By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Images

This is a market size by country ppt powerpoint presentation images. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are middle east and africa, asia pacific, the united states.

Users Of Different Countries Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Gallery Templates

Users Of Different Countries Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Gallery Templates

This is a users of different countries ppt powerpoint presentation gallery templates. This is a eleven stage process. The stages in this process are usa, brazil, france, uk, germany, russia, china, india, japan, australia.

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographic Template Samples

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Infographic Template Samples

This is a revenue split by country ppt powerpoint presentation infographic template samples. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are usa, brazil, africa, africa, australia, russia.

Users Of Different Countries Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Professional Ideas

Users Of Different Countries Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Professional Ideas

This is a users of different countries ppt powerpoint presentation professional ideas. This is a eleven stage process. The stages in this process are usa, brazil, uk, france, germany.

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Layouts Layout

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Layouts Layout

This is a revenue split by country ppt powerpoint presentation layouts layout. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are usa, brazil, africa russia, australia.

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Gallery Sample

Revenue Split By Country Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Gallery Sample

This is a revenue split by country ppt powerpoint presentation gallery sample. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are usa, russia, brazil, africa, australia.

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Shadow of a man holding large knife in his hand inside of some dark, spooky buiding

list of countries

Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.

  • Table Of Contents

This is an alphabetically ordered list of the countries of the world. ( See also geography and government .)

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • The Bahamas
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Central African Republic
  • Congo, Democratic Republic of the
  • Congo, Republic of the
  • Côte d’Ivoire
  • Dominican Republic
  • East Timor (Timor-Leste)
  • El Salvador
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Korea, North
  • Korea, South
  • Liechtenstein
  • Marshall Islands
  • Micronesia, Federated States of
  • Myanmar (Burma)
  • North Macedonia
  • Philippines
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Sao Tome and Principe
  • Sierra Leone
  • Solomon Islands
  • Sudan, South
  • Switzerland
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Turkmenistan
  • United Arab Emirates

United States

  • Vatican City

presentation of the country

PowerPoint World Map

Select countries by name, never make mistakes, it really is that easy, powerpoint world map - select countries by name.

PowerPoint World Map is the easiest way to display countries and maps in your presentation, No Atlas needed, go Faster and No Mistakes! PowerPoint World Map is the world’s number 1 way of creating insight in global developments in your presentation. Easily coloring countries from the list of names without need of any atlas and no more epic failures by accidently coloring the wrong countries!

in video below, switch ON audio

Create a live global Monitor in PowerPoint, select Country by Name & Color

stop wasting time

  • Your “PPT World Map with Full Instruction”, instantly in your e-mail Inbox!
  • All World Countries Maps, vector drawings as standard PowerPoint Object
  • World’s most easy way to Create Insight in Global Development in any PowerPoint Presentation, No Atlas needed go Faster and No Mistakes!
  • Select and Color countries. Need a Country Name? Click on it and see!
  • Monitor Global Progresses by Real Time Updating by Countries Names
  • USA States Selectable by Names easy updating Election Developments!

NEW! on Apple/Mac

Companies working faster with the powerpoint world map.

presentation of the country

The PowerPoint World Map with names has been sold in 65+ countries

PowerPoint World Map consists of a world map in which any* country in this World Map is drawn as an editable object, or group of objects (f.i. countries grouped with belonging islands etc.) that can be selected by country name in PowerPoint, on Windows all MS-supported versions and OSX Apple/Mac from PPT-2016 v-15-18, up.**

Your copy of the Windows 10 ready epic PowerPoint World Map file is instantly emailed to you. In the PowerPoint World Map file, on any World Map slide, just click any* country and the world countries names list appears in Selection Pane. Or activate the Selection Pane on the Ribbon to make the countries names list appear (see  Instruction Manual ). To create an epic insight on global developments, copy the World Map map slide in your presentation and (re-)color the countries to represent the next steps of the developments in your global stories and so fast and cost efficient, developing your error-free global presentations! It really is that easy!

* Any country is meant as countries generally accepted by the United Nations as legal and / or autonomic entities at the moment the PowerPoint World Map is presented on the web. The creators of PowerPoint World Map are doing the best to represent the legal / economic temporarily reality of a complex and continuously developing world. As the definition of this temporarily reality is arbitrary and for some entities for certain, object of permanent discussion, the creators cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever of effects resulting from the use of the PowerPoint World Map.

** Visit our Blog for more on Apple / Mac.

presentation of the country

Create moving, zooming presentations that grab attention and keep it.

presentation of the country

Appear right alongside your content while presenting to your audience.

presentation of the country

Make stunning interactive charts, reports, maps, infographics, and more.

You're about to create your best presentation ever

Country Presentation Powerpoint Template

presentation of the country

country powerpoint presentation

Transcript: Bangladesh Presented by: Giana Pardee :) for Mrs. Gile's computer class Top Ten 1. University of Dhaka 2. American international University of Bangladesh 3. Bangladesh University of engineers & technology 4. National University of Bangladesh 5. Jahangirragar University 6. North south University 7. East west University 8. Ahsunullah University of science & technology 9. Rajshahi University 10. Shahja University of science and technology science KINGDOM: animalia PHYLUM: chordata CLASS: amphibia ORDER: anura FAMILY: microhylidae GENUS: kaloula SPECIES: dulchra Geography Clothing-Traditional jamdani is an expensive type of fabric that has been described as "woven air" because the fabric is sheer or near see-through, quality Clothing- Modern Women- they wear dresses and shals over their sholders. Girls- wear dresses with leggings underneth. Men- they wear long T-shirts down to their knees with pants underneth. Boys- wear the same as the men. cost analisis The cost ananisis is for 2 people for 3 days and 4 nights. Menu Gajar narkel halua Ingredients 1. 1kg gajar( carrot), shredded 2. 1 narkel( coconut), shredded 3. 3/4 kg ( or as u taste) 4. 1/2 ltr milk 5. whole garam masala( 4/5 elach, 3 darchini, 2 bay leaves) 6. raisin 10, pesta badam 10, kaju badam 5.almond 5 (soaked in hot water & sliced) 7. 1/2 cup milk pow 8. ghee, 2 tbl sp 9. Rose water 1tblsp. Procedure 1.Heat ghee in a heavy bottomed pan, sprinkle garam masala, add shredded carrot & stir for few minutes(3/4 min), pour milk & cook till carrot gets soft, add shredded coconut, mix for 2/3 minutes, add sugar & stir continuously till it gets dissolved & mix milk pow for a minute or two. 2.Before leaving the heat, add rose wate, raisin, stir. 3.Halwa is done. 4.Garnish with nuts( pista, almond, kaju). 5.You can serve like this way but what i do is-grease one dish with a little ghee & spread the halwa evenly on the dish & cut into pieces. Let it be cool completely, then serve it on the table. 6.This is very tasty works cited

presentation of the country

Country Template

Transcript: Traditions and Culture Insert a map of the country here. You'll need to save it to your H: Drive first and than click: Insert: Image. Geography Government History Insert a picture pertaining to this region. Additional Information Insert a picture pertaining to this region. Your Country Name! Discuss the key features of the history of this country. Group member names Type the key Traditions and Culture of the region. Describe the key features of the geography. Discuss the key features of the government. Describe any additional information.

presentation of the country

RCM Country Presentation Template

Transcript: Country Situation/Context Analysis: ACTED (Country) in Figures: 2.1 Pluralistic and Empowered Civil Society: XXX Projects - XXX EUR 2.2 Effective and Responsive Public Institutions: XXX Projects - XXX EUR 2.3 Social Cohesion: XXX Projects - XXX EUR Promotion of Inclusive and Sustainable Growth: 3.1 Climate-Smart Agriculture: XXX Projects - XXX EUR 3.2 Employment, Income and Financial Inclusion: XXX Projects - XXX EUR ACTED (Country) Flagship Project (1): Funding Trends: s ACTED (Country) Flagship Project (2): Questions/Comments? ACTED Areas of Intervention: Co-Constructing Effective Governance: Insert Text/pics Humanitarian Situation Political Situation Economic Situation Environmental Situation National Development Strategies Outlook for the country over the next 3-5 years Insert Text/pics Strategic Priorities for the next 6 months: Main Donors in Country: Country Presentation: Afghanistan Benchmarking with other NGOs in Country: Current Projects by Type Emergency Response and Disaster Resilience: 1.1 Mitigation and Prevention: XXX Projects - XXX EUR 1.2 Preparedness: XXX Projects - XXX EUR 1.3 Emergency Response: XXX Projects - XXX EUR 1.4 Rehabilitation and Recovery: XXX Projects - XXX EUR

presentation of the country

PowerPoint Portrayal Template

Transcript: huddle Mrs. Rossi huddle to crowd together crowd huddle separate

presentation of the country

European Country Powerpoint

Transcript: Greece Created by: Jheel and Rhyan Greece 1 Jheel & Rhyan 2 Greece Flag #1 Important Detail #1 #2 The Greece flag was created December 22, 1978 #3 Greek Flag day takes place on October 27th Geography 3 Mainland Greece is mostly mountainous and rocky land and is almost completely surrounded my the Mediterranean sea. Greece has OVER 1400 ISLANDS!!! About 20% of Greece is Islands 4 Religion in Greece is dominated by the Greek Orthodox Church. On the mainland (Greece), most of the population is Christian Orthodox. Rest of the religion are Muslims, Catholic and Jewish Religion 5 6 Holidays and Festivals Epiphany- January 6th (When "Blessings of Waters" take place. The people throw an arrow in the sea, lakes or rivers which then swimmers must retrieve to receive good luck. Saint Valentina- Feburary 14th (Basically Valentine's day its just called Saint Valentina In Greece) May 1st- Labor day and the feast of Flowers (A time when people go out for picnics and fly kites.) Ohi Day- October 28th. (celebrating Greek refusal to let Italy invade Greece during WWll also called Day of No) March 25th- Greek independence days (Military parades) May-June- The day of Holy spirit. (A big feast that takes place 40-50 days after Easter.) November 17th- The polytechnic uprise against Junta. (The day of the student rise against the greek Junta. Students locked themselves in the polytechnic school of Athens. Three days later a tank infiltrated the school and killed many of the students.) December 25th- Christmas Some of the most famous sports in Greece are Soccer, Water polo, Basketball, Volleyball and many other Olympic sports . The Olympics were also held in Athens Greece in 1896, it was the first place the Olympics have been held. Sports 7 One of the most popular desserts in Greece is the Baklava. It consist of Filo dough and nuts. Another popular food is Moussaka it's an eggplant or potato based dish. This dish popped up in the 1920s in modern day Greece Foods 8 People in Greece mostly speak Greek. 99% of the population speak greek. The other minority of people that don't speak Greek only speak English, German, French, and/or Italian. Greeks also learn those languages. At least 13.2 people in Greece speak Greek. Language 9 Acropolis, Athens- It is considered the symbol of Athens and Greece. The Acropolis is a rocky mound rising in the heart of modern Athens which has 3 magnificent temples that has been there since the 5th century BC. Acropolis Museum, Athens- The Acropolis Museum is one of the most visited place by tourists. It is designed by Swiss Architect Bernard Tschumi. Santorini- Santorini is one of the most dramatic and beautiful of Greece's Islands. It is mostly known for the west coast cliff-top towns. Tourist Attractions 10 Athens is Greeces' capital. Greece main cities are: Thessaloniki, Patras, Larissa, Volos. Capital and Main Cities 11 Marble, Clay, Nickel, Coal, salt, Iron ore, water, bauxite, magnesite, zinc, lead, lignite Natural Resources 12 Magnesite Lignite Salt Clay The GDP in Greece is 200.3 billion USD. The literacy rate in Greece is 97.37% the male rate is 98.28% while female rate is 96.5%. Compared to other countries Greece is ranked 40 in literacy rate. The Life expectancy in Greece is about 81- 83 years old. 13 GDP, Literacy rates & Life expectancy Some imports of Greece are Crude petroleum, refined petroleum, packaged medicament, passenger and cargo ships. Some Exports of Greece are Petroleum products, Aluminum, medicament, fruits and nuts, etc... Imports and Exports 14 Greece is a developed country because the GDP, infant rate, life expectancy, and living standards are modern. Developed or Developing? 15

presentation of the country

Country PowerPoint: China

Transcript: Zenera Foster Period 10 AP Economics Dr. Haig China Beijing - Asia Leader: Xi Jinping Leader: Xi Jinping Birth: June 1953 Birth Place: Fuping Country, Shaanxi Province, China Father: Xi Zhongxun, Revolutionary and Vice Premier Mother: Qi Xin: Marriages: Peng Liyuan (1987-Present); Ke Lingling (Divorced) Children: with Peng Liyuan: Xi Mingze Born in 1953 to a Chinese Communist Party By 2013, Xi was elected General Secretary of Communcist Party Executive Branch: State Council and Premier of China Legislative Branch: National People's Congress Judicial branch: Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate Military Branch: People's Liberation Army (PLA Government Structure Government Structure Executive Branch: State Council and Premier of China Legislative Branch: National People's Congress Judicial branch: Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate Military Branch: People's Liberation Army (PLA) Map of China Map of China Map of flag Map of flag National Anthem National Anthem Populations/Religion Populations/Religion Language/Ethnic Group Language/Ethnic Group Imports & exports Imports & exports GDP GDP 11.2 Trillion USD (2016) Climate Climate Owing to tremendous differences in latitude, longitude, and altitude, the climate of China is extremely diverse, ranging from tropical in the far south to subarctic in the far north and alpine in the higher elevations of the Tibetan Plateau. Among them 2,404 are terrestrials and 3,862 fishes. There are more than 100 wild animal species unique to China including such well-known rare animals as the giant panda, golden-haired monkey, South China tiger, brown-eared pheasant, red-crowned crane, red ibis, white-flag dolphin and Chinese alligator. The plant collection at Lan Su presents hundreds of plants species that are native to China. It is home to more than fifty specimen trees, many rare and unusual shrubs and perennials, and curated collections of Magnolia, Peony, Camellia, Rhododendron, Osmanthus and Bamboo. Plants/Animals Plants/Animals Plants/Animals Plants/Animals These dishes are available in most large restaurants in China: Sweet and Sour Pork Sweet and sour pork Kung Pao Chicken Ma Po Tofu Wontons Dumplings Chow Mein Peking Roasted Duck Food Food Food Food Capital City: Beijing Capital City: Beijing Beijing formerly romanized as Peking, is the capital of the People's Republic of China, the world's second most populous city proper, and most populous capital city. The city, located in northern China, is governed as a direct-controlled municipality under the national government with 16 urban, suburban, and rural districts. 1 Chinese Yuan=$0.16 US Dollar 5 Chinese Yuan=$0.79 US Dollar 10 Chinese Yuan=$1.58 US Dollar 50 Chinese Yuan=$7.90 US Dollar 100 Chinese Yuan=$15.79 US Dollar Currency Currency Educational System Educational System Citizens Citizens Legally, all citizens of the People's Republic of China who have reached the age of 18 have the right to vote and stand for election, regardless of ethnicity, race, sex, occupation, family background, religious belief, education, property status, or length of residence, except for persons deprived of political rights.

presentation of the country

Country Powerpoint

Transcript: LOCATION Capital: London Major Cities: London, Manchester, Oxford, Cambridge, and Southampton. Bordering Countries: Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. The Prime Minister of England’s name is David Cameron. He was born on October 9th, 1966 in London, England. First known civilization was during the Ice Age Era (35,000-10,000 years ago). Romans tried to invade Britannia (Latin name of the island) in 55BC under the rule of Julius Caesar, but failed. Invaded by the Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings, and the Normans. Ruled by Henry VIII from 1509 to 1547. Manchester had an industrial revolution during the late 18th century. The main religion practiced throughout England is Christianity. CURRENCY AND TIME The population of England is about 51,456,400 people. The climate there is extremely varied. It can go from a heat wave to a deep freeze in a matter of minutes. HOLIDAYS Some popular holidays in England are: Easter St. Georges Day Mothers Day Halloween Fathers Day Boxing Day- Day after Christmas. 1.The Eye- Largest Ferris wheel in the world. 2. Stonehenge- Prehistoric monument; Popular tourist attraction. 3. Buckingham Palace- Home of the Queen of England. 4. Lake District- Great spot for hiking and climbing, beautiful hills. 5. Tower of London- Served as a prison from 1100 to mid twentieth century. Most haunted building in England. ENGLAND By Conor Clarkson welcome zoom in The currency of England is the UK Pound. Their time zone is 6 hours ahead of us. RELIGION MAIN ATTRACTIONS HISTORY POPULATION AND CLIMATE FLAG PRIME MINISTER SOURCES

presentation of the country

Country Club Powerpoint

Transcript: Country Club Family Pool Kia Crawford Wk# 4 BSCOM/100T Benefits Increase enrollment Great additional Working to keep families together Increase the value of Country Club Country Club Future future Take a quick look at this You Tube video to see the possibility

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Country Map is an add-in for PowerPoint. It can be used for various things, like highlighting countries, plotting data, and much more!

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7 April 2022 This is the Privacy Policy of Country Map (hereinafter referred to as “Country Map” “we,” “us” or “our”), a company having its address at Stationsplein 21, 4461 HP Goes in the Netherlands. Country Map is a product of Addinly, registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 20145026. Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, share and protect information in relation to our website (the “Service“). We collect this information when you visit our website with your computer, tablet or mobile phone (“Computer”). We process personal data in a manner that is in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”), the GDPR-based legislation and the other current privacy legislation. By using the Service, you understand and agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy applies to all visitors, users, and others who access the Service (“Users”). 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Country Presentations

In order to provide in-country audiences with a clear, detailed understanding of the data in the Countdown country profile , Countdown has developed customized (and customizable) PowerPoint presentations for each of the 75 Countdown countries. These presentations can be useful both as an introduction to the Country Countdown process and as a way of introducing policy makers, media, advocates, and other stakeholders to a set of essential data on the country’s current situation with regard to reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health.

Each country presentation includes an introductory section with general information on Countdown to 2015. The central portion of the presentation is designed to acquaint audiences with all of the key data that appears on the country profile, along with a brief discussion of Countdown’s data sources. Each chart on the profile is presented on an individual slide, together with a brief explanation of the indicator presented. (For countries on which Countdown has conducted equity analysis, presentations also include a set of optional slides presenting detailed information on equity of coverage.) Finally, the last section of the presentation offers a brief introduction to the Country Countdown process.

All presentations include speakers’ notes to assist presenters in covering all key points, and can be customized or adapted by the presenter based on audience needs and interests, the country’s policy and program priorities, and the purpose of the meeting.

Please note that these presentations contain data from the 2014 Countdown country profiles. For some indicators in some countries, more recent data may have been released subsequent to the production of the 2014 Countdown profile; the presentation, like the profile itself, therefore may not include the most recent available data for all indicators. Rather, the profile and presentation provide an overview of the best and most current data available on key indicators as of the time that the 2014 profiles were produced.

Please note also that Countdown uses United Nations inter-agency estimates of maternal, neonatal, and child mortality, which may differ from mortality statistics that are produced and commonly used in-country. The UN inter-agency teams use national and other data sources and apply statistical modeling techniques in order to generate these mortality estimates, which are comparable across countries and can be monitored over time. In presenting to audiences that are already familiar with the country’s mortality statistics, or for whom the presentation of different mortality data may be confusing or controversial, presenters may choose to delete the slide (page 18 of the presentation) that presents the mortality charts.

Country presentations are available for the following countries:

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  • Tanzania, United Republic of
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Five things to know about Tim Walz

On Tuesday, Vice President Kamala Harris decided on Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate in her bid for the White House.


Minnesota voters gathered outside Governor Tim Walz’s residence react as Walz was announced as the running mate of Kamala Harris in the U.S. presidential election. (AP Video by Mark Vancleave)


Vice President Kamala Harris has picked Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to be her running mate, turning to a Midwestern governor, military veteran and union supporter who helped enact an ambitious Democratic agenda for his state.


FILE - Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, right, laughs as he stands with Fridley, Minn., Mayor Scott Lund during a visit to the Cummins Power Generation Facility in Fridley, Minn., Monday, April 3, 2023. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

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FILE - Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz applauds as President Joe Biden speaks at Dutch Creek Farms in Northfield, Minn., Nov. 1, 2023. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)

FILE - Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz listens after meeting with President Joe Biden, July 3, 2024, at the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz speaks during a news conference for the Biden-Harris campaign discussing the Project 2025 plan during the third day of the 2024 Republican National Convention near the Fiserv Forum, Wednesday, July 17, 2024, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Joe Lamberti)

FILE - Minnesota Governor Tim Walz greets reporters before Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at Planned Parenthood, March 14, 2024, in St. Paul, Minn. (AP Photo/Adam Bettcher, File)

FILE - Rep. Betty McCullum, D-Minn., left, and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, listen as Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at Planned Parenthood, March 14, 2024, in St. Paul, Minn. (AP Photo/Adam Bettcher, File)

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MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Vice President Kamala Harris has decided on Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate in her bid for the White House. The 60-year-old Democrat and military veteran rose to the forefront with a series of plain-spoken television appearances in the days after President Joe Biden decided not to seek a second term. He has made his state a bastion of liberal policy and, this year, one of the few states to protect fans buying tickets online for Taylor Swift concerts and other live events.

Some things to know about Walz:

Walz comes from rural America

It would be hard to find a more vivid representative of the American heartland than Walz. Born in West Point, Nebraska, a community of about 3,500 people northwest of Omaha, Walz joined the Army National Guard and became a teacher in Nebraska.

He and his wife moved to Mankato in southern Minnesota in the 1990s. That’s where he taught social studies and coached football at Mankato West High School, including for the 1999 team that won the first of the school’s four state championships. He still points to his union membership there.

Walz served 24 years in the Army National Guard, rising to command sergeant major, one of the highest enlisted ranks in the military, although he didn’t complete all the training before he retired so his rank for benefits purposes was set at master sergeant.


He has a proven ability to connect with conservative voters

In his first race for Congress, Walz upset a Republican incumbent. That was in 2006, when he won in a largely rural, southern Minnesota congressional district against six-term Rep. Gil Gutknecht. Walz capitalized on voter anger with then-President George W. Bush and the Iraq war.

During six terms in the U.S. House, Walz championed veterans’ issues.

He’s also shown a down-to-earth side, partly through social media video posts with his daughter, Hope. One last fall showed them trying a Minnesota State Fair ride, “The Slingshot,” after they bantered about fair food and her being a vegetarian.


He could help the ticket in key Midwestern states

While Walz isn’t from one of the crucial “blue wall” states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, where both sides believe they need to win, he’s right next door. He also could ensure that Minnesota stays in the hands of Democrats.

That’s important because former President Donald Trump has portrayed Minnesota as being in play this year, even though the state hasn’t elected a Republican to statewide office since 2006. A GOP presidential candidate hasn’t carried the state since President Richard Nixon’s landslide in 1972, but Trump has already campaigned there .

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When Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton decided not to seek a third term in 2018, Walz campaigned and won the office on a “One Minnesota” theme.

Walz also speaks comfortably about issues that matter to voters in the Rust Belt. He’s been a champion of Democratic causes, including union organizing, workers’ rights and a $15-an-hour minimum wage.

He has experience with divided government

In his first term as governor, Walz faced a Legislature split between a Democratic-led House and a Republican-controlled Senate that resisted his proposals to use higher taxes to boost money for schools, health care and roads. But he and lawmakers brokered compromises that made the state’s divided government still seem productive.

Bipartisan cooperation became tougher during his second year as he used the governor’s emergency power during the COVID-19 pandemic to shutter businesses and close schools. Republicans pushed back and forced out some agency heads. Republicans also remain critical of Walz over what they see as his slow response to sometimes violent unrest that followed the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer in 2020.

Things got easier for Walz in his second term, after he defeated Republican Scott Jensen , a physician known nationally as a vaccine skeptic. Democrats gained control of both legislative chambers, clearing the way for a more liberal course in state government, aided by a huge budget surplus.

Walz and lawmakers eliminated nearly all of the state abortion restrictions enacted in the past by Republicans, protected gender-affirming care for transgender youth and legalized the recreational use of marijuana.

Rejecting Republican pleas that the state budget surplus be used to cut taxes, Democrats funded free school meals for children, free tuition at public colleges for students in families earning under $80,000 a year, a paid family and medical leave program and health insurance coverage regardless of a person’s immigration status.


He has an ear for sound-bite politics

Walz called Republican nominee Donald Trump and running mate JD Vance “just weird” in an MSNBC interview last month and the Democratic Governors Association — which Walz chairs — amplified the point in a post on X . Walz later reiterated the characterization on CNN, citing Trump’s repeated mentions of the fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter from the film “Silence of the Lambs” in stump speeches.

The word quickly morphed into a theme for Harris and other Democrats and has a chance to be a watchword of the undoubtedly weird 2024 election.

Hanna reported from Topeka, Kansas.


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Country Study Presentation on Antigua and Barbuda - North America - Caribbean

Country Study Presentation on Antigua and Barbuda - North America - Caribbean

Subject: Geography

Age range: 16+

Resource type: Lesson (complete)

Social Studies with Alan

Last updated

3 August 2024

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presentation of the country

This Teaching Resource is an Introductory PDF Presentation (13 Slides) on Antigua and Barbuda . This Digital Resource can be great for Geography and Social Studies Classes . Suitable Learners for this kind of lesson are students from 7th Grade to 12th Grade .

This Geography + Social Studies Presentation on Antigua and Barbuda (North America - Caribbean) aims to introduce learners to Antigua and Barbuda (its most important and basic facts, languages, history, environment and economy). No or little preparation is needed.

Within this Introductory Presentation on Antigua and Barbuda (PDF Country Study Teaching Resource) it is offered:

  • a first slide with greetings in English Language (Hello) with QR Codes and link to YouTube Video to learn how to pronounce it properly in English Language (this product can also be ideal for ESL Classes or any non Native student)
  • 2 slides on Antigua and Barbuda + its basic geography (Google Maps Link directed to Antigua and Barbuda’s geographical location included)
  • a “quick data on Antigua and Barbuda” slide (currency, population, kind of government etc)
  • 1 slides on the Language spoken in Antigua and Barbuda
  • 1 slides with Antigua and Barbuda’s History timeline
  • 1 Slide on Geographical facts (size, kind of territory and weather)
  • 1 on Antigua and Barbuda’s Economy
  • 1 on St. John’s
  • 1 on other Cities in Antigua and Barbuda (little map of Antigua and Barbuda with cities such as Liberta and English Harbour)
  • 1 slides on Antiguan and Barbaduan Culture
  • 1 last slide with Goodbye written in English (this product can also be ideal for ESL Classes or any non Native student)

This Social Studies + Geography Country Study on Antigua and Barbuda PDF Digital Teaching Resource (13 slides) can be great for learners from 7th grade to 12th grade to introduce Antigua and Barbuda and its Culture.

Social Studies with Alan is a Brand New Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating environment. Learning is Fun. Never Forget!

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Country Study Teaching Resources Bundle on Antigua and Barbuda - North America - Caribbeans - 50% OFF

These 2 Country Study Teaching Resources on Antigua and Barbuda (Caribbeans - North America) can be great for **Social Studies/Geography** classes at **Middle School and High School** The **Teaching Resources on Antigua and Barbuda** included in this Bundle are: * a **Presentation lesson** on Antigua and Barbuda (introduction) * a **worksheets activity** to test learners on their knowledge on Antigua and Barbuda **Social Studies with Alan** is a Brand New Teaching Resource/Educational Material Store whose aim is to help Teachers, Educators and Tutors to achieve their teaching objectives while creating a fun and stimulating environment. ***Learning is fun. Never Forget!***

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Harris picks Walz image

Vice President Kamala Harris picked Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to be her running mate.

US recognizes opposition candidate as winner of Venezuela's presidential election


Demonstrators protest Venezuela's contested presidential election results outside Venezuela's consulate in Bogota, Colombia, Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024. (AP Photo/Ivan Valencia)

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — The U.S. government on Thursday recognized Venezuelan opposition candidate Edmundo González as the winner of the South American country's presidential election, discrediting the results announced by electoral authorities who declared President Nicolás Maduro the victor.

“Given the overwhelming evidence, it is clear to the United States and, most importantly, to the Venezuelan people that Edmundo González Urrutia won the most votes in Venezuela’s July 28 presidential election,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement.

The National Electoral Council declared Maduro the winner of Sunday's highly anticipated election, but the president’s main challenger, González, and opposition leader Maria Corina Machado have said they obtained more than two-thirds of the tally sheets that each electronic voting machine printed after polls closed.

They said the release of the data on those tallies would prove Maduro lost.

The announcement from the U.S. government came amid diplomatic efforts to persuade Maduro to release vote tallies from the election and increasing calls for an independent review of the results, according to officials from Brazil and México.

Government officials from Brazil, Colombia and Mexico have been in constant communication with Maduro's administration to convince him that he must show the vote tally sheets from Sunday's election and allow impartial verification, a Brazilian government official told The Associated Press Thursday.

The officials have told Venezuela's government that showing the data is the only way to dispel any doubt in the results, said the Brazilian official, who asked not be identified because they are not authorized to publicly speak about the diplomatic efforts.

A Mexican official, who also spoke on condition of anonymity for the same reason, confirmed that the three governments have been discussing the issue with Venezuela but did not provide details. Earlier, Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he planned to speak with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil and President Gustavo Petro of Colombia, and that his government believes it's important that the electoral tallies be made public.

Later Thursday, the governments of Brazil, Colombia and Mexico issued a joint statement calling on Venezuela's electoral authorities “to move forward expeditiously and publicly release” detailed voting data, but they did not confirm any backroom diplomatic efforts to persuade Maduro's government to publish the vote tallies.

“The fundamental principle of popular sovereignty must be respected through impartial verification of the results,” they said in the statement.

On Monday, after the National Electoral Council declared Maduro the winner of the election, thousands of opposition supporters took to the streets. The government said it arrested hundreds of protesters and Venezuela-based human rights organization Foro Penal said 11 people were killed. Dozens more were arrested the following day, including former a opposition candidate, Freddy Superlano.

Opposition leader M achado — who was barred from running for president — and González addressed a huge rally of their supporters in the capital, Caracas, on Tuesday, but they have not been seen in public since. Later that day, the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodriguez, called for their arrest, calling them criminals and fascists.

In an op-ed published Thursday in the Wall Street Journal, Machado said she is “hiding, fearing for my life, my freedom, and that of my fellow countrymen.” She reasserted that the opposition has physical evidence that Maduro lost the election and urged the international community to intervene.

“We have voted Mr. Maduro out,” she wrote. “Now it is up to the international community to decide whether to tolerate a demonstrably illegitimate government.”

Government repression over the years has pushed opposition leaders into exile. After the op-ed was published, Machado’s team told the AP that she was “sheltering.” Machado later posted a video on social media calling on supporters to gather Saturday morning across the country.

The González campaign had no comment on the op-ed.

On Wednesday, Maduro asked Venezuela’s highest court to conduct an audit of the election, but that request drew almost immediate criticism from foreign observers who said the court is too close to the government to produce an independent review.

It wasn't clear if Maduro's first concession to demands for more transparency was the result of the discussions with Brazil, Colombia and Mexico. Venezuela's president confirmed during a news conference on Wednesday that he had spoken with Petro about it.

Venezuela's Supreme Tribunal of Justice is closely aligned with Maduro's government. The court’s justices are proposed by federal officials and ratified by the National Assembly, which is dominated by Maduro sympathizers.

On Thursday, the court accepted Maduro's request for an audit and ordered him, González and the eight other candidates who participated in the presidential election to appear before the justices Friday.

González and Machado say they obtained more than two-thirds of the tally sheets printed from electronic voting machine after the polls closed. They said the release of the data on those tallies would prove Maduro lost.

Asked why electoral authorities have not released detailed vote counts, Maduro said the National Electoral Council has come under attack, including cyber-attacks, without elaborating.

The presidents of Colombia and Brazil — both close allies of the Venezuelan government — have urged Maduro to release detailed vote counts.

The Brazilian official said the diplomatic efforts are only intended to promote dialogue among Venezuelan stakeholders to negotiate a solution to the disputed election. The official said this would include the release of voting data and allowing independent verification.

López Obrador said Mexico hopes the will of Venezuela’s people will be respected and that there's no violence. He added that Mexico expects “that the evidence, the electoral results records, be presented.”

Pressure has been building on the president since the election.

The National Electoral Council, which is loyal to Maduro's United Socialist Party of Venezuela, has yet to release any results broken down by voting machine, as it did in past elections. It did, however, report that Maduro received 5.1 million votes, versus more than 4.4 million for González. But Machado, the opposition leader, has said vote tallies show González received roughly 6.2 million votes compared with 2.7 million for Maduro.

Venezuela has the world’s largest proven crude reserves and once boasted Latin America’s most advanced economy, but it entered into free fall after Maduro took the helm in 2013. Plummeting oil prices, widespread shortages and hyperinflation that soared past 130,000% led to social unrest and mass emigration.

More than 7.7 million Venezuelans have left the country since 2014, the largest exodus in Latin America’s recent history.

Australia smashes men's cycling team pursuit world record, wins bronze medal in team sprint at Paris Olympics

Sport Australia smashes men's cycling team pursuit world record, wins bronze medal in team sprint at Paris Olympics

Oliver Bleddyn and Conor Leahy ride arm-in-arm

Australia has broken the men's team pursuit world record on day two of the Olympic track cycling program.

The combination of Olympic medallists Sam Welsford, Kelland O'Brien, plus Games debutants Conor Leahy and Oliver Bleddyn, clocked an incredible time of 3 minutes and 40.730 seconds to easily beat reigning Games champions Italy in their round-one heat.

That sets up a gold-medal ride on Wednesday against Great Britain, Australia's long-time fierce rivals in the event.

The previous world record was 3:42.032, set by Italy at the Tokyo Olympics.

The world record came as Australia won bronze in the men's team sprint, beating France in their ride-off.

The combination of Leigh Hoffman, Matthew Richardson and Matthew Glaetzer rode 41.597 seconds to beat France's 41.993 in front of the raucous and parochial home crowd at the Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines velodrome outside Paris.

Matthew Richardson holds up his hand

Had they posted that time earlier on Tuesday in the first round, Australia would have ridden off against the Netherlands for the gold medal.

But Australia only managed 42.336, while the Dutch broke their own record.

The Dutch reduced the world mark again as they beat Great Britain in the final, clocking 40.979 to 41.814. They are the first team to go sub-41.

While it is Australia's first Olympic medal in the event since bronze at the Sydney Games, they made no secret of their gold medal aspirations.

Australia had upset the powerful Dutch to win the 2022 world title and were narrowly runners-up to them at last year's worlds.

Despite missing out on the gold medal, Glaetzer said it was "a lot of relief" after claiming the drought-breaking medal in the team sprint for Australia.

"I've been chasing an Olympic medal my whole career and it's taken 12 years," he said. 

"Every single team sprint we've come fourth and it's been the monkey on the back that we just haven't been able to shake. 

"We've lost to France twice in the Olympic final as well for bronze, and when we were heading up against them again I'm like, 'Here we go.'

"We've won the world title two years ago, came second last year. We've been right up there and just really didn't want to let the boys down on this stage. 

"Super proud that we got it done. I know a lot of the media put heaps of emphasis on gold medals, but to be honest, any performance that you're proud of is super valuable, and this bronze is like a gold to me, to be honest. 

"I mean, after going 12 years with no Olympic medal and to win a bronze, it's so special. And to share it with the boys, I couldn't be more grateful."

Australia had qualified fastest in the men's team pursuit on Monday, but it was unclear which teams were riding to schedules and saving their best for the first round.

The Australians beat Italy by more than two seconds — a whopping margin.

Australia last won the men's team pursuit gold medal at the 2004 Athens Olympics and finished runner-ups to the British at the 2012 and 2016 Olympics.

They won bronze in Tokyo — Australia's only medal on the track at those Olympics — after Alex Porter face-planted in qualifying when his handlebar snapped off.

Also on Tuesday, Australia was sixth-fastest in women's team pursuit qualifying.


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Ryazan: Ancient symbol of Russian resilience

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Photographs by William Brumfield

Among the ancient cities of the Russian heartland, few have endured a more turbulent history than Ryazan. Already an important town in the 11th century, Ryazan was completely devastated by the Mongols in 1237 and eventually revived at another location nearby.

Today, Ryazan is a growing city with a population of over half a million, conveniently located 110 miles to the south of Moscow. Among its several distinctions, Ryazan serves as a major administrative center of the Russian Orthodox Church. Indeed, the Ryazan kremlin has one of the most imposing cathedrals in all Russia.

Archeologists have determined that a settlement called Ryazan first appeared in an area inhabited for centuries by Eastern Slavs near the Oka River, a major tributary of the Volga.

The earliest mention to the area appears in the medieval chronicles in 1096, and by the middle of the 12th century Ryazan had become the center of a major principality that held sway over extensive territory in the Oka River basin. It had massive earthen-wall fortifications, portions of which have survived to the present as one of the largest archeological sites in Russia.

An especially active building phase occurred during the reign of prince Gleb Rostislavich, who ruled intermittently during a complicated feudal power struggle from 1145 until his death in 1178. In the decade from the late 1150s he built two masonry cathedrals – to the Dormition of the Virgin and to Sts.Boris and Gleb.

How to get there

To get to Ryazan take a train from either Moscow or St. Petersburg to Ryazan. The trip takes approximately 3 hours from Moscow and 15 hours from St. Petersburg.

This period of growth coincided with incessant princely feuds, and came to a catastrophic end with the Mongol invasion of 1237-41. Ryazan was the first of the Russian principalities to be conquered, in late 1237. The Ryazan Prince Fedor Yurevich was killed in battle by the forces of Batu-Khan, which then laid siege to the walled town.

Details of the campaign are provided in a rare medieval epic, The Tale of the Destruction of Ryazan. On learning of her husband's death in battle, Princess Eupraxia threw herself from a tower (perhaps a church) rather than face shameful capture.

According to the epic, the town heroically resisted for six days, but the odds were overwhelming and the town was savaged. Modern confirmation of the slaughter has been provided by the discovery of numerous burial pits with scores of skeletons.

After the destruction of Ryazan, attempts to reestablish settlements in the immediate area were undercut by repeated Tatar raids over the following decades. By the 14th century, the local church and political leadership decided to reestablish Ryazan at the better-defended settlement of Pereyaslavl, 35 miles northwest at the point where the small Turbezh River empties into the Oka.

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For centuries the town was known as Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky, but in 1778 the town was designated simply Ryazan. Thereafter, the uninhabited original site was called Staraya Ryazan (Old Ryazan), now the site of major archeological excavations. In the early 20 th century a memorial church was built over the site of the razed Cathedral of Sts. Boris and Gleb, but it was largely dismantled in the Soviet period. There are now plans to rebuild the memorial, together with a tourism and educational center.

By the beginning of the 15th century, Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky had a large fortress (kremlin) whose earthen ramparts are well preserved to this day. Although the threat of Tatar raids waned, the region was afflicted by famine and disease at the end of the 16 th century and wracked by violent disorders in the early 17th century during the dynastic interregnum known as the Time of Troubles.

Contemporary Ryzan has several dozen surviving churches, some of which date to the 17th century. They have an appealing variety of design typical of parish churches from the 17th to the 19 th centuries. One of the best examples is the small Church of the Holy Ghost, built in 1642 in the Ryazan kremlin and gracefully decorated with a pair of "tent" towers.

But the city's greatest monument is the Cathedral of the Dormition, whose name derived from the 12th-century cathedral of the same dedication in Old Ryazan. At the turn of the 15th century, a masonry cathedral dedicated to the Dormition was erected in Ryazan. In the early 1680s, Metropolitan Avraamy undertook to build a much larger cathedral to meet the needs of an expanded diocese. Work began in 1684, but the completed walls collapsed in 1692.

After the initial debacle, the project was entrusted to the renowned architect Yakov Bukhvostov, who also had difficulties with the foundations and the roof vaulting for the immense structure. Over 130 feet in height, with five large drums and cupolas as well as extensive window space, the structure is balanced on an ingenious system of cellar vaults, which also support an imposing terrace platform for the cathedral.

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The cathedral's roofline was designed as a horizontal cornice with decorative brick patterns. The tall windows were framed with carved limestone columns and pediments (the some 5,000 blocks comprising the limestone details were standardized, thus enabling the architect to complete the structure by 1699, a relatively short period in view of the complexity of the project and Bukhvostov's ongoing work elsewhere).

The window surrounds and the paired brick columns painted white that vertically divide the brick facades provide a palatial ambience to one of the largest churches of the 17th century – larger, in fact, than the Dormition Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin.

On the interior, the Dormition Cathedral resembles a great three-story hall, like Moscow's Dormition Cathedral. The space contains four massive columns for the central and west bays, and two extended piers that support the east bay and the soaring 18th-century icon screen.

Like most Russian provincial centers, Ryazan gained a new city plan during the reign of Catherine the Great. The plan, which is preserved to this day, was implemented in 1778, the year in which the town name was shorted to "Ryazan."

The Moscow highway also passes through other historic centers such as Kolomna, thus making Ryazan a rewarding tourist destination. On approaching the city, it is worth stopping at the lovely village of Konstantinovka, birthplace of Sergei Esenin (1895-1925), Russia's most beloved 20th-century poet.

All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

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Ryazan Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Ryazan oblast: Ryazan .

Ryazan Oblast - Overview

Ryazan Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in the center of the European part of the country, in the Central Federal District. Ryazan is the capital city of the region.

The population of Ryazan Oblast is about 1,085,100 (2022), the area - 39,605 sq. km.

Ryazan oblast flag

Ryazan oblast coat of arms.

Ryazan oblast coat of arms

Ryazan oblast map, Russia

Ryazan oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

8 August, 2017 / Ryazan Kremlin - one of the oldest museums in Russia .

27 February, 2017 / Vvedensky Church in Pet - the gem of the Ryazan region .

15 July, 2010 / The architectural monuments of Ryazan oblast photos .

24 May, 2010 / Ryazan oblast beautiful abandoned cathedral photos .

History of Ryazan Oblast

According to archaeological excavations, the first people settled in what is now the Ryazan region in the Upper Paleolithic (15 - 25 thousand years ago). The first known inhabitants of this area were the tribes of Finno-Ugric group: Mer, Ves, Muroma, Meshchera, Mordvinians and others, who gave a lot of preserved to this day geographical names.

The Slavic tribes moved to the east at the end of the 1st millennium AD. The tribes of Vyatichi and Radimichi settled in the upper and middle reaches of the Oka River. Over time, these lands came under the control of the Kiev principality. Further expansion of the Slavs to the east was stopped by the Kama Bulgars.

According to the latest archaeological data, the town of Staraya (Old) Ryazan was founded in the 10th century (about 50 km south-east of the present Ryazan). The town of Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky was first mentioned in 1095.

In the 13th century, the Ryazan Principality, with its core in the middle reaches of the Oka, extended south to the Voronezh and Don rivers.

Despite the vast territory of the region and mixed composition of the population, it was gradually exposed to the Christianization, a lot of churches and monasteries were built. In the 12th century, Olgovsky Assumption Monastery was founded (the present village of Lgovo) - one of the oldest monasteries in the North-Eastern Russia.

More Historical Facts…

In 1237, Staraya Ryazan, the capital of the principality, was destroyed during the Mongol invasion. After that, its place in the principality was gradually taken by Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky, which, later, inherited the name of the former capital.

The rise of the Ryazan Principality is usually associated with Prince Oleg Ivanovich (1350-1402), who, with varying degrees of success, competed with the Moscow princes. His descendants were not so successful in opposing Moscow and the Ryazan principality ceased to exist in 1521 and became part of the Moscow Principality.

In the 16th-17th centuries, the Ryazan region, being the southern boundary of the Russian state, suffered from frequent devastating raids of nomads. Ryazan guberniya (province) of the Russian Empire was established by the decree of Catherine II in 1778. The town of Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky, the administrative center of the province, received a new name - Ryazan.

In the 18th century, metallurgy (iron foundries, needle factories), textile (cloth, rope, linen factories) and leather industries appeared in the region. In the 19th century, coal mines, cement, brick, tile, match factories were opened. In the north of the province, there were several glass factories.

In the southern districts of the province, agricultural processing industry was developed. Construction of railways, along with the traditional and already well-developed river navigation, was essential for the development of the regional economy.

In 1929, almost the entire territory of the Ryazan region became part of Moscow Oblast. In 1937, a separate Ryazan Oblast was formed. During the Second World War, only the south-western districts of the region (Mikhailov, Skopin) were occupied by the German troops.

In the post-Soviet period, an outflow of population from Ryazan Oblast has begun (due to the proximity to Moscow). In 1991-2015, the population of the region decreased by more than 200 thousand people.

Beautiful nature of Ryazan Oblast

Lake in Ryazan Oblast

Lake in Ryazan Oblast

Author: Mikhail Grizly

Forest stream in Ryazan Oblast

Forest stream in Ryazan Oblast

Ryazan Oblast scenery

Ryazan Oblast scenery

Author: Alexander Vasiliev

Ryazan Oblast - Features

Ryazan Oblast is located in the depression between the Central and Volga Uplands, in the central part of the Russian Plain. The region stretches for 220 km from north to south and 259 km from west to east.

The Oka River divides the territory of Ryazan oblast in two parts: the northern with coniferous forests, and the southern with deciduous forests and forest-steppes. In total, forests cover about one third of the territory.

The climate is temperate continental. The average temperature in January is minus 10.6 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 19.7 degrees Celsius. The region has such natural resources as cement limestone, marl, refractory clay, glass and quartz sand, high-quality peat, phosphorite, lignite.

The most developed industries are engineering and metalworking, oil refining, power engineering, and food industry. Production of construction materials, leather are also developed as well as non-ferrous metallurgy. The main industrial centers are Ryazan, Skopin, Kasimov. Ryazan refinery is one of the largest enterprises in the region. The largest in Europe underground reservoir of natural gas “Kasimovskoye” (8,500 million cubic m) is located in Ryazan oblast.

Agriculture is specialized on cattle-, pig-, sheep-breeding, poultry farming. Barley, wheat, rye, oats, forage crops, sugar beets, fruits, and berries are cultivated in the region.

Two important railways pass through the territory of the Ryazan region: the “historical” branch of the Trans-Siberian Railway and two main lines in the direction of the Caucasus railway. The express “Sergei Yesenin”, a special train of Ryazan Oblast, runs daily between Ryazan and Moscow. Two federal highways cross the territory of the region: M5 “Ural” and M6 “Kaspiy”. The Oka River is navigable with ports in Ryazan and Kasimov.

The radioactive fallout, which spread as a result of the Chernobyl accident, fell on the south-western territories of the region.

Attractions of Ryazan Oblast

Ryazan Oblast is a real reserve of Russian folk culture with its unique music, song and choreography, poetic traditions, multicolor palette of folk costumes, arts and crafts. Eight settlements are included in the list of historic settlements of Russia: Ryazan, Kasimov, Mikhailov, Ryazhsk, Skopin, Spas-Klepiki, Spassk-Ryazansky, Shatsk.

Architectural monuments of the region include monuments of church architecture, manor complexes, industrial buildings, merchants’ mansions. Altogether there are about 1,200 architectural monuments and more than 2,200 archaeological sites. There are more than 100 thousand hectares of protected areas on the territory of the Ryazan region (47 nature reserves and 57 natural monuments).

The main attractions of Ryazan Oblast:

  • Ryazan Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve “Ryazan Kremlin”,
  • Ryazan Art Museum named after I.P. Pozhalostin,
  • Museum-Estate of the Academician I.P. Pavlov in Ryazan,
  • Solotcha resort village in the suburbs of Ryazan,
  • Museum-Reserve of S.A. Esenin in the village of Konstantinovo,
  • Historical-Landscape Reserve “Staraya Ryazan”,
  • Historical-Landscape Reserve “Glebovo-Gorodishche”,
  • Manor of fon Derviz in Kiritsy (1889) - an amazing beautiful architectural ensemble located 60 km from Ryazan,
  • Historical-Cultural and Natural-Landscape Reserve “Manor of S.N. Khudekov”,
  • Stud farm in Starozhilovo,
  • Museum of the History of Cosmonautics and the Memorial House-Museum of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in Izhevskoye,
  • Museum of Wooden Architecture in the village of Lunkino in Klepikovsky district,
  • Khan’s mosque with a minaret, museum “Russian Samovar” and museum of bells in Kasimov,
  • Svyato-Ioanno-Bogoslovsky Monastery in the village of Poshupovo in Rybnovsky district, on the right bank of the Oka, about 25 km north of Ryazan,
  • Nativity of the Virgin Convent in Solotcha,
  • The first park of S.N.Khudekov in the village of Yerlino in Korablinsky district; later, he created a similar park in Sochi,
  • Oka State Biosphere Reserve with a nature museum and zoo,
  • Meshchyora National Park.

Ryazan oblast of Russia photos

Pictures of the ryazan region.

Ryazan Oblast landscape

Ryazan Oblast landscape

Author: Mikhail Maksimov

Monastery in Solotcha in the Ryazan region

Monastery in Solotcha in the Ryazan region

Abandoned church in Ryazan Oblast

Abandoned church in Ryazan Oblast

Churches in Ryazan Oblast

Wooden church in Ryazan Oblast

Wooden church in Ryazan Oblast

Winter in the Ryazan region

Winter in the Ryazan region

Abandoned cathedral in Ryazan Oblast

Abandoned cathedral in Ryazan Oblast

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Ryazan Oblast

david coulthard yacht highlander

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david coulthard yacht highlander

Ryazan Oblast is a region in Central Russia , which borders Lipetsk Oblast to the southwest, Tula Oblast to the west, Moscow Oblast to the northwest, Vladimir Oblast to the north, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast to the northeast, Mordovia to the east, Penza Oblast to the southeast, and Tambov Oblast to the south.


  • 54.63 39.7425 1 Ryazan — Ryazan is one of the older cities of Russia, which has its own kremlin that served as a major fortress on the border of Tatar and Russian lands for centuries
  • 54.789722 39.833333 4 Solotcha — once known (with some pretence) as an "Italy in Ryazan," Solotcha is a quiet town in the suburbs of Ryazan and home to the Solotchinsky Convent, which dates back some 700 years

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