below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 7

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episode 7 Recap: Where There’s Smoke

When last we left Below Deck Sailing Yacht , Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher had recovered from her teary meltdown. But Chief Engineer Colin MacRae and First Mate Gary King were still having a lovers’ spat. As Deckhand Chase Lemacks said, “What’s up with all of our heads of departments? They’re all imploding.”

Tonight’s crew dinner should be interesting. They’re either all going to kiss (literally) and make up, or there will be a fireworks display in Portisco, Sardinia tonight.

While Colin headed down to his cabin for a nap, Daisy caught up with Gary on deck. She was still steamed at the chief engineer for throwing shade at her (disguised as “constructive criticism”) in the crew meeting.

“That charter was so hard,” she complained to Gary. “It was non-stop. When I tried to stand up for myself, Colin completely [turned] it back around. Don’t make me into a f***ing clown in front of everybody. I know that that was directed at me. F***ing p****.”

“I have never been this angry with Colin before,” Daisy interviewed. “He … loves to come in and be the voice of reason. But it’s none of his f***ing business. Colin needs to shut the f*** up and know his f***ing place.” I’m thinking all that righteous anger will soon convert itself to sexual energy later in the evening. It’s gotta happen soon . We’re into Episode 7 already!

Everyone just needs to have some fun

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 7

Everyone’s nerves were on edge following such a hard charter, and they all looked forward to blowing off some steam. As the girls were getting ready for a night out, Gary woke Colin from his nap to apologize for their spat.

“Sorry, bru,” he said. “I don’t know how that got so deep.” After they both said sorry, Gary told Colin to “come on outside. [Let me] get you a beer.” And they immediately began speculating who they wanted to make out with later in the evening. Only time will tell!

As Captain Glenn Shephard tendered the crew over to the restaurant for dinner, Gary passed around beers. “Where’s my beer?” Glenn joked. Of course, he couldn’t imbibe, since he was driving the tender.

Their dinner table was set on an outdoor patio overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea (I Googled it). Absolutely gorgeous! As their waiters Jacopo and Allesio were laying out utensils and napkins, Chase clapped his hands together like a little girl, “Ooh, it’s so fancy! … All right ladies, take notes on what these guys are doing, huh?” Chase is so socially awkward.

“F*** off, Chase,” Junior Stew Lucy Edmunds moaned. She later interviewed, “The last thing I needed after Daisy’s cried and Glenn’s given us bad feedback is Chase to make his sh** jokes about my f***ing job.” Not cool Chase.

When the appetizers came around, Chase looked at his plate and blurted, “What’s this? Chicken nuggets and some watermelon, huh?” Where did this yokel come from? Has he never eaten in a nice restaurant before? Have some couth, dude. You’re not making any points with your co-workers. Someone says it’s “anemone” and it’s amazing!

Lucy suddenly remembered she hadn’t put up the plastic shield to keep her from drunkenly rolling out of her top bunk. She joked that Colin should put it on his job list.

“As long as you do something ,” Daisy jabbed. Still mad, I see.

“Daisy wants to have a fight tonight,” Colin answered.

“Somebody’s in the firing line,” Daisy shot back. “Might as well be you.”

Even though he laughed, Colin was a little worried about fighting with the chief stew. “I don’t want to fight with anyone on board,” he told a production interview, “let alone Daisy. She’s a good friend, but I’m not going to be made to feel bad about giving my opinion. She can be mad at me all night if she wants. It’s just a waste of her energy.” Like I said earlier, “energy.” Wink, wink.

Alex is crushing on Mads but is scared of Gary

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 7

Across the table, Junior Stew Madison “Mads” Herrera and Deckhand Alex Propson looked cozy, taking selfies and whispering to each other. Gary was not stanning. “To friends, to family,” Mads toasted Alex. “And to me and you,” as they linked arms and sipped their wine. Poor Gary. There went his big plans for the evening.

“[I] just didn’t realize I was a jealous person until tonight,” he told Chef Ileisha Dell , sitting next to him.

“Oh, you’re jealous?” she asked him. “What are you going to do, though?” Not much he can do. But then again, recognizing his boss’ envy, Alex realized that hooking up with Mads could get messy.

Walking back to the van after dinner, Gary chastised Mads. “Don’t kiss me one night and then flirt with someone else,” he scolded. Good job, Gary. All that little outburst accomplished was to piss her off. He may have intimidated Alex, but Mads doesn’t work for Gary.

On the way back to the boat, the boys roughhoused in their van, while the girls were playing “F***, Marry, Kill” in theirs. Mads said she would “F*** Alex, marry Colin, kill Chase.” She called it correctly. I agree.

Daisy chose, “F*** Alex, marry Gary and kill Colin, ’cause I’m [still] super f***ing mad at him.” Can’t argue with that reasoning either.

Back on the boat, Chase tried to promote a game of Twister. What is this? Are they in high school? Gary finally moved in for a kiss with Mads, as Alex was either too drunk or just too scared of his boss. Even though Mads was hoping to get with Alex, in the end, she settled for Gary since she was horny and he was the one making the moves.

Colin and Daisy: friends again

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 7

The next morning, it was back to work, even though everyone was pretty hungover. Daisy and Colin passed each other in the corridor without speaking. “What the f***’s going on with Daisy?” he asked Gary.

“She says she’s pretty pissed off with you,” Gary answered.

Colin was missing the point. He just didn’t understand why Daisy was so angry with him. I do. She was tired and frustrated, and you didn’t have her back, bro. That’s why.

When Captain Glenn called Gary, Daisy and Ileisha to the Crew Mess for the preference sheet meeting, they were all pleased to learn that the primary would be a returning guest with whom they’d all had a lot of fun last season. “[‘Big Jim’] can’t wait for another trip on Parsifal III … for more nighttime debauchery,” Glenn read. Sounds like a fun and relatively easy charter. Yay!

Later that afternoon, Colin called Daisy to meet him on the flybridge for a chat. Good for him. When he asked why she was so upset with him, Daisy said, “You shut me down.” She felt his comments about “accepting constructive criticism from Glenn” at the last tip meeting were insensitive, especially considering the pressure she’d been under. “I know that comment was about me,” she said.

“Glenn making these comments,” Daisy continued, “and then you chirping in … [I was just] overwhelmed.”

“Didn’t want to f***ing make you feel worse,” Colin admitted. “But I did, and I’m sorry.”

Daisy appreciated his apology, and they hugged it out. “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad when you were already feeling bad,” Colin told her. “That was not my intention.” So they’re all good then.

Meanwhile, in the salon, Alex was fishing for information from Mads. “Sooooo,” he began, “how was your night?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Mads dodged.

“Is it true love?” the deckhand teased. “I’m happy for you guys … Just kidding. I’m just jealous.”

Is someone sending smoke signals?

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 7

When the guests arrived, they were obviously happy to be back aboard the Parsifal III, and the crew was just as glad to see them. “We missed you!” said the principal, Big Jim.

“I can’t tell you how great it is to have you guys back here,” Glenn said. And since they were already familiar with the boat, the captain suggested they skip the tour and get off the dock, so they could sail. Everyone was agreeable to that idea.

As the guests settled in and the boat was leaving the port, smoke started to pour out the back. “What the f***?” Colin exclaimed. “F*** me!”

Unaware of the engine problem, Glenn was chatting with Big Jim about their trip down the Amalfi Coast. As the billowing cloud of smoke started to become apparent on the flybridge, Jim asked Glenn, “Is there anything you want to tell me about, you know … today’s charter?”

As Colin ran down the stairs to the engine room, alarms started going off. “Hey, that’s the fire alarm going off in the bridge,” Glenn radioed. “Can someone check it, please?”

“We need to anchor, Glenn,” Colin said. “Let’s get into some deeper water.”

“We’re 30 minutes in and we’ve got an engine smoking,” one of the guests commented. “Not good.”

“Everything’s normal,” Colin reported — except for maybe that smoke billowing out of the rear exhaust. I think I can actually smell it from here. “All the temperatures and everything is normal. Obviously, something f***ed up going on inside the engine.” Ya think? Glenn guided the boat into deeper water, and they dropped anchor.

The guests, however, were on vacation and in a good mood. When Daisy brought one of them a fresh cocktail, Big Jim joked he was going to use it “to put the fire out.”

“There’s no fire,” Daisy assured him. “That’s a welcome smoke.” Keep those drinks coming, Dais.

Down in the engine room, Colin discovered “oil dripping out of the turbo.” He explained, “This means that there’s something seriously broken inside the engine or the turbo itself.” Also all the smoke. “I don’t know where I’m sitting on the scale of possible catastrophe. So I’m starting to stress.” Time to tear the engine apart then. For the second time this season. Bummer.

The guests were taking it all in stride, though. “You know, the interior’s been doing amazing,” Jim said.

When Daisy joked that she broke the engine on purpose so they could look good, Jim answered, “They always look good, don’t they, Gary?” No wonder they love these guests. So cheerful and nice.

“They look good, for sure,” Gary agreed. “But then looks can be deceiving … I’m just kidding, Dais!”

“What does ‘boat’ stand for,” Jim quipped. “Break out another thousand.” He’s not wrong. Unless you’re a millionaire and don’t care about throwing money away, it makes more sense to rent or charter than to buy.

Dead in the water

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 7

While everyone made jokes about the boat being on fire, the deck crew was getting out all the water toys to give the guests something to do. And Colin discovered the problem: the shaft inside the turbo had completely snapped, explaining where the oil was coming from. The turbo is responsible for forcing air into the engine, which is necessary for combustion, Colin explained. So until the problem was fixed, the Parsifal would be stuck at anchor. At least they had the tender to ferry people back and forth, if necessary. Colin really earned his paycheck this season. I hope he gets more than just tips.

Texting one parts supplier after another, Glenn was frantically trying to locate a replacement for the broken turbo. Supplier after supplier came up empty. Finally, the ninth supplier he contacted answered in the affirmative, “Yes, we have one left, in Amsterdam.” Hello, Federal! Am I the only one who remembers those ads? “When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.”

Glenn followed up with a phone call and asked, “How soon can we get it here? … By tomorrow? [That’s] great news.”

When Glenn told him the part would arrive the next day, Colin responded, “F*** yeah! Good work there, Cap!”

Ileisha and Daisy are killing it

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 7

Chef Ileisha prepared a fabulous Sardinian-style dinner. She served it family style, so everything arrived at the table at the same time and there was no waiting between courses. The guests were happy, and so was Captain Glenn.

“Daisy and Ileisha have taken on board everything I’ve pointed out,” Glenn interviewed. “They’re making an effort to make sure that they don’t make those same mistakes, and I’m noticing a big improvement.”

“Killing it, huh?” Colin asked the chef.

“If I think I’m killing it,” she quipped, “then does that mean I’m killing it?”

“No,” Colin ribbed her. But they both laughed.

Charter Day 2

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 7

Early the next morning, Glenn received a text from the parts supplier: “The turbo piece you’re waiting on is currently in transit and will get to Parsifal within the next few hours.” Excellent news to start the day!

When Chase came up to relieve Alex from his night shift, he immediately started going around complaining about everything he thought Alex didn’t clean. That’s what Chase does. He complains about everybody else while casting himself as the hero in his own movie.

Glenn found Gary and Colin in the Crew Mess and gave them the news that the new turbo was already on its way and should arrive in a few hours.

Meanwhile, Chase and Lucy led an early morning yoga class on the sundeck. “Namaste, everyone!” Chase thought he was a yoga master and went a little overboard on the instructions. Lucy thought he was “cringey.” She was stifling some giggles when Chase put his feet in the air and showed everyone his butt.

Chase throws Alex under the bus

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 7

Running into Gary on deck, Chase asked, “Can I speak to you about the boat this morning?”

“Yeah,” Gary said. “It looks like sh**, eh? Look at the anchor pockets!”

Captain Glenn joined the conversation. “This should get rinsed at night,” he said.

“100%,” Gary agreed. “We were just speaking about that.”

“If it’s cool with you, I’m just going to speak with him about it myself,” Chase offered. Um, you’re not his boss, Chase. I don’t think Alex would take kindly to that, Mr. Tattletale.

“No, I’ll have a chat with him, bru,” Gary said.

“Thank you, brother,” Chase brown-nosed. Chase is a real suck-up. He acts like he’s everyone’s buddy while he’s shoving a knife in his “brother’s” back.

“Now I look like a big fat f***ing asshole,” Chase muttered. You got that right, “brother.” F***ing wanker.

While the guests were enjoying their breakfast on the sundeck, the replacement part arrived. “This is good news here, guys,” Chase announced as he carried the heavy box past their breakfast table. Once again painting himself as the hero.

“Run, Chase! Run!” Jim joked. And Chase started running! What an idiot. “Colin, the part’s here!” he announced.

The ladies of the charter asked Daisy if they could raise a flag. Apparently, they’d brought their own flag printed with a picture of Jim sleeping on his back in a beach chair, legs akimbo, completely naked except for a crumpled cloth covering his junk. The words across the bottom of the banner said “Big Jim.” LOL. I see what they did there.

“Is that Jim?!” a shocked Daisy gasped. She admitted in an interview, “That is so gross.” But funny. The rest of the crew thought so, too.

“That’s actually for you,” Daisy told Gary. “Can you hoist this?”

Colin MacRae saves the day, part deux

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 7

Once he’d installed the new part, it was time to test it. Colin radioed the captain, “Glenn, Glenn, Colin. We’re ready to fire up.”

“Let’s do it!” Glenn answered, going to the back of the boat to observe the exhaust.

“We’re gonna have to run the engine, let it heat up, then burn off all of the loose oil inside the exhaust system,” Colin explained. “Once that’s burnt off, if there’s no more smoke, we know we fixed the problem. And we can set sail again.”

Once the boat started up, a lot of smoke poured out the rear exhaust. “We’ve got a smoke alarm in the laz,” Gary reported. “Can someone just check that? There’s fire alarms going off.”

“You can mute it,” Glenn responded. “There’s no fire in the laz. It’s just the smoke getting sucked back in.”

“I don’t know if it’s me,” Glenn radioed Colin, “but it seems like the level of smoke has definitely dropped off. Probably still a little bit to burn off.”

“Everything down here is amazing,” Colin informed Glenn. “No oil, no exhaust anywhere.”

Good news all around. Everyone was excited as Daisy instructed the interior crew, “I would fully stow because this looks like … we’re gonna sail hard.”

Even Glenn admitted, “It’s pretty crazy to have two massive unrelated engine failures in such a short time. I’ve got my fingers crossed that we’ve gotten our bad luck out of the way, so we can give Jim and his gang a monumental sail.”

Hoist that flag, boys! Big Jim is going sailing! “Thank you, Colin!” the guests all said.

When Jim asked his wife, “What are you doing, Marnie?” she answered, “Admiring the flag.”

He looked up and said, “Oh, my heavens! What in the hell is wrong with you?”

“That’s our new courtesy flag,” Glenn told him, laughing.

“Wow!” Big Jim chortled. “How can you not love that?” Indeed.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht continues Mondays at 8/7c on Bravo.



Just a California girl with an English Lit degree who watches way too much reality television and likes to talk about it. Favorite shows: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, New Jersey, New York, Orange County, Salt Lake City; Vanderpump Rules; all Below Decks; Summer House; Bachelor in Paradise. Reality Tea News/Recap Writer since 2022.

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: Down Bad

Below deck sailing yacht.

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 7

Now that we’re done with charter three, it’s time for the crew to drown their sorrows in booze during their night out, which is obnoxiously annoying yet still the most entertaining part of the episode.

We open with everyone having beers out on the deck, where Daisy talks to Gary about having a difficult charter and that “when I tried to go stand up for myself, Colin fucking completely turns back around on me.” She then tells us that she’s “never been this angry with Colin before” and that he needs to “shut the fuck up and know his place.” Agreed. I get that Colin was trying to spin this into a team thing, but his comment during the tip meeting resulted from Daisy’s emotional reaction to Captain Glenn’s feedback.

While everyone prepares for dinner, Gary and Colin discuss the Daisy situation and Mads. Colin asks Gary if he likes Mads, and Gary says that if he’s going to kiss someone tonight, it will be her. In a confessional, he says he never expected to hook up with Mads but is now “quite happy.” A producer then asks, “Do you care if Daisy knows?” He says no because she and Alex hooked up, which is stupid.

Daisy and Colin then share awkward tension after bumping into each other, and this dynamic remains the heart of the episode. Captain Glenn drives the crew to their destination, a restaurant called Deste, where they’re told about the “Sardinian experience” they’re embarking on. Chase calls the waiters 006 and 005, and when they place napkins on the table using tweezers, Chase says, “Oooh, so fancy” in an annoying voice that makes Lucy (and me) cringe. As if he hadn’t already been on everyone’s nerves, he says, “All right, ladies, take note of what these guys are doing.” Lucy, fuming, tells us that “Chase making shit jokes about my fucking job” is the last thing she needs. Lucy continues to climb the ranks of my favorite  Below Deck  stews.

When Lucy asks Colin to put the d-board up on her bed during dinner, he says he’ll “put it on the fucking jobs list,” and Daisy says, “as long as you do something,” which sparks a back-and-forth between them. Colin’s like, “Daisy wants to have a fight with me,” and Daisy says, “Somebody’s in the firing line, might as well be you.” In his confessional, Colin says he doesn’t want to fight with anyone, but “I’m not gonna be made to feel bad about giving my opinion.” I’m kind of here for this enemies-to-lovers arc.

Meanwhile, in Mads/Gary/Alex news, Mads makes a toast dedicated to her friends, family, and “me and you,” directed at Alex, as Gary watches. “I didn’t realize I was a jealous person until tonight,” he tells Ileisha. Hmm, sure, let’s not forget you just told Daisy you were jealous of her and Alex.

Side note: Now that Colin is single, is Ileisha taking his place as the person who most enjoys watching everyone else’s drama unfold?

While the girls are in the bathroom, Mads wonders why she’s always left with the guys, which prompts Gary to tell her in Italian, “I see you. You play with people. I don’t want to play.” And she tells him he does the same. Ding ding ding! They start walking together and Gary tells her, “Don’t kiss me one night and flirt with someone else.” Why does he think he has any say over what Mads does, especially when he does the exact same?

Everyone packs into sprinter vans, and Lucy asks Mads what happened, and she says that Gary’s “pissing me off.” More importantly, we get a new installment of “Fuck, Marry, Kill: Crew Members Edition.” Mads says she’d fuck Alex, marry Colin, and kill Chase, which is the correct answer. Daisy says she’d fuck Alex, marry Gary, and kill Colin “’cause I’m super fucking mad at him.”

Back on the boat, Daisy joins Gary and Colin at the bar, and Colin walks away, so Daisy tells him to “fuck yourself.” Chase, who tells us he’s here to “vibe” and not argue or whatever, decides that the crew should play Twister , so everyone has fun with it for a while before falling back into familiar habits.

Gary, who is tremendously down bad, pulls Mads for a chat and tells her he isn’t “here to play games” before getting cut off by Alex, after which he says, “There we go. Precisely. Point proven.” I like seeing Gary not feel like the top guy for once, but it doesn’t matter because Mads hooks up with him again anyway, which I wish I could unsee. She tells us, though, “As much as I wish Alex were to make a move, he hasn’t. And, um, I’m a little horny!”

The next morning, Daisy wakes up with a “raging headache,” and Mads reveals to Daisy that she and Gary hooked up in a regretful tone, which Daisy says is “not a bad thing.” Since it’s the day between charters, everyone’s cleaning the boat, meaning not much happens. Later in the laundry room, Daisy asks Gary to spill on his thing with Mads and asks if he slept with her, and when he says no, she says she knows there’s more to the story and asks why he kept it a secret from her. In a confessional, he says it’s because she “tries her hardest to cock-block me.” “She doesn’t want me, and she doesn’t want anyone else to have me,” he adds. It’s hilarious that he’s acting this way just because she and Alex kissed.

At the preference-sheet meeting, we learn our next charter will host returning guests Jim Blumenthal, a.k.a. the guy with the alter ego “Big Jim” who made the crew put on a talent show last season. This time around, they’ve yet again requested that the crew take part in a talent show, which likely means more stress for Daisy. I don’t understand the need to make yacht crews put on this type of “entertainment.”

After the meeting concludes, Colin and Daisy finally talk. He tells her that she’s “obviously upset at me, and I’ve ended up in your firing line.” She says, “You shut me down, and I know that comment was about me.” Colin maintains that it wasn’t about her, and I call bullshit. They eventually make up, and Colin tells Daisy he didn’t intend to “make [her] feel worse, but [he] did” and apologizes. Daisy tells us she wants them to “always be good with each other.” Same!

Once Jim & Co. arrive, Captain Glenn announces they’ll skip the tour since they’re familiar with the  Parsifal  and jump straight to the sailing. In the meantime, Ileisha makes sliders for them, and I can’t help but wonder: Has she ever served a full lunch yet?

As they’re about to sail, Colin notices smoke emerging from the engine. So much for having a breezy charter! When Colin goes to the engine room, he says that there’s “obviously something fucked up going on in the engine.” After a while, he sees oil dripping from the turbo, eventually determining that the “shaft inside the turbo has completely snapped.” Therefore, they can’t run the engine and are stuck anchored until they find a new one. As if we were relieving the first episode of the season, we get a montage of Captain Glenn desperately texting several parts suppliers, who say it’s unavailable, but he ultimately manages to find one on the tenth attempt.

For dinner, Ileisha plays it safe by serving traditional Sardinian food family-style to avoid Captain Glenn’s negative feedback again. She serves octopus, oregano lemon baked chicken, and local fregola with clams and shrimp, which the guests think is to die for. Captain Glenn, meanwhile, is thrilled that Daisy and Ileisha have “taken onboard everything [he’s] pointed out” and has noticed a “big improvement.” Really? Because this is what they’ve been doing all season.

As the guests head to bed, Alex wakes up for the night shift, where he complains about how the work on superyachts is “counterproductive.” He’s lucky he isn’t doing worse tasks than cleaning! The next morning, Chase is pissed because Alex didn’t clean the boat properly, so he has to take it into his own hands. “This is definitely not the first time I’m picking up the slack for Alex,” he says. True, we’ve seen it occur throughout the season. Chase talks to Gary about it, but Gary has already noticed that the boat “looks like shit” and says he’ll talk with Alex.

The guests requested a morning yoga session, which Chase and Lucy are tasked with leading. Chase takes it way too seriously, starting off with breathing exercises and speeches, while Lucy thinks the guests want to stretch and not have a “master class in yoga.” As Chase does all the poses, Lucy just laughs and tells us that he’s “cringing me out.” Same. Why couldn’t they have hired a yoga instructor for this?

The episode concludes with a dramatic moment of Captain Glenn doing an engine test run and telling us that it’s normal for smoke to appear but that the part only works if the smoke eventually stops. The new turbo unsurprisingly works, and Captain Glenn immediately takes the guests sailing to make up for the previous day. The  Parsifal  and its crew live to see another day!

  • below deck sailing yacht

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4: next episode, cast, trailer and what we know about the Bravo series

Captain Glenn and the crew of the Parsifal III set sail again.

Captain Glenn Shepherd on the Parsifal III on Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4

Captain Glenn and the crew of the Parsifal III are back for another season of Below Deck Sailing Yacht . This time the yacht is setting sail in lovely Sardinia, Italy, and even though it's a beautiful location, don't expect calm seas. This season, anything can happen. 

As the original Below Deck franchise wraps up its tenth season, Below Deck Sailing Yacht cruises into season 4 with the promise of picturesque landscapes and thrilling adventures, but the trailer hints at some trouble on board, and not just with the crew. Although, it looks like the Parsifal III has some challenges this season that puts Captain Glenn and the crew through their paces. 

Here's everything we know about Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4. 

Next episode of Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 

Part two of the Below Deck Sailing Yacht season four reunion   airs Tuesday, July 18, at 8 pm ET/PT on Bravo. Catch the uncensored and extended Below Deck Sailing Yacht reunion part two next day on Peacock.

We don't have a premiere date for the UK, but expect to see new episodes on Hayu once they're available. 

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode guide

Keep track of all the Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episodes here:

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 1: "ParsiFAIL" "Back on board Parsifal III in Sardinia, Italy, Capt. Glenn is poised for his smoothest sail yet -- until he isn't; Daisy comes back ready to prove she knows what she's doing as a chief stew; chief engineer Colin is determined to avoid a boat romance."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 2: "Worst Vacation Ever" "Capt. Glenn is hopeful Colin's plan to fix the engine works; chef Ileisha has problems at dinner; the guests blame Daisy for the lack of service."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 3: "The King is Back" "Capt. Glenn finally wakes up to some good news; the entire crew is invited to join the guests for dinner, and chef Ileisha must change her menu in the last minute."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 4: "Lazy Daisy" "Capt. Glenn remains committed to improving the guest experience by insisting a stew go on all excursions. Daisy is frustrated after learning she’s a stew down while the deck team goofed off on the eFoils. Chef Ileisha’s perfectionism is thrown off when she faces her greatest fear in the galley and enlists Colin’s help. Gary claims his territory as First Mate both with the ladies and on deck as he sets his eyes on Mads knowing his deckhands are interested in the same girl."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 5: "Hate Me Tender" "Daisy is overwhelmed with the high-maintenance guests and struggles to ask for help, so a request from Gary sends her over the edge; when a guest injury occurs on the water toys, Capt. Glenn goes into high alert."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 6: "Clash & Burn" "In an effort to turn the charter around, Capt. Glenn takes the guests on an epic sail. Lucy makes a grave mistake to a charter guest’s garment. After Chef Ileisha continues to leave the guests waiting too long between courses, Capt. Glenn gives her honest feedback in the tip meeting that pushes Daisy's defensive buttons. Colin defends Capt. Glenn’s comments as feedback and not critique, which only heightens Daisy’s frustrations."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 7: "Smoke on the Water" "Another engine issue emerges, forcing Capt. Glenn to modify the plan and keep the returning guests entertained. With all the uncertainty going on in the engine room, Capt. Glenn takes control and points out the crews’ mistakes. Daisy and Colin make up after their fight as their relationship grows stronger. Daisy confronts Gary about Mads and claims he’s playing his usual games. Tired of the drama, Chase plans a night of drunk Twister and hosts a surprising yoga session. "

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 8: "Cheers to Boobies" "After Chase confides in Gary about Alex’s lackluster work ethic, Chase’s trust is broken when Gary tells Alex about their conversation. The crew pull off talent show #2 for the returning guests and surprise themselves with their interesting skills. Chase has a little too much to drink, and he upsets some of the crew, pushing Lucy to lose it and her chair at dinner. Daisy and Colin get closer than ever as they share an unexpected kiss."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 9: "Love Boat" "Glenn dresses up for the guests' theme night; he hopes his participation helps correct a jewelry theft hiccup and is on top of his crew to make sure the women have the best trip of their lives."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 10: "Loose Lips Sink Friendships" "The crew has the day off, and even Capt. Glenn recharges by enjoying Parsifal III all to himself and riding the eFoil; Colin saves the day clearing the clogged toilets, but he gets jammed up when his honest opinion strikes a chord."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 11: "Let Them Eat Cake" "Capt. Glenn notices the standards are slipping on Parsifal lll as the crew is exhausted with the mid-season blues. Distraught that Colin and Gary aren’t speaking, Daisy takes initiative and forces them to hash out their problems. Gary’s confusing behavior has Mads confessing her feelings to Alex. Colin tries to forgive Daisy’s discretions, but she adds insult to injury after she drunkenly confuses him for Gary. On charter, after anchoring in their first destination, Parsifal lll nearly drags into a neighboring boat."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 12: "T-Bone with Stakes" "Capt. Glenn notices the crew is slipping on service when a guest is injured, and interior doesn’t hear the walkie call forcing Capt. Glenn to up the guest maintenance standards onboard. After Alex and Mads confess their feelings from the start, Mads is torn between Alex and Gary. Shaken after a close T-Bone with a nearby boat, Gary is confused when his advances to Mads aren’t being reciprocated."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 13: "Hurricane Bonnie" "Captain Glenn reprimands the crew as recent slip-ups are directly affecting communication and morale; Daisy breaks down when she's proven wrong about the walkies not working; Chef Ileisha is determined to prove she can complete a 10-course dinner."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 14: "Boat Load of Throuples" "Capt. Glenn threatens to kick one of the 'throuple' charter guests off Parsifal during a drunken guest fight. Mads receives a wake-up call that prompts her to dismiss Gary’s apology attempt and more seriously consider Alex leaving Gary with a stomach full of regret. Unhappy with Gary, Alex and Colin decide to follow their hearts instead."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 15: "Man Buns Has it Been Fun": "Proud of his team’s accomplishments during the final sail, Capt. Glenn believes his tough love made them all stronger. The crew celebrates their final night out and Daisy and Colin try to soak up every moment of it. Following tearless goodbyes, Capt. Glenn and Gary stay onboard Parsifal to pick up another charter season."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 cast

Captain Glenn Shepherd returns to helm the Parsifal III. This is his fourth season on the series, but he's no stranger to the ship. He's been helming the Parsifal III for over a decade. 

Captain Glenn will be joined once again by Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher, first mate Gary King and engineer Colin MacRae. 

New to the series are chef Ileisha Dell, stews Lucy Edmunds and Mads Herrera and deckhands Chase Lemacks and Alex Propson. 

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 plot

Bravo offered this synopsis of Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 and it gives you a good sense of what's coming in the new season: 

"Capt. Glenn and his comeback team Daisy Kelliher, Gary King and Colin MacRae resume their responsibilities aboard Parsifal III, along with new, dynamic crew members, as they set sail in Sardinia, Italy. Capt. Glenn realizes that his laid-back leadership style has allowed his crew to become too comfortable and starts taking charge of quality control in the interior department, much to Daisy's dismay. 

"In the galley, Chef Ileisha’s cooking impresses the guests, but her indecisiveness and co-dependency lead to time-management issues between courses, which causes her to self-destruct. On deck, strong personalities collide, and a power struggle results in a near mutiny, as Gary clashes with his new overconfident deckhand, Chase. 

"Two overlapping love triangles further complicate the dynamics on-board, and a shocking hookup puts Colin, Daisy and Gary’s friendship in jeopardy. With a near collision, fire, crew rebellion, gruesome guest injury and two different potentially season-ending engine failures, this is the most captivating and unpredictable season yet of Below Deck Sailing Yacht ."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 trailer

There are some rough seas coming up in Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4. Here's a look at what you can expect:

Get ready to sail into a new season of #BelowDeckSailing on April 10th! ⛵ Here's everything you need to know: March 15, 2023

How to watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 premieres April 10 on Bravo, with new episodes airing the next day on Peacock . 

If you have cut the cord to traditional cable/satellite television, Bravo is available on live TV streaming services such as Fubo TV , Hulu with Live TV , Sling TV and YouTube TV . 

UK fans can tune into previous seasons of the franchise on Hayu , and once we have a release date for season 4 in the UK we’ll add it here.

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Sarabeth joined the What to Watch team in May 2022. An avid TV and movie fan, her perennial favorites are The Walking Dead, American Horror Story , true crime documentaries on Netflix and anything from Passionflix. You’ve Got Mail , Ocean's Eleven and Signs are movies that she can watch all day long. She's also a huge baseball fan, and hockey is a new favorite.  

When she's not working, Sarabeth hosts the My Nights Are Booked Podcast and a blog dedicated to books and interviews with authors and actors. She also published her first novel, Once Upon an Interview , in 2022. 

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Season 4 – Below Deck Sailing Yacht

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Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht — Season 4 with a subscription on Peacock, or buy it on Fandango at Home, Prime Video, Apple TV.

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Glenn Shephard

Daisy Kelliher

Colin Macrae

Ileisha Dell

Lucy Edmunds

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

Capt. Glenn Shephard and his crew set sail in a luxury sailing yacht to explore the crystal-clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea. The sailing yacht brings new challenges to these young, attra... Read all Capt. Glenn Shephard and his crew set sail in a luxury sailing yacht to explore the crystal-clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea. The sailing yacht brings new challenges to these young, attractive and adventurous yachties. Capt. Glenn Shephard and his crew set sail in a luxury sailing yacht to explore the crystal-clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea. The sailing yacht brings new challenges to these young, attractive and adventurous yachties.

  • Mark Cronin
  • Doug Henning
  • Rebecca Taylor Henning
  • Glenn Shephard
  • Daisy Kelliher
  • Colin Macrae
  • 36 User reviews
  • 3 nominations

Episodes 74

Scarlett Bentley in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

Top cast 36

Glenn Shephard

  • Self - Captain

Daisy Kelliher

  • Self - Chief Steward

Colin Macrae

  • Self - Chief Engineer

Gary King

  • Self - First Mate

Chase Lemacks

  • Self - Deckhand

Alex Propson

  • Self - Chef

Mads Herrera

  • Self - Junior Steward

Lucy Edmunds

  • Self - 2nd Steward

Ciara Duggan

  • Self - 3rd Steward

Paget Berry

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Below Deck Down Under

Did you know

  • Trivia Below Deck Sailing Yacht will introduce Parsifal III. The 177-foot yacht sleeps 12 guests at a time and typically has a nine-member crew, according to Yacht Charter Fleet. To charter the yacht, prices start at $195,000 for a week. During high season, though, a week on the yacht is expected to cost around $225,000.
  • Connections Edited into Below Deck Galley Talk (2021)

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  • Jun 20, 2022
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  • February 3, 2020 (United States)
  • 51 Minds Entertainment
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  • Runtime 43 minutes

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The fate of below deck sailing yacht after season 5 isn't promising (the show's reputation is damaged).


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Below deck sailing yacht should be on damage control (did gary king ruin the show's reputation), 90 day fiancé: the real reason thaís ramone is upset with loren brovarnik.

  • Gary's sexual misconduct scandal has permanently tarnished Below Deck Sailing Yacht.
  • Bravo must remove Gary from future seasons for the show to regain its reputation.
  • Season 5 may be in danger of cancellation due to Gary's scandal.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 is highly anticipated, but its fate isn't promising after Gary King 's sexual misconduct scandal was revealed. Captain Glenn Shephard leads the cast of the exciting spin-off aboard the Parsifal III, with Gary, Colin Macrae, and Daisy Kelliher's love triangle as the pinnacle of season 4's drama. However, after Gary's sexual misconduct allegations were revealed and later brushed under the rug by Bravo producers, the popular franchise staple could be in danger. Will Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 return?

During Below Deck Sailing Yacht filming in the summer of 2022, makeup artist Samantha Suarez escorted cast members back and forth for confessional interviews, including Gary. After a talking head in which Gary was visibly intoxicated, Samantha walked him back to his quarters, at which time Gary prevented her from leaving, even grabbing her from behind. While Bravo issued a statement, the allegations were barely addressed, and Gary still allegedly filmed Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5.

Reality TV is more popular than ever. With so many to choose from, here are some of the best reality TV shows to stream or watch right now.

Gary King's Misconduct Scandal Has Put A Permanent Negative Stain On BDSY

Gary needs to go.

Gary's sexual misconduct scandal has put a permanent stain on Below Deck Sailing Yacht . He's openly struggled with professionalism and alcohol on the show for years. Additionally, this isn't the first time alcohol has gotten Gary in trouble with sexual harassment. While Daisy came to his defense, his love triangle with Daisy and Colin was also problematic, with Gary becoming distracted by the Below Deck drama. By casting Gary in Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5, Bravo indicated that sexual misconduct wasn't taken seriously by the network .

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 5 Needs To Bring It For Bravo To Order Another Season

The series is in trouble.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 has allegedly already been filmed, with rumors swirling that Gary's scandal has halted its release. Given his prominence in the series, it would be difficult to edit Gary out of the show or even reduce his role. Therefore, it would be better for Bravo to scrap the current season entirely and film a new charter season for Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5 .

It's the responsibility of Bravo producers to ensure the safety of the cast and crew during filming, and Samantha wasn't adequately protected from Gary's advances.

The cast and crew would need to bring it to revitalize the spin-off, or it's going to get canceled. Below Deck , Below Deck Mediterranean , and Below Deck Down Under are successful enough to continue without Below Deck Sailing Yacht . The popular cast members could go to another Below Deck series.

What Can Below Deck Sailing Yacht Producers Do To Fix The Show's Reputation?

They need to get rid of gary.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht is a sinking ship , but not all hope is lost. Bravo producers have already shown their understanding of the seriousness of Gary's sexual misconduct by disinviting him to BravoCon in 2023. However, they need to further distance themselves from Gary and fire him from future seasons. If it's impossible to decrease his presence in Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 5, the season needs to be scrapped. Only then can Below Deck Sailing Yacht return in good faith and conscience for another installment.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht is available to stream on Peacock.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Not available

Below Deck Sailing Yacht is a spin-off of the Below Deck reality television series. Premiering on Bravo, the show follows the life of a Yacht crew as they attempt to navigate a busy Charter season in which many customers make use of a 177-foot sailing yacht. Over the first three seasons, the yacht has been to Greece, Croatia, and Spain.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

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I lived ‘Below Deck’ on a luxury yacht — here’s what you need to know

Tahiti, St. Thomas and the French Riviera — I’ve yachted in all of these exotic locales, albeit from the comfort of my couch. And, millions of Americans are in the same boat.

In 2013, “Below Deck,” introduced the masses to the most glamorous mode of traveling: yachting. Since then, it’s become a Bravo mainstay with Season 9 of “Below Deck Mediterranean’’ premiering in June.

But how real is the reality show? I spent five nights on a yacht in Croatia to find out.

A tip on tipping

My suitcase wasn’t bursting with Benjamins. An agency at your final destination provides cash for the crew’s tip money. While you’re expected to tip $30,000 for a two-night cruise on “Below Deck,” in real life you only have to tip 10% to 15% of your charter fee. That’s about $10,000 for a two-night cruise on a 180-foot charter yacht like Mustique (from $250,000 a week), which stars in the new season.

According to Zvonimir Androi, president of the yacht charter company Via Croatia, more often than not, the tip comes from what’s left over after provisioning.

So, shun the Dom Pérignon and skip the beluga caviar, and you’ll have money to spare.

What’s up, dock?

In real life, “Below Deck’s” favorite commercial-break cliff-hanger isn’t nearly as dramatic. Docking in our yacht, Via Croatia’s five-cabin, 100-foot Adriatic Escape (from $52,800 a week), was breezy.

I asked the crew if they hated setting up the slide — a tortuous, Herculean task if you believe what you see on TV.

“It’s not that bad,” a twentysomething Croatian deckhand, as cute as his on-screen counterparts, told me. “That said, we’re definitely not sad if you don’t ask for it.”

Play it cool

Despite being served meat on more than one occasion, my vegetarian co-guests on board weren’t divas when it came to cuisine — a major source of chef-related stress on the show.

Tantrums aren’t the norm Barbie Pascual, the “Below Deck” stewardess famous for putting up with former “RHONY” star Jill Zarin’s demands for the perfect Diet Coke in the “Real Housewives of Grenada” episode, tells me. “Guests know they are being filmed so their reactions are more extreme than they’d be if the cameras weren’t around,” she says.

Pascual’s biggest tip for first-time yachters? Don’t go skinny dipping, like they do on the show, after dark.

“People forget about currents, sharks, etc.,” she says. “Jumping in the water should always be with the captain’s consent!”

Our humorless Croatian yacht captain was a far cry from “Below Deck Mediterranean’s” affable Captain Sandy Yawn. I think we only saw him twice over the course of four days, and he definitely didn’t join us for dinner.

That was fine by us because the stews and deckhands were always handy with anything we needed — including at chat.

Asking for it

“No” is a word you’ll never hear on a yacht, unless there is a safety issue, Pascual says.

While we didn’t ask our crew to do a striptease or decorate for ‘70s night (two recurring requests on the show), out-there demands aren’t out of the question, as long as you’re willing to pay for it.

For example, Via Croatia is currently retrofitting one of its multimillion-dollar superyachts for an upcoming charter booked by a multigenerational Jewish family from Florida.

“In addition to paying the charter fee, the client is literally buying everything new: pots, pans, silverware, etc.” said Androi. “They’re even spending $30,000 on a new tender for the elderly mother-in-law.”

Now, I’m no reality show producer, but a picky primary trying to keep his wife, her elderly mom and their kosher kids happy at sea has the makings of an Emmy Award-winning episode.

Yachting on a budget

Charters are cheapest at the beginning and end of a destination’s season. Via Croatia’s yuppiest yacht, the 160-foot, 12-cabin Agape Rose , fetches $200,000 a week in July and August. But it’s just $164,000 a week in April and October. Divide that by 24 of your closest friends and family and it’s just $6,800 a person.

If that’s still too much, consider booking a yacht club suite on one of MSC Cruises ’ Mediterranean voyages.

Sure, you’ll be on a cruise liner, but for $1,659 a person you’ll be treated to seven nights of private butler service with a private pool and restaurant that the pleb passengers don’t even know exists.

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(The Real) Yacht-wives of Norway: Nathan's meant to be on anchor watch but goes to bed early, leaving the boat unattended

Aye, Aye, Captain Deckhand: Jess experiments with a new dessert. And Faye sets her sights on the new guy.

Elevate Yourself: A plate mix-up causes issues at a Viking Oktoberfest-themed dinner. The guests paraglide.

Can't A-fjord to Lose: Lewis wins at an obstacle course. Seth approaches Captain Kerry about replacing Lewis.

Abseiling Away: Captain Kerry mentors Lewis in the wheelhouse, and Kasie and Jess plan a room swap

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Who are the worst Below Deck charter guests in franchise history?

Erica Rose on Below Deck Sailing Yacht and Jill Zarin on Below Deck

Below Deck Med just featured two of the rudest charter guests in the history of the hit-yachting franchise.

Mahisha Dellinger and Neysla Paltsev were dragged for their actions on Below Deck Med Season 9.

Meanwhile, Neylsa apologized for her actions o n the show but also threw some shade at the editing.

While Below Deck Med fans thought they were the worst, Neylsa and Mahisha are far from the worst guests ever to be on the show.

Let’s take a look at all the horrible guests ever in the Below Deck series.

Jill Zarin appeared on Below Deck Season 11 and earned serious backlash for her entitled behavior and for suggesting the crew have a bell she could ring whenever she needed something.

The Real Housewives of New York City alum wasn’t even the primary guest on the charter but certainly acted like she ran things.

Below Deck Season 8 guest Delores Flora will forever be remembered as the drunk who disobeyed Captain Lee Rosbach’s orders and got kicked off the charter.

It all happened because of her drunken late-night swim, which she did again after she was forced to leave the yacht.

Timothy Sykes was on Below Deck Season 2, showing off his wealth by flying a helicopter to the dock, wearing shirts with his name on them, and just being a jerk.

He even announced that he deducted $5,000 from the tip he was going to give because he had issues with Chef Ben Robinson’s food.

Below Deck Season 6, Kari Klein was demeaned the worst for her comments on chicken. Kari called out another guest for ordering chicken, claiming, “Chicken is what poor people eat.”

@andy.cohens.bussy I guess Im poor #belowdeck #bravotv #katechastain #captainlee #yachtlife #yachtie #belowdeck ♬ original sound – Andy Cohens Bussy (PK)

Chelsea Enright appeared on Below Deck Season 9 with her jaw wired shut. Chef Rachel Hargrove was forced to make all of her meals in smoothie form, and they were to be exactly what the other guests were eating. Yes, it was gross, and she got impatient at every meal.

Honorable mentions for awful guests go to Brandy Coffey for her drunken medical emergency and RHOC star Alexis Bellino for her PDA with a guy she’s no longer dating. Both of these guests were on Below Deck Season 7.

Below Deck Med and Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Leon Glore and Justin Thornton get lumped together for their Below Deck Med Season 5 stint. Leo went off on the lack of Oysters until Hannah Ferrier proved him wrong with the preference sheet.

@andy.cohens.bussy I love when a guest is proved wrong #belowdeck #belowdeckmed #bravotv #hannahferrier #captainsandy #customerservice ♬ original sound – Andy Cohens Bussy (PK)

Meanwhile, Justin and the group were slammed for a low tip, considering they were overly demanding and ran the crew ragged. Justin even brought along his dog Scout, who had to stay ashore where the crew would check on him at various times.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 introduced viewers to Erica Rose . While the crew were not fans and neither were viewers, Erica’s Season 2 appearance was nothing compared to her return in Season 3 with her husband, Charles Sanders.

They complained about everything, especially Chef Marcos Spaziani’s food. Charles said McDonald’s was better. Aside from being rude and ruining the white couch with self tanner, Eric and friends left a $6,000 tip.

Other honorable mentions from the spin-off shows include Below Deck Med Season 6 guest Athena Lucene and Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3 guest Dr. Kim Nichols.

We have no doubt there are some we missed, so let Monsters and Critics know in the comments section who you feel are the worst guests in the Below Deck franchise.

Below Deck Med airs Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo. Seasons 1-9 are streaming on Peacock.


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A New Below Deck Med Stew's Arrival Has Some Crew Members “Seething”: “Don’t Want Drama”

Not everyone on Mustique is happy about Carrie O'Neill joining the Below Deck Mediterranean crew. 

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 7

It's official: a new stewardess is joining the Below Deck Mediterranean Season 9 crew. And some are happier about the late-stage addition than others.

How to Watch

Watch Below Deck Mediterranean  on Mondays at 9/8c and next day on  Peacock . Catch up on the Bravo app . 

Though they haven't actually met her yet, the crew first heard news of Carrie O'Neill coming onboard during their tip meeting in Season 9, Episode 13. While many (like Aesha Scott and Joe Bradley ) were thrilled by the news, some appeared less enchanted ( Elena "Ellie" Dubaich couldn't even manage a smile). 

"Completely unnecessary," Ellie said after the new crew member's imminent arrival was announced. "F-cking ridiculous."

In a confessional, Ellie shared more of her thoughts on the matter: "Where is this coming from?" she asked. "Do we need a new stew? It better be a f-cking laundry stew."

Bri Muller , who handled the majority of the laundry tasks, simply noted, "I just know that I don't want drama...I'm working on maturing."

Meanwhile, Aesha said that her "life is going to get so much easier" in her own interview.

"Someone new coming on board is good because I'm being spread way too thin. But I know it's going to effect the dynamics of the crew. Ellie is seething in her cabin and I feel like this could mark the point where things go south with us. It could blow everything up. But at this point, I don't care. I need the help."

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Earlier in the episode, Captain Sandy Yawn had floated the idea by Aesha ... who basically jumped into her arms with joy.

"How would you feel if we brought on another stew?" the captain asked after noting that her chief stewardess is never able to sit for meals — she's always chowing down on the go.

"That would feel amazing. It would solve everything," answered the New Zealander, going in for a hug.

Kate Chastain Enters the Below Deck Med Season 9 Drama — See Aesha Scott's Reaction

Who is carrie o'neill.

A Scotland native, Carrie has spent a whopping 10 years in the yachting industry. According to her official bio , she loves snowboarding, horse riding, running, or anything high adrenaline-related when she's not at work. 

"I like to socialize or head off on a long run," she said. "I’m always up for an activity."

Carrie O'Neill smiling on the Mustique yacht in her uniform.

Aesha Scott Reaches Her Breaking Point with Bri Muller: "I Want to Consider Letting You Go"

Why did a new stew join below deck mediterranean .

The main reason Carrie was called to join the boat: Aesha had been working way, way too hard. "I am just spread so, so insanely thin right now," she noted. "At this point I feel like a one-woman show."

Early in the episode, she touched on her proclivity to pick up slack when needed. Later, she was shown up and at it 14 hours after her last break.

As for why this didn't happen sooner, there wasn't any place for her to live. Carrie was able to join the crew because a leaky cabin was  finally  repaired and she'd have somewhere to stay.

To see how everyone gets along, tune into  Below Deck Mediterranean  on Mondays at 9/8c. Episodes stream the next day on Peacock. 

  • Aesha Scott
  • Carrie O’Neill
  • Elena Dubaich

Below Deck Mediterranean

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