• Yachts a moteur

Voiliers de luxe

  • Destinations

Location de yachts

Sunseeker 86

52 000 € HT / semaine

Absolute Navetta 73

42 000 € HT / semaine

Sanlorenzo SX 88

60 000 $ HT / jour


36 000 € HT / semaine


200 000 € HT / semaine

Frauscher 1414 Demon Air

3 500 € TTC / jour

40 000 € HT / semaine

Spécialiste de la location de Yachts et de voiliers de luxe

Référence dans la location de yacht, nous demeurons depuis une décennie synonyme de confiance, d'intégrité et de discrétion.

Nous ne cessons de répondre aux attentes d'une clientèle aussi bien française qu'internationale en proposant à la location, des yachts d'exception, tout en assurant une gamme de services personnalisés.

Entièrement dédiées à votre confort et vos envies, et dans le respect de votre budget, nos équipes Location-Yacht vous proposent de louer un yacht adapté à vos rêves : nombre de cabines, nationalité de l’équipage, design et confort, services à la carte, toys nautiques…

Pour une escapade d’un jour, d’une semaine et plus, ou une soirée privée, notre large flotte de yachts de luxe et de voiliers d’exception saura répondre à vos désirs. Avec la précision d’un orfèvre, Location-Yacht façonne votre croisière en mer pour que rien ne soit laissé au hasard afin de vous assurer les meilleures sensations de liberté, de confort et de sécurité.

Vous souhaitez prendre les voiles ? Nous proposons également une large flotte de voiliers de luxe disponibles à la location avec équipage.

Notre équipe prête attention aux moindres détails et personnalise votre croisière en vous offrant les voiliers les plus exclusifs sur tous les océans du monde et un service sur mesure.

Alloy Yachts 35M

60 000 € HT / semaine

24 000 € HT / semaine

Nautor's Swan CALLISTO

22 000 € HT / semaine

70 000 € HT / semaine



Location Yacht Sunseeker

Le 22/04/2020

Louer un yacht Sunseeker Predator 68 pour découvrir la Côte d’Azur. Ce bateau offre 3 cabines et pou..

Location Princess 72 OBSESSIO

Le 12/07/2019

Le Princess 72 " OBSESSIO " est désormais disponible à la location au départ de la côte d'azur ou de..

Location de yachts aux Baléares

Le 16/01/2017

Optez pour une location de yachts aux Baléares et profitez d’une balade en mer à la découverte de ce..

Yachts à la location en Croatie

Le 07/01/2017

Découvrez notre article dédié à la location de yachts en Croatie. Profitez des meilleures conditions..

  • Achat d’un Yacht
  • Nouvelle Construction
  • À Propos de la Location
  • Location de yacht pour un évènement
  • Destinations
  • Catalogues Charter
  • Gestion de Yacht
  • Gestion de Location
  • Gestion de Vente


Explorer des horizons nouveaux à bord d’un yacht à louer est une aventure à nulle autre pareille. Elle vous promet une expérience inoubliable, jalonnée de moments souverains. CSO Yachts, broker depuis plus de 60 ans et reconnu mondialement pour la vente, l’achat , la gestion et la location de yachts de luxe, met tout en œuvre pour que votre croisière soit parfaite. Vous mettez le cap vers une sérénité totale.

location yacht 16 personnes


D’une façon générale, le yacht est un navire de plaisance dont la longueur excède dix mètres et qui propose un confort haut de gamme. CSO Yachts est spécialisé dans le courtage et la location des superyachts ou encore des mégayachts, c’est-à-dire des yachts à louer supérieurs à 24 mètres et pouvant approcher les 100 mètres.

Avec un tel potentiel, vous montez à bord d’un paradis sur l’eau, doté de services d’exception. Cabines vastes et équipements sophistiqués, salles de bains privatives, salons, salles de réception, bar, piscine, le niveau de prestation de ce type de navires reste sans égal. Votre croisière se déroule dans un environnement au design luxueux et riche d’un confort maximal. Quel que soit votre choix, la location de votre yacht vous garantit de naviguer vers des vacances aussi féériques qu’inoubliables.


Notre équipe charter vous accompagne pour que la location de votre yacht constitue une expérience unique parfaitement adaptée à vos attentes. En fonction du contexte dans lequel vous organisez votre croisière, qu’il soit professionnel, familial, amical, et bien entendu du nombre de passagers qui embarqueront, le dimensionnement et la configuration du navire diffèrent.

Selon vos affinités, il peut s’agir d’un yacht à voile tel que le fameux Maltese Falcon, d’un yacht à louer motorisé, ou encore d’un catamaran. Nos brokers vous assistent dans votre sélection, tout comme ils vous guident avec précision sur ce qui fait la particularité d’une location de yacht de luxe par rapport à une autre : composition de l’équipage, type d’agencement et de design intérieur, équipements extérieurs.

Kokonut's Wally Salon


La location d’un yacht peut avoir lieu quasiment dans tous les sites légendaires du globe (Océan Indien, Pacifique, Méditerranée …) à bord de bijoux flottants tels qu’Alfa Nero, l’Utopia ou le Titania .

CSO Yachts vous conseille pour une découverte des meilleures destinations au monde dans des conditions optimales : saisonnalité, planification des itinéraires. Nous facilitons vos futures activités et nous assurons les réservations ou billetteries qui vous intéressent : concert, visites, restaurant, night-club, plage, réservation d’hélicoptère, chauffeur privé. Un équipage complet est d’autre part mis à votre disposition : capitaine, marins et personnel hôtelier. C’est un chef cuisinier qui satisfait la restauration, adaptée en amont à vos goûts ou à vos restrictions alimentaires. Vous pourrez donc organiser lunchs, cocktails, repas pour des occasions privées ou professionnelles.

Pour chaque location d’un yacht de luxe, nos brokers entretiennent en outre des relations suivies avec les équipages. Un gage de confiance, qui vous garantit de bénéficier exactement des caractéristiques que vous attendez. Nous vous assistons bien entendu dans l’ensemble des formalités. Vous avez l’esprit zen, vous profitez de vacances sensationnelles en toute tranquillité.

Suivre l’actualité de CSO Yachts grâce à notre Newsletter.


Besoin de renseignements ? Notre équipe se tient à votre écoute pour répondre à toutes vos questions !

Location Yacht

Bienvenue dans le monde luxueux de la location de bateaux . Chez GlobeSailor, nous collaborons avec des spécialistes du yachting et de la location de navires de luxe pour vous offrir une prestation sur mesure, digne d’un hôtel 5 étoiles. Notre équipage professionnel dédié à la navigation, au confort à bord, aux activités variées et à la gastronomie vous permet de vivre des moments de pur plaisir dans un cadre somptueux. Que ce soit pour des vacances ou un événement particulier, nous mettons à votre disposition des yachts de haut standing pour une privatisation exclusive. De nombreuses destinations vous attendent pour la location d’un yacht en Méditerranée , comme la Corse, la Croatie, la Grèce, la Côte d’Azur, l’Espagne ou l’Italie. En optant pour la location d’un yacht, vous vous laissez emporter pour une expérience de yachting inoubliable.

461 Yachts à louer

Ferretti 730 (2003).

ACI Marina Split (Croatie) 4 Cabines • 8 Couchages • 73 ft

À partir de 27 000 €


ACI Marina Split (Croatie) 4 Cabines • 8 Couchages • 74 ft

À partir de 30 000 €

MS Aurum Sky (2020)

ACI Marina Split (Croatie) 6 Cabines • 12 Couchages • 127 ft

À partir de 71 000 €

Maiora 20 (2003)

ACI Marina Split (Croatie) 3 Cabines • 6 Couchages • 70 ft

À partir de 19 000 €

Anthea (2021)

ACI Marina Split (Croatie) 10 Cabines • 20 Couchages • 127 ft

À partir de 130 000 €

Royal Denship 85 (2011)

Lefkas (Grèce) 4 Cabines • 8 Couchages • 82 ft

À partir de 34 710 €

Adri (2024)

À partir de 90 000 €

Ferretti 580 (2023)

Marina Zadar (Croatie) 3 Cabines • 6 Couchages • 60 ft

À partir de 20 000 €

My Black Swan (2018)

À partir de 110 000 €

Prestige 690 (2023)

Marina Borik (Croatie) 4 Cabines • 8 Couchages • 70 ft

À partir de 28 000 €

Ferretti 681 (2007)

ACI Marina Split (Croatie) 4 Cabines • 8 Couchages • 70 ft

À partir de 22 487 €

Acapella (2021)

Port de Split (Croatie) 5 Cabines • 10 Couchages • 127 ft

À partir de 96 050 €

Nos itinéraires de navigation

Nos experts et guides locaux vous sélectionnent nos mouillages et escales des plus belles zones de navigation à la voile.

Itinéraire de 4 jours autour de Saint-Martin

Départ : Marigot

Itinéraire de Croisière aux Grenadines

10 jours de Croisière depuis Le Marin aux Grenadines

Itinéraire de 4 jours en Guadeloupe

Croisière dans les îles de la Guadeloupe

Itinéraire dans les Grenadines

Un one way plein sud pour profiter à 100%

Itinéraire dans les Îles Vierges

Départ : Tortola

Itinéraire de navigation en Corse du Sud

Une semaine de croisière au départ d'Ajaccio

7 jours de navigation au départ de Split

Un itinéraire simple et protégé idéal pour les familles

Itinéraire de navigation au départ de Dubrovnik

Itinéraire à la voile d'une semaine depuis Dubrovnik

En dehors des sentiers battus

Idées de mouillages

Navigation vers le Nord, au départ d'Ajaccio

Croisière de 7 jours sur la côte Ouest de la Corse

Location Yacht Grèce

À partir de 13 000 €

Location Yacht Croatie

À partir de 8 650 €

Location Yacht Italie

À partir de 21 000 €

Location Yacht Sud de la France

À partir de 22 000 €

  • Golfe Persique
  • Nord de l'Espagne
  • République du Congo
  • Sud de la France

Pourquoi choisir un yacht pour votre location de bateau ?

Si vous êtes à la recherche d’une expérience de navigation unique et luxueuse, ne cherchez pas plus loin. La location de bateaux de yachts offre une multitude d’options pour tous les goûts et toutes les préférences.

Le luxe à votre portée

Si vous êtes amateurs de luxe, de confort et de détente dans un environnement naturel, cette option est idéale pour votre escapade. Vous pouvez choisir parmi une variété de tailles, de modèles et de tarifs afin de trouver le type d’embarcation qui correspond le mieux à vos besoins. À bord, un équipage professionnel s’occupe de tout pour vous faire passer des vacances exceptionnelles. Profitez de destinations en France ou à l’étranger pour découvrir des paysages à couper le souffle tout en naviguant avec style et élégance à bord d’un de nos bateaux.

GlobeSailor travaille avec des agents centraux, spécialistes du yachting et de la location de bateaux de luxe.

Le confort en mer

Les yachts proposés par GlobeSailor jouissent d’une technologie haut de gamme mise en œuvre par les chantiers de construction. Ils sont notamment équipés de moteurs puissants et de stabilisateurs. Cette innovation permet aux bateaux de maintenir une stabilité optimale, même dans la houle et les vagues. Ainsi, que vous soyez au mouillage ou en navigation, sur le pont ou dans vos cabines, vous bénéficiez d’un confort exceptionnel.

Le raffinement par excellence

Embarquez pour une expérience alliant élégance et excellence en optant pour notre service de luxe. Nos skippers et marins expérimentés sont spécialement formés pour répondre à toutes les exigences de votre croisière. Éloignés des foules touristiques, nos yachts offrent un espace privé et paisible, idéal pour vous détendre en toute intimité. Avec notre skipper et l’équipage professionnel, chaque instant de votre voyage est personnalisé pour des vacances sur mesure. Du début à la fin, nous veillons à ce que tous les détails, qu’il s’agisse de la navigation, des repas ou des activités, soient à la hauteur de vos attentes.

Un service digne d’un hôtel 5 étoiles

Explorez les destinations de vos rêves tout en bénéficiant d’un confort inégalé à bord de nos yachts. Conçus avec des espaces de vie généreux et des aménagements haut de gamme, nos yachts offrent un cadre exceptionnel. Les cabines sont luxueuses et équipées comme celles d’un hôtel 5 étoiles, avec des couchettes confortables et une literie soignée, des services sur mesure, des salles de bains privatives, un spa, un jacuzzi privé, et bien plus encore. Pour satisfaire vos papilles, notre chef prépare des mets délicieux spécialement pour vous. Avant votre location, vous pourrez discuter avec lui des menus qui vous seront proposés lors de votre croisière.

Des activités variées

En plus de toutes ces prestations de luxe, une multitude d’activités variées est également à votre disposition sur ce type de bateau. Vous pourrez vous adonner à vos passions ou vous essayer à de nouvelles expériences lors de votre voyage. Pour un épanouissement total, laissez-vous choyer par un spécialiste du sport, profitez d’un délicieux massage ou plongez-vous dans des cours de yoga revigorants. Du côté des activités sportives et récréatives, une multitude de jouets aquatiques n’attendent que vous : ski nautique, jet-ski, Sea bob, surf électrique à foil, kayak, planche à voile, et bien d’autres encore.

Pour une autre expérience de croisière, vous pouvez contacter GlobeSailor pour la location d’un voilier monocoque, d’un catamaran ou d’un bateau à moteur.

Quand partir pour une location de yacht ?

Le moment idéal pour partir en location de yacht dépend de plusieurs facteurs, notamment de la destination que vous avez choisie et de vos préférences personnelles. Voici quelques conseils généraux :

Saisonnalité : Dans certaines régions, la saison estivale est la période la plus populaire pour louer un yacht en raison du temps chaud et ensoleillé. Cependant, cela peut également signifier des prix plus élevés et des zones plus fréquentées. En revanche, certaines destinations offrent des conditions idéales pour la navigation toute l’année.

Événements spéciaux : Si vous prévoyez de participer à des événements spéciaux comme des festivals, des régates ou des fêtes locales, assurez-vous de planifier votre voyage en conséquence.

Météo : Afin de connaître la meilleure période et les meilleures conditions pour la location de votre yacht, nous vous conseillons de prendre contact avec votre expert dédié. Il pourra vous accompagner et vous donner les meilleurs conseils en termes de météo.

Affluence touristique : Si vous préférez des destinations plus calmes et moins fréquentées, envisagez de partir en dehors des périodes de pointe touristique.

Disponibilité des yachts : Réservez votre yacht, surtout si vous avez des dates précises en tête. Les yachts les plus populaires peuvent être pris d’assaut des mois à l’avance.

Nos conseillers experts pourront vous accompagner dans vos recherches et vous aider à trouver la location de yacht la plus adaptée à vos besoins.

Sélection des meilleurs itinéraires pour votre location de yacht

GlobeSailor a sélectionné pour vous ses trois itinéraires de navigation favoris pour une location de yacht avec équipage.

Sept jours sur la Côte d’Azur

Votre aventure commence au charmant village lacustre de Port Grimaud, souvent surnommé la "Petite Venise de Provence". À bord de notre yacht de luxe, l’équipage met le cap à l’est pour une semaine de croisière inoubliable le long de la splendide Côte d'Azur. Vous quittez Port Grimaud et mettez le cap sur la baie d'Agay, un véritable joyau avec ses eaux turquoise et ses plages de sable fin. Vous pouvez y mouiller pour une baignade rafraîchissante et profiter du paysage pittoresque environnant. Naviguez ensuite vers la rade de Villefranche, une des plus belles rades de la Méditerranée. Avec son eau cristalline et ses charmantes ruelles, Villefranche-sur-Mer est une escale incontournable. Explorez la vieille ville ou simplement détendez-vous à bord, admirant la vue sur la mer. Retour vers l'ouest pour découvrir la célèbre citadelle de Saint-Tropez. Symbole de la Côte d’Azur, cette ville allie glamour et authenticité. Flânez dans ses ruelles, découvrez ses boutiques de luxe et profitez de l’atmosphère unique de ce lieu mythique. Le voyage continue vers le château de la Napoule, un site historique majestueux surplombant la mer. Le château, avec ses jardins enchanteurs, offre une visite fascinante et une vue. Retour au Golfe de Saint-Tropez, où vous pourrez explorer des lieux comme Port-Cogolin et Sainte-Maxime. Chaque escale vous offre une nouvelle perspective sur cette région enchanteresse. Votre prochain arrêt est Antibes, une ville riche en histoire avec son vieux port, ses remparts et le célèbre musée Picasso. Promenez-vous dans le marché provençal et découvrez le charme authentique de cette ville côtière. Pour votre dernière étape, rendez-vous à Fréjus. Ce port charmant est idéal pour une dernière soirée relaxante, avec ses restaurants de fruits de mer et ses vestiges romains à explorer.

Durant cette semaine en yacht, vous pourrez également naviguer vers le célèbre port de Cannes, connu pour son célèbre festival du film, et réputé pour ses plages de sable fin et son ambiance glamour.

Ces destinations emblématiques de la Côte d’Azur offrent une expérience unique pour les amateurs de yachting en bateau à moteur ou voilier. C’est dans cette région que se déroulent les rassemblements des voiliers classiques les plus magnifiques d’Europe lors d’événements prestigieux tels que les Régates royales de Cannes, les Voiles de Saint-Tropez et les Voiles d’Antibes.

Itinéraire d’une semaine de croisière au départ de Port Grimaud.

Cabotage autour de Split

Au départ de Split en Croatie, vous êtes accueilli par votre équipage professionnel. Vous embarquez pour une croisière en yacht qui ne vous laissera pas indifférent. Classée au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco, cette ville typique regorge de vie et d'animation. Après une nuit paisible, vous partez à la découverte de la vieille ville de Trogir. Ses ruelles étroites, ses bâtiments historiques et son ambiance médiévale vous charmeront sans aucun doute. A quelques milles, vous ferez escale pour explorer les criques isolées de l’île de Šolta et profiter de l’eau cristalline pour vous adonner aux joies du snorkeling. Vous continuez votre périple vers l’île de Hvar, célèbre pour ses champs de lavande, ses vignobles et ses plages magnifiques. Hvar est également connue pour ses forteresses, ses monuments historiques, sa vie nocturne animée et ses restaurants gastronomiques. Après avoir découvert les charmes de Hvar, l'équipage met le cap sur l'île de Vis, la plus éloignée des îles dalmates, offrant des paysages préservés et une atmosphère authentique. La baie de Stiniva, avec ses falaises impressionnantes et son eau turquoise, est un incontournable. Partez à la découverte de l’île de Brač pour visiter la célèbre plage de Zlatni Rat à Bol. Cette plage, avec sa forme unique en pointe, est l'une des plus photographiées de Croatie.

Itinéraire : cabotage autour de Split.

Navigation dans les Cyclades

Naviguer dans les Cyclades en yacht est une expérience magnifique, offrant une combinaison de paysages époustouflants, de cultures riches et de superbes opportunités de baignade et de plongée.

Au départ d’Athènes, capitale emblématique de la Grèce, en compagnie de votre équipage, vous mettez le cap vers l’Île de Kea. Lors de cette escale, vous aurez la chance d’explorer la charmante ville portuaire de Korissia, faire de la randonnée vers le Lion de Kea et vous baigner sur la plage de Koundouros. A quelques milles de là, vous apercevez l’île de Syros sur laquelle trône la capitale des Cyclades : Ermoupoli. Vous y découvrez l’architecture néoclassique, et goûtez aux spécialités locales comme le loukoumi.

Les vents vous mènent ensuite vers la célèbre Mykonos, ses vents emblématiques, ses ruelles pittoresques, et sa vie nocturne animée.Les prochains jours, vous découvrirez les îles de Paros, Naxos et Los, réputées pour leurs temples, leurs plages de sable fin et leurs villages pittoresques. Après quelques heures de navigation, vous rejoignez l’île de Santorin pour une baignade le long des plages de sable noir ou encore la dégustation de vin locaux.

Itinéraire : navigation dans les Cyclades.

Quel est le prix pour la location d’un yacht ?

Le tarif de location d'un yacht peut être très variable en fonction de nombreux facteurs. GlobeSailor propose une gamme de prix assez large pour répondre aux besoins et aux préférences de ses clients. Pour une semaine de location, les tarifs peuvent aller de 30 000 € à 200 000 €, mais cela dépendra vraiment de ce que vous recherchez en termes de destination, de taille et d'équipements du yacht, ainsi que de la période de l'année à laquelle vous prévoyez de naviguer. Si vous avez des questions spécifiques sur la location d'un yacht ou sur les options disponibles, n'hésitez pas à demander !

Les tarifs incluent :

  • L’équipage avec skipper, hôtesses, cuisiniers et matelots. Ce dernier est adapté à la taille du bateau et au nombre de passagers.
  • Les équipements du bateau.
  • Les équipements nautiques.

Ces tarifs n’incluent pas :

  • L'APA , ou Advance Provisioning Allowance, est une pratique courante dans le secteur de la location de yachts et de bateaux de luxe. Cette avance sur provision, établie généralement entre 20 % et 40 % du prix hors taxe de la location, est versée avant l'embarquement. Elle est destinée à couvrir les frais quotidiens pendant la durée de la location, tels que le carburant, la nourriture, les boissons, les divertissements, les soins médicaux, les frais d'accostage, les formalités douanières, les communications, etc. Le capitaine centralise chaque dépense et fournit une facture détaillée à la fin de la période de location, résumant toutes les dépenses engagées. Toute somme non dépensée est restituée aux locataires à la fin de la croisière. Cette pratique permet aux locataires de profiter pleinement de leur expérience sans se soucier des détails financiers, tout en assurant que tous les frais sont couverts de manière transparente et efficace.
  • La TVA n’est pas comprise dans le prix de la location de yacht. Elle est à payer directement aux entités concernées
  • L’assurance rachat de caution est obligatoire lors de la location d’un yacht. Même si le skipper est aux commandes de la navigation et des manœuvres, c’est le locataire du navire qui en est responsable. Cette assurance évite de perdre une grande partie de la caution en cas d’avarie.
  • Les assurances telles que l’assurance annulation ou encore l’assurance maladie sont également à prévoir en plus du tarif de location.

N’hésitez pas à contacter nos conseillers experts pour obtenir plus d'informations et de précisions sur ces éléments.

Pour un devis sur mesure, nous vous conseillons de contacter nos experts par le biais de notre formulaire en ligne ou par téléphone au +33(0)1 75 43 48 88. Ils se feront un plaisir de vous proposer un séjour adapté.

Location yacht Méditerranée

location yacht 16 personnes

La Méditerranée est un lieu privilégié pour la navigation de plaisance, et vous pouvez en faire l'expérience dans le confort le plus total à bord d'un yacht de luxe. Pourquoi ne pas louer un bateau de luxe pour vos prochaines vacances ? La location d'un yacht en Méditerranée peut vous faire vivre une expérience inoubliable avec vos proches. Pendant votre séjour dans cette région, profitez du soleil, explorez les plages et découvrez les monuments historiques de la Côte d'Azur et du littoral méditerranéen.

Location de yacht sur la Côte d'Azur

Lorsque l'on pense à la mer Méditerranée, évoquer la Côte d'Azur est inévitable. Ses plages de sable fin, ses villes dynamiques et ses sites historiques font de cette région un endroit idéal pour passer un séjour de rêve. Partez à bord d'un yacht de luxe et naviguez au large du littoral de la French Riviera . Abys Yachting met à votre disposition ses yachts à louer pour vous rendre dans des villes iconiques de la Méditerranée comme Nice, Cannes ou Monaco.

Voir notre sélection de Yachts

location yacht 16 personnes

Nos yachts à louer en Méditerranée

Pershing Pershing 82 - M/Y The Mask's

Pershing Pershing 82 - M/Y The Mask's

Longueur hors tout : 24.98 m

Année : 2017

Haute saison : 51 000 €

Voir l'annonce

Princess Princess 54 - M/Y SUDREAM BOAT

Princess Princess 54 - M/Y SUDREAM BOAT

Longueur hors tout : 16.57 m

Année : 2008

Haute saison : 15 000 €

Basse saison : 15 000 €

Ferretti Yachts 1000 - EPIC

Ferretti Yachts 1000 - EPIC

Longueur hors tout : 30.13 m

Année : 2021

Haute saison : 115 000 €

Basse saison : 115 000 €

Ferretti Yachts 108 - Best Off

Ferretti Yachts 108 - Best Off

Longueur hors tout : 33.00 m

Année : 2010

Haute saison : 98 000 €

Basse saison : 89 000 €

Ferretti Yachts 800 - LADY BEE

Ferretti Yachts 800 - LADY BEE

Longueur hors tout : 23.98 m

Année : 2011

Haute saison : 38 000 €

Custom Line Custom Line 106 - Jag'B

Custom Line Custom Line 106 - Jag'B

Longueur hors tout : 32.82 m

Année : 2020

Basse saison : 110 000 €

Ferretti Yachts 920 - PIOLA

Ferretti Yachts 920 - PIOLA

Longueur hors tout : 28.49 m

Année : 2019

Haute saison : 75 000 €

Basse saison : 75 000 €

Cantieri Rossato 132 - SUPERFUN

Cantieri Rossato 132 - SUPERFUN

Longueur hors tout : 40.27 m

Année : 1993

Haute saison : 79 500 €

Basse saison : 79 500 €

AB Yachts Aegean Yachts - Grace

AB Yachts Aegean Yachts - Grace

Longueur hors tout : 28.00 m

Année : 2013

Haute saison : 55 000 €

Basse saison : 49 500 €

Baglietto Custom - Burkut

Baglietto Custom - Burkut

Longueur hors tout : 54.00 m

Année : 2009

Haute saison : 270 000 €

Basse saison : 245 000 €

Ferretti Yachts 881 - Day Off

Ferretti Yachts 881 - Day Off

Longueur hors tout : 27.00 m

Année : 2006

Haute saison : 42 000 €

Basse saison : 38 000 €

Feadship SL39 - Kathleen Anne

Feadship SL39 - Kathleen Anne

Longueur hors tout : 39.00 m

Haute saison : 140 000 €

Basse saison : 140 000 €

Abeking & Rasmussen Custom - My Little Violet

Abeking & Rasmussen Custom - My Little Violet

Longueur hors tout : 45.60 m

Haute saison : 200 000 €

Basse saison : 180 000 €

Ferretti Yachts 830 - Julie M

Ferretti Yachts 830 - Julie M

Longueur hors tout : 25.30 m

Haute saison : 39 000 €

Basse saison : 34 000 €

Jeanneau Prestige 520 - Rene

Jeanneau Prestige 520 - Rene

Longueur hors tout : 16.10 m

Année : 2018

Haute saison : 21 000 €

Ferretti Yachts Ferretti 780 - EPIC

Ferretti Yachts Ferretti 780 - EPIC

Longueur hors tout : 24.01 m

Haute saison : 45 000 €

Ferretti Yachts Custom Line Navetta 33 - December Six

Ferretti Yachts Custom Line Navetta 33 - December Six

Haute saison : 119 000 €

Basse saison : 105 000 €

Ferretti Yachts Custom Line Navetta 33 - Seventh Sense

Ferretti Yachts Custom Line Navetta 33 - Seventh Sense

Haute saison : 99 000 €

Basse saison : 88 000 €

Canadian Vickers 99m - Christina O

Canadian Vickers 99m - Christina O

Longueur hors tout : 99.13 m

Année : 1945

Haute saison : 630 000 €

Basse saison : 560 000 €

Golden Yachts 39m - O'Pati

Golden Yachts 39m - O'Pati

Longueur hors tout : 39.50 m

Haute saison : 108 000 €

Basse saison : 85 000 €

La location d'un yacht en Méditerranée vous permet de découvrir les magnifiques plages et villes de la Côte d'Azur,de vous rendre sur les plus belles îles de Grèce, de faire le tour de l'île de Beauté ou encore de profiter des somptueux paysages d'Espagne. Nous vous invitons à découvrir la beauté de ces régions en louant un yacht luxueux qui vous emmènera partout où vous le souhaitez sur la Mer Méditerranée. Profitez de journées chaudes et ensoleillées, un verre de vin à la main et laissez-vous emporter par le confort de nos bateaux d'exception.

Pourquoi louer un yacht ?

Portez votre amour de la mer à un autre niveau en réservant une location de yacht en méditerranée . Ces bateaux constituent un excellent choix pour ceux qui veulent explorer le monde sans avoir à se soucier de l'inconfort. Réserver un bateau de plaisance est également le moyen idéal de créer des souvenirs qui dureront toute une vie. Entre amis ou en famille, vous pourrez partir à la découverte des côtes et des paysages de la Méditerranée.

Abys Yachting pour louer un yacht en méditerranée

Avec Vacances Yachting, vous trouverez un bateau pour vos vacances en Méditerranée. De nombreux modèles de yacht existent, chacun avec ses particularités. Choisissez le modèle qui correspond le mieux à vos besoins et profitez d'un séjour mémorable. Abys Yachting met à votre disposition une large gamme de yachts à louer de différentes marques et tailles pour que vous trouviez le bateau idéal pour votre croisière.

Abys Yachting vous propose des yachts de 16 à 99 mètres de long . Nos équipes sont toujours disponibles pour vous conseiller sur votre location de yacht, alors n'hésitez pas à nous contacter !

Organiser un événement exceptionnel

La location de yachts de luxe sur la mer Méditerranée est une opportunité particulièrement intéressante pour organiser un événement privé. Les yachts disponibles en Méditerranée peuvent être loués pour tous types d'événements, qu'il s'agisse d'un week-end romantique, d'un mariage ou d'une réception d'entreprise. Avec les commodités d'un hôtel cinq étoiles, ces bateaux de luxe sont parfaits pour passer un moment inoubliable. Pour réserver une location de yacht de luxe ou discuter des prix, contactez nos équipes dès aujourd'hui.

Choisissez parmi nos différents types de yachts, des megayachts et superyachts haut de gamme conçus pour répondre à tous les besoins des voyageurs. Si votre objectif est de passer un long week-end entre amis, essayez la location de yachts de luxe tout confort. Abys Yachting dispose d'un grand choix de bateaux à louer pour vos croisières hauturières en Méditerranée.

Louer un yacht avec skipper en Méditerranée

Depuis près de 20 ans, Abys Yachting met à votre disposition ses services et ses compétences dans le monde de la plaisance de luxe. Nous vous proposons des bateaux de luxe de très grande qualité et d'excellentes prestations. Vous pouvez louer un yacht en Méditerranée pour une semaine ou plus, dans les conditions que vous souhaitez. Notre équipe prendra soin de tout, du départ à l'arrivée et en fonction du type de yacht que vous aurez choisi.

Pour louer un yacht dans les meilleures conditions, Abys Yachting vous propose de louer votre bateau avec l'intégralité de son équipage de skipper. Qu'il s'agisse d'un bateau de type Flybridge, Open ou Cruiser, l'équipage s'occupe de vous mener à bon port et de rendre votre séjour le plus agréable possible.

Nos yachts à louer sont disponibles pour différents itinéraires :

Partez à la découverte des îles grecques avec la location de yachts luxueux

Louez votre bateau et partez à la découverte des plus beaux paysages d'Espagne

Visitez la Corse et ses paysages exceptionnels en louant un yacht avec Abys Yachting

Profitez des plus beaux littoraux de la Côte d'Azur : Saint Tropez, Cannes, Antibes, Fréjus... Autant de destination accessible en louant votre yacht de luxe

Trouvons ensemble votre yacht !

Nos experts yachting vous accompagnent pour trouver le bien correspondant à vos attentes.

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Cannes Yachting Festival

Cannes Yachting Festival

Abys Yachting a le plaisir de vous convier pour le  Cannes Yachting Festival qui aura lieu du mardi 10 au dimanche 15 septembre de 10h à 19h dans la magnifique baie de Cannes. Sept nouveautés sont attendues cette année, avec notamment les premières mondiales du Pershing GTX80, de l'INFYNITO 80 de Ferretti Yachts et du Custom Line Navetta 38 ! 

Location bateau Cannes Golfe Juan Antibes Mandelieu

Retrouvez les bateaux et services proposés par galayacht voir tous les bateaux.

location bateau sur mer calme à Cannes Mandelieur Golfe Juan

Bienvenue chez Galayacht, votre partenaire de confiance pour la location de yachts sur la splendide Côte d'Azur, notamment à Cannes, Golfe Juan, Antibes, Mandelieu, et au-delà. Notre société est spécialisée dans la location de yachts de prestige et l'organisation d'événements nautiques mémorables. Nous sommes là pour concrétiser vos rêves maritimes, quel que soit la dimension de votre projet ou votre budget.

Que vous souhaitiez louer un yacht, un voilier, ou un maxi-catamaran, Galayacht vous offre une flotte de bateaux et de services associés d'une qualité exceptionnelle. Notre équipe de professionnels passionnés se tient prête à répondre à toutes vos attentes, que ce soit pour une location de bateau ou la planification d'un événement unique en mer.

Louer un yacht sur la Côte d'Azur est le choix idéal pour des événements privés ou publics. Imaginez-vous à bord de votre propre yacht, amarré dans le port de Cannes, de Golfe Juan, d'Antibes, de Mandelieu, profitant de moments uniques pour sublimer votre événement ou vous détendre en vacances.

Chez Galayacht, nous mettons tout en œuvre pour que votre expérience soit inoubliable. Vous avez la flexibilité de louer un bateau pour une journée ou plusieurs semaines, que ce soit pour une soirée glamour, un événement exclusif, ou des vacances en famille. Nous sommes là pour créer un projet sur mesure, depuis la magnifique Côte d'Azur jusqu'à d'autres destinations de rêve dans le monde entier. Optez pour Galayacht et découvrez le plaisir de la navigation ou toute tranquillité.

Réservez dès maintenant votre yacht de rêve et préparez-vous à vivre des moments exceptionnels en mer. Notre passion, c'est de rendre vos rêves de navigation réalité. Pour une expérience maritime inoubliable, faites confiance à Galayacht, votre expert en location de bateaux.

Cannes, location de bateau, location de yacht, louer un yacht, location de bateau à Cannes, location de yacht à Cannes, louer un yacht à Cannes, location de bateau de luxe, louer un yacht de prestige, côte d'azur, événements nautiques, Galayacht.

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27 Avenue des Frères Roustan, 06220 Golfe-Juan

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Best Selling Private Charter Yachts & Most Liked Sail Boats*

Hand-picked selection of quality charter yachts & sailing yachts for rent

Unknown 12

Sunshine 1: 70 ft 28 Pax Luxury Rental Yacht for Rent Hourly in Dubai

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Roy dxb

Despina: Bali 4.6 5+1 Cabins 10+2 Pax Catamaran Charter With Captain

Deniz cigal

Leonora: Bali 4.4 2024, Bareboat & Charter Catamaran

Samba lagoon 420 4 cabines 8 pax bareboat rental charter catamaran greece 26

Samba: Lagoon 420, 5 Cabines 10 Pax Charter Catamaran in Greece

Rita kelo

Mandala Gulet – 3 Cabine 6 Pax Yacht for Charter in Fethiye, Gocek

Ayça kormen

SAH MAT: BALI 4.2, 2023 3 Cabine 6 Pax Private Catamaran for Rent in Gocek, Fethiye


Aden : 4 Cabins 8 Pax Capacity Charter Luxury Motor Yacht for Rent in Bodrum

Nur şahin

STA Marin: 3 Cabines 6 Pax Capacity Motor Yacht for Charter

Sta marin

Deluxya: 3 Cabines 6 pax Capacity Luxury Motor Yacht For Charter

Baha kıvrak

Enes Kaan: 3 Cabin 6 Guest Rental Gulet for Charter – Fethiye, Gocek – Turkey

Tolga sönmez

Matilda Panoroma – 6 Cabin 12 Pax Luxury Superyacht for Charter – Bodrum

Whatsapp image 2024 03 18 at 15. 09. 55 1

ROYAL FALCON ONE – 5 Cabin 10 Pax Luxury Power Catamaran for Charter

East wind yachts

Julem 1 – 4 Cabin 8 Pax Luxury Motor Yacht for Charters – Bodrum

Sanko enerji̇

Simay S: 5 Cabins 10 Pax Luxury Trawler Motor Yacht Charter Turkey Fethiye

Fatih tok

Gulet Brütüs – 5 Cabin 10 Pax Private Gulet for Charter – Fethiye, Göcek


Yacht Charters Locations*

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Find the Best Price Private Yacht Charter or Bareboat for Rent - That Fits Your Comfort*

Hand-picked selection of quality private yachts and rental bareboats


Charter a Luxury Private Yacht or Rent a Affordable Sailing Boat Choice is Yours.

Chartering a Luxury Private Yacht or Renting a Bareboat Sailing Yacht is easy!


Choose your private yacht charter or bare-boat holiday location and date, start to search, and see all of our available boats & yachts. Find a catamaran, sailboat, gulet, or motor yacht to charter your desired destination, at the best price.

Deal with yacht owner

Send messages via our integrated messaging service to true yacht owners free of charge and ask them all your practical questions about the location, stuff, boat, or yacht.

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Charter a private yacht or rent a sailboat for your blue voyage, online direct and safe with just a few clicks, and sail to your dreams. You will only be charged if your charter request is accepted by the owner of the yacht.

YachttoGO: The Airbnb of Private Yacht Charters

We are an established charter yacht listing platform like Airbnb , where you can charter a yacht for your vacation or rent an affordable sailboat and sail to the horizon.

Search, Book, and Secure Your Yacht Holiday With YachttoGO.com

What YachttoGO Offer to Charterers and Boat Owners?

What types of yachts are listed on yachttogo, diversity of  private yachts for charter around the world.

  • Luxury Charter Yachts:  Experience impeccable service and amenities.
  • Spacious Catamarans :  Perfect for families and groups seeking comfort.
  • Classic Sailboats:  Become your captain and chart your course.
  • Motor Yachts :  Enjoy speed, power, and modern style.
  • Traditional Gulets (For Turkey):   Discover the charm of this Turkish gulet cruise

The choice is yours; choose a luxury yacht , a crewed yacht , or a bareboat to be your captain at your chosen destination.

From smaller charter boats, and catamarans to large luxury gulet yachts or superyachts, no matter what your budget, charter experience, local knowledge, or group size, we can help you with in-depth knowledge to charter a yacht for your needs.

What type of yacht charter are you looking for?

A private yacht charter, a luxury yacht charter, a crewed yacht charter, or a bareboat for sailing, exclusive luxury yacht charters: fun and sun.

Explore luxury yachts for charter;

Find exclusive offers on yacht charters and amazing deals by visiting our special offers page.

Free Consultation : Tell us what plan you want.

The Ultimate Luxury Yacht Charter Vacation

Indulge in impeccable service, gourmet cuisine, and itineraries tailored to your every desire with a fully luxury yacht charter.

Let experienced charter brokers and crews handle every detail while you relax and explore breathtaking destinations.

Yachts for Charter Luxury Yachts

Crewed yacht charter:

Discover your dream destinations with the ease of a crewed charter. Relax while your broker handles every detail, ensuring an unforgettable journey.

Are you ready for the ultimate yacht vacation? Contact us to book your crewed yacht .

Whether you’re planning a corporate retreat, birthday party, family reunion, or another private event, our charter brokers can help you find the perfect charter yacht to accommodate your group.

No matter where you want to discover, which destination to cruise around the world, island-hopping, or what type of charter yacht you are looking for, we are confident that you will find the perfect one for you.

We elevate the art of yacht chartering, offering the finest crewed   yachts for charter worldwide. Motor yachts , sailing classics, or superyachts—we customize your dream holiday for a truly unforgettable experience.

Are You're looking for a Bareboat Rental for a Sailing Vacation?

If you’re looking for a bareboat rental for a sailing vacation,.

YachttoGO is the best choice for you, then. You can find and book your sailing vacation directly from the owners with confidence, knowing that you are getting the best possible price on your chosen sailing yacht.

Whether you are looking for a romantic getaway or an adventure with friends or family,

With  YachttoGO , you can search for bareboat sailing yachts by location, type, and price to find the perfect bareboat sailing yacht or catamaran for your needs.

Rent a sailing boat and become your captain

At YachttoGO, you will find hundreds of rental boats for cruising in the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean. Now you can explore the best yachting destinations, marinas, and bays in

Turkey: Marmaris, Bodrum, Fethiye, Gocek, Croatia, Greece, and more.

So, what are you waiting for?  Contact us today and talk to one of our experts about booking your bareboat!

Why Choose YachttoGO for Your Private Yacht Charter Vacation?

There are many reasons to choose yachttogo when chartering a private yacht..

First and foremost, we offer the best selection of private charter yachts, superyachts, bareboat sailing yachts, and luxury gulets in many destinations for your dream yacht vacation.

Explore yacht charter destinations with YachttoGO

Set sail for adventure in some of the world’s most breathtaking charter destinations and yachting hotspots.


  • Turkey:  Cruise the turquoise coast and the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean, exploring ancient sites and hidden coves around Marmaris , Bodrum , Göcek , and Fethiye .
  • Greece:  Island-hop through the Aegean, discovering picturesque villages and pristine beaches.
  • Croatia:  Experience the Dalmatian Coast’s stunning beauty and historic port towns.
  • Dubai:  Combine luxury and futuristic skylines on a unique yachting journey.

We also offer competitive prices, including a total charter fee, and direct contact with charter companies and yacht owners, so you can be sure you are getting the best deal at the best price possible.

What Types of Water Sports - Water Toys Listed on YachttoGO?

Water sports & water toys listed at yachttogo.

Immerse yourself in a luxury charter experience with state-of-the-art entertainment systems and spacious accommodations with thrilling water toys like jet skis , sleek Seabobs, and playful sea scooters.

Bask on sprawling sundecks where the warmth kisses your skin. As the day unfolds, world-class chefs prepare culinary masterpieces paired with exquisite wines and spirits. After a day of ocean adventures, dine under a canopy of stars or unwind in moonlit tranquility. This is your haven for comfort and style.

Contact us for your entertainment requests or check out our water sports listing page.

Wherever you want to GO, GO with YachttoGO.

It’s you who are chartering a yacht, and going to be the captain in charge, and it’s up to you to plan a route and destination for your unforgettable experience. So, why not invite a few friends to get on board and make the perfect getaway you all have dreamed of?

With us, the onboard experience will be easier than ever.

Simply choose the destination, vacation dates, and how many passengers you’d like to be on a yacht, and let us pick the ideal yacht chartering offers for you.

Experienced Charter Brokers Offer to the Clients Charter Agreement:

Worldwide variety of  best-priced charter agreements, great crew, captains, fine dining, gourmet dining, finest restaurants, marinas, cruising itineraries, lots of destinations, luxury motor yachts, catamarans, sailing boats with the crew, gulets, and trawlers for an ideal vacation.

Remember that YachttoGO is always at your service!


In addition to the best-priced yacht listings, we offer no-middlemen arrangements, allowing you to save even more on your yachting vacation. That means you can charter a yacht directly from the owner without paying exorbitant intermediary fees.

Detailed descriptions

All listings are at YachttoGO.com, with a bunch of photos and feature overviews. We strive to help you make the right choice from the comfort of your home and ensure you get what you pay for your charter experience.

What Does YachttoGO Offer to Boat Owners?

List your charter yachts or bareboats with yachttogo.

If you want to charter your yacht and rent your bareboat, feel free to board on YachttoGO. Our website works both ways: you can get your yachts listed for free and, thus, help people browse, discover, explore, and fulfill their yachting adventure dreams!

For our part,

We undertake to make your yachts visible to the whole world. It’ll be easily found with only a few clicks.

This is available for the lowest (%10) commission fee.

YachttoGO is the perfect platform to list your charter yacht or bareboat for rent.

You can be sure that you will get the best possible exposure for your charter yachts or sailboats, as we are one of the most popular websites for crewed and sailing yacht charters.

We attract a large number of visitors from all over the world,

Including Germany, the United States, England, Holland, Italy, Russia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, you can be sure that so many potential renters will see your luxury yacht or sailboat.

What’s more, let’s board a YachttoGO.

We offer a meager commission fee of just 10%, so you can be sure that you will get good value for your listing.

So if you want to charter your luxury yacht with a crew or bareboat sailing yacht, be sure to list it with YachttoGO.

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Hexavoile est votre partenaire pour toutes vos locations de voiliers, moteur yacht, catamarans, day charter, journée, semaine, avec ou sans équipage. Basée à Hyères, contactez Sandrine pour trouver le bateau ou yacht qu'il vous faut pour vos futures vacances. Spécialistes des bateaux et yachts sur la Côte d'Azur, profitez d'une flotte récente et extrêmement bien entretenue. Hexavoile fait partie du groupe Euro-voiles  Riviera Plaisance - France yachts. Plus de 55 ans d'expériences et 70 personnes à votre service pour votre projet bateau.




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The Best Charter Yachts for 12 Guests and Above

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The Best Charter Yachts for 12 Guests and Above

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By Editorial Team |   Last Updated 8 September 2021

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Superyachts by their very definition are mammoth, so why then can charter vessels often only accommodate comparatively few? The answer largely lies in PYC regulations which limits their capacity, as adhering to them can mean extensive costs, testing, and possible refits. Consequently, many owners refrain from going above the legal limit of 12 passengers plus crew. So whilst an 80m yacht with 10 staterooms might be able to sleep 20 guests, for charter it can often only offer the same as a 50m yacht with 6 staterooms for up to 12 guests. But what do you do if you want to charter a yacht for a party of 12 or more?

Larger charter vessels that meet PYC rules do exist. But make no mistake that adhering to PYC directives is a delicate tiptoe between style and substance. The charter superyachts featured below make this appear effortless: artfully crafting formidable spaces for large parties whilst still retaining the paradisiacal ambiance and character that such vessels are cherished for.

Here's our round-up of the best charter yachts available for 12 guests or more.

Charter yacht Legend

A former Soviet icebreaker, the 77m (253ft) motor yacht LEGEND metamorphosed into a powerful, rock-like explorer vessel in 2016, when she was refitted with chartering in mind. Up to 22 people can quench their thirst for epic odysseys on this ship (with capacity for 28 crew and 10 additional staff) across 13 lavishly appointed suites, each representing a sultry, sartorially different universe. While no two rooms are the same, all are linked by their sizzling drama: think intricately carved wood scenes on the ceiling and humbug striped seating that merges into a pool of monochromatic marble below, and all contained by rich mahogany paneling. Her eye-poppingly ornate interiors are paired with elaborate features, including a whisky bar, cigar room, 14-seat cinema and a complete Balinese spa offering almost every wellness aspect you could think of.

No two rooms are the same, with each representing a sultry, sartorially different universe

Outdoor jacuzzi onboard superyacht Legend

From the last great ivory wilderness of Antarctica to Northern Europe 's chiseled fjords painted in big, bold brushstrokes of green, all can be experienced in the bubbling warmth of a 16-person, waterfall-fed, outdoor jacuzzi on the main deck. Combined with her bonanza of tenders and water toys (no less than two helicopters, 4 jet skis, one submarine, two wakeboards, two paddleboards plus snowmobiles) she's primed for practically every adventure imaginable.

Legend Yacht

Built to enthrall, the echoes of her former life as a 100-passenger cruise vessel are seen in truly exceptional entertainment zones spanning four decks. Sleeping 36 guests across 20 cabins (with room for up to 40 crew) and with a sprawling guest area of 1,800 sq meters, 90m (296ft) superyacht LAUREN L is for those seeking to dazzle their parties with every possible whim catered to.

Her highlights include a staggeringly comprehensive health and beauty center in its own right, featuring a beauty and hair salon, massage room, and an aromatherapy treatment room. But her crowning jewel is undoubtedly the spa, where one can leisurely soak admiring the ever-changing vistas from floor-length windows in a lavender mist, before gazing at their miniature onboard ocean in the aquarium located in the relaxation room.

Lauren L Yacht

Opulent living is undoubtedly 80m (263ft)  motor yacht ELEMENTS  modus operandi , masterfully evoked through designer Cristiano Gatto's Islamic and Ottoman architectural flourishes in a muted palette of arctic silvers and icy blues. Eyes trace from floor to ceiling a spectacular multitude of materials across four voluminous decks: where mother-of-pearl inlays are jointly presented alongside intricate mosaics, hand-tufted carpets and backlit onyx. This intensity is magnified in the sunlight-drenched main saloon, which is designed to be the epicenter of activity on this yacht. Pillars are draped in Italian marble giving structure to the undulating layout of the room, replete with as many intimate corners as it has wide, welcoming spaces. 

Opulent living is undoubtedly ELEMENTS modus operandi

Superyacht Elements cruising the water

Built in 2018, she sleeps up to 24 guests across 12 staterooms. The grand owner's suite located forward is the focal point on this vessel, with the option of converting the VIP cabins on the same deck into a huge, all-encompassing family apartment featuring an office, cinema, private Jacuzzi and bar all cradled by wraparound windows.

Elsewhere, her beach club is clad with a hammam and massage room to pamper guests whenever their heart desires, and on the foredeck, a throng of sunloungers cover the helipad when not in use. Plus, she has an entire armada of water toys to choose from when the open water beckons.

Elements Yacht

Christina O

location yacht 16 personnes

The silhouettes of the world's most glittering icons are forever etched into its glamorous soul

The silhouettes of the world's most glittering icons are forever etched into its glamorous soul. Purchased in 1954, Christina O's former owner (Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis) transformed her from a Canadian anti-submarine frigate into a golden pleasure palace, single-handedly crafting the superyacht playbook for living la dolce vita. Decades on, she still embodies the tycoon's vivacious spirit, tempered by the timeless grace of his wife, Jackie Kennedy.

Decorated in a distinct English country manor style, the 99m (325ft) motor yacht Christina O is capable of carrying up to 34 guests across 17 cabins, and a whopping 38 crew can attend to every need. Last refitted in 2018, her original, undeniably indulgent finishes — such as the orca teeth carved into the walls and the whale skin stools in Ari's bar —  still remain intact. Her much-loved minotaur mosaic swimming pool cum dance floor, the Onassis Suite, and concert room have also been carefully restored.

Christina O Yacht

Moonlight II

Charter yacht Moonlight II on water with tender

No need to reduce your guest list with 91m (299ft)  superyacht Moonlight II : up to 36 guests can call this stately beauty their floating abode, amid 18 plush cabins. The embodiment of grandeur, her interior refit in 2015 (expertly helmed by Greek designer Lally Poulias) suffuses Grecian flair with aplomb across more than 2,400 square meters of guest space.

Santorini's unforgettable domed churches tinted azure and whitewashed, fig-fragranced lanes come to mind when marveling her outdoor areas: which includes a beach club, sun deck complete with a jacuzzi, al-fresco dining, and a bar that can be converted it a helipad space for last-minute getaways.

Bursting with entertainment options (featuring a cinema and gentleman's club) she also offers one of the most extensive spa facilities of any yacht charter. Her health and beauty center is filled with every conceivable luxury to cater to every need: from soothing tired toes to resting sun-baked limbs. Features include a massage room, plunge pools, salon, and sauna. There's also a thrilling amount of water toys to whip out for when adrenaline-fuelled capers call.

Moonlight II Yacht


She commands attention as one of the world's most polished charter vessels

Superyacht O'Mega sun loungers

Once a cruise ship, now reborn as 83m (271ft) superyacht O'MEGA , she commands attention as one of the world's most polished charter vessels. Built in 1987 by Mitsubishi before her refit in 2015, she comfortably accommodates up to 30 guests across 14 staterooms, all of which benefit from lavishly large windows so guests can revel in their floating oasis in complete seclusion.

Her interiors are all high-gloss mahogany, fluted pillars, and pools of sumptuous silk across six expansive decks. O'MEGA oozes elegance at every turn, but hints of modernity are peppered throughout, evidenced with her state-of-the-art cinema. 

Italian design house Studio Vafiadis has adeptly led both exterior and interior styling and bestowed guests with truly majestic outdoor spaces. Notably, the expansive alfresco dining area on the aft deck and on the sun deck, where a fully-stocked bar can rustle up a margarita or two whilst you sink shoulder-deep into Jacuzzi bubbles.

Charterers can dive into the twinkling blue or jet off one of O'MEGA's myriad tenders and toys from her retractable swim platform.

Emir Yacht

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Maximilian MMIV completes extensive refit and ready for 2025 boookings

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Superyacht Charities seek donations to support relief efforts in Carriacou

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Brand new 37m explorer  OCULUS joins the  yacht charter fleet

13 August 2024

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O'PARI Yacht Review

Charter Yacht of the week

O'PARI Yacht Review

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Featured Luxury Yachts for Charter

This is a small selection of the global luxury yacht charter fleet, with 3697 motor yachts, sail yachts, explorer yachts and catamarans to choose from including superyachts and megayachts, the world is your oyster. Why search for your ideal yacht charter vacation anywhere else?

Flying Fox yacht charter

136m | Lurssen

from €4,000,000 p/week

Ahpo yacht charter

115m | Lurssen

from €2,600,000 p/week

O'Ptasia yacht charter

85m | Golden Yachts

from €900,000 p/week

Project X yacht charter

88m | Golden Yachts

from €1,100,000 p/week

Savannah yacht charter

84m | Feadship

from €1,000,000 p/week

Lady S yacht charter

93m | Feadship

from €1,400,000 p/week

Maltese Falcon yacht charter

Maltese Falcon

88m | Perini Navi

from €441,000 p/week ♦︎

Kismet yacht charter

122m | Lurssen

from €2,699,000 p/week ♦︎

As Featured In

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Listed by Price (April / Low to High)

gulet hestia

Class  Cabins Guests Length Port
Standard-Plus 10 20 26 mt. Bodrum
April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct.
€ 1000 € 1200 € 1800 € 2000 € 2000 € 1800 € 1200

gulet atlantis

Class  Cabins Guests Length Port
Luxury 9 18 26 mt. Bodrum

gulet ametist a

Class  Cabins Guests Length Port
Luxury 9 20 30 mt. Bodrum
April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct.
€ 1200 € 1500 € 2000 € 2500 € 2500 € 2000 € 1500

gulet cemre 4

Class  Cabins Guests Length Port
Luxury 9 18 31 mt. Bodrum
April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct.
€ 1500 € 2000 € 2400 € 3000 € 3000 € 2400 € 2000

gulet aegean clipper

Aegean Clipper

Class  Cabins Guests Length Port
Luxury 11 22 33 mt. Bodrum
April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct.
€ 2000 € 2500 € 3000 € 3500 € 3500 € 3000 € 2500

gulet elara 1

Class  Cabins Guests Length Port
Luxury 12 24 43 mt. Bodrum
April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct.
€ 3750 € 4100 € 5400 € 6450 € 6450 € 5400 € 4100

gulet love boat

Class  Cabins Guests Length Port
Luxury 16 36 37 mt. Bodrum

gulet boreas 1

Class  Cabins Guests Length Port
Luxury 16 36 43 mt. Bodrum
April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct.
€ 4500 € 4500 € 5500 € 6500 € 6500 € 5500 € 4500


1-  See how many persons you will be, what size of boat and how many cabins you need.

2-  Look at your budget and decide if you like to hire a Standard, Standard-Plus, Luxury or Super-Luxury boat.

3-  Choose the location, itinerary and sailing period. (usually the trips are weekly, from Saturday to Saturday)

4-  Send us an e-mail with that information, so we can make the best offer for you.

5-  After finding your perfect boat, we will send you a signed 'Yacht Charter Egreement' which you will sign, scan and send to us.

A down payment of 50% is required for complete the booking.

Once the agreement is signed, the down payment has to be done within one week. (7 days)

This can be transferred to our bank account or with a credit card via 'Mail Order Form'

Now your booking is confirmed. The rest of the amount will be paid at your arrival on board in cash.


Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

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Croatia Yacht Charter for 16 Guests

Yachts for charter in croatia for 16 guests.

Browse a unique selection of Croatia Yacht Charters for 16 Guests and embark on the most exclusive luxury retreat. The tranquillity of cruising, coupled with the warm crew’s services, gourmet cuisine, and tailored itineraries, encapsulates the essence of opulence that Croatia is renowned for, creating unforgettable memories on the gentle tides.

location yacht 16 personnes

53.28m | Radez d.d. | 2020

location yacht 16 personnes


35m | Custom | 2013

location yacht 16 personnes

Queen of Salmakis

40m | Salmakis Yachting | 2019

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122m | Lürssen | 2024

Enquire On Croatia Yacht Charter


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Whitsunday Islands

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New Caledonia

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RENAISSANCE Motor yacht for charter

  • Length: 112m (367.4ft)
  • 36 guests in 19 cabins
  • Built: 2023, Freire Shipyard, Spain

With just three simple words, the benchmark of what the world’s most discerning guests can expect from a luxury yacht charter changes forever: Burgess introduces RENAISSANCE.

location yacht 16 personnes

Matchless superyacht. Incomparable facilities and first-class service. A new era in charter.

location yacht 16 personnes

  • Accommodation for up to 36 guests in 19 cabins
  • Palatial owner's deck featuring private fore and aft decks
  • Spa deck with wellness area, treatment rooms, plunge pools, steam/sauna rooms, hairdressing/beauty room and fitness centre
  • Sushi bar, BBQ bars and DJ zone
  • Indoor cinema seating 19 guests
  • Stunning beach club with port and starboard terraces
  • 10m x 5m swimming pool on the main deck
  • Dedicated business centre


With just three simple words, the benchmark of what the world’s most discerning guests can expect from a luxury yacht charter changes forever: Burgess introduces RENAISSANCE.

location yacht 16 personnes

View all yachts for charter

Summer cruising Mediterranean EUR 3,000,000/EUR 3,500,000 per week (low/high)
Winter cruising Caribbean USD 3,000,000/USD 3,500,000 per week (low/high)
Built 2023, Freire Shipyard, Spain
Length 112m (367.4ft)
Guests 36
No. of guest cabins 19
Crew 45
Beam 18m (59ft)
Draft 5.4m (17.7ft)
Gross tonnage 7,200
Maximum speed 16 knots
Cruising speed 12 knots
Fuel consumption at cruising speed 1,125 litres per hour
Cabin types 19 (15 × double, 4 × double/twin)
Engines 5 × 2,468hp Caterpillar

Tenders & toys

  • 2 × Limousine tenders
  • 2 × Tenders
  • 2 × Deck jacuzzis
  • Anti-jellyfish pool
  • Inflatable platform
  • RYA training centre for jetskis & waverunners
  • 6 × Waverunners
  • 4 × Stand up jetskis
  • 10 × SeaBobs
  • 4 × eFoils
  • 4 × Kayaks
  • 6 × Stand up paddleboards
  • Inflatable tows
  • Fishing gear
  • Snorkelling gear

Please note that tenders and toys are subject to regular upgrades and changes. Contact a Burgess broker for the latest information.

Fitness equipment

location yacht 16 personnes

  • Balance trainer
  • Boxing equipment
  • Cross trainer
  • Free weights
  • Kinesis machine
  • Personal trainer
  • Suspension trainer
  • Training bench
  • Upright stationary bike
  • Beauty salon
  • Hammam/Steam room
  • Massage room
  • On board masseuse

Please note that fitness equipment and wellness facilities are subject to regular upgrades and changes. Contact a Burgess broker for the latest information.

location yacht 16 personnes

Check availability

Renaissance is available for those dates, renaissance is available for those dates subject to confirmation., sorry, renaissance isn't available for those dates, contact a broker to discuss your requirements, please change your dates or contact us for a personalised yacht selection..

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  • Mediterranean

From EUR 3,000,000 per week

Explore the Mediterranean

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Meet Captain Craig of RENAISSANCE

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Meet Interior Manager Loren of RENAISSANCE

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Burgess at Cannes Yachting Festival

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The RENAISSANCE of charter

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Your guide to the lesser-known Greek Islands

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Best summer charter destinations close to the USA

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Bahamas superyacht charter guide

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Monaco Grand Prix: French Riviera yacht charter

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The go-to places to visit this summer

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2024 Michelin guide to the Mediterranean

Explore more in this destination.


From USD 3,000,000 per week

Explore the Caribbean

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Charter in the Med

Last availability for the summer 19 August - 6 September and from 25 September onwards

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Charter in the West Med or Spain

Remaining availability until 29 August

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Email: [email protected]     Phone: +593 99 852 1251    Location: Puerto Ayora / Galápagos Islands / Ecuador / South America

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Brand new yacht, exciting itineraries, first class service, pristine nature.

location yacht 16 personnes


Aboard our newest 16 passengers yacht you will have the ultimate travel experience, it was designed thinking on every detail to make your stay unforgettable, is equipped with state-of-the-art navigational equipment, to safely navigate around the Galápagos.

Main specifications of the yacht:

  • 16 guest capacity
  • 1 master suite
  • 8 standar cabins
  • A/C on each area
  • Spacious social areas
  • Aqua sports equipment
  • 39.81m (130.6ft) length
  • 7.20m (23.6ft) beam
  • 10 crew members
  • 1 naturalist guide
  • 2 YANMAR 405 HP engines
  • Speed 12 knots
  • Naval aluminum hull

The time to travel is now

Your dreams come true.

Discover the treasures of the island on your customized tour of the Galápagos, you will have a luxurious 8 days journey, combining magnificent beaches, great landscapes, snorkeling with sea lions and walking among giants tortoises.  


  Our yacht is designed for those seeking an exclusive, exceptional and remarkable vacation of a lifetime, offers world-class amenities, spacious social areas to share moments with family and friends, cozy spaces finely decorated with our guests in mind, were our highly trained and experience crew will provide five-star service to attend all your needs.

  • Bar - Reception
  • Living Room
  • Dining Room


Master suite.

Our 16 m2 master suite is located on the main deck, is spacious and decorated with high quality materials. Has large windows an ample bathroom and a king-size bed.

Window to the sea

Full bathroom, air conditioning, upper deck suites.

On the upper deck the yacht has 2 comfortable suites, that provide a choice of two twin beds or a queen size bed, these suites have large windows with ocean views to enjoy nature and each of them have private bathrooms.


On the lower deck the yacht has 5 suites, that provide a choice of two twin beds or a queen size bed, for 2 people each. These cabins have portholes with ocean views and private bathrooms.


On the lower deck the yacht has 1 cabin ideal for the solo traveler and a cabin with a twin bed. These cabins have portholes with ocean views and private barhrooms

location yacht 16 personnes

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +593 99 852 1251   

Location: Puerto Ayora / Galápagos Islands / Ecuador / South America

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Le Meilleur Location de Bateaux en Montréal

Parcourez, réservez et partez sur l'eau avec capitaines et propriétaires de bateaux locaux., notre favori location de bateaux dans montréal.

4.7 (408 avis)

  • Location de Bateaux

Découvrez le Richelieu sur un voilier de 31 pieds

Découvrez le Richelieu sur un voilier de 31 pieds

Bayliner Ciera de 30 pieds - Location de yacht pour 8 personnes à Montréal, Canada

Bayliner Ciera de 30 pieds - Location de yacht pour 8 personnes à Montréal, Canada

Bateau de luxe Wellcraft 40"

Bateau de luxe Wellcraft 40"

Vue panoramique sur Montréal/Laval avec baignade et fête sur la plage !

Vue panoramique sur Montréal/Laval avec baignade et fête sur la plage !

Ponton Princecraft de 23 pieds pour 12 personnes, anniversaire, fête, enterrement de vie de jeune fille

Ponton Princecraft de 23 pieds pour 12 personnes, anniversaire, fête, enterrement de vie de jeune fille

Bateau à vitesse maximale de 20 pieds - Capacité de 6 personnes

Bateau à vitesse maximale de 20 pieds - Capacité de 6 personnes

Rinker Captiva de 30 pieds - Location de bateaux à moteur pour 8 personnes à Montréal, Canada

Rinker Captiva de 30 pieds - Location de bateaux à moteur pour 8 personnes à Montréal, Canada

Yacht de luxe à Montréal 28' Campion Allante

Yacht de luxe à Montréal 28' Campion Allante

Location d'un yacht Sea Ray 400 Express de 42 pieds à Montréal

Location d'un yacht Sea Ray 400 Express de 42 pieds à Montréal

Yacht à moteur Silverton Express de 44 pieds

Yacht à moteur Silverton Express de 44 pieds

Location d'un luxueux ponton de divertissement de 25 pieds dans l'ouest de l'île de Montréal

Location d'un luxueux ponton de divertissement de 25 pieds dans l'ouest de l'île de Montréal

Promenade en bateau à Chaparral

Promenade en bateau à Chaparral

Recherches suggérées, types de bateaux populaires dans montréal.


Des yachts de taille moyenne aux méga yachts, ces bateaux de luxe sont parfaits pour les groupes et les célébrations



Parfait pour les croisières décontractées, les arrêts sur les bancs de sable, nager faire la fête



Tout le confort d'un chez-soi sur l'eau, pour des excursions en bateau de plusieurs jours



Bateaux de pêche

Laissez le capitaine conduire pendant que vous pêchez.



Explorez les eaux locales avec une location de bateau dédiée au tourisme et à l'exploration



Des bateaux équipés pour la pêche, des petits bateaux de pêche côtière aux yachts hauturiers



Qui a dit qu’il fallait un moteur pour s’amuser sur l’eau ?


Bateaux de wakeboard

Un bateau à moteur à indice d'octane élevé conçu et équipé pour le remorquage de wakeboard


Embarquez avec ces bateaux à énergie éolienne traditionnels

Meilleurs Emplacements Location de Bateaux à Proximité de Montréal

Ville-Marie , Montréal

14 annonces

Location de Yachts les Plus Populaires dans Montréal

Découvrez le vieux-port de Montréal ou les îles de Boucherville en bateau!

Découvrez le vieux-port de Montréal ou les îles de Boucherville en bateau!

Luxueux yacht italien Azimut Flybridge de 50 pieds - Centre-ville de Montréal

Luxueux yacht italien Azimut Flybridge de 50 pieds - Centre-ville de Montréal

Location maximale de 22' Bowrider à Ste. Anne-de-Bellevue, Kanada

Location maximale de 22' Bowrider à Ste. Anne-de-Bellevue, Kanada

Grand yacht 40 pieds Châteauguay

Grand yacht 40 pieds Châteauguay

Location de pontons les plus populaires dans montréal.

Ponton pour 10 personnes à louer à Sainte-Catherine, Québec

Ponton pour 10 personnes à louer à Sainte-Catherine, Québec

Renseignez-vous sur ce tout nouveau ponton Legend Q Series L de 21 pieds avec capitaine à Boucherville, au Québec

Renseignez-vous sur ce tout nouveau ponton Legend Q Series L de 21 pieds avec capitaine à Boucherville, au Québec

Ponton Starcraft 2023 10 personnes 22' à Laval

Ponton Starcraft 2023 10 personnes 22' à Laval

Ponton à Pointe-Calumet, accès à la plage

Ponton à Pointe-Calumet, accès à la plage

Location de péniches les plus populaires dans montréal.

Houseboat Party Boat pour 15 personnes à Montréal, Québec

Houseboat Party Boat pour 15 personnes à Montréal, Québec

Houseboat Party Boat à Montréal, Québec

Houseboat Party Boat à Montréal, Québec

Avis récents dans montréal.

30 ft Rinker Captiva - Power Speed Boat Rental for 8 People in Montreal, Canada

Ziv is really an amazing host , the service was great , amazing , I would say impeccable. He had a great communication with us , he went above and beyond to make sure our experience was perfect , I would highly recommend everyone to book this boat , the boat is really beautiful with perfect sound system for the music , we had so much fun. Thank you again Ziv

Montreal/Laval Swim and beach party boat tour scenic view!

Nous avons loué un bateau aujourd’hui et l’expérience était exceptionnelle. Berard est très gentil et accueillant. Il s’est assuré que nous étions à l’aise et confortable tout le long de cette expérience et il était très flexible à nos besoin. On le recommande fortement, looking forward to rebooking with him!! Thank you Berard!!!

Luxurious 25' Entertainment Pontoon Rental in Montreal West-Island

Très belle expérience de bateau avec Ellie!! Malgré le fait que nous soyons arrivées en retard, il s’est tout de même assuré que nous ayons 3 heures de croisière. La communication a été parfaite. Il répondait rapidement à mes messages et pendant la croisière, Ellie était très sympathique et serviable. C’est un très beau bateau, propre et équipé de tout ce dont vous aurez besoin. Je vous le recommande fortement et je louerais encore avec lui! Merci encore Ellie :)

30 ft Bayliner ciera - Yacht Rental for 8 People in Montreal, Canada

Je voulais vous remercier Nour pour la merveilleuse journée passée sur votre bateau pour l'anniversaire de mon mari. Le capitaine a été très gentil et professionnel, et nous avons beaucoup apprécié la balade.Merci encore pour cette expérience mémorable !

Beautiful 😍 boat! Very clean and comfortable! M.Elie is a friendly person, professional and polite. We recommend this tour definitely 😁😀! We will do it again! We passed a happy time!

42' Sea Ray 400 Express Yacht Rental in Montreal

We had an amazing bachelor party trip with a knowledgeable and accommodating captain. The yacht included a captain and an assistant, and we were allowed to bring our own drinks and food. We took a short ride to calmer waters where we could swim, relax on the front seats of the boat, and enjoy a paddle board and floating water mats. The captain was very flexible and kindly waited for us when we arrived an hour late. I highly recommend renting this yacht in the future!

Principaux Emplacements Location de Bateaux en Canada

Mississauga , Ontario

143 annonces

Toronto , Ontario

117 annonces

Vancouver , British Columbia

76 annonces

Kelowna , British Columbia

47 annonces

West Kelowna , British Columbia

44 annonces

British Columbia , Canada

10 annonces

Comment Réserver sur Getmyboat

Trouvez la bonne annonce pour vous et votre équipage, avec des options de types de bateaux, de taille de groupe, de navigation avec ou sans capitaine ,et bien plus encore.

Renseignez-vous et Réservez

Vous en avez trouvé un qui vous plaît ? Envoyez une demande de location avec les détails de votre voyage préféré et vous recevrez une offre de réservation de votre capitaine.

Coordonnez un lieu et une heure de prise en charge, rencontrez votre capitaine, et sortez sur l'eau !

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Questions fréquemment posées.

C'est simple ! Entrez votre emplacement et le nombre de personnes avec qui vous naviguerez, puis parcourez tout ce qui est disponible à la location à proximité.

Une fois que vous avez trouvé le bateau qui vous convient, vous pouvez envoyer une demande de location au propriétaire du bateau avec vos dates, heures et détails particuliers spécifiques, et le propriétaire vous répondra avec une offre de location personnalisée que vous pourrez examiner et accepter.

Les bateaux répertoriés sur Getmyboat proposent des locations de bateaux avec ou sans capitaine. Vous pouvez toujours communiquer avec le propriétaire du bateau via Getmyboat avant de confirmer votre réservation pour vous assurer que les besoins de votre capitaine et de votre équipage sont satisfaits.

Non, aucun permis de bateau n'est nécessaire pour louer un bateau avec un capitaine agréé : ils conduiront le bateau et vous pourrez profiter de votre temps sur l'eau. Si vous souhaitez conduire le bateau vous-même, sans capitaine, les réglementations en matière de permis varient en fonction de votre emplacement, mais un certificat de sécurité nautique est généralement une exigence minimale.

La réponse courte : cela dépend. Selon votre localisation, la période de l'année et surtout le type de bateau que vous choisissez. Les bateaux plus petits et plus simples, comme un ponton, peuvent être exceptionnellement abordables, tandis que les méga yachts prêts à faire la fête vous coûteront beaucoup plus. Entrez votre emplacement sur getmyboat.com et vous verrez une gamme de prix et de types de bateaux pour vous donner une idée des prix de votre marché local.

Que vous voyagiez seul en bateau ou que vous louez une location avec capitaine ou un groupe d'amis, il y a quelques consignes de base en matière de sécurité nautique à retenir.

  • Si vous êtes sur une location avec capitaine, faites toujours attention à votre capitaine. Écoutez leurs instructions et avertissements et suivez leurs instructions.
  • Portez un gilet de sauvetage. Même si vous êtes un bon nageur, les conditions de l'eau peuvent changer de manière inattendue, ou si vous vous blessez en tombant par-dessus bord, nager n'est peut-être pas une option. Le port d'un gilet de sauvetage peut éviter les accidents lorsque vous êtes sur l'eau.
  • Faites toujours attention à la météo et aux avertissements locaux concernant les conditions de l'eau. En cas de doute, ne sortez pas. Il est préférable de reprogrammer une journée en bateau plutôt que de prendre des risques et d'essayer de sortir lorsque l'eau est agitée ou dangereuse.
  • Ralentissez et ne conduisez jamais sur une embarcation, car le vent ou les vagues peuvent changer rapidement et vous faire tomber par-dessus bord ou perdre l'équilibre et subir des blessures graves.
  • Soyez prudent et attentif aux écoutilles et aux descentes. Faites attention à vos pas lorsque vous vous déplacez sur le navire.
  • Soyez prudent lorsque vous nagez, flottez ou pagayez à proximité ou autour d'autres embarcations. Assurez-vous qu’ils savent que des personnes se trouvent dans l’eau et gardez vos distances avec les autres embarcations.
  • Utilisez le système de jumelage et comptez fréquemment les passagers pour vous assurer que tout le monde est présent sur le bateau.Il ne s'agit pas d'une liste exhaustive de conseils de sécurité, mais elle peut vous donner une idée des éléments à prendre en compte pour que vous puissiez profiter de la navigation en toute sécurité. Découvrez plus de ressources sur la sécurité nautique sur Getmyboat Journal.

Il ne s'agit pas d'une liste exhaustive de conseils de sécurité, mais elle peut vous donner une idée des éléments à prendre en compte pour que vous puissiez profiter de la navigation en toute sécurité. Découvrez plus de ressources sur la sécurité nautique sur Getmyboat Journal.

Certains propriétaires de bateaux proposent des options de restauration, que vous pouvez demander à inclure dans votre location. Il est préférable de demander au propriétaire du bateau quelles sont les options de restauration avant de réserver, car tous les propriétaires n'offrent pas ce service.

Écrivez votre liste et vérifiez-la deux fois ! Il est facile d'oublier tout ce dont vous avez besoin lorsqu'on se prépare pour une excursion sur l'eau. Si vous vous demandez quoi emporter pour une sortie en bateau ou une journée sur l'eau, voici nos recommandations :

  • Des couches de vêtements de préférence celles classées UPF.
  • Des affaires de rechange sont toujours une bonne idée, juste au cas où vous seriez mouillé ou que le temps se gâterait.
  • Des lunettes de soleil et/ou un chapeau.
  • Crème solaire. N'oubliez pas de réappliquer toutes les deux heures, ou plus fréquemment si vous entrez dans l'eau.
  • Beaucoup d'eau. Rester hydraté est très important.
  • Des collations, bien sûr.
  • Un livre ou un magazine, pour vous déconnecter de votre smartphone et vous détendre !

Si vous souhaitez apporter quelque chose qui ne figure pas sur cette liste, comme des boissons, du matériel ou des décorations, nous vous recommandons de contacter le propriétaire à l'avance pour vérifier que ceux-ci peuvent être apportés à bord. Pour plus d'idées sur ce qu'il faut apporter, consultez Getmyboat Journal.

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Réservez une balade 
 en bateau avec skipper sur le bassin d’Arcachon

114 reviews sur Google

Louez un bateau haut de gamme de 2 à 36 personnes avec skipper, profitez de nos services sur mesure pour créer des moments inoubliables.

Catamaran qui navigue sur le bassin d'arcachon en location, vue de la dune du pyla en fond

Découvrez nos bateaux uniques et personnalisez votre experience

Bateau pour 12 personnes en location sur l'eau au pyla

Vedette privée

Bateau pour 15 personnes en location sur le bassin d'arcachon

Vedette Sport

Catamaran en location sur le bassin d'arcachon

Des bateaux tout équipés pour une croisière inoubliable sur le bassin d’arcachon

De 2 à 36 personnes.

Groupe d'amis sur un catamaran sur le bassin d'arcachon

Itinéraire sur mesure

dejeuner croisiere sur un bateau pyla yachting

Croisière Repas

Bouteilles de Champagnes sur un bateau yacht sur l'eau

Champagnes et vins d'exception

Sports nautiques.

client qui fait du wakeboard tiré par un bateau sur le bassin d'arcachon

Moteurs silencieux

3 amis sur un bateau sur arcachon

Serviettes et Plaids

3 femmes sur le pont d'un bateau au Pyla les bras en l'air

Votre musique sur le bateau

Couchers de soleil.

coucher de soleil sur le bassin d'arcachon en bateau

Toilettes à bord

Nicolas Neyraud

Nos clients disent du bien de nous

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location yacht 16 personnes

Explorez le Bassin d'Arcachon en Bateau

Dune du Pyla depuis la dune, fin de journée

La Dune du Pilat : Vue Imprenable depuis la Mer

côté d'un catamaran sur l'eau

Découvrez les Richesses du Bassin d'Arcachon

Photo du cap ferret vu depuis l'eau en journée

Cap Ferret : Chic et Nature

Des partenaires qui rendent le voyage unique.

Bernard Magrez Grande Maison

Vivez un moment d’exception sur le bassin d'Arcachon

Photo du bassin d'arcachon depuis un bateau sur l'eau

Questions sur votre expérience de location

Nous disposons d'une flotte variée comprenant des bateaux à moteur, des voiliers, et des catamarans, tous équipés pour garantir une expérience de navigation agréable et sécurisée.

Le nombre maximum de personnes varie en fonction du bateau choisi. Nos plus petits bateaux peuvent accueillir jusqu'à 12 personnes, tandis que nos plus grands catamarans peuvent accueillir jusqu'à 20 personnes. Nous organisons des évènements pour des grands groupes jusqu'à 200 personnes avec plusieurs bateaux.

Nous sommes flexibles, nous pouvons vous récupérer et vous déposer à ces endroits : Port d’Arcachon, Moulleau, Dune du Pilat, Jetée Grand Piquey, Jetée du Canon, Jetée de la Vigne, Hortense

Les tarifs de location varient en fonction du type de bateau, de la durée de la location et de la saison. Vos trouverez les prix sur chaque bateau en haut de cette page. Veuillez nous contacter directement pour obtenir un devis personnalisé.

Des suppléments peuvent s'appliquer pour certaines options comme les services de restauration à bord, les activités nautiques supplémentaires, ou les transferts privés. Tous les détails seront précisés lors de la réservation.

Si la météo est mauvaise et que vous ne souhaitez pas sortir en mer, nous reportons la prestation ou l'annulons sans frais. Nos conditions d'annulation sont flexibles. En général, une annulation sans frais est possible jusqu'à 48 heures avant la date de la sortie. Au-delà de ce délai, des frais peuvent s'appliquer, précisés dans nos conditions.

Nous recommandons d'apporter une protection solaire (crème solaire, chapeau), des lunettes de soleil, un maillot de bain, une serviette, et des vêtements confortables. N'oubliez pas votre appareil photo pour capturer les souvenirs !

Oui, des arrêts baignade sont prévus lors de nos croisières, sous réserve des conditions de sécurité et météorologiques.

Oui, tous nos bateaux sont équipés de toilettes pour votre confort.

Nous proposons divers services de restauration à bord, incluant des options de repas, des boissons et des collations. Des menus spéciaux sont préparés par des chefs sur demande. Sinon, nous vous déposons pour vous restaurer dans une cabane à huitres.

Oui, vous pouvez apporter votre propre nourriture et vos boissons à bord. Nous vous demandons simplement de respecter les règles de propreté et de sécurité.

En cas de mauvais temps, nous faisons tout notre possible pour reprogrammer votre sortie. Si ce n'est pas possible, un remboursement complet sera effectué.

Oui, nous organisons des croisières sur mesure pour célébrer des événements spéciaux tels que des anniversaires, séminaires, mariages, enterrements de vie de jeune fille/garçon, et bien plus encore. Contactez-nous pour discuter de vos besoins spécifiques.

Oui, nous pouvons organiser des transferts privés depuis et vers votre lieu d'hébergement pour plus de confort. Veuillez nous en informer lors de la réservation.

Non, tous nos bateaux sont loués avec skipper pour garantir votre sécurité et vous offrir une expérience de navigation sans souci.

D'autres questions ?

Appelez-nous ou laissez nous un message.

+351 931 369 217

[email protected].

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Voilier | Jusqu’à 12P

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Catamaran | Jusqu’à 16P

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Catamaran de luxe | jusqu’à 18P

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Catamaran | jusqu’à 55P

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Catamaran à Moteur | jusqu’à 18P

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LisbonYacht organise des excursion et des événements en bateau à Lisbonne

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Yachts for Sale Location: Moscow

Unfortunately, we currently do not have any yachts in Moscow listed in our inventory. However, our knowledgeable brokers can assist you in locating and acquiring the perfect vessel, even if it's not currently advertised on the market.

Don't hesitate to reach out to our team of experts. They have extensive connections and resources to help you find your dream yacht, tailored to your specific preferences and requirements.

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Body of british tech magnate mike lynch is recovered from wreckage of superyacht, coast guard says.

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The Italian coast guard said Thursday the body of British tech magnate Mike Lynch is among those recovered off the coast of Sicily from the wreckage of a superyacht whose builders had called it unsinkable.

The bodies of Lynch and four others were recovered by rescue crews. One woman remains missing.

The Bayesian, a 184-foot British-flagged yacht, went down in a storm early Monday as it was moored about half a mile offshore. Civil protection officials said they believe the ship was struck by a tornado over the water, known as a waterspout, and sank quickly.

Video below: Maritime Historian Sal Mercogliano explains causes for sunken yacht

Fifteen of the 22 people aboard survived, including a mother who reported holding her 1-year-old baby over the waves to save her.

Lynch had been celebrating his recent acquittal on fraud charges with his family and the people who had defended him at trial in the United States.

Divers have struggled to find the bodies.

“We would need a crystal ball to know when we'll be able to find the next body," said Luca Cari, spokesperson for the fire rescue service.

“It's very difficult to move inside the wreckage. Moving just one meter can take up to 24 hours,” Cari said.

Joshua Zimmerman

Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013

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Written by Zuzana Bednarova

To be represented by Premium Yachts, Ferretti Yachts and Riva , two prestigious brands of the Ferretti Group, will be present at the Moscow International Boat Show 2013, displaying motor yacht Ferretti 530 as well as Riva Iseo yacht tender.

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury yacht Ferretti 530 was very keen to undertake in collaboration once again with AYT – Advanced Yacht Technology, Ferretti Group Engineering Division and Studio Zuccon International Project . The compact dimensions, 16 meters long and almost 5 meters wide, allow the 530 yacht to deliver grand Italian luxury and cruising immersed in such comfort until now unheard of in a yacht of this size.

Ferretti 530 yacht boasts three revolutionary innovations: the full beam master cabin with chaise longue and two large open view windows that make it a real suite at sea level bathed in light, tones and the natural essences of teak. Moving the galley from the center to the aft section creates a unique open space that includes the saloon, galley, cocktail bar and the dining area, the cockpit area continues thanks to the tilting window. The roll bar free sky lounge and the spoiler allow the 530 a sporty appearance combined with elegantly formal lines.

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Riva , the iconic Ferretti Group brand, presented a new model at the historical Lake d’Iseo shipyards in July 2011. Featuring elegance and ease of transportation as its distinctive characteristics, Iseo superyacht tender , a 27 foot runabout, is destined to become a must-have for those who love cruising on both lakes and the sea, and, most importantly, design enthusiasts. It is also perfect for anyone wishing to enhance their yacht with an exclusive tender that will never go unnoticed.

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Due to its ease of manoeuvrability and size, Iseo yacht tender is also ideal as a tender for large yachts. Innovative and elegant, it can also guarantee comfort in bad weather conditions. Besides the electrohydraulic bimini top, it was also designed with a waterproof, automobile-style soft top which protects those on board against water and the wind during cruising.

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013".

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Un yacht de 27 m coule entièrement en Corse-du-Sud, les onze personnes qui étaient à bord se réfugient sur un canot de sauvetage

Ce jeudi 15 août, un yacht a fait naufrage en Corse-du-Sud, après avoir percuté un écueil de la pointe de Senetosa, les onze personnes qui étaient dessus ont été secourues.

Dans la matinée du jeudi 15 août, un yacht avec onze personnes à bord, a percuté un écueil de la pointe de Senetosa, près de la commune de Sartène, en Corse-du-Sud.

Aux alentours de 6 h 30 du matin, le bateau de 27 mètres de long, a commencé à couler. Le CROSS Méditerranée a alerté le Centre de sauvetage SNSM de Propriano. Plusieurs plongeurs et infirmiers ont été mobilisés, selon Corse Net Infos .

Les sept hommes et les quatre femmes à bord ont été secourus

Les naufragés s’étaient réfugiés dans les radeaux de survie en attendant de l’aide, écrient les secouristes sur les réseaux sociaux. Les sept hommes et les quatre femmes à bord ont été secourus, ils sont tous sains et saufs. Les victimes ont regagné la Sardaigne dans un ferry à 15 h 30, selon Corse Matin .

Le yacht a continué de couler et s’est fait engloutir par l’eau. Les plongeurs de la SNSM ont fait une inspection sous-marine. Les résultats témoignent de "dégâts importants sur la coque du navire". Pour le moment, les raisons exactes du naufrage restent encore floues.


Ukraine Attacks Moscow in One of Largest Ever Drone Strikes on Russian Capital

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Ukraine attacked Moscow on Wednesday with at least 11 drones that were shot down by air defences in what Russian officials called one of the biggest drone strikes on the capital since the war in Ukraine began in February 2022.

The war, largely a grinding artillery and drone battle across the fields, forests and villages of eastern Ukraine, escalated on Aug. 6 when Ukraine sent thousands of soldiers over the border into Russia’s western Kursk region.

For months, Ukraine has also fought an increasingly damaging drone war against the refineries and airfields of Russia, the world’s second largest oil exporter, though major drone attacks on the Moscow region – with a population of over 21 million – have been rarer.

Russia’s defence ministry said its air defences destroyed a total of 45 drones over Russian territory, including 11 over the Moscow region, 23 over the border region of Bryansk, six over the Belgorod region, three over the Kaluga region and two over the Kursk region.

Some of the drones were shot down over the city of Podolsk, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said. The city in the Moscow region is some 38 km (24 miles) south of the Kremlin.

“This is one of the largest attempts to attack Moscow using drones ever,” Sobyanin said on the Telegram messaging app in the early hours of Wednesday. “The layered defence of Moscow that was created made it possible to successfully repel all the attacks from the enemy UAVs.”

Along Moscow’s boulevards, the cafes, restaurants and shops of the capital – which has been carefully insulated from the war – were crowded with little sign of concern, while President Vladimir Putin met Chinese premier Li Qiang in the Kremlin.

Two Russian citizens who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity said the foiled drone attack simply showed how well defended Moscow now was, and that Ukraine was “playing with fire” by attacking Russia both in Kursk and in Moscow.

Russia meanwhile is advancing in eastern Ukraine, where it controls about 18% of the territory, and battling to repel Ukraine’s incursion into the Kursk region, the biggest foreign attack on Russian territory since World War Two.

Russian media showed unverified footage of drones whirring over the dawn sky of the Moscow region and then being shot down in a ball of flame by air defences.

Moscow’s airports, Vnukovo, Domodedovo and Zhukovsky, limited flights for four hours but restarted normal operations from 0330 GMT, Russia’s aviation watchdog said.

Sobyanin said that according to preliminary information, there were no injuries or damage reported in the aftermath of the attacks. There were also no casualties or damage reported following the attack on Bryansk in Russia’s southwest, the governor of the region, Alexander Bogomaz, wrote on Telegram.

Russia’s RIA state news agency reported that two drones were destroyed over the Tula region, which borders the Moscow region to its north. Vasily Golubev, governor of the Rostov region in Russia’s southwest, said air defence forces destroyed a Ukraine-launched missile over the region, with no injuries reported.

The Russian defence ministry did not mention either Tula or Rostov in its statement listing destroyed Ukrainian air weapons. Ukraine’s military said on Wednesday it overnight struck an S-300 anti-aircraft missile system based in the Rostov region.

The drone attack on Moscow was on a par with a May 2023 attack when at least eight drones were destroyed over the capital, a strike Putin said was a Ukrainian attempt to scare and provoke Russia.

In Kursk, Russian war bloggers said intense battles were ongoing along the front in the region where Ukraine has carved out at least 450 square km (175 square miles) of Russian territory.

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Manhunt for Arizona Suspect Who Threatened to Shoot Trump During Border Visit Today

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A manhunt is underway in Arizona for a suspect who threatened to kill former President Trump ahead of a rally in the Copper State on Thursday.

The Cochise County Sheriff’s Office has identified the suspect as 66-year-old Ronald Lee Syvrud.

The sheriff’s office said Syvrud has outstanding warrants from the state of Wisconsin for DUI, failure to appear for DUI and from Graham County, Arizona, for hit-and-run and felony failure to register as a sex offender.

The sheriff’s office said it also has an absconder hold for Syvrud for failing to register as a sex offender.

Syvrud is listed on the Wisconsin Department of Corrections sex offender registry for “second-degree sexual assault of a child” with an Arizona address.

Court records reviewed by Fox News show Syvrud was most recently charged with assault in June, but that was dropped in July.

The sheriff’s office posted on Facebook that Syvrud is being sought “as an investigative lead for threats to kill a presidential candidate,” but did not elaborate. Fox News later confirmed that the “presidential candidate” is Trump.

The threat against former President Trump’s life comes after the assassination attempt on the Republican presidential nominee during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, last month.

The sheriff’s office told Fox News that there are “no known ties to Pennsylvania, and we are working with local, state, and federal agencies.”

The former president held his first outdoor rally on Wednesday since the assassination attempt, speaking behind a wall of bulletproof glass at a podium in Asheboro, North Carolina.

Trump is visiting the southern border in Cochise County, Arizona, Thursday while continuing to campaign for the November election. He’s been spending the week campaigning across battleground states.

At a Thursday afternoon press conference, Trump appeared to be unaware of the manhunt when asked for comment. The former president said he was aware it might be “dangerous” for him to be there but nevertheless, “I have a job to do.”

“I haven’t heard about that. They probably want to keep it from me,” Trump said, when asked to respond to the manhunt. “Thank you for telling me. Let’s get out of here, right now!” Trump joked. He again thanked the reporter for telling him.

Trump then pivoted to remarks on the assassination attempt in Butler, saying he has “great respect for the Secret Service” who jumped “on top of me with bullets flying.”

“I have great respect. But no, I haven’t heard that,” Trump said, referring back to the manhunt underway. “But I’m not that surprised. And the reason is because I want to do things that are very bad for the bad guys.

The U.S. Secret Service told Fox News it is aware of and tracking the manhunt in Arizona and referred all further inquiries to the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office for further comments, including potential ties to Butler.

Supreme Court Restores Arizona’s Voter Proof-of-Citizenship Law

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The Supreme Court on Thursday partially agreed to the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) emergency request to revive an Arizona law that strengthens proof-of-citizenship requirements for voting.

In a 5-4 vote, the justices reinstated Arizona’s law mandating officials reject state voter registration forms if the person did not provide proof of citizenship.

The court’s three liberal justices — Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson — dissented alongside conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

But in voting to deny the RNC’s other request, those four found themselves in the majority, bolstered by support from at least one of Chief Justice John Roberts or Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

The RNC had demanded the reinstatement of Arizona’s prohibition that prevents registered voters from casting ballots for president or in the mail if they didn’t provide citizenship proof, even if they used a federal-level form to register, where proof is not required.

Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch, who are viewed as the Supreme Court’s three leading conservatives, voted to reinstate those provisions, too.

The ruling came just ahead of Arizona’s ballot printing deadline, enabling the provision to go into effect for this year’s elections, when Arizona is expected to be a critical swing state in the presidential race.

By not fully agreeing to the RNC’s request, the Supreme Court’s decision sides with the Biden administration.

The Justice Department has sued over the latter provision as conflicting with federal law, but it has not challenged the portion impacting only state-level forms.

“Even putting aside the merits, applicants are not entitled to a stay,” U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar wrote in court filings.

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) and various voting rights groups have challenged both sets of the provisions. The case revolves around claims that the changes are unconstitutional, preempted by federal law and violate a consent decree a state official signed in 2018.

After a federal district judge blocked the provisions and an appeals court refused to lift it, the RNC, joined by Arizona’s top two Republican state lawmakers, thrusted the Supreme Court into the dispute earlier this month by filing an emergency appeal.

They urged the justices to stay the lower ruling by Aug. 22, which is the state’s ballot printing deadline, arguing that the state was authorized to make the voter registration changes.

The challengers, however, urged the Supreme Court to stay out the case, insisting the RNC hadn’t cleared their high burden to receive emergency relief.

Lawyers for the DNC and other private plaintiffs told the justices the RNC “sat on their hands” after losing in a lower court.

“The tardiness is particularly inexcusable here, as applicants seek to weaponize Arizona’s forthcoming ballot-printing deadline to obtain relief,” their written response reads.

Democratic Arizona state officials, meanwhile, argued that the Supreme Court’s intervention “would be destabilizing” given the short timeframe before November’s election.

DNC Day 3: Top Takeaways

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The third night of the Democratic National Convention featured a second former president, Bill Clinton, making the case for Vice President Kamala Harris‘s campaign.

Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN), Harris’s running mate, gave the keynote speech Wednesday night as celebrity singers John Legend and Sheila E. staged a musical tribute to Walz’s Minnesota roots.

Stevie Wonder asked the crowd to “reach for a higher ground” in supporting Harris’s campaign before performing a medley of his songs. Kenan Thompson, of Saturday Night Live fame, appeared onstage Wednesday evening with a print-sized copy of Project 2025, a conservative proposal for a second Trump presidency.

Abortion rights activists featured prominently during the night with Mini Timmaraju, president and CEO of Reproductive Freedom for All; Alexis McGill Johnson, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood; Cecile Richards, former president of Planned Parenthood; and Jessica Mackler, president of EMILYs List, all addressing the convention.

Oprah Winfrey made a surprise appearance at the convention, taking a jab at Sen. J.D. Vance’s (R-OH) childless cat lady comments while pushing independents to back Harris. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), who is aiming to become the first black House Speaker if Democrats gain control of the lower chamber, called former President Donald Trump “an old boyfriend who you broke up with, but he just won’t go away.”

Here are the top five moments from the third night of the convention.

Tim Walz’s biggest career speech brings tears from son

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), along with Walz’s former students, including Ben Ingman and the former high school football players he coached, introduced the Minnesota governor before he spoke onstage.

The moment was a memorable Americana entrance for a man whom Harris branded as “Coach Walz” at their first campaign rally as running mates. In another emotional moment, Walz’s son Gus was seen sobbing while mouthing: “That’s my dad!”

Walz began his speech by thanking Harris and President Joe Biden for their nearly four years of leadership. “Thanks for putting your trust in me, and for inviting me to be part of this incredible campaign,” he said of Harris. “It’s the honor of my life to accept your nomination for vice president of the United States.”

The Minnesota governor leaned on his background as a teacher before entering politics in a speech that will likely introduce him to wide swaths of the public. “So there I was, a 40-something high school teacher with little kids, zero political experience, and no money, running in a deep-red district. But you know what? Never underestimate a public school teacher,” he said.

Walz touted several progressive policies to the delight of Democrats, including providing free breakfast and lunch for school children, fighting for affordable housing, protecting abortion rights, and mediating medical debt for families.

“So while other states were banning books from their schools, we were banishing hunger from ours,” Walz said as attendees cheered in excitement.

In a reprise of his attacks against the GOP, Walz called attempts to implement Project 2025, a conservative game plan for a second Trump presidency, “weird.”

As he ended his speech, Walz pushed for Democrats to donate, vote, and knock on doors because “when we fight,” Walz said to the crowd. “We win!” they yelled back.

An aging Bill Clinton slams the Trump campaign

Clinton, who recently celebrated his 78th birthday, claimed he was the oldest person in his family, but “I’m still younger than Donald Trump,” he quipped. Clinton is just two months younger than Trump, whose birthday is in June. The former president also mentioned that he was unsure how many more conventions he would attend after this week, in a humble reflection of his mortality.

He continued to slip in more criticisms against Trump, who Clinton claimed is “about me, myself, and I.”

“The next time you hear him, don’t count the lies. Count the I’s,” said Clinton, who marked his 12th address to the DNC Thursday evening.

Harris is Trump’s complete contrast, according to Clinton. “Kamala Harris is the only candidate in this race who has the vision and the experience, the temperament and the will and yes, the sheer joy to get something done,” he said.

“If you vote for this team, if you can get them elected and let them bring in this breath of fresh air, you’ll be proud of it for the rest of your life,” Clinton later declared. “Your children will be proud. Your grandchildren will be proud of it.”

The former president also commented on the joyful convention taking place in Chicago. “After the last two days, aren’t you proud to be a Democrat?” Clinton asked earlier on before claiming he loved seeing Barack and Michelle Obama speak the previous day, as well as Hillary Clinton’s address to the convention.

“One of the reasons that president-to-be Kamala Harris is doing so well is that we’re happy,” Bill Clinton would later claim. “But you should never underestimate your adversary. These people are very good at distracting.”

Nancy Pelosi’s cements status as party godmother

The former House Speaker received a standing ovation and chants of “Nancy! Nancy!” when she first walked onstage. Before Pelosi took to the stage, Mindy Kaling, the celebrity host of Wednesday’s convention, called her the “mother of dragons” in an introduction speech.

Pelosi slammed Trump over the actions of his supporters who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in her address to the convention. “Jan. 6 was a perilous moment for our democracy,” she said. “Never before had a president of the United States so brazenly assaulted the bedrock of our democracy, so gleefully embraced political violence, so willfully betrayed his oath of office.”

“Let us not forget who assaulted democracy on Jan. 6 — he did. But let us not forget who saved democracy that day — we did,” Pelosi said. “Thank God we have a Democratic House of Representatives.”

Many Democrats have long believed that Pelosi was part of the push that finally convinced President Joe Biden to suspend his campaign, paving the way for Harris’s nomination. Biden and the former House Speaker reportedly have an icy relationship.

But at the convention, Democrats were ecstatic over Pelosi, who arguably has pulled the strings that led to an energized Democratic Party.

Former vice presidential candidates for Harris take the stage

Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-PA) and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg both took to the stage Thursday night. The two leaders were once on the short list to join Harris as her vice presidential pick, but that role went to Walz.

Buttigieg spent part of his speech attacking Vance as an insufficient bridge to Midwestern voters whom he has insulted many with his “childless cat ladies” comments.

“J.D. Vance is one of those guys who thinks if you don’t live the life he has in mind for you, then you don’t count,” Buttigieg said. “A guy who thinks that if you don’t have kids, you have no physical commitment to the future of this country.”

The Pennsylvania governor slammed the Trump-Vance ticket as against the freedoms of the people. “Today, we find ourselves writing the next chapter,” Shapiro said. “Will we be a nation defined by chaos and extremism? Or will we choose a path of decency, honor, and continued progress?”

Another future leader of the party, Gov. Wes Moore (D-MD), addressed the crowd on Wednesday, where he called out Trump’s lack of military service. “I joined the army when I was 17. In fact, I was too young to sign the paperwork,” he said. “I had to ask my mom to sign it for me because I do not have bone spurs.”

Parents of hostage victim appeal for son’s return

Jon Polin and Rachel Goldberg, the parents of American-Israeli hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin, gave an emotional speech appealing for the return of the eight American hostages kidnapped by Hamas during the Oct. 7 surprise attack against Israel.

Goldberg doubled over in tears when the crowd chanted, “Bring them home!” as the parents first appeared onstage. It’s been 320 days since Goldber-Polin was kidnapped, and “since then, we live on another planet,” Goldberg said. “Anyone who is a parent or has had a parent can try to imagine the anguish and misery that John and I and all the hostage families are enduring.”

“This is a political convention, but bringing our only son and all of the cherished hostages home is not a political issue,” added Polin.

Convention attendees were seen crying as the parents addressed the crowd. “Hersh, if you can hear us, we love you. Stay strong, survive,” Goldberg declared. “This is a humanitarian issue.”

UPDATED: Romanian Police Raid Andrew Tate’s Home over New Allegations Involving Trafficking Minors

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Romanian police on Wednesday searched four properties linked to Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan amid new minor sex and trafficking allegations. This investigation for trafficking minors started in June 2023.

According to Romania’s prosecutors for the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) police descended on four locations owned by the Tate brothers in Bucharest and Ilfov.

The searches are linked to a fresh investigation against the Tate brothers, according to the authorities.DIICOT implemented four home search warrants within Ilfov county and Bucharest municipality, in a criminal case regarding the commission of the crimes of:

  • forming an organized criminal group
  • trafficking minors
  • human trafficking (new victims)
  • sexual intercourse with a minor
  • influencing statements and money laundering

A spokesperson for the Tate brothers confirmed the raids on social media. “Although the allegations in the search warrant are not yet fully clarified, they include suspicions of human trafficking and money laundering. The brothers’ legal team is present to ensure all formalities are carried out correctly,” they said.

Andrew Tate commented on X that he was the victim of conspiracies. “The Matrix is ​​real. And they have a tried and true playbook. Slander is their number one tool, and the process is the punishment,” wrote Andrew Tate.

The two are currently awaiting trial in Romania on charges of human trafficking, rape, and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women. In the UK, Andrew Tate faces a civil case from four British women who claim they were raped and assaulted. The brothers are also being taken to court by police in the UK for allegedly paying zero tax on $27 million in earnings from their online businesses.

Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate were detained for 24 hours by DIICOT prosecutors on Wednesday evening, August 21, after more than 6 hours of questioning in a new case.

According to the same sources, other suspects were also detained in the same case, including Alex Stanciu, Alex Donea, and the two alleged accomplices of the Tate brothers, Georgiana Naghel and Luana Radu.

There are 34 new victims in Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate’s latest case. This includes two minors, aged 15 and 17. There are a total of 49 victims across all of their cases.

A judge in Romania has ordered Andrew Tate to house arrest for 30 days. Tristan will remain on judiciary control. This will be reviewed in 30 days with the possibility of being extended.

Full DIICOT press release:

Pursuant to communique no. 1 of 21.08.2024, the Information and Public Relations Office within the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism is empowered to inform the public of the following:

On 21.08.2024, the prosecutors of the Directorate of Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism – Central Structure ordered the detention of 6 defendants for committing the crimes of forming an organized criminal group, trafficking in persons, trafficking in minors, sexual intercourse with a minor, money laundering, influencing statements and favoring the perpetrator.

From the criminal investigation documents carried out, it emerged that, during 2015, three defendants (two of them foreign citizens) constituted an organized criminal group on the territory of Romania, to which a suspect (foreign citizen) joined in 2016 and in in September 2021, another defendant (Romanian citizen), who acted with the aim of committing the crime of human trafficking both on the territory of Romania and of other states.

Two of the defendants, using the loverboy method and taking advantage of the obvious state of vulnerability of 34 injured persons, recruited them, and with the support of the other members of the organized crime group, transported and housed them in different locations where they supervised them and coordinated by forcing them to produce pornographic materials that they later broadcast for a fee on profile platforms.

The proceeds thus obtained by the defendants from the sexual exploitation of the victims were valued at over 2,800,000 US dollars and 887,000 tokens.

It was also noted that in the period from 2014 to December 2021, one of the defendants (foreign citizen), by misleading (the loverboy method) and taking advantage of the obvious vulnerability of a minor victim (17 years old, foreign citizen), transported and sheltered her in several locations located on the territories of Great Britain and Romania, where he forced her to perform sexual acts in order to produce pornographic materials and distribute them on various websites. Material benefits valued at over 1.5 million US dollars were obtained from the criminal activity, which the defendant appropriated in full.

Also in his charge, it was noted that starting from December 2020, he repeatedly had sexual relations and acts with a minor victim, aged 15. In order to hide or dissimulate the illicit origin of the money resulting from the commission of the crime of human trafficking, between December 2023 and July 2024, the two defendants purchased and registered four luxury cars in the names of close people.

At the same time, in an attempt to prevent the discovery of the truth, they took actions of a clearly intimidating nature and acts of corruption on some injured persons and witnesses in order to induce them not to give statements or to give false statements in this file. With regard to two other defendants (Romanian citizens), from the conducted investigations, it emerged that they acted with the aim of hindering the investigations in this criminal case.

As a result of the home searches, the sums of approximately 26,000 euros, 81,000 lei, 5,800 GBP and 6,400 USD, two luxury watches, laptops, data storage units, documents and other means of evidence were identified and seized. An insurance seizure was instituted on 16 cars and a motorcycle, all from the luxury category.

Today, the judge of rights and liberties was notified with the proposal of preventive arrest of three of the detained defendants and the house arrest of another defendant.

Judicial activities are carried out together with police officers from the Ilfov Organized Crime Fighting Service.

The action benefited from the support of gendarmes from the Special Intervention Brigade of the Gendarmerie.

Everything You Need to Know About Sex-Trafficking Charges Against Andrew Tate

READ: 32 Andrew Tate Tweets That Will Change Your Opinion About Him

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If you don’t know who is Andrew Tate you can learn more about him here.

Proof that Andrew Tate is was the owner of the Twitter account @OfWudan:

For those of you who are unsure if @OfWudan was Tate’s old account, or are in denial, let Tate tell you: pic.twitter.com/Z91bqCJxPN — Murdered By Crayons 🖍️ (@CrayonMurders) July 29, 2024

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Jack Daniel’s Maker Scraps DEI Policies After Threat of ‘Anti-Woke’ Boycott

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The maker of Jack Daniel’s whisky said it will pull back on its DEI initiatives, buckling to pressure on social media as an “anti-woke” activist said he was preparing to launch a boycott.

Spirits giant Brown-Forman Corp. – with a market capitalization of $21.37 billion – is the latest company to scrap its diversity, equity and inclusion program, following Harley-Davidson, Tractor Supply and John Deere.

Major firms who rely heavily on a red state clientele have been caving to boycott pressure from corporate activist Robby Starbuck, who said Jack Daniel’s was next on the list, but that the company reversed its policies before he got the chance to lead a boycott.

“We’re now forcing multi-billion dollar organizations to change their policies without even posting just from fear they have of being the next company that we expose,” Starbuck said on X.

Brown-Forman will stop linking bonuses and pay to DEI progress, end its participation in an annual ranking of companies with an LGBTQ-friendly environment and throw out its plans to push for a more diverse group of suppliers, according to a copy of an internal memo posted on X.

The company previously tied 10% of executives’ short-term compensation to progress on DEI goals, according to a 2023 annual report.

The Kentucky-based company first launched its DEI goals in 2019.

“Since then, the world has evolved, our business has changed, and the legal and external landscape has shifted dramatically, particularly within the United States,” company executives told employees in a letter on Wednesday.

“With these new dynamics at play, we must adjust our work to ensure it continues to drive business results while appropriately recognizing the current environment in which we find ourselves.”

Brown-Forman shares dipped less than 1% on Thursday.

Social activists called for big businesses to implement sweeping DEI programs just a few years ago – and now those same companies are responding to cries to cut those goals, largely led by Starbuck on X.

“I mean the name diversity, equity, inclusion – you would think that’s a good thing,” Mahoney Asset Management CEO Ken Mahoney told The Post. “But the way the companies express it, you squeeze out other potential employees that could have even better performance.”

Mahoney said companies including Tesla, Home Depot, Wayfair and Walmart have been phasing out their DEI leadership goals since consumers started threatening them with boycotts.

“It hurts their image because consumers feel like they’re not putting the best people in place, but rather keeping score,” Mahoney told The Post. “And for this group of consumers, we’re not born and raised this way.”

Just 38% of Americans want companies to take a stance on current events and policies, according to a Gallup-Bentley University survey.

Big news: The next company we were set to expose was @JackDaniels_US . They must have been tipped off by us going through employee LinkedIn pages. They just preemptively announced that they’ll be making these changes: • Ending participation in the @HRC ’s Corporate Equality… pic.twitter.com/0O1DkkIKrO — Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) August 22, 2024

And DEI goals have become more political, with conservative activists calling the programs unfair while liberal activists say the opposite.

In addition to DEI policies, Starbuck targets companies who participate in the Human Rights Campaign’s ranking of LGBTQ-friendly workplaces — which previously awarded Brown-Forman a perfect score of 100.

“Jack Daniels has clearly reached the sobering conclusion that being hyper focused on factors other than merit do not increase the bottom line,” psychotherapist Jonathan Alpert told The Post.

“In fact, we need not look any further than Target and Bud Light to see how making the move from that of retailers to social justice warriors does not lead to best outcomes, increased sales, and improved public image.”

Target lost $10 billion in market valuation in a 10-day period last year when customers boycotted the company after it launched its Pride collection, which included clothing for children.

A Target shareholder filed a lawsuit last year against the company after their shares lost $20,000 during the Pride collection controversy.

Bud Light sales tanked after the beer company launched an ad with transgender social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney last year.

Alpert said DEI policies can create a perception of unfairness and alienate employees.

He said his own patients have grown to resent these policies because they feel like they are being passed over for promotions and jobs on the basis of ethnic background or sexuality.

“If DEI initiatives were working we wouldn’t be having this discussion about them right now,” Alpert told The Post. “In fact, more companies would be hopping on the bandwagon – but they’re not.”

90-Foot-Tall Half-Monkey, Half-Human Statue Erected in Texas

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A striking 90-foot-tall bronze statue of Lord Hanuman was recently unveiled in Texas.

The massive statue was raised on August 15 at Sugar Land’s Sri Ashtalakshmi Temple, according to local NBC affiliate KCEN.

Hindus consider Hanuman an immortal being known for his devotion to the Hindu god Rama and virtues like self-control.

The Texas Hanuman figure, officially titled the “Statue of Union,” is now reportedly the third tallest statue in the continental U.S., trailing only the 151-foot tall Statue of Liberty in New York and the 110-foot tall Pegasus and Dragon statue in Hallandale Beach, Florida.

Conservatives, particularly those identifying themselves as Christians, quickly lashed out at images and videos of the statue, with some claiming that the figure was “demonic.”

“This is a Hindu statue they just built in TX. I rebuke this demonic filth in the mighty name of Jesus Christ,” @itsmorganariel, a self-described “Christian activist,” wrote while sharing a video on X, formerly Twitter.

This is a Hindu statue they just built in TX. I rebuke this demonic filth in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. pic.twitter.com/dXG1jrYPND — Morgan Ariel (@itsmorganariel) August 20, 2024

“A Hindu temple just unveiled a statue of their demonic Lord Hanuman … in Texas,” the End Time Headlines account wrote.

A Hindu temple just unveiled a statue of their demonic Lord Hanuman … in Texas. https://t.co/4AnF1Kyr9G pic.twitter.com/wihyEDAyQT — End Time Headlines (@EndTimeHeadline) August 20, 2024

“90-foot statue of Hindu demon Hanuman erected in Houston, Texas. It is now the third tallest statue in America,” wrote @AFpost, an account that purports to share news “from an America First perspective.”

90-foot statue of Hindu demon Hanuman erected in Houston, Texas. It is now the third tallest statue in America. Follow: @AFpost pic.twitter.com/KEF4sbxzM4 — AF Post (@AFpost) August 20, 2024

“In Texas there is a 90 ft statue of Hanuman, a Hindu monkey god. What is the United States anymore? A nation with no culture, now that the enrichers are prominent in the census,” self-described “Christian nationalist” @JuanValder72733 wrote.

In Texas there is a 90 ft statue of Hanuman, a Hindu monkey god. What is the United States anymore? A nation with no culture, now that the enrichers are prominent in the census. pic.twitter.com/UvbU7ammXo — The Righteous Republic (@JuanValder72733) August 20, 2024

Satire website Not the Bee published an article on the statute that includes a warning about sparking “the wrath of the One True God by building massive demonic idols everywhere.”

Others defended the statue and lashed out at critics complaining about the fact that a private organization chose to install the figure on its own land.

“Christians & catholics etc…. getting offended by the Hanuman Monkey Bronze statue built on private lands in Southwest Houston but not getting ticked off about their churn numbers….? huh?” @datarade wrote on X. “You have an uncomfortable churn and decline problem that seems irreconcilable.”

Christians & catholics etc…. getting offended by the Hanuman Monkey Bronze statue built on private lands in Southwest Houston but not getting ticked off about their churn numbers….? huh? You have an uncomfortable churn and decline problem that seems irreconcilable. pic.twitter.com/PGQ51VIHVX — Kumar (@datarade) August 20, 2024

“All the fanatics coping over a statue on private temple land just means that the next one got 10ft taller,” wrote @OnTheNewsBeat.

All the fanatics coping over a statue on private temple land just means that the next one got 10ft taller — Journalist V (@OnTheNewsBeat) August 20, 2024

“That’s lord Hanuman, who is a symbol of strength, loyalty, devotion, and perseverance … Worshipped by 15% of the world’s population (1.2 Billion Hindus) … And you ignorant, arrogant fool name it is a monkey statue. Do better,” @DealsDhamaka wrote in response to an X post from anti-transgender activist Oli London.

That’s lord Hanuman, who is a symbol of strength, loyalty, devotion, and perseverance … Worshipped by 15% of the world’s population (1.2 Billion Hindus) And you ignorant, arrogant fool name it is a monkey statue. Do better #jaibajrangbali https://t.co/J2aU6PS0X8 — Vineeth K (@DealsDhamaka) August 20, 2024

RFK JR. to Address the Nation Friday — Trump and Kennedy Will Both Be in Phoenix

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is planning to drop out of the presidential race by the end of this week, ABC News reported.

Sources tell ABC News that Kennedy plans to endorse Donald Trump — but when asked directly by ABC News if he will be endorsing the former president, Kennedy said, “I will not confirm or deny that.”

“We are not talking about any of that,” he said.

Sources cautioned the decision is not yet finalized and could still change, with one source adding that Kennedy’s hope is, in part, to finalize things quickly in order to try to blunt momentum from the Democratic National Convention.

One possible scenario being discussed is for Kennedy to appear on stage with Trump at an event in Phoenix on Friday, though the sources cautioned that Kennedy’s thinking could always change and sources close to Trump say no plan for Friday is finalized.

Kennedy’s campaign manager, Amaryllis Fox, emailed senior staff on Wednesday morning thanking them for their hard work — but indicated a decision on the way forward had not been made, a source familiar with the email told ABC News.

“There are a couple potential paths forward, not only two, and I can bear witness to the care, examination that Bobby has invested in the consideration of each,” Fox wrote, according to the source.

A spokesperson for Kennedy posted on X that Kennedy will “address the nation” live on Friday to discuss his “path forward,” but offered no specifics.

Kennedy told ABC News regarding the Democratic convention and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, “I think it was a coronation, it’s not democracy. Nobody voted. Who chose Kamala? It wasn’t voters.”

He also complained about the way his campaign has been treated.

“She went in four weeks from being the worst liability for the Democratic Party to the second coming of Christ without giving one interview, without showing up for a debate, without a single policy that anyone thinks isn’t ridiculous,” he said. “It’s not democracy.”

NBC News reported :

The pending suspension of Kennedy’s campaign and subsequent expected endorsement of Trump has been an ongoing project of three key allies of Trump —Donald Trump Jr., former Fox News host Tucker Carlson and megadonor Omeed Malik.

The three men have worked behind the scenes in meetings and calls with both Trump and Kennedy to negotiate the exit and the endorsement, a source familiar with their efforts said on condition of anonymity to reveal sensitive internal campaign deliberations.

Trump’s campaign considers a potential endorsement as something of a work in progress, the source added.

Notably, Carlson, Malik and Trump Jr. were also influential in the selection of Vance as Trump’s running mate.

Biden Admin Admits It Overestimated Employment by Nearly 1 Million Jobs

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The federal government overestimated the number of jobs in the U.S. economy by 818,000 between April 2023 and March 2024, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics released Wednesday, stoking fears of a slowdown in the U.S. economy.

Economists at Goldman Sachs (GS) and Wells Fargo anticipated the government had overestimated job growth by at least 600,000 in that span, while economists at JPMorgan Chase had predicted a lesser decline of 360,000, according to Bloomberg. The downward revision follows a trend of the BLS overestimating the number of nonfarm payroll jobs added, with the cumulative number of new jobs reported in 2023 roughly 1.3 million less than previously thought as of February 2024.

“There’s been a clear pattern of economic data being revised down (worse) in the last several years,” E.J. Antoni, a research fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “It is very similar to the onset of the Great Recession, when the BLS was struggling to keep up with rapidly deteriorating economic conditions. Assumptions built into models no longer represented reality, although they may have just a year or two prior. ”

Something to watch this week: Preliminary annual payrolls revisions get released on Wednesday, covering April 2023 through March 2024. Economists expect jobs added to be revised down by as much as 1 mil. pic.twitter.com/dfuYp3yPm9 — Liz Young Thomas (@LizThomasStrat) August 19, 2024

Fears of a slowdown in the U.S. economy surged earlier in August following a disappointing July jobs report that saw unemployment rise to 4.3%, up 0.2% from June.

The rising specter of an American recession led to a global market sell-off, with Japan’s Nikkei 225 index dropping 12.40% on August 5, its largest decline since Black Monday in 1987. The S&P 500 also fell 3.00% in its worst single-day loss since late 2022.

Nevertheless, the indexes recouped much of their losses the following day, with the Nikkei and the S&P rising 10.2% and 1.0% respectively, according to ABC News.

Wednesday’s downward revision has also heightened concern that the Federal Reserve has waited too long to begin cutting interest rates, Bloomberg reported. If the FOMC hesitates to cut rates for too long, it could result in recession instead of a soft landing — an economic slowdown in which inflation is brought down without causing recession.

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) decided to hold its target federal funds rate between 5.25% and 5.50% in July, marking the eighth meeting in a row the FOMC has decided to keep rates at their current 23-year high.

“Wall Street is increasingly waking up to the fact that the economy post-covid has never been as good as the government bean counters claimed, and a recession may have already begun,” Antoni told the DCNF. “These revisions are a violent shove in the direction of reality.”

FBI Investigates Dems Having Maggots Slipped Into Their Breakfasts at Chicago Convention

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The FBI has launched an investigation into whether maggots were deliberately slipped into the breakfasts of delegates at the Democratic National Convention.

Law enforcement swarmed the Fairmont Hotel in downtown Chicago on Wednesday following reports of the insect attack.

Indiana delegate Tracy Boyd told WGNTV: ‘They protected us, of course, and turned it around in minutes.’

She said her group was notified that breakfast service would be briefly delayed due to the incident by pro-Palestine activists.

Since the start of the DNC, pro-Palestine rioters have caused chaos on the streets of Chicago. Several have been arrested for breaching the security perimeter near the United Center and as protests got violent near the Israeli Consulate.

‘I really do want to give a shout-out to the hotel staff and leadership,’ Boyd added.

All Americans have the right to peaceful protest, but ugly attacks like this have no place in our democracy,’ said Indiana Democratic Party spokesperson Sam Barloga.

‘We thank the security team for responding swiftly,’ he said.

It’s not the first maggot-related political incident in recent weeks.

At the end of July, a Pro-Palestine activist group shared stomach-turning images of what they said was a protest against Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Israeli leader addressed Congress amid the ongoing war in Gaza, which has sparked protests against the Jewish state all over the world.

Hours before his speech, the Palestinian Youth Movement’s X account shared a video they claimed showed Netanyahu’s table at the Watergate hotel in Washington DC full of maggots and critters.


‘Palestine protestors manufactured chaos at the Watergate Hotel last night so that Netanyahu, Israeli Mossad agents, and the Secret Service had no peace as they continue to terrorize our people.’

Jewish Insider claimed that several people in Netanyahu’s team were not aware of any protest involving maggots.

Jewish Insider reporter Lahav Harkov said: ‘I talked to several people in Netanyahu’s delegation who know nothing about this, so either the Palestinian Youth Movement is lying or somehow security managed to clean this up and stop the fire alarms incredibly quickly.’

CNN reported that the Secret Service was investigating the reports that protesters gained access to the hotel where the Israeli delegation is staying.

During his speech, Netanyahu spoke about the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship, highlighting how the two’s close ties have been instrumental in the Jewish nation’s fight against Palestinian terror group Hamas.

‘America and Israel must stand together,’ Netanyahu proclaimed, receiving a standing ovation in response.

‘When we stand together, something very simple happens, we win and they lose.’

The leader has vowed to continue the war until Hamas is eradicated following the October 7, 2023 massacre in Israel by the terrorist who raped women, killed and beheaded children and took hundreds of Israelis hostage, including several Americans.

While Netanyahu was in D.C., protesters condemning the war in Gaza descended on Washington, chanting ‘Free, Free Palestine’ as some tried to block streets.

Protestors vandalized parts of Union Station, a short walk to the Capitol.

The American flag was taken off of a flag pole outside of the main train terminal.

Sicily Yacht Sinking: Tech Mogul Mike Lynch and Daughter Found Dead, Authorities Recover 5 Bodies

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The bodies of Mike Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter have been recovered from the wreck of the UK tech mogul’s sunken yacht Bayesian off the coast of Sicily, according to reports Wednesday.

Authorities have recovered the bodies of five of the six missing passengers aboard the $18 million luxury sailing ship, which sank in a sudden storm before dawn on Monday, according to authorities.

Lynch and daughter Hannah have been identified as two of the victims pulled from inside the wreckage, which is in 160 feet under water, according to the UK Telegraph.

The identities of the other three bodies have not been confirmed, though the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported that two of the bodies are “large-built” — indicating they could be the missing men.

Cook Ricardo Thomas’ body, the first confirmed fatality, was discovered shortly after the Bayesian sank.

Including Lynch and his daughter, the missing passengers on the yacht are: New York City attorney Christopher Morvillo and his wife Neda, Morgan Stanley exec Jonathan Bloomer and his wife Judy.

Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, and 14 others — including a 1-year-old child — managed to escape the sinking ship before it capsized.

All of the guests had gathered onboard the Bayesian to celebrate Lynch’s victory in an explosive US fraud trial. His guests included lawyers from the firm that represented him, as well as friends and allies who supported him through the legal battle.

The wealthy tech founder — who was once dubbed “Britain’s Bill Gates” — was acquitted just two months ago by a San Francisco jury of fraud charges linked to the sale of his software company, Autonomy, to Hewlett-Packard for $11 billion in 2011. The sale quickly turned sour after HP wrote down Autonomy’s value by $8.8 billion.

The British-flagged Bayesian superyacht was carrying 12 passengers and 10 crew members as it was anchored off the port of Porticello and struck by what witnesses described as a sudden tornado.

Several search boats could be seen leaving the port of Porticello to go to the site of the sinking around 3:30 p.m. local time Wednesday as news of the latest discovery was shared, according to the reports.

14-Term House Democrat Bill Pascrell Dies at 87

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Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.), who served in the House for more than 27 years, died Wednesday morning, his office announced.

Pascrell, 87, had been hospitalized in July to be treated for a respiratory infection and spent some time in intensive care. The congressman moved from the hospital to a rehabilitation facility earlier this month but was rushed back to the hospital days later.

“It is with deep sadness that we announce that Bill Pascrell Jr., our beloved husband, father, and grandfather, passed away this morning. As our United States Representative, Bill fought to his last breath to return to the job he cherished and to the people he loved. Bill lived his entire life in Paterson and had an unwavering love for the city he grew up in and served. He is now at peace after a lifetime devoted to our great nation America,” a statement on Pascrell’s account on the social platform X reads.

Pascrell’s death puts a bookend on his nearly three-decade tenure in the House, which he was first elected to in 1996. The New Jersey Democrat beat then-Rep. Bill Martini (R) to represent the Garden State’s 8th Congressional District. Redistricting moved him to the 9th Congressional District later in his career on Capitol Hill.

Pascrell served on the Ways and Means Committee and became a noted Trump critic during his later years in Congress. Before Congress, he was the mayor of Paterson, N.J., and served as a member of the New Jersey General Assembly.

The deadline to replace Pascrell on the ballot is Aug. 29. Democratic county committee people from the 9th District will be tasked with selecting a new candidate, according to the New Jersey Monitor.

The nominee then will face Republican Billy Prempeh in the November general election.

Pascrell beat Prempeh by just more than 11 percentage points in 2022. The district broke for President Biden over former President Trump by more than 18 percentage points in 2020.

Pascrell, who was among the oldest members of the House, checked himself into the hospital on July 14 after coming down with a fever. His office later said he had a respiratory infection.

He was discharged from the hospital Aug. 7 and moved to a rehab facility. Days later, however, he was brought back to the hospital, multiple sources reported. It was not clear why he returned to the hospital.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle mourned Pascrell’s death.

“My heart is breaking right now. What profound sadness falls upon New Jersey for the loss of Bill Pascrell. I miss him and give all the love and strength I can muster to his family and community,” New Jersey Rep. Andy Kim (D) wrote on X.

Republican New Jersey Rep. Tom Kean Jr. called Pascrell “a great friend and colleague.”

“Bill was a dedicated public servant, a tireless advocate for his constituents, and a passionate supporter of firefighters. We worked closely together on many issues. My deepest condolences go out to his family during this difficult time. Bill will be dearly missed,” he added on X.

8-Year-Old Girl Stabbed in UK, Police Arrest Man and Woman

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Two people have been arrested after a young girl was stabbed in Christchurch, Dorset.

The victim is aged around eight, the Bournemouth Daily Echo reports.

She was taken to hospital and her injuries are not believed to be life-threatening.

Police received a report that the girl had been stabbed at an address in Glider Close, Christchurch, at 5.45pm on Tuesday.

A man aged in his 20s, from Christchurch, was arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm.

A local woman in her 50s was also arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender.

Chief Superintendent Stewart Dipple said: “There is an increased policing presence in the area as officers conduct enquiries at the scene.

“I am appealing to anyone who was in the area and saw what happened or has information to assist our investigation, to please come forward.

“Our enquiries are in the early stages and we would ask the public not to speculate at this time about the circumstances of the incident.

“I understand this will cause concern and we will have members of the neighbourhood policing team out on patrol over the coming days who can be approached by the public.”

Ford Delays New EV Plant, Cancels Electric SUV

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Ford Motor is delaying production of a next-generation all-electric pickup truck at a new plant in Tennessee and canceling plans for a three-row electric SUV, the company said Wednesday.

Instead, Ford said it will prioritize the development of hybrid models, as well as electric commercial vehicles such as a new electric commercial van in 2026, followed by two EV pickup trucks in 2027.

The pickups are expected to be a full-size truck, which will be produced in 2027 at the Tennessee plant that’s currently under construction, and a new midsize truck being developed by a specialized “skunkworks” team in California.

“As we’ve learned in the marketplace, and we’ve seen where people have gravitated, we’re going to focus in where we have competitive advantage, and that’s on commercial land trucks and SUVs,” Ford CFO John Lawler said Wednesday.

The actions are meant to better deliver a capital-efficient, profitable electric vehicle business, said Lawler, who also serves as vice chair of the automaker. But, in the short term, they will cost the company.

Ford said it will incur a special noncash charge of about $400 million for the write-down of certain product-specific manufacturing assets, including the cancellation of the three-row SUV.

The company said the changes may also result in additional expenses and cash expenditures of up to $1.5 billion. Ford will reflect those in the quarter in which they are incurred, as a special item.

Lawler said the company’s future capital expenditure plans will shift from spending about 40% on all-electric vehicles to spending 30%. He did not give a timeline for the change.

Vehicle production at the new $5.6 billion Tennessee site was initially expected to begin next year. The company said it still expects to start battery cell production at the site in 2025.

The changes are the latest for Ford and come amid slower-than-expected adoption of EVs as well as automakers not being able to profitably produce the vehicles.

The new plans come roughly five months after Ford said it would delay production of the three-row SUV and next-generation pickup, codenamed “T3.”

“This is really about us being nimble and listening to responses from our customers,” Lawler said during a call Wednesday morning. “We’ve been out in the [EV] market here for over two years, and we’ve learned a lot, and what we’re understanding is that customers want more electrification choices.”

The rollout of Ford’s next generation of EVs will begin with a commercial van that will be assembled at Ford’s Ohio Assembly Plant starting in 2026, according to the company.

The automaker previously said it would not launch a vehicle if there wasn’t a clear path to profitability within the first year. It was a change from selling EVs at a loss to grow share and assist in meeting fuel and emissions standards.

Ford said it will continue to produce and update its current all-electric vehicles such as the Ford Mustang Mach-E crossover and F-150 Lightning pickup truck.

The company said it plans to provide investors with an “update on electrification, technology, profitability and capital requirements” in the first half of 2025.

Matt Gaetz Easily Beats McCarthy-Backed Challenger

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Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) took a victory lap after winning his primary in a landslide, mocking former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who vowed to take revenge on those who ousted him from his post last fall.

“Sign me up for the next Revenge Tour,” Gaetz said in a post on X alongside the results showing him winning with 72.5% of the vote.

Sign me up for the next Revenge Tour pic.twitter.com/xnejrmEKQI — Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) August 21, 2024

McCarthy spent $3 million boosting Gaetz’s challenger, Aaron Dimmock, to no avail.

The Florida Republican twisted the knife by pointing out that he won by a larger margin than the previous primary.

“It’s traditional, in moments like these, with margins of victory like this, that you hear from your opponents. And I have not yet heard from Aaron Dimmock or Kevin McCarthy this evening,” Gaetz said to laughter.

“Kevin McCarthy spent $3 million in this race not attacking my votes or my work on your behalf but just simply trying to attack my character. $3 million. Two years ago, I got 70% of the vote, and tonight, it looks like we’re getting 73% of the vote,” he continued.

“So, Kevin, if you’re watching, spend a little more next time, and we’ll get to 80,” he quipped.

pic.twitter.com/0CTfKbHH99 — Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) August 21, 2024

The “revenge tour” referenced by Gaetz referred to McCarthy’s attempts to oust the eight Republican representatives who voted to oust him from the House speakership. Though he spent millions, he was only able to oust Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) after former President Donald Trump spoke out against him.

Gaetz led the effort to oust McCarthy, setting the two up as the most prominent intra-Republican rivalry.

RESULTS: Florida, Alaska, and Wyoming Primaries

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It’s Tuesday night, and that means Primary Night in America! This week, voters will head to the polls in three states: Florida, Wyoming, and Alaska.

First to close is Florida. Although Republican Sen. Rick Scott’s race is considered “Likely Republican” by most forecasters, including Decision Desk HQ/The Hill, it’s still seen as a main target for Democrats. Former Democratic Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, who represented Florida’s 26th Congressional District for only one term, is expected to be the Democratic nominee. She was replaced by Republican Rep. Carlos Gimenez after the 2020 election. Scott is also facing a couple of primary challengers, though will almost certainly win his primary.

Many of the Democratic primaries for U.S. House races are uncontested, though the race to watch may be with Florida’s 13th Congressional District, currently represented by Anna Paulina Luna, a Republican who replaced former Rep. Charlie Crist, who was then serving as a Democrat. Luna is running unopposed, but there’s a crowded Democratic primary of five candidates looking to challenge her for this “Likely Republican” race.

Two years ago, now former Rep. Liz Cheney lost the Republican primary to now Rep. Harriet Hageman for Wyoming’s at-large district. Although Hageman is facing former Democrat Steven Helling in her primary, she is expected to easily win.

Hageman unseated Cheney by almost 40 points in the August 2022 primary, with three other challengers also in that race.

The last race of the night is in Alaska, where there’s merely the U.S. House at-large race. Alaska uses rank choice, non-partisan jungle primaries, which has been heavily criticized, including as it applies to this year’s election. Alaska is also a heavy mail-in voting state.

There’s 12 candidates total with the top four advancing. Democratic Rep. Mary Peltola is heavily expected to advance, and she’s only facing one other Democrat: Eric Hafner. He’s actually in federal prison for making bomb threats and tried unsuccessfully to run in Oregon and Hawaii in previous years. There’s a mix of Republican, no party affiliation (NPA), Independent, and “other” candidates, including one who lives in and has tried to run in Arizona: Richard Grayson with the No Labels ticket.

Florida — polls close at 7:00 p.m. ET and 8:00p.m. ET

Wyoming — polls close at 9:00 p.m. et, alaska — polls close at 12:00 a.m. et, nyt: biden approved secret nuke strategy refocusing on china threat.

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President Biden approved in March a highly classified nuclear strategic plan for the United States that, for the first time, reorients America’s deterrent strategy to focus on China’s rapid expansion in its nuclear arsenal.

The shift comes as the Pentagon believes China’s stockpiles will rival the size and diversity of the United States’ and Russia’s over the next decade.

The White House never announced that Mr. Biden had approved the revised strategy, called the “Nuclear Employment Guidance,” which also newly seeks to prepare the United States for possible coordinated nuclear challenges from China, Russia and North Korea. The document, updated every four years or so, is so highly classified that there are no electronic copies, only a small number of hard copies distributed to a few national security officials and Pentagon commanders.

But in recent speeches, two senior administration officials were allowed to allude to the change — in carefully constrained, single sentences — ahead of a more detailed, unclassified notification to Congress expected before Mr. Biden leaves office.

“The president recently issued updated nuclear-weapons employment guidance to account for multiple nuclear-armed adversaries,” Vipin Narang, an M.I.T. nuclear strategist who served in the Pentagon, said earlier this month before returning to academia. “And in particular,” he added, the weapons guidance accounted for “the significant increase in the size and diversity” of China’s nuclear arsenal.

In June, the National Security Council’s senior director for arms control and nonproliferation, Pranay Vaddi, also referred to the document, the first to examine in detail whether the United States is prepared to respond to nuclear crises that break out simultaneously or sequentially, with a combination of nuclear and nonnuclear weapons.

The new strategy, Mr. Vaddi said, emphasizes “the need to deter Russia, the PRC and North Korea simultaneously,” using the acronym for the People’s Republic of China.

In the past, the likelihood that American adversaries could coordinate nuclear threats to outmaneuver the American nuclear arsenal seemed remote. But the emerging partnership between Russia and China, and the conventional arms North Korea and Iran are providing to Russia for the war in Ukraine have fundamentally changed Washington’s thinking.

Already, Russia and China are conducting military exercises together. Intelligence agencies are trying to determine whether Russia is aiding the North Korean and Iranian missile programs in return.

The new document is a stark reminder that whoever is sworn in next Jan. 20 will confront a changed and far more volatile nuclear landscape than the one that existed just three years ago. President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has repeatedly threatened the use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine, including during a crisis in October 2022, when Mr. Biden and his aides, looking at intercepts of conversations between senior Russian commanders, feared the likelihood of nuclear use might rise to 50 percent or even higher.

Mr. Biden, along with leaders of Germany and Britain, got China and India to make public statements that there was no role for the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine, and the crisis abated, at least temporarily.

“It was an important moment,” Richard N. Haass, a former senior State Department and National Security Council official for several Republican presidents, and the president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, noted in an interview. “We are dealing with a Russia that is radicalized; the idea that nukes wouldn’t be used in a conventional conflict is not longer a safe assumption.”

The second big change arises from China’s nuclear ambitions. The country’s nuclear expansion is running at an even faster pace than American intelligence officials anticipated two years ago, driven by President Xi Jinping’s determination to scrap the decades-long strategy of maintaining a “minimum deterrent” to reach or exceed the size of Washington’s and Moscow’s arsenals. China’s nuclear complex is now the fastest growing in the world.

Although former President Donald J. Trump confidently predicted that Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, would surrender his nuclear weapons after their three in-person meetings, the opposite happened. Mr. Kim has doubled down, and now has more than 60 weapons, officials estimate, and the fuel for many more.

That expansion has changed the nature of the North Korean challenge: When the country possessed just a handful of weapons, it could be deterred by missile defenses. But its expanded arsenal is fast approaching the size of Pakistan’s and Israel’s, and it is large enough that it could, in theory, coordinate threats with Moscow and Beijing.

It was only a matter of time before a fundamentally different nuclear environment began to alter American war plans and strategy, officials say.

“It is our responsibility to see the world as it is, not as we hoped or wished it would be,” Mr. Narang said as he was leaving the Pentagon. “It is possible that we will one day look back and see the quarter-century after the Cold War as nuclear intermission.”

The new challenge is “the real possibility of collaboration and even collusion between our nuclear-armed adversaries,” he said.

So far in the presidential campaign, the new challenges to American nuclear strategy have not been a topic of debate. Mr. Biden, who spent much of his political career as an advocate of nuclear nonproliferation, has never publicly talked in any detail about how he is responding to the challenges of deterring China’s and North Korea’s expanded forces. Nor has Vice President Kamala Harris, now the Democratic Party’s nominee.

At his last news conference in July, just days before he announced he would no longer seek the Democratic nomination for a second term, Mr. Biden acknowledged that he had adopted a policy of seeking ways to interfere in the broader China-Russia partnership.

“Yes, I do, but I’m not prepared to talk about the detail of it in public,” Mr. Biden said. He made no reference to — and was not asked about — how that partnership was altering American nuclear strategy.

Since Harry Truman’s presidency, that strategy has been overwhelmingly focused on the Kremlin’s arsenal. Mr. Biden’s new guidance suggests how quickly that is shifting.

China was mentioned in the last nuclear guidance, issued at the end of the Trump administration, according to an unclassified account provided to Congress in 2020. But that was before the scope of Mr. Xi’s ambitions was understood.

The Biden strategy sharpens that focus to reflect the Pentagon’s estimates that China’s nuclear force would expand to 1,000 by 2030 and 1,500 by 2035, roughly the numbers that the United States and Russia now deploy. In fact, Beijing now appears ahead of that schedule, officials say, and has begun loading nuclear missiles into new silo fields that were spotted by commercial satellites three years ago.

There is another concern about Beijing: It has now halted a short-lived conversation with the United States about improving nuclear safety and security — for example, by agreeing to warn each other of impending missile tests, or setting up hotlines or other means of communication to assure that incidents or accidents do not escalate into nuclear encounters.

One discussion between the two countries took place late last fall, just before Mr. Biden and Mr. Xi met in California, where they sought to repair relations between the two countries. They referred to those talks in a joint statement, but by that time the Chinese had already hinted they were not interested in further discussions, and earlier this summer said the conversations were over. They cited American arms sales to Taiwan, which were underway long before the nuclear safety conversations began.

Mallory Stewart, the assistant secretary for arms control, deterrence and stability at the State Department, said in an interview that the Chinese government was “actively preventing us from having conversations about the risks.”

Instead, she said, Beijing “seems to be taking a page out of Russia’s playbook that, until we address tensions and challenges in our bilateral relationship, they will choose not to continue our arms control, risk reduction and nonproliferation conversations.”

It was in China’s interest, she argued, “to prevent these risks of miscalculation and misunderstanding.”

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Anti-Israel demonstrations continued through the second night of the Democratic National Convention, with protesters burning an American flag and chanting “Free Palestine” outside a building in Chicago that houses the Israeli consulate.

Officers handcuffed at least four people from the demonstration and led them away after protesters charged a line of police officers, who pushed the demonstrators back.

A small crowd of a few dozen protesters chanted “Let them go!” after police penned demonstrators in on the street, preventing them from marching. Some carried Palestinian flags, while many others wore black and covered their faces.

Chicago — “F—k this country! Burn it down!” Masked far-left DNC protesters outside the Israeli consulate burn an American flag and call for the violent destruction of the United States. pic.twitter.com/FbKv2WVsCk — Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) August 21, 2024

Dozens of Chicago police officers were posted outside the building, where law enforcement had closed down most of the entrances to the building on Tuesday, allowing commuters to come in only one entrance where armed officers were also posted.

Later, riot police moved in to prevent protesters from marching forward and to move media back. A cat-and-mouse game persisted for at least 30 minutes between police and protesters who attempted to evade officers and cut down side streets. Protesters were thwarted every time by officers.

Pro-Palestine protesters clash with police in an attempt to march on the Israeli consulate. pic.twitter.com/zWaPU6SdHK — TENET Media (@watchTENETnow) August 21, 2024

Chicago police eventually ordered the crowd to disperse as they cornered protesters in a small plaza at Canal Street and Monroe Street before arresting some of the instigators. Officers were seen confiscating a megaphone and placing zip ties on at least five people.

A large police remained present hours after the demonstrations began.

The scenes came as the celebratory roll call for Kamala Harris was taking place inside the United Center about two miles away.

Israel supporters, including some relatives of people kidnapped by Hamas, gathered earlier in the day at a pro-Israel art installation not far from the consulate to call on U.S. leaders to continue backing Israel and pushing for the release of hostages.

More protests were planned throughout the week. However, attendance at the main rally on Monday was far below estimates of organizers who had predicted more than 20,000 would show up.

Authorities said the inner security perimeter surrounding the United Center was not breached and there was no threat to those attending the convention.

Trump Says He’s Open to Giving RFK Jr. Role in Administration If He’s Endorsed

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Former President Donald Trump said he would “certainly” consider giving independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. a position in his administration in return for an endorsement.

In an interview with CNN’s Kristen Holmes, Trump was asked about recent comments from Kennedy’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, which appeared to take him off guard.

“Well, we haven’t, but I’d love that endorsement,” he responded when asked whether he had considered Kennedy for a role in his administration.

“You’re asking me a very unusual question. I haven’t been asked that question yet,” Trump said, smiling when pressed on the question.

“I like him. I respect him a lot. I probably would if something like that were to happen. He’s a very different kind of guy — a very smart guy. And, yeah, I would be honored by that endorsement, certainly.”

“He’s a brilliant guy. He’s a very smart guy. I’ve known him for a very long time,” the former president added. “I didn’t know he was thinking about getting out, but if he is thinking about getting out, certainly I’d be open to it.”

Reporter: Would you consider putting RFK Jr in your administration? Trump: I probably would pic.twitter.com/Sgsnq1vKeI — Acyn (@Acyn) August 20, 2024

He dismissed concerns that appointing Kennedy would anger his Republican supporters.

“I like smart people, and Republicans like me,” Trump said.

The former president also acknowledged that the dynamics of the race had changed since President Joe Biden dropped out but maintained that his strategy hadn’t changed.

“I’m leading in the polls but not by as much,” he said. “But regardless of that, my whole thing doesn’t change. We don’t want crime. We want to have a strong military. We’ve got to stop drugs from coming in. We have to stop people from pouring into our country through an open border.”

In a Tuesday appearance on Tom Bilyeu’s Impact Theory podcast, Shanahan openly flirted with the idea of “joining forces” with Trump in order to stop a Harris presidency.

“There’s two options that we’re looking at, and one is staying in, forming that new party, but we run the risk of a Kamala Harris and Walz presidency because we draw more votes from Trump,” she said. “Or we walk away right now and join forces with Donald Trump and explain to our base why we’re making this decision.”

Kennedy mainly hurt President Joe Biden’s election chances in previous months, but the switching of the nominee to Vice President Kamala Harris flipped the script to mainly hurt Trump’s.

Barron Trump Will Go to College in New York

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Barron Trump, the youngest member of the Trump family, will attend a university in New York this fall, former President Donald Trump told The Post.

“He’s all set in a certain school that’s very good,” the former president said in an exclusive interview before his campaign stop in Michigan.

The 45th president said the school is in the Empire State, but that his team would be making an announcement about the specific school “soon.”

Trump smiled when The Post asked him if it was NYU, but maintained that he would not reveal the school until the announcement is live.

“He’s always been a very good student, he’s smart,” he said.

Barron Trump, 18, graduated from high school in May. His father previously said he got into several schools and was making a decision.

Trump has said that his 6-foot-7 son takes interest in politics and even sometimes advises him on what to do.

“He’s a little on the tall side. I will tell you, he’s a tall one, but he is a good-looking guy. And he’s really been a great student. And he does like politics. It’s sort of funny,” Trump told “Kayal and Company” on Philadelphia’s Talk Radio 1210 WPHT.

“He’ll tell me sometimes, ‘Dad, this is what you have to do,’” Trump said in May.

The former president attended Barron’s graduation at Oxbridge Academy in West Palm Beach alongside former first lady Melania Trump in May after he got permission to take a break from his “hush money” trial in Manhattan.

The teen was also present at a Trump Florida campaign rally, but did not attend his father’s presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in July after Melania’s office said he had “prior commitments.”

Another member of the Trump family, Donald Trump Jr.’s daughter Kai, also recently announced her university decision, revealing she ill be attending the University of Miami.

Kai, 17, spoke at the RNC and gave a glowing review of her grandfather on stage.

The former president graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968 with a major in economics.

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  4. Yacht Charters for 16 Guests

    Our yacht charters designed for 16 guests epitomize luxury at sea, providing expansive accommodations and elite amenities for larger families, groups of friends, or corporate gatherings. These vessels are perfect for those who desire extensive room and high-end features, ensuring comfort and privacy for all aboard.

  5. Location yacht Méditerranée

    Depuis près de 20 ans, Abys Yachting met à votre disposition ses services et ses compétences dans le monde de la plaisance de luxe. Nous vous proposons des bateaux de luxe de très grande qualité et d'excellentes prestations. Vous pouvez louer un yacht en Méditerranée pour une semaine ou plus, dans les conditions que vous souhaitez.

  6. Large Capacity Mega Super Yacht Charters

    Mega yacht charters are the ultimate on-the-water luxury travel experience. We offer a range of exceptional mega yachts that can accommodate 20 to 30 guests and even a few rare gems which can take up to 100 guests. Our large capacity mega yacht charters are an unrivaled option if you're looking for a luxurious, exclusive and comfortable way ...

  7. Motoryacht Evolution 16 People

    Email Reset Link. Motoryacht Evolution 16 People. With a skipper

  8. Galayacht

    Retrouvez les bateaux et services proposés par GALAYACHT. Bienvenue chez Galayacht, votre partenaire de confiance pour la location de yachts sur la splendide Côte d'Azur, notamment à Cannes, Golfe Juan, Antibes, Mandelieu, et au-delà. Notre société est spécialisée dans la location de yachts de prestige et l'organisation d'événements ...

  9. Private Yacht Charter

    Send messages via our integrated messaging service to true yacht owners free of charge and ask them all your practical questions about the location, stuff, boat, or yacht. Book Charter a private yacht or rent a sailboat for your blue voyage, online direct and safe with just a few clicks, and sail to your dreams.

  10. Location voilier, bateau moteur, catamaran, yacht charter

    PRESTIGE YACHT Long : 16.1 m Année : 2025. Nous consulter. Voir le bateau. CATAMARAN MY. ... Hexavoile est votre partenaire pour toutes vos locations de voiliers, moteur yacht, catamarans, day charter, journée, ... Plus de 55 ans d'expériences et 70 personnes à votre service pour votre projet bateau.

  11. The Best Charter Yachts for 12 Guests and Above

    Legend. A former Soviet icebreaker, the 77m (253ft) motor yacht LEGEND metamorphosed into a powerful, rock-like explorer vessel in 2016, when she was refitted with chartering in mind. Up to 22 people can quench their thirst for epic odysseys on this ship (with capacity for 28 crew and 10 additional staff) across 13 lavishly appointed suites ...

  12. 9+ Cabins / over 16 Persons

    Page 1. BOOKING PROCESS: 1- See how many persons you will be, what size of boat and how many cabins you need. 2- Look at your budget and decide if you like to hire a Standard, Standard-Plus, Luxury or Super-Luxury boat. 3- Choose the location, itinerary and sailing period. (usually the trips are weekly, from Saturday to Saturday)

  13. Croatia Yachts Charter for 16 Guests

    Browse a unique selection of Croatia Yacht Charters for 16 Guests and embark on the most exclusive luxury retreat. The tranquillity of cruising, coupled with the warm crew's services, gourmet cuisine, and tailored itineraries, encapsulates the essence of opulence that Croatia is renowned for, creating unforgettable memories on the gentle tides.

  14. RENAISSANCE Superyacht

    A new era in charter. A brand-new 112m yacht, RENAISSANCE is a temple of leisure, a sanctum of tranquillity, conceived to delight an unprecedented 36 guests on a hither-to unknown scale. From her vast beach club, open on three sides for that life-affirming connection to the ocean, to her matchless spa, an entire deck devoted to fitness ...


    Aboard our newest 16 passengers yacht you will have the ultimate travel experience, it was designed thinking on every detail to make your stay unforgettable, is equipped with state-of-the-art navigational equipment, to safely navigate around the Galápagos. Main specifications of the yacht: 16 guest capacity. 1 master suite.

  16. Montréal: Meilleur Location de bateaux

    Bayliner Ciera de 30 pieds - Location de yacht pour 8 personnes à Montréal, Canada. 5.0. $110 heure. Voile à Montréal · 5 invités. Découvrez le Richelieu sur un voilier de 31 pieds. ... Location d'un yacht Sea Ray 400 Express de 42 pieds à Montréal. 4.8. Superowner. Le Meilleur de 2023.

  17. Location bateau à Arcachon avec Skipper

    Le nombre maximum de personnes varie en fonction du bateau choisi. Nos plus petits bateaux peuvent accueillir jusqu'à 12 personnes, tandis que nos plus grands catamarans peuvent accueillir jusqu'à 20 personnes. Nous organisons des évènements pour des grands groupes jusqu'à 200 personnes avec plusieurs bateaux.

  18. Location de Bateaux

    Location de bateaux, vous pouvez louer un bateau à Lisbonne et Tróia avec équipage. Voiliers, Catamarans et Grands Yachts. ... 16 16 Oct 23. Joanne Lenehan. 11:54 11 Oct 23. Lovely evening, enjoying the sights of Lisbon on a beautiful yacht with guides that were attentive and knowledgeable. Would recommend. Judite França. 23:10 06 Oct 23.

  19. Yachts for Sale in Moscow

    Every yacht for sale in moscow listed here. Every boat has beautiful hi-res images, deck-plans, detailed descriptions & videos.

  20. Divers recover at least 1 body during search of superyacht wreckage

    Divers searching the wreck of a superyacht that sank off Sicily recovered at least one body Wednesday, as the search continued for more missing passengers and questions intensified about why it sank so quickly.Divers and rescue crews unloaded a body bag from one of the rescue vessels that pulled into port at Porticello.

  21. Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013

    Luxury yacht Ferretti 530 was very keen to undertake in collaboration once again with AYT - Advanced Yacht Technology, Ferretti Group Engineering Division and Studio Zuccon International Project.The compact dimensions, 16 meters long and almost 5 meters wide, allow the 530 yacht to deliver grand Italian luxury and cruising immersed in such comfort until now unheard of in a yacht of this size.

  22. Flotilla Radisson Royal

    Flotilla Radisson Royal: Cruises and excursions on Moscow River on river yachts and trams, official website. Cruises all year round, in summer and winter! > Purchase tickets online

  23. Un yacht de 27 m coule entièrement en Corse-du-Sud, les onze personnes

    Ce jeudi 15 août, un yacht a fait naufrage en Corse-du-Sud, après avoir percuté un écueil de la pointe de Senetosa, les onze personnes qui étaient dessus ont été secourues.

  24. Ukraine Attacks Moscow in One of Largest Ever Drone Strikes on Russian

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Ukraine attacked Moscow on Wednesday with at least 11 drones that were shot down by air defences in what Russian officials called one of the biggest drone strikes on the capital since the war in Ukraine began in February 2022. The war, largely a grinding artillery and drone battle across the fields, forests and villages […]

  25. Tech kingpin Mike Lynch among missing after yacht sinks

    Emergency services at the scene of the search for a missing boat, in Porticello Santa Flavia, Italy, Monday, Aug. 19, 2024. British tech giant Mike Lynch, his lawyer and four other people are among those missing after their luxury superyacht sank during a freak storm off Sicily, Italy's civil protection and authorities said.